accreditation council for business schools and programs … · 2019-12-01 · 1 , accreditation...

1 , Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Quality Assurance (QA) Report for Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree Programs Current as of July 2012 Overview (O) 1. Complete all information requested. Submit your report as an attachment to [email protected] on or before February 15th or September 15th. This report should be limited to maximum of 50 pages. The average length of most good reports is 30 pages. To help reduce the page numbers you can remove the ACBSP examples used in this report template to help you complete the report. O 2. Institution Name: Tarleton State University Date: March 22, 2013 Address: 1333 West Washington Street, Stephenville, TX, 76402 O 3. Year Accredited/Reaffirmed: 1991, 1998, 2011 This Report Covers Years: 2011-2013 O 4. List All Accredited Programs (as they appear in your catalog): Administrative Systems (BS/BBA), Accounting (BS, BBA), Finance (BS, BBA), Management (BS, BBA), Computer Information Systems (BBA), Economics (BBA), Human Resource Management (BBA), Marketing (BBA), Interdisciplinary Business (BBA), International Business (BBA), Business Administration (BS), International Economics (BS), Business Occupations (BAAS), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Management and Leadership (MS), Human Resource Management (MS).

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Page 1: Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs … · 2019-12-01 · 1 , Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Quality Assurance (QA) Report for


, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)

Quality Assurance (QA) Report for

Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree Programs Current as of July 2012

Overview (O) 1. Complete all information requested. Submit your report as an attachment to [email protected] on or before February 15th or September 15th. This report should be limited to maximum of 50 pages. The average length of most good reports is 30 pages. To help reduce the page numbers you can remove the ACBSP examples used in this report template to help you complete the report. O 2. Institution Name: Tarleton State University Date: March 22, 2013 Address: 1333 West Washington Street, Stephenville, TX, 76402 O 3. Year Accredited/Reaffirmed: 1991, 1998, 2011 This Report Covers Years: 2011-2013 O 4. List All Accredited Programs (as they appear in your catalog): Administrative Systems (BS/BBA), Accounting (BS, BBA), Finance (BS, BBA), Management (BS, BBA), Computer Information Systems (BBA), Economics (BBA), Human Resource Management (BBA), Marketing (BBA), Interdisciplinary Business (BBA), International Business (BBA), Business Administration (BS), International Economics (BS), Business Occupations (BAAS), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Management and Leadership (MS), Human Resource Management (MS).

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Note: Listing new programs here does not confer accreditation. New degree programs, majors or emphases must be in effect for at least two years and have graduates and follow the guidance in the process book before accreditation will be granted O 5. List all programs that are in your business unit that are not accredited by ACBSP and how you distinguish accurately to the public between programs that have achieved accredited status and those that have not. Only the programs listed in item O4 above are identified as having received accreditation by ACSBP in the Tarleton State University (TSU) Catalog (page 112 of the 2012-2013 TSU Catalog). The following programs are not ACBSP accredited: Computer Information Systems (BS), Economics (BS), Technology Occupations (BSAS), Information Systems (MS). O 6. List all campuses that a student can earn a business degree from your institution: Main campus in Stephenville, TX; campus in Fort Worth – SW Metroplex TX; campus in Waco, TX. O 7. Person completing report Name: Adolfo Benavides, Dean, College of Business Administration Phone: 254-968-9496 E-mail address: [email protected] ACBSP Champion name: Dr. Adolfo Benavides ACBSP Co-Champion name: Dr. Thomas Bradley O 8. Conditions or Notes to be Addressed: You do not need to address Opportunity for Improvement (OFI).

The following notes are addressed in this QA Report: Standard Two, Criteria 2.1; Standard Three, Criteria 3.h, Standard Four, Criteria 4.1; and Standard Six, Criteria 6.1.

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We are kindly requesting that ACBSP’s Board of Commissioners remove the notes identified above based on the following justifications: Justification for the removal of the notes identified above: Standard two, criteria 2.1: With the arrival of Dr. Adolfo Benavides on July 1, 2010 as the new dean of the College of

Business Administration, the goals and initiatives identified in the short term one year plan and new strategic plan were in the initial stages of deployment. The following were goals and initiatives that were still in progress when our last report was submitted in early 2011 but that have now been accomplished:

1. We have received reaffirmation of our ACBSP accreditation. 2. We have initiated membership in AACSB while maintaining our commitment to preserve our ACBSP accreditation. 3. The faculty have approved the criteria for Academically and Professionally Qualified status as per AACSB guidelines. 4. The faculty have approved a document with the tenure and promotion guidelines and expectations for the College of

Business Administration faculty. 5. We have hired twelve doctorally qualified faculty since 2011 (nine of them have been replacements for faculty who retired

or left and three are net new positions to address the shortage of full-time faculty.) These new faculty are identified on Table 5.2 under Standard 5 of this QA Report.

6. We have reviewed and revised the administrative structure of the College of Business Administration, have realigned the disciplines of Business Law and Real Estate into the Department of Accounting, Finance, and Economics.

7. We have strengthened our commitment to shared governance by establishing Graduate and Undergraduate Curriculum Committees.

8. We have established a College of Business Administration Student Advisory Board and have regular meetings two times per semester.

9. We have established a College of Business Administration Executive Advisory Board and have regular meetings once per semester.

10. We have implemented a process to support faculty engagement in research and scholarship by providing funding for faculty to present research papers at regional, national, or international conferences.

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Standard Three, Criteria 3.h: Due to severe budget reductions in 2011 and 2012, the College of Business Administration opted to administer the EBI Undergraduate Exit Survey, whose cost is approximately $2,000, on a thre3-year cycle instead of every two years. It was administered in the fall of 2010 and will be administered again in the fall of 2013. This unavoidable cost-saving measure, however, has not diminished our resolve to continue to be aware of and sensitive to the needs of our students. The COBA Student Advisory Board, consisting of the leaders of the various student organizations along with the student senators representing the college’s students in the Student Government Association, has evolved as a key conduit of two way communication between the students and the College’s administration. The dean, department heads, and faculty advisors meet twice per semester with the Student Advisory Board to discuss issues of common interest and to listen to students concerns. Two important issues have surfaced from these meetings over the past two years: insufficient parking, particularly for students with physical disabilities, and lack of informal, common learning spaces. This, in turn, has resulted in two very tangible improvements that have added value for our student stakeholders: The number of handicapped parking spaces in the parking lot adjacent to the College of Business Administration building has increased from two to six. Secondly, an area of 900 square feet of storage space has been remodeled, furnished, and turned into a Student Lounge whose grand opening is scheduled for Thursday, April 11, 2013. . Students provided input on the selection of the carpet and paint colors. Standard Four, criteria 4.1: A College of Business administration Assurance of Learning Committee has been established since our Self Study report submitted for our reaffirmation of ACBSP accreditation in early 2011. This committee has struggled with trying to implement practical ways to generate assurance of learning data for comparison among our different student segments (first-time in college traditional students; non-traditional, working adult undergraduate learners, working professionals in our graduate programs.) Our Assurance of learning System is already complex and is becoming too onerous for our faculty to