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Page 1: ACADEMIC MANUAL UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM OF … · Dental Medicine covers guidelines, requirements, and procedures



Page 2: ACADEMIC MANUAL UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM OF … · Dental Medicine covers guidelines, requirements, and procedures

Published By: Pusat Penerbitan dan Percetakan Unair (Airlangga University Press) AUP. RK. 260/07.18/AUP-B2E Publisher disclaims any liability regarding the content of the book

Page 3: ACADEMIC MANUAL UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM OF … · Dental Medicine covers guidelines, requirements, and procedures

FOREWORDS Glory be to God Almighty for all the blessings so that finally this book is completed. The Academic Manual of Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine covers guidelines, requirements, and procedures of the education program under the core values of the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga. This book aims to provide information for students and stakeholders to help them understand the education process held by the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga. In addition, this book also serves as guidelines to ensure compliance and ease both teaching-learning process and decision making process of teachers-students and program managers respectively. This 2018 edition is the result of revisions and improvements of the previous edition. Academic Rules and Regulations (Part 2) will specifically be useful for students of Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine class of 2018, as also students of other classes. The authors wish to thank all who are involved for their invaluable helps and supports in the completion of this book: the faculty managers, head of departments, Academic Improvement Taskforce, Academic Manual Editorial Board, and head of academic affairs, and all the faculty members.

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This Academic Manual of Undergraduate Program of Dental

Medicine 2018 Edition is the pinnacle of our combined minds and efforts. Nonetheless, we are certain that improvements can always be made. Therefore, we highly anticipate constructive criticism and suggestions. May God bless us all.

Surabaya, 11 July 2018

Dean Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. NIP. 196110051988031003

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EDITORIAL BOARD Reviewers : Dean, Vice Dean II, Vice Dean III, Quality Assurance Unit Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Anita Yuliati, drg., M.Kes. (Vice Dean I) Secretary : Devi Rianti, drg., M.Kes. Head and Department Members:

1. Prof. Dr. Diah Savitri Ernawati, drg., M.Si., Sp.PM. 2. Dr. Nike Hendrijantini, drg., M.Kes., Sp.Pros(K). 3. Prof. Dr. Mieke Sylvia A, drg., MS., Sp.Ort(K). 4. Dr. Ira Widjiastuti, drg., M.Kes., Sp.KG(K). 5. Dr. Muhammad Luthfi, drg., M.Kes. 6. Dr. Chiquita Prahasanti, drg., Sp.Perio(K). 7. Dr. Ida Bagus Narmada, drg., Sp.Ort(K). 8. Dr. Intan Nirwana, drg., M.Kes. 9. Dr. Taufan Bramantoro, drg., M.Kes.

10. Roberto Manahan Y.S., drg., MS., Sp.BM. 11. Udijanto Tedjosasongko, drg., Ph.D., Sp.KGA(K). 12. Edhie Jularso, drg., MS. 13. Yunita Savitri, drg., M.Kes.

Education Improvement Taskforce: 1. Dr. Ira Widjiastuti, drg., M.Kes., Sp.KG(K). 2. Wahjuni Widajati, drg., MS., Sp.Pros(K). 3. Yuliati, drg., M.Kes. 4. Dr. Shafira Kurnia Supandi, drg., Sp.Perio(K). 5. Udijanto Tedjosasongko, drg., Ph.D., Sp.KGA(K). 6. Roberto Manahan Y.S., drg., MS., Sp.BM. 7. Dr. Ni Putu Mira Sumarta, drg., Sp.BM. 8. Maretaningtias Dwi Ariani, drg., M.Kes., Ph.D. 9. Nurina Febriyanti Ayuningtyas, drg., M.Kes., Ph.D.

10. Sri Suwandayani, SE., MM 11. Anang Tabkari, S.Sos.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Kata Pengantar ........................................................................................ iii Tim Penyusun .......................................................................................... v Bagian 1 Pendahuluan

Jati Diri 3 Sejarah Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Fakultas Kedokteran

Gigi Universitas Airlangga Surabaya............................... 3 Visi 4 Misi 5

Sasaran Pendidikan 5 Tujuan Pendidikan 6

Kompetensi Lulusan (Learning Outcome) 7 Sikap Lulusan Program Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi 7

Keterampilan Umum Lulusan Program Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi ........................................................... 8

Keterampilan Khusus Lulusan Program Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi ........................................................... 9

Penguasaan Pengetahuan Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi . 11 Strategi.................................................................................. 12 Implementasi Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi dengan

Pendekatan Student-Centered Learning 13 Bagian 2 Peraturan Akademik Program Studi Sarjana

Kedokteran Gigi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga Peraturan Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi ...................... 19

Bab I Ketentuan Umum 23

Bab II Jenjang Pendidikan 29

Bab III kurikulum 30 Bab IV pelaksanaan

Pendidikan 32 Bab V perkuliahan dan Praktikum ............................... 32

Bab VI Unsur Penunjang 34

Bab VII Beban dan Masa Studi 35

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Bab VIII Penerimaan Mahasiswa ...................................... 39

Bab IX Administrasi Sistem Kredit Semester 40

Bab X Tata Tertib Pelaksanaan Akademik ................... 47 Bab XI Ujian ..................................................................... 52 Bab XII Kalender Akademik ............................................ 58 Bab XIII Kecurangan Akademik ....................................... 58

Bab XIV Yudisium dan Wisuda 61

Bab XV Penggantian Ijazah dan KTM ............................. 61 Bab XVI Perubahan Peraturan Pendidikan ...................... 62 Bab XVII Penjaminan Mutu Akademik .............................. 62 Bab XVIII Ketentuan Peralihan ........................................... 63 Bab XIX Penutup ............................................................... 63

Bagian 3 Kurikulumfakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas

Airlangga Landasan Implementasi Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga .............................................................................. 67 Perubahan Kurikulum Berbasis Isi Menjadi Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi............................................ 70 Implementasi Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi FKG Universitas Airlangga (184 sks) .......................................... 71 Metode Pembelajaran .......................................................... 72 Pemetaan Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi dan Kode Mata Kuliah.......................................................................... 72 Kurikulum Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Program Sarjana/Akademik .............................................................. 73

Penutup .................................................................................................. 80

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Part 1


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PROGRAM VISION Vision of Undergradute Program in Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine To be an Undergraduate Program in Dental Medicine that facilitates students’ long life learning at dental medicine academic training program and dental medicine skill training program based on research. PROGRAM MISSION Mission of Undergraduate Program in Dental Medicine: a. Conduct competence-based basic medical and dentistry science,

clinical medicine and clinical dentistry education that are human, patient safety and advancement oriented.

b. Produce basic and applied researches in the field of dentistry for the interest of the society in supporting both national and international developments.

c. Devote ethic-based development of science and technology of dentistry in the effort of improving dental and oral health of the society.


Dental medicine education in the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga is held on levels of academic and profession. The general objective of the program is in compliance to the decree of Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia (Indonesian Council of Medicine) year 2015 about the Indonesian Standard of Competence for Dentists. The standard serves as guidelines of skills and competences obligatory for dentists performing dental health services in Indonesia.

Moreover, graduates of the program are expected to acquire attitudes, knowledge, and skills to:

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a. Perform professional dental services in the framework of National Health System, taking into account values of humanity and dentist ethics, including: 1. Utilizing understandings of basic medical science and basic

dental science as foundation in examination, diagnostic, treatment plan, prevention and restoration, as well as dental and oral health rehabilitation;

2. Managing dental and oral problems holistically through promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative approaches, with an emphasis on maintaining and restoring the optimal function of stomatognathic system of both individual patients and the society;

3. Managing professionally by putting the reference system into consideration, based on the belief that dental and oral health is an integral part of holistic health;

4. Working together effectively and efficiently in teams of dental and oral health as well as teams of other health services, in carrying out dental and oral health services to restore the function of stomatognathic system in order to improve the society’s healthy wellbeing;

5. Understanding and mastering principals of communication and dental and oral health management, as well as empowering the society to independently improve their own dental and oral health.

b. Take part effectively in life-long learning and self-improving in accordance to the advancement in science and technology through additional knowledge in Continuing Professional Development (CPD), researches, and scientific publications;

c. Be considerate to changes and increases of needs and problems in the society and environment for the improvement and betterment of health services.

d. Continually develop individual, family, and community entrepreneurship in the effort of improving services in dental and oral health.

