access testimonials - updated sept

Testimonials Manifestation Self Healing Body & Health Makeover Inside Out with MTVSS Therapy (Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System) This energy healing therapy benefits ALL especially those with cancer, diabetes, weight issues, all other health and emotional problems

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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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Manifestation Self Healing

Body & Health Makeover Inside Out with

MTVSS Therapy (Molecular Terminal Valence Sloughing System)

This energy healing therapy benefits ALL especially those with cancer, diabetes, weight issues, all other health and emotional problems

Manifestation Self Healing


I attended the session with my 16 year old daughter. I was going through some very difficult

moments in my life and was always depressed and felt hopeless. Decided to give this session a try

and was really amazed on how I felt throughout the session, The coaching, the counselling and

learning the Bars was really eye opening. I feel I’m more aware of what I want and what I need to do

to have a better life. Life is good…. My daughter learnt the ways to manifest her goals for her studies

and she is more confident, less stressed and a happy teenager… I only wished I had attended this

program before. It changed my life. I’m amazed at the new me. My family and friends have

commented that they have not seen me this happy and contented… I highly recommend it to anyone

who wants a change in their life… When we change, our surroundings change…. All of life comes to

me with ease, joy and glory.

Thank you so much for all you do. That is from the bottom of my heart. I had my Bars run in early

June and attended the class thereafter. I am recovering from a head injury due to a car accident. I

have been unable to work as a result for the past 2 years. This amazing class has assisted with the

emotional and psychological upset, trauma, depression and frustration. It has been a challenging

time for me. This workshop has lessened my pain – both physically and emotionally. I am certain the

last 1 month would have been a much darker time for me had I not discovered this workshop. My

heartfelt thank you to Juliana. It has truly made such a difference in my life.

Before I found Access, I had what looked like a great life, but I was not really enjoying it. I was doing

my best to please everyone who I had decided was important in my life, but I always felt like

something was missing. I always knew that so much more was possible. I just was not sure how to

“access” it? As soon as I began using the tools of Access which was taught in this workshop, issues

and problems that had been recurring for years – simply disappeared! I immediately began having

greater freedom in all areas of my life. My body even changed dynamically! Now, there is so much

more joy in my life – literally. How does it get any better than that?

Through this workshop, I discovered Access Consciousness. Access has enabled me to change my

life completely. I almost cannot remember who I was before I came to this workshop, but know that

the empowerment I have received through it is enabling me to choose my life, my money, every day

for me, and because I now actually LIKE me. I find my relationships with others are so much more

expansive, vast and fun. One session and it changed my life. How does it get any better than this?

After attending 2 bars session and subsequently the workshop, my whole life has changed. It has

transformed from something good into something extraordinary! I have always known that I was a

little different and I always knew there was more to life than what I was living. The greatest gift by

far I have received from Access is the gift of ME. Access has given me the tools to claim, own and

acknowledge the uniqueness of ME and the greatness of ME. The Access saying, ‘”Be you and

change the world,” for me could not be more true or more valuable. And the difference is Access

gives you the tools to empower you to do it your way, to find the truth for you and what works for

you and your life, not somebody else’s! Now, for the first time in my life I am willing to be me, to

find out who me is and to show up as me no matter what it takes and no matter how it looks. I am

incredibly grateful to Juliana for conducting this workshop

We were visiting friends in Singapore and heard about the bars session from our friend who was

organizing a session for a few friends. Juliana was the Bar Therapist and what an amazing session it

was. The first time we had our bars run, we knew our lives would never be the same after we got off

the therapy table. After that first bars session, we finally had the courage to change everything in our

lives that was not working for us and in our relationship. We had been trying for a baby for over 3

years with no success. Since she was having a workshop the following weekend, we decided to

attend the workshop so that we can practice and apply all the tools into our daily lives. A month

after the workshop, not only our relationship improved and so did many other things in our lives.

The best par, we discovered we were expecting our first child… How could it get better than this?

