accounts receivable –

Accounts Receivable – Functional Accounts Receivable Overview .................................................................................................... 2 Creating Miscellaneous Charge Invoices.......................................................................................5 Creating Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memos............................................................................. 11 Creating Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memos.............................................................................. 17 Using the Accounts Receivable Console ..................................................................................... 23 Recording Customer Payments .................................................................................................. 30 Crediting Sales Tax................................................................................................................... 36 Creating Invoices from Contract Proposals ................................................................................. 41 Applying Customer Payments .................................................................................................... 45 Reapplying Customer Payments ................................................................................................ 49 Voiding Customer Payments / NSF ............................................................................................ 51 Placing and Releasing Customer Hold Status .............................................................................. 53 Working with AR Tasks ............................................................................................................. 55 Sending Invoices or Statements to Customers by Email .............................................................. 58 Viewing AR Days Sales Outstanding Statistics ............................................................................ 60 Viewing Top Ten Invoices Due in Ten Days or Less .................................................................... 62 Writing Off Bad Debt ................................................................................................................ 63 Batch Processing Credit Cards ................................................................................................... 65 Manually Processing Credit Card Payments ................................................................................ 68 Refunding Customer Credit Card Payments ................................................................................ 72 Recording Customer Refunds .................................................................................................... 74 Applying Credit Memos and Payments ....................................................................................... 78 Assessing Finance Charges ....................................................................................................... 82 Consolidated Billing .................................................................................................................. 86 Auto-Sending Customer Statements .......................................................................................... 89 Understanding Accounts Receivable Metrics ............................................................................. 100 Revised: 04/26/2013 © 2013 Digital Gateway, Inc. - All Rights Reserved Page 1

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Page 1: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Accounts Receivable – Functional Accounts Receivable Overview .................................................................................................... 2

Creating Miscellaneous Charge Invoices ....................................................................................... 5

Creating Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memos ............................................................................. 11

Creating Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memos .............................................................................. 17

Using the Accounts Receivable Console ..................................................................................... 23

Recording Customer Payments .................................................................................................. 30

Crediting Sales Tax................................................................................................................... 36

Creating Invoices from Contract Proposals ................................................................................. 41

Applying Customer Payments .................................................................................................... 45

Reapplying Customer Payments ................................................................................................ 49

Voiding Customer Payments / NSF ............................................................................................ 51

Placing and Releasing Customer Hold Status .............................................................................. 53

Working with AR Tasks ............................................................................................................. 55

Sending Invoices or Statements to Customers by Email .............................................................. 58

Viewing AR Days Sales Outstanding Statistics ............................................................................ 60

Viewing Top Ten Invoices Due in Ten Days or Less .................................................................... 62

Writing Off Bad Debt ................................................................................................................ 63

Batch Processing Credit Cards ................................................................................................... 65

Manually Processing Credit Card Payments ................................................................................ 68

Refunding Customer Credit Card Payments ................................................................................ 72

Recording Customer Refunds .................................................................................................... 74

Applying Credit Memos and Payments ....................................................................................... 78

Assessing Finance Charges ....................................................................................................... 82

Consolidated Billing .................................................................................................................. 86

Auto-Sending Customer Statements .......................................................................................... 89

Understanding Accounts Receivable Metrics ............................................................................. 100

Revised: 04/26/2013 © 2013 Digital Gateway, Inc. - All Rights Reserved Page 1

Page 2: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Accounts Receivable Overview

Overview Customers and customer invoices are the basis of the Accounts Receivable module. You provide your customers with goods and services and then invoice your customers for those goods and services. Accounts receivable invoices are provided in several windows throughout e-automate. There is a specific list for sales, service, contract, and miscellaneous charge invoices. In addition to invoices, there are lists for miscellaneous charge credit memos, as well as debit memos. Sales credits and contract credits are displayed on the same list as the invoices. e-automate displays voided service invoices on the miscellaneous charge credit memo list, and all invoices that are accounts receivable in nature in the Accounts Receivable Console. You can view both open and paid invoices. Invoices are classified by e-automate based on the module in which they are created. The following is a list of the different kinds of accounts receivable invoices: A sales invoice is typically for inventory-related charges to customers. You can create non-

stock items and sell them on sales invoices but typically you use a sales invoice for inventory-related sales. A sales invoice is automatically created when you fulfill or pre-bill a sales order. These fulfillments or pre-bills display on the sales invoices list. In addition to creating sales invoices from sales orders, you can create sales invoices from RMA orders. When you fulfill an RMA order, the invoice is created and listed on the sales invoices list.

A sales credit memo is a memo typically used to bring items back into inventory. Sales credit memos can be applied to other invoices and are listed on the sales invoice list.

A contract invoice is an invoice generated from the contract billing and is listed on the contract invoices list.

A contract credit memo is a credit memo resulting from either a void of a contract invoice or a void and reset of a contract invoice. Contract credit memos are displayed on the contract invoice list.

A miscellaneous charge invoice is an invoice that is created by users for miscellaneous charges. These are typically for charges that are outside of sales, contracts, and service. Examples of miscellaneous charge invoices are invoices for Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) charges or any charge that is not inventory, contract or service call-related.

A miscellaneous charge credit memo is a credit memo for adjustments to a customer’s account. You can use them to reduce owed amounts on other invoices or to simply credit a customer’s account. It is also used when you void a service invoice.

A miscellaneous charge debit memo is similar to a miscellaneous charge invoice except that it is used to adjust customer accounts.

A service invoice is an invoice for services and materials provided on a service call. It can have a charge or be a zero-dollar invoice. All service calls should result in a service invoice whether chargeable or not.

You use the Record Customer Payment activity to record when customers pay for any open accounts receivable invoice. You can even use the Record Customer Payment activity to record credit memo payment of invoices. e-automate also allows you to receive payment from customers and not associate the payment with a specific invoice; at a later time you can then apply the payment to a specific invoice or multiple invoices. When receiving payment you can record payments in the form of cash, check, wire, or credit card.

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Page 3: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Accounts Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting > Accounts

Receivable on the menu bar. The following options display: Miscellaneous Charge Invoices: You use this choice to access a list of all

miscellaneous charge invoices. From this list you can create new invoices, edit invoices, and void invoices. Note: When you convert to e-automate, your transitional accounts receivable invoices are listed in this list.

Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memos: You use this list to view any miscellaneous charge credit memos you have created in your e-automate system. You can also see miscellaneous charge credit memos for voided service calls in this window.

Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memos: You use this list to view miscellaneous charge debit memos. Miscellaneous charge debit memos are only used occasionally in e-automate.

Record Customer Payments: You use this option to record a payment from your customer. This allows you to associate your payment with an invoice or simply record the payment and then associate it with an invoice at a later date or time.

Apply Customer Payments: You use this option to apply payments received from customers that were not associated with an invoice at the time the payment was received.

Apply Customer Memos: You use this option to apply a credit memo to a customer. Process Customer Charge Accounts: You use this option to process individual or

batch credit card payments. If you are using PayPal’s Pay-Flow product or SecureNet in conjunction with e-automate, you can batch process credit cards received as payment for invoices. If you are not using PayPal or SecureNet you can still use this choice but you will process the credit cards manually first and then process them in e-automate as a payment.

Customer Payments: You use this option to view a list of all payments received from customers. You can also see payment application on the Payments list. The Payments list will allow you to void payments should you be notified of insufficient funds in a customer’s account. Voiding a payment re-opens the invoice to which it was applied.

Record Customer Refunds: You use this option to create a check or record a check you issued to a customer as refund. When using this option you will need an open, unapplied credit memo on the customer’s account.

Consolidated Billings: You use this option to create a consolidated bill for customers configured to receive them. This determines which customers meet your specified criteria for a consolidated invoicing. It allows your customers to receive invoices monthly, quarterly or at whatever interval you choose.

Finance Charges: This option allows you to assess finance charges to customers not paying their invoices in a timely fashion.

Accounts Receivable Console: This option opens the Accounts Receivable Console. This console is the nerve center of the Accounts Receivable module. You can perform most accounts receivable tasks while using the Accounts Receivable Console. Also available in the Accounts Receivable Console are the following: Ability to create customer statements and either email or print via right-click. Add tasks to customer invoices or the customer account. Ability to email one or more customer invoices with a simple right-click on the

mouse. Write off invoices as uncollectible with administrative approval.

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Page 4: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

View general ledger entries for selected transactional invoices.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips

Question(s) 1. True or False: Purchase order invoices are inventory-related.

Key Words Accounts Receivable, AR, misc. charge debit memo, miscellaneous, charge, invoice.

Related Topics

Screen/Window Names

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Page 5: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Creating Miscellaneous Charge Invoices

Overview You use a miscellaneous charge invoice to bill a customer for any charge that is not sales, service, or contract-related. Miscellaneous charge invoices are typically used to charge customers for non-sufficient fund (NSF) checks or any other miscellaneous charge. Miscellaneous charge invoice information is used to: Print an invoice to bill the customer Update the customer's account Track revenues Update other general ledger accounts

Getting to the Transaction 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Miscellaneous Charges

Invoices to open the Miscellaneous Charge Invoices window. 2. Click [New] to open the New Miscellaneous Charge Invoice window.

Basic Information 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Name of the customer for whom you are creating the invoice. The phone number field will automatically populate. Description: Brief description of the new charge. Sales rep: Name of the sales representative associated with this miscellaneous charge. Number: Number automatically assigned to this invoice. You may change it. Date: Date the invoice is created. Due by: Date by which payment is required for the charges on the invoice.

Charges Tab 1. Click [Add] to open the Add Charge window. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Description: Brief description of this charge on the invoice. Charge amount: Dollar amount of the charge applied to this invoice. Revenue account: Account to which the charge will be posted. Department: Department associated with this charge detail. Tax as: Tax category, if any, to be associated to this charge. Tax code: Tax code associated with this line item. e-automate uses the tax code identified on the Billing / Shipping tab if this field is not populated. Add Cost Information: When checked, the cost account fields that can be affected by this charge will display. Charge cost: Amount this product or service costs you to deliver. Cost account: Cost account to be debited. Note: This is the cost of goods sold account. Cost department: Department associated with the cost account.

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Page 6: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Cost offset account: Cost account credited. Note: This account should be the payroll expense offset account used for sales. Do not use the payroll offset account used with bill codes in this field. Cost offset department: Department associated with the cost offset account.

3. Click [OK] to return to the New Miscellaneous Charge Invoice window. 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each charge on the invoice.

Billing/Shipping Tab 1. Click the Billing/Shipping tab to bring it forward with the customer's address in the Bill to

address field. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Bill to: Customer that is billed. Terms: Customer's payment and discount terms. Not applicable on a credit. Terms discount: Percentage discount available if payment is made by discount date. Not applicable on a credit. Discount date: Date by which payment is due in order to get the discount, if applicable. Not applicable on a credit.

3. If the charge method is On Account, skip to step 4. If you want to change the charge method to Credit Card/ACH on this transaction, do the following: a. In the Charge method field, use the Lookup to select Credit Card/ACH. b. Check the Auth on OK checkbox to pre-authorize the amount to be charged to the

credit card or ACH account. Note: It is recommended to always check the Auth on OK checkbox for every transaction. Doing so allows e-automate to populate the charge account information when you process the payment. If you do not check Auth on OK, you will not be prompted for the charge account information until you process the transaction.

c. If you want to process this order using a one-time payment, select Single Use Account. The credit card information will be used for this transaction only and will not be stored. When all the information on each tab is complete and you click [OK] on the New Miscellaneous Charge Invoice window, the Add Charge Account window displays. This is where you will enter the credit card or ACH account information. See Completing the Transaction below. Proceed to step 4.

d. To select an existing account or enter a new account, click the Use existing account radio button to make the Charge account field available.

e. If you want to select a saved charge account, use the lookup in the Charge account field to select an account on file, or click the dropdown arrow icon and select New to open the Add Charge Account window.

f. If you are entering a new account, do the following: 1) In the Name on account field, enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit

card. 2) In the Address, field, enter the billing address for the credit card. 3) In the City field, enter the billing city for the credit card. 4) In the State field, enter the billing state or province for the credit card. 5) In the Zip field, enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card. 6) In the Phone field, enter the phone number for the credit card. 7) In the Remarks field, enter any notes for this credit card. 8) To add a charge account, do ONE of the following: To add a new credit card account, select the Credit Card button, and then click

[Add account to vault] to open the Sage Payment Solutions window.

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Page 7: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

a. Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. b. Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to

be charged. c. Click [Submit] to save the new account, or Cancel to close and not save the

new credit card information. d. Click [Close] to close the Sage window and return to the Add Charge Account

window. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button for help with NET1/Sage payment questions.

To add a new ACH account, select the ACH button, and then click [Add account to vault] to open the Add Account window. a. Account number: The bank’s account number to add to this invoice. b. Routing number: The bank’s routing number to add to this invoice c. Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings.

g. Click [OK] to save the new account information, or Cancel to close the Add Account window.

4. Complete the following fields as appropriate. Ship to: Customer from whom the item will be received. Same as bill to: When checked, the Ship to field is the same as the Bill to field. Show all customers: When checked, you can select a ship-to address from all customers, rather than just those associated with this customer. Tax code: Tax code under which the credit will be taxed. QuickTax: Use the dropdown menu to select the tax code assigned to the customer, bill-to customer, or ship-to customer. Taxable: When checked, e-automate calculates appropriate tax for the credit memo. Order discount: Percentage discount applied to the entire invoice amount, if applicable. Ship method: How the customer should return the item(s) to you. Freight: Dollar amount of the predicted freight charges.

Miscellaneous Tab 1. Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Accounts receivable: Account to which this charge will be posted. Freight charge: Account to which the freight charge will be posted. Freight department: Department associated with the freight charge, if any. Invoice discount: Account to which the invoice discount will be posted. Discount department: Department associated with the discount, if any. PO number: PO number associated with this charge, if any. User Field 1 or 2: Fields displayable by your system administrator. These fields are also names by your system administrator in Accounts Receivable options.

Remarks Tab 1. To include remarks on the invoice, click the Remarks tab and enter them. Remarks always

print on the invoice.

Completing the Transaction 1. The customer’s invoice delivery method is displayed in e-automate as an icon in the lower

left corner. Hovering your mouse over the icon will display the customer’s selected method

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Page 8: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

and the associated accounts receivable contact. Your system administrator determines which invoices/memos can be queued for printing, fax or email. Only invoices allowed to be queued can be changed. To change the delivery method for this invoice, click the icon and do one of the following: To cancel sending the invoice, check Do not send invoice and click [Hide] to close the

window. To identify a different contact to receive the invoice, in the Contact field, use the

Lookup icon to select a different contact. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide]. Note: The Contact lookup only displays contacts associated with the customer on the invoice. You can display all contacts by checking the Show all contacts checkbox.

• To change the delivery method, select Print, Email, or Fax. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide]. Note: When Email or Fax is selected you can modify the email address or the fax number.

If printing the invoice, you may enter the number of copies you want printed in the Number of additional copies to be printed field. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide].

2. Click [OK] to save the transaction, post to the general ledger and queue the invoice for the selected delivery method.

3. If you checked Auth on OK and Use existing account on the Billing/Shipping tab, the Pre-authorize Charge window displays. Verify the amount to be charged and click [OK]. The Sage Payment Solutions window displays. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1/Sage payment questions. a. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to be charged. CVV: Enter the three digit security code found on the back of the credit card.

b. Click [Swipe Card] to charge the card, or Cancel to close the window and not charge the credit card. Note: While the Swipe Card process is taking place, do not press any keys on your keyboard.

c. Once the Swipe Card process has completed, click [Next]. d. Use the dropdown to choose the State and Country associated with this credit card. e. Click [Submit]. You will see a summary of the transaction. f. Click [Close] to return to e-automate. g. Click [Yes] when asked to save transaction.

4. If you checked Auth on OK and Single use account on the Billing/Shipping tab, the Single Use Charge Account window displays. a. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Name on account: Enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit card. Address: Enter the billing address for the credit card. City: Enter the billing city for the credit card. State: Enter the billing state or province for the credit card. Zip: Enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card. Phone: Enter the phone number for the credit card. Pre-authorization amount: Confirm the amount to be credited. Edit if needed.

b. To add a charge account, do ONE of the following:

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Page 9: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

To add a new credit card account, select the Credit Card button, and then click [Authorize] to open the Sage Payment Solutions window. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1/Sage payment questions. 1) Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. 2) Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to

be charged. 3) CVV: Enter the three digit security code found on the back of the credit card. 4) Click [Swipe Card] to charge the card, or Cancel to close the window and not

charge the credit card. Note: While the Swipe Card process is taking place, do not press any keys on your keyboard.

5) Once the Swipe Card process has completed, click [Next]. 6) Use the dropdown to choose the State and Country associated with this credit

card. 7) Click [Submit]. You will see a summary of the transaction. 8) Click [Close] to return to e-automate. 9) Click [Yes] when asked to save transaction.

To add a new ACH account, select the ACH button, and click [Authorize] to open the Add Account window. 1) Account number: The bank’s account number to add to this invoice. 2) Routing number: The bank’s routing number to add to this invoice 3) Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings. 4) Click [OK] to save the ACH account information.

5. Click [OK] to save the transaction, post to the general ledger and queue the credit memo for the selected delivery method.

Additional Info

Addl. Info – Copying You may also create a miscellaneous charge invoice by copying an existing one and changing the appropriate information.

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature [Next] OK/Apply Button QuickAdd/Add Button Remarks Tab Required Fields (*) Tab Key

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Page 10: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Question(s) 1. True or False: You can use a miscellaneous charge invoice to bill a customer for a non-

sufficient funds charge.

Key Words Charge, invoice, miscellaneous, bill, NSF

Related Topics Creating a General Ledger Account Creating a Term Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memo

Screen/Window Names Miscellaneous Charge Invoices New Miscellaneous Charge Invoice Add Charge Print

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Page 11: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Creating Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memos

Overview You use a miscellaneous charge credit memo to make customer account adjustments and non-inventory related corrections to sales or miscellaneous charge invoices. Miscellaneous charge credit memo information is used to: Update the customer's account Calculate sales commissions Track revenues Update other general ledger accounts

Getting to the Transaction 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Miscellaneous Charge

Credit Memos to open the Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memos window. 2. Click [New] to open the New Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo window.

Basic Information 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Name of the customer for whom you are creating the credit memo. The phone number will automatically populate. Description: Brief description of the credit memo. Sales Rep: Name of the sales representative associated with this miscellaneous charge. Branch: Branch associated with the credit memo. Note: This field displays if branching is enabled. Credit Memo: Number automatically assigned to this credit memo. You may change it. Date: Date the credit memo is created. Due by: Date by which the customer should use the credit. Apply to: Number of the invoice to which the credit memo is to be applied. Note: If you leave the credit memo unapplied, it shows on the customer’s account as an open credit memo which the customer can use at a later time.

Charges Tab 1. Click [Add] to open the Add Charge window. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Description: Brief description of the credits on the credit memo. Note: If you completed the Description field, it automatically displays here. Charge amount: Dollar amount of the credit on this credit memo. Note: You do not have to enter negative numbers in a credit memo. e-automate automatically adjusts for numbers entered in the charge window. Revenue account: Account to which the credit will be posted. Department: Department associated with this credit memo detail. Tax as: Tax category, if any, to be associated with this charge. Tax code: Tax code associated with this line on the credit memo. e-automate uses the tax code on the Billing / Shipping tab if this is not populated.

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Page 12: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Add Cost Information: When checked, the cost account fields that can be affected by this charge will display. Charge cost: Amount you pay to deliver this product or service. Cost account: Cost account to be credited. Note: This is the Cost of Goods Sold account. Cost department: Department associated with the cost account. Cost offset account: Cost account debited. Note: This account should be the payroll expense offset account used for sales. Do not use the payroll offset account used with bill codes in this field. Cost offset department: Department associated with the cost offset account.

3. Click [OK] to add the charge to the credit memo and return to the New Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo window.

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each credit detail on the credit memo.

