accent magazine – spring 2012

Nursing & Health Sciences Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Para Jones The Changing Landscape of Higher Education Society & Science ASHLAND UNIVERSITY Accent magazine S P R I N G 2 0 1 2

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Our Spring 2012 alumni magazine.


Page 1: Accent Magazine – Spring 2012

Nursing & Health Sciences

Alumni Spotlight:Dr. Para Jones

The Changing Landscapeof Higher Education

Society and Science

Society & Science

A s h l A n d U n i v e r s i t yAccentmagazine



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2 Accentmagazine

Ashland University was alive with Eagle pride this year as the

women’s basketball team powered through a season unlike

any other in the history of the program. After reeling off 33

consecutive victories – the longest winning streak in the country

for any Division II team – the Eagles advanced to the national

championships in San Antonio, Texas. It was only then that they

were defeated by Shaw University in overtime 88-82. The Eagles

ended the year ranked second in the nation with a 33-2 record.

Head Coach Sue Ramsey received several honors, including the

GLIAC coach of the year and the NCAA Division II national

coach of the year. Several team members were also recognized

for their talent and commitment to the program, including Jenna

Stutzman (guard), Ashley Dorner (guard-forward), Alyssa Miller

(guard) and Kari Daugherty (forward), who was named the

national player of the year and first team All-American.


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Accent Magazine is published for alumni, parents, friends and donors of Ashland University. Compiled by the Marketing Department of Ashland University. Third class postage paid at Ashland, Ohio 44805.

Jan Bond Managing Editor | Director of Marketing

Steve Hannan Associate Editor | Director of Public Relations

Jeff Alix ’01 Contributing Editor Director of Alumni & Parent Relations

Katie Burce Contributing Editor | Marketing Manager

Mike Ruhe Art Direction | Director, Graphic Design Services

Allison Hoover Photography | EagleEye Photography

Jeremy Slagle Photography | Jeremy Slagle Graphic Design

On the CoverStudents strolling in front of Founders Hall.

Ashland University admits students with disabilities and those of any sex, race, age, religion, color and national or ethnic origin.

The future of higher education in America begins today. The freshman class of 2020 is in the third grade of our elementary schools, learning by means and methods freshmen of today never expe-rienced. In fact, the convergence of advancing technology, online learning, instructional delivery, diversity of student population and rising costs are causing many leaders in higher education to shutter at what next year may require, let alone that of the year 2020.

The one size fits all no longer applies to higher education. Students are demanding curriculum that contours to their own desire to learn and pedagogy that moves well beyond the 50-minute lecture. They are demanding more experiential learning opportunities as they thoughtfully engage in be-ing a part of their learning system.

Added to all of this is the expectation of more – more options, more control, more flexibility, more technology and more opportunities. And there is also the expectation of less – less cost, less rules, less requirements, less interference and less restrictions. What does all of this mean for the future of higher education? It means change is necessary and change must come now.

In the fall of 2011, the President and Provost of Ashland University established a forward looking committee called the Committee for our Future. Members were selected from across the campus and from the Board of Trustees. Twenty-one members joined the conversation of the future of learning and the student of 2020. Out of this discussion rose some very important actions related to emerging trends facing the college campuses across America. Subgroups were devel-oped to investigate trends in academic affairs, costs, marketing and recruitment, and the future college student. Research from publications became important topics of conversation. Data col-lection and data comparison with other universities drove home the need for change and change that could come quickly.

Ideas were formulated into action plans and action plans into results. Faculty, administrators and trustees adopted several new initiatives aimed at remodeling higher education at Ashland Univer-sity. A major step was led by the Provost and faculty senate president to accept a minimum gradu-ation requirement of 120 hours, down from the previously required 128.

This was followed quickly by faculty department leaders re-envisioning degree completion by developing three-year degree models that incorporated online summer programs allowing students to still return home and work at summer jobs while at the same time maxi-mizing their time for study. Twelve degree programs were designed and implemented for the fall of 2013. At least eight more are being worked through the system and will be implemented in the fall of 2013. This allows a student to accelerate their education, save money and enter the workforce earlier.

Ashland University has always been an institution which reaches out to all students regardless of income and has traditionally provided scholarships to assist with their education. This year, Ash-land University has increased merit based aid by 17 percent to incoming freshmen. The goal is to attract stronger academically prepared students who will retain at a higher percent-age rate and move forward to graduation. The University currently invests $33 million from opera-tions into student scholarships each year.

The University has also held room and board rates steady for the past three years to help students lower their overall costs for living on campus.

The University launched an accelerated accounting degree program which allows stu-dents to complete bachelor’s and master’s programs in less time than it would for separate degrees.

The University recently announced a 1.1 percent increase in tuition, room and board for the com-ing academic year, the lowest increase on record as an attempt to let parents and students know our commitment to maintain costs amidst a struggling economy.

Many more changes will be required from all of us as we continue to gaze into the future and ask, “Are we ready for the freshman of 2020?”

Dr. Frederick J. Finks

President’s message

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The Ashland Experience

A small university setting that boasts a large comprehensive

university program of offerings.



8 society & science How a course at Ashland

University originated out

of correspondence with a

famous author.

10 Meeting the demands of the Growing healthcare industry An update on the addition of the

Health Sciences to the college,

and an update on the campaign.

12 Alumni spotlight Questions and answers with

Dr. Para Jones, president of

Stark State College.

14 Academic news Wetlands Preserve, Three-Year

Degree Programs, Four-Year

Graduation Guarantee, U.S.

Official Touts AU, Launch of

New Television Station.

18 Athletic news 2011-2012 Athletics Wrap-up.

20 Alumni news Class Notes, Weddings,

Future Eagles and In Memoriam.

30 Founders Forum Ashland University’s guide

for financial planning.

A s h l A n d U n i v e r s i t y




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Iwant to start my commentary by giving you a phrase to ponder as you read this arti-

cle – that phrase is “value added.” Value added refers to the extent that educational experi-ences enhance students’ knowledge, skills and abilities while empowering them as critical, re-flective, life-long learners. This enhancement is primarily a result of their higher education experience that provides opportunities beyond basic competencies expected to be achieved by the student. The value-added concept is an important component of what will be re-quired for colleges to be successful in the fu-ture. Institutions will have to provide assess-able, documented value-added learning and learning experiences, requiring them to be accountable for the “educational experience” they provide students.

For us, the concept of value added describes the “Ashland Experience.” Ashland has a small university setting but boasts a large comprehen-sive university program of offerings. We have more than 70 undergraduate majors taught by 225 full-time faculty members supporting an 80/20 ratio of full-time faculty for undergradu-ate instruction with an average class size of 16. We also enroll more than 3,000 graduate stu-dents studying for their master’s and/or doc-torate degrees. You won’t find that breadth of comprehensiveness at most other private insti-tutions. U.S. News and World Report recognized Ashland University’s strengths by ranking us in the Top 200 National Universities across the country in their latest report.

Our undergraduate and graduate “Ashland Ex-perience” is based primarily on the University Core Value of “Accent on the Individual.” The academic emphasis of this core value is manifested through personal experiential ed-ucation experiences. We translate these per-sonal experiences into University value-added opportunities. I want to start by highlighting the results of our recent University Collegiate

Learning Assessment Analysis (CLA). The CLA national test is fast becoming one of the most prominent assessment tests in the Unit-ed States. The CLA is an online standardized assessment test for undergraduates geared to evaluate general critical thinking skills of students. These skills align with our Uni-versity’s liberal arts core curriculum and the University’s Student Learning Outcomes. Our students’ performance on this test placed us in the 84 percentile in our value added score, which was nearly 20 percent higher than the predicted results.

In the Dauch College of Business & Economics, we have finance and economics majors who are responsible for investing and managing over a million dollars of the University endowment in the Eagle Investment Group. Coincidently, over the past three years in a very volatile market, they have outperformed the University money managers. Additionally, business internships with the J.M. Smucker Company, Edward Jones, Solomon Smith Barney, Wells Fargo in-vestment companies and Worthington Indus-tries are ongoing experiences for students.

The sport management program is consistently awarded internships for students with many of the Ohio professional sport team organizations. Additionally, starting next year the accounting department will be offering an accounting pro-gram that will lead to both an undergraduate degree and a Master of Business Administra-tion Degree (MBA) in accounting, which can be completed in five years. That’s value added.

In the Schar College of Nursing & Health Sci-ences, nursing, exercise science and athletic training students utilize a state-of-the-art hu-man cadaver laboratory for the study of hu-man anatomy and physiology. The College also boasts a nationally accredited dietetics program that, along with the other academic programs, has extensive clinical and research experiences for students as early as the freshman year.

Dr. Frank Pettigrew Provost


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In the College of Arts & Sciences, we have po-litical science majors and minors who relatively recently had a private audience with the presi-dent and first lady of the United States through the Ashbrook Center. These students consis-tently have the opportunity to interact with and discuss political issues with key national political figures.

We have science majors doing nationally rec-ognized undergraduate research in areas of chemistry, physics, geology, biology and toxi-cology. We had students last year who pre-sented their research in Washington, D.C. at the United States Congressional Undergradu-ate Research Day on Capitol Hill. The science programs also boast a large percentage of their graduates being accepted into graduate degree science programs all over the country. Addi-tionally, our undergraduate toxicology program is one of only six undergraduate programs in

the country, providing students on-site research experiences with Ashland-based WIL Research Corporation.

We have performing and visual arts majors who recently traveled all over Europe performing in front of dignitaries and specially selected au-diences, which was highlighted by having our choir being invited to perform in the Salzburg, Austria Music Festival. First-year theater ma-jors also have many opportunities to partici-pate in performances, and visual art students enjoy multiple opportunities to have their work judged and displayed in art shows.

Journalism and digital media majors have the opportunity to produce and perform their own television and radio shows on AUTV Channel 20 and WRDL-FM. Many of these students also complete internships at major networks.

The Dwight Schar College of Education had a recent class of 400 graduates who passed the State of Ohio mandated PRAXIS test at a rate of 100 percent. The College provides oppor-tunities for students to be licensed to teach in over 30 subject matter areas. Additionally, the student teaching internship requirement can

be completed by teaching all over the world. Recently, 10 students completed their student teaching internship in Australia, Taiwan, Bra-zil and South Africa, and we are one of only 15 universities in the country who are members of the Consortium of Overseas Student Teach-ing. In addition, we have approximately 40 students who are doing their student teaching in the states of Florida, Georgia, and North and South Carolina through our nationally recog-nized Southern Exposure Internship Program. The College’s Education Administration pro-gram, which produces a significant number of school principals and superintendents, requires a year-long internship as part of the licensure program. We have a doctoral program in lead-ership that also has an extensive in-the-field mentorship program.

A new value-added component of the curricu-lum for all undergraduate students will be add-

ed to the core curriculum starting fall semester. The global competency requirement will provide students with an opportunity to study language, study abroad or study other cultures that will assist in providing them a better 21st century education. It is an overt effort on our part to help fulfill our University mission of preparing students to live and work in a more global society. This year, we have total of 240 students traveling abroad individually and with faculty, including a group of students in Costa Rica who are involved in an intensive language program.

Ashland University understands that value-added experiences are the impact points a col-lege makes in a student’s education. We want students who enroll at Ashland University to receive a great education, not just job train-ing. We continue to attempt to determine and systematically apply value-added approaches that will impact students. Institutions are being evaluated on the basis of the cumulative value that they add to their students. The “Ashland Experience” is a value added experience.

value Added University Based on the Concept of experiential learning

1. Faculty ratio Undergraduate 80/20 ratio

2. ClA results Core

3. Finance Majors Trading room | University endowment one million dollars | Edward Jones

4. College of education Student teaching all over the country and world | Praxis scores

5. theatre Performances

6. sciences Toxicology | Student Research

7. Political sciences Private setting with the president and first lady

8. Music Choir | Jazz Band

9. Journalism and digital Media Radio | TV | Collegian

10. Business internships Smuckers | Edward Jones | Gold Star

11. sport sciences Athletic Training | Sport Management

12. nursing Human cadaver lab

13. Accounting 3+2 BS and MBA

“ For us, the concept of value added describes the ‘Ashland

experience.’ Ashland has a small university setting but boasts

a large comprehensive university program of offerings.”