Wow, what a truly amazing experience!!!!!!! Since I was 15, I have never danced or moved around

with such fluidity and ease. My joints felt more flexible than they have been in years! What else is

possible? How does it get any better? Incredible class, thank you so much for helping me get over the

fear of dancing crazily in front of anyone and truly being myself. What would it be like to take a

singing/vocal class and be able to sing in front of groups of people? This time with joy, I highly

recommend for aspiring actors, dancers, get in tune with your body, eradicate stage-

fright, or even just for shy people who wish to build some confidence in themselves. Thank you

again, I have so much gratitude for you and what you are doing.

As a Director in a company at the forefront of innovative business and leadership strategies, I found

the workshop and Access Bar session very effective for controlling stress and improving

communication, awareness, problem solving, focus and productivity. The increased calmness after

the Access Bar session enables me to sustain a certain "flow", where crisis and calamity don't bother

me as much. A highly recommended workshop for everyone….

Before Access, I spent my life in a constant state of panic about money, regardless of how much I had.

I had an impressive job, but I was not enjoying it at all. After attending the workshop and a private

coaching session when Juliana commented “Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are”. I was shocked

initially but understood later that what she said was true. I had been offered many business

opportunities and I turned it down because it was not how I was expecting money to come to me. I

started actually using the tools of Access and applying them to ALL areas of my life - not just money.

Everything in my life changed. I quit the job I did not enjoy and I started my own business -

something I had always wanted to do. I no longer panic about money … or anything else. More

money is flowing into my life now. My whole life is much easier and more joyful! How does it get

even better than this?

If you would like to create expansion in ANY area of your life...including money, attend this

workshop! It is life changing! One of things I realized was that I was not asking for the greatness of

me to show up. When I started asking for this, all kinds of things started to shift. Now, each day is

filled with much more joy and gratitude for me. Every day is a celebration and I'm creating more and

more money from my network marketing business. How does it get any better than this?

Before I came to this workshop and began using the tools it offers, I was very judgmental of myself -

both in what I thought was wrong with me and needed improving or fixing and in what I thought I

had right and all figured out already. Basically I was totally tied up in knots with all of the opposing

points of view I had about myself and stiff with the judgment I wielded against myself like a weapon.

I didn't even realize the extent of how much judgment ruled me and my life and every choice I made.

I couldn't see how I was limiting myself at every turn by always judging me as right or wrong in

every aspect of my life.

Now I get up in the morning and I truly like who I see in the mirror. I look beautiful to me. I have a

sense of peace and calm inside that I never had before. I know that the greatness of me as an infinite

being is real and I am actually experiencing it on a daily basis. The limit to what I felt was possible for

me, the diminishment, the smallness, has vanished. I do not feel limited in any area of my life. It is

not that everything is suddenly perfect - it took a while to get here. I just know now, I have a choice

of how I see me and my life and that I can change anything. It is as easy as asking a question. How

does it get any better than this?

I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you again for the wonderful therapy session as well as

the workshop which was truly worth the investment... I'm feeling changes that I can't quite put my

finger on... A sense of peace and harmony. Less negative emotions (frustration, anger, jealousy, self-

criticism), and a constant hum of positive white noise (very difficult to put into words!) . Also, having

suffered from severe body dysmorphia, and having physical hang ups for 13 years, I have never felt

particularly confident about the reflection I see in the mirror. Much to my surprise, those insecurities

seem to be falling away. I smile when I see myself. Any of my friends and family will tell you that's a

first. I know it's early stages, and I may continue to see a progression/change over time, but I really

feel as though I am suddenly living better. Making better decisions, feeling calmer and more in

control, less overwhelmed... You'll probably be hearing from a couple of my friends & neighbours

soon - they could see the change in me and were very interested! Thank you again, I feel like I'm at

the start of something

I attended the Bars therapy and the subsequent workshop from recommendation by a trusted friend.