Billing/Shipping Tab 1. Click the Billing/Shipping tab to bring it forward with the customer's address in the Bill to

address field. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Bill to: Customer that is billed. Terms: Customer's payment and discount terms. Not applicable on a credit. Terms discount: Percentage discount available if payment is made by discount date. Not applicable on a credit. Discount date: Date by which payment is due in order to get the discount, if applicable. Not applicable on a credit.

3. If the charge method is On Account, skip to step 4. If you want to change the charge method to Credit Card/ACH on this transaction, do the following: a. In the Charge method field, use the Lookup to select Credit Card/ACH. b. Check the Auth on OK checkbox to pre-authorize the amount to be charged to the

credit card or ACH account. Note: It is recommended to always check the Auth on OK checkbox for every transaction. Doing so allows e-automate to populate the charge account information when you process the payment. If you do not check Auth on OK, you will not be prompted for the charge account information until you process the transaction.

c. If you want to process this order using a one-time payment, select Single Use Account. The credit card information will be used for this transaction only and will not be stored. When all the information on each tab is complete and you click [OK] on the New Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo window, the Add Charge Account window displays. This is where you will enter the credit card or ACH account information. See Completing the Transaction below. Proceed to step 4.

d. To select an existing account or enter a new account, click the Use existing account radio button to make the Charge account field available.

e. If you want to select a saved charge account, use the lookup in the Charge account field to select an account on file, or click the dropdown arrow icon and select New to open the Add Charge Account window.

f. If you are entering a new account, do the following: 1) In the Name on account field, enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit

card. 2) In the Address, field, enter the billing address for the credit card. 3) In the City field, enter the billing city for the credit card.

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Page 13: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

4) In the State field, enter the billing state or province for the credit card. 5) In the Zip field, enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card. 6) In the Phone field, enter the phone number for the credit card. 7) In the Remarks field, enter any notes for this credit card. 8) To add a charge account, do ONE of the following: To add a new credit card account, select the Credit Card button, and then click

[Add account to vault] to open the Sage Payment Solutions window. e. Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. f. Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to

be charged. g. Click [Submit] to save the new account, or Cancel to close and not save the

new credit card information. h. Click [Close] to close the Sage window and return to the Add Charge Account

window. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button for help with NET1/Sage payment questions.

To add a new ACH account, select the ACH button, and then click [Add account to vault] to open the Add Account window. a. Account number: The bank’s account number to add to this invoice. b. Routing number: The bank’s routing number to add to this invoice. c. Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings. d. Click [OK] to save the ACH account information and return to the Add Charge

Account window. g. Click [OK] to save the new account information, or Cancel to close the Add Charge

Account window. 4. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Ship to: Customer from whom the item will be received. Same as bill to: When checked, the Ship to field is the same as the Bill to field. Show all customers: When checked, you can select a ship-to address from all customers, rather than just those associated with this customer. Tax code: Tax code under which the credit will be taxed. QuickTax: Use the dropdown menu to select the tax code assigned to the customer, bill-to customer, or ship-to customer. Taxable: When checked, e-automate calculates appropriate tax for the credit memo. Order discount: Percentage discount applied to the entire invoice amount, if applicable. Ship method: How the customer should return the item(s) to you. Freight: Dollar amount of the predicted freight charges.

Miscellaneous Tab 1. Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Note: Typically you do not have to change information on the Miscellaneous tab. However, you can make special corrections by modifying the fields when necessary. Accounts receivable: Account to which this credit will be posted. Freight charge: Account to which the freight charge will be posted. Freight department: Department associated with the freight charge. Invoice discount: Percentage discount given of the total credit memo amount. Discount department: Department associated with the discount, if any. PO number: Purchase order number associated with this credit, if any.

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Page 14: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

User Field 1 or 2: Fields displayable by your system administrator. These fields are also names by your system administrator in Accounts Receivable options.

Remarks Tab 1. To include remarks on the credit memo, click the Remarks tab and enter them.

Completing the Transaction 1. The customer’s invoice delivery method is displayed in e-automate as an icon in the lower

left corner. Hovering your mouse over the icon will display the customer’s selected method and the associated accounts receivable contact. Your system administrator determines which invoices/memos can be queued for printing, fax or email. Only invoices allowed to be queued can be changed. To change the delivery method for this credit memo, click the icon and do one of the following: To cancel sending the credit memo, check Do not send invoice and click [Hide] to

close the window. To identify a different contact to receive the credit memo, in the Contact field, use the

Lookup icon to select a different contact. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide]. Note: The Contact lookup only displays contacts associated with the customer on the invoice. You can display all contacts by checking the Show all contacts checkbox.

To change the delivery method, select Print, Email, or Fax. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide]. Note: When Email or Fax is selected you can modify the email address or the fax number.

If printing the credit memo, you may enter the number of copies you want printed in the Number of additional copies to be printed field. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide].

2. Click [OK] to save the transaction, post to the general ledger and queue the credit memo for the selected delivery method.

3. If you checked Auth on OK and Use existing account on the Billing/Shipping tab, the Pre-authorize Charge window displays. If you checked Auth on OK and Single use account on the Billing/Shipping tab, skip to step 4. Verify the amount to be charged and click [OK]. The Sage Payment Solutions window displays. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1/Sage payment questions. h. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to be charged. CVV: Enter the three digit security code found on the back of the credit card.

i. Click [Swipe Card] to charge the card, or Cancel to close the window and not charge the credit card. Note: While the Swipe Card process is taking place, do not press any keys on your keyboard.

j. Once the Swipe Card process has completed, click [Next]. k. Use the dropdown to choose the State and Country associated with this credit card. l. Click [Submit]. You will see a summary of the transaction. m. Click [Close] to return to e-automate. n. Click [Yes] when asked to save transaction.

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4. If you checked Auth on OK and Single use account on the Billing/Shipping tab, the Single Use Charge Account window displays. c. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Name on account: Enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit card. Address: Enter the billing address for the credit card. City: Enter the billing city for the credit card. State: Enter the billing state or province for the credit card. Zip: Enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card. Phone: Enter the phone number for the credit card. Pre-authorization amount: Confirm the amount to be credited. Edit if needed.

d. To add a charge account, do ONE of the following: To add a new credit card account, select the Credit Card button, and then click

[Authorize] to open the Sage Payment Solutions window. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1/Sage payment questions. 10) Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. 11) Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to

be charged. 12) CVV: Enter the three digit security code found on the back of the credit card. 13) Click [Swipe Card] to charge the card, or Cancel to close the window and not

charge the credit card. Note: While the Swipe Card process is taking place, do not press any keys on your keyboard.

14) Once the Swipe Card process has completed, click [Next]. 15) Use the dropdown to choose the State and Country associated with this credit

card. 16) Click [Submit]. You will see a summary of the transaction. 17) Click [Close] to return to e-automate. 18) Click [Yes] when asked to save transaction.

To add a new ACH account, select the ACH button, and click [Authorize] to open the Add Account window. 5) Account number: The bank’s account number to add to this invoice. 6) Routing number: The bank’s routing number to add to this invoice 7) Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings. 8) Click [OK] to save the ACH account information.

5. Click [OK] to save the transaction, post to the general ledger and queue the credit memo for the selected delivery method.

Additional Info

Addl. Info – Copying You may also create a miscellaneous charge credit memo by copying an existing one and changing the appropriate information.

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Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature [Next] OK/Apply Button QuickAdd/Add Button Remarks Tab Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: You use a miscellaneous charge credit memo to make customer account

adjustments and non-inventory related corrections to service invoices. 2. Miscellaneous charge credit memo information is used to:

a. Update the customer's account. b. Calculate sales commissions. c. Track revenues. d. All of the above.

Key Words Miscellaneous, credit memo, credit, charge

Related Topics Creating a General Ledger Account Creating a Term Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Invoice Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memo

Screen/Window Names Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memos New Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo Add Charge Print

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Creating Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memos

Overview A miscellaneous charge debit memo is used to make customer account adjustments and non-inventory related corrections to sales, miscellaneous charge invoices, or miscellaneous charge credit memos. Miscellaneous charge debit memo information is used to: Update the customer's account Calculate sales commissions Track revenues Update other general ledger accounts

Getting to the Transaction 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Miscellaneous Charge

Debit Memos to open the Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memos window. 2. Click [New] to open the New Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memo window.

Basic Information 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Name of the customer for whom you are creating the debit memo. The phone number of the customer will automatically populate. Description: Brief description of the charge(s) on the debit memo. Sales rep: Name of the sales representative associated with this debit memo. Debit Memo: Number automatically assigned to this debit memo. You may change it. Date: Date the debit memo is created. Due by: Date by which payment is required for the charges on the debit memo. Apply to: Number of the invoice to which the debit memo is to be applied.

Charges Tab 1. Click [Add] to open the Add Charge window. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Description: Brief description of the charge. Charge amount: Dollar amount of the charge applied to this debit memo. Revenue account: Account to which the debit will be posted. Department: Department associated with this debit memo detail. Tax as: Tax category, if any, to be associated to this charge. Tax code: Tax code associated with this line item, if different than the tax code identified on the Billing / Shipping tab. Add Cost Information: When checked, the cost account fields that can be affected by this charge will display. Charge cost: Amount this product or service costs you to deliver. Used for comparison against the amount charged to the customer. Cost account: Cost account to be debited. Note: This is the cost of goods sold account.

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Cost department: Department associated with the cost account. Cost offset account: Cost account debited. Note: This should be the payroll expense offset account used for sales. Do not use the payroll offset account used with bill codes in this field. Cost offset department: The department associated with the cost offset account.

3. Click [OK] to add the charge to the debit memo and return to the New Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memo window.

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each line item debit detail on the debit memo.

Billing/Shipping Tab 1. Click the Billing/Shipping tab to bring it forward with the customer's address in the Bill to

address field. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Bill to: Customer that is billed. Terms: Customer's payment and discount terms. Not applicable on a credit. Terms discount: Percentage discount available if payment is made by discount date. Not applicable on a credit. Discount date: Date by which payment is due in order to get the discount, if applicable. Not applicable on a credit.

3. If the charge method is On Account, skip to step 4. If you want to change the charge method to Credit Card/ACH on this transaction, do the following: a. In the Charge method field, use the Lookup to select Credit Card/ACH. b. Check the Auth on OK checkbox to pre-authorize the amount to be charged to the

credit card or ACH account. Note: It is recommended to always check the Auth on OK checkbox for every transaction. Doing so allows e-automate to populate the charge account information when you process the payment. If you do not check Auth on OK, you will not be prompted for the charge account information until you process the transaction.

c. If you want to process this order using a one-time payment, select Single Use Account. The credit card information will be used for this transaction only and will not be stored. When all the information on each tab is complete and you click [OK] on the New Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memo window, the Add Charge Account window displays. This is where you will enter the credit card or ACH account information. See Completing the Transaction below. Proceed to step 4.

d. To select an existing account or enter a new account, click the Use existing account radio button to make the Charge account field available.

e. If you want to select a saved charge account, use the lookup in the Charge account field to select an account on file, or click the dropdown arrow icon and select New to open the Add Charge Account window.

f. If you are entering a new account, do the following: 1) In the Name on account field, enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit

card. 2) In the Address, field, enter the billing address for the credit card. 3) In the City field, enter the billing city for the credit card. 4) In the State field, enter the billing state or province for the credit card. 5) In the Zip field, enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card. 6) In the Phone field, enter the phone number for the credit card. 7) In the Remarks field, enter any notes for this credit card. 8) To add a charge account, do ONE of the following:

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To add a new credit card account, select the Credit Card button, and then click [Add account to vault] to open the Sage Payment Solutions window. i. Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. j. Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to

be charged. k. Click [Submit] to save the new account, or Cancel to close and not save the

new credit card information. l. Click [Close] to close the Sage window and return to the Add Charge Account

window. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button for help with NET1/Sage payment questions.

To add a new ACH account, select the ACH button, and then click [Add account to vault] to open the Add Account window. a. Account number: The bank’s account number to add to this invoice. b. Routing number: The bank’s routing number to add to this invoice c. Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings.

g. Click [OK] to save the new account information, or Cancel to close the Add Account window.

4. Complete the following fields as appropriate. Ship to: Customer from whom the item will be received. Same as bill to: When checked, the Ship to field is the same as the Bill to field. Show all customers: When checked, you can select a ship-to address from all customers, rather than just those associated with this customer. Tax code: Tax code under which the credit will be taxed. QuickTax: Use the dropdown menu to select the tax code assigned to the customer, bill-to customer, or ship-to customer. Taxable: When checked, e-automate calculates appropriate tax for the credit memo. Order discount: Percentage discount applied to the entire invoice amount, if applicable. Ship method: How the customer should return the item(s) to you. Freight: Dollar amount of the predicted freight charges.

Miscellaneous Tab 1. Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward. 2. Complete the following field as appropriate.

Note: Typically you do not have to change information on the Miscellaneous tab. However, you can make special corrections by modifying the fields when necessary. Accounts receivable: Account to which this charge will be posted. Freight charge: Account to which the freight charge will be posted. Freight department: Department associated with the freight charge, if any. Invoice discount: Account to which the debit memo discount will be posted. Discount department: Department associated with the discount offered, if any. PO number: Purchase order number associated with this charge, if any. User Field 1: Optional field allows by your system administrator. Your administrator determines if this field is displayed and the field name. User Field 1 is the system name for the field unless changed by you system administrator. This field is displayed by enabling the option in Accounts Receivable options. User Field 2: Optional field allows by your system administrator. Your administrator determines if this field is displayed and the field name. User Field 2 is the system name for

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the field unless changed by you system administrator. This field is displayed by enabling the option in Accounts Receivable options.

Remarks Tab 1. To include remarks on the debit memo, click the Remarks tab and enter them. Remarks

print on printed debit memos.

Completing the Transaction 1. The customer’s invoice delivery method is displayed in e-automate as an icon in the lower

left corner. Hovering your mouse over the icon displays the customer’s selected method and the associated accounts receivable contact. Your system administrator determines which invoices/memos can be queued for printing, fax or email. Only invoices/memos allowed to be queued can be changed. To change the delivery method for this debit memo, click the icon and do one of the following: a. To not send the memo, check Do not send invoice and click [Hide] to close the

window. b. To identify a different contact to receive the memo, in the Contact field, use the Lookup

icon to select a different contact. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide]. Note: The Contact lookup only displays contacts associated with the customer on the memo; you can display all contacts by checking the Show all contacts checkbox.

c. To change the delivery method, select Print, Email, or Fax. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide]. Note: When Email or Fax is selected you can modify the email address or the fax number.

d. If printing, you may enter the number of copies you want printed in the Number of additional copies to be printed field. After you have completed your changes, click [Hide].

2. Click [OK] to save the transaction, post to the general ledger and queue the debit memo for the selected delivery method.

3. If you checked Auth on OK and Use existing account on the Billing/Shipping tab, the Pre-authorize Charge window displays. Verify the amount to be charged and click [OK]. The Sage Payment Solutions window displays. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1/Sage payment questions. o. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to be charged. CVV: Enter the three digit security code found on the back of the credit card.

p. Click [Swipe Card] to charge the card, or Cancel to close the window and not charge the credit card. Note: While the Swipe Card process is taking place, do not press any keys on your keyboard.

q. Once the Swipe Card process has completed, click [Next]. r. Use the dropdown to choose the State and Country associated with this credit card. s. Click [Submit]. You will see a summary of the transaction. t. Click [Close] to return to e-automate. u. Click [Yes] when asked to save transaction.

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4. If you checked Auth on OK and Single use account on the Billing/Shipping tab, the Single Use Charge Account window displays. e. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Name on account: Enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit card. Address: Enter the billing address for the credit card. City: Enter the billing city for the credit card. State: Enter the billing state or province for the credit card. Zip: Enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card. Phone: Enter the phone number for the credit card. Pre-authorization amount: Confirm the amount to be credited. Edit if needed.

f. To add a charge account, do ONE of the following: To add a new credit card account, select the Credit Card button, and then click

[Authorize] to open the Sage Payment Solutions window. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1/Sage payment questions. 19) Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. 20) Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card to

be charged. 21) CVV: Enter the three digit security code found on the back of the credit card. 22) Click [Swipe Card] to charge the card, or Cancel to close the window and not

charge the credit card. Note: While the Swipe Card process is taking place, do not press any keys on your keyboard.

23) Once the Swipe Card process has completed, click [Next]. 24) Use the dropdown to choose the State and Country associated with this credit

card. 25) Click [Submit]. You will see a summary of the transaction. 26) Click [Close] to return to e-automate. 27) Click [Yes] when asked to save transaction.

To add a new ACH account, select the ACH button, and click [Authorize] to open the Add Account window. 9) Account number: The bank’s account number to add to this invoice. 10) Routing number: The bank’s routing number to add to this invoice 11) Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings. 12) Click [OK] to save the ACH account information.

5. Click [OK] to save the transaction, post to the general ledger and queue the credit memo for the selected delivery method.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature

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[Next] OK/Apply Button QuickAdd/Add Button Remarks Tab Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. Which is NOT a purpose of the cost account fields when creating a miscellaneous charge

debit memo? a. Records the cost of the provided product or service. b. Can be used for comparison against the charge to the customer. c. Determines whether the customer should be placed on credit hold. d. Allocates the cost to a particular general ledger account and department.

Key Words Miscellaneous, charge, debit memo, debit,

Related Topics Creating a General Ledger Account Creating a Term Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Invoice Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memo

Screen/Window Names Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memos New Miscellaneous Charge Debit Memo Add Charge Print

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Using the Accounts Receivable Console

Overview The Accounts Receivable Console window is the accounts receivable "control center." It is designed to assist the accounts receivable employees to focus their work on accounts receivable and collection activities as well as give employees quick access to accounts receivable functionality. At the highest level, the Accounts Receivable Console is divided into three primary views, Accounts, Tasks, and Stats. In the accounts view you can access the accounts receivable console toolbar as well as customers, invoices, tasks customer notes and most accounts receivable functionality. The accounts view is the most common places for users to spend time in the console because they can access the most functionality from the Account Summary for --- Customer tab. Tasks view is a place for users to create tasks they need to perform to accomplish payment and collection activities. In Tasks view a user can see the top 10 invoices that will be past due in ten days or less. In Stats view you can view the statistic Days Sales Outstanding (DSO). A statistic that helps accounting managers determine on average how long it takes to collect on invoices.

Getting to the AR Console 1. Click [Receivables] on the e-automate toolbar to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. The Accounts Receivable Console can be left open while you work on other activities. Note: You can also access the accounts receivable console by clicking the Accounting menu and selecting Accounts receivable > Accounts receivable console.

Toolbar Use the toolbar to perform activities for selected customers, payment, et cetera. The toolbar also allows you to navigate from one view in the AR console to another, for example moving from Accounts view to Tasks view and back to accounts view. To begin most activities related to a specific customer on the list the user first selects the customer. Most activities you perform in the AR console apply to the selected customer. When you select a customer in the Customer region, e-automate automatically selects the first invoice in the Account Summary for --- Customer region. The following is a review of each button in the AR console and its basic functional purpose. View: You use the View button to view information about customers, invoices and

payments. The View button allows you to view three different e-automate entities. You use the dropdown menu on the button to tell e-automate exactly what you would like to view. The View button is controlled by what the e-automate user currently has selected. For example, if you have an invoice selected on the Account Summary for --- Customer tab you can use the View button to view the selected invoice. e-automate displays the same view a customer would see if the invoice were sent to them. This allows the user to answer questions about an invoice effectively. To view a payment, you must first select a payment and then the View payment option is enabled.

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Payment: You use the Payment button to record customer payments, apply customer payments and to re-apply or unapply customer payments.

Write-off: You use write off to create a credit memo to an expense account for customer invoices you determined are un-collectable. In order to write off debt in the Accounts Receivable Console, if must be configured by your system administrator and you must have the correct security rights in e-automate.

Credit Hold: You use the Credit Hold button to put a customer on credit hold or to remove a customer from credit hold. e-automate reports credit hold status for customers in the Accounts Receivable Console, in the Customers region. When using the Credit Hold from the AR Console you cannot select other methods of hold, only Credit Hold.