LEARNING OUTCOMES The graduates of Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine are expected to have the following competencies:

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LO 1: Able to understand the basic principles and apply basic medical science and basic social science to support dentistry

LO 2: Able to apply basic medical science, clinical medicine, basic

dental science, and clinical dental science to solve problems on dental cases

LO 3: Able to demonstrate general physical examination and

stomatognathic system examination, establishing diagnosis, and formulating treatment plans in order to achieve excellent oral and dental health through promotive actions, preventive actions, curative actions, and rehabilitative actions towards mannequin or simulation patient

LO 4: Able to perform dental research as the application of

scientific methods and disseminate the results according to the rules of science

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Part 2


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Number: 01/UN3.1.2/2018







that to improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of the learning and teaching process at Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga, the Academic Regulations of the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga need to be refined and adapted to the Core Curriculum of the Bachelor of Dental Science and Doctor of Dental Surgery

a. b. that for the purposes of letter (a), it is necessary

to form a Dean Regulation on Academic Regulations for the Study Programs of the Bachelor of Dental science and Doctor of Dental Surgery Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

In View of : 1. Law Number 20 Year 2003 concerning the National Education System;

2 Law Number 29 Year 2004 of the Republic of

Indonesia concerning Medical Practice

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3. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 Year 2012 on Higher Education;

4. Government Regulation Number 30 Year 2006 on Determination of Universitas Airlangga as a State-Owned Legal Entity;

5. Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 232/U/2000 on Guidelines for Preparation of Higher Education Curriculum and Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes;

6. Decree of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 045/U/2002 on the Core Curriculum of Higher Education;

7. Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation No. 49 Year 2014 on the National Standards for Higher Education;

8. Decree of the Indonesian Medical Council Number 22/KKI/XI/2006 on Education Standards of Doctor of Dental Surgery;

9. Decree of the Indonesian Medical Council Number 23/KKI/XI/2006 on Competency Standards of Indonesian Dentist;

10. Guide to the Implementation of the National Competency Curriculum for Indonesian Dentistry Education in 2007 of Indonesian Medical Council;

11. Regulation of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 32 Year 2014 on the Education Regulations of Universitas Airlangga;

12. Regulation of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 26/H3/KR/2011 on Organization and Work Procedure of Universitas Airlangga;

13. Decree of Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 1278/KR/2010 on the Appointment of the Dean and Director of the Graduate Program period 2010-2015;

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14. Decree of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga

Number 2496/H3/KR/2011 on Establishment of Curriculum of the Study Program at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga.

15. Decree of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 1732/UN3/PR/2015 on the Appointment of the Dean and Director of the Graduate Program Period of 2015-2020;

16. Decree of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 2496/H3/KR/2011 on the Establishment of Curriculum of the Study Program at Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga.


Stipulate Second Amendment to the Regulation of the Dean of Faculty of Dental Medicine Number: 2274/Un3.1.2/Pd/2013 on Academic Regulations for the Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga

The copies are delivered to: 1. Rector of Universitas Airlangga 2. All of the Chair of the Department of Faculty of Dental Medicine

Universitas Airlangga 3. The head of Academic division Faculty of Dental Medicine

Universitas Airlangga 4. Head of Resources division Faculty of Dental Medicine

Universitas Airlangga 5. All Head of Sub-Division Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas


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Article 1

Faculty of Dental Medicine helds education of Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine followed by Doctor of Dental Surgery Study Program.

Article 2

Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine is directed at the graduates who have the following qualifications: a. Mastering scientific basis in the field of Master of Science, Clinical Medicine, Basic Dental Medicine, Clinical Dental Sciences and skills in certain areas of expertise so that the graduates are able to find, understand, explain, and formulate ways of solving problems that exist within the area of expertise b. Able to apply the knowledge and skills possessed in accordance

with the field of expertise in productive activities and services to the community with attitudes and behaviors in accordance with the order of life together;

c. Able to act and behave in bringing self to work in the field of expertise and in living together in the community;

d. Able to follow the development of science, technology and/or art as the student’s expertise.

Article 3

Education of Doctor of Dental Surgery Study program is directed

with the aim that students gain expertise and have the ability to provide professional services in the field of Dental Medicine according to their undergraduate education program;

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Article 4

1. Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine has 2 (two)

consecutive sub-programs, that is: Master of Science Sub-program and Basic Dental Medicine called Sub-program I (semester I-IV), and Doctor of Dental Surgery Preparation Sub-program called Sub-program II (semester V-VII);

2. Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine has a study load of 148 credits and after completing this stage of the program, the graduate gets a bachelor’s degree that is the Bachelor of Dental Science;

Article 5

The curriculum which is the basis for organizing an educational program at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga is a Higher Education Curriculum implemented as Student centered Learning method, with the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 2496/H3/KR/2011 on the Establishment of Study Programs at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga;

2. Compilation and Development of the curriculum for the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga refer to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on the National Education System, Guidance of Curriculum Development of Higher Education in 2016, Government Regulation Number 4 Year 2014 on the Implementation of Higher Education, Regulation of the Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 Year 2015 on the National Standards for Higher Education, Regulation of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 32 Year 2014 on the Education Regulations of Universitas Airlangga;

3. Based on the Dentist Competency Standards issued by the Indonesian Medical Council in 2015, the Curriculum for the Bachelor of Dental Science and Doctor of Dental Surgery is arranged in the following ranges: group of professionalism: 25%; group of Basic Dental Sciences and Basic Medical Sciences: 15%,

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group of Supporting Clinical Skills: 12%, group of Management and Society major: 18%, Clinical Skills 30%, and Excellent Scientific Group: 10%.

4. The curriculum verified by PIPS and approved by the Faculty Advisory Board, is approved and stipulated by the Decree of the Rector;

5. Review of the curriculum can be performed in accordance with the development of science, technology, humanities, arts and by considering the programmed study period and community needs at least once in 5 years;

6. To support the achievement of the objectives of the education program, the curriculum is applied based on the Semester Credit System (SKS) which is measured by semester credit units (sks);

7. The mechanism for preparing and reviewing the curriculum is regulated in its own procedure guidelines.

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Article 6

1. The content and extent of discussion of a course must support the

achievement of competence (learning outcomes) and be measured by semester credit units;

2. A course can be advised for by a Lecturer or Team Teaching determined by the Dean based on a proposal from the Chair of the Department.

Article 7

1. In the implementation of the learning process of each course must

be completed by Semester Lesson Plan, Lecture Contract, learning schedule and teaching ability made by course coordinator;

2. Monitoring the implementation of the RPS (Semester Lesson Plan) and the Lecture Contract is conducted by the Chair of the Department or Chair of the Study Program concerned as part of the quality assurance process.



Article 8 1. The learning methods applied in the Undergraduate Program of

Dental Medicine Faculty of of Dental Medicine are: lectures, integrated lectures and Problem-Based Learning, small class discussions, laboratory works, laboratory skills; dental simulation;

2. Learning methods can be developed and/or combined with other methods in an effort to optimize learning outcomes;

3. Students of Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine who conduct lectures, integrated lectures and Problem-Based Learning, small class discussions, laboratory works, laboratory skills are scheduled and divided into several groups in one achievement of competence;

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4. When conducting lectures, integrated lectures and Problem-Based Learning, small class discussions, laboratory works, laboratory skills, are scheduled according to the learning outcomes that are required to be achieved, and measured in working hours according to the credits of each course;

5. Students graduating from Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine are determined after conducting an exam or other form of evaluation, at the end of the learning period;

6. Each group is scheduled to conduct Lectures, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions, Laboratory works, Laboratory skills, Student Study Service activities both on and off the campus of the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga;

7. During the first or opening of the meeting, course coordinator (PJMK) is required to explain the learning objectives, Lecture management, Lecture evaluation methods, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions, Laboratory works, Laboratory skills in accordance with Learning Contracts;

8. Lecturers and Students must fill out the attendance list by using the Attendance List Form at each meeting, Integrated Lecture and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussion, Laboratory work, Skills Lab;

9. Lecturer, Laboratory work Supervisor, Tutor or Instructor who are unable to attend teaching are required to notify course coordinator (PJMK);

10. If the Lecturer, Laboratory work Supervisor, Tutor, or Instructor is permanently unavailable, or unable to attend due to task from institution or other tasks, course coordinator can assign replacement of lecturers with the same competencies;

11. Lecturer, Laboratory work Supervisor, Tutor, or Instructor who want a schedule change are required to fill in the Form for Replacement Requests;

12. Lecturer Substitution, Laboratory work Supervisor, Tutor, or Instructor must be strengthened with the Minutes of Replacement.