I found myself on the verge of a very exciting time in my life having finally completed a Masters

degree but was stuck under a pile of permanent negative thoughts which were limiting my

future. Like with most things I expected an instant result, of course this was not the case - how could

it be?. Within the week after the initial therapy and workshop, I felt lighter in my soul with an eye on

the future but without expectations, I noticed that people around me were changing too. Especially

my daughter who at nearly 3 years old still has not spoken more than three words. She has become

more interactive with other people and is now constantly jibber jabbering. My husband has also

grown with me. I would recommend this workshop to anyone. If it can change your life, isn’t it

worth it??

I had an Access bars therapy session and my 12 year old daughter who very reluctantly had one

too! I noticed very quickly that my life was changing in so many ways. I was very caught up in

controlling and sorting everyone and everything. I am a therapist and healer myself, and have

studied and offered and experienced lots of different therapies. I have never found anything so

powerful before. Access consciousness has shifted more ‘stuff’ than I would have thought possible,

and most of it I didn’t even realise was there.

It is truly amazing how everyone and everything else in my life is different. I was hating the part

time job I had to do because of my circumstances but I was frustrated with it because I really wanted

to do more of the therapy work but hadn’t managed to make it a full time income. So going to my job

every day was really impacting my energy and life because I just did not want to be there. In fact it

had made me ‘sick’ and I was signed off work for three weeks, but amazingly when I went back to

work, I was seeing the whole situation very differently and everything just flowed in a way that I

didn’t even recognise it as my job!

My daughter has changed unbelievably too! She was really difficult, argumentative, clingy, over

emotional, manipulative, whiny etc. etc. I literally couldn’t move or try to do anything for myself

without her demanding my attention. I was getting to the point where I didn’t even want to be

around her, which made me feel so bad - it was a big mess.

And I was the therapist, so why couldn’t I sort my own family? But the most

amazing thing is that my adult son has changed, my husband has changed, even my dogs have

changed, so what isn’t possible?

I have also seen an astounding change in a friend’s autistic child – my friend attended the workshop

and started doing the therapy on her autistic child. I saw her after two days and I was amazed at the

difference in her, and she is improving all the time. At last I have found something which

does what it says!!! I recommend you try this for yourself and your family. Don’t waste any more

time, your life can change too.

Juliana and her Bars/Access Consciousness sessions are a revelation. Juliana uses these stunning new

treatment processes to strip out the mental and emotional baggage we carry around in our daily lives

- facilitating the clearing of blockages we never even knew we had.

All one has to do is lie there and receive while the process unfolds. After each session I felt a greater

clarity of mind, release of negative energy, and a greater sense of alignment within my body. I would

thoroughly recommend Bars and Access Consciousness to anyone.

Juliana did a wonderful job facilitating the Access Consciousness Workshop. She covered everything

in great detail so we had a good understanding of how Access Consciousness Bars clearing works to

delete our old programs and limiting beliefs. I loved the training, not only did I learn all about Access

Consciousness, but I also received two Bars sessions and gave two Bars sessions during the training -

it was an amazing day. I highly recommend you take any training Juliana offers, she does an

outstanding job and you will be very happy you did.

“I think my mind is blank!”

(Michael had been through some recent, traumatic events and I ran his bars for 15 minutes.)

“Mom! I’m so happy! If you want me to be this happy every day, you need to run my bars every


(Reetu is ADHD & dyslexic and struggles with depression. She made the above comment the

morning after she got her bars run for the first time by her mum)

“I want more! I feel so much better!”

"I have a date tonight and a job interview on Monday!"

(A single mother, struggling with the direction her life was taking, three days after her first Bars


“Bedtimes used to be so difficult … Last night, my 5 year old son (autism spectrum) begged me to run

his bars, and, he fell asleep within 5 minutes.”

“Sometimes, when my son (diagnosed with ADHD) wakes up, I can just tell he’s probably going to

have a tough day at school. On those mornings, I’ve started to ask him if he would like me to run his

bars, and, on the days he says yes, and I do, he has awesomely good days.”

“It makes my body so, so happy! It makes my body giggle!”