Refresh: You use the Refresh button to update the view of the Accounts Receivable Console window. If payments, applications, credit memos, or any accounts receivable activity occurs outside the console, Refresh updates the information displayed in the console.

Print: You use the Print button to print a copy of the selected invoice, payment, et cetera. Note: You can use multiple select, SHIFT + CLICK and CTRL + CLICK to select multiple invoices.

E-mail: You use the E-mail button to send an electronic HTML copy of the selected invoice(s) to an email recipient. E-mail recipients are taken from the e-automate Contacts list. The contact name must include the company you selected in the contact profile in order for you to use them as an email recipient. You can also simply type in an email address if they are not in the contact list.

Accounts: You use the Accounts button to show all accounts receivable transactions for a chosen customer. e-automate opens the Accounts Receivable Console window in the Accounts view by default. If you have switched to Tasks or Stats view, click [Accounts] to return to the Accounts view. The Accounts view can display all customers, all accounts receivable activity, customer tasks, invoice tasks, and customer notes.

Tasks: You use the Tasks button to show the Top ten current invoices that will be due in 10 days or less and a list of completed, uncompleted and follow up tasks. You can hide the top ten current invoices by clicking [Hide Top Ten]. You use the top ten current invoices to focus your work on collecting invoices that are due in 10 days or less.

Stats: The Stats button displays the Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) information. DSO is a measure of your company's accounts receivable in days and the average time it takes to collect on invoices issued.

Options: You use the Options button and the dropdown menu to show or hide a summary of total accounts receivable for your company and/or to show or hide invoice tasks.

Close: The Close button is used to close the Accounts Receivable Console window.

Accounts View

Using the Find Field The Find field is used to search for specific information in the Accounts Receivable Console. The Find field allows you to narrow your search and view of the accounts receivable console. You can use the Find field to look in the following areas of e-automate: Invoice: Used to search for a specific invoice number. When selected displays an invoice

lookup displaying all invoices in the e-automate database. Note: You should use some key criteria to selectively reduce the number of invoices listed.

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For additional information on how selective reduction works, see Tips and Tricks in the Lookups section.

Payment/Check: Used to search for any type of customer payment. When selected you can use the lookup icon to select customer payments. You can search using a customer’s check number as well as the e-automate payment number. Note: You should use some key criteria to selectively reduce the number of payments listed. For additional information on how selective reduction works, see Tips and Tricks in the Lookups section.

Customers: Used to search for a single customer. When selected displays a lookup of active customers in your e-automate database. Note: You should use some key criteria to selectively reduce the number of customers listed.

All Customers: Used to display the list of all customers. When selected, e-automate displays all customers in the upper section of the accounts receivable console. In addition to being able to see all customers, e-automate provides a QuickSearch with multiple fields in which you can search as well as some pre-installed searches. See the dropdown menu on the Search button.

Customer List When the Find field, has All customers selected, e-automate lists your customers in the upper region of the Accounts view. When you select a customer, the activities you perform in the Accounts Receivable Console relate to the selected customer. Selecting a customer displays account information for the customer selected on the Account summary for --- Customer tab.

The Customer region displays a list of all your customers. The following fields are associated with a customer record: Number: The number assigned to the customer in e-automate. Name: Customer name. Bill to number: The customer number assigned to the customer receiving invoices or being

billed for the customer identified in the Customer column. It is common for location customers to bill their associated master customer.

Bill to name: The customer name assigned to the customer receiving invoices or being billed for the customer identified in the Customer column.

A/R Rep: Employee assigned to the customer as the accounts receivable representative. This employee is commonly the customer performing collection activities for the customer.

Contact: The name of the contact associated with the customer. Depending on the system configuration, it is the default accounts receivable contact identified on the customer record or the contact with a specific job title identified in administrative options as the Job title for accounts receivable contact. See topic, Setting Accounts Receivable Options for additional information on the job title method of configuration.

Phone: The phone number associated with the displayed contact. If no contact is displayed, it is the value in the Phone1 field of the customer record.

Fax: The fax number associated with the displayed contact. If no contact is displayed, it is the value in Fax field of the customer record.

Terms: The terms assigned to the customer on the customer record. Hold: The Customer’s hold status. Customers are on hold when Yes is displayed. Active: Indicates whether the customer is active or not. Current: The customer’s balance that is not past due. Past Due: The customer's balance that is overdue.

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Total: The customer’s total amount due, current and past due. Unapplied: Indicates the sum of the customer’s unapplied payments, if any.

Right-Click in the Customer List In the Customer region, you can select a customer and use the Right-Click Menu to perform the following functions for the selected customer: Create a new customer Edit the customer View the customer record Enter notes associated with the customer Place or release the a customer on credit hold Create a new invoice (Misc. Charge, Misc. Charge Credit, Misc. Debit, or Sales invoice) Create a new payment for the customer Apply a payment for the customer Create a new sales order for customer Print a preview a customer statement Print a statement Email a statement Refresh the Accounts Receivable Console

Account Summary for --- Customer Tab In the Account Summary for --- Customer region, the Accounts Receivable Console displays the account activity for the selected customer. This region can list: Service invoices and service credit memos Contract invoices and contract credit memos Miscellaneous charge invoices, misc. charge credit memos, and misc. charge debit memos Sales invoices and sales credit memos Customer payments/ payment reversals Customer payment applications or reversals The Account Summary for - Customer region also displays the date, type, number, customer number (name), description, due date, total, due amount and the number of days the invoice is past due, if any. This region can display open items only or if you uncheck the Show open items only check box at the top of the tab, this region will display all accounts receivable activity whether open or closed. This feature allows you to view applied payment information and receipts as well as other paid invoices. On the Accounts summary --- customer tab, any line item that has accounts receivable activity associated with it is displayed with a [+] in what usually appears in the far left unlabeled column. To see specific activity for line items with activity double-click on the desired line item. e-automate displays the activity. Click [Back] to return to the list of accounts receivable activity.

Right-Click On the Account summary --- customer Tab In the Account summary --- customer tab, you can use the right-click menu to display a variety of options. The menu choices available on the right-click menu are contingent on what is selected when the user right-clicks. The following options are available for invoices or payments: View: View the e-automate transaction associated with an invoice.

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Print preview: View the printed invoice on screen. Print: Send the selected invoice to the printer. Email: Create a file and attach to an email to the customer. Email with statement: Create a file of the invoice and statement and attach to an email to

the customer. Notes: Add notes to the selected invoice, credit memo, debit memo, payment or payment

reversal. General ledger: View the general ledger transactions that were posted as a result of this

entry. New invoice: Create a Miscellaneous Charge invoice, credit or debit memo. New payment: Record a payment for the selected invoice(s). Apply customer memos: Apply a credit memos or unapplied payments to open invoices. Re-apply payment: Un-apply the selected payment from the originally applied invoice and

either leave it unapplied or apply it to another invoice. Void XXX invoice: Void the invoice or the payment on which you right-clicked. Void Customer Payment XXX: Void the payment and re-open the invoice to which it was

applied. Write off as uncollectible: Create a credit memo to your bad debt expense account for

the selected invoice. Refresh: Ensure that all accounts receivable data as of the current time is displayed in the

AR Console.

Customer Tasks Tab You use the Customer tasks tab to enter tasks associated with the selected customer. You can also enter tasks by accessing the customer record. To enter a simple task, do the following: 1. Click [Receivables] on the e-automate toolbar to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. Note: You can also access the Accounts Receivable Console by clicking the Accounting menu, and selecting Accounts receivable > Account receivable console.

2. Click the Customer tasks tab to bring it forward. 3. Click [New] to open the New task detail window. 4. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer associated with the task, if applicable. Note: Depending on how you accessed the New Task Detail window, the customer may already be present. Contact: Name of the person with whom you had contact, if any. Note: This lookup displays only those contacts associated with the identified customer. Task type: Type of task. Assigned to: Employee in your company responsible for the task. Description: Description of the task. Note: Additional customer aging information is displayed in the window to support collection efforts. Scheduled for: Date the task begins. Completed on: Date the task is completed. Tasks can be marked complete later. Follow up date: Date you want to follow up on this task. Note: When checked, e-automate creates a duplicate task for the date identified in this field.

5. Click [OK] to save the task. For additional information on tasks, see the accounts receivable topic, Working with Tasks.

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Customer Notes Tab You use the Customer notes tab to enter notes for the selected customer. These notes are the same notes accessible by editing a customer record or by clicking on [Notes] from the customer list. Customer notes offer a primary note as well as individual time and date stamped notes.

Tasks View You use the Tasks view to view all tasks in your e-automate system. You can filter tasks by using the QuickSearch available at the top of the Tasks view. From this view you can create new tasks, edits tasks, delete tasks and make tasks as complete. This view shows tasks that were entered through the customer record, tasks entered and associated with invoices, as well as tasks entered in the Account view. You determine if you want to see tasks completed today by checking the Show tasks completed today checkbox. From Tasks view in the Accounts Receivable console you can use the quick link located above the QuickSearch controls to return you to the Accounts view for the customer selected when you click the link. The link is labeled, Click to go to the selected task’s customer in the account view.

Creating a Task 1. Click [Receivables] on the e-automate toolbar to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. Note: You can also access the Accounts Receivable Console by clicking the Accounting menu, and selecting Accounts receivable > Account receivable console.

2. On the Accounts Receivable window toolbar, click [Tasks]. 3. Click [New] to open the window. 4. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer associated with the task, if applicable. Note: Depending on how you accessed the New Task Detail window, the customer may already be present. Contact: Name of the person with whom you had contact, if any. Note: This lookup displays only those contacts associated with the identified customer. Task type: Type of task. Assigned to: Employee in your company responsible for the task. Description: Description of the task. Note: Additional customer aging information is displayed in the window to support collection efforts. Scheduled for: Date the task begins. Completed on: Date the task is completed. Tasks can be marked complete later. Follow up date: Date you want to follow up on this task. Note: When checked, e-automate creates a duplicate task for the date identified in this field.

5. Click [OK] to save the task.

Editing a Task 1. Select the task. 2. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Task Detail window.

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Deleting a Task 1. Select the task. 2. Click [Delete] to remove the task from the database.

Stats View In Stats view you can view the statistic, Days Sales Outstanding (DSO). A statistic that helps accounting managers determine on average, how long it takes to collect on invoices.

DSO Calculation The Days Sales Outstanding under the Stats section in the AR Console is period driven, not date driven. It is calculated as follows: 1. e-automate calculates the average running balance of accounts receivable for each month in

the selected periods by: a. Calculating the ending AR balance for each period (Period 1= 10,000, Period 2 = 12,000,

Period 3 = 14,000) b. Calculating the running balance for each period ( Period 1 = 10,000 [10,000/1]; Period

2 = 11,000 [(10,000 + 12,000)/ 2]; Period 3 = 12,000 [(10,000 + 12,000 + 14,000)/3] )

2. e-automate calculates the average sales for each month in the selected periods by: a. Calculating the total sales for each period (Period 1= 5,000, Period 2 = 6,000, Period 3

= 7,000) b. Calculating the running balance for each period ( Period 1 = 5,000 [5,000/1]; Period 2 =

5,500 [(5,000 + 6,000)/ 2]; Period 3 = 6,000 [(5,000 + 6,000 + 7,000)/3] ) 3. We calculate the DSO as follows for each period [ Average AR / ( Average Sales / 30 days )

] a. Period 1 = 60 [ 10,000 / ( 5,000 / 30 ) ] b. Period 2 = 60 [ 11,000 / ( 5,500 / 30 ) ] c. Period 2 = 60 [ 12,000 / ( 6,000 / 30 ) ]

Additional Info

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Recording Customer Payments

Overview When you receive a payment from your customers you create a record of the payment and the associated details of the payment in e-automate. You use the Record Customer Payment window to record the payment and to apply the payment to one invoice or multiple invoices. In most cases when a payment is received, the payment is for a specific invoice and the payment is applied to that invoice. In some cases you may not have an invoice to which you want to apply the payment; in this case you can use the Record Customer Payment window to record an unapplied payment (payment not associated with any invoice). Unapplied payments appear like credits on customer’s accounts. You can use the Apply Customer Payments window to apply an unapplied payment to an invoice at a later time. Occasionally customers have open credits associated with their accounts. Customers can submit partial payments to be used in conjunction with open credits to apply toward open invoices. You use the Record Customer Payments window to record partial payments and open credits that affect a customer account. In addition to open credits and payments you can also add unapplied payments using the Record Customer Payments window. The Record Customer Payment window is used when there is a payment present. If there is no payment present and you simply want to apply memos and unapplied payments, you should use the Apply Customer Memos window. For additional information on applying customer memos, see the topic, Applying Credit Memos in Accounts Receivable. Traditionally in e-automate you apply a customer payment to invoices associated with the customer from whom you received the payment. There are occasions when you can receive payments from customers other than those to whom the original invoice was posted. For example, you might generate an invoice to a customer but a leasing company ends up paying for the invoice. You then try to receive the payment from the leasing company, but find the invoice was not posted to the leasing company as the bill-to on the invoice. When this scenario occurs, you can use e-automate’s advanced add feature in the Record Customer Payment window. In the payment window, you can add invoices from customers that are related to the invoiced customer, or add invoices from any customer.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Record Customer Payments

to open the Record Customer Payment window. Note: An alternate way to open the Record Customer Payment window is to click [Receivables] on the e-automate toolbar to open the Accounts Receivable Console. Locate the customer from whom you received the payment in the Customers region, and then click [Payment] to open the Record Customer Payment window. When opening the payment window in this way, the system automatically populates the customer in the window.

Basic Information 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

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Customer: Customer from which you receive the payment. The phone number automatically populates. Description: Optional description of the payment. Number: Automatically assigned customer payment number. You may change it. Date: Date on which the payment is received. Method: Method the customer used to make the payment, such as cash, check, credit card, or wire transfer. Note: If you select Check, the Check number and Check date fields display. If you select Credit Card, the Card number field and [Credit Card Info] button display. If you select Wire Transfer, the Reference number and Fee fields display.

2. Do ONE of the following as appropriate: When the method is Cash, continue to step 3. When the method is Check, do the following:

a. In the Check number field, enter the check number displayed on the customer’s check. Note: You can record letters or numbers in the Check Number field.

b. In the Check date field, enter the date on the check. When the method is Credit Card, do the following:

a. Click [Credit card info] to identify credit card information in the Add Charge Account window. Note: If a credit card was associated with an invoice when the invoice was generated, e-automate automatically adds the card associated to the invoice when the invoice is added to the Invoice/Payments tab.

b. If there is already credit card information associated with the customer, verify the card information or use the Lookup icon in the Charge account field to select an appropriate credit card for this payment.

c. If there is no credit card information in the Name on account field, enter the name of the person on the credit card account.

d. In the Address, City, State, and Zip fields enter the address information associated with the credit card billing address. Note: Your system administrator can require specific fields for credit card payments.

e. In the Charge account type field, use the dropdown menu to select the credit card type.

f. In the Account number field, enter the credit card number. g. In the Expiration date field, enter the credit card expiration date. h. In the Security code field, enter the security code associated with the credit card.

Note: This number is usually displayed in the signature bar on the back of the credit card, or is a small number on the front of the credit card.

i. If this is a new credit card, you can save this information to the customer’s account. Check the Save to customer charge accounts checkbox to save.

When the Method is Wire, do the following: a. In the Reference number field, enter the reference number associated with the

payment. b. In the Fee field, enter the wire fee, if any.

3. In the Amount field, enter the total amount of the customer’s payment.

Invoices Tab 1. To leave the payment unapplied, skip to the next section in this help topic. 2. To select invoices to which to apply the payment, do one or more of the following:

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To apply this payment automatically to all invoices billed to this customer, click [Auto apply customer payment]. Invoices are selected by e-automate to which to apply the payment, beginning with the oldest invoices and continuing to apply it until the payment has been completely disbursed or there is an unapplied amount of payment remaining.

To add invoices/credit memos to the Record Customer Payment window that were originally posted to the selected customer, do the following: a. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select an invoice/credit memo. b. In the Amount field, e-automate calculates an amount to apply to the invoice or use

from the credit memo. If necessary, enter a different amount as appropriate. c. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice/credit memo to the Record Customer Payment

window. d. Repeat steps a through c above to add more invoices billed or credit memos posted

to the selected customer. To add invoices and set specific details during the addition, do the following:

a. Click [Add] to open the Add Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window. b. To identify an invoice, select Apply to credit memo/invoice and use the Lookup

icon to select an invoice or credit memo. c. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Amount to apply: Amount of the payment to be applied or used to the selected invoice/credit memo. Note: The full amount of the invoice/credit memo is typically entered but you may change it. Terms discount amount: Discount amount to be applied to the invoice according to the terms. Note: This is usually only applicable to invoices and not credit memos. Reverse Sales Tax: When checked, e-automate creates a miscellaneous charge credit memo against the invoice to reverse the tax charged on the invoice. Note: This function is used if you charged a nontaxable customer tax. This amount is posted in the current open period for the tax adjustment. e-automate allows a zero application amount if you have taken a partial payment (payment less tax) and then use the record payment window to reverse the sales tax. Terms discount account: Account to which the terms discount is applied. Note: The Terms Discount account is automatically selected but you may change it. Terms discount department: Department to which the terms discount is associated. Accounts receivable account: Accounts receivable account to be reduced. Note: The accounts receivable account specified in administrative options is automatically entered. Caution: Only in rare circumstances should you change the account identified in the Accounts receivable account field.

d. Click [OK] to add the invoice/credit memo to the list and return to the Record Customer Payment window.

e. Repeat steps a through d to add more invoices/credit memos to the Record Customer Payment window.

To add an unapplied payment to the Invoices/Payments tab, do the following: a. Click [Add] to open the Add Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window. b. Select the Apply to unapplied payment radio button and use the Lookup icon to

select an unapplied payment. Note: You must have an unapplied payment to use this option. When Apply to

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unapplied payment is selected, only the Amount to apply and the Accounts receivable account fields are available.

c. Complete the following fields as appropriate. Amount to apply: Amount to be applied. Note: The unapplied amount of the payment is typically entered but you may change it. Accounts receivable account: Accounts receivable account to be reduced. Note: The accounts receivable account specified in administrative options is automatically entered. Caution: Only in rare circumstances should you change the account identified in the Accounts receivable account field.

d. Click [OK] to add the unapplied payment to the list and return to the Record Customer Payment window.

e. Repeat steps a through d to add more unapplied payments. To add invoices from other customers, do the following:

a. Click [Advanced Add] to open the Add Customer Payment Invoices window. b. e-automate displays only invoices billed to the customer identified in the Customer

field. To see invoices billed to customers related to this customer, select Show only invoices billed to customer and related customers. To see all open invoices for any customer, select Show all invoices.

c. Use the QuickSearch to narrow your list of invoices. d. Place a checkbox next to invoice(s) to which you want to added to the Record

Customer Payment window. Note: If necessary, you can reverse sales tax and clear terms discounts by right-clicking on the invoice in the Add Customer Payment Invoices window.

e. To record the invoice as fully paid, in the Amount to apply field, assure the amount due on the invoice is displayed. If you want to apply a partial payment on the selected invoice, in the Amount to apply field identify the amount of the payment you want to apply to the selected invoice.

f. Click [OK] to add the invoices checked in the Add Customer Payment Invoices window. Note: You can add multiple invoices at a time using the Add Customer Payment Invoices window or you can add one at a time by repeatedly visiting the Add Customer Payment Invoices window.

3. To make changes to the invoices, credit memos, or unapplied payments you added, do the following: a. Select the invoice/credit memo or unapplied payment whose settings you want to

change. b. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window. c. Modify the following fields as appropriate.

Note: Not all fields are applicable for unapplied payments. Amount to apply: Amount to be applied. Note: The full amount of the invoice is automatically entered but you may change it. Terms discount amount: Discount amount to be applied to the invoice according to the terms. Reverse Sales Tax: When checked, e-automate creates a miscellaneous charge credit memo against the invoice to reverse the tax charged on the invoice. Note: This function is used if you inadvertently charge a nontaxable customer tax. This amount is posted in the current open period for the tax adjustment.

