abstract - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · abstract one community one standard is a group of...

0 ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who have come together to address a community issue on youth crime. This group has been born out of sheer frustration due to the inadequate laws that are failing our communities and juvenile offenders. Our mission is to change the youth justice legislation to reflect community standards and expectations. We demand all three levels of government to come together and remove the system impediments and with further delay allow the implementation of programs to enact the generational change we require.

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Page 1: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who



One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected

indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who have come together to address a community

issue on youth crime. This group has been born out of sheer frustration due to the

inadequate laws that are failing our communities and juvenile offenders.

Our mission is to change the youth justice legislation to reflect community standards and

expectations. We demand all three levels of government to come together and remove the

system impediments and with further delay allow the implementation of programs to enact

the generational change we require.

Page 2: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


The Townsville Community has been suffering from a continual decline in youth justice that has now hit

Crisis Point. The community has come together and decided not to sit back and watch the deterioration

of the values of our future generations and the Community Division, a lack of action has caused.

Firstly thank you to all the people who have and continue to try enact change, people who have taken

the time to speak to us and especially those who have already been working and volunteering behind

the scenes to build a better system and transition to the generational change we require. Whilst we

wish many of you could join us, we genuinely respect the positions you may be in and the restrictions

that go with them. To the significant leaders in our community and ordinary people that have stood

beside us in our quest to unite the community we say thank you for having the courage to stand up. We

have no intention of letting you down.

We have and always will be about uniting our community and honestly accepting and promoting that

the problem of juvenile crime, both indigenous and non-indigenous transcends politics.

When Covid – 19 emerged, we had all levels of government working together, acting on the root

causes and jointly supporting, promoting, and rapidly implementing the measures needed to achieve to

avert the Crisis.

We now demand all levels of government actively work to ensure a bipartisan approach to this Crisis,

devoid of party politics and egos and create real change focused on uniting our community and

delivering the generational change we require.

No more diversions, no more distractions, denials, or delays.

Just change legislation to reflect community expectations.

We now live in a world devoid of personal responsibility, common sense, and more importantly genuine

respect for each other. Our politically correct world preaches the moral high ground however, the reality

is we have become anything but the loving, hardworking larrikins that have a go at anything and who

would be the first to step in and help each other out. Instead we have become something so very


One Community One Standard (OCOS) was formed out of need not want. Indigenous Elders and

proactive members of the Townsville Community have put a line in the sand and want to contribute to

Page 3: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

the solution. We have had the courage to stand up and acknowledge this problem requires a

generational change of attitude.

One Community One Standard has put this document as a draft action plan with detailed community

approved responses from all levels of government, business, and the general community. In years to

come we need to be talking about the Rescued Generation and not the neglected one. The referencing

of the Rescued Generation is not meant to be discriminative; it is purely the truth of those young

persons who need our help and the help of the greater united community.

What the community does not want is business as usual. This is a system that is broken. Again, no

more diversions, distractions, denials, or delays that the at risk-youth are being looked after. The

community will no longer accept any other outcomes.

Page 4: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


Townsville has been in the grip of a crime wave for many years. The only peace that has slowed the

crime down was Covid 19 as seen by the graphs enclosed.

Page 5: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

Page 6: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


Our journey of discovery in the last eight months, often has us shaking our heads in shame. What have

we let ourselves become as a society when we accept the restrictions in free speech imposed on our

department workers and that appeasing legal liability issues is more important than keeping the people

safe and providing the rehabilitation these children require.

There are teachers and workers in other areas working in fear and our governments keep distracting

attention away from the problem rather than protecting employees at the forefront. Common-sense and

personal responsibility need to be legislated back into our systems of government.

We understand the frustration many people now have after years of inaction that has caused division in

our community and we ask you to stay united whilst we tackle the problems head on. Help is on its

way and if we stick to the Truth things must change.

Whilst our ”On Country Programs”, have always been at the forefront of our plans we have also learned

that unless we start at the beginning and address the root causes at all intervals we will not achieve

the generational change we require.

If you are expecting a politically correct plan that conveniently dances around issues, then you will be

disappointed. We are just focused on telling the truth and responding to the cries for help from our

community. We as a community demand action!

We all make mistakes; however, you should know it is in our DNA to own up to them, rectify as soon as

possible and communicate them ASAP. We will have the courage to alter any actions appropriately and

quickly if we believe they could be more focused on uniting the community.

Page 7: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


OCOS understands the seriousness and the timeliness of the change needed.