(After having her bars run regularly by her mom)

I have Type 2 diabetes and I decided to get my bars run after coming across Juliana’s advert. 1

checked my blood sugar level before and immediate after the session... without any insulin injection,

the blood sugar level dropped.... It’s amazing

"Before the Access Bars session, I felt my life is not worthy of living. Being divorced and unhappy

with my career added to my frustrations. After having my bars run a few times, it brought more joy

in my life. I got a new job, and I started a happy relationship. What else is possible? Thank you,


I am now able to do well in my studies and in sports – soccer. I’m more focussed and always able to

reach whatever goals I set. To do the bars is so easy and I always feel happy and relaxed after

running the bars. Thank you Aunty Julie for a great session.

I had been failing my Maths & Science and my parents have been putting me through all sorts of

classes but I still fail. After attending the workshop 3 months before my exam, I actually scored 60 for

my Maths and 58 for my Science. Such an amazement since I have never passed these subjects

before!!. My teachers and parents were very impressed and I am very impressed. I have to thank my

mum for insisting that I attend this workshop. It’s like learning magic! I am more confident that I can

do well in my PSLE exams and all other exams in the future… Thank you Aunty Julie.

It was a fun workshop and I learned a lot of new techniques that I can use to improve my grade as

well as getting rid of my bad habits. I feel happy and relaxed when I run my bars and do the

manifestation. It is so easy. I wish I learnt it earlier… I can now focus on my studies and also do well

in music class and ballet. Just like Aunty Julie said “Ask and you shall receive”. That simple!! Thank

you so very much Aunty Julie.

It was really fun at the workshop and I learned how I can improve my grades. School always makes

me stress but now I am happy to go to school and am more relaxed. I just love doing the Tunnels of

Time & Space – it’s like magic! I’m so excited about my life now. I am more confident that I can get

through my PSLE with breeze. Thank you mummy for enrolling me for the workshop and thank you

Aunty Julie for the tips. I just love it!!

I have been struggling with my network marketing business for 5 years trying to make extra income.

It’s tough finding customers and also face quite a lot of rejections. After attending the Mastering The

Art of Manifestation program. I’m a transformed person. I am more positive and somehow I manage

to attract new customers and also close deals. The techniques are simple and very effective. I am

more confident and always feel light and good about myself. Thank you for the wonderful program.

The program content caught my attention and being in the Network Marketing business which

requires a lot of motivation, affirmations, good people’s skills etc, I decided to give it try. Found it to

be so informative and useful that I got my entire team to attend the workshop! Glad to say that my

overall business had improved tremendously with every member performing exceptionally well.

Thanks Juliana. This will now be a program for all my new downlines!!

Found this program to be an eye-opener and learnt the difference between mantra and affirmation.

It’s so easy to follow yet very effective. My sales has improved tremendously and my prospects are

more open to joining my business. All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory…

I have been depressed for over 10 years and was on anti-depressant medications. Nothing much

changed and I hated my life. I was miserable and my family was miserable because of me. All that

changed after I met Julie who encouraged me to give myself a second chance and introduced Bars

therapy. After attending 2 sessions, I felt a lot better and saw the difference – something that

medications did not give me!. I signed up for a package of 10 sessions. Went for my sessions on

alternate days..

After completing 10 sessions, I am taking charge of my life like never before… feeling alive, feeling

connected, feeling complete, feeling full of love for everybody and feeling like a child who wants to

explore her power…

I can handle situations with great ease… I am a new person now altogether who was there deep

inside me… who I have never allowed to express freely…

Being in touch with you has given me an opportunity to feel a new quality of energy helping me to

grow into a beautiful person.

Thanks to the Almighty… and thanks to you Julie for your insight into my problems and giving me a

new lease of life…

After attending the Access Bars Certification course, I am able to offer my services to my clients who

come in for their facials and treatments. Each time when I do facials, I also run their bars. They all

commented that they feel so refreshed, rejuvenated and light hearted. It’s like they came in with a

heavy load and walked out without carrying any load!! What else is possible? How can it get better

than that?