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Article 9

1. The supporting elements consist of: reading room, micro

practicing simulation room, computer and internet room, internet server room, Oral and Dental Hospital (RSGM), integrated specialist Healthcare, dental journal, skills lab room, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) discussion room/ Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) room, laboratory work room, research center, garuda muka hall, student lounge, student center, museum, canteen;

2. The person in charge of the supporting element is someone considered an expert in his/her field, appointed by the Dean and is responsible directly to the Dean.

Article 10

1. Department of the Faculty of Dental Medicine is the Department

of Orthodontists; Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Department of Periodontics; Department of Pediatric Dentistry; Department of Dental Conservation; Department of Prosthodontics; Department of Specialist In Oral Medicine; Department of Public Health; Department of Oral Biology; Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology; Department of Dental Materials; Department of Forensic Odontology; Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology;

2. The establishment or dissolution of the Department shall be determined by a Decree of the Rector based on the Dean’s proposal after being considered by the Faculty Advisory Board.

Article 11

1. Reading Room is a Technical Support Installations (IPT) in the

field of library which is under and responsible directly to the Dean;

2. IPT of Reading Room provides learning resources for Students and Lecturers of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga;

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3. The functions of IPT of reading room are:

a. Provision and processing of library materials; b. Provision of services and utilization of library materials; c. Maintenance of library materials; d. Implementation of library administration affairs.

Article 12

1. To conduct health education of Faculty of Dental Medicine

Universitas Airlangga, the collaboration with institutions outside the University is required;

2. Oral and Dental Hospital (RSGM) is an Educational Hospital owned by Universitas Airlangga whose rights and authorities are managed by Universitas Airlangga in order to support the learning process in the field of oral and dental health.

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Article 13

1. The general objective of applying the credit system at Universitas

Airlangga is to meet the demands of development, because in its implementation, it is possible to present more varied and flexible educational programs and learning events, that provide wider possibilities for students to select the program towards a kind of academic degree or profession/specific expertise required by the development, through planning of learning events from semester to semester;

2. The specific objectives of applying the Semester Credit System is to:

a. Providing opportunities for capable and active students to study, able to complete studies in a relatively short time, according to individual abilities and plans;

b. Providing an opportunity to the students to take courses according to their talents, interests and abilities;

c. Opening the possibility of implementing an education system with multiple inputs and outputs;

d. Facilitating the curriculum adjustments from time to time, in accordance with the development of science and technology as well as quick changes in the needs of society;

e. Providing the possibility to the study evaluation system of student learning progress to be held in a more accurate and objective;

3. The amount of the study load of students in a course is expressed in a unit of grade, which is called semester credit units (credits);

4. Activities related to lectures or seminars, or group discussions, laboratory works, research, fieldwork, and others are rated in the form of semester credit units;

5. Determinations of the grade and study load of one semester credit unit (1 credit), are as follows: a. Lecture Activities

The value of 1 (one) credit is determined based on the activity load including three types of activities per week for 1 (one) semester, as follows: 1. Student activities

a. 1 (one) hour, scheduled meeting with teaching staff, for example in the form of lectures;

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b. 1 (one) hour, structured academic activities, that is unscheduled study activities, but planned by the teaching staff, for example, in the form of doing homework, completing the task, responsiveness activities, tasks outside the classroom, and others;

c. 1 (one) hour, independent academic activities, that are activities that students must do independently to explore, prepare or other objectives of an academic, for example in the form of reading a reference book.

2. Lecturer activities a. 1 (one) hour, scheduled meeting with students; b. 1 (one) hour, planning and evaluating structured

academic activities; c. 1 (one) hour of developing lecture material, through

reading and writing. b. Group Discussion Activities, Laboratory work, Research, Field

Work, Thesis Preparation. The semester credit unit for learning activities in the form of group discussions, lab work in the laboratory, research, field work, Thesis Preparation, semester credit are determined as follows: 1. Learning activities in the form of group discussions, the

grade of 1 (one) credit is equal to the activity load of 2 (two) hours per week for 1 (one) semester;

2. Laboratory work activities, the grade of 1 (one) credit is the load of practical assignments in the laboratory or in the practice room of 170 minutes per week for 1 (one) semester;

3. ield work/practical work/internship in industry/agencies/companies/institutions and others, the grade of 1 (one) credit, is a task load in the field of 4 (four) hours per week for 1 (one) semester, or equivalent to 80-90 accumulative hours in one semester;

4. For learning activities in the form of research and/or thesis preparation, then the grade of 1 (one) credit is equivalent to a task load of 3-4 hours a day for 1 (one) month, with a note that 1 (one) month is equivalent to 25 ( twenty five) of weekday.

Article 14

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1. The grade of 1 (one) credit is equivalent to 3 hours of work, so the general study load of students for each semester is equal to 15-24 credits, or about 18 credits per semester; 2. In determining the load, it is necessary to pay attention to

individual abilities and the results of studies in the previous semester which are reflected in the Achievement Index (IP).

Article 15

1. In the Semester Credit System, there are two types of

Achievement Index; Semester Achievement Index (IPS) and Grade Point Average (IPK). Semester Achievement Index (IPS) is a measure of student success in taking courses in one semester, while Grade Point Average (IPK) is a measure of student success calculated from the beginning of the study to the last semester followed;

2. The amount of Semester Achievement Index (IPS) and Grade Point Average (IPK) can be calculated as follows:



I (Ks x N)

I Ks I (Kk x N)

I Kk under the condition of: Ks = the number of credits of courses taken in that semester Kk = the number of credits of courses taken from the beginning

of the semester until the last of the semester without a failed grade (E)

N = the value of each course. 3. Based on the Semester Achievement Index (IPS) obtained in the

last semester, the study load can be calculated in the following semester, with the provisions stipulated by the regulations of the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Number 32 Year 2014.

The study load of the Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine is

148 (one hundred forty four) credits, taken in 7 (seven) semesters and a maximum of 13 (thirteen) semesters starting from the beginning of study;

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Article 16

1. Admission of new students of The Undergraduate Program of

Dental Medicine is conducted by University; 2. Admission foreign students is conducted in accordance with the

regulations imposed by the University.

Article 17 1. Universitas Airlangga can consider the admission of transfer

students from the University/Institute in accordance with applicable regulations;

2. Requirements of admission for transfer student: a. Derived from study programs of State University (PTN), not a

higher education institution with commitment to work for the government after graduation,teacher training, and higher education on a religious basis;

b. The study program of the PTN as referred to in paragraph a has the same or higher accreditation;

c. Transfer students of the Undergraduate Study Program must have attended education in the university of origin for at least four semesters continuously and have accumulated at least 48 credits with a IPK of at least> 3.50;

d. The study program taken at the university of origin must be in accordance with the study program at Universitas Airlangga;

e. Never committed violations of the rules/regulations in the university of origin as long as proven by a valid certificate;

f. Willing to obey the rules at Universitas Airlangga. 3. Diversion of transfer student credit is based on credentials owned

by the student, intended Study Program and implemented in a separate Procedure Guide;

4. Time of study in the College/Faculty of origin, included in the calculation of studies which allowed time limit..

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Article 18

1. The transfer of undergraduate study programs in Universitas

Airlangga can be done with the approval of the Rector on the proposal of the Dean concerned;

2. The transfer of students from undergraduate programs to diploma programs in similar and cognate study programs in Universitas Airlangga can be done with the approval of the Rector on the proposal of the Dean of the Faculty concerned;

3. The procedure for transferring students is regulated in the Airlangga Integrated Management System (AIMS) Procedure.

Article 19

1. Transfer of study programs is only valid for one time and is not

permitted to return to the original study program or to another study program including moving to a diploma program;

2. The time of study taken in the study program of origin is included in the calculation of studies which allowed time limit..

Article 20

1. All prospective students accepted at Universitas Airlangga, must

register to the Directorate of Education by fulfilling the applicable requirements;

2. Prospective students accepted officially become students of Universitas Airlangga after the Rector helds an Academic Ceremony.