We have not wavered from our original GOALS of:

1. Uniting the community and Breaking the cycle

2. Seeking the immediate implementation of enforceable curfews and bail houses or residential

care houses.

a. Should the enforceable curfews not occur, the community would still be at risk and

therefore leave no other short-term solution than to send the offenders to Cleveland. At

least then the community would have some respite from continuous offending.

b. Work with Staff and develop, review, and implement practices and consequences at

Cleveland to ensure they reflect community expectations.

c. To provide Judges / Magistrates with the authority to utilise alternative sentencing

procedures thus keeping our children from entering the system and providing their

rehabilitation in a respect building way.

3. The continued development and use of “On Country Programs” for boys and girls. This will be a

major tool in the rehabilitation of these children and keeping the community safe.

4. Coal face workers- Our goal is to listen and Learn from years of experience of people working

on the ground. most great solutions come from the coalface.

Page 8: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

5. Decision making process:

6. Parent's/ Guardians

Whilst this is a very complex issue, we will investigate the root causes of our parent’s problems

and be there as a united community to support their return to parental responsibilities. It may be

important for the community to know and understand that when many of these offences have

occurred our children were not in the custody of their parents.

7. Education and Employment training are crucial components of the wholistic approach, and we

will continue to work with and utilise programs already in place and look for improvement where

we can.

Is it nation building?

Is it right?

Is it logical?

Does it apply common sense?

Does it have the capacity to address the root cause and

unite our community

Does it adversley affect anyone? If so

deal with it honestly.

Page 9: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

8. The mentored transition of our troubled youth back into the community has always been an area

that we as a community, have yet to perfect. To achieve this, we must unite the resources of all

the community.

9. Transparency and community updates of all the programs, costs, goals, achievements, and

developments for the future.

10. Whilst we understand there are administration costs associated with everything our goal is to

ensure the proportions of admin cost of programs are minimised to ensure most resources are

spent on delivery.

Page 10: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan
















For far too long

have we allowed

our governments to

make excuses.

We need real action

and Bipartisan

support. Stand up

and represent your

constituents in your


We will work with

everyone from the

first 1000 days,


departments, and

the community to



programs to avert

the problem we

have today

Our children must

know it is not right

to steal and that

stealing has

consequences and

have this reinforced

throughout the


We will listen to the

people at the


In everything we do

we will ensure it is

focused on telling

the truth, uniting the

community and

maximising our

available existing


We will learn what

we can, identify



opportunities and

threats and develop

and implement

solutions to our


Rehabilitation for

out troubled youth

and turning

however many, we

can, into good

productive people is


We must engage

our community and

united our

resources to ensure

we mentor these

kids positively back

into the community

and keep them

away from the

negative influences

that got them there

in the first place.

Page 11: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

Page 12: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan



• The community has

spoken out.

• The community do not

want the offenders to

be back out on the

street thus demanding

a positive change in



• The government has

not listened to the


• The offenders continue

to be out on the street

• One-word change in

the legislation does not

give a total change to

the current system


• On Country Programs

are a true reflection of

Indigenous Culture


• The community wants

to unite to create a

prosperous city both in

equality and



• The vigilante groups

will take repercussions

for the crime into their

own hands

• Young persons will be


• Community members

will be injured

• Townsville businesses

will suffer due to

exposure to crime

• Townsville city as a

destination and brand

has been tarnished as

the crime capital of Qld


Page 13: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


This Project will be the framework that reflects community expectations, transparency and creates

operational process to ensure set objectives are achieved.


❖ To hold all levels of government accountable for their responsibilities of controlling and reducing

youth crime.

❖ To continue to develop, implement and improve on country programs for boys and girls.

❖ OCOS will work with and listen to the people at the coalface of our youth justice and educational

systems. In doing so we will understand any weaknesses and create new opportunities based on

real solutions from the people who deal with the challenges daily. We will pressure the Government

to listen.

❖ Work with the Education department and private schools to develop and implement prevention

strategies for primary and secondary schools based around respect.

❖ Maximization of resources to ensure non repetitive and or duplication of product and


❖ Develop youth and community mentors to ensure these youth are given the rights of passage. This

area is crucial.

❖ Develop a recruitment system for our programs based on fitting round pegs into round holes.

❖ Transparency – at all levels of government and community partners

❖ United process – non discriminative

❖ Cost effective delivery of all programs in Townsville

❖ Engage with community and organizations, in a timely, simple, and meaningful way.

❖ Develop and foster working partnerships with existing programs

❖ Develop and implement the mentored transitioning of troubled youth back into community.

❖ Engauge the Business community to assist and promote programs designed at uniting our

community and addressing the root causes of our problems.

It is Important to note that (Back Track, Bernie Shakeshafts - Australia day local Hero award winner

2020) programs are almost entirely non-government funded.