– Dr. Frank Pettigrew Provost

Page 8: Accent Magazine – Spring 2012

Recent findings have now revealed that the origin of “Science as a Cultural Force,” a course developed in the 1960s has a direct connection to several prominent writers, including one of the most famous and influential literary figures of the 20th century, C. S. Lewis.

The tumultuous political contexts of the 1960s touched Ashland’s campus in a variety of ways, from a student-faculty march from the campus through downtown, to the cancellation of a Bob Hope comedy show in proximity of the May 4, 1970, Kent State shootings. One can find the cur-ricular equivalent of this unrest in the sorts of questions being raised about the teaching of sci-ences on the campus. Tom VanOsdall, a faculty member in the chemistry department, worried that the science curriculum was too narrow to address many of the important issues of the day. There was too close a parallel between the history of the subjugation of nature and the subjuga-tion of humanity. Science simply had become too one-sided a perspective.

VanOsdall would not rest content with committee deliberations or campus curriculum concerns. He perceived a structural relation between the social and political unrest of the 1960s and the de-humanizing aspects of the teaching of the natural sciences by rote memorization and bru-tal examination converting students into “mere instruments.” All questions could not simply be dissolved into causal laws fixed by nature – ethical, religious and political questions also had

How a Course at Ashland University Originated out of Correspondence with a Famous AuthorDr. William Vaughan, professor, Ashland University Department of Philosophy

The provenance of many courses at Ashland University usually

follows a mundane path; initial sparks of faculty insight are

followed by a litany of unspectacular committee approvals, student

learning outcomes and curriculum deliberations. One course, however,

holds a unique place in Ashland’s core curriculum, and in 2012 will

celebrate 45 years of history on the campus.

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to be asked and answered. In a series of edi-torials published in the Journal of Chemical Education, VanOsdall spells out his vision of the unity of this approach. He intimates that the drug problems of the 1960s were in reac-tion to a soulless modernity in which students were becoming “computer numbers.” The threat of nuclear war had created psychotic conditions in culture against which students were rebelling. As he put it in one article, “science cannot sate the intellectual appetite of those students who want to know what life and people are all about…the scientist himself is incapable of any but the emptiest platitudes when he strays from his own specialty.”

VanOsdall envisioned a unique course team taught by scientists and philosophers that purposefully addressed issues from an in-terdisciplinary perspective. “Only when the humanities and 20th century science work together, only then will the imbalances of each one be corrected and the vigor of each enhanced…Young scientists must be made to realize what has been the philosophy and his-tory of science, what science can do, how far it can lead us, and what it is that makes ‘Sci-ence as a Cultural Force.’”

Dr. Jeff Weidenhamer, trustee’s professor and present chair of the chemistry/geology/phys-ics department, took the course from VanOs-dall in the mid-70s, who served as his advisor. “In the lab, he supervised a series of students in research to identify the anti-fungal compo-nents of black locust wood,” Dr. Weidenham-er recalled. “That was my first exposure to the intriguing chemical defenses of plants that I went on to pursue in my doctoral research. Tom modeled the interdisciplinary life that he sought to engage students with in ‘Science as a Cultural Force.’”

The uniqueness of this interdisciplinary vi-sion has survived to this day, as “Science as a Cultural Force” remains the only course approved in two separate areas of the un-dergraduate core. It remains team-taught by faculty in the chemistry/geology/physics and philosophy departments. The course has ad-dressed issues such as the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the science of

the tobacco wars, evolutionism vs. creation-ism and issues in the philosophy, ethics and politics of science. William Vaughan, chair of the philosophy department, who has taught the course for 15 years, commented on its uniqueness.

“ In an age of academic hyper-special-

ization, students can yet see and hear

two faculty from different fields ad-

dress the same subjects across disci-

plinary lines. Ashland University has

supported the team-teaching concept

for all of these years, and some of the

master-teachers have held court in this

franchise, such as Douglas Chismar

and Jeff Weidenhamer. We have been

seeing more students whose parents

took the course. Just like in the 1960s,

students demand of the professors a

common vocabulary, not recourse to

obscure nomenclature of their fields.

The course requires a fundamental

honesty, of the philosophy faculty to

know a great deal about the history of

science and contemporary relevance

of scientific reasoning, and of the sci-

entists to come out of the laboratories

and articulate the contemporary cul-

tural, spiritual and ethical dimensions

of their work.”

The story does not end here, however. Tom VanOsdall’s only child, Tom Jr., was killed at age 18 in a tragic car accident in May of 1962. It was after this tragedy that Professor

VanOsdall threw himself wholeheartedly into his thoughts about science and the develop-ment of this course. During this pursuit, he corresponded with C.S. Lewis in 1963, just weeks before Lewis’ passing, not only on is-sues pertaining to the spiritual dimension of science teaching, but also regarding intellec-tual parameters of grief since Lewis had pub-lished A Grief Observed detailing his personal struggles after his wife’s passing. In one of the brief letters, Lewis recommends to VanOsdall that he pursue the unique science course, indicating that it is the representation of sci-ence in the popular press that creates the problems. In cooperation with Nancy Davis, a family friend of the VanOsdalls, Dr. Mark Hamilton, an Ashland University Department of Philosophy faculty member, is studying the letters and preparing them for scholarly publication. “VanOsdall fused the spirit of the 1960s with the breadth of Lewis’ philosophi-cal concerns against one-dimensional think-ing in the sciences. One of the great courses on our campus can trace its lineage to one of the greatest Christian writers of the 20th century,” Hamilton said. “To learn that the course was forged in the intersections not only of cultural upheaval, but shared personal grief, is compelling.” These brief letters, some of the very last items Lewis wrote, should be published in journals in coming years.

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10 Accentmagazine

A nyone who drives past the site of the

new nursing facilities in Mansfield,

Ohio, can see that big changes are happening.

New facilities are being built; state-of-the-art

classrooms are in the works. What they might

not see, however, is what lies past the freshly

constructed walls and windows. Changes are

happening not just to the building, but also to

the core of what makes that building part of the

new Ashland University Dwight Schar College

of Nursing & Health Sciences.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis-

tics, 10 of the top 20 fastest growing profes-

sions are in the healthcare industry – an in-

dustry that boasts more than 15 million jobs

today. Reasons for the increased demand for

more healthcare professionals include the ag-

ing baby boomer population and the obesity

epidemic, among others.

In order to meet the demand, Ashland Univer-

sity is making changes to the structure of the

college – changes that will result in producing

more qualified and well-rounded healthcare


“As healthcare is a hot button issue currently,

we feel we are in a position to prepare stu-

dents for careers in areas of need,” explained

Dr. Randall Gearhart, associate professor of

sport sciences and chair of the current sport

sciences department. Dr. Gearhart will be the

chair of the new health sciences department,

which will officially become a part of the new

college at the start of the fall semester of 2012.

“We think it will be of benefit for our students

to be grouped with other students that focus

on healthcare as their chosen profession,”

Gearhart said. “As the need for healthcare

professionals explodes, our administrative

reorganization allows us to align with other

students preparing for careers in health care.

The interdisciplinary education opportunities

that exist down the road will be priceless.”

Faye Grund, interim dean of the Schar Col-

lege of Nursing & Health Sciences (SCONHS),

indicated that interdisciplinary education,

particularly in the health science fields, will

promote collaborative professional relation-


Katie Burce, marketing manager

“ For the past several years, Ashland University has invested heavily

in the form of faculty, laboratories and facilities on this campus,

and we believe this latest academic decision will continue that

trend of moving this University forward.”– Dr. Frank Pettigrew


Page 11: Accent Magazine – Spring 2012

ships in future employment opportunities of


“Educational experiences encouraging inter-

disciplinary study will enhance the students

appreciation and understanding of other pro-

fessionals, lead to exploration of future practice

models, and challenge current norms and val-

ues students associate with other profession-

als,” Grund said.

Ashland University Provost Dr. Frank Pettigrew

said it is through these health-related profes-

sional preparation programs that the University

sees growth and interest occurring for students.

He noted that this interest would continue to

have a significant impact for the University’s

natural sciences programs as well.

“For the past several years, Ashland Univer-

sity has invested heavily in the form of faculty,

laboratories and facilities on this campus, and

we believe this latest academic decision will

continue that trend of moving this University

forward,” Pettigrew said. “It’s the University’s

intention to develop academic programs within

the area of Health Sciences by adding specific

programs that will assist in servicing the grow-

ing needs of the healthcare industry.”

Several academic departments will be restruc-

tured as a result of the University’s expanding

academic involvement in the field of health sci-

ences. “There have already been some changes

in the Health Sciences Department,” Gearhart

said. “We have added a research course re-

quired for all three majors and may change oth-

er requirements once we become more familiar

with the other majors in the college.”

“I think it’s great for the program and the

students,” said Ashland University student

Justin Andrade ’13, who is working toward

his bachelor’s degree in exercise science.

“Bringing the sciences together will broaden

the education students will receive by bring-

ing the faculty closer together and raising the

academic standard.”

Andrade said students in the sport sciences

department are excited about the move to the

College of Nursing & Health Sciences, adding

that they are interested in seeing if it will bring

more hands-on experience that will prepare

them for the future.

Andrade plans on getting his doctorate in

either human physiology or exercise physiology

and then moving into a higher education set-

ting that will allow him to do research involving

treatment and/or prevention of diseases such

as cancer and diabetes. He’s also considering

getting his master’s degree in pre-health and

attending medical school.

“I believe [moving to SCONHS] will make me

more marketable, graduating with a more spe-

cific professional degree. I also believe it will

benefit my education and bring new challenges

to the program,” he said.

Andrade hopes to see the college expand its

programs and create more research opportuni-

ties for students that will allow them to become

more experienced, and therefore more market-

able, upon graduating.

“While Ashland University already has great

classes that prepare for students for the future, I

hope to see the bar raised higher,” he explained.

“Health Sciences is quickly becoming one of

the most competitive fields, and I believe this

change presents an opportunity for Ashland

University students to stand out.”

Academic restructure• The sport sciences department will

be renamed the Ashland University department of health sciences and be administratively reassigned from the Schar College of Education to the Schar College of nursing & Health Sciences. The academic components of the department of health sciences will include:

– the exercise science program, currently housed in the Dwight Schar College of Education.

– the nationally accredited athletic training program, currently housed in the Dwight Schar College of Education.

– the nationally accredited dietetics program, currently housed in the department of family and consumer sciences.

• The sport management program along with the coaching minor, both currently in the department of sport sciences, will administratively move to the Dauch College of Business & Economics as a new department.

• The physical education major and related teacher licensure programs that are currently housed in the sport sciences department will be eliminated.

Dwight Schar College of Nursing & Health Sciences Campaign UpdateAshland University is in the midst of the final stages of the campaign.

To date, 520 individuals, corporations and foundations have given $11.7

million toward the $15.5 million goal. This expression of support is a

true endorsement for the College of Nursing & Health Sciences that

will educate nursing and health science professionals for years to come.

Construction on the Dwight Schar College of Nursing

& Health Sciences building as of March 2012.

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12 Accentmagazine

As president of Stark State College, could you provide an overview of your responsibilities and duties? Also, could you give us a profile of Stark State College?My responsibilities are focused on serving students, businesses and communities in the region by providing excellent educational opportunities that are accessible and affordable and that lead to rewarding careers and/or university transfer.

