accident management tool.pdf

lncident details Basic information lncident number lncldent occurred to Injtiator ofreport Site Reported to Riskscore Number: 0.00001to 500,000 Pick fromlistofconpany efrployees Pick fromlislofcotrpany ehploy€es Pick fromlisr of .ompany site5 Agent involved Pickjrom listofcompany ehp oyees Deslsn Q ves O"o Environment O Yes (0 ^o Human O *' (0 *o Procedure O Yes (a*o ; Dateofincident E b Time of incident {ootl B' : S lmmediate observation and actionstaken what was theimmediate problem? what actions were taken to deal with the immediate Droblem? Who tookthe action? Attachments Pick fromlistotcompanyempLoy€es Box that can attach documenit photos etcthathelp ln the undeatanding ofthe prcblem Site coordinator Note:List isset up as:5itevCoordinato. forthe site Action: ;ri!!etei;1.4i'!r!rr+i'd-!e]!a',rr!,!.pq&. . :rTh€ Sviteni.gen-erit6'lnjeFalllo thesiter:);..,r: :. i:coo.dinitor sendiirc ih. €' .'.|s an..ttachme'rt. _ l

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Post on 17-Nov-2015




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  • lncident details

    Basic information

    lncident number

    lncldent occurred to

    Inj t iator ofreport


    Reported to

    Riskscore Number: 0.00001to 500,000

    Pick from list ofconpany efrployees

    Pick from lisl ofcotrpany ehployes

    Pick from lisr of .ompany site5

    Agent involved

    Pickjrom list ofcompany ehp oyees

    Deslsn Q ves O"o

    Environment O Yes (0 ^o

    Human O *' (0 *o

    Procedure O Yes (a*o; Dateof incidentE

    b Time of incident {oot lB '


    S lmmediate observation and actionstaken

    what was the immediate problem?

    what act ions were taken to deal with the immediate Droblem?

    Who tookthe act ion?


    Pick from list otcompanyempLoyes

    Box that can attach documenit photos etcthat help ln the undeatanding ofthe prcblem

    Site coordinator

    Note:List is set up as:5itevCoordinato. forthe site

    Action:;ri!!etei;1.4i'!r!rr+i'd-!e]!a',rr!,!.pq&. .:rTh Sviteni.gen-erit6'lnjeFalllo thesiter:);..,r: :.i:coo.dinitor sendiirc ih. '

    .'.|s an..ttachme'rt. _ l

  • Investigation

    Q ves


    Q veaiumQ row


    ls an investigation necessary?

    lf ihe information i5 OK

    Action:coordinator rceives the email, opensthe recordand an5we15 the folLowine


    Who will investigate? Picktrom list ofcompany emp oyees

    Investigation to be completed by:

    Investigaior opens the record

  • Investigation

    Action 1 Fretext bor. Statesthe action rquircd

    Pickfrom ist ofcompany mployeesWho wi l ldo the act ion?

    Adjon to be completed by:



    Q complete O Incomplete

    Ten box, expandable. Able to accept

    Action 2

    Investigation review and approval

    Once Action lisfiLed in, fields open to allowlorAction 2,then Action 3, tc wlth the same fe ds asAction l above




    The coordinator reviews the investEation and th recomnended actions,

  • I nvestigation and actions




    rhave reviewd the.econmended actions andapprovethe implementa t ion @ Approved O Incomp ete

    AclIOn:rf the desicnated actioner is not ab e to do theac.ion (forwharever reasoi), the system Sives himthe opportunlty to.eturn the record tothecoordinator by emailand provldes a text fie daskinB the coordinatorto select another pe60n tocarry outthe action. The coordinator G ab eroopen the rcord and change the actioner dtectly.Workflow rturnsro step4, After maklngaiychanges; the coordinator'sendsthe record to thenext person, The systemsends an emai tothe newac(ioner informiig him of!he a.uoi to be caiiled

    Each p t ron asked tocar ryoutan ac t ion competes the ac t lon , open5the recod and chanses thes ta tus f rom

    Action:The system checksthe status, Once a lthe acuonshave been marked 'complete', the systen closes

  • NotesReminders

    l fa record has been ini t iated andthecoordinatordoes notsend i t on within a week, the systemsends an emal l reminding him to dealwith the record- l t copies the emal l to the EHs Manager andthe cEo????

    Once a record has been sent to the investigator, the system monitors progress based on the duedate forthe invest igai ion.l f the invest igator has not sent the record onwards bythe due date, the system sends a reminder.The system cont inues to monitor the recordll f the record ls not sent on, then fof:

    " High severity, the system sends a reminder at one week interuals for as long as the record hasnot ben sent on bythe investigator,

    . Medium severity, the reminder interual is two weeks

    . Lowseveri ty, the remindef interval is three weeksEach reminder is sent to' The invest lgator. The coordinator. The EHS lManager. The CEO ????

    Once a record has been sent to the actioners, the system monitors progress based on the due datefor each actlon.l f th act ionef has not sent completed the act ion bythe due date, the system sends a remlnder.The system cont inues to monitor each act ion:lfany adion is not marked as complete, then fori. High severity, the system sends a reminder at one week intervals for as long as the record has

    notbeen sent on by the act ioner.. Medium sevefity, the reminder interval is two weeks. Low severity, the reminder interval is three weeksEach reminder is sent to. The investigator

    . The EHS Managef

    . The CEO ????

    Company employees

    To al lowthe system to work, al lemployees that may be required byihe system should be in anemployeetable,withemai laddresses,Maybethetablecanbeautomatical lygeneratedandupdated from the company's emai l f i le? The (drop-down)l ist ofcompany employees referred to i fthe workf low (above)is a l ist ofemployee emai laddresses.

  • Nln+ncI \ I J L E J

    Who can fill-in or modifyfields?

    The pfevent unauthorised al terat ions ofthe records/ restr ict ions afe placed on the peopte that canf i l l in or modifyf ields.

    Any person can initiaie a fecord. The person that does so places his/her name in the filed calledlnltiator of report.Once the repoft goes beyond step 1 in the workflow, universal access to fields is renoved and rneonly persons allowed to alter anyfield in the record arel. The site coordinator. The EHs Manager

    Step 2The only person al iowed to f i l l in the f ie lds are. The si te coordinator. The EHS Manager (e.9. when the coofdinator is not avai lable)

    Step 3The onlyperson al lowed tof i l l in the f ie lds are' fhe designated investigator. The site coordinatof' The EHS Manager (e.9. when the coordinatof is not avai lable)

    Step 4The only person al iowed to f i l l in the f ie lds are' The site coordinator' The EHS Manager (e.9. when the coordinator is not available)

    Step 5The only person al lowed to f i l l in the f ie lds afe. The designated act ioner for the act ion that bears his name (notsomeone else's act ions). The site coordinator. The EHS Manager (e.9. when the coordinator is not available)

    Step 6The record has been closed bythe systemThe onlyperson al lowedto change anyf ield in the record is the EHS Manager.

    Who can view the rcord

    Any com pa ny em ployee with access to a company compuler terrninal