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Article 21

1. Each student who will participate in the academic process shall

meet the following requirements: a. Free from academic sanctions, b. Pay off academic administration fees for new students, c. Carry out a re-registration in each faculty at the beginning of

the semester according to the academic calendar, d. Have KTM (Student Identity Card). e. Has completed the Study Plan Card (KRS).

2. Students who do not meet the requirements of paragraph 1 are not permitted to participate on academic and non-academic processes.

Article 22

1. To conduct academic activities and credit system administration

in each semester, it needs several steps: a. Re-register and pay for the Education Operational Donation

(SOP). Failure to make SOP payments results in being unable to get Study Plan Cards (KRS) online through Cyber Campus;

b. Fill the online Study Plan Cards (KRS) with the following stages: 1. Confirm the academic advisor to make an online approval

through Cyber Campus; 2. Print the Study Plan Cards (KRS) and followed by

academic advisor signature; 3. Submission of printed Study Plan Cards (KRS) signed by

academic advisor along with a copy of proof of payment of the SOP to Sub-division of Academic;

c. Lectures, tutorials, laboratory works and Student Study Service (KKN);

d. Completion of the Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS) online through Cyber Campus is conducted after 2 (two) weeks of lecture process with the following step: 1. Confirm academic advisor to make an online approval

through Cyber Campus; 2. Print the Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS) and followed by

academic advisor’s signature; 3. Submit the printed Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS)

signed by academic advisor to Sub-Division of Academic;

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e. The exam is conducted as an evaluation of learning outcomes; f. The exam results are accessed online through Cyber Campus; 2. At the beginning of each semester, after fulfilling the administrative requirements of Universitas Airlangga, students are required to register in Sub-division of Academic Faculty of Dental Science, Universitas Airlangga;

3. Achievement Plan Card When registering in the Sub-division of Academic, new students will obtain: a. Dental Medicine Education Guide, Faculty of Dental

Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, which contains general instructions for conducting Lectures, Laboratory works, Field Work Practices (PKL), Lab Skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Group Discussions, Professional Work Practices;

b. Study Plan Card (KRS) can be accessed online through Cyber Campus;

c. Three copies of Achievement Plan Card (KRP): 1 (one) original sheet for Sub-Division of Student Affairs, 1 (one) sheet for thestudent, 1 (one) sheet for academic advisor.

4. When completing the administration on the Sub-Division Academic, students must submit: a. SOP Payment Evidence; b. The print out of the Study Plan Card (KRS) signed by the

academic advisor 5. Students are entitled to participate in all academic activities listed

in the Student Study Plan Card (KRS) and use available educational facilities with valid student identity card (KTM);

6. 6. Students must comply with the rules and regulations issued, for the continuity of the teaching and learning process, including lecture rules, laboratory works, examinations, Field Work Practice, professional work practices and legitimate activities on and off the campus.

Article 23

After the students re-register at Universitas Airlangga and have

student identity card (KTM), then: 1. Students under the guidance of academic advisor prepare their study plan with the study load according to the latest semester achievement index, and then the students enter it in Cyber Campus; 2. Academic advisor approves the Student Study Plan Card (KRS) in

Cyber Campus and signs the results of the KRS print out;

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3. Students whose Study Plan Card (KRS) have not been approved by academic advisor in Cyber Campus and have not submitted the Study Plan Card (KRS) at the stipulated time, cannot participate in curricular activities.

Article 24

1. Students who will change their study plans (courses and laboratory

work) are given the opportunity to do so within a period of not later than two weeks after the process academic activities, using Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS);

2. Changes in undergraduate courses by students can only be made with the approval of the academic advisor;

3. The Sub-Division of the Academic will get a Final List Scores (DPNA) based on the Study Plan Card (KRS) and Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS) for each student from Cyber Campus;

4. The procedure for filling in the Study Plan Card (KRS) is in accordance with the Work Instruction (IK) 001- S1-FKG.UA.12: a. Study Plan Card (KRS) is filled by students and academic

advisor; b. In filling out the Study Plan Card (KRS), they must pay

attention to the Prerequisite courses. Prerequisite courses are as follows: Semester VI : 1 Course of Specialist in Conservative

Dentistry II can be taken if the students have passed or have taken part in a course of Specialist in Conservative Dentistry I;

2 Course of Specialist In Prostodontics II can be taken if the students passed or have taken course of Specialist In Prostodontics I.

Semester VII : 1 course of Specialist in Conservative Dentistry III can be taken if the students have passed or have taken part in a course of Specialist in Conservative Dentistry I and II;

2. Course of Specialist in Prostodontics III can be taken if the students passed or have taken course of Specialist in Prostodontics I and II

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3. Course of Specialist In Prostodontics II can be taken if the students passed or have taken course of Specialist In Prostodontics I.

c. Special for filling Study Plan Card (KRS) in semester V, VI, VII, KRS, courses that have been re-taken/never been taken in the previous semester must be filled in first, then fill in the courses offered in the relevant semester to achieve the allowed study load;

d. If in the future there are courses that coincide with the time of implementation, then the courses that must be replaced are the relevant semester/higher semester courses, for example: the implementation of semester V courses coincide with semester VII courses, then the courses that must be replaced are semester VII courses;

e. The way to change the courses is by filling out the Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS) online through cyber campus;

f. Thesis must be taken in 2 stages: thesis proposal (PNG 498) in semester VI and thesis (PNG 499) in semester VII. In addition, it must also fill in the "thesis form" (in red);

g. After filling in Study Plan Card (KRS)/ Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS)/laboratory work course agreed by academic advisor and students, these are duplicated in copies of 2 (two) and then signed by students and academic advisor; Study Plan Card (KRS)/ Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS)/laboratory work course for Sub-Division of Academic: 1 sheet (original), academic advisor: 1 sheet (copy), student: 1 sheet (copy);

h. After the thesis form is filled out, it is then copied once and signed by students and academic advisor; thesis sheet for Sub-Division of Academic: 1 original sheet, student: 1 copy;

i. Any errors in filling out of the Study Plan Card (KRS)/Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS) with all of the consequences thereof are the responsibility of the students.

Article 25 1. Thesis is a scientific work in a field of study written by students of

the Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine. One of the

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requirements to complete the Undergraduate Program of Dental Medicine can be written based on the results of the research study; Branch of Science The Branch of Science for Thesis Writing is: a. Oral Medicine b. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon c. Conservative Dentistry d. Periodontics e. Pediatrics Dentistry f. Dental Science g. Prosthodontics h. Orthodontics i. Radiology Dental j. Dental Materials k. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon l. Microbiology m. Physiology n. Pharmacology o. Anatomy p. Histology q. Oral Biology r. Forensic Odontology

2. Requirements for making a thesis: a. Created independently by students under the guidance of

teaching staff who have qualified as advisor; b. Never been written or submitted by other students.

3. Duration of writing and study load a. Preparation of a thesis proposal has a study load of 2 credits

conducted in semester VI and cannot be extended; b. Students who cannot complete a thesis proposal in 1 (one)

semester, are declared failed and cannot register again in the same field of science;

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c. Thesis research and writing have a study load of 2 credits

conducted in semester VII; d. Students who cannot complete the thesis in 1 (one) semester,

can be extended by 1 (one) semester if they fulfill the specified requirements by filling in the next semester Study Plan Card (KRS);

e. Writing, mentoring, implementing a proposal and thesis examinations are set in a separate guidelines.

5. Thesis evaluation consists of: a. Thesis proposal examination; b. Thesis examination; c. The proposal examination and thesis examination are

regulated in separate rules.

Article 26 1. Mid Test (UTS), Final Test (UAS) are conducted in accordance

with applicable regulations; 2. The course coordinator must submit grades no later than two days

after the Final Test (UAS); 3. The final grade submitted is in the form of numerical grades

(digits) achieved by students; 4. The final grade will be processed through the Cyber Campus


Article 27 1. The final assessment as a Student Study Result can be based on:

a. Mid Test (UTS), Semester Final Examination (UAS), and can be added giving an independent assignment, quiz or other methods of assessment processes;

b. Final assessment Modules and laboratory skills are organized in separate guidelines.

2. Laboratory work Grade is based on the Criterion-Referenced Evaluation (PAP); 3. Assessment of study results is determined based on the achievement index (IP) which is a comparison/multiplication function between the value of credits with the grades divided by the number of courses taken;

4. Study outcomes can be accessed through electronic information systems that is Cyber Campus program;

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5. The grade obtained by students is used as materials for study evaluation;

Article 28

1. Every Department in Faculty of Dental Medicine of Universitas

Airlangga must implement an academic management information system;

2. The management information system aims to facilitate communication and monitoring process, and is expected to improve the speed and accuracy of decision-making processes relating to the improvement of the quality of education.