Stark State College provides excellent educational programs that prepare our graduates for high-growth, high-demand careers in a technologically driven global economy. We provide excellence though our highly qualified faculty who bring both educational and professional credentials to student learning, state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories, leading-edge technology programs and affordable university transfer.

With a fall 2011 official headcount of 15,555 credit and approximately 4,000 noncredit students, Stark State is the largest of Stark County’s five colleges and universities and the sixth largest of Ohio’s 23 public two-year colleges.

ALUMNI sPOtliGht: dr. Para Jones

Dr. Jones is a 1994 MBA alumna from Ashland University and recently became the fourth President

in the 51-year history of Stark State College. Aside from an MBA degree from Ashland University,

Dr. Jones also holds a doctorate in higher education leadership from the University of Nebraska and

a bachelor’s degree from Mount Union College. We interviewed Dr. Jones to get her take on the current

challenges of higher education and what institutions like Ashland University and Stark State College must

do to make college more accessible to future students.

Jeff Alix, director, Office of Alumni & Parent Relations

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What do you enjoy most about working in higher education and in your current position?

What I enjoy most about working in higher education is the op-portunity to work with the smart, talented and hardworking people who are our students, faculty and staff. I also enjoy knowing that the work we do every day in our classrooms and laboratories trans-forms lives. What could be more important than that?

What I enjoy most about Stark State is that our College provides excellence, effectiveness and efficiency in higher education by pro-viding technology programs that are in demand in today’s economy, as well as affordable university transfer. I also enjoy the diversity of our students, who represent all ages, demographics and socioeco-nomics. Our College is a microcosm of the community we serve.

Serving as Stark State’s president is an honor and privilege because of our College’s key role in education and economic development. What first attracted me 25 years ago, when I came to Stark State from a career in business, continues to attract me today: the direct connection to business that technology education provides. Stark State’s mission and values align perfectly with my personal values and belief that education is the path to prosperity for all people, re-gardless of age, ethnicity and/or socioeconomic background. Edu-cation is the great equalizer. To quote George Washington Carver, “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”

How has higher education changed over the last 10 years and what do you see as the biggest challenges facing it?

I believe the biggest change in higher education over the past 10 years is the growth of online education. People of all ages increas-ingly use the Internet for formal and informal learning. I believe the biggest challenge facing higher education is providing access to all students and making sure that our students are successful. Our students are diverse in age and backgrounds, but they share the common goal of education that leads to rewarding careers, financial stability and a better future for themselves and their families.

What are your thoughts on addressing those challenges?

I believe that by focusing on our mission of affordable, accessible, quality education, we can overcome the challenges that many of our students face. By expanding and strengthening our partner-ships with K-12 education and universities, Stark State can provide the critical link from high school to baccalaureate degrees and beyond. Currently, we provide dual-enrollment programs to high school students in several counties, which enable them to earn col-lege credit and get a head start on their associate and/or bachelor degrees. We project continued growth in those programs. Our rela-tively new Associate of Arts (AA) and Association of Science (AS) degree programs continue to grow and focus on specific baccalau-reate programs, including STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines. We are developing educational outreach to veterans, active-duty military, reservists and National Guard as another strategy to provide access and success to diverse students.

In your opinion, what do you see as the differences and similarities between a four-year college or university and a two-year community college?

Two- and four-year institutions are both different and similar. Let me begin with the similarities. We are similar in that we both have regional accreditation; in our region, The Higher Learning Com-mission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools accredits the majority of our public and private colleges and universities. HLC accreditation helps to facilitate the transfer of coursework and credits that is important to student access and suc-cess. As a result of university transfer programs, we are similar in terms of the students who begin their education at Stark State and other two-year colleges, then transfer. I experienced this as an ad-junct professor of marketing in Ashland University’s MBA program. Many of my students were Stark State graduates with baccalaure-ates who continued on for the MBA. In fact, Stark State’s dean of engineering technology was one of my MBA students at Ashland.

In terms of the differences, Stark State and other two-year colleges serve more diverse students in terms of age, ethnicity and socio-economic background. Our technology-focused associate degrees prepare graduates for immediate employment in high-growth, high-demand health, engineering technology, business and infor-mation technology careers. We also provide certificate programs that prepare individuals for employment in three months to one year. Our tuition is much lower than four-year college/university tuition, which is important to the students we serve. Stark State and other two-year colleges provide credit and noncredit programs to help local businesses retain a technically proficient workforce.

What was your experience like receiving your MBA from Ashland University and did it help prepare you for your career?

I had an excellent experience as a student in Ashland’s MBA program. As a graduate and adjunct professor in Ashland’s MBA program, I can attest to the program’s excellence, convenience and accessibility. I was a full-time professional, wife and mother of twin toddler sons when I earned my MBA at Ashland’s convenient Massillon site, which offered evening and weekend classes.

I earned my undergraduate degree in English, Spanish and com-munications as a traditional undergraduate at the University of Mount Union. I enjoyed and continue to value that excellent liberal arts education. With my goal of educational leadership, the MBA I earned at Ashland was the ideal educational bridge between my undergraduate liberal arts degree and my doctrate in higher education leadership. Executive-level courses in economics, ac-counting, management, operations, organizational leadership, etc. complimented my liberal arts education and work experiences in higher education and business and prepared me for professional advancement. The MBA education strengthens my leadership and decision-making skills as a college president.

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Plans for Ashland University to build an Environmental Studies Center at the Black Fork Wetlands Preserve lo-cated along U.S. 42 near the Ashland County-Richland County line received a big boost on April 12. The Craw-ford-Richland Central Labor Council of the AFL-CIO formally pledged $106,000 to complete Phase II of the Environmental Studies Center project, which is the con-struction of a “green” education center at the site.

The total cost of Phase II construction is $136,000, and the AFL-CIO money raised from its constituents combined with a $30,000 commitment from the Sisler-McFawn Foundation of Akron, Ohio, will complete fun-draising for this phase. The April 12 announcement of the AFL-CIO pledge was made by Ron Davis, president of the Crawford-Richland Central Labor Council, who was joined by Bill Mellick, assistant director of devel-

opment, academics, at Ashland University; and Bridg-et McDaniel, director of the Richland Community Development Group.

“The center will be a unique educational facility to fur-ther science education and the research of wetlands in the north central Ohio region,” Mellick said. “Once com-pleted, the environmental studies center will be available for educational outings and research by Ashland Univer-sity students, other college students, high school, middle school and elementary school students and other com-munity organizations.”

The construction of an Environmental Studies Center at the Black Fork Wetlands Preserve, which is expected to be completed in the fall of 2012, has been a dream of sci-ence faculty at Ashland University for many years.

AshlAnd University environmentAl stUdies Center At WEtlAnDs PrEsErvE GEts Boost

Dr. Patty Saunders, associate professor of

biology, introduces the ecosystem services

and biodiversity of wetlands to two groups

of students: Eighth grade Kettering Scholars

with Becky Durdle, Ashland Middle School,

and undergraduates in a 300-level AU Ecol-

ogy class. After introductions, mixed teams

of students went into the wetlands to sample

for as many kinds of organisms as they could

find, especially those that they thought a fish

might eat.

Photo credit: Dr. Soren Brauner.

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dr. Perry Corbin recipient of AU’s 2012 taylor Excellence in teaching Award

dr. Perry Corbin is the recipient of Ash-land University’s 2012 taylor excellence in teaching Award. Provost dr. Frank Petti-grew presented the award at the Academ-ic honors Convocation on sunday, April 15, in the Jack and deb Miller Chapel.

the award, first presented in 1997, was en-dowed by former Jeromesville residents the late edward and louaine taylor as a way of supporting high quality teaching at Ashland University.

An associate professor of chemistry, Corbin joined the Ashland University facul-ty in 2001. he received his bachelor of sci-ence degree in chemistry from Kentucky Wesleyan College, a Ph.d. in chemistry with a specialization in organic chemistry from the University of illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and he carried out post-doc-toral research at the University of virginia.

At Ashland University, dr. Corbin teaches a variety of courses and works with un-dergraduate students on research proj-ects. his research areas include organic and macromolecular synthesis as well as supramolecular chemistry. Corbin and his students currently are involved in the chemical synthesis and study of polymers that have potential use in biomedical ap-plications.

Starting this fall, Ashland University will begin offering a number of three-year degree programs, enabling some students to enter the workforce or pursue a graduate degree more quickly than they would with the traditional four-year degree.

Ashland University President Dr. Fred Finks said Ashland’s faculty and staff have spent the past year developing this program in response to student and family financial concerns. “We have lis-tened to people’s concerns about higher education and we believe this new program will help students earn a quality education in less time and for less money,” Finks said. “With this three-year degree option, students could earn an undergraduate degree in three years or six semesters, instead of four years, and save close to $34,000—the amount of one year’s tuition and fees.”

Ashland University has introduced a “Four-Year Graduation Guarantee” to help keep college cost predictable for families. This guarantee enables students to earn their degree in four years, or have the university pay for up to one year of the additional tuition for the extra time it takes them to complete their program of study.

“College is one of the most significant investments a family will make and we believe we can help make this more affordable and predictable for families through this guarantee,” said Dr. Frank Pet-tigrew, Provost at Ashland University. “Most students don’t anticipate staying in college for more than four years, but in reality there are a number of circumstances that can delay graduation. This plan provides the security for students and a commitment from the University that they will com-plete their degree in four years of study or go tuition free. It serves as the students’ security plan.”

This guarantee – one of the first of its kind in Ohio and across the nation – will start with the 2012 incoming freshman class. Pettigrew said the program offers serious, goal-oriented incom-ing freshmen assurance that they can complete their baccalaureate degree programs without incurring costs for tuition after four years (eight semesters) of study. Programs listed at:

Three-Year degree Programs Established

Ashland University Institutes ‘Four-Year Graduation Guarantee’

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The U.S. Under Secretary of Education dr. Martha Kanter visited the Ashland University campus on Feb. 29 to recognize the University for its recent efforts to make college more affordable. Dr. Kanter gave the key-note address at a town hall meeting on “College Afford-ability and Quality” and also held a news conference in which she noted that the U.S. Department of Education selected Ashland University as the location of her Town Hall meeting because of the University’s recent develop-ment of programs in response to student and family fi-nancial concerns. During the news conference, Dr. Kant-er outlined these recent Ashland University programs and actions, which included:

• Reducing the number of credit hours needed to earn a bachelor’s degree from 128 to 120.

• Instituting a three-year degree program that will allow students to earn a quality private education in less time and for less money.

• Establishing a four-year graduation guarantee program that will help keep college costs predictable for families.

• Approving a more than 17 percent increase in merit-based scholarship awards for incoming freshmen in 2012-13.

• Launching an accelerated accounting degree program that allows students to complete bachelor’s and mas-ter’s programs in less time.

• Approving a total of 1.1 percent increase in tuition, room and board fees for the coming academic year, the lowest increase on record in school history.

During her keynote address, Dr. Kanter said Ashland University has set an example for colleges nationwide to follow. “You can look at any number of things that have happened here at this university and say, ‘This is an is-land of excellence.’ I want a country of excellence. That’s what we need,” she said.

She said her goal is to find and replicate ideas for improv-ing college access, affordability, quality and completion. “The ideas really don’t come from Washington. They come from places like this and partnerships with all of the entities I’ve talked about,” she said. Those entities include students, faculty, administrators, businesses and government.

U.s. offiCiAl toUts AshlAnd University efforts to mAke HIGHER EDUCAtION MORE AFFORDABlE

U.S. Under Secretary of Education Dr. Martha

Kanter makes a point during the question-

and-answer session following her keynote

address at the Town Hall meeting on the

Ashland University campus Feb. 29. Provost

Dr. Frank Pettigrew, at left, moderated the

session. Dr. Kanter was on campus to

recognize Ashland University for its recent

efforts to make college more affordable.

