abstract, al subki's jam' al-jawami', master thesis

ABSTRACT Understanding the contributions of Muslim legal theorists is very pertinent to the contemporary studies on uṣūl al-fiqh. Accordingly, this study presents a critical appraisal of one of the classical works, entitled Jamʿ al-Jawāmiʿ by Tāj al-Dīn al- Subkī. The work was selected as a sample for its scholarly acceptance. It adopts the qualitative research methodology. It also benefits from the earlier studies on the topic. The author is from a well-known Shāfiʿī-Ashʿarī family who lived in 8 th C A.H. during the Mamlūk dynasty. He has many significant works on various subjects. Jamʿ al-Jawāmiʿ is one of his uṣūlī works in which he discusses all important uṣūlī issues in a rhetorically terse language collating from about hundred sources. It generally follows the then prevailing structure, by incorporating pure theological and moral issues thereby giving it a unique form. Besides the sources of law and its applications, it also covers uṣūl-related issues from kalām and fiqh. The author adopts a distinct methodology in the work by taking lessons from the past. The study identifies seven such methodologies and elaborates each one of them with examples from the text. Besides, the author employs few terminologies, which have been classified and analysed in the study. The study observes that the wider acceptance of the book by scholars was most likely behind the increased number of works on the text, thus listing more than hundred such works classified under different categories. At the same time, many criticisms are leveled against it, some of which are reasonable. Though the recent academic reforms reduced its traditional significance, nevertheless, the text is still alive in academic discussions, albeit, in Arabic. Thus, the study suggests that there should be more works on the text in foreign languages and it is worth translating.

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Page 1: Abstract, al subki's jam' al-jawami', master thesis


Understanding the contributions of Muslim legal theorists is very pertinent to the

contemporary studies on uṣūl al-fiqh. Accordingly, this study presents a critical

appraisal of one of the classical works, entitled Jamʿ al-Jawāmiʿ by Tāj al-Dīn al-

Subkī. The work was selected as a sample for its scholarly acceptance. It adopts the

qualitative research methodology. It also benefits from the earlier studies on the topic.

The author is from a well-known Shāfiʿī-Ashʿarī family who lived in 8th C A.H.

during the Mamlūk dynasty. He has many significant works on various subjects. Jamʿ

al-Jawāmiʿ is one of his uṣūlī works in which he discusses all important uṣūlī issues in

a rhetorically terse language collating from about hundred sources. It generally

follows the then prevailing structure, by incorporating pure theological and moral

issues thereby giving it a unique form. Besides the sources of law and its applications,

it also covers uṣūl-related issues from kalām and fiqh. The author adopts a distinct

methodology in the work by taking lessons from the past. The study identifies seven

such methodologies and elaborates each one of them with examples from the text.

Besides, the author employs few terminologies, which have been classified and

analysed in the study. The study observes that the wider acceptance of the book by

scholars was most likely behind the increased number of works on the text, thus

listing more than hundred such works classified under different categories. At the

same time, many criticisms are leveled against it, some of which are reasonable.

Though the recent academic reforms reduced its traditional significance, nevertheless,

the text is still alive in academic discussions, albeit, in Arabic. Thus, the study

suggests that there should be more works on the text in foreign languages and it is

worth translating.

Page 2: Abstract, al subki's jam' al-jawami', master thesis

البحث خالصة

دراسات املعاصرة يف أصول الفقه. إن فهم إسهامات األصوليني القدامى أمر مهم جدا للا لكتاب "مجع اجلوامع" لتاج الدين السبكي. وقد مت لذلك تقدم هذه الدراسة تقييما نقدي

عرب التاريخ والطالباختياره كنموذج للكتب الرتاثية األصولية، لكونه مقبوال لدى العلماء . وتعتمد هذه الدراسة على املنهج التحليل النصي. ومؤلف هذا الكتاب هو ويف كل البلدان

يك. وله مصنفات عدة يف فنون شىت. ومجع من أسرة "الُسبك" اليت اشتهرت يف عصر املمالاجلوامع من أهم كتبه األصولية، إذ يناقش فيه مجيع القضايا األصولية بلغة بليغة، ووجيزة، مستمدة من حوايل مائة مصدر متنوع. وحيتوي على القضايا ذات الصلة باألصول من علم

ما يتعلق بتطبيقاهتا. إضافة إىل الكالم واللغة والفقه، فضال عن املصادر األصلية والتبعية و ق، بالرغم و على الكتاب شكال فريدا غري مسبمما أضفى القضايا العقدية واألخالقية احملضة

اعتمد املؤلف قد من اتباعه العادة السائدة يف ذلك الوقت يف ترتيب الكتاب وتقسيمه. و السابقني. وقد ركزت هذه أسلوبا متميزا يف كتابه من خالل اختاذ العربة من مناهج املؤلفني

الدراسة على سبعة مناهج منها مع التفاصيل يف ضوء األمثلة والشواهد من الكتاب. اىل جانب ذلك، يستخدم املؤلف بعض املصطلحات اليت مت تصنيفها وحتليلها يف هذه الدراسة.

روح والحظت الدراسة أن القبول الواسع للكتاب لدى العلماء هو السبب األكرب وراء الشه الكثري من االنتقادات الكثرية أقيمت عليه حبيث حياوز عددها املائةز ويف الوقت نفسه وج ِّ

األكادميية األخرية خفضت للكتاب، منها ما هو معقول. على الرغم من أن اإلصالحاتأمهيته التقليدية، فإن الكتاب مع شروحها ال يزال حاضرا يف الرسائل اجلامعية حتقيقا ودراسة. وأخريا ، فإن الدراسة تشري إىل أنه ينبغي أن يكون دراسات أكثر حول هذا الكتاب ومنهجه، بلغات أجنبية، فضال عن الرتمجة كاملة، حيث إن الدراسات السابقة كلها يف اللغة

العربية فقط.