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Article 29

1. Students must attend lectures/tutorials, laboratory work,

laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussion. Students are required to follow the following conditions: a. Come on time till the end of activity and do not do anything

that can disrupt the activity; b. Be polite; c. Dressed in clean, tidy and polite (collared); d. Wearing shoes, except not possible; e. Do not eat, drink and smoke; f. Forbidden to eat, drink and smoke; g. Prohibited to leave the lecture room/lab, except with the

permission of the lecturer; h. Prohibited to activate electronic devices (Mobile, Android,

iPod, MP3 and so forth), except with the permission of the lecturer/instructor;

i. Comply with the regulations that apply in the place of learning activities; 2. Students are required to attend lectures/tutorials, laboratory

work, laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions in accordance with Study Plan Card (KRS) or Revised Study Plan Card (KPRS) that have been taken;

3. At each lecture and laboratory work, the student attendance will be recorded;

4. Students must attend at least 75% in lectures and 100% for laboratory work, laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, and Small Class Discussions;

5. At the same time the lecturer also conducts attendance in the attendance forms that have been provided and the attendance forms are immediately handed back to the Sub-Division of Academic on the same day after the lecture is finished;

6. The presence of lectures that are less than 75% and 100% for laboratory works, laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions without valid

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reasons result in students not being allowed to take the exam/relevant laboratory work assessment (Block Status);

7. The legitimate reason is that students cannot take lectures, laboratory works, laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions due to assignments from the University or Faculty, sick with a medical certificate from the Doctor, addressed to the Dean no later than a week after the event;

8. Relief of paragraph (6) can be given by the Dean after listening to the consideration of the Chair of the Division and the course coordinator.

Article 30

1. Students must follow the whole (100%) of laboratory work activities, laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions and their attendance are listed in the attendance list; 2. Students who are absent must be able to provide reasons with

valid evidence. If the following the laboratory work is less than 100%, not allowed to participate in final exams (Block Status). For laboratory works, laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions get E grades;

3. Relief of paragraphs (1) and (2) can be given by the Dean after listening to the considerations of the Chair of the Department and course coordinator/Laboratory work in skills lab, Integrated Lecture and Problem-Based Learning, and Small Class Discussion;

4. Before doing laboratory work, skills lab, Integrated Lecture and PBL discussion (PBL Module Lecture), Small Class Discussion, students must learn practical instructions of laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions, and prepare theories and equipment related to the material;

5. Supervisor of laboratory work, laboratory skills, Integrated Lectures and Problem-Based Learning, and Small Class Discussions provide an explanation of the implementation of Lecture/Laboratory work before the activity begins;

6. During the laboratory work, skills lab, integrated lecture and Problem-Based Learning, small class discussion, students individually or in small groups conduct a series of laboratory work activities, lab skills, integrated lectures and Problem-Based Learning, and Small Class Discussions;

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7. After completing the laboratory work, skills lab, integrated lecture and Problem-Based Learning, and Small Class Discussions, students report the results of their activities to be assessed by lecturers of laboratory work, lab skills, integrated and Problem-Based Learning, Small Class Discussions

Article 31

1. Examination is held at mid-semester (UTS) and end of semester (UAS) in each semester. The midterm and Final Test have been determined in the academic calendar. 2. The schedule and list of Final Test are announced by the Sub-

division of Academic one week before the examination; 3. Students whose attendance is less than 75% may not attend the

Final Test, get an E grade and have a Block status; 4. Students must be present in the examination room ten minutes

before the examination begins; 5. Students who are late for 10 minutes with valid and acceptable

reasons are allowed to take the examination but are not given an extension of time;

6. Students must sign the attendance list provided; 7. Students must show valid Student Identity Card (KTM); 8. During the examination, students are required to do the

examination calmly, honestly and independently; 9. Students who are proven to have cheated during the examination

are excluded from the examination room and given E score and academic sanctions;

10. Students who do not take the examination without valid reasons are considered taking the examination and given an E grade.

Article 32

1. During the examination each participant is required to:

a. Comply with all applicable rules and regulations of examination;

b. Comply with technical instructions regarding the administration of examination given by the invigilator;

c. Request approval from the lecture invigilator, before leaving the seat or examination room;

d. Submit the answer sheet to the invigilator in charge before leaving the examination room.

2. During the examination each participant is prohibited:

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a. Working together with the other participants in completing the examination;

b. Copy the answers of other participants, or giving other participants the opportunity to copy the answers;

c. Using notes, books, or other sources of information during the examination, except if allowed by the examiner;

d. Behave which disturbs the examination; e. Communicate with other examinees, without permission from

the invigilator; f. Activate cell phones and others.

Article 33

1. Students are prohibited from replacing positions or conducting

academic activities and professional education for other students; 2. Students involved in paragraph (1) both those who replace and

replaced are subject to academic sanctions.

Article 34 1 The invigilator has the authority to:

a. Organize and determine the seat of each examinee and ask the Presence of participants;

b. Determine the examination equipment that may be brought by the examinee to the seat;

c. Refuse the presence of someone assigned as a invigilator or interested as an examiner and instruct to leave the examination room;

d. Report cheating on the examinee in the minutes of implementation.

2. The course coordinator is responsible for the implementation of the examination and the determination of the invigilator.

Article 35

Invigilator appointed by the course coordinator is authorized to

impose sanctions on examinees who violate the provisions as stated in article 33 paragraph (2), in the form of proposing E grade as an assessment of the achievement to the course coordinator.

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Article 36

1. The purposes and objectives of the examination are:

a. Assessing whether students have understood or mastered the competencies achieved in a course;

b. Grouping students into several categories based on their ability to achieve certain competencies, namely A, AB, B, BC, C, D, and E.

2. Examinations can be conducted in various forms, such as written examinations in the form of essays or objective tests, oral examinations, examinations in the form of seminars/theses, examinations in the form of assignments and so forth. Practical examinations can be conducted by practicing and can be accompanied by written and/or oral examinations. The form of the examination is adapted to the purpose that it can be implemented in a certain time;

3. If the assessment of the certain examination is complete, such as UTS (Mid-Semester), UAS (Final-Test), Quiz, and Assignment, then it is recommended the value as follows: Mid-Semester Examination (30%), Final Examination (UAS) (40 %), Quiz 10%, Self-Assignment (20%);

4. If there are of examinations (UTS, UAS, Quiz, Assignment) that are not completed or PJMK (course coordinator) conducts tests in other forms that can be accounted for, then the value will be regulated by separate regulations;

5. The skills lab assessment system, integrated lectures and PBL discussions (Lecture of PBL Modules), will be arranged in a separate guideline;

6. Remedial Examination must be followed by students with a "mandatory improvement" status announced by the Academic Subdivision;

7. Students who are "required" to take the remedial examination (UP) are students who get the final grade: D and E (not being blocked for Classical Lectures; laboratory work, integrated lecture and PBL discussion (Lecture PBL Module), skills lab;

8. Students who can take the remedial examination (UP) are students who get the final grade: B / C and C for Classical Lectures; laboratory work, integrated lecture and PBL discussion (Lecture PBL Module), skills lab;

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9. Students can improve the grade through the First Remedial Examination after UAS in the semester (on going), as long as the permitted study deadline has not been exceeded, while the value used is the best value with the highest grade is B;

10. Under certain conditions, a Second Remedial Examination can be carried out, in the current semester (on going), with a maximum grade of B;

11. If deemed necessary, the Dean will decide on the Third Remedial Examination, with a maximum grade of B;

12. Students who fail to reach the minimum passing grade in the Remedial Examination, may attend at the Semester between even and odd semester by filling KRS of short semester;

13. The short semester can be attended by students who have never taken courses offered (first takers), students with E grades, and students who fail the Remedial Exams;

14. The maximum amount of credits that can be taken at Short Semester is 6 credits in 8 weeks;

15. Students can improve the grade by reprogramming in the Study Plan Card (KRS) in the Regular or Short Semester (first taker), as long as the permitted study deadline has not been exceeded, while the grade used is the best grade with the highest grade is A;

16. Examination is in accordance with the academic calendar provided that students are allowed to take the exam if they have attended at least 75% of the number of lecture meetings and 100% attendance at practical activities, integrated lectures and PBL discussions (PBL Lecture Modules), laboratory skills except there is a dispensation from the Dean;

17. Dean Dispensation can be given to the students assigned to carry out state duty, tasks from University and tasks from Faculty;

18. Students given a dispensation must receive additional assignments;

19. The assessment outcomes expressed by letter A, AB, B, BC, C, D and E:

Letter (Grade) Quality score Score A 4 86−100

AB 3,5 78−<86 B 3 70−<78

BC 2,5 62−<70 C 2 54−<62 D 1 40−<54 E 0 < 40

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20. Grade improvement: a. Grade improvement can be performed within the sub-

program scope (sub-program of Basic Dental Medicine, sub-program of the Bachelor of Dental Science) by taking the Remedial Examination (current semester), and/or Short Semester before the yudisium of sub-program;

b. During the improvement of student grades, students will not be included in the sub-program yudisium;

c. The grade used in the final assessment is the highest grade.