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The Ashland University Journalism & Digital Me-dia Department has been transformed in the past two years and the department’s work is showcased on a new 24-7 television station on the Armstrong Cable system.

The department launched AU TV-20, which is Channel 20 on the Armstrong Cable system, in Janu-ary. The new channel is located between C-Span and CNN.

“It is a win-win situation for this institution because we are reconnecting with the community through this channel and it will be an outlet to show the community what we do here in the journalism and digital media department,” said Tim McCarty, interim director of the department. “Armstrong saw that Ashland was under-served in terms of local programming and that is why they are excited to partner with us on this project.”

McCarty said the new station focuses on academics, the arts and athletics in the community, including

campus events and area high school and college ath-letic events.

“The majority of the programming comes out of the University but we will cover some appropriate com-munity events also,” he said. “We want to be a source of Ashland University information and news as well as community information and news.”

When the produced programming is not airing, Mc-Carty said the station features a “Community Mes-sage Board” listing community events and other news items. “This will allow those in the community an op-portunity to publicize their events, which is not avail-able to local people at this time,” he said.

Those in the community wanting to list events on the “Community Message Board” can send event informa-tion to [email protected].

Dr. Dawn Weber, dean of the College of Arts and Sci-ences, said she is excited about the new partnership with Armstrong.

“In 2010 we created the department of journalism & digital media with a goal of creating a converged media department to prepare students to succeed in today’s media industry. Partnering with Armstrong Cable to create and launch Channel 20 is a critical part of achieving our goal,” she said. “I’m very excited to see our students, faculty and staff creating a variety of programming that focuses on community and campus events. As our enrollment increases, Channel 20 will increasingly become a key source in delivering news and entertainment to the Ashland community.”

For years the University has operated local program-ming on Channel 2 on the Armstrong Cable system, however the programming has been limited because the department did not have the ability to automate the playback.

“With the new technology and the equipment we have now, we have the ability to produce programming and automate the playback, which will allow for a regular broadcast schedule and programming 24 hours a day. That is the evolution of the old TV-2,” McCarty said. “And both the JDM department and the College un-derstand that Armstrong’s commitment to give us real estate in the form of a new channel is the most impor-tant thing of all.”

Ashland University launches new television Station on Armstrong Cable

“ With the new technology and the equipment we have now, we

have the ability to produce programming and automate the

playback, which will allow for a regular broadcast schedule

and programming 24 hours a day.”

– tim McCarty interim director of Journalism and Digital Media

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I AM AN EAGLE.For years, the Ashland University athletics program has been regard-ed as one of the top, all-around programs in the nation. that was the case again in 2011-12. At the conclusion of the winter sports season, AU ranked third in the nation in the Learfield Directors’ Cup national all-sports standings. that’s the highest ranking in the school history.

During the winter sports season, the women’s basketball team advanced to the NCAA Division II national championship game in San Antonio. this marked the first time in school history the Eagles reached that point. AU ended the year ranked second in the nation with a 33-2 record. At one point the Eagles won 33 consecutive games, which was the longest win-ning streak in the country for any NCAA Division II team. Sue Ramsey was named the national coach of the year and forward Kari Daugherty was the recognized as the national player of the year.

the men’s basketball team boasted one of the top players in the country in junior Evan Yates. He was named a second team All-American. He is the first Ashland player to receive All-America honors in 20 years. He led the region in scoring, rebounding and double-doubles.

the wrestling team had four wrestlers earn All-America honors. Heavy-weight Jacob Southwick was an All-American for the second straight year. the Eagles were 13th at the national championship meet. As a team, the Eagles had the sixth highest grade point average in the nation.

the AU women’s swimming team was seventh at nationals. that’s the third consecutive year the AU women finished among the nation’s top seven teams. Junior Julie Widmann won a national championship in the 100 backstroke. this was the third consecutive year the AU women brought home a national title. the AU men were 16th at nationals.

the track and field teams are annually listed among the nation’s best. At the 2012 indoor national championships, Ryan Loughney won his second consecutive national championship in the weight throw. He was named the 2011-12 NCAA Division II men’s field athlete of the year. He’s the fifth AU thrower to receive that award. Ashland had 20 student-athletes com-

2011-2012 Athletics WrAp-up

Jacob southwick

Kari Daugherty

evan Yates

Julie Widmann

ryan loughney

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August 30 INDIANAPOLIS 7:00 p.m.

September 8 WAYNE STATE 7:00 p.m.

September 15 at Ferris State 7:00 p.m.

September 22 at Northern Michigan 2:00 p.m.

September 29 LAKE ERIE 7:00 p.m. (Family Weekend)

October 6 at Ohio Dominican 1:00 p.m.

October 13 WALSH 1:00 p.m. (Homecoming)

October 20 at Malone 7:00 p.m.

October 27 FINDLAY 1:00 p.m.

November 3 at Tiffin 1:30 p.m.

November 10 NOTRE DAME 1:00 p.m. (Senior Day)

Home Games in BOLD CAPS


I AM AN EAGLE.peting at nationals. the AU men had 14 participants at nationals, which was the largest contingent in the country. the Eagle men were seventh and the women were 12th.

During the fall season, both AU cross country teams advanced to na-tionals. the women’s soccer team reached the GLIAC championship game. In football, the Eagles enjoyed a last-second, 20-17 win at home against Wayne State, which came to town ranked sixth in the country. Kicker-punter Gregg Berkshire was named a first team All-American. the women’s volleyball team advanced to the semifinals of the GLIAC tournament.

the spring sports season is off to a rousing start. the softball team was ranked third in the region and on pace for a fourth consecutive trip to the NCAA playoffs. the Eagles won 30 or more games for the fourth consecutive year and had 20 or more conference wins for the fourth straight season.

the baseball team was regionally ranked and locked in a battle for first place in the GLIAC. Both track and field teams were nationally ranked and the men’s and women’s golf teams were in position to earn berths in the NCAA playoffs. In 2011 the women’s golf team reached the NCAA Championships for the first time in school history.

For updates on AU athletics year-round, go to

2011-2012 Athletics WrAp-up

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Ruth (Smith ’43) Adamescu served as Grand Marshall of the 2011 Veterans Day Parade in Mansfield.

Gertrude (Boardman ’45) Kerner is happy to be in Ashland. She has four children and one granddaughter (Erin Dziak), who are alumni of Ashland University. She and her husband, William, have eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Jan (Schwab ’46) Brown has 12 great-grandchildren, nine of which live 20 minutes from her.

Dorothy “Dottie” (Hire ’47) Stott is a retired art professor/volunteer teaching “Art Fundamentals” classes/library at Atlantic Shores Retirement Living.

Ruth (Cubbage ’50) Casto volunteers at Children’s Hospital, is a volunteer ombudsman for Area Agency on Aging, and volunteers at church.

Lucinda (Rickett ’52) Strine recently wrote and self-published a colorful book of memories gleaned from growing up on the family farm. The book is titled “Life is Great if You Don’t Weaken.” Strine also wrote and published a book in 2003 entitled “History of Paint Township Mt. Eaton.”

David W. Drumm ’53 started a new career doing commercials as an actor/model. His wife Merilyn passed away in Aug. 2010. They were married for 53 years and four months.

Edwin Boardman ’58 and his wife, Elizabeth, are enjoying life at Sun City Vistoso, north of Tucson, Ariz. He turned 75 on Aug. 13, 2011.

Jack Purtell ’58 is happy to announce that his granddaughter, Kenzle Purtell, daughter of Jack Jr. and Laurel Purtell, was crowned the 2011 Homecoming Queen at Reynoldsburg High School. Her sister, Kelsey, was crowned queen in 2009. Jack Jr. was the Ohio Girls Basketball Coach of the Year in 2009.

James Imel ’59 and his wife, MaryLou, have been married for 59 years.

Don Rinehart ’59 retired in 2007 and has traveled to Peru, Argentina, Antarctica, Chile, Germany, Greece and Turkey in 2007-2008. Since 2008 he has been teaching two sessions of “Exploring the Bible.”

James F. Stineman ’59 retired from MOESC in June 2009.

Millard Mackall ’59 and Liz celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 17, 2011.

James Fisher ’59 and his wife, Anita, have three daughters: Beth Ann, Tricia, and Nicole. They spend the winters at their home in Arizona.

Elizabeth (Loewer ’60) Mackall and her husband, Millard, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 17, 2011. “We’ve been very blessed in our life together.”

Richard E. Herold ’60 recently celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary and has become a grandfather twice. He still performs music and magic shows for assisted living and other volunteer programs.

Jack Fendrick ’61 retired from Scott Machining Company, July 1, 2007.

Carol (Dille ’61) Caldwell is a member of DAR, College Woman’s Club and the Greene County Retired Teachers.

Wilber F. Ritzhaupt ’63, ’85 and his wife, Louann, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 17, 2010. Granddaughter Hannah Kochis, was inducted in to the National Honor Society. She is a junior at Madison Comprehensive High School inMansfield, Ohio. Granddaughter Courtney Young, graduated from Ashland University in December 2010. Great-grandson J.J. Osbun, was born on Aug. 5, 2010. Great-grandson Jaden Weenhoff, was born on Nov. 23, 2010.

Nancy (Baughman ’64) Stearns announced her husband Tom has retired from National Electric Carbon after 43 years.

Richard Hyde ’64, ’90 retired in 2008 after 44 years of teaching math, the last 40 at Wellington High School. Dick and his wife, Joyce, love to travel, especially to state capitals. They have visited 39 so far, including Alaska and Hawaii. Dick and Joyce celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary on July 4, 2011. Their oldest grandchild, Jenna Hyde, graduated Summa Cum Laude from Niceville High School, in Niceville, Fla.

William Glass ’65 and his wife, Joann, have been married for 42 years. They have three sons and six grandchildren.

Gertrude (Hassman ’65) Ward is retired as of Feb. 3, 2012, after being an RN for 46 years. She has two grand-children, Emmy, 3 months, and Avery, 3 ½ years.

Paul J. Volkman ’67 recently published a book titled “Off the Wall Favorites” which can be purchased at Barnes & Noble, and

Al Osler ’67 is the superintendent of Tuslaw Local Schools and recently received the 2011 Stark County Schools Lifetime Achievement Award.

Stephanie Smith ’67 is happily retired from a wonderful career helping disabled adults and joyfully living her life in Jesus.

W. William Rittberger ’67 is retired and has two grandsons.

Barbara (Lasky ’68) Homer is happy to announce the birth of her new grandson, Asher, born Feb. 13, 2011.

Sue (Byers ’68) Myers and her husband, Denny, are both retired and just welcomed their seventh grandchild, Mara Kate, on Sept. 22, 2011.

Suzy (Elderkin ’68) Corse is retired and has a grandchild, Madison.

Philip Beekley ’69 was elected as president of the Board of Directors of the South Texas Marksmanship Training Center for 2012.

















class notes’59

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Diane M. (Staley ’70) Bragg retired after 41 years of teaching in Florida and Ohio. Her hobbies include travel and music. “Thank you Ashland for preparing me well for my teaching career.”

Kathy (Kile ’70) DiFranco is retired and the proud grandma of 14 wonderful grandchildren and two more on the way.

William Calhoun ’70 is a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry and a part time adjunct instructor and pastoral counselor.

Gary Smetzer ’70 retired in 2011 from South-Western City Schools as the assistant superintendent. He is enjoying his two grandsons, golfing and spending time in South Carolina.

Marlene (Daviess) Stephenson ’71 and her husband moved from northern Minnesota to Arizona in January. She is a self-employed artist, whose artwork includes watercolors, acrylics and mixed media.

Virginia M. Abelt ’71 retired in March 2011 from the Clark County School District in Las Vegas, Nev. after 39 year as an educator.

Susan (Halter ’71) Schroeder is proud to announce the birth of her granddaughter, Addison Jeanne, on Dec. 21, 2010.