Decided to give this class a try as I could relate the contents of the program to my practice. This is the

best decision I have made. I am able to help my clients more effectively and offer Bars therapy as

well especially when dealing with children and teenagers. I sincerely encourage all parents to take up

this course as it would make parenting especially handling modern day parenting with great ease &

joy. I can’t find the words to describe how effective the Access tools can be – you need to try it to

experience the magic…. Thanks Juliana for the sharing the program and constant follow-ups and


I was curious and impressed with Juliana sharing on Access Consciousness when I met her in a

Networking session. After attending the Certification program, I felt that it complements my

profession and am able to connect more easily with my clients. I make it a point to run Bars on my

clients after each session and I can see the difference and positive changes in them. Keep it up Juliana

for the great work!

Chloe, Malaysia

I organised a session for a group of parents here in JB and got Juliana to come down for the

workshop. I have attended many parenting talks, seminars, etc but this was the most easiest and

practical of all – not to mention effective. Parenting is more joyful and less stressful nowadays

especially when you take away the limitations, expectations and judgments. The kids are much

happier too Great program and I highly recommend that all parents attend this – the minute

you’re expecting your first baby, go for the program!!

Qixin, Malaysia

I attended the program in JB with a group of friends, and it was an amazing program for parents as

well as couples. Family life is more harmonious and blissful now and I can also coach my kids in a

more positive manner. Thank you for a magnificent program.

Trisha, Malaysia

Great program. My entire family benefitted after going through this workshop. My kids too are

doing much better in school and our relationship has also improved – less nagging, more

encouragement, more positiveness… I love it… I wish I knew about this program years ago…

Malaika, Malaysia

My friend recommended this workshop to me since I am expecting my first child. Her exact words to

me “This is God sent. We always wished a child could come with a manual. So here it is! “Indeed, a

great program. My entire perception of how I wanted to parent my child changed. The program is

also beneficial for couples and how to improve relationships. My husband and I run the bars on each

other every night and I can really feel the changes in us and in our relationship. I’m more relaxed,

complain less and have just become an easier person to live with My husband has been

recommending this program to his guy friends!! A great program indeed. Thanks Juliana for an

amazing workshop.

Judith, Singapore

I’d like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation/gratitude to Juliana. She

truly is a gifted/talented/blessed individual. A few months ago I was going through some

difficult personal matters. I was in a terribly confusing part of my life. My body literally was

not connected to this planet. I was extremely frightened and felt hopeless. I knew Juliana

had the gift of Bars Healing. I trusted her opinion & guidance and the appointment was

scheduled. Juliana’s Bars Healing, on that given day, literally changed my life. It was a

spiritual cleansing that definitely transpired. Unbelievable results! I felt totally free of

fear/stress/negative emotions. Juliana demonstrates intuition/insight/healing as a Bars

Facilitator. I acknowledge her accomplishments and recognize her fantastic ability to impact

people’s lives. She certainly changed mine!

I highly recommend Juliana’s Bars Healing Services / Access Therapy. She has an intuitive

skill for healing. Her positive attitude & willingness to help others is “impeccable”. I

guarantee, you will be totally satisfied with the Bars Healing results.

I give you unconditional love/blessings. Thanks for being you!


Mdm Viji, Singapore

I have been suffering from arthritis, diabetes, and hypertension for many years and been taking tons

of medication. My daughter came across the advertisement for the MTVSS therapy and asked me to

try it out. The first session was very relaxing and I felt the energy moving within my body. I felt so

much better after the first session and decided to sign up for the weekly package. After 12 sessions, I

no longer have arthritis and my diabetes and hypertension is under control. At least for now, it’s

much lesser medications and I truly believe that I will recover fully. Thank you Juliana for a

wonderful, caring service. You are truly a gem of a person..

C.K. Ng, Singapore

I went for the MTVSS Therapy after I had injured my knee cap during a soccer match. After 5

sessions I no longer felt the pain and the swelling has disappeared too. Am back playing soccer

again! Thanks for the most relaxing & painless therapy.