Article 37 1. Evaluation of the results of the study every semester is conducted

at the end of each semester; for courses programmed by students in the semester which are stated by the Semester Achievement Index (IPS);

2. Evaluation of the results of the first study conducted at the end of the 4th semester (fourth) starting from when students are registered as students for the first time and announced through Yudisium I of Sub Program of Basic Medical Sciences and Dental Medicine; 3. Evaluation of the Results of S-1 Study is conducted at the end of

the 4th semester (82 credits), starting from when students are registered as students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine of Universitas Airlangga for the first time; a. The evaluation results are used as the basis for determining

which students are allowed to continue or not continue their studies;

b. Students are not permitted to continue their studies if they get a Rector Decree regarding the status of drop out;

c. Students are allowed to continue their studies if they have collected at least half of the number of programmed credits (82 credits) in a curriculum with a minimum IPK = 2.00;

d. In Evaluating the Results of the S-1 Study conducted at the end of the 4th semester, if the students have taken more than the minimum number of credits with a IPK of less than 2.00, then the study evaluation is determined by calculating the best grade of a minimum credit grade;

e. Evaluation Results of the S-1 Study at the end of the second year are determined at the Yudisium Meeting I of Sub program of Basic Medical Sciences and Basic Dental Sciences;

4. Evaluation of the results of the second study conducted at the end of the 7th semester (seven) starting from when students are

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registered as students for the first time and announced through Yudisium II of Sub Program of Bachelor of Dental Science;

5. The students can carry out the Yudisium II of sub-program of Bachelor of Dental Science in the seventh semester;

6. Evaluation of the stage of the dental science program is carried out after students take part in the entire program and are declared pass if they meet the Yudisium requirements as follows:

a. Have completed 148 credits; b. There is no E grade for all courses; c. There is no D grade for general compulsory courses (MKWU); d. There are no D and E grades for laboratory work; e. The minimum grades of Integrated lecture and PBL discussion, lab skills must be B; f. Thesis grade > B;

g. The Grade Point Average (IPK) is determined based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 232/U/2000, regarding guidelines for the preparation of higher education curriculum and assessment of student learning outcomes as stated in Article 14, as follows: 1. The passing requirements of education program are set on

completion of the required minimum credits and minimum IPK;

2. The Higher Education determines the number of credits taken as referred to in paragraph (1) by considering the study load range for each program as stipulated in Article 5, Article 6, and Article 7.

h. The minimum IPK as referred to in paragraph (1) is determined by each college, equal to or higher than 2.00;

i. The score of English Language Test Proficiency (ELPT) > 450; j. There has been a statement from one of the scientific journals,

the minum must be from national journal ISSN, that the scientific article is received by the Editorial Board with receipt (Acceptance letter) in accordance with the Rector of Universitas Airlangga no. 2 of 2017.

7. If students have not graduated from the graduation stage of the dentistry degree program, they cannot proceed to the dental profession study program;

8. Students who have not passed from the Yudisium II can improve their grades through short semester or regular semester;

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9. After completing the program of Bachelor of Dental Science, the student will receive a Bachelor of Dental Science (SKG) degree;

Article 38

Referring to the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the

Republic of Indonesia Number 232/U/2000 concerning guidelines for the preparation of higher education curriculum and assessment of learning outcomes of students of the minister of national education in article 15, the following are: 1. The graduation predicate consists of 3 levels, namely: satisfying,

very satisfying, and with praise, stated on academic transcripts; 2. The IPK as the basis for determining the title of undergraduate

program and diploma program is: a. IPK 2,00-2,75: satisfying; b. IPK 2,76-3.50: very satisfying; c. IPK 3.51-4,00: with praise.

3. Predicate with praise for S1 (Undergraduate Program) level given by taking into account the study period of not more than 5 years.

Article 39

1. If during the study period the students are legally permitted for

academic leave, then the period is considered in determining the study deadline;

2. Students are declared to have failed the study if they cannot complete the education program within the maximum time limit specified in article 16;

3. The decision to fail the study is determined based on the Rector Decree after proposed by the Dean.

Article 40

1. In academic leave, the students are legally permitted not to

pursue academic activities; 2. Academic leave is only given to students who have been studying

for four consecutive semesters; 3. While studying, students are permitted to take academic leave for

a maximum of two consecutive semesters; 4. During academic leave, the students must be registered; 5. Academic leave period is not considered in the learning


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6. Requests for academic leave must be submitted no later than 1 semester.

Article 41

1. At the end of the study of the Undergraduate Program of Dental

Medicine graduation is held; 2. To graduates who take graduation are given "Graduation Charter"

which is a requirement for certificate acceptance;

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Article 42

1. Academic Calendar is the overall implementation of learning process

activities arranged in one academic year; 2. The function of the Academic Calendar is a guide to the

implementation of learning activities so that the learning process can be implemented effectively and efficiently;

3. The academic calendar includes: (a) the period of registration and re-registration of students; (b) filling period of Study Plan Card (KRS) and changes in KRS; (c) lecture period, laboratory work, Hospital Based Professional Work Practice (Clinical Registrar), Field Work Practice, lab skills, and examinations; (d) Student study service (KKN); (e) other academic activities;

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Article 43

Students are prohibited from carrying out activities of:

a. Cheating: actions performed by students consciously (intentionally) using or trying to use information materials or other study aids without permission from the Supervisor or Examiner;

b. Counterfeiting, namely: actions performed by students intentionally changing or modifying grades or academic transcripts, certificates, Student Identification Cards, assignments

in the context of lectures/tutorials/laboratory works/examinations, Certificates, reports, or signatures within the scope of academic activities;

c. Plagiarism: actions committed by students intentionally using sentences, data or other people’s work as their own work (without mentioning the original source) in an academic activity;

d. Giving gifts and/or threatening: actions taken by students to influence or try to influence others with the intention of influencing the assessment of academic achievement;

e. Replacing the position of others in academic activities: actions prformed by students by replacing positions or performing tasks or activities for the benefit of others at their own volition;

f. Asking other people to replace positions in academic activities: actions carried out by students by telling other people to replace the position or perform tasks or activities for their own interests or the interests of others;

g. Working together without permission when examining both verbally and by electronic means;

h. Take examination sheets without permission; i. Duplicate the test script in any way

Article 44

The perpetrators of the acts in article 44 can be subject to academic sanctions in the form of: a. Stern warnings both verbally and in writing; b. Cancellation of test scores for courses or related academic

activities; c. Not pass the relevant subject or academic activities;

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d. Not pass all courses in the ongoing semester; e. Not allowed to take part in academic activities in a certain period

of time; f. Dismissal or dropped out from Universitas Airlangga.

Article 45 1. Provision of sanctions such as article 45 letter a, b, c and d

stipulated by the Dean on the proposal of course coordinator and approved by the Chair of the relevant Department;

2. Provision of sanctions such as article 45 letters e and f are stipulated by the Rector of Universitas Airlangga on the proposal of the Dean of the Faculty concerned;

3. The procedure for granting sanctions will be governed by the Procedure Guide.

Article 46

1. The Dean imposes sanctions on students as stated in article 46

paragraph 1, with the procedure as follows: a. Reporting from course coordinator and the Chair of the

Department concerned to the Dean is made in written form along with the minutes;

b. Examinations, as well as recommendations regarding sanctions for perpetrators of academic violations are carried out by Faculty Leaders, Chairs of Departments and course coordinator.