James Ferguson ’71 was elected to the Board of Directors in Seven Lakes West to handle community events.

Randy Bolsinger ’71 trains retired YMCA CEOs to be “executive coaches” then matches them with newly hired YMCA CEOs.

Karen (Darovec ’71) Kvasnok has retired from teaching and is now supervising student teachers at Baldwin Wallace College, is a substitute teacher for long-term periods, and is a first-time grandmother. She enjoyed traveling to Alaska and Utah with her husband of 39 years, Donald.

Linda (Sprague ’72) Pappas would like to announce the birth of her grandson, Caden Zachary, born on Feb. 14, 2011. His parents are Zach and Laurie (Pappas) Kallenbach of Raleigh, N.C.

Bruce Keller ’72 is proud to announce the birth of his granddaughter, Brooklyn Monroe Keller, born Sept. 18, 2011.

Bruce A. Lautzenheiser ’72 was recently named 2011 Stark County Teacher of the Year.

Linda (Bupp ’72) McHenry would like to announce her daughter Elizabeth ’00 has two children, Logan, 3, and Kaitlyn, 1. Her son, Mark, works for The J.M. Smucker Company in Orrville, Ohio.

Dr. Gary Olson ’72 owns a company called and announces impending release of APP version of book for use by individuals and/or use by business to mitigate effects of low back pain.

Deborah Sayre ’74 and her husband, Clyde, are activities directors at First Colony RV Park in San Benito, Texas, for the winter.

William Owen, Jr. ’74 has retired from being a senior probation officer.

Marjorie (Petro ’74) Jester retired after 35 years of teaching the MR/DD.

Janet (Fletcher ’74) Haroff is happy to announce the birth of her second grandchild, Gavin, who was born on July 12, 2011, to her oldest daughter, Holly, and her husband Andrew.

Bob Lees ’74 and wife Janet were married July 27, 1974, and have one son, Donny, born Aug. 1, 1986.

John Horton ’74 is a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and instructed the motor boating merit badge at the 2010 Boy Scouts of America Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill, Va. He received the Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation for this 10-day effort and on April 13, 2011, he received the North Star District Outstanding New Venture Leader recognition signed by the CEO of the Boy Scouts of America.

Barbara (Nelson ’75) Didio retired in 2008 from Pactiv Corp (manufacturer of Hefty Products) as human resource manager of the plant in Temple, Texas. She and her husband, Bob, are now full-time RVers, traveling the country in their motorhome. They continue to spend summers in Glens Falls, N.Y., so they can spend time with their son and his family, including their two grandchildren. They thoroughly enjoy retired life.

Charmianne (Brothers ’75) Woods retired in June after 35 years of teaching. She had been a kindergarten teacher with Brown Local Schools.

Llora Beth LeFevre ’75 is very involved with PTO, Levy Committee, Athletic Sustainability Committee, and is a proud mom to a very active 14-year-old boy.





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Melinda (Robinson ’75) Bigelow is proud to announce the birth of her granddaughter, Ariel Renee, born Sept. 1, 2010. She weighed 5 lbs., and was 17 ¾ inches. Dad is Eric Bigelow.

tom Swope ’75 wrote a book titled “Legacies: Stories from the Second World War.” The book is based on the award-winning radio show.

Ann E. Sauer ’75 returned to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee as a Republican Staff Director.

Dr. Brian Keaton ’76 retired from clinical practice of emergency medicine after 30 years to join the senior management of Akron General Health System as Chief Medical Information Officer.

Eva (Robbins ’76) Burke is a sixth grade teacher in the Norwich City School district in Norwich, N.Y.

Rudy Bowman ’76 has been coaching for 35 years.

Noreen (Hamrock ’78) Wilkins and her husband, Bob, have a daughter in college and a son in high school.

Sharon (Kish ’78, ’85) Hornung recently graduated from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (graduate school of education) with a Master of Arts in Special Education.

Sally (Bernardine ’78) Carle is a pharmacy technician at Giant Eagle and has been married to her husband, Jim, for 23 years.

Doug Hartline ’78 has released four CDs in jazz/folk style.

Robert L. Fletcher ’78 and his wife, Cynthia, are grandparents to their first grandchild, a boy named Fletcher Edward Kaplan, born Dec. 30, 2011. Robert and Cynthia’s daughter, Caitlin, and her husband Jonathan Kaplan are the proud parents.

Joni (Guthrie ’79) Peddicord retired after 32 years of teaching in the River View School District. Her last 15 years were devoted to Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Intervention. Joni and her husband, Randy, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary in December.

Ronald E. Dull ’79 is proud to announce the birth of his grandson, Colton, who as born Dec. 5, 2008, and granddaughter, Alivia, who was born Jan. 26, 2011.

Jodie Dees ’79 announced a website to save the Shawshank Tree called The tree was badly damaged in a windstorm last year.

Bradley Garber ’80 recently relocated from southern California to Sacramento. After 22 years of private law practice he has been hired in-house at Vision Service Plan.

Judy (Heck ’80) Vito announced that her son, Louie, competed on “Dancing With the Stars” in 2009 and then on the 2010 U.S. Olympic Snowboarding team. Her daughter, Lindsay, lives in Los Angeles and is a production assistant for a media company.

Kristine (Middling ’80) Martin is the proud grandparent of two little girls.

Bryan Wittman ’80 was chosen to be a judge in the 123rd Tournament of Roses Parade on Jan. 2, 2012.

Adolph W. Santorine Jr. ’81 announced that his company, Monoceros Ventures LLC, recently funded the production of a movie called “Doughboy,” to be released in spring 2012.

Darrel Board ’81 is married to Billie L. Board.

Deirdre “Dede” (Mason ’81, ’89) Gregory retired July 1, 2011, along with her husband, Tom. They are celebrating their retirement by cruising through the Panama Canal.

Naoya Orime ’83 is living in Tokyo, Japan. He has been on the Rules of Golf committee for the Japan Golf Association for the past five years. He has been appointed as an advisory member for the rules committee at Royal and Ancient, a golf governing body for the world (except Mexico and the United States), based in St. Andrews, Scotland. Finally, he was invited as a rules official (referee) for the British Open Golf Championship for 2011.

Michelle (LeVere ’83) Vectirelis was promoted to the director of human resources for the Beachwood City School District in August 2011.

Mark Slick ’83 completed his Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction in June 2011.

Dr. Jacqueline Hamler ’84 is a counselor at Norwalk Counseling Services.

James Keyhoe ’85 has one grandson, Seth Graham Keyhoe, who is 3 years old.

Mark Hoops’ 86 was inducted in to the Amateur Baseball Hall of Fame as an umpire in June 2010.

timothy Sherman ’86, ’90 is the principal at Newcomerstown High School, which won the 2009 U.S. News and World Report Bronze Award. The school is also in its fifth year as the ODE State Superintendent’s School of Promise.

Michael Sparks ’86 is the District Manager/Blade Sales for ESCO Corporation.

Karin (Esten ’86) Stafford has two sons enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. One leaves for boot camp in May and the other in July.

David Cook ’87 joined Q92 radio in January and was recently added to the Q Morning show.

Christina Lambert ’88 traveled to Shanghai, China, to visit a sister school and learn about the culture.

Joseph R. Blum ’88 retired from his teaching job in 2010 and retired from his second job (nursing) in December 2011 after 39 years in the profession.

Amy Kerr ’89 was promoted to detective with the Medina City Police Department in fall 2010.

Mary S. (Stacklin ’89) Mahley retired from Sage Alternatives for Family & Youth (SAFY) as a caseworker in Richland and Crawford counties. She moved from Bucyrus to Mansfield.

Victoria Donatini ’89 who is currently the General Counsel and Secretary for Crate & Barrel, has been chosen to receive the first “Inspiration Award” from the Coalition of Women’s Initiatives in Law. Vicki is the daughter of Bob Wendling, who taught at Ashland University for many years.

Rusty Hewit ’90 was promoted to program manager for Compensation & Benefits at Caterpillar, Inc. in Peoria, Ill. in April 2011.

Mike Worell ’90 coached the 2011 NCAA Slam Dunk Champion, Jacob Tucker, an NCAA Division III player.














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William Croyle ’91 has written “Angel in the Rubble: The Miraculous Rescue of 9/11’s Last Survivor with Genelle Guzman-McMillan.” The book is to be published Aug. 2, 2011, by Simon & Schuster. His web site is

Scott Rogers ’91 was a guest artist/soloist with the Adrian Symphony Orchestra in Adrian, Mich. Scott performed as Tommy Dorsey.

toni (Wierzba ’91) Majer opened her own interior design business (TM Design Group) and became an independent consultant for Simply Said, LLC.

Angie Adrean ’91 is the principal at Worthington Kilbourne High School in Worthington, Ohio.

Andrew McCray ’91 recently joined the Utica National Insurance Group of New Hartford, N.Y. as the vice president and director of regional underwriting operations. He is based in Matthews, N.C.

Helen Farrington ’92 retired from Mount Gilead Schools in June 2010 after 35 years of teaching.

Dr. Eric Bargerhuff ’93 published his second book titled “The Most Misused Verses in the Bible: Surprising Ways God’s Word is Misunderstood” in January 2012.

Deborah (Fryman ’94) Daniel will complete her principal licensure in the spring.

Dr. Para Jones ’94 was recently named the fourth president of Stark State College. She took over on Feb. 6, 2012.

Brenda (Allen ’95) Keller and husband Tom Keller of Lima celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on July 31, 2011. Brenda is a certified nurse practitioner with Gastro-Intestinal Associates, Inc. in Lima and serves on the Board of Trustees for Heartbeat of Lima. They are active members of Cable Road Christian and Missionary Alliance Church.

Sheri (Arthur ’95) Britt has been selected as one of only 16 teacher ambassadors in the country, and the only in Ohio, for LeapFrog Toys. The Emeryville, Calif. company produces educational toys for school-aged children. Sheri was selected from a highly competitive grant application process. She is also getting her license to be an Orton Gillingham tutor and is a volunteer tutor at The Children’s Dyslexia Center in Maumee, Ohio.

Diane (Sandels ’95) and Christopher Mastramico’s son, Rocco, now 13 months, had a liver transplant on May 12, 2011, and is doing great. “Thank you for all the prayers!”

terry Spencer ’95 was promoted to senior financial planner and analyst with GE Capital.

Sarah (Maritz ’97) Waltjen married Brad Waltjen in February 2009, gave birth to sons Henry in October 2009 and Elliot in January 2011.

Marianne (Holland ’97) Stern is a retired special education teacher, volunteers at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, and is a tutor at Asian Services.

Jennifer (Cheviron ’98, ’03) Michael and her family moved in to a new home that they built in June 2011. She is a first grade teacher with Jackson Local Schools in Massillon, Ohio.

Mary Beth (Hodgson ’99) Pais is a clinical nursing skills/simulation lab coordinator for Georgia State University in Atlanta, Ga.

Nichole (McFadden ’99) Helenthal received second place in PBS Teachers of Innovation, a national contest sponsored by PBS, in June 2011.

Jennifer (Zurakowski ’99) Boggs was promoted from preclinical study monitor, toxicology, to preclinical study manager in February 2012.

Donald Church ’99 announced that his son, Devin, would be attending the University of Illinois on a full-ride football scholarship. His other son, Montrel, will be playing for Morgan State in Baltimore, Md.






Jeffrey Tyler ’96 (left) and Ken Youngman (right) are standing on the 12th

tee at Amen Center on the famed Augusta National Golf Club, home of the

Masters Golf Tournament. This photo was taken at the 2011 Masters Golf

Tournament. Jeff played high school golf at Fairless High school and Ken was

his high school golf coach. Jeff played for Ashland University from 1992-1996

and Ken played for Ashland University from 1967-1971. Ken was also the Head

Men’s golf coach at Ashland University from 2001-2003.




