access control week 1

Access Control Week 1 (pages 1-80) Jem Jensen

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StaridLabs CISSP Study slides for week 1


Page 1: Access control Week 1

Access Control

Week 1 (pages 1-80)

Jem Jensen

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Access Control - Only authorized users, programs, and systems are allowed to access resources

Not surprisingly, the process for defining access control is:1. Define Resources2. Define Users3. Specify Access between users and resources

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"Joining the CIA"

Confidentiality - Is it secret?Integrity - Is it safe?Availability - Does Sauron have it?

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Stances1. Allow-By-Default

1. Easy to set up, hard to secure2. Deny-By-Default

1. Easy to secure, hard to set up

Defence in Depth• Layer different access control styles• Every layer reduced the chance that a single attacker will

find a hole through all of the layers


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Separation Of Duties

Separation of Duties - 2 keys to launch the nuke!Process/Concerns:• Element identity, importance and criticality

• Identify areas at risk/prone to abuse• Add an "approval" step

• Operational considerations• Efficiency

• Cost vs. Risk• User skill/availability• Must be enough personnel

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Least Privilege

Only give enough access for users to perform their jobs

Need to know• Simple way to implement least privilege• Only share information with a user if they "need" it

Compartmentalization• Isolate groups from each other so information doesn't get


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Security Domain

Set up a hierarchy of access

PC user accounts example:1. Guest2. User3. Power user4. Admin

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Information Classification

Different security levels for different information

Benefits:• Establish ownership of info• Reduce waste• Focus resources on the highest risk• Easier to find areas which are lacking• Can quickly reveal info's worth• Easier to raises awareness• Easier to train/retrain staff

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Information Classification

The Process:1. Determine Objectives

1. This is a process, not a project! It will be ongoing forever

2. Defining objectives on each iteration helps you keep track of the work and celebrate the victories along the way

2. Establish Organizational Support1. Get buy-in on the objectives from management2. If they can't see the cost-to-benefit they may not you

work3. Develop Info Class Policy & Procedures

1. Requirements, scope, purpose, definitions

(Mostly high-level up to this point)

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Information Classification

4. Process Flows1. Document the process, flow charts

5. Tools1. Make sure everyone is speaking the same language

6. Identify Application Owners1. Custodians of data. They can help identify stakeholders

7. Identify Info Owners1. They know the data, decide who can access data

8. Distribute templates1. Info owners fill them out to identify the data they


(Mid-level up to this point)

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Information Classification

9. Classify Info1. Is it public? Internal only? Confidential? Restricted?

10.Develop Auditing1. Perform this process again on new data2. Do "spot" checks (check track, locked screens)

11.Load Classification Info Into A Repository1. Allows analysis

12.Train1. What classifications mean, importance, scenarios

13.Review and Update1. Improve quality, keep the process ongoing

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Use your classification system

Create silos if it's easier:• Mark all backup tapes as "confidential" instead of

separating out the confidential data to it's own tapes

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Access Control Requirements

1. Reliability2. Transparency3. Scalability4. Integrity5. Maintainability6. Auditability7. Authentication Data Security

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Access Control Types & Cats

2 Methods of defining Access Controls1. By Type

1. What the control itself is doing2. By Category

1. Who is implementing the control -or-2. How the control is used

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Access Control Categories

Categories1. Administrative

1. Management-style controls like firing people, holding employee reviews, performing trainings

2. Technical/Logical1. Electronic controls like enforcing passwords, badges,

logging3. Physical

1. Locks, gates, guards, etc

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Administrative Controls

• Policies And Procedures• Personnel Evaluation/Clearance• Security Policies• Monitoring• User Access Management• Privilege Management

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Logical Controls

• Network Access• Remote Access• System Access• Application Access• Malware Control• Cryptography

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Physical Controls

Are apparently self-explanatory since the book skipped them :P

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Next week:

Pages 81 - 148