Page 14: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


It is not taking up a blaming process

It is not putting the community at risk by allowing bail houses and residential care

houses to continue with no

enforceable curfews

Avoiding telling the truth and shying away

from addressing the root causes of our problems.

Dividing the community

through allowing inaction

promoting Chaos on our


Page 15: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


Key Team Members of One Community – One Standard (OCOS)

Russel Butler, Jeff Adams, Wayne Parker, Dennis Clancy, Steven Crowley, Mick Campbell



To attract funding directly from government we will need to be incorporated and whilst the

basis of our constitution is near completion, the areas of member voting rights and definable

objectives are yet to be completed.

It is not our intention to allow anyone or any organisation to have the opportunity to take over,

or to alter our way forward.

We have also had Dialogue with a number of other people working within Incorporated

organizations and we have listened and learnt and we will apply this to our situation.

Stakeholders – Wayne Parker, Russel Butler, Steven Crowley, Jeff Adams, Dennis Clancy,

Mick Campbell

Engagement with Stakeholders to date:



We contacted Jenny via a phone call prior to the election and covid and Jenny was very

supportive, and especially supportive for the need for a long-term generational plan. Since

Covid no contact has been made.

Page 16: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

STATE GOVERNMENT – Mr Harper, Mr Stewart

Met at member for Thuringowa’s Office the day prior to announcing the Governments 5 Point

Plan, including on country Programs. Communications since this date have been restricted to

conversations and meetings with Russel Butler and Wayne Parker only.

KATTER PARTY STATE – Representatives

Mr Robbie Katter, Mr Nick Dametto and Julianne Wood (Candidate Thuringowa)

We have meet with Mr Katter, Mr Dametto and Ms Wood at their Townsville office.

They were very supportive of our passion and goals and commented that we seemed like

genuine people on the ground. They offered to assist wherever they could.

LNP STATE – Representatives

Jeff has meet Individually with John Hathaway prior to covid and has meet with Natalie Marr

recently and Glenn Doyle was at our meeting with Phillip Thompson. They were supportive of

our passion and goals.

ONE NATION - Representative

Troy Thompson Candidate Thuringowa –

For a number of months Prior to announcing his candidacy, Troy has provided OCOS with

valuable advice in relation to assisting with our setup as he had learnt quite a bit in his role at

Community ASA (Amateur Sports Association) .Troy has since publicly backed OCOS and

the 3 Big Rivers Plan.

LNP FEDERAL - MP Phillip Thompson

We have meet with Mr Phillip Thompson at his office and Glenn Doyle State candidate for

Mundingburra was also in attendance.

They were both supportive and Mr Thompson advised he would be talking to his Federal

colleagues and would try to assist.

Page 17: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

LNP - Senator Susan Macdonald

We have meet with Senator Susan and she was very supported and put us in contact with

people with similar Ideas and advised she would be talking to her Federal colleagues also.

ARMY – Representatives

We have had a number of very positive meetings with the Army, some also in the presence

of other Government departs and we are very encouraged by how they have engaged

stakeholders and addressed how they may best be suited to assist. They have funds to

assist now. Imagine soldiers being part of the first few days of our kid’s rehabilitation on

country. Our Kids would be working and interacting with serving soldiers during the day and

sitting beside them around the campfire in the evenings. What a positive way to learn new

positive disciplines. Then Imagine Kids from Cleveland been given the opportunity for day

realise after good behaviour and engaging with Soldiers at Lavarack so they can see there

are positive options for them.


We have meet with several senior ranking police over the period who have been supportive,

and Uncle Russell and Uncle Wayne have been working behind the scenes with these police

for years. We believe they do their very best to interpret the laws we have and the restrictions

they are to work within.

Other Engagements


We have meet with Aitkenvale and explained our goals and listened to how existing

programs are going and identified how existing programs could assist in Breaking the Cycle.

Unfortunately, PCYC’s are not opened or supervised for kids on weekends


We have meet with FIRST 1000 DAYS people and they explained how their programs are

designed to work on prevention and early intervention.

Page 18: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

We were blown away as this is not only acknowledging one of the major root causes, and

these people understand how crucial it is to address.

We have agreed to meet again because this will play a huge role in the future of our next



Silver Lining Foundation Australia has provided an Indigenous led response to Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Island young people who have disengaged from school and are at risk of going

into youth detention. Dennis Clancy has been working with Silver Lining for years and the

programs are very familiar to Russell and Wayne. OCOS has been in discussions with Silver

Lining’s Kristian Wale OAM as we see this resource as a crucial cog in assisting to break the



The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, self-esteem, life skills

and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing

so, equips them to participate more meaningfully in society. The activities of the academy all

have a specific purpose and are developed in a manner which assists the students to

develop the skills, abilities and values of the programme. The programme is delivered in five

learning areas including: Well-being, Education, Employment, Leadership and Sport.