Show your AU PRIDE!Send in photos of you and your family/friends in Ashland swag so we can share the Eagle spirit on AshlandSpace, our Alumni Facebook page

and in the magazine.Email your images to

[email protected] us who is in the photo, what year he/she graduated and where the picture was taken.

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24 Accentmagazine


Erica (Kalb ’99) Jury married Shawn Jury on Nov. 22, 2003. They have two children, Cooper, 5 ½ and Adrienne, 4. They built a house two years ago.

Vanessa (Saccone ’01) Spring is the director of special services for New Philadelphia City Schools.

Elizabeth Hargrove ’01 recently began her second year of teaching at Robert Smalls Middle School in Beaufort, S.C.

Linda Lamson ’01 is the CEO for The Ohio Eastern Star Home and her son, Mike, graduated from the Grand Rapids Theological Seminary with a master’s degree in Divinity in 2011.

Jill (thomson ’02) Pearce is mom to 3-year-old Robert and 1-year-old Lydia.

Dr. Lori Beach ’03 retired from Mount Vernon City Schools after 32 years of teaching, where she has been teacher, principal and district administrator.

Katie (Russell ’03) DiMizio has left Durham Public Schools and is now a stay-at-home mom and loves it.

Sarah Nicklas ’03 adopted her foster daughter, Nicole Nicklas, on Oct. 19, 2011.

K. Clare Kemock ’04 just received her MFA in costume design from Illinois State University.

Mark A. Watkins ’04 is the CFO for Sumner on Ridgewood in Copley, Ohio.

Eniko (Borbely ’04) Balazs is self-employed as a trumpet and piano instructor.

Alan Huntington ’05 graduated from the University of Colorado-Boulder Law School on May 6, 2011 and is now a judicial fellow there.

Steven Lee ’06 was named principal of Crissey Elementary in Springfield Local School District in Holland, Ohio.

Sarah (Moyer ’06) Howard won the 2011 Outstanding New Advisor Certificate of Merit winner from the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

Joanne “Joey” Chandler ’06 finished first place at the Associated Press Society of Ohio 2010 Awards for Best Sports Enterprise, and second place in Best Sports Feature among DII newspapers for work with the Chillicothe Gazette.

Denise (Zwick ’06) Easterling is an entrepreneurship faculty member at Kent State University and received the 2011 College of Business non-tenure track teaching award.

E. Miles Riley ’06 is the vice president of account services at Whitemyer Advertising.

Jessica Hausfeld ’06 received a master of arts in school counseling from Xavier University in August 2011.

James W. Howard ’06 is the 2011-2012 president of the Glen Civic Association in addition to Outdoor Education Community Recreational Council and past Lt. Governor’s Association Ohio District Kiwanis.

William Judge ’06 was recently elected mayor of the city of Barberton. He started in 2012.

Jonathan Long ’07 is a firefighter/paramedic with the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue in Virginia.

Naomi Ruth (Kidney ’07) Kidney-Budd of Marysville has recently been elected president of the Ohio Association Teachers of Family and

Consumer Sciences. She received a Bachelor of Science in Education from The University of Akron and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Ashland University. Ruth is currently employed by Fairbanks Local Schools as a family consumer science educator. She is also a national board certified teacher and a certified personal and family finance educator. She will serve a two-year term.

Kassandra (Cooper ’08) Sweeney is teaching art at Crestline High School.

Adrienne Hatch ’08 graduated in December 2010 from Purdue University with a master’s degree in nutrition. She is currently a dietetic intern at the Mayo Clinic.

Holly Zwolinski ’08 obtained her Master of Social Work from Case Western Reserve University and passed her LISW exam.

Ian Lippert ’08 and Janice McCloskey recently bought a house.

Nicole Sherman ’08, ’10 is a gifted intervention specialist for Olentangy Local Schools.

Josh Hines ’09 was recently hired as the internet marketing coordinator for Global Software Inc. in Raleigh, N.C. In his free time, he does freelance in web design and other internet-related marketing tactics.

Kristi Green ’09 is an eighth grade English teacher at Madison Junior High School.

Derrick J. Shaw ’09 is a math teacher for Midview Local Schools.

Sam Echelberry ’09 is a restaurant manager at Hannagan’s Restaurant & Pub in St. Louis, Mo.

Jennifer Seda ’09 is a graduate student in Walsh University’s Master of Arts in Counseling and Human Development program. She was recently inducted in to the Alpha Mu chapter of Chi Sigma Iota-counseling honorary.

Derek Riedel ’09, ’11 is a credit analyst for Comerica Bank in Los Angeles.

Will Finn ’09 is in his first year of studying anesthesiology to become an anesthesiologist assistant at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He plans to graduate in May 2013 with a Master of Science in Anesthesia.

Hope DeLucia ’10 is a pre-school teacher at Children’s Discovery Center in Raleigh, N.C.

Christa Pore ’10 was hired as a second grade teacher at Guilford Preparatory Academy in Greensboro, N.C.

Jennifer (Keller ’10) Watson is a third grade teacher for Gahanna Schools and is also certified as a master teacher.

Phillip “Ben” tracey ’11 is a graduate assistant in the Office of Development at Ashland University.

Bethany Frisbee ’11 is a full-time graduate student.

Danielle Miller ’11 is a student at Ohio State University.













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AshlandUniversity 25

Carl todhunter ’88 and Sally Davidson were married Nov. 11, 2011.

Stacey Finnegan ’94, ’00 married Jeffrey Wampler May 23, 2009.

Rose Lelakus ’97 married Michael DiGildo Aug. 6, 2011. They moved into their new home on Sept. 1, 2011.

Staci Phelps ’98 married Rodan Reiter Oct. 7, 2011 in Fostoria, Ohio.

Harry Hinch ’98 married Megan Oct. 1, 2011.

traci Speicher ’98, ’04 married Eric Silva June 15, 2011. They had a small, intimate wed-ding while the largest wildfire (Wallow Fire) in Arizona’s his-tory raged on in their backyard.

The newlyweds reside in Springerville, Ariz. where Traci teaches fifth grade.

Kristin Contini ’99 married Robert MacDowell Sept. 10, 2011. They currently reside in Wadsworth with Kristin’s two children, Tyler and Keira.

Angela Johnson ’01 married Brandon Shull June 4, 2011.

tonya Hunt ’01 married Josh Wengerd Dec. 8, 2007.

Lesley Filipow ’02 married Stephen Smith June 18, 2011. They reside in North Royalton, Ohio.

Hattie Bagbey ’03 married Heather Schott Aug. 28, 2010. They live with Heather’s daughter, Tori, in Iowa.

Melissa Kraus ’06 married Jeremy Cooke June 18, 2011, at the Church of Holy Name of Jesus in New York City.

Amie Rice ’06, ’09 and Jonathan Hobson ’06 were married July 9, 2011.

timothy Reed ’06 married Jessica Manacapilli June 4, 2011.

Amy Martin ’06 married Ryan Moran June 25, 2011, in Columbus, Ohio.

Maria Costanzo ’06 married John Young IV April 24, 2010.

Jennifer Rohr ’07 married Aaron Schneider July 9, 2011. She is a special education teacher in Saluda, S.C. and they have a two-year-old son, Owen.

Megan Kuzak ’07 married John Tomlinson Aug. 6, 2011.

Andrew Sevin ’07 married Carrie Feldman June 18, 2011.

Kristen Loughman ’07 married Matt Duncan Dec. 18, 2011.

Sarah Smith ’07 married T.J. Rupp June 10, 2011.

Milca Castillo ’07 married Daniel Piper June 4, 2011.

Amy DeAngelis ’07 married Ross Hall Aug. 27, 2011, at St. Joan of Arc Church in Columbus, Ohio.

Marcus Gordon ’08 and Jessica Boliantz were married Sept. 4, 2010, at the Jack and Deb Miller Chapel on Ashland’s campus.

Melissa Shantz ’08 and Gregory Emmons ’07 were married July 23, 2011, at the Jack and Deb Miller Chapel on Ashland’s campus.

Kara Lanzer ’08 and Dana Banyasz ’08 were married Oct. 29, 2011, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Kimberly Alley ’08 and James Brundage II ’09 were married Sept. 24, 2011.

Heather Wasylink ’08 married Noah Fillian Oct. 1, 2011. Heather was also recently promoted to service manager at Cintas Corp in Portsmith, Va.

Elizabeth O’Brien ’08 and Scott them ’96 were married Feb. 5, 2011.

Lori Bell ’08 married Dr. Christopher Meyer June 11, 2011.

Brittany Piotrowski ’08 married Blake Mackey Sept. 17, 2011. They reside in Lexington, Ky.

Effie Morris ’08 and Mitchell Richardson ’08 are married.

Sarah Koesel ’09 married Benjamin Sargent ’10 May 28, 2011, in Olmsted Falls, Ohio. Ben is the son of Dr. Maria Sargent, an Ashland University professor.

Erica Worley ’09 and Gabe Sanders ’08 were married Oct. 16, 2010.

Lindsy Brader ’09 married Austin “AJ” Pierson Aug. 7, 2010 in Dayton, Ohio.

Jessica Miller ’09 married Jeremy Matz June 23, 2011.

Jessica Smith ’09 and William Fawcett ’09 were married July 24, 2010.

Jennifer Ditlevson ’09 and timothy Ha-glund ’10 were married May 28, 2011, at the Country Club of Ashland. Jennifer plans to gradu-ate with her master’s in English later this year from Baylor University.

Laura Arthur ’10 married Vern Osborne ’10 March 19, 2010, at Grace Brethren Church in Ashland, Ohio.

Kayla Faudree ’10 married Scott Heimann ’09 July 2, 2011, in the Jack and Deb Miller Chapel on Ashland’s campus.

Melissa Schemmel ’10 married Dan Craft May 29, 2011.

Kelly Usher ’10 married Casey Cooke Sept. 10, 2011.

Caitlin Hamilton ’10 and Jason Fleenor ’10 were married Oct. 29, 2011 in Fremont, Ohio.

Ashley Carpenter ’10 mar-ried Lee McRae July 25, 2011, in Ashland. They now reside in England, Lee’s birthplace.

Kathryn Carter ’10 married Andy Keck Sept. 24, 2011.

Sarah Klaameyer ’11 married Ryan Hunt Nov. 1, 2011.

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Future EaglesMary Beth (Ruble ’98) Miller and Jack Miller ’94 announce the birth of their son, Aiden Joseph, on June 1, 2011. He joins brothers and sisters Jakin, 10, Corbin, 8, Annie, 5, and Lauren, 2.

Gretchen (Auker ’98) Dworznik and Ken Dworznik ’98, 00 announce the birth of their daughter, Madeline Danielle, on Sept. 23, 2011. She joins older brother, Riley, 3 ½.

Gina (Chance ’99) Young and Chad Young ’98 announce the birth of their son, Derek Andrew, on Aug. 11, 2011. He joins older brothers, Chase, 6, and Braylon, 3.

Kelly (Rostocil ’99) Rutkowski and Jason an-nounce the birth of their daughter, Ireland Grace Hope, on Dec. 15, 2011.

Mindy (Loveless ’00) Daugherty and Kelly an-nounce the birth of their daughter, Alexandria Kelly, on Dec. 7, 2010.

Sandi (Ziganti ’00) Klassen and Scott an-nounce the birth of their daughter, Aly Michelle, on Nov. 18, 2010. She joins older sister, Olivia, 4.

Richard Davis ’01 and Kristi announce the birth of their daughter, Kennedy Nicole, on April 15, 2011.

Jennifer (Zahn ’01) Moore and Dr. Terrance Moore announce the birth of their twins, David and Mary Helen. They join big brothers, Samuel, 6, and Daniel, 3.

April (Walter ’01) Snyder and Dustin an-nounce the birth of their son, Lane Terrance, on Oct. 29, 2010.