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Terms discount account: Account to which the terms discount is applied. Note: The Terms Discount account is automatically selected but you may change it. Terms discount department: Department to which the terms discount is applied. Accounts receivable account: Accounts receivable account to be reduced. Note: The accounts receivable account specified in administrative options is automatically entered.

d. Click [OK] to save your payment settings. 4. To remove an invoice from the Invoices/Payments tab, do the following:

a. On the Invoices tab, select the invoice, credit memo, or unapplied payment you want to remove.

b. Click [Remove] to remove. c. To remove the invoice, credit memo or unapplied payment, click [Yes]. To cancel and

return to the Record Customer Payment window, click [No].

Miscellaneous Tab 1. Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Note: e-automate displays the appropriate fields based on the selected method of payment. Many of the fields may already be populated. You may change the information if needed. Caution: Only in rare circumstances should you change the accounts identified on the Miscellaneous tab. Unapplied Accounts Receivables account: Account to which customer payments not applied to a specific invoice are posted. Undeposited receipts account: Account into which customer payments are received. Note: The balance in this account represents the total from payments received but not deposited. Cash account: Cash account to which the wire transfer payment is deposited. Fee account: Account to which the wire transfer fee is posted. Note: This is usually an expense account. Fee department: Department to which the fees for a wire payment are posted.

Completing the Transaction 1. Click [OK] to record the payment and post it to the appropriate accounts.

Additional Info

Addl. Info – When a Bank Denies Payment If you discover the bank has denied a payment, you can void the payment from the customer payment list. e-automate creates the necessary entries to remove it from your cash account. You can also generate a Miscellaneous Charge Invoice for a non-sufficient funds (NSF) fee.

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature

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Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature [Next] OK/Apply Button Payment Method QuickAdd/Add Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: e-automate allows you to automatically apply a customer payment to the

oldest invoice first. 2. True or False: When you record a payment, you must immediately apply it to the

appropriate invoice(s). 3. Select the payment methods available for recording the receipt of a customer payment.

(Select all that apply) a. Cash b. Credit card c. Check d. All of the above.

Key Words Record, payment, apply, wire e transfer, check, credit card, cash, wire

Related Topics Applying a Customer Payment

Screen/Window Names Record Customer Payment Add Customer Payment

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Crediting Sales Tax

Overview If you have taxed a non-taxable customer on an invoice, you can reverse the sales tax from the invoice without voiding the entire invoice. Before you reverse the tax you must first use your taxing rules to determine if the customer has sufficiently proven tax exempt status. Once you have decided to reverse the tax on a customer invoice, you can either reverse the tax prior to the customer sending payment or during the payment application process. If you decide to reverse the tax prior to receiving payment, you are required to create a zero-dollar cash payment that reverses the sales tax. See the section in this STEPS topic, Crediting Sales Tax Prior to Payment for instructions. You can also reverse the sales tax when you receive payment from the customer for the invoice amount minus the invoiced tax. For example, if you had an invoice with a total of $107, the breakdown would be a $100 sub-total and a $7 tax. The customer would remit a payment of $100, and you could reverse the tax during the payment receipt of $100. You can also use the reverse tax functionality when using the Advanced Add option while receiving a payment. You use the Advanced Add functionality to add invoices to a payment window that were not originally invoiced to the customer from whom you are receiving payment. See the section in this STEPS topic, Crediting Sales Tax Using Advanced Add for instructions. When crediting sales tax, e-automate posts the tax credit into the period associated with the date on the payment window, if it is open. If the invoice was generated in a prior period and you are crediting the tax in the current open period, the tax credit is properly posted to the current open period and is reflected on your sales tax report in the current period. This functionality protects you in the event you have already paid your sales tax for the prior period but you post a sales tax credit in the current open period. Note: The following scenario assumes you are closing your accounting periods and not changing the dates in the payment window.

Crediting Sales Tax Prior to Payment 1. On the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Record Customer Payments

to open the Record Customer Payment window. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer who made the payment. The phone number will automatically populate. Description: Optional description of the payment. Number: Automatically assigned customer payment number. You may change it. Date: Date on which the sales tax credit is being created. Method: When crediting sales tax prior to payment, you should select Cash. Amount: Enter zero in this field.

3. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select the invoice on which you want to reverse sales tax.

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4. Leave the Amount field as set by e-automate. Should be the current balance on the invoice.

5. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice to the Record Customer Payment window. 6. Select the invoice from the list and click [Edit] to open the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt

Detail window. 7. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

a. In the Apply to credit memo/invoice field, verify you have the correct invoice. b. In the Amount to apply field, enter zero. c. In the Terms discount amount field, leave at zero. d. Check the Reverse sales tax checkbox.

Note: In the Summary box, e-automate displays the Tax Adjustment line for the tax credit being created.

e. Leave the remaining account and department fields as currently set. f. Click [OK] to close the Edit Customer Payment Invoice window.

8. On the Invoices tab, verify the Balance column reflects the pre-tax sub-total and the Tax Adjustment column displays the tax adjustment for the invoice.

9. Click [OK] to record the zero-dollar payment and the tax adjustment. Note: Once you have posted, e-automate displays the balance due on the invoice to be the invoice pre-tax subtotal.

Crediting Sales Tax During Payment 1. On the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Record Customer Payments

to open the Record Customer Payment window. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer who made the payment. The phone number will automatically populate. Description: Optional description of the payment. Number: Automatically assigned customer payment number. You may change it. Date: Date on which the payment (less tax) is received. Method: Select the appropriate method and complete the method fields applicable to your selected method. Amount: Enter the payment amount, typically the tax-less subtotal.

3. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select the invoice on which you want to record payment and reverse sales tax.

4. Leave the Amount field as set by e-automate. Should be the current balance on the invoice.

5. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice to the Record Customer Payment window. 6. Select the invoice from the list and click [Edit] to open the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt

Detail window. 7. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

a. In the Apply to credit memo/invoice field, verify you have the correct invoice. b. In the Amount to apply field, leave as populated by e-automate. This is typically the

invoice balance due. c. In the Terms discount amount field, leave at zero. d. Check the Reverse sales tax checkbox.

Note: In the Summary box, e-automate displays the Tax Adjustment line for the tax credit being created and modifies the Amount to apply field to be the tax-less subtotal.

e. Leave the remaining account and department fields as currently set. f. Click [OK] to close the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window.

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8. On the Invoices tab, verify the Balance column reflects a zero balance due and the Tax Adjustment column displays the tax adjustment for the invoice.

9. Click [OK] to record the payment and the tax adjustment.

Crediting Sales Tax Using Advanced Add The following steps are provided with the assumption that you have received a tax-less payment for invoices and you are processing the payment. 1. On the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Record Customer Payments

to open the Record Customer Payment window. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer who made the payment. The phone number will automatically populate. Description: Optional description of the payment. Number: Automatically assigned customer payment number. You may change it. Date: Date on which the payment (less tax) is received. Method: Select the appropriate method and complete the method fields applicable to your selected method. Amount: Enter the payment amount, typically the tax-less subtotal.

3. Click [Advanced Add] to open the Add Customer Payments Invoices window. 4. Select the appropriate radio button to display the invoice for which you are receiving

payment, either Show only invoices billed to customer and related customers or Show all invoices.

5. Complete the following: a. Locate the invoice in the list for which you want to reverse sales tax. b. Select the checkbox next to the invoice. c. Right-click on the invoice and select Reverse Sales Tax.

Note: e-automate identifies the tax adjustment in the Tax Adj. column. You may need to scroll to the right to view the column.

6. Repeat step 5 until you have reversed sales tax on all appropriate invoices. 7. Click [OK] to add the invoices to the payment window. 8. Click [OK] to record the payment and the tax adjustment(s).

Crediting Sales Tax After Subtotal is Paid 1. On the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Record Customer Payments

to open the Record Customer Payment window. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer has a tax balance remaining on an invoice. The phone number will automatically populate. Description: Optional description of the payment. Number: Automatically assigned customer payment number. You may change it. Date: Date on which the tax credit is being recorded. Method: Select cash. This is a zero dollar cash payment. Amount: Enter zero for the payment amount.

3. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select the invoice on which you want to record the tax reversal.

4. Leave the Amount field as set by e-automate. Should be the current balance on the invoice.

5. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice to the Record Customer Payment window.

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6. Select the invoice from the list and click [Edit] to open the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window.

7. Complete the following fields as appropriate. a. In the Apply to credit memo/invoice field, verify you have the correct invoice. b. In the Amount to apply field, enter zero. c. In the Terms discount amount field, leave at zero. d. Select the Reverse sales tax checkbox.

Note: In the Summary box, e-automate displays the Tax Adjustment line for the tax credit being created.

e. Leave the remaining account and department fields as currently set. f. Click [OK] to close the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window.

8. On the Invoices tab, verify the Balance column reflects a zero balance due and the Tax Adjustment column displays the tax adjustment for the invoice.

9. Click [OK] to record the payment and the tax adjustment.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Active Check Box Calculator Feature Date Feature Lookup Button/Feature OK/Apply Button Payment Method QuickAdd/Add Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: In e-automate, you can reverse the sales tax from an invoice without voiding

the entire invoice.

Key Words Tax, reverse tax, Record, payment, apply

Related Topics Applying a Customer Payment Recording a Customer Payment

Screen/Window Names Record Customer Payment Edit Customer Payment Invoice Add Customer Payment

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Creating Invoices from Contract Proposals

Overview When you renew or create a service contract you can configure the Contracts module to create a contract proposal instead of a new contract invoice. The difference between a contract proposal and a contract invoice is that the contract invoice posts to your general ledger and accounts receivable, whereas a proposal does not post at all until you receive payment. This allows you to propose a significant number of contracts without adversely affecting your general ledger. At the top of your contract proposal report, e-automate prints, “Contract XXXXXX.” You can configure your system to print any value for the XXXXXX. For example, you may choose to print, “Contract Proposal”, “Contract Renewal”, or “Contract Invoice.” Your system administrator or user with appropriate rights can change the word in report options. When a contract proposal is created in e-automate you can convert the proposal to a contract invoice when receiving a payment. Customers that have contract proposals associated with their accounts display the [Proposals] button in the Record Customer Payment window. You use this button to create a contract invoice from the proposal that was previously created in the Contracts module. Your system administrator determines if the invoice created bears the same number as the proposal, or if a new invoice number is created based on the current accounts receivable invoice number.

Getting to the Transaction 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Record Customer

Payments. Note: You can also access the Record Customer Payment window using the Accounts Receivable Console.

Basic Information 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer who made the payment. The phone number automatically populates. Description: Optional description of the payment. Number: Automatically assigned customer payment number. You may change it. Date: Date on which the payment is received. Method: Method the customer used to make the payment, such as cash, check, credit card, or wire transfer. Note: If you select Check, the Check number and Check date fields display. If you select Credit Card, the Card number field and [Credit Card Info] button display. If you select Wire Transfer, the Reference number and Fee fields display.

2. Do one of the following as appropriate: When the method is Cash, continue to step 3. When the method is Check, do the following:

a. In the Check number field, enter the check number displayed on the customer’s check. Note: You can record letters or numbers in the Check Number field.

b. In the Check date field, enter the date on the check. When the method is Credit Card, do the following:

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a. If there is already credit card information associated with the customer, verify the card information or use the Lookup icon in the Charge account field to select an appropriate credit card for this payment.

b. If there is no credit card information, in the Name on account field, enter the name of the person on the credit card.

c. In the Address, City, State, and Zip fields, enter the address information associated with the credit card billing address.

d. In the Charge account type field, use the drop down menu to select the credit card type.

e. In the Account number field, enter the credit card number. f. In the Expiration date field, enter the credit card expiration date. g. In the Security code field, enter the security code associated with the credit card.

Note: This number is usually displayed in the signature bar on the back of the credit card, or is a small number on the front of the credit card.

h. If this is a new credit card, you can save this information to the customer’s account. Check the Save to customer charge accounts checkbox to save.

When the Method is Wire, do the following: a. In the Reference number field, enter the reference number associated with the

payment. b. In the Fee field, enter the wire fee, if any.

3. In the Amount field, enter the total amount of the customer’s payment for the contract proposal.

Proposals Button 1. Locate and click [Proposals] to open the Open Contract Proposals window.

Note: The button is displayed just above the Miscellaneous tab in the Record Customer Payment window. The button only displays if the customer has open contract proposals.

2. In the Open Contract Proposals window, select the contract proposal the customer is accepting by payment and check the checkbox next to the proposal number in the Proposal Number column. Note: If the customer is accepting multiple proposals, you can check multiple proposals in the window as necessary.

3. Click [OK] to display the Create Service Contract Invoice window. 4. In the Invoice date field, verify the date you want posted to the general ledger for this

contract invoice. 5. Verify the Batch field is correct.

Note: e-automate assumes the date for the batch number as necessary. 6. To print the invoice, check the Print invoices checkbox. 7. In the Print XX additional copies(s) of each invoice field, enter the appropriate number

of copies. 8. Click [OK] to create the invoice, add it to the Invoices tab, and print.

Invoices Tab 1. If there are additional invoices to which the payment should apply, do the following:

a. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select the invoice. b. In the Amount field, enter the amount to be applied. c. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice and amount to the list. d. Repeat steps a through c until you have applied the entire payment either to proposals

or invoices.

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2. To modify settings of the displayed invoices, do the following: a. On the Invoices tab, select the invoice from the list. b. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window. c. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Apply to credit memo/invoice: Invoice to which this payment should be applied. Amount to apply: Amount to be applied. Note: The full amount of the invoice is automatically entered but you may change it. Terms discount amount: Discount amount to be applied to the invoice according to the terms. Reverse Sales Tax: When checked, e-automate creates a miscellaneous charge credit memo against the invoice to reverse the tax charged on the invoice. Note: This function is used if you inadvertently charge a nontaxable customer tax. Terms discount account: Account to which the terms discount is applied. Note: The Terms Discount account is automatically selected but you may change it. Terms discount department: Department to which the terms discount is applied. Accounts receivable account: Accounts receivable account to be reduced. Note: The accounts receivable account specified in Options is automatically entered.

d. Click [OK] to save the invoice payment settings. Note: For more information on recording customer payments see the online help topic, Recording a Customer Payment.

Completing the Transaction 1. Click [OK] to save the payment and apply it against the customer account.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Lookup Button/Feature OK/Apply Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: A contract invoice posts immediately to your general ledger and accounts

receivable, while a contract proposal does not post until you receive payment.

Key Words Invoice, contract, proposal

Related Topics Working with Contract Proposals

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Screen/Window Names Record Customer Payment Open Contract Proposals Create Service Contract Invoice

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Applying Customer Payments

Overview You use the Apply Payments activity to apply a customer payment that was received and recorded but not applied to a particular invoice. Payments not applied to specific invoices show as credits on the customer’s aged accounts receivables. After you have applied the payment to the invoice, e-automate shows the invoice as paid in full or paid in part, depending on the payment. You use the Apply Customer Payments window to apply unapplied customer payments to invoices posted to the customer or to other customer accounts. When applying customer payments you can add invoices to the window using QuickAdd if the invoices are posted to the selected customer. To add an invoice from another customer to the payment, you use the Advanced Add functionality in the Apply Customer Payment window.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Apply Customer Payments to

open the Apply Customer Payments window.

Basic Information 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer whose payment you want to apply. The phone number will automatically populate. Description: Optional description for this payment application. Payment: Number of the payment transaction that has already been recorded from the selected customer and not applied. Note: This lookup only displays unapplied payments. Number: Number automatically assigned to this payment application. You may change it. Date: Date on which the payment is being applied to the invoice(s).

Invoices Tab 1. To select invoices to which to apply the payment, do one or more of the following:

To apply this payment automatically to all invoices billed to this customer, click [Auto apply customer payment]. e-automate selects invoices to which to apply the payment, beginning with the oldest invoices, and continuing to apply it until the payment has been completely disbursed or there is an unapplied amount of payment remaining.

To add invoices that were originally posted to the selected customer to the Record Customer Payment window, do the following: a. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select an invoice. b. In the Amount field, e-automate enters the amount due on the invoice. Enter a

different amount if appropriate. c. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice to the Record Customer Payment window. d. Repeat steps a through c above to add more invoices billed to the selected customer.

To add invoices and set specific details during the addition, do the following: a. Click [Add] to open the Add Customer Payment Invoice window.

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b. Complete the following fields as appropriate. Apply to credit memo/invoice: Invoice to which this payment should be applied. Apply to unapplied payment: Use this option to apply a payment not associated with a specific invoice. Note: When Apply to unapplied payment is selected, only the Amount to apply and the Accounts receivable account fields will be available. Amount to apply: Amount to be applied. Note: The full amount of the invoice is automatically entered but you may change it. Terms discount amount: Discount amount to be applied to the invoice according to the terms. Reverse Sales Tax: When checked, e-automate creates a miscellaneous charge credit memo against the invoice to reverse the tax charged on the invoice. Note: This function is used if you inadvertently charge a nontaxable customer tax. This amount is posted in the current open period for the tax adjustment. Terms discount account: Account to which the terms discount is applied. Note: The Terms Discount account is automatically selected but you may change it. Terms discount department: Department to which the terms discount is applied. Accounts receivable account: Accounts receivable account to be reduced. Note: The accounts receivable account specified in administrative options is automatically entered.

c. Click [OK] to add the invoice to the list and return to the Record Customer Payment window.

d. Repeat steps a through c to add more invoices using the Add Customer Payment window.

To add invoices from other customers, do the following: a. Click [Advanced Add] to open the Add Customer Payment Invoices window. b. e-automate displays only invoices billed to the customer identified in the Customer

field. To see invoices billed to customers related to this customer, select Show only invoices billed to customer and related customers. To see all open invoices, select Show all invoices.

c. Use the QuickSearch to narrow your list of invoices. d. Place a checkbox next to invoice(s) to which you want to apply the credit memo.

Note: If necessary, you can reverse sales tax and clear terms discounts by right-clicking on the invoice in the Add Customer Payment Invoices window.

e. If you do not want record the invoice as paid, leave an amount due in the Amount to apply field. To apply a partial payment on the selected invoice, in the Amount to apply field identify the amount of the payment you want to apply to the selected invoice.

f. Click [OK] to add the invoices checked in the Add Customer Payment Invoices window. Note: You can add multiple invoices at a time using the Add Customer Payment Invoices window or you can add one at a time by repeatedly visiting the Add Customer Payment Invoices window.

2. To make changes to the invoices you have added, do the following: a. Select the invoice whose settings you want to change. b. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Customer Payment Invoice window. c. Modify the following fields as appropriate.

Apply to credit memo/invoice: Use this field to confirm the invoice. Amount to apply: Amount to be applied. Note: The full amount of the invoice is automatically entered but you may change it.

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Terms discount amount: Discount amount to be applied to the invoice according to the terms. Reverse Sales Tax: When checked, e-automate creates a miscellaneous charge credit memo against the invoice to reverse the tax charged on the invoice. Note: This function is used if you inadvertently charge a nontaxable customer tax. This amount is posted in the current open period for the tax adjustment. Terms discount account: Account to which the terms discount is applied. Note: The Terms Discount account is automatically selected but you may change it. Terms discount department: Department to which the terms discount is applied. Accounts receivable account: Accounts receivable account to be reduced. Note: The accounts receivable account specified in administrative options is automatically entered.

d. Click [OK] to save your payment settings. 3. To remove an invoice from the list of invoices, do the following:

a. On the Invoices tab, select the invoice you want to remove. b. Click [Remove] to remove the invoice. c. To remove the invoice, click [Yes]. To cancel and return to the Record Customer

Payment window, click [No].

Miscellaneous Tab 1. Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward. 2. In the Unapplied accounts receivable account field, verify the information is correct.

Note: Typically you do not have to change information on the Miscellaneous tab. However, you can make special corrections by modifying the fields when needed. e-automate enters the account from the Unapplied accounts receivable account field in the Accounts Receivable Options window.