2. The Rector imposes sanctions on students as stated in article 46 paragraph 2, with the procedure as follows: a. Reporting from course coordinator and the Chair of the

Department concerned to the Dean is made in written form along with the minutes;

b. b. Examination of the report in paragraph (2a) and the creation of Minutes;

c. The examination, as well as recommendations regarding sanctions for perpetrators of academic violations are conducted by the Dean;

d. Based on recommendations from the Faculty Academic Discipline Commission, the Dean proposes sanctions to the Rector.

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Article 47

1. The faculty must conduct graduation meeting; 2. Graduation meeting is attended by meeting participants whose

elements and number are determined based on the provisions of the faculty;

3. The graduation meeting for each study program is conducted at least once every semester, and is held no later than one month before the graduation ceremony;

4. Student requirements proposed for graduation in the graduation meeting are determined by the faculty.

Article 48

1. Every student who has passed the graduation must attend

graduation ceremony; 2. To graduates who attend graduation ceremony are given a

Graduation Charter and Certificate. 3. Students who do not attend graduation ceremony cannot take the

Certificate; 4. Best graduates; 5. The most outstanding Graduates.

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Article 49

1. A certificate of substitution for a certificate is issued if the original

certificate is lost or damaged; 2. Letter of improvement of certificate writing is issued if there is an

error in writing the certificate; 3. A letterof substitution for the certificate is issued by the Rektor at

the request of the Dean. 4. A letter of improvement of the certificate writing issued by the

Rectorat the request of the Dean.

Article 50

1. Replacement KTM is issued if the KTM is lost or damaged; 2. Replacement KTM is issued by the Directorate of Student Affairs

on the proposal of the Dean. 3. KTM period extension is issued if the study period has expired

and students are still given the opportunity to extend their studies to a maximum of 2 semesters.

4. KTM period extension issued by the Directorate of Student Affairs on the proposal of the Dean.

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Article 51

The Dean after obtaining the approval of the Faculty Advisory

Board can submit a proposal to amend the Education Regulation to the Rektor of Universitas Airlangga.

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Article 52

1. Every study program at the Faculty of Dentistry of Universitas

Airlangga is required to implement Academic Quality Assurance; 2. Academic quality assurance includes several dimensions

concerning the quality of higher education, namely input, process, output and impact;

3. Quality assurance activities are performed through stages of planning, monitoring, internal audit, self-evaluation, correction for continuous quality improvement;

4. The study program must have and run quality assurance documents, namely Study Program Specifications, Academic Policy, Academic Standards, Academic Regulations, and Guidelines for the Implementation Procedure.

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Article 53

1. All academic rights and obligations of students who have been

fulfilled before the enactment of this regulation remain recognized and declared valid;

2. All student academic rights and obligations that have not been fulfilled and are different from this regulation are adjusted and resolved casually by the Decree of the Dean or Rector;

3. All provisions that are enforced as Education Regulations or which are equivalent to this regulation still apply as supplementary rules as long as they do not conflict with this Educational Regulation.

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Article 54

1. Academic Regulations of Universitas Airlangga Undergraduate

Program of Dental Medicine (FKG UNAIR) as Academic Regulations at the Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga.

2. Students, lecturers and educational staff must help the running of academic activities;

3. Matters that have not been listed in this Education Regulation will be regulated later in separate provisions;

4. This regulation is declared to take effect on the date when it is set for students of all classes, provided that in the future there appears to be a mistake and/or deficiency in this determination, it will be reviewed and corrected accordingly.

Stipulated in Surabaya On 3 July 2018 Dean,

Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. NIP. 196110051988031003

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Part 3


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CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION In 2007, Dentistry Program of Universitas Airlangga implemented Curriculum 2007/2008 with change of education stage, before there was no separation between undergraduate program and profession. Beginning in 2007 dentist education is separated into 2 stages of education, which is dental medical education consists of 144 credits and dental profession education 33 credits. The number of credits taken to become a dentist is 177 credits (in Competence-Based Curriculum) with Student-centered Learning method, with 10 semesters study period. In 2014, the new 2014/2015 curriculum began to be implemented with a period of Dentistry Education for 7 Semesters, Profession for 4 Semesters, with total of 184 credits. Academic education/Bachelor degree in Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga is supported by modern Information Technology learning facilities, while Profession Education is implemented by Hospital Based Work Practice method which is supported by adequate practice facility in the Dental and Mouth Special Hospital (Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut – RSGM) The graduates of Dentistry Program ( Undergraduate and Profession Program) are expected to play roles as: a) Care provider, b) Decision Maker, c) Communicator, d) Community Leader, E) Manager, f) Researcher, g) Creator and Inovator a. Care Provider Able to handle patients comprehensively, as

individuals and as part of family and society, and provide continuous quality care within the scope of physician-patient relationships based on trust and mutual benefit.

b. Decision Maker Able to select appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan technology to be used in enhancing decent and low-cost health services.

c. Communicator A person who is able to promote a healthy lifestyle with effective counseling and appropriate advice in a cultural and economic context, so that both individual and group health will be improved and maintained.

d. Community Leader

A person who, due to the honor and trust of the local community, is able to know the health needs of individuals and groups so that they can play a role in motivating the community to participate in improving public health.

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e. Manager A person able to work effectively and harmoniously with others both within and outside of the health care system organization to find out the patient and the community needs.

f. Researcher

A person who can act as a professional educator and scientist, who always able to appropriately develop themselves according to the advancement of dental science and technology through the increase of science and research.

g. Creator and Inovator

Having sensitivity to the health needs of the environment and bringing creativity and innovation to make changes and solutions to level up the public health.

The graduates of Dental Medicine Program are expected to have the following competencies: LO 1 : Able to understand the basic principles and applied basic

medical science and basic social science to support dentistry

LO 2 : Able to apply basic medical science, clinical medicine, basic dental science, and clinical dental science to solve problems on dental cases

LO 3 : LO 4 :

Able to demonstrate general physical examination and stomatognathic system examination, establishing diagnosis, and formulating treatment plans in order to achieve excellent oral and dental health through promotive actions, preventive actions, curative actions, and rehabilitative actions towards mannequin or simulation patient Able to perform dental research as the application of scientific methods and disseminate the results according to the rules of science

The Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) level 6 and 7, based on the Presidential Decree Number 8/2012, is described below. Undergraduate Program Level 6

1. Able to apply his area of expertise and utilize science,

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technology, and / or art in his field in solving problems and able to adapt to the situation faced

2. Mastering the theoretical concepts of subject matter knowledgein general and the theoretical concepts of special sections in the field of knowledge in depth, and able to formulate problem solving procedural

3. Be able to make informed decisions based on information and

data analysis, and be able to provide guidance on choosing various alternative solutions independently and in groups

4. Responsible for self-employment and can given responsibility for

the achievement of organizational work The unit used to estimate study load is called semester credit unit (sks). There are different study load hour used to calculate the credits of lectures components or practical work components.

- One credit of lecture is equivalent to 170 minutes a week of student activity within one semester, which consist of: 50 minutes class activity, 60 minutes structured activity and 60 minutes self-independent study.

- One credit of practical work/field work and laboratory work is equivalent to 170 minutes a week of student activity within one semester, which consist of: 100 minutes laboratory work/field work, and 70 minutes self-independent study.