Jill (Potts ’01) Miller and Mike announce the birth of their son, Lucas Grayson, on Dec. 6, 2011, weighing 8 lbs, 13 oz. and measuring 20 ¼ inches.

Jill (Santamaria ’01) Hopkins and todd Hopkins ’01 announce the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Joy, on July 18, 2011, weighing 7 lbs., 15 oz.

and measuring 20 inches. She joins older brother, Shane, 5, and sister, Kaitlyn, 3.

Lisa (Hellman ’01) Gigante and Dax announce the birth of their daughter, Gia, on March 11, 2011. She joins older sister, Ella, 4 ½.

Jody Brown ’91 and Ron announce the birth of their son, Jordan Michael, on Aug. 11, 2011. He joins older sister Chloe, 2.

troy Radinsky ’91 and Lori announce the birth of their son, Ian Sullivan, on Aug. 13, 2011 weighing 7 lbs., 7 oz. He joins brothers and sisters, Nolan, Aidan and Kaelyn.

Joy (Gerlach ’92) Van Horn and Mark an-nounce the birth of their son, Andrew Nathan, on Aug. 24, 2011 weighing 3 lbs., 14 oz. and measuring 16 inches long.

Mary (Kozak ’93) Mendlik and Jason an-nounce the birth of their daughter, Ava Angele, on March 3, 2011.

Susan (Boyd ’95) Wittstock and Scott Witt-stock ’95 announce the birth of their son, Owen, on Jan. 11, 2011. He joins older sister Caroline, 5.

Charity (Elder ’96) Saffell and Christopher announce the birth of their twin daughters, Danika and Jaidan, on July 7, 2010.

Dawn (Krach ’97) Skornicka and Doug an-nounce the birth of their son, Nathaniel David, on May 28, 2011. This is their first child.

Stacie (Lester ’97) Scholl and Daniel an-nounce the birth of their son, William Douglas, on Feb. 13, 2011. He joins older sisters Rebecca, 9, and Kayleen 3 ½.

Erin (Johnson ’97) Shaw and Ross announce the birth of their son, Logan Patrick, on Feb. 17, 2010. He joins older sister Lily.

Maria (Fisher ’97) Coleman and Chris announce the birth of their son, Trey, on April 25, 2011, weighing 8 lbs., 12 oz. and measuring 21 ½ inches. He joins older brother, Tristan, 3 ½.

Larissa (Loboda ’98) Betka and Eric announce the birth of their daughter, Ella Raisa, on Oct. 4, 2010.

Jennifer (Reardon ’98) Jacocks and Clarence III announce the birth of their daughter, Tennley Catherine, on Aug. 19, 2011. She joins older brother, Jalen, 9, and Clarence IV, 2.

Lauren (Sardina ’01) Stover and Andy Sto-ver ’01 announce the birth of their son Zachary Christopher on Oct. 25, 2010 weighing 7 lbs., 14 oz. He joins older brother, Alex, 4.

Heather (Ferstler ’02) Reese and Ray announce the birth of their daughter, Ashlynn Christine, on Feb. 4, 2011 weigh-ing 7 lbs., 11 oz. and measur-ing 21 inches. She joins older brother, Brendan, 4.

Renae (Cole ’02) Warner and Matt Warner ’02 announce the birth of their son, Cole Jay, on Oct. 22, 2011 weighing 5 lbs., 3 oz. and measuring 18 inches.

Megan (Montoni ’02) Dean and Chad Dean ’08 announce the birth of their son, Logan Joseph, on Oct. 27, 2011.

Amy (Fath ’02) Hamilton and Ronald an-nounce the birth of their son, Noah Curtis, on July 10, 2010. He joins older brother, Ethan, 4.

Mollie (Stolly ’03) Johns and Bo announce the birth of their daughter, Ruby Brielle, on June 2, 2011. She joins older sister, Lucy, 2 ½.

Elizabeth (Eberly ’03) Brown and Andrew Brown ’03 announce the birth of their son, Con-nor Thomas, on June 17, 2011 weighing 7 lbs., 8 oz., and measuring 21 ¼ inches.

Jennifer (Noqoczynski ’03) Michaels and Matthew announce the birth of their daughter, Kenley Nicole, on March 21, 2011.

Leslie (tea ’03) Maneff and Andy announce the birth of their daughter, Elliott Elise, on April 5, 2010.

Casie (Leach ’03) Hollis and Greg announce the birth of their daughter, Rory Anne, on July 5, 2011. She joins older sister Allison.

Samantha (Shullick ’03) Zuniga and Carlos announce the birth of their daughter, Lillian, on Nov. 30, 2010. She joins older sister Nicole, and brother, Pierce.

26 Accentmagazine

Page 27: Accent Magazine – Spring 2012

Geralyn (Brugger ’03) Lupfer and Ashley Lupfer ’07 announce the birth of their daughter, Audra Michele, on Dec. 23, 2011 weighing 7 lbs. and measuring 19 ½ inches. She

joins older brothers, Simon, 6, and Nolan, 4.

Gretchen (Moss ’04) Arnold and Nathaniel an-nounce the birth of their son, Colin Patrick, on Sept. 5, 2010. He joins older brothers, Jeremy, 4, and Cody, 2.

Crystal (Burton ’04) Callihan and Rusty an-nounce the birth of their son, Case Matthew, on May 9, 2011. He joins big sister, Kail, 2.

Jennifer (Rinella ’04) Solema and Michael Solema ’05 announce the birth of their daughter, Sydney Anne, on Aug. 25, 2009, weighing 9 lbs., 3 oz. and measuring 21 ¾ inches.

Laura (Cicero ’04) Clark and Dan announce the birth of their son, Noah Jeffrey, on June 29, 2011.

Laura (Vernon ’04) Kruger and A.G. announce the birth of their son, Alfred George “Geo,” on Aug. 16, 2011, weigh-ing 5 lbs., 13 oz. and measuring 18 inches.

Kathleen “Katie” (Lally ’04) Metzger and Matt announce the birth of their daughter, Sienna Ann, on Oct. 20, 2011.

Abigail (Wuthrick ’05) Kash and Ernest III announce the birth of their son, Ernest Alexander “Alex,” on Oct. 12, 2010.

Rose (Kerr ’05) Swartz and Matthew an-nounce the birth of their son, Hezekiah, on May 16, 2011. He joins big brothers, Nehemiah, 4, and Azariah, 2 ½.

Julie (Wentzel ’05) Kearney and Curtis Kearney ’05 announce the birth of their son, Braxton Charles, on June 22, 2011, weighing 10 lbs., 8 oz.

Erika (White ’05) Hatch and Dr. Jacob Hatch ’03 announce the birth of son, Joshua Jacob, on Sept. 20, 2011, weighing 7 lbs., 6 oz. and measuring 20 ½ inches.

Amanda (Greiner ’05) Bartz and David an-nounce the birth of their daughter, Audrey Marie, on Sept. 29, 2011. She joins older brother, Jacob, born March 3, 2010.

toni (tracy ’05) Racy and Jeff announce the birth of their daughter, Zoey Josephine, on Oct 13, 2011.

Phillip Kondas ’05 announces the birth of his daughter, Kathryn Ann, on Aug. 2, 2011.

John Priestas ’05 and Rhiannon (Neubeck ’05) Priestas announce the birth of their son, Wesley John, on Oct. 21, 2011, weighing 8 lbs., 11 oz. and measuring 20 ¾ inches.

Jennifer (Maxson ’06) Draher and Jim Draher ’07 announce the birth of their son, Austin James, on Aug. 29, 2011, weighing 6 lbs., 9.8 oz.

Leigh Ann (Yelling ’06) Zeigler and Luke announce the birth of their son, Parker Timothy, on Dec. 29, 2010.

Katelyn (McBride ’06) Dendinger and Jeremy announce the birth of their daughter, Ava Catherine, on Aug. 4, 2011.

Molly (Martin ’06) Porter and Tim announce the birth of their daughter, Brynlee Lynn, on June 15, 2011.

Danielle (Soemisch ’07) Mixon and Joseph announce the birth of their daughter, Lilian Grace, on Oct. 29, 2010, weighing 5 lbs., 8 oz. and measur-ing 17 ½ inches.

Courtney (Hooley ’07) Broome and Mike announce the birth of their son, Nehe-miah, on May 15, 2011, weighing 8 lbs., 1 oz. and measuring 21 inches.

Janet Black ’07 announces the birth of her son, Bryce, Nov. 2, 2010.

Miranda (Forgac ’07) Port-teus and Thomas announce the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Carrie Vida, on Oct. 31, 2011, weighing 7 lbs., 15 ½ oz. and measuring 20 inches.

Katherine (McCammon ’07) Wilson and Adam Wilson ’06 announce the birth of their son, Landon, on Nov. 28, 2011. Landon joins older sister, Lillian, 2 ½.

Mekenna (Smith ’08) Yohe and Rob announce the birth of their son, Drake Robert, on July 14, 2010.

Sara (Brown ’08) Gilkerson and Timothy an-nounce the birth of their daughter, Hailey Lyn, on March 18, 2011, weighing 7 lbs., 8 oz. and measur-ing 22 ½ inches.

Angela (Widmer ’08) Spade and Scott an-nounce the birth of their son, Cole Alan, on Nov. 6, 2011.

Heather (Whitmer ’09) Raubenolt and Na-than Raubenolt ’05 announce the birth of their daughter, Kailey Lane, on Aug. 1, 2011.

Becky (Annen ’10) Himes and Ray announce the birth of their daughter, Caitlyn, on Aug. 24, 2010.

Kimberly (Hohl ’10) Eaton and Justin Eaton ’10 announce the birth of their daughter, Valerie Marilyn, on Nov. 29, 2010.

Ken Gasser ’10 and Brenda announce the birth of their daughter, Allison Mim, on Aug. 16, 2011. Allison joins big sister Jenna.

Jennifer (Matthews ’98, 04) Grissinger and Heath announce the birth of their daughter, Anna Michelle, on May 19, 2011. She joins older brother, Alex, 5.

Maryann (Schwarz ’02, ’08) Kline and Anthony announce the birth of their son, Karsten Garver, on May 18, 2011, weighing 6 lbs., 1 oz. and measuring 18.75 inches.

Lori (Stutz ’05, ’09) and Dustin Ness ’04 announce the birth of their daughter, Elli Nicole, on July 31, 2011, weigh-ing 7 lbs., 1 oz. and measuring 19 inches.

Michelle Kubitz ’06, ’12 and Kevin announce the birth of their daughter Peyton Michelle on Sept. 9, 2010, weighing 8 lbs., 12 oz. She joins older sisters Riley, 5 ½, and Morgan, 4.

Are your children enrolled in the Legacy Program?the offices of Alumni & Parent Relations and Admission wish to have a lifelong relationship with your family. We look forward to congratulating them on exciting milestones in their lives. Legacies are recognized at birth and again on their fifth, 12th, 16th and 17th birthdays.

to enroll your children, step-children or grandchildren in the Legacy Program, please visit and click on “Legacy Program for Kids.”