Completing the Transaction 1. Click [OK] to apply the payment to the listed invoice(s). If you checked Reverse Sales

Tax, e-automate also creates a miscellaneous charge credit memo for the tax amount.

Additional Info

Addl. Info – Accessing the Transaction from the Customer Payment List You can access the Apply Customer Payments window from the Customer Payment list. 1. From the Accounting menu select Accounts Receivable > Customer Payments. 2. Click [Apply] to open the Apply Customer Payments window.

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature

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[Next] OK/Apply Button Payment Method QuickAdd/Add Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: You must wait until a customer has paid an invoice in full before you can

apply payment toward the invoice.

Key Words Apply, payment

Related Topics Recording a Customer Payment Reapplying a Customer Payment

Screen/Window Names Apply Customer Payments Add Receipts to Invoices

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Reapplying Customer Payments

Overview If you recorded a customer payment and apply it to the wrong invoice, you can reapply the payment from one invoice to another if the customer billed on the invoice is the same. You use the Re-Apply Payment window to un-apply a payment from one invoice and apply it to a different invoice on the same customer’s account. You can also use the Re-apply Payment window to un-apply payments that are made to other customers’ invoices. If you need to re-apply payments made across different customer accounts, use the Record Customer Payments window and the Advanced Add functionality. For more information on recording customer payments using Advanced Add, see the online help topic, Recording a Customer Payment. When you reapply a payment, e-automate removes the payment from one invoice and applies it to another. After you reapply the payment, the invoice will show paid in full or paid in part, depending on the amount of the payment. When you un-apply a payment, e-automate shows the payment and the invoice as open. The reapply functionality is only available in the Accounts Receivable Console window.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. 2. In the Find field, use the dropdown menu to select Customer. 3. In the field to the right of the Find field, use the Lookup icon to select the customer from

whom you received payment. 4. On the Account Summary for - - Customer tab, uncheck Show Open Items Only.

Note: You cannot view applied payments when the Show Open Items Only checkbox is checked.

5. In the Account Summary for - Customer region, select the payment to be unapplied or reapplied.

6. Use the dropdown menu to the right of [Payment] to select Re-apply Payment. e-automate opens the Re-apply Payment window populated with the payment and the invoices to which the payment was applied.

Basic Information 1. In the Previous applications region, leave Invoice No. checked for each invoice for which

the payment should be unapplied. 2. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select an invoice to which the payment should

be applied. Note: If you want to leave the payment unapplied, do not add any invoices to the New applications region.

3. In the Amount field, enter the amount to apply to the selected invoice. 4. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice and amount to the New applications region. 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until the entire payment is applied.

Note: Monitor your use of the payment in the Payment window in the upper left corner.

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Completing the Transaction 1. Click [OK] to reapply the payment to the appropriate invoice(s).

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Lookup Button/Feature QuickAdd/Add Button Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: You can reapply the payment from one invoice to another for a customer. 2. True or False: You cannot leave a previously applied payment unapplied.

Key Words Apply, reapply, payment, customer payment,

Related Topics Applying a Customer Payment Recording a Customer Payment

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console Re-apply Payment

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Voiding Customer Payments / NSF

Overview You may void a customer’s payment when you discover that there are insufficient funds in the customer’s financial institution to cover the payment. When you void a customer payment, e-automate automatically reopens the invoice and enters both a payment reversal and a negative deposit so you can remove the previously deposited payment. Once you have voided the payment you can use e-automate notes functionality to add any notes to the voided payment you choose.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. 2. In the Find field, use the dropdown menu to select Customer. 3. In the Customer field, use the Lookup icon to select the customer with the payment to

void. 4. In the Account Summary for – Customer region, uncheck the Show Open Items Only

checkbox to display all activity for the selected customer.

Basic Info 1. In the Account Summary for – Customer region, locate the payment received from the

customer that you want to void. 2. Right-click on the payment and select Void Customer Payment ‘XX’ 3. e-automate displays the Void Customer Payment window. If you are sure you want to void

the payment, click [Yes]. If you decide not to void the payment, click [No]. 4. e-automate flags the original payment as voided and enters a payment reversal.

Handling the Deposit 1. From the e-automate toolbar, click [Cashbook] to open the Cashbook Transactions window. 2. Click [Deposit] to open the Cashbook – New Deposit window. 3. Enter the appropriate information.

See below for field descriptions. Number: The number of the deposit is automatically assigned. You may change it. Date: Date the deposit was created. Description: Brief description explaining the negative deposit. Amount: Enter the amount of the voided payment as a negative number. Deposit Account: Account to which the original payment was deposited.

4. Check the checkbox to the left of the receipt reflecting the negative payment. 5. In the Summary field, verify that the value in the Difference field is zero. 6. Click [OK] to record the negative deposit.

Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Invoice for the NSF Fee Optional: If you want to charge the customer for insufficient funds, create a Miscellaneous Charge Invoice for the fee. Refer to the online help topic, Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Invoice for detailed instructions on how to create a Miscellaneous Charge Invoice.

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Additional Info

Addl. Info – From the Customer Payment List You can access the void customer payments function from the Customer Payment list. 1. From the Accounting menu select Accounts Receivable > Customer Payments to open

the Customer Payments window. 2. Select the payment you wish to void. 3. Click [Void] to void the customer payment.

Addl. Info – Adding Notes to Voided Payments You can add internal notes to payments and payment reversals. 1. From the accounts receivable payments list or the accounts receivable console, select the

payment reversal. 2. Right-click and select Notes. 3. In the Note field, enter your notes. 4. In the Type field, use the lookup icon to select a note type. 5. Click [QuickAdd] to add the note to the list of notes.

Note: You can add larger amounts of text by clicking [Add], opening the Add Note window, entering your notes or pasting your notes, selecting a Note type and clicking [OK].

6. Click [OK] to save your note.

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Active Checkbox Calculator Feature Cancel Button OK/Apply Button

Question(s) 1. True or False: When you void a customer payment, e-automate enters a payment reversal

in the customer’s account automatically.

Key Words Void payment, negative deposit, Misc. Charge Invoice, AR Console, NSF, insufficient funds

Related Topics Creating a Misc. Charge Invoice Recording a Cashbook Deposit

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console Cashbook Transactions Cashbook – New Deposit

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Placing and Releasing Customer Hold Status

Overview Customers can be placed on hold when they have not paid their existing invoices, or for any other reason you specify in e-automate. There are a variety of ways to place customers on Credit Hold in e-automate. Credit Hold is most commonly set from the Accounts Receivable Console. Placing a customer on hold flags the customer’s account so that when accounts receivable transactions occur in e-automate, the user is notified that the customer is on hold. When a customer is on hold and a sales order or a service call is entered, the system automatically places the order or the call on hold. Neither the sales order nor the service call can be fulfilled or dispatched until the hold status of the transaction is resolved.

Placing a Credit Hold from the AR Console 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. 2. In the Find field, use the dropdown menu to select Customer. 3. In the Customer field, use the Lookup icon to select the customer. 4. Verify [Credit Hold] is not selected. 5. Click [Credit Hold] to place the customer on credit hold.

Releasing Credit Hold from the AR Console 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. 2. In the Find field, use the dropdown menu to select Customer. 3. In the Customer field, use the Lookup icon to select the customer. 4. Verify [Credit Hold] is selected. 5. Click [Credit Hold] to release the customer from credit hold.

Placing or Releasing a Hold from the Customer Record 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Customers] to open the Customers window. 2. Select the customer you want to place on or release from hold from the customer list. 3. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Customer window. 4. On the Account tab, in the On hold code field, use the Lookup icon to select an On Hold

Code. Note: To release, delete the On Hold Code from the On Hold Code field.

5. Click [OK] to save the on hold status.

Additional Info

Addl. Info – e-agent and Credit Hold Status e-agent is a program that ships with e-automate and is included in your e-automate purchase. e-agent is a tool that can be configured to send you e-mail notifications when certain tasks or activities occur in your e-automate database. One of these tasks is the Customer Hold Status task. You can configure the task to run daily, weekly, et cetera. You can configure e-agent to place a customer on hold when the customer is a specified number of days past due on invoices, or is at a defined percentage of the customer’s credit limit. You can also configure the

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Customer Hold Status to release customers from hold when they come back into compliance with your defined parameters. After the Customer Hold Status task is completed, e-agent sends an email to identify which customers were placed on hold and which customers were released from hold. If you choose to not allow e-agent to place and remove a particular customer from hold, you can exempt a customer from the task. You exempt a customer from the e-agent task by checking the Allow e-Agent to place or release from on hold checkbox on the Account tab in the customer profile. e-agent only places and removes the on hold status, Credit Hold. If you have placed customers on hold using another code, e-agent will not remove or place hold.

Addl. Info – Alternate Method You can also place a customer on hold by editing the customer record and selecting an appropriate reason in the On Hold Code field.

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Lookup Button/Feature Tab Key

Question(s) 1. What e-automate tool can be used to notify you of a credit hold status change by e-mail?

a. eView b. e-info c. e-agent d. e-task k

2. Which of the following statements is true about placing a customer on credit hold? a. A customer is not placed on hold when they have not paid their existing invoices. b. A sales or service order can still be dispatched if the customer is on hold. c. When a sales or service order is entered for a customer on hold, the sales or

service order is automatically placed on hold. d. The Accounts Receivable Console is the only way to place a customer on hold.

Key Words On hold, credit hold, credit

Related Topics Creating an On Hold Code

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console

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Working with AR Tasks

Overview Tasks are tools you use in e-automate to collect information about actions you have taken or plan to take with customers. Tasks are classified using Task types which are created and managed by your system administrator. You can use tasks to plan future activities and record past activities. When creating tasks, they are required to have a task type but can also link to a customer, a customer contact, and an employee in your database. You can schedule tasks to occur on a specific day, record when a task was completed as well as set a follow-up task for the future. When e-automate creates a follow-up task, it creates a duplicate task for the future. You can write a detailed description of the task. When creating tasks on the Account Summary tab in the Accounts Receivable console, you can even connect a task to a specific invoice. This allows other employees to see tasks that are connected to invoices when using the Accounts Receivable console as the collection tool.

Getting to the Transaction 1. To access the New Task Detail window, do ONE of the following:

To access from the Accounts Receivable Console do the following: a. Click [Receivables] on the e-automate toolbar to open the Accounts Receivable

Console window. Note: You can also access the Accounts Receivable Console by clicking the Accounting menu and selecting Accounts receivable > Account receivable console.

b. On the Accounts Receivable window toolbar, click [Tasks]. c. Click [New] to open the New Task Detail window.

To access the Accounts Receivable Console and associate the task with an invoice, do the following: a. Click [Receivables] on the e-automate toolbar to open the Accounts Receivable

Console window. Note: You can also access the Accounts Receivable Console by clicking the Accounting menu and selecting Accounts receivable > Account receivable console.

b. Verify you are on the Account Summary for – Customer tab, if not click it to bring it forward.

c. Select an invoice to which you want to associate the task. d. Click [New task] to open the New Task Detail window.

Note: If you do not see the New task button, you will need to show invoices tasks. On the Accounts Receivable Console toolbar, click the dropdown arrow on the Options button and select, Show invoice tasks.

To access from the Customer tasks tab in the Accounts Receivable Console, do the following: a. Click [Receivables] on the e-automate toolbar to open the Accounts Receivable

Console window. Note: You can also access the Accounts Receivable Console by clicking the Accounting menu and selecting Accounts receivable > Account receivable console.

b. Click the Customer tasks tab to bring it forward.

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c. Click [New] to open the New Task Detail window. To access from the Customer record, do the following:

a. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Customers] to open the Customers list window. b. Select the customer for which you want to create a task. c. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Customer window. d. Click the Tasks tab to bring it forward. e. Click [New] to open the New Task Detail window.

Creating Tasks 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Customer associated with the task, if applicable. Note: Depending on how you accessed the New Task Detail window, the customer may already be present. Contact: Name of the person with whom you had contact, if any. Note: This lookup displays only those contacts associated with the identified customer. Task type: Type of task. Assigned to: Employee in your company responsible for the task. Description: Description of the task. Note: Additional customer aging information is displayed in the window to support collection efforts. Scheduled for: Date the task begins. Completed on: Date the task is completed. Tasks can be marked complete later. Follow up date: Date you want to follow up on this task. Note: When checked, e-automate creates a duplicate task for the date identified in this field.

2. Click [OK] to save the task.

Editing Tasks 1. Access the task using one of the above methods identified in the section, Getting to the

Transaction. 2. Select the task. 3. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Task Detail window.

Note: To edit a task associated with an invoice, select the task, use the dropdown menu to select Edit. You can also double-click on a task to edit.

Deleting Tasks 1. Access the task using one of the above methods identified in the section, Getting to the

Transaction. 2. Select the task. 3. Click [Delete] to remove the task from the database.

Note: To edit a task associated with an invoice, select the task and use the dropdown menu to select Delete.

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Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Cancel Button Date Feature Lookup Button/Feature OK/Apply Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: A task can be created about the collection efforts with a specific customer.

Key Words Invoice, collect, collection, task, history,

Related Topics Creating a Contact

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console New Invoice Task

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Sending Invoices or Statements to Customers by Email

Overview You can send an electronic copy of an invoice or a statement to an email recipient from the Accounts Receivable Console. Email recipients are pulled from the e-automate contacts list by default. If the company does not have a contact to which you want to send the invoice, you can enter an email address directly on the Email Invoices window. The default format for attaching invoices and statements is the Adobe Acrobat, .PDF format. To change to a different format, contact your system administrator. The format can be changed under the Report options area.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. 2. In the Find field, use the dropdown menu to select Customer. 3. In the Customer field, use the Lookup icon to select the customer to be sent the invoice.

Note: You can right-click on the customer in the Customers region and select Email Statement to create and attach a customer statement to an email. You can also print a statement or preview a statement.

4. In the Account Summary for - Customer region, select the invoice to be sent via email. Note: You can use the keyboard shortcuts, CTRL + click or SHIFT + click to select multiple invoices to be sent.

5. Do ONE of the following: Click [E-mail] to open the E-mail Invoices window. Right-click on the selected invoice(s) and select Email to open the E-mail Invoices

window. Right-click on the selected invoice(s) and select Email with statement to open the E-

mail Invoices window.

Basic Info 1. To show contacts for all customers, check Show all contacts. 2. In the Contact field, use the Lookup icon to select the contact to receive the emailed

invoice and/or statement. 3. If you do not have the contact email address for the contact, enter the email address for the

recipient in the To field. 4. To send a copy of the invoice or statement, in the CC field, enter or select an invoice. 5. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email message. 6. In the Message field, verify the message to accompany the attached invoice. Make changes

as necessary.

Completing the Transaction 1. Click [OK] to begin sending the email message. 2. If you are using Microsoft Outlook, a message displays about automatically sending the

email. Click [Yes] to send the invoice to the contact by email.

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Additional Info

Addl. Info – Sending Multiple Invoices You can send multiple invoices with one email. Select all invoices you want attached to the email address and click [E-mail]. You can use the Windows keyboard functions, CTRL + click or SHIFT + click to select multiple invoices. To send multiple invoices with one email, you should choose the PDF email format.

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Cancel Button Ctrl+N Date Feature Lookup Button/Feature Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. What email format should you choose if you are sending multiple invoices with one email?

a. Word document b. Excel c. PDF d. HTML

Key Words e-mail, email, send

Related Topics Creating a Customer Record Creating a Contact

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console E-mail Invoices Edit Contact

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Viewing AR Days Sales Outstanding Statistics

Overview Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) is an important financial indicator that shows the number of days on average that it takes to collect accounts receivable payments. Days Sales Outstanding is an industry value that you can use to compare your company with other companies.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. 2. Click [Stats] to display the Days Sales Outstanding graph.

Viewing the Information 1. To change the time period displayed in the graph:

a. In the From period field, use the dropdown menu to select the beginning of the period to be viewed.

b. In the To period field, use the dropdown menu to select the end of the period to be viewed.

c. Click [Update Graph] to update the graph to reflect the new time period. 2. To use only specific accounts receivable accounts:

a. In the Accounts receivable accounts region, check only those accounts you wish to use in the calculation. You can also use the [All] or [None] buttons to select all accounts receivable accounts or none of them.

b. Click [Update Graph] to update the graph to reflect the selected accounts. 3. To use only specific sales accounts:

a. In the Sales accounts region, check only those accounts you wish to use in the calculation. You can also use the [All] or [None] buttons to select all Sales accounts or none of them.

b. Click [Update Graph] to update the graph to reflect the selected accounts. 4. To add a benchmark:

a. In the Description field in the Benchmark region, enter a description of the benchmark.

b. In the DSO field, enter the benchmark value. c. Click [QuickAdd] to add the benchmark. d. Click [Update Graph] to update the graph to reflect the added benchmark.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature

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Page 61: Accounts Receivable – Receivable Menu 1. To view the Accounts Receivable menu choices, select Accounting >

Question(s) 1. True or False: ‘Days Sales Outstanding’ is a term that is unique to e-automate.

Key Words Accounts receivable, days, outstanding, overdue

Related Topics Using the Accounts Receivable Console

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console New Task Edit Task Delete Note

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Viewing Top Ten Invoices Due in Ten Days or Less

Overview You use the Tasks feature in the Accounts Receivable Console window to show or hide the top ten current invoices that will be due in ten days or less. This capability allows you to focus your work on collecting invoices that are due soon.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console


Viewing the Information 1. In the Find field, use the dropdown menu to select All Customers. 2. Click [Tasks] to show the accounts receivable Tasks view. 3. Click [Show Top Ten] to display the top ten invoices that will be due in ten days or less.

Note: You can either show or hide the top ten invoices using the buttons [Hide Top Ten] or [Show Top Ten]. The top ten invoices will either be shown or hidden based on what state the Tasks view was in the last time you closed the Accounts Receivable Console.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Cancel Button Date Feature Lookup Button/Feature OK/Apply Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: A task is used to automatically notify the customer when they are almost out

of stock on an item.

Key Words Invoice, collect, collection, note, task

Related Topics Creating a Task Associated with Collecting On an Invoice Creating a Task Associated with a Customer

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console

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Writing Off Bad Debt

Overview You may write off a customer’s invoice that you have determined to be uncollectible. In order to write off debt in e-automate, you must have the correct security rights. Before you can write off uncollectible debt, you must first establish an account for bad debt in the Accounts Receivables Options.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console


Basic Information 1. In the Find field, use the dropdown menu to select Customer. 2. In the Customer field, use the Lookup icon to select the customer with the bad debt. 3. In the Account Summary for – Customer region at the bottom of the window, select the

invoice to be written off. 4. Click [Write-off] to open the New Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo window.

Note: If your administrator has not enabled this feature, contact your system administrator to set up a bad debt expense account.

Completing the Transaction 1. The customer’s invoice/credit or debit memo delivery method is displayed in e-automate as

an icon in the lower left corner. Hovering your mouse over the icon will display the customer’s selected method and the associated accounts receivable contact. Your system administrator determines which invoices/memos can be queued for printing, fax or Email. Only invoices allowed to be queued can be changed. To change the delivery method for this credit memo, click the icon and do one of the following: To cancel sending the credit memo, check Do not send invoice and click [Hide] to

close the window. To identify a different contact to receive the credit memo, in the Contact field, use the

Lookup icon to select a different contact. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide]. Note: The Contact lookup only displays contacts associated with the customer on the invoice. You can display all contacts by checking the Show all contacts checkbox.

To change the delivery method, select Print, Email, or Fax. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide]. Note: When Email or Fax is selected you can modify the email address or the fax number.

If printing the credit memo, you may enter the number of copies you want printed in the Number of additional copies to be printed field. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide].

2. Click [OK] to save the transaction, post to the general ledger and queue the invoice/memo for the selected delivery method.