There are 16 weeks of academic activities per semester covering 14 weeks of lectures and 2 weeks of examination process. The Dental Medicine Program consists undergraduate program with 148 credits of equivalent 223,62 ECTS and profession program with 36 credits of equivalent 54,39 ECTS listed below (1 ECTS is equal to 30 hours study load). The undergraduate program is normally completed in 3,5 years or 7 semesters, with minimum credits of 148.. The program curriculum structure consists of the following courses:


(Compulsory and Electives) Credit (sks)

Credit (%)


Undergraduate Program/ Bachelor degree

A. General Scientific Skill 57 38,51 86.13

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B. Specific Scientific Skill 89 60,13 134.48

C. Elective studies 2 1,36 3,02

Total 148 100 223,63

Courses are implementation of the learning process takes place in the form of interaction between lecturer, students, and learning resources in a particular learning environment. Some courses are grouped into modules, composed of several courses components of lecture, tutorial and practical work/laboratorium work and field work activities, tutorials, discussion or presentation. Courses were conducted in the basis of Module Handbook. Course and modules are listed below: A. Undergraduate Program

No Course Code General Scientific Skills Year Semester Credit ECTS

1 AGI101 Islamic I 1 1 2 3.02

AGB101 Buddhism I

AGK101 Catholicism I

AGP101 Christianity I

AGH101 Hindism I AGC101 Confucianism I

2 NOP104 Civics Education 1 1 2 3.02

3 NOP103 Pancasila 1 1 2 3.02

No Course Code General Scientific Skills Year Semester Credit ECTS

4 PHG101 Philosophy 1 1 2 3.02

5 ETH103 Legal ethics & Medicolegal ethics

1 1 2 3.02

6 BAI101 Indonesian language 1 1 2 3.02

7 BIA103 Anatomy I 1 1 1 1.51

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8 BIA201 Laboratory Work of Anatomy I 1 1 1 1.51

9 BIF103 Physiology I 1 1 2 3.02

10 BIK 103 Biochemistry I 1 2 2 3.02

11 BIA 104 Anatomy II 1 2 1 1.51

12 BIA 203 Laboratory Work of Anatomy II 1 2 1 1.51

13 BIH103 Histology 1 2 2 3.02

14 BIH104 Laboratory Work of Histology 1 2 1 1.51

15 BIF 202 Physiology II 1 2 2 3.02

16 BIF 203 Laboratory Work of Physiology

1 2 1 1.51

17 BIM 101 Microbiology 1 2 2 3.02

18 PSG 201 Psychology 1 2 1 1.51

19 BIM 208 Parasitology 2 3 1 1.51

20 BIM 210 Laboratory Work of Parasitology

2 3 1 1.51

21 BIK 202 Biochemistry II 2 3 1 1.51

22 BIK 203 Laboratory Work of Biochemistry

2 3 1 1.51

23 BIM 102 Laboratory Work of Microbiology

2 3 1 1.51

24 FAT 202 Pharmacology and Therapeutics I

2 3 2 3.02

25 FAT 203 Laboratory Work of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

2 3 1 1.51

26 KDJ 301 Psychiatry 2 3 1 1.51

27 KDS 304 Dermatology & venereal 2 4 1 1.51

28 FAT 303 Pharmacology and Therapeutics II

2 4 2 3.02

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29 KDA 202 Anesthesiology & Reanimation 2 4 1 1.51

30 KDD 303 Internal Medicine 2 4 2 3.02

31 KDK 203 Clinical Pathology 2 4 2 3.02

32 KDK 204 Laboratory Work of Clinical Pathology

2 4 1 1.51

33 KDP 301 Pediatrics 2 4 1 1.51

No Course Code General Scientific Skills Year Semester Credit ECTS

34 KDN 303 Neurology 2 4 1 1.51

35 KDB 301 Surgery 3 5 2 3.02

36 KME 202 Research methodology and statistics

3 5 2 3.02

37 AGI 401 Islamic II 3 5 2 3.02

38 AGB 401 Buddhism II

AGK 401 Catholicism II

AGP 401 Christianity II

AGH 401 Hindism II

AGC 401 Confusianism II

39 KDT 404 Otholaryngology 3 5 1 1.51

40 KDE 403 Opthalmology 3 5 1 1.51

Sub Total 57 86.13

No Course Code Specific Scientific Skills Year Semester Credit ECTS

41 KGM101 Dental materials I 1 1 2 3.02

42 KGI101 Modul I/ Critical Thinking and Evidence- Based Learning

1 1 2 3.02

43 SOA 324 Dental Anthropology 1 2 1 1.51

44 KGM 103

Dental materials II 1 2 2 3.02

45 KGM 102

Laboratory Work of Dental materials I

1 2 1 1.51

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46 KGI 103 Modul II/ Interpersonal Communication and Basic Techniques Interviews

1 2 2 3.02

47 KGI105 Skills Lab I/ Wax Carving, Determination of Human Teeth

1 2 1 1.51

48 LKM 108 Dental Public Health I/ Environmental Health Sciences

2 3 1 1.51

49 KDK 218 Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

2 3 2 3.02

50 KDK 219 Laboratory Work of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology I

2 3 1 1.51

51 KGM 201

Laboratory Work of Dental Materials II

2 3 1 1.51

52 BIO 203 Oral Biology I 2 3 1 1.51

53 BIO 204 Laboratory Work of Oral Biology I

2 3 1 1.51

No Course Code Specific Scientific Skills Year Semester Credit ECTS

55 KGI 106 Modul III/ Holistic Approach Human and Enviroment

2 3 2 3.02

56 KGI 121 Skills Lab II/ The Making of Removable Orthodontic Appliance (Impression technique, Orthodontic Appliance )

2 3 2 3.02

57 BIO 301 Oral Biology II 2 4 1 1.51

58 BIO 302 Laboratory Work of Oral Biology II

2 4 1 1.51

59 KDY 204 Odontology Forensic 3 4 2 3.02

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60 KDK 211 Laboratory Work of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology II

3 4 1 1.51

61 KMD 202

Dental Public Health II/ Basic Science of Epidemiology & Surveillanc

3 4 2 3.02

62 KDR 201 Dental Radiology I 3 4 1 1.51

63 KGI 122 Modul IV/Temporo Mandibular Disorder

3 4 2 3.02

64 KGI 207 Skills Lab III/ The making of Removable Denture and Partial Denture

3 4 4 6.04

65 KGA 301 Pediatrics Dentistry I 3 5 1 1.51

66 KDY 205 Laboratory work of Odontology Forensic

3 5 1 1.51

67 KMP 302 Dental Public Health III/ Health Sciences Prevention & Nutrition

3 5 1 1.51

68 KDR 302 Dental Radiology II 3 5 1 1.51

69 KGP 301 Periodontics I 3 5 2 3.02

70 KGK 201 Operative Dentistry I 3 5 1 1.51

71 KNG 401 Community Service Program (KKN)

3 5 3 4.53

72 KGI 201 Modul V/ Infectious Diseases

3 5 2 3.02

73 KGI 208 Skills Lab IV /Tooth Preparation (Cavity and Root Canals Preparation of Permanent Tooth, Cavity Preparation of Deciduous Tooth, Tooth Preparation for Dental Bridge Abutment)

3 5 2 3.02

74 KGT 301 Prosthodontics I 3 6 2 3.02

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No Course Code Specific Scientific Skills Year Semester Credit ECTS

75 KGT 402 Prosthodontics II 3 6 2 3.02

76 KGB 303 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery I

3 6 2 3.02

77 KGD 301 Oral Medicine I 3 6 1 1.51

78 KMP 306 Dental Public Health / Behavioral Science & Health Promotion

3 6 1 1.51

79 KGP 302 Periodontics II 3 6 1 1.51

80 KGK 301 Operative Dentistry II 3 6 1 1.51

81 KGA 302 Pediatrics Dentistry II 3 6 2 3.02

82 KGO 301 Orthodontics I 3 6 2 3.02

83 PNG 498 Thesis Proposal 3 6 2 3.02

84 KGI 204 Modul VI/ Non Infectious desease

3 6 2 3.02

85 KGI 305 Skills Lab V/ Case Management of Hard Tissue and Soft Tissue in the Oral Cavity (Anamnesis, Oral Medicine, Periodontics and Dental Radiology Interpretation)

3 6 2 3.02

86 KGB 304 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II

4 7 2 3.02

87 KMA 403

Dental Public health V/ Health Policy Administration and Planning

4 7 1 1.51

88 KGD 401 Oral Medicine II 4 7 2 3.02

89 KGK 302 Operative Dentistry III 4 7 2 3.02

90 KGT 402 Prosthodontics III 4 7 2 3.02

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91 KGO 401 Orthodontics II 4 7 2 3.02

92 KGI 307 Micropracticing 4 7 1 1.51

93 KGI 301 Module 7/ Integrated clinical case management in dentistry

4 7 2 3.02

94 PNG 499 Thesis 4 7 2 3.02

95 KGI 306 Skills Lab VI: Basic Management of minor Surgery (Suturing, Vital Sign Examination, Local Anasthesia, Exodontia, Splinting)

4 7 3 4.53

Sub Total 89 134.48

No Course Code Elective Scientific Skills Year Semester Credit ECTS

96 PNG 491 Basic Research

4 7 2 3.02 97 MNS 406 Management of Dentistry


98 KGI 402 Advanced Clinical Dentistry

Sub Total 2 3.02

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