Kasthuri, Singapore

My mom was diagnosed with Stage 2A breast cancer. Although she was going for medical treatment,

the chances of the cancer spreading worries her. After a friend’s recommendation, she underwent the

MTVSS Therapy with Juliana. She has signed up for 20 sessions and has completed 10 sessions and is

recovering very well and is always in high spirits.

Mrs MK, Singapore

My husband & I have been trying to conceive for many years and tried all kinds of treatments

including IVF but with no success. I have been suffering from Endometriosis for many years. We are

so pleased that after completing 12 sessions each, we are now expecting our first baby due in Feb

2016. There are no words to describe our joy and we are so thankful to Juliana for the care, concern

and dedicated service. God bless you and your work dear Juliana…

Melissa, Singapore

We have been married for 4 years and been trying to conceive for 3 years +. Been to countless doctors

and was put on hormone tablets and treatments, etc. Neither my husband nor I seem to have any

infertility issues but we just can’t seem to conceive. A friend of mine informed me about the MTVSS

therapy and since she knows Juliana personally, I decided to give it a try. I did about 5 sessions of

MTVSS and also learned the Access Bar methods from one of Juliana’s workshop. Both these

therapies came in handy. I’m expecting now and will be due in January 2016. Coincidence? I believe

in miracles! God has answered my prayers through his angel called Juliana… I am so, so grateful…

Satya, Singapore

My 10 year old daughter has been suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) for many years and

it breaks my heart to see her suffering, constantly in and out of hospitals. I prayed for miracles all

these years but sadly her suffering continued. One day my friend forwarded me an advertisement on

the MTVSS Therapy. I called Juliana and asked her will this help? She said “the body has the ability

to heal itself”. Have faith!” I told my daughter about it and she said that she is willing to try

anything and does not want to suffer anymore… She has completed 6 sessions so far and her

condition has improved drastically. Her blood pressure has been stable since the first treatment. She

has more energy now and she says that she feels like a normal kid again. It’s been 3 months now

since she started the treatment and there has been no emergency visits to hospitals till todate.. God

works his miracles in mysterious ways… Thank you Juliana

Mdm Choo, Singapore

I am 80 years old now. I get around pretty well, but I have my limitations. I fell more than a year ago

and fractured my leg below the knee and my knee cap. It took 6 months before I could walk with

some pain and a limp. It took a year to walk steadily. Two months ago, I tripped again and landed on

my knees and luckily didn't break anything, but scraped myself up badly, and I couldn't bend my

knees. I walked with stiffness. I was in my son’s car and I also hurt my shoulder when I tried to pull

my seatbelt over my body. I was in alot of pain. Juliana is a friend on my grand-daughter and she

arranged for the session although I was very sceptical. Over night, after having a bars session and

MTVSS Therapy session, I was able to step up on the stool to reach for my sweaters in the closet, and

my knees stopped aching. I felt much better after that session.

Sharon, Singapore

After receiving the MTVSS Therapy, my anxiety eased. The relief in my body was immediate and

allowed me to be more present. I began to sleep without medication. After each session, I slept well

and had more energy in the day. I would get so much more done in a day. The mood swings, heart

palpations and acid reflux eased as well. Prior to my cancer surgery I would have intense PMS. Now

I have my session weekly, and I would feel relief mentally and physically. Over the past few months,

I have shed about 10 kgs without dieting and went from being confined to a wheelchair to being

physically active - walking, gardening, etc. Thank you to my angel Juliana for your healing touch…

Rithvika, Singapore

My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was in Primary school and was put on Ritalin

medication. I was made aware of the side effects then but at that point I did not have any other

choice. Although my son was able to concentrate and sit still after taking his medication but I just felt

that he was ‘lost’ and disconnected. The other side effect was loss of appetite and he became so fussy

with food and was temperamental every now and then. My sister-in-law told me about the MTVSS