To achieve the desired outcomes, the Clontarf Foundation delivers an intensive, holistic

mentoring programme that allows at risk Indigenous young men to attend school and better

engage in their education. The academy programme is developed in consultation with the

partner school. The Foundation currently run four programmes in Townsville at Townsville

State High School, Heatley Secondary College, Kirwan State High School and Thuringowa

State High School. These four programmes run on a full time basis at the school and

voluntarily engage 530 young men at present.

To date we have had a number of very positive phone calls with Nathan Perrin Regional

Manger NQ about how Clontarf may help in breaking the cycle and assisting us in engaging

our youth to be mentors for our troubled youth.

Page 19: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


We work to cognitively restructure the thinking of participants to see ‘the warrior’ as a

provider and protector, rather than an aggressor. The ‘warrior’ protects himself, his family

and his community. As a warrior, he also provides the physical, emotional, and psychological

needs of his family and his community. Through role modelling and visual exposure, the

Warrior Program motivates participants to acknowledge their own warrior qualities and these

qualities are reinforced and rewarded within the group. We have Spoken with Dr Tim White

(Operations Director Northern Australia) and Dr Tim is keen to work with us and provide

whatever assistance he can.


They have been part of the dialogue for months and there are a number of elements of their

plan that will complement our overall plan. We will be interested to see how One Community

One Standard is reflected in their recent tender proposal.


Many community Organizations have resources and possible funds to contribute to this.

We must develop a platform to be able to donate to this product and its community uniting


We need community organisations to fill voids that exist in limiting opportunities for our kids.

Transport, Meals engaging with and building trust in our community.


When the Project plan and MOU is completed, we will present to schools. It is here we will

have a great opportunity to engage our youth. Youth Listen to Youth.


Townsville media has been engaged and is supportive and feedback has been extremely

positive from the Townsville community. Their feedback acknowledges that there is not much

out there that is cohesive like this plan. Special mentions must go to the Townsville Bulletin

Team, Mr Steve Price of Triple m Townsville and Mr Dave Daley from power 100 for inviting

Page 20: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

us in for interviews, promoting the uniting of the community and providing encouragement for

us to keep going.


Many businesses that have been approached have been impartial due to the point that they

do not want to lose funding or possible government projects. If they come out and state that

they are supporting a program that stands out against the norm.

We need to engage Business community and we know how they are willing to contribute to

good causes.


A big thank you to each and every one of our supporters (you know who you are) and without

you we may never have been able to get this far. Whilst we want to acknowledge you all, we

want to ensure you are on board with our plan before doing so.


We were overwhelmed to be invited into a local Doctors house a few weeks back, where we

meet and conversed with 2 doctors wanting to assist. They have offered their time and

services to assist us with Medicals and Mental health with Children and their parents.

Through our community Groups and the General Community, we need to establish a team of

volunteer. Together we can do this.

Page 21: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan


It really is simple, like in Covid, our representatives should just stand up and represent the

best interests of all our community and have the courage to act Immediately.

Stem the divide that exists while our kids are allowed to roam the streets and steal from the

community without or with very little consequence.

The rest will follow as we unite our community and maximise our existing and future

resources to address the root causes of our problems.


❖ Remember you elected your representatives to represent you and your community.

It is now time for them to show their true colours and stand up and address this Crisis


We believe Governments work for us and not the other way around.

Imagine how much could be achieved if governments were focused on utilising their

massive resources and expertise to deal with the required red and green tape of Crucial


Imagine the time and cost that could be saved if governments provided experts who

normally assess procurement requirements and had them work with committed

organisations to just get it done. No waste of time, fully compliant and ready to go ASAP.

❖ There is way too much waste within our systems already and simply throwing more

borrowed money at the symptoms is not the answer.

We have researched and engaged with many parts of our community and our plan has just

Page 22: ABSTRACT - onecommunityonestandard.com.au€¦ · ABSTRACT One Community One Standard is a group of men and women, including respected indigenous elders and concerned citizens, who

Community Action Plan

begun. All of this can be done however it is you that must demand Immediate action

from all forms of government so we can unite our community and address the root causes

of our problems.

❖ If you think there is merit in what we are proposing, please Like us on Facebook or sign the

petition visiting www.onecomunityonestandard.com.au to digitally sign or print off a paper

based petition for your area or workplace.