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Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Cancel Button

Question(s) 1. What type of form is generated as a result of writing off bad debt?

a. Miscellaneous charge invoice b. Miscellaneous charge credit memo c. Miscellaneous charge debit memo d. None of the above

Key Words Bad debt, write, credit

Related Topics Creating a General Ledger Account Setting Accounts Payable Options Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console New Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo

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Batch Processing Credit Cards

Overview When invoices are processed with a charge method of Credit Card, they show up in the Process Customer Charge Accounts window for credit card processing. You use this window to batch process or individually process credit card payments from customers. You can only batch process credit cards if your system administrator has enabled bulk credit card processing with a Digital Gateway partner. If this window is empty, you have processed all the invoices with a charge method of Credit Card or you do not have any e-automate invoices to process. You can use this online help steps procedure to batch process credit cards. The processor integrated with e-automate is NET1/Sage Payment Solutions, NET1/Sage is a PCI compliant third-party partner with e-automate. If you do not have an agreement with our credit card processor, NET1/Sage Payment Solutions, you cannot bulk process credit card or manual payments. See the STEPS topic, Batch Processing Credit Cards. If you have an authorized credit card partner other than NET1/Sage, you will need to use the Process Customer Charge Accounts window to manually process credit cards individually.

Process Customer Charge Accounts Window Buttons [AutoProcess]: Tells e-automate to process all checked invoices as a batch. Note: This button displays only when you have enabled batch credit card processing. [Check All]: Checks (selects) all of the invoices listed in the Process Customer Charge Accounts window. Note: This button displays only when you have enabled batch credit card processing. [Uncheck All]: Unchecks (deselects) all of the invoices listed in the Process Customer Charge Accounts window. Note: This button displays only when you have enabled batch credit card processing. [View]: Allows you to see the credit card information for the selected invoice. [View Results]: Allows you to view processing results in a more detailed format than is displayed in the Results column. Note: This button displays only when you have enabled batch credit card processing. [Process]: Processes the credit card payment for the selected invoice. The Record Customer Payment window opens, allowing you to process the payment. [Edit Card]: Edits the card information associated with the invoice. You can change the card that will be charged for the invoice or edit the credit card information. [Change Method]: Allows you to change the charge method on the invoice. [Print]: Prints a copy of the selected invoice flagged for credit card pay. This report displays the associated credit card information and the credit card stamp. [Refresh List]: Refreshes credit card invoices to be processed and ensures that all of the invoices waiting for credit card processing are present in the list. [Close]: Closes the Process Customer Charge Accounts window.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Process Customer Charge

Accounts to open the Process Customer Charge Accounts window.

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Basic Info 1. To process one or more (batch) credit card payments, use the batch processing functionality

by doing one of the following: Note: Batch credit card processing is only available if you have enabled batch credit card processing. To configure e-automate to batch process credit cards see Configuring Credit Card Processing Settings in STEPS. Check the checkbox beside each invoice you want included in the credit card payment

batch. Use the QuickSearch to identify invoices you want included in the credit card payment

batch and click [Check All]. Click [Check All] to select all the invoices in the list you want included in the credit card

payment batch. 2. After selecting the invoices you want included in the credit card payment batch, click

[AutoProcess] to display the Process Charge Accounts window. 3. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Post Date: The date payments should post to the general ledger. Undeposited Receipts account: The account to which the undeposited payments are posted. Note: Typically you should not change this field. Instead, you should allow the credit card payments to be posted to the Undeposited Payments account and then deposit the payments when you have verification of the deposit from your bank statement.

4. Click [OK] to begin the credit card batch processing or click [Cancel] to exit. Completed invoices are removed from the Process Charge Accounts window and recorded as paid. Failed credit card payments remain in the window.

5. If you have failed charges left in the window, do one or more of the following: To view why the charge failed select the invoice for which you want to view results and

click [View Results] to see more details. After reviewing the details, click [Close]. To edit credit card information, select the invoice for which you want to edit card

information and click [Edit Card] to open the Edit Charge Account window and do the following: a. Edit the necessary fields to change the account information as needed. b. In the Expiration date field, use the dropdown arrow to select a different expiration

date of the card. c. Click [OK].

To change the charge method, select the invoice for which you want to change the charge method and click [Change Method] to open the Change Charge Method window and do the following: a. In the Charge Method field, use the Lookup icon to select a different charge

method. b. If you want to print this change, check the Print checkbox. c. Click [OK] to save your change. The invoice is removed from the Process Charge

Accounts window. 6. To re-process any edited and remaining invoices, verify they are checked and click

[AutoProcess]. 7. Repeat the above steps 1 through 7 until you have processed all the credit card invoices.

Additional Info

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Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature [Next] OK/Apply Button Payment Method QuickAdd/Add Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: You can process credit card payments in batch, or individually in e-automate.

Key Words Record, payment, apply, wire transfer, check, credit card, cash, wire.

Related Topics Applying a Customer Payment Recording a Customer Payment

Screen/Window Names Record Customer Payment Add Customer Payment

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Manually Processing Credit Card Payments When invoices are processed with a charge method of Credit Card, they show up in the Process Customer Charge Accounts window for credit card processing. You use this window to batch process or individually process credit card payments from customers. If this window is empty, you have processed all the invoices with a charge method of Credit Card. The processor integrated with e-automate is NET1/Sage Payment Solutions, NET1/Sage is a PCI compliant third-party partner with e-automate. If you do not have an agreement with our credit card processor, NET1/Sage Payment Solutions, you cannot bulk process credit card or manual payments. See the STEPS topic, Batch Processing Credit Cards. If you have an authorized credit card partner other than NET1/Sage, you will need to use the Process Customer Charge Accounts window to manually process credit cards individually.

Process Customer Charge Accounts Window Buttons The following buttons appear in the Process Customer Charge Accounts window. [AutoProcess]: Tells e-automate to process all checked invoices as a batch. Note: This button displays only when you have enabled batch credit card processing. [Check All]: Checks (selects) all of the invoices listed in the Process Customer Charge Accounts window. Note: This button displays only when you have enabled batch credit card processing. [Uncheck All]: Unchecks (deselects) all of the invoices listed in the Process Customer Charge Accounts window. Note: This button displays only when you have enabled batch credit card processing. [View]: Allows you to see the credit card information for the selected invoice. [View Results]: Allows you to view processing results in a more detailed format than is displayed in the Results column. Note: This button displays only when you have enabled batch credit card processing. [Process]: Processes the credit card payment for the selected invoice. The Record Customer Payment window opens, allowing you to process the payment. [Edit Card]: Edits the card information associated with the invoice. You can change the card that will be charged for the invoice or edit the credit card information. [Change Method]: Allows you to change the charge method on the invoice. [Print]: Prints a copy of the selected invoice flagged for credit card pay. This report displays the associated credit card information and the credit card stamp. [Refresh List]: Refreshes credit card invoices to be processed and ensures that all of the invoices waiting for credit card processing are present in the list. [Close]: Closes the Process Customer Charge Accounts window.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Process Customer Charge

Accounts to open the Process Customer Charge Accounts window.

Basic Information 1. In the Process Customer Charge Accounts window, select an invoice from the list to process. 2. Click [Process] to open the Record Customer Payment window. 3. If you want to process the credit card for the exact invoice amount and the already

identified credit card, click [OK].

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4. If you want to modify the payment information, do the following: a. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Description: Optional description of the payment. Number: Automatically assigned customer payment number. Change if necessary. Date: Date on which the payment is received. Edit as necessary. Method: Change the method if necessary. You can process the invoice with another form of payment as necessary. Note: Changing the payment method will remove the invoice from the Process Customer Charge Accounts window. If you select Check, the Check number and Check date fields display. If you select Credit Card, the Card number and Expiration fields display. If you select Wire Transfer, the Reference number and Fee fields display. Pre-authorized account: Select this radio button to use the credit card information that was entered when the invoice was created. Single use account: Select this radio button to make a one-time only payment. The credit card information will be used for this transaction only and will not be stored. Use existing account: Select this radio button to use the credit card information associated with the customer account. Amount: Total amount of the customer payment.

b. If you want to charge a different credit card for this invoice, click the Use existing account radio button. Charge account: If you have set up a saved charge account for this customer, use the Lookup icon to select the credit card you want to use. Otherwise, click the down arrow and select New to open the Add Charge Account window. Complete the following fields as appropriate and then click [OK] to save the charge information associated with the transaction. Name on account: Person’s name that appears on the credit card. Address: Billing address associated with the credit card. City: City associated with the billing address on the credit card. State: State or province associated with the billing address on the credit card. Zip: Zip or postal code associated with the billing address on the credit card. Phone: Phone number associated with the billing address on the credit card. Remarks: Any optional notes for this credit card account. 1) To add a charge account, do ONE of the following:

To add a new credit card account, select the Credit Card button, and then click [Add account to vault] to open the Sage Payment Solutions window. o Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged. o Expiration: Use the dropdown to select the expiration date of the credit card

to be charged. o Click [Submit] to save the new account, or [Cancel] to close and not save

the new credit card information. o Click [Close] to close the Sage window and return to the Add Charge Account

window. Note: While in the Sage Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button for help with NET1/Sage payment questions.

To add a new ACH account, select the ACH button, and then click [Add account to vault] to open the Add Account window. o Account number: The bank’s account number to add to this invoice. o Routing number: The bank’s routing number to add to this invoice o Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings.

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o Click [OK] to save the account information, or [Cancel] to close the Add Account window.

2) Click [OK] to save the new account information on the Add Charge Account window. c. To apply the payment to one or more invoices, do ONE of the following:

To apply this payment to any invoices assigned to this customer, click [Auto Apply Customer Payment]. Invoices are selected to apply the payment to, beginning with the oldest invoice and continuing to apply it until the payment has been disbursed.

To select the invoice(s) to which the payment without a discount should be applied, do the following: 1) In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select the invoice to which you want

the payment applied. 2) In the Amount field, enter the amount you want applied. 3) Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice and amount to the list. 4) Repeat steps i through iii until you have applied the entire payment.

To select the invoice(s) to which you want the payment with a discount applied, do the following: 1) Click [Add] to open the Add Customer Payment Invoice window.

Complete the following fields as appropriate. Apply to credit memo/invoice: Invoice to which this payment should be applied. Apply to unapplied payment: Select this option to apply this payment to an unapplied accounts receivable account. Amount to apply: Amount to be applied. Note: The full amount of the invoice is automatically entered but you may change it. Terms discount amount: Discount amount to be applied to the invoice according to the terms. Reverse sales tax: When checked, e-automate creates a miscellaneous charge credit memo against the invoice to reverse the tax charged on the invoice. Note: Use this feature if you inadvertently charge a nontaxable customer tax. Terms discount account: Account to which the terms discount is applied. Note: The Terms Discount Given account is automatically selected but you may change it. Terms discount department: Department to which the terms discount is applied. Accounts receivable account: Accounts receivable account to be reduced. Note: The accounts receivable account specified in Options is automatically entered.

2) Click [OK] to add the invoice to the list on the Record Customer Payment window.

3) Repeat steps 1) and 2) until you have applied the entire payment. 5. Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward. 6. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Note: The appropriate fields are displayed by e-automate based on the selected method of payment. Many of the fields may already be populated. You may change the information if needed. Undeposited receipts account: Account into which customer payments are received. Note: The balance in this account represents the total from payments received but not deposited.

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Unapplied Accounts Receivable account: Account to which customer payments are posted if they are not applied to a specific invoice.

Completing the Transaction 1. Click [OK] to record the payment and post it to the appropriate accounts. The Charge

Account window displays. 2. Click [Charge] to process the transaction.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature [Next] OK/Apply Button Payment Method QuickAdd/Add Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: You can process credit card payments in batch, or individually in e-automate.

Key Words Record, payment, apply, wire transfer, check, credit card, cash, wire

Related Topics Applying a Customer Payment Recording a Customer Payment

Screen/Window Names Record Customer Payment Add Customer Payment

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Refunding Customer Credit Card Payments

Overview You have the ability to charge credit cards through e-automate. In order to do so you must have an account with NET1/Sage Payment Solutions, In addition to charging credit cards, you can also refund payments made by credit cards through e-automate. Use the steps in this topic to refund credit card payments.

Getting to the Transaction 1. On the e-automate toolbar, click [Receivables] to open the Accounts Receivable Console

window. 2. In the Find field, use the dropdown menu to select Customer. 3. In the Customer field, use the lookup icon to select the customer with the payment you

want to refund. 4. In the Account Summary for – Customer region, uncheck the Show open items only

checkbox to display all activity for the specified customer.

Basic Info 1. In the Account Summary for – Customer region, select the credit card payment you

want to refund. 2. Right-click on the payment and select Void Customer Payment ‘X’. A dialogue box

displays verifying you want to void the payment. 3. Click [Yes]. A dialogue box displays informing you this was a credit card payment and

verifies you want to reverse the charge.

Completing the Transaction 1. Click [Yes] to reverse the charge. This may take a few seconds. If the charge reversal is

successful, a dialogue box displays informing you the reversal was successful.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Lookup Button/Feature Tab Key

Question(s) True or False: You can refund a credit card payment using e-automate.

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Key Words

Related Topics Processing Credit Card Payments

Screen/Window Names Accounts Receivable Console

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Recording Customer Refunds

Overview A customer refund is a payment made by your company to one of your customers. The most common reason for refunding money to a customer is because they have an open credit on their account and they either request a refund or you decide to authorize a refund to offset the credit on the customer’s account and remove it from you books. Occasionally customers overpay an invoice or issue payments for invoices that they have already paid. You record these payments in your e-automate system but do not associate them to an invoice; these payments are called unapplied payments. Unapplied payments can be left on the customer account and applied to invoices generated at a later time. Unapplied payments appear like credits on customer statements. If when you receive a payment for an invoice and the payment is more than the invoice total, you can apply the payment to the invoice and leave a portion of the payment unapplied. Again you can use the unapplied payment for a future invoice. Sometimes you never generate an additional invoice for the customer and you decide you want to issue a refund check for the unapplied payment. Use these instructions to issue a refund for open credits and unapplied payments. In order to use these instructions you must have an open credit or an unapplied payment on the customer account.

Getting to the Transaction 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts receivable > Record customer refunds…

to open the Record Customer Refund window.

Basic Information 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Customer: Name of the customer receiving the refund. The phone number automatically populates. Description: Optional description of the refund. Number: Number automatically assigned to this refund, but you may change it. Date: Date on which the refund is being recorded. Method: Method being used to give the customer their refund, either cash, check, or credit card. e-automate displays different fields based on the method. Check number: If you are refunding the customer with a check, the system automatically enters the next number in your default cash account series, but you may change it. Credit card info: If you are refunding the customer with a credit card, the Credit card info button displays. Amount: Total amount being refunded to the customer. Note: This is the total amount being refunded and could be the total from a single credit memo or a combination of multiple credit memos and unapplied payments. You can enter this amount in after you have added all the credit memos and unapplied payments.

Invoices/Payments Tab 1. Do one or more of the following:

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To select an open credit memo to which the refund is being applied without editing the terms or recording a discount, do the following: a. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select the credit memo for the refund. b. In the Amount field, enter the amount to be refunded for this invoice or credit

memo. c. Click [QuickAdd] to add the credit memo to the list.

To select the credit memo to which the refund is being applied and to edit the terms or record a discount, do the following: a. Click [Add] to open the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window. b. Select the radio button, Apply to credit memo/invoice and use the Lookup icon to

select an open unapplied credit memo. Note: To use this method you must have an open credit memo.

c. Complete the following fields as appropriate. Amount to apply: Amount of refund to be applied to this credit memo. Terms discount amount: Discount to be applied to this credit memo according to the terms set up with the customer. You can change as necessary. Terms discount account: Account to which the terms discount is be applied. This defaults but you may change it. Terms discount department: Department to which the terms discount is applied. Accounts receivable account: Account receivable account that is be affected.

d. Click [OK] to save the credit memo settings. To select an unapplied payment to which the refund is being applied, do the following:

a. Click [Add] to open the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window. b. Select the radio button, Apply to unapplied payment and use the Lookup icon to

select the unapplied payment. Note: You must have an unapplied payment on the selected customers account to use this method.

c. Complete the following fields as appropriate: Amount to apply: Amount of refund to be applied to this unapplied payment. Note: The amount is typically pre-populated based on the total unapplied payment amount. Accounts receivable account: Account that is affected by this transaction.

d. Click [OK] to save the unapplied payment settings. 2. Repeat step 1 for each credit memo or unapplied payment for which a refund should be

recorded for this customer.

Miscellaneous Tab Caution: Typically you should not change information on the Miscellaneous tab. However, you can make special corrections by modifying the fields when necessary. Consult your accountant or Digital Gateway Customer Care before making account changes. 1. Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward. 2. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Unapplied accounts receivable account: Account in which unapplied refund money is held. Cash account: Cash account from which the refund money is subtracted.

Completing the Transaction 1. To print the check, verify the Print Check checkbox at the bottom of the window is


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Note: To print the check, load the pre-formatted blank check in the default printer before clicking [OK].

2. Click [OK] to record the refund on the customer's account. 3. If you selected the Print Check box, the Attention Required window displays asking if the

check printed correctly. Do one of the following: If the check printed correctly, click [Yes] to close the Record Customer Refund window. If the check did not print correctly, click [No] to keep the Record Customer Refund

window open. Make the appropriate changes and reprint the check.

Additional Info

Addl. Info. – Accessing Refunds from the Customer Payment List You can access the Record Customer Refund window from the Customer Payment list. 1. From the Accounting menu select Accounts Receivable > Customer Payments. 2. Click [Refund] to open the Record Customer Refund window.

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature [Next] OK/Apply Button QuickAdd/Add Button Payment Method Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. Which payment method cannot be used to give a refund to a customer?

a. Check b. Electronic funds transfer c. Cash d. Credit card

2. True or False: A separate refund check must be generated for each credit memo or invoice.

Key Words Refund, overcharge

Related Topics Applying a Customer Payment

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Screen/Window Names Record Customer Refund Add Refund to Customer Invoice Attention Required

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Applying Credit Memos and Payments

Overview When you issue a customer a credit memo in e-automate, you can record the credit memo in your system and apply it to outstanding invoices during the creation process, or you can leave the credit memo open and apply it to an open invoice at a later time. If you have open credits, sometimes referred to as unapplied credits, you can apply them to open invoices in your e-automate system. There are three ways that you can apply a credit memo. The first way is to simply apply the credit memo during the creation of the memo to an invoice. For more information on applying a credit memo during credit memo creation, see the online help topics, Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Credit Memo or Processing a Customer Return. A second way to apply a credit is to apply the credit when receiving a payment from a customer. For additional information on applying a memo during a payment see the topic, Recording Customer Payments. A third way to apply a credit memo is to use the Apply Customer Memos window to apply credit memos at any time without a payment. You use the Apply Customer Memos window to apply open credits as well as unapplied payments to customer’s invoices.

Applying a Memo to an Invoice Use these instructions when you are applying a single credit memo to an invoice and the resulting balance is zero or there is a balance on the invoice or credit memo. 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Apply customer memos.

Note: You can access the Apply Customer Memos window using the Accounts Receivable Console and right-clicking on an open credit memo.

2. In the Customer field, use the Lookup icon to select the customer with the credit. Note: You can also skip to the Credit memo field and select the credit memo, e-automate populates the Customer field with the customer associated with the credit memo.

3. In the Description field, enter an optional description. 4. In the Credit memo field, use the Lookup icon to select the credit memo you want to

apply. 5. Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Number: Number automatically assigned to the credit memo application. You can assign a number as necessary. Date: Date you are applying the credit memo.

6. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select the invoice to which you want to apply the credit memo. e-automate calculates the amount to apply in the following ways: If the credit memo and the invoice have equal offsetting open amounts, e-automate

calculates the Amount field to be the open amount on the invoice. If the open credit amount is larger than the open amount on the invoice, e-automate

calculates the Amount field to leave an open balance or unapplied amount on the credit.

If the open credit amount is less than the open amount on the invoice, e-automate calculates the Amount field to leave an open balance on the invoice.

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7. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoice to the Invoices tab. e-automate identifies the balances in the following ways: When the invoice and credit have equal offsetting amounts, the Summary region

indicates an Unapplied amount of zero and on the Invoices tab, the Balance column indicates a balance of zero on the added invoice.

When credit is larger than the open invoice, the Summary region indicates an Unapplied amount, the amount remaining on the credit. The Invoices tab indicates a zero in the Balance column for the added invoice.