Therapy and I decided to try it. After the first session, I saw a difference in my son. He looked

peaceful and there was a sparkle in his eyes… He slept well that night and woke up the next

morning cheerfully! When it was time for his medication, he just said “I feel good today. Can I not

take it?” He completed 8 weekly sessions and now does a monthly maintenance. And he has not

touched his medication since the 1st therapy and has been coping very well in terms of his behaviour,

attitude and even his grades have improved. What more can I ask? Thank you ‘Aunty’ Julie for your

motherly love, care and concern shown towards my son…

Joanne, Singapore

My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 8 years old and was put on Ritalin medication. My

friend Rithvika recommended the MTVSS Therapy as it has helped her son. My son is now off his

medication completely after 6 sessions and is now doing a monthly maintenance therapy. I now have

a happier child who has changed a lot in character, attitude and will-power. His motto now is “All of

life comes to e with ease, joy & glory…” How wonderful is that?

JiaMin, Singapore

Dear Juliana - After 7 years trying to conceive I finally got pregnant 6 weeks after undergoing the

MTVSS Therapy It was simply amazing. I had history of recurrent miscarriages and was also

diagnosed with genetic problems but after the MTVSS Therapy sessions, I got pregnant naturally at

age 44 & after 2 HSGs and 4 negative IUIs including 6 induction Clomid cycles and laparoscopy.

Everything that you had asked me to follow through – be it the mantras or being always in the

question and not being judgmental makes sense. I am recommending your therapy to all my friends.

God bless you!" You are an angel in disguise…

Lauren, Singapore

The MTVSS Therapy is a must for any woman trying to get pregnant. I was devastated and so was

my husband after being told by my fertility specialist at age 38 that I had no option but to consider

adoption or donor eggs (according to my doctor I was out of eggs and gave me 4% chance of getting

pregnant and a 2% chance of carrying a baby to full term). After much research and dozens of hours

reading infertility related articles and posts online, I have found your post. I never believed in

anything alternative to western medicine and thought all the other stuff like Chinese medicine,

energy healing was a hoax. But I was soon glad to be wrong as I followed your step by step guidance

after each therapy. After 2.5 months of MTVSS therapy, I became pregnant and am due in October

2015 . I am continuing the MTVSS therapy even in my pregnancy for a healthy pregnancy – I did

not suffer from morning sickness and swollen feet, water retention, etc. I would recommend anyone

with an open mind to undergo this awesome therapy. It just might be the answer to your prayers.

Thank you for everything you have done for me, Juliana. God bless you.

Tabitha, Singapore

After going through 3 failed IVF cycles and several IUI's without any results, I had started my

journey at the age of 37 as I couldn't accept the fact that I wouldn't have any children of my own. By

sheer accident I found your post in March of 2015. The MTVSS sessions were awesome and after 12

sessions, I found myself holding a positive home pregnancy test! After over seven years of trying to

conceive and thousands of dollars spent on infertility treatments, I had actually succeeded to get

pregnant the natural way without any drugs or medical intervention all because of the MTVSS

therapy which cost me a fraction of what I paid for fertility treatments! I'm going to have my first

baby in April 2016

Ning Baizurah, Singapore

I was diagnosed with PCOS and premature ovarian failure three years ago, and was told by my

fertility doctor that I had little hope of having any baby, not only because of my relatively old age (I

am 42). I had pretty much given no hope and had nothing to strive or opt for. As a last effort, my

sister told me about the MTVSS program. I was desperate to try out anything and told myself that

this will be my last effort. After the first session, I felt really good and ‘different’. Can’t describe the

feeling but just ‘different’. My sister signed me up for the initial 10 sessions as a birthday gift to me.

It has been the greatest gift I have EVER received and a true life changer. Thank you Juliana for your

therapy - I am on the road to becoming a mother and I owe it all to you."

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Judith, Singapore

I am a Marathon runner and I being in my 40s, does put a toll on my health and stamina. After doing

the MTVSS therapy, I am able to complete my marathons with ease, finishing in shorter time and best

part, I don’t feel as tired as before and have the full stamina to complete the marathon. I also run the

MTVSS just before my workouts and I feel that I burn more fat and get a better workout. Thanks

Juliana for the wonderful therapy sessions.