Page 28: Accent Magazine – Spring 2012


28 Accentmagazine

Lavonne (Maust) Beeson April 28, 2010

Evelyn (Vanasdal ’28) Noah January 26, 2005

Noel Shaffer ’30 November 5, 2011

Vesta (Gaverick ’30) Gledhill October 1, 2006

Louise E. Williams ’31 December 24, 2007

Lorena Callahan ’32 July 1, 2011

Paul Simmons ’32 May 1984

Lucille (Wimmer ’32) Whitney April 3, 2008

Helen (Bush ’33) Brown September 20, 2010

Mary Frances Kendig ’34 September 18, 2010

Bertha (Gwinner ’35) Morrill January 1, 1975

Loyal R. Stone ’36 August 27, 2011

Lt. Col. Eugene J. Beckley ’37, ’42 June 5, 2011

Lois D. (Deardorff ’37) Legg January 1, 2012

Hildreth (Stauffer ’37) Schwan January 17, 2012

Allene B. Payton ’39 March 18, 2011

Phyllis Fetzer-Facciuto ’39 July 15, 2011

Ruth Varga ’39 November 7, 2011

Clara E. Bosko ’41 M June 11, 2011

Margaret Kisling Elliott ’41 November 3, 2011

Marilyn (Carpenter ’41) Richcreek October 9, 2011

Hazel (Kurtz ’41) Grisso March 7, 2012

Dwight R. Stoffer ’42 August 10, 2010

Wilma K. (Stauffer ’43) Rich October 19, 2000

Carlyle Ulery ’44 December 4, 2011

Leland F. Brubaker ’45 November 26, 2011

Harry Gasker ’47 May 25, 2008

Richard Levitt ’47 January 19, 2006

Janet L. Greene ’48 May 23, 2010

Dr. Ruth M. Kantzer ’48 November 1, 2011

Virginia Levitt ’48 November 24, 2004

Gilbert Barrick ’49 September 8, 2011

Kathleen (Bachelder ’50) Marett December 20, 2011

John Camp ’50 July 31, 2011

Iona (Stoffer ’50) Stiffler July 16, 2011

Richard R. Kerr ’51 January 5, 2012

Everett “Lou” Markle ’52 August 16, 2011

Dolores (thomas ’52) Keplinger December 31, 2011

Stanford R. Amstutz ’53 December 11, 2011

Dr. Donald A. Buckeye ’53 September 2, 2011

Beverly (Hunt ’53) Haran February 3, 2012

Lorainne Stumbaugh ’54 November 3, 2010

Richard J. Pinkley ’54 May 18, 2011

Charles J. Sherman ’54 February 15, 2010

Robert P. Yoxtheimer ’55 May 20, 2011

Dorothy (Russell ’55) Crawford May 22, 2005

Donald Stutz ’55 November 14, 2011

thomas E. Austen ’55 December 25, 2011

Jack Bischof ’56 July 19, 2011

Nancy (twitchell ’57) Swihart May 25, 2011

Don Gamertsfelder ’57 December 25, 2010

Harry Parker ’59 April 15, 2010

James t. Engel ’59 July 22, 2010

Mary Dalrymple ’60 February 9, 2011

Beverly J. Summey ’60 September 1, 2011

Louise (Milloy ’61) Moore April 2, 2010

Frances L. (Stone ’61) Crunkilton January 13, 2012

Judith (Morris ’62) Lane June 29, 2011

Robert Pickling ’62 September 19, 2011

David W. Bender ’63 June 23, 2011

Sanford “Sandy” Smith ’63 April 15, 2010

Mary Loretta Michel ’64 May 21, 2010

Jack L. Cover ’64 July 12, 2007

Nancy J. (Neff ’65) Bell September 2, 2011

James O. Eisinger ’65 September 28, 2011

Samuel W. Jacobs ’65 October 15, 2011

InMemoriam And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings, bear you on the breath of dawn,make you to shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of His hand.

–refrain from On Eagle’s Wings by Michael Jonacs

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And He will raise you up on eagle’s wings, bear you on the breath of dawn,make you to shine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of His hand.

–refrain from On Eagle’s Wings by Michael Jonacs

Linda S. (Steiner ’65) Dotson November 15, 2011

Richard P. Caraway ’65 November 13, 2010

David A. Dickson ’66 June 27, 2011

Carl A. Robbins, Jr. ’66 August 24, 2011

Gary L. Wachtel ’67 June 25, 2010

Charles Knight ’67 November 3, 2011

James W. Wantuck ’67 December 21, 2011

Linda E. Decker ’68, ’81 August 25, 2011

David L. Burdick ’68 March 2, 2006

Dr. Ronald L. Dawe ’68 February 18, 2012

Mary Ann (Benes ’68) Sluhan February 25, 2012

Margaret (Campbell ’69) Anfang July 14, 2011

Robert Sweet ’69 August 16, 2011

Karen (Hanlon ’70) Miller July 12, 2011

Bruce Arnesen ’70 October 13, 2011

Cheryl Jane Arnett ’71 M July 17, 2010

Gary Krueger ’71 May 4, 2008

Richard McBride ’71 April 26, 2011

Richard “Ric” Walsh ’72 June 27, 2011

Bradley J. McCoy ’72 October 19, 2011

Stephen Shull ’72 January 8, 2012

Alan R. tinkey ’73 July 17, 2011

Pamela (White ’73) Pace October 18, 2011

Martha Coburn ’74 December 20, 2007

Patricia A. Grogan ’75 December 22, 2007

Mark Hendy ’76 September 12, 2011

Marjorie J. (Smith ’76) Wolfe October 6, 2011

Raymond C. Beck ’76 December 1, 2011

Vicki Bross ’79 November 18, 2011

Marie (Eilenfeld ’79) Pealer November 4, 2011

Brian S. Beck ’79 December 5, 2011

Rev. Sherman Kirshner ’81 June 4, 2011

Jeffrey D. Obrecht ’81 June 26, 2011

Charles Rettinger ’81 March 9, 2011

Debra A. Bernard ’82 October 28, 2011

Jocelyn (Hadsell ’84) Koozer August 22, 2011

thomas Pringle ’84 August 31, 2011

Allan W. Bevere ’87 June 2, 2011

Gary Reece ’87 July 26, 2010

Steve Ruge ’87 March 4, 2012

John D. Barker ’88 December 21, 2011

Mary E. (Meunier ’88) Moll October 10, 2011

thomas G. turner ’88 September 26, 2011

Carolyn L. (Rickey ’88) Newman November 16, 2011

Carol Ann Germond ’89 May 16, 2010

Bart Ward ’92 August 1, 2010

Sharon D. Parsons ’92 December 27, 2011

Nancy Whitney ’94 July 11, 2011

James thomas II ’94 November 5, 2010

Raymond E. Kinney ’94 December 11, 2011

Coralynn Lootens ’95 February 6, 2012

Kathleen Staker ’96 June 6, 2009

Linda Lee (McGraw ’97) Barber February 1, 2011

Charles B. Bender ’99 October 5, 2011

Bernice Parker ’01 August 15, 2010

Peter Zimmerman ’01 February 8, 2012

Veronica L. Maloy ’06 December 14, 2011

Jennifer A. (Laferty ’06) Smith August 15, 2011

James E. Biggs ’06 October 5, 2011

M = MedCentral College of nursing graduate

AshlandUniversity 29

Page 30: Accent Magazine – Spring 2012

CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY Reliably Good News More of Us Could Use

CHARITABLE REMAINDER UNITRUST Making Certainty from UncertaintyAs the economy has churned and turned the last couple of years, the one thing almost all of us have wished for is more predictability and reliability. Fortunately, there is something we can do to manage our assets to gain greater control while also achieving some signifi-cant tax savings. The charitable remainder

unitrust is the solution. When we create a unitrust, the ups and downs and ins and outs of the stock market don’t seem to matter as much anymore.

A skilled attorney working with your finan-cial advisor can help you create a charitable remainder trust. Because it is formed accord-

The economy is in the news like never before. Following the ups, downs, twists and turns can make one dizzy. As gas prices rise and CD rates hover near record lows, talk at the local coffee shop and grocery store doesn’t paint an optimistic picture. However, if those are the only places we look and the only places we listen, then we have missed opportunities. Even when the news gives us its worst we can respond with our best.

One thing you will never hear about in the news, or probably won’t be discussed at the local beauty salon, is a charitable gift annuity. However, it should be. For those who have one, they cannot wait to tell you about them. People who have gift annuities love them and often have more than one.

A charitable gift annuity is a contract be-tween a charitable organization like Ashland University and a donor like you. With a gift annuity you give a sum of money to our or-ganization, and in return you receive fixed payments each year for life. The rates never change after funding.

Gift annuities can be arranged to suit your particular needs. You can fund them for one

or two people, such as you and your spouse. You can also delay the first payment to re-ceive an even higher payment rate. No mat-ter what variety of gift annuity is best for you, you will receive income tax savings and pay-ments for life. There are even capital gains benefits if you fund it by transferring stock to our organization. Contact us and learn how you can be one of those who have stability and predictability in a world that doesn’t al-ways know what those terms mean.

Legacy iNews It only takes an e-mail address to check us out. Or, if you do not have or use e-mail, you may ask for a printed copy to be sent to you. Simply contact our of-fice. You will receive quarterly updates that we hope meet you where you are. We are targeting articles that we believe may be relative to issues you face and send them quarterly, on a rotating basis by age group. If you are uncertain we have your correct e-mail address, please let us know.

Have you “mined” our website for all

its treasures?

Possibly the best way to get started

would be to “click” on “Planned Giving”

on the left hand side of the site. you may

also enjoy some of the stories of Ash-

land’s generous donors, located under

“Meet our Donors” in the left hand col-

umn. Please take time to look us up and

tell us what you think.

Page 31: Accent Magazine – Spring 2012

We all wish we could do more. No matter how young or how old we are, there is sim-ply not enough time to do all we want to do. Surprisingly, one of the most common say-ings from retirees is, “I am busier than ever…I don’t know how I had time to do everything while I was working.” With so many compet-ing demands, how do we prioritize?

One thing we all should have time for is to talk with our attorney about a will. The cost of not having a will is simply too high. With-out one, our loved ones, friends and cher-ished causes are left to try to figure out our intentions. When we die without a will, the state will determine what was important to us, and do the best it can to divide our pos-sessions. The results are not always what we intended. The cost, both in money and heart-ache, is often high.

When we take a moment to draft a will with an attorney, our loved ones, friends and chari-table organizations have a clear picture of our legacy. The difference we made in our lives can continue long after we are here.

While the cost of an attorney drafting your will is surprisingly low, the emotional sat-isfaction that comes with it is reassuringly high. For an even greater feeling of accom-plishment, include an organization like Ash-land University in your plans. You can in-clude a gift of a specific asset, a specific dollar amount, or a percentage of your estate. Call or email us so we can help you. It’s a great thing you’ll appreciate today, and many more will be grateful to you tomorrow.

WILLS AND BEQUESTS When a Little Goes a Long Way

CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY Reliably Good News More of Us Could Use

Matthew harris Director,

Legacy Estate Programs

[email protected]


eric schimmoeller Associate Director,

Legacy Estate Programs

[email protected]


Amy Clark Assistant Director,

Legacy Estate Programs

[email protected]


ing to your wishes and instructions, it works to fulfill your goals and directions (within certain constraints). When you create the unitrust, the trust absorbs market turbulence. Fluctua-tions become less of an immediate concern.

While the details of the trust are left to the ex-perts, the mechanics are fairly easy to under-stand. You transfer an asset (usually stock) to a trust. During the life of the trust it pays in-come to you or to those whom you designate. The trust lasts for a lifetime or for a term of years. At the end of that term, any assets left in the trust go to Ashland University. Because

the remainder goes to a charitable organiza-tion, you receive an income tax deduction for a portion of the funding amount when you fund the trust.

When you transfer assets to the trust, you avoid capital gains on the sale of your assets. You also establish the payment rate (within certain parameters), which is a percentage of the trust’s assets each year. There are many variations on the unitrust, which allow you, for example, to establish a fixed payment rate, or to transfer assets – such as a farm, timber or other real property – to the trust.

While we cannot draft the trust for you, we can work with you and help illustrate the many variations and benefits of a unitrust that would work for you. We can give your advisors a detailed illustration that will help them de-sign a trust to achieve your goals. When you establish the trust, you will enjoy all the tax and income benefits that come with it. Each day you can live knowing that, no matter what else happens, your trust will always be a tes-tament and reflection of your legacy and the difference you made today and forever. Call to learn more about charitable giving.

Page 32: Accent Magazine – Spring 2012

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