When credit is less than the open invoice, the Summary region indicates an Unapplied amount of zero. The Invoices tab indicates the remaining balance in the Balance column for the added invoice.

8. Click [OK] to apply the memo to the selected invoice.

Applying Credit Memo & Unapplied Payments to an Invoice 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Apply customer memos.

Note: You can access the Apply Customer Memos window using the Accounts Receivable Console and right-clicking on an open credit memo.

2. In the Customer field, use the Lookup icon to select the customer with the credit. Note: You can also skip to the Credit memo field and select the credit memo, e-automate populates the Customer field with the customer associated with the credit memo.

3. In the Description field, enter an optional description. 4. In the Credit memo field, use the Lookup icon to select the credit memo you want to

apply. 5. Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Number: Number automatically assigned to the credit memo application. You can assign a number as necessary. Date: Date you are applying the credit memo.

6. To add an unapplied payment, do the following: a. Click [Add] to open the Edit Accounts Receivable Receipt Detail window. b. Select Apply to unapplied payment and use the Lookup icon to select the unapplied

payment you want to use in conjunction with the selected credit memo. c. In the Amount to apply field e-automate automatically enters the full amount of the

unapplied payment. Verify or adjust the amount of the unapplied payment amount you want to use. Note: You use negative values in this field.

d. Click [OK] to save your unapplied payment to the Invoices tab. Caution: Only in rare cases should the Accounts receivable account be changed.

e. Repeat steps a-d to add additional unapplied payments. 7. If you want to use additional credit memos, you must add them before you add the open

invoice to which to apply the memos. To add additional credit memos to the Invoices tab, do the following: a. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup to select a credit memo. b. In the Amount field, e-automate enters the amount of the credit memo available for

use. Verify or adjust the amount as necessary. c. Click [QuickAdd] to add the memo.

Note: e-automate accumulates the unapplied payments and added credit memos in the Summary region in the Unapplied line. This is the amount available to apply to an open invoice.

d. Repeat steps a through c to add additional credit memos.

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8. Add the invoice(s) to which you want to apply the credit memos and unapplied payments by doing the following: a. In the Invoice field, use the Lookup icon to select an invoice to which you want to apply

the credit memo and unapplied payment(s). e-automate automatically calculates the amount available from the previous added unapplied payments and credit memos.

b. In the Amount field, e-automate automatically enters the amount to apply to the invoice as follows: If the total of unapplied payments and credit memos is greater than the open

amount on the invoice, e-automate enters the remaining balance on the invoice. If the total of unapplied payments and credit memos is less than the amount on the

invoice, e-automate populates the Amount field with the total amount of credit you have available.

c. Click [QuickAdd] to add the invoices to the Invoices tab. e-automate displays the balances as follows: If the total of unapplied payments and credit memos is greater than the open

amount on the invoice, the invoice has a balance of zero. If the total of unapplied payments and credit memos is less than the amount on the

invoice, e-automate leaves a balance on the invoice. d. You can apply the amount you want to credit by summing the credit memos and the

unapplied payments. Note: The Summary displays the total amount of credit memos and unapplied payments.

9. Click [OK] to apply the credit memo and the unapplied payment(s) to the invoice.

Additional Info

Addl. Info – Applying Unapplied Payments While you can use the Apply Customer Memos window to apply unapplied payments, this transaction is designed to accommodate credit memos. To only apply an unapplied payment, see the Accounts Receivable topic, Applying Unapplied a Customer Payments.

Addl. Info – Auto Applying a Credit Memo You can automatically apply a credit memo to multiple customer invoices. Select the credit memo and click [Auto apply customer credit memos]. e-automate applies the total credit memo to the oldest invoices first and continues to apply the memo until the balance of the memo is exhausted or there is a balance remaining on the credit memo.

Addl. Info – Advanced Add When adding invoices and credit memos to the Apply Customer Memos window, you can use the Advanced add button. You can only add invoices or credit memos when using advanced add; you cannot add unapplied payments. When using the advanced add functionality pay particular attention to the Amount to apply field, and the Applied column to assure you are applying the correct amounts for each credit memo and invoice.

Trouble Shooting

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System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature lookup Button/Feature [Next] OK/Apply Button Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: You can never apply a credit memo at the same time you create it – you

always must go back and apply it later. 2. True or False: You can use the Apply customer memo window in the Accounts Receivable

Console to apply an open, unapplied credit memo. 3. True or False: You can apply credit memos and unapplied payments using the Apply

customer memo window.

Key Words Apply, pay, payment, misc. charge credit memo, auto-apply, zero dollar payment.

Related Topics Recording a Vendor Payment with a Hand-written Check, Cash, or Credit Card Creating a Vendor

Screen/Window Names Apply Payments Edit Accounts Payable Payment Detail

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Assessing Finance Charges

Overview A finance charge is a charge billed to a customer for invoices that are overdue on their account. When you assess a finance charge, e-automate creates a miscellaneous charge invoice for the finance charge. These invoices are not intended to be sent directly to the customer; instead they show up on the customer’s statement as a finance charge. In e-automate, you assess finance charges in batches, usually in monthly periods. There are two similar methods used by e-automate for assessing finance charges. One method is based on the past due average daily balance regardless of the balance on the invoice at the time of assessment. This method determines the average daily balance of past due invoices in the specified time period and assesses finance charges based on a periodic rate for the period. In order to use this method you must identify a start date and an end date so e-automate can calculate the average daily past due balances during the specified time. If the invoice was past due during any of the time for which finance charges are being assessed, e-automate assesses a charge for the invoice. The second method that e-automate uses to assess finance charges also uses average daily balance but considers the amount due on the invoice at the time of assessment. This method only takes into consideration the specific invoices that are past due at the time of finance charge assessment. For example, if an invoice was 30 days past due and paid the day prior to assessing finance charges, e-automate would not assess finance charges on the paid invoice. When using either method, e-automate creates a single miscellaneous charge invoice on the customer’s account with an explanation of the finance charges in the More Information window associated with the created invoice. To access this window, users select the invoice and choose to view the invoice which allows them to access the More information window. When using either method, prior to generating finance charges, e-automate allows the user to right-click in the Finance Charges window on each row and view the details associated with the calculated charge prior to assessing. Finance charges are calculated based upon: Annual rate: Annual interest rate designated by you for finance charges and calculated for

the period length in which you are processing finance charges. For example, if your annual rate was 24% and you were processing for a month, your periodic rate would be 2%.

Assessment period: The time period for which you are charging finance charges. Note: This period is determined by the dates you enter in the Start date and Cutoff date fields in the Finance Charges window.

Periodic rate: Interest rate charged for the assessment period. Note: This rate is calculated by dividing the annual percentage rate by 365 and multiplying the total by the number of days in the period.

Average daily balance: The average daily dollar amount of the overdue portion of the customer's account balance during the assessment period. Note: Only displayed when the method for finance charges is average daily balance.

Due balance: The overdue balance on all past due invoices at the time of finance charge assessment.

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Note: Only displayed when the finance charge method is Due amount on invoices at the time of assessment.

Getting to the Transaction 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Finance Charges to open the

Finance Charges window.

Basic Info 1. Complete the following fields as appropriate.

Start date: Date on which to begin calculating the average daily balance for this batch. Cut-off date: Date on which to end the calculation for the average daily balance for this batch. Only show finance charge customers: When checked, the list will only show customers that have been selected to be charged finance charges in their customer profile. Only show customers with a balance: When checked, the list will only include people whose customer accounts have a balance. Minimum charge: Minimum amount you want to charge for this batch of finance charges. Note: If you enter $1.00, all customers with a balance will be charged at least $1.00. Maximum charge: Maximum amount you want to charge for this batch of finance charges. Note: If you enter $100, the customers cannot be charged more than $100. Annual rate: Annual percentage rate to be charged for this batch of finance charges. Periodic rate: The system automatically enters the periodic rate based on the annual rate. Accounts Receivable: Do not change the default value of the Accounts Receivable field. Finance charge: Revenue account that has been allocated for finance charges. Department: Account associated with the finance charge revenue. Transaction date: Date on which the batch of finance charges should be created. Batch number: The system automatically enters the number for this batch but you may change it. Note: The system automatically enters the year, month, and day as the first part of the number, (i.e. 20091004), and the number of batches that have been created on that date for the last part of the batch number (-1).

2. Click [Refresh List] to calculate the finance charges for each customer. Note: The Calculated Charge column shows the amount the customer will owe without any of the indicated minimum and maximum charge limits. The Actual Charge column shows the amount that the customer will be charged after the minimum and maximum charge limits are applied.

3. If calculating finance charges base on invoice balance at time of assessment, you can right-click on each row and select View details to display the Finance Charge Details window. Close the window by clicking [Close].

4. If a change is necessary to any of the finance charges, do the following: a. Select the company for which the change will be made. b. In the Finance charge for XXXXXX field, enter the correct amount. c. Click [Update] to change the charge.

5. To cancel the finance charge on this batch for any customer, do the following: a. Select the customer name. b. Click [Forgive] to display Yes in the Forgiven column and ensure the customer will not

be charged on this batch. Note: If you inadvertently forgive a customer, click [Unforgive] to reinstate the finance charge.

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Completing the Transaction 1. Click [OK] to record the finance charges as a miscellaneous charge invoice against the

customer account. e-automate increments the Start date and Cutoff dates to the next period.

Additional Info

Addl. Info – Using Statements Finance charges are intended to be communicated to your customers using Customer Statements.

Addl. Info – Removing/Void Finance Charges If you determine that you want to forgive a finance charge associated with a customer after it has been assessed, you simply void the Miscellaneous Charge Invoice identified as the finance charge.

Addl. Info – Viewing Finance Charge Distributions e-automate uses existing past due invoices to calculate finance charges, this could include a single past due invoice or multiple paste due invoices. You use the More Information window associated with the finance charge invoice to see which invoices were used in the generation of a finance charge invoice. 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts receivable > Miscellaneous charge

invoices to open the Miscellaneous Charge Invoices window. 2. In the Miscellaneous Charge Invoices window, select the finance charge invoice for which

you want to determine finance charge details. 3. With the invoice selected, click [View].

Note: You can also right-click on the invoice and select View. 4. Click the [i] to view more information.

Note: The more information button, [i] is located in the bottom-left of the Miscellaneous charge invoice window.

5. In the Available lists field use the dropdown menu to select Finance charge details. 6. e-automate displays finance charge details in the list.

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Calculator Feature Cancel Button Date Feature Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature Required Fields (*) Tab Key

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Question(s) 1. Which statement is true about assessing finance charges in e-automate?

a. You record the daily interest rate and e-automate rolls this up to an annual rate. b. You assess finance charges in batches. c. The typical period of time for the batches is quarterly. d. Other than setting minimum and maximum charge limits, you cannot override the

finance charge for a customer.

Key Words Finance, charge, interest, assess, overdue, late

Related Topics Creating a Miscellaneous Charge Invoice

Screen/Window Names Finance Charges

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Consolidated Billing

Overview You can use e-automate to consolidate outstanding customer sales and/or service invoices into one batch billing. You can manually consolidate invoices for a customer or you can create a batch billing. Batch billing will automatically recognize customers and invoices set up to consolidate based on these criteria: Cut-off date Minimum consolidated billing amounts Total combined invoices that are less than a specified amount

Assigning Consolidated Billing to a Customer 1. From the e-automate Toolbar, click [Customers]. 2. From the Customer list, select the customer to be assigned to consolidated billing. 3. Click [Edit] to open the Edit Customer window. 4. Click the Billing tab. 5. Check the Use consolidated billing checkbox. 6. Click the […] button next to Use consolidated billing to choose consolidated billing

options in the Consolidated Billing Settings window. Complete the following fields as appropriate. Consolidated billing cycle: Select the frequency with which you would like e-automate to consolidate this customer’s invoices. Next consolidated billing date: Check the box and select the date on which you want e-automate to consolidate bills for this customer. Minimum consolidated billing amount: The minimum amount for which e-automate will create a consolidated invoice. If the total amount of all consolidated invoices is less than this amount, e-automate will not create a consolidated invoice. During the next consolidation process, e-automate will check this amount again. Sales invoices: Select this checkbox to have e-automate automatically consolidate sales invoices. When checked, the system automatically checks the Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox on sales invoices. Note: The end user can change whether or not the invoice is included in the consolidated billing queue. Service invoices: Select this checkbox to have e-automate automatically consolidate service invoices. When checked, the system automatically checks the Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox on service invoices. Note: The end user can change whether or not the invoice is included in the consolidated billing queue. When total amount is less than: When checked, the system automatically consolidates sales or service invoices when the amount is less than the specified amount. Note: This applies only to invoices that are checked to consolidate. When this option is checked, e-automate does not give the end user the opportunity to change whether the invoice is included in the consolidated billing queue.

7. Click [OK] to save your consolidated billing settings. 8. Click [OK] to save and close the Edit Customer window.

Note: The next time you create a sales or service invoice the Add to consolidated billing

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queue field displays and is checked (or not) based on the customer’s consolidated billing settings.

Manually Creating a Consolidated Billing 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Consolidated Billings to

open the Consolidated Billings window. 2. Click [New] to open the New Consolidated Billing window.

Complete the following fields as appropriate. Customer: Choose the customer for whom you want to consolidate bills. Note: All available invoices show in the invoices list based on the date in the New Consolidated Billing window. Description: Optional description for this consolidated billing. Billing number: Automatically assigned number. You may change it. PO number: Invoice purchase order number. Date: Date the invoice is created. Note: The Date field determines which invoices are consolidated during this session. Due by: Date by which payment is required for the charges on the invoice(s).

3. You can now check or uncheck the invoices you want included in this consolidated billing. 4. Check the Print billing checkbox if you want this consolidated invoice printed. 5. Click [OK] to create the new consolidated billing.

Note: If you edit a previously created consolidated billing, you can use the Invoice field and the QuickAdd button to manually choose sales and service invoices to be added to the consolidated billing. This button and field are only available when editing a previously created consolidated billing.

Creating a Batch Consolidated Billing 1. From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Receivable > Consolidated Billings to

open the Consolidated Billings window. 2. Click [Batch New] to open the New Consolidated Billings (Batch) window. 3. Select the Cutoff date for the batch. e-automate will automatically list all invoices that

match the consolidation criteria set up on each customer profile. 4. You can choose to [Check All] invoices in the list or manually check the invoices to be

added to the batch. 5. Click [Create Billings]. The Create Consolidated Billings window opens.

Complete the following fields as appropriate. Use the next consolidated billing date set on the customer: Check this box to allow e-automate to set the billing date. Billing date: Enter the billing date for the batch billing. Batch: e-automate automatically sets the batch number. Description: Optional description for this consolidated billing.

6. Check the Print invoices checkbox to print these invoices. 7. Click [OK] to create the new consolidated billing.

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Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Cancel Button Date Feature Lookup Button/Feature Tab Key

Question(s) 1. Consolidated billings are used to:

a. Combine invoices with small amounts due into a single batch billing. b. Automatically combine all sales and service invoices into a batch billing for a particular

customer. c. Allow you to manually select invoices to be consolidated into a batch billing for a

customer. d. All of the above.

Key Words Accounts receivable, consolidated billing, customer record, sales invoice, service invoice, batch, group, one.

Related Topics Creating a Customer Record Creating a Sales Invoice Clearing, Okaying and Invoicing a Service Call

Screen/Window Names Edit Customer Consolidated Billings Create Consolidated Billings New Consolidated Billing

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Auto-Sending Customer Statements

Overview You can use e-automate in conjunction with e-agent to automatically create customer statements and send them to your customers via mail, fax, or email. In the e-automate customer record, you can flag a customer to either send statements, or not to receive statements. Ultimately, whether you send a customer a statement or not is up to you, as you can also choose to ignore the customer statement configuration. Before you can automate the sending of customer statements, certain information must be in place. Each customer to whom you intend to automatically send a customer statement must have a default accounts receivable contact, and an invoice method, identified on the customer record. e-automate will use the invoice method identified on the customer record when sending customer statements, and ignore the method identified on the accounts receivable contact record. When identifying a contact and an invoice method, verify that the method value is displayed adjacent to the Invoice method field. For example, if you selected Fax, e-automate displays the fax number if there is one. If there is not a fax number, e-automate displays a question mark. Method values must be listed with a valid value before automated statements can be sent to the customer. Once you have identified the contact to which you will send statements, and the invoice method, you can then use an e-agent task called Auto Queue Customer Statements, to create the customer statements and place them in the document queue. When the statements have been automatically created and placed in the queue, you will use a second e-agent task, Autosend Documents, to print, fax, or email the statements based on the customer invoice method. Before you can use these e-agent tasks, you must first install and configure e-agent.

Enabling Customers to Receive Statements 1. From the Tools menu, select Bulk Updates to open the Bulk Updates window.

Note: Users must have system rights to perform bulk updates. Use bulk updates cautiously due to the amount of data that can be updated. Digital Gateway always recommends backing up the database prior to a bulk update and performing the update during a time of low e-automate usage.

2. In the Update list field, use the dropdown menu to select Customers. 3. Do ONE of the following:

Use the QuickSearch to narrow the customer list. a. Using the QuickSearch, use the dropdown menu to select a field that allows you to

select only customers to be configured to receive statements. Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value fields as well as the [And/Or] unlabeled button.

b. In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate operator. Note: e-automate displays only operators appropriate for the field selected.

c. In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list. d. Click [Go] to display the narrowed list.

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e. To further narrow the list, use the dropdown menu to select And or Or as appropriate, then repeat steps a through d to generate your desired list. Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.

f. Click [Check All] to identify all entries on the list to be updated. Review the unfiltered list and manually select the checkbox next to each customer to be

configured to receive statements. 4. In the Update field (lower left), use the dropdown menu to select Send Statements. 5. Check the Send Statements checkbox. 6. With customers identified and the Send Statements checkbox checked, you are ready to

update the checked customers on the list. Click [Update] to update the customer’s Send Statement checkbox. e-automate displays the Confirm window. To make the changes you identified, click [Yes]. Otherwise, click [No] and make necessary adjustments.

7. The Completed window displays, notifying you of the number of records that were updated and confirms that you want to refresh the list. Click [Yes] to update the list. Click [No] if you want to update another field for the same list.

8. Click [Close] to close the Bulk Updates window.

Identifying a Default AR Contact and Invoice Method 1. From the e-automate toolbar, click [Customers] to open the Customers window. 2. From the customer list, select the customer for which you want to identify a default AR

contact and click [Edit]. 3. In the Edit Customer window, click the Contacts tab to bring it forward. 4. If the contact to be identified as the AR contact is already displayed in the Contacts list, skip

to step 6. Otherwise, continue to step 5. 5. Enter a new contact by completing the following:

a. In the Add contact field, use the dropdown menu to select New to open the New Contact window.

b. Complete the following fields as appropriate: First Name: First name of the contact. Middle name: Middle name or initial of the contact. Last Name: Last name of the contact. Preferred full name: The full preferred name of the contact. Preferred first name: The preferred first name of the contact. Attention: Name of the contact. Address: Contact’s street address. City: City in which the contact’s address is located. State: State or province in which the contact is located. Zip: Contact’s postal or zip code. Country: Country in which the contact is located. Sales rep: Person within your company responsible for selling to this contact. Phone 1: Contact’s primary phone number. Phone 2: Contact’s secondary phone number. Fax: Contact’s fax number. E-mail: Contact’s email address. Web password: Contact’s web password.

c. In the Preferred Contact Method region, select the method you would typically use to communicate with this contact. While e-automate uses the Invoice method specified on the customer record to determine which format to send invoices and statements, e-automate also requires that you select a preferred method on the contact. Be sure that

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you have populated a value for the method you intend to use as the invoice method. For example, if you will send invoices and statements to the customer via email, be sure to identify an email address on the contact record.

d. Click [OK] to save your new contact and return to the Edit Customer window. e. In the Edit Customer window, Contacts tab, Job title field, use the Lookup icon to

select a job title for this contact. Note: For more information on creating job titles, see the STEPS topic, Creating a Contact Job Title.

f. Click [QuickAdd] to associate this contact with the selected job title with this customer. 6. In the Accounts receivable contact field, use the Lookup icon to select the contact to

which you intend to send invoices and customer statements. 7. In the Invoice method field, use the dropdown menu to select an invoice method. e-

automate also uses this method to send customer statements. Note: Verify that the method contact information is displayed adjacent to the Invoice method field. For example, if you selected Email, you should see the accounts receivable contact’s email address displayed. If you see “Missing email address” or a “?”, you did not populate the selected field on the contact record. To populate a phone, fax, or email field complete the following. a. In the Accounts receivable contact field, use the dropdown menu to select Edit. The

Edit Contact window displays. Note: If you do not have security rights to edit, e-automate displays a warning. You must leave the customer record, go to the contacts list, locate the contact, edit the contact and make the necessary changes.

b. Add a value to the appropriate Phone1, Fax, or Email field. c. Click [OK] to return to the Edit Customer window. Acknowledge the change in the

Attention Required window by clicking [Yes]. 8. Click [OK] to save the changes made on the customer record. 9. In order to send automated customer statements, you must have an accounts receivable

contact for all customers to which you intend to send statements. Repeat the above steps for all customers for which you must identify a default accounts receivable contact.

Using the Auto Queue Customer Statements 1. Logon to the computer in which e-agent is installed and running.

Note: e-agent must be running at all times in order for auto-scheduled tasks to work. 2. If e-agent is running, click on e-agent on the Windows toolbar to bring it forward. If e-agent

is not running, click the Windows Start menu, select Programs > e-automate > e-agent. Login to e-agent.

3. If this is your first time running e-agent, see e-agent Help for assistance with configuration. 4. From the e-agent toolbar, click [New] to open the New Task window. 5. Select the Auto Queue Customer Statements task and click [OK] to open the Customer

Statements window. 6. Enter the appropriate information.

Name: The name of this e-agent task. This field is auto-populated by e-agent. You can change the name as necessary. Automatically approve: When checked, e-agent submits statements that have been pre-approved for sending to the document queue. If you choose not to pre-approve, an employee will have to log into e-automate and approve statements in the document queue before they can be sent.

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Minimum balance: When checked, you can identify a minimum cut-off amount for a statement. This feature allows you to not queue statements below your minimum threshold. Minimum days past due: When checked, you can specify a minimum days past due. For example, you could configure this task to not queue a statement unless the customer has an invoice that is 45 days past due. Include zero balances: When checked, this task queues statements for customers that have zero account balances. Include credit balances: When checked, this task includes credit memos in the statements queued. Include debit balances: When checked, this task includes debit memos in the statements queued. Queue statements for customers configured to not receive statements: When checked, e-agent creates statements for customers not configured on their customer record to receive statements.

7. To send statements to all customers, leave the Include all customers checkbox checked. To filter the list, complete the following instructions. a. Uncheck the Include all customers checkbox. b. To send to one specific customer, use the Lookup icon in the field to select the

customer. c. To create a Quicksearch filter to send to multiple customers that meet your filter criteria,

check the Use advanced filter checkbox and click [Advanced Filter]. E-agent displays the Customer window.

d. In the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the field that allows you to select only customers to be configured to receive statements with this task. Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value fields as well as the [And/Or] button.

e. In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate operator. Note: e-automate displays only operators appropriate for the field selected.

f. In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list. g. Click [Go] to display the filtered list. h. To further narrow the list, use the dropdown menu to select And or Or as appropriate,

then repeat steps d through g to generate your desired list. Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.

i. Click [OK] to save your configured QuickSearch and return to the Customer Statements window.

8. In the Email field, enter the email address to be notified of the number of statements that e-agent queues. Note: You can enter multiple email addresses in the Email field, separated by your email program’s separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon.

9. Click [OK] to save your Customer Statement task. 10. Now that your task is created, you can do one of the following:

Manually run the e-agent task: a. Select the task and click [Run]. This runs the task now.

Configure the task to run on a schedule: a. Select the task and click [Schedule] to open the Schedule Auto Queue Customer

Statements window. b. In the Recurrence pattern region, select the time pattern for this recurring task, or

select No recurrence.

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c. If you selected a recurrence pattern, in the Start recurrence field, enter the date and time you want the task to begin recurrence.

d. In the End recurrence region, identify when you want the task to end. You can end after a specified number of occurrences, on a specified date, or specify no end.

e. Click [OK] to save the schedule.

e-agent Task - Send From Document Queue Fax 1. On the computer where you have installed e-agent and your fax software, select Start >

All Programs > e-automate > e-agent. Windows starts e-agent and displays the e-agent window. Note: Complete these steps if you intend to automatically send documents using fax. If you are not sending documents, invoices and statements by fax, you do not need to complete these steps.

2. Click [New] to create a new e-agent task. e-agent displays the New Task window. 3. In the Type field, select Auto send customer documents. 4. Click [OK] to create the task and open the Send Documents from Customer Queue window. 5. In the Name field, append Fax to the end of the current name.

Note: Select any name you choose that indicates your purpose for the task and also indicates that the task faxes. The name must be unique.

6. In the Request Method region, select Fax. 7. On the Content tab enter the appropriate information.

See below for field descriptions. Subject: The subject line displayed on the fax. Fax message: The message displayed on the fax.

8. Click the Filters tab to bring it forward. Enter the appropriate information. Sales invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can fax sales invoices that are in the document queue. Sales quotes: When checked, this e-agent task can fax sales quotes that are in the document queue. Sales orders: When checked, this e-agent task can fax sales orders that are in the document queue. Service invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can fax service invoices that are in the document queue. Show details: When checked, the details of the service invoices are displayed. Contract invoices/proposals: When checked, this e-agent task can fax contract invoices and contract proposals that are in the document queue. Misc. charge invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can fax miscellaneous charge invoices that are in the document queue. Customer statements: When checked, this e-agent task can fax customer statements that are in the document queue. Show credit limit: When checked, the statements display the customer’s credit limit. Period length: The period aging length. If you select 30, the statement displays 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and over 90.

9. To send faxes to all customers, leave the Include all customers checkbox checked. To filter the list, complete the following instructions: a. Uncheck the Include all customers checkbox. b. To fax to one specific customer, use the Lookup icon in the field to select the customer.

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c. To create a Quicksearch filter to fax to multiple customers that meet your filter criteria, check the Use advanced filter checkbox and click [Advanced Filter]. The Customer window displays.

d. In the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the field that allows you to select only customers to be configured to receive faxes using this task. Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value field as well as the [And/Or] button.

e. In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate operator. Note: Only operators appropriate for the field selected are displayed.

f. In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list. g. Click [Go] to display the filtered list. h. To further narrow the list, use the dropdown menu to select And or Or as appropriate,

then repeat steps d through g to generate your desired list. Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.

i. Click [OK] to save your configured QuickSearch and return to the Send Documents From Queue window.

10. To fax for all branches, leave the Include all branches checkbox checked. If you only want this task to fax for a specific branch, uncheck Include all branches and use the Lookup icon to select the branch. Note: To have different fax tasks for each branch, create as many fax tasks as necessary, varying each task by name.

11. Click the Fax Settings tab to bring it forward. 12. In the Test fax region, select the appropriate fax software you have installed. 13. In the Cover Pages region, select a pre-defined cover page or select No Cover Page. 14. Specify settings based on your selected fax option. For example, if you selected VSI-Fax,

specify the file output path. Note: Available fax options are based on the installed fax software.

15. If you are using Microsoft Fax, you can import your own personal cover page by clicking [Import personal cover pages]. Use the Open window to navigate to your saved cover page file (.cov), select the file, and click [Open]. Select your cover pages as appropriate in the Cover Pages region. Note: Available fax options are based on the installed fax software.

16. In the Notification E-mail field, enter an email address to which e-agent can send notification of the number of faxes sent. Note: Separate multiple email addresses using your email separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon between email addresses.

17. Click [OK] to save the e-agent task. 18. Now that your task is created, you can do one of the following:

Manually run the e-agent task: a. Select the task and click [Run]. This runs the task now.

Configure the task to run on a schedule: a. Select the task and click [Schedule] to open the Schedule Auto Queue Customer

Statements window. b. In the Recurrence pattern region, select the time pattern for this recurring task, or

select No recurrence. c. If you selected a recurrence pattern, in the Start recurrence field, enter the date

and time you want the task to begin recurrence. d. In the End recurrence region, identify when you want the task to end. You can end

after a specified number of occurrences, on a specified date, or specify no end.

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e. Click [OK] to save the schedule.

e-agent Task - Send From Document Queue Print 1. On the computer where you have installed e-agent, select Start > All Programs > e-

automate > e-agent. Windows starts e-agent and displays the e-agent login. Login to e-agent. Note: Complete these steps to automatically send documents to the printer. If you are not automating the sending of documents, invoices and statements to the printer, you do not need to complete these steps.

2. Click [New] to create a new e-agent task. The New Task window is displayed. 3. In the Type field, select Auto send customer documents. 4. Click [OK] to create the task and open the Send Documents from Customer Queue

window. 5. In the Name field, append Print to the end of the name.

Note: Select any name you choose that indicates your purpose for the task and also indicates that the task prints. E-agent requires the name to be unique.

6. In the Request Method region, select Print. 7. Click the Filters tab to bring it forward. Enter the appropriate information.

See below for field descriptions. Sales invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can print sales invoices that are in the document queue. Sales quotes: When checked, this e-agent task can print sales quotes that are in the document queue. Sales orders: When checked, this e-agent task can print sales orders that are in the document queue. Service invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can print service invoices that are in the document queue. Show details: When checked, the details of the service invoices are displayed. Contract invoices/proposals: When checked, this e-agent task can print contract invoices and contract proposals that are in the document queue. Misc. charge invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can print miscellaneous charge invoices that are in the document queue. Customer statements: When checked, this e-agent task can print customer statements that are in the document queue. Show credit limit: When checked, the statements display the customer’s credit limit. Period length: The period aging length. If you select 30, the statement displays 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and over 90.

8. To print all customers’ invoices, leave the Include all customers checkbox checked. To filter the list, complete the following instructions. a. Uncheck the Include all customers checkbox. b. To print just one specific customer, use the Lookup icon in the field to select the

customer. c. To create a Quicksearch filter to print multiple customers that meet your filter criteria,

check the Use advanced filter checkbox and click [Advanced Filter]. E-agent displays the Customer window.

d. In the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the field that allows you to select only the customers to be configured for printing using this task. Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value field as well as the [And/Or] button.

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e. In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate operator. Note: e-automate displays only operators appropriate for the field selected.

f. In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list. g. Click [Go] to display the filtered list. h. To further narrow the list, use the dropdown menu to select And or Or as appropriate,

then repeat steps d through g to generate your desired list. Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.

i. Click [OK] to save your configured QuickSearch and return to the Send Documents from Customer Queue window.

9. To print for all branches, leave the Include all branches checkbox checked. If you want this task to print only for a specific branch, uncheck Include all branches and use the Lookup icon to select the branch. Note: To have different print tasks for each branch, create as many print tasks as necessary, varying each task by name.

10. Click the Print Settings tab to bring it forward. 11. In the Printer field, use the dropdown menu to select a printer.

Note: e-agent displays the printers configured on the e-agent machine. To send this job to a printer not listed, the printer must be loaded on the e-agent machine in order to be selected here.

12. In the Notification E-mail field, enter an email address to which e-agent can send notification of the number of documents printed. Note: Separate multiple email addresses using your email separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon between email addresses.

13. Click [OK] to save the e-agent task. 14. Now that your task is created, you can do one of the following:

Manually run the e-agent task: a. Select the task and click [Run]. This runs the task now.

Configure the task to run on a schedule: a. Select the task and click [Schedule] to open the Schedule Auto Queue Customer

Statements window. b. In the Recurrence pattern region, select the time pattern for this recurring task, or

select No recurrence. c. If you selected a recurrence pattern, in the Start recurrence field, enter the date

and time you want the task to begin recurrence. d. In the End recurrence region, identify when you want the task to end. You can end

after a specified number of occurrences, on a specified date, or specify no end. e. Click [OK] to save the schedule.

e-agent Task - Send From Document Queue Email 1. On the computer where you have installed e-agent, select the Start > All Programs > e-

automate > e-agent. Windows starts e-agent and displays the e-agent window. Login to e-agent. Note: Complete these steps to automatically send documents using email. If you are not sending documents, invoices and statements by email, you do not need to complete these steps.

2. Click [New] to create a new e-agent task. e-agent displays the New Task window. 3. In the Type field, select Auto send customer documents. 4. Click [OK] to create the task and open the Send Documents from Customer Queue window.

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5. In the Name field, append Email to the end of the current name. Note: Select any name you choose that indicates your purpose for the task and also indicates that the task Emails. E-agent requires the name to be unique.

6. In the Request Method region, select Email. 7. On the Content tab, enter the appropriate information.

See below for field descriptions. Subject: The subject line that is entered on created email. Email message: Message inserted into the body of the email

8. Click the Filters tab to bring it forward. Enter the appropriate information. Sales invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can email sales invoices that are in the document queue. Sales quotes: When checked, this e-agent task can email sales quotes that are in the document queue. Sales orders: When checked, this e-agent task can email sales orders that are in the document queue. Service invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can email service invoices that are in the document queue. Show details: When checked, the details of the service invoices are displayed. Contract invoices/proposals: When checked, this e-agent task can email contract invoices and contract proposals that are in the document queue. Misc. charge invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can email miscellaneous charge invoices that are in the document queue. Customer statements: When checked, this e-agent task can email customer statements that are in the document queue. Show credit limit: When checked, the statements display the customer’s credit limit. Period length: The period aging length. If you select 30, the statement displays 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and over 90.

9. To send email to all customers, leave the Include all customers checkbox checked. To filter the list, complete the following instructions. a. Uncheck the Include all customers checkbox. b. To email to one specific customer, use the Lookup icon in the field to select the

customer. c. To create a Quicksearch filter to email multiple customers that meet your filter criteria,

check the Use advanced filter checkbox and click [Advanced Filter]. The Customer window is displayed.

d. In the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the field that allows you to select only customers to be configured to be emailed using this task. Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value field as well as the [And/Or] button.

e. In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate operator. Note: e-automate displays only operators appropriate for the field selected.

f. In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list. g. Click [Go] to display the filtered list. h. To further narrow the list, use the dropdown menu to select And or Or as appropriate,

then repeat steps d through g to generate your desired list. Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.

i. Click [OK] to save your configured QuickSearch and return to the Send Documents from Customer Queue window.

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10. To email for all branches, leave the Include all branches checkbox checked. If you only want this task to email for a specific branch, uncheck Include all branches and use the Lookup icon to select the branch. Note: To have different email tasks for each branch, create as many email tasks as necessary, varying each task by name.

11. Click the Email Settings tab to bring it forward. 12. In the Email from address field, enter the return email address for emails sent using this

email task. 13. In the Send bcc to field, optionally enter one or more email addresses you want copied on

the emails. Note: Separate multiple email addresses using your email separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon between email addresses.

14. To make e-agent wait any period of time between sending emails, check the Wait the following number of second(s) before sending each email checkbox. Note: This setting is designed for those who do not host their own email server and need to send the documents to a third-party email provider. Some providers have limits on how many email requests can be received per minute or hour, and how many emails can be sent per hour. For example, if you could only send 300 emails per hour to your ISP, you would create a delay of about 13 seconds so the system will only send about 275 per hour.

15. In the Notification E-mail field, enter an email address to which e-agent can send notification of the number of documents emailed. Note: Separate multiple email addresses using your email separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon between email addresses.

16. Click [OK] to save the e-agent task. 17. Now that your task is created, you can do one of the following:

Manually run the e-agent task: a. Select the task and click [Run]. This runs the task now.

Configure the task to run on a schedule: a. Select the task and click [Schedule] to open the Schedule Auto Queue Customer

Statements window. b. In the Recurrence pattern region, select the time pattern for this recurring task, or

select No recurrence. c. If you selected a recurrence pattern, in the Start recurrence field, enter the date

and time you want the task to begin recurrence. d. In the End recurrence region, identify when you want the task to end. You can end

after a specified number of occurrences, on a specified date, or specify no end. 18. Click [OK] to save the schedule.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Active Checkbox Cancel Button Inactive Fields/Buttons Lookup Button/Feature OK/Apply Button

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Required Fields (*) Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: In order to send statements to customers automatically, you must first

configure the task in the e-agent software.

Key Words Auto, send, email, fax, print, statement, AR, e-agent, agent, contact, default.

Related Topics Creating a Contact Creating a Customer Record

Screen/Window Names Bulk Updates Customers Contact Customer e-agent

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Understanding Accounts Receivable Metrics

Overview You use the Metrics Console to view different types of measurement information for e-automate modules in one convenient window. The Metrics Console is the dashboard of your e-automate system. The Metrics window opens in a window that is separate from e-automate. This allows you to toggle between the Metrics window and e-automate and to drag it to another monitor. The Metrics Console does not automatically refresh in order to protect system resources. You can refresh the window yourself by clicking on the Refresh button (green arrow) or by using the dropdown menu to reselect the module. The date and time of the last refresh displays in the upper right-hand corner. Clicking on the arrows at the end of the category rows takes you to the appropriate console in e-automate. The Accounts Receivable Metrics gives you a snapshot of important information pertaining to aged accounts receivable, including the following: A list of customers that have the largest past due accounts, with each account’s current

balance and how many days those accounts are past due, along with the customer’s contact information (email address, phone number and fax number).

The quantity and total dollar amount of unapplied receipts. The number of customers, sales orders and service calls that are on credit hold. A pie chart showing the total dollar amount past due in different age periods. These periods

are: 1 to 30 days, 31 to 60 Days, 61 to 90 Days and More Than 90 Days overdue.

Getting to Accounts Receivable Metrics 1. Click [Metrics] on the e-automate toolbar to open the Metrics window. 2. Use the dropdown menu to select Accounts Receivable Metrics and to open the Metrics


Largest Past Due Accounts This section gives you a list of all your customers with past due accounts, with the total amount currently due and the number of days past due of the most delinquent account. The number in parentheses next to the customer’s name corresponds to the number of open invoices that customer currently has. This section also provides the customer’s contact information, including email address, phone number and fax number for easy access in alerting the customer of their delinquent accounts. Note: Clicking on the arrows at the ends of the rows takes you to the Accounts Receivable Console, with that customer’s account displayed.

Unapplied Receipts This section gives you the quantity and balance of cash receipts that have been received into the system, but have not been applied to open invoices. Note: Clicking on the arrow next to the amount takes you to the Customer Payments window with the appropriate QuickSearch criteria entered, displaying all unapplied receipts.

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On Credit Hold See below for category descriptions: Customers: Shows how many customers you currently have on credit hold.

Note: Clicking on the arrow next to the total takes you to the Customers window with the appropriate QuickSearch criteria entered, displaying all customers on credit hold.

Sales Orders: Shows how many open sales orders you currently have for which the customer is on credit hold. Note: Clicking on the arrow next to the total takes you to the Sales Orders window with the appropriate QuickSearch criteria entered, displaying all sales orders belonging to customers who are on credit hold.

Service calls: Shows how many active service calls you currently have for which the customer is on credit hold. Note: Clicking on the arrow next to the total takes you to the Service Calls window with the appropriate QuickSearch criteria entered displaying all service calls belonging to customers who are on credit hold.

Aging of Accounts This pie chart shows you the balance of your Accounts Receivable broken down into different age periods including 1 to 30 days, 31 to 60 Days, 61 to 90 Days and more than 90 days overdue.

Closing the Console 1. Click the red [X] in the upper right corner to close the Metrics window.

Additional Info

Trouble Shooting

System Tips Active Check Box Cancel Button Lookup Button/Feature OK/Apply Button Tab Key

Question(s) 1. True or False: The Accounts Receivable Metrics Console displays customer information to

allow you to contact customers easily from the console window.

Key Words Metrics, accounts receivable

Related Topics

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Screen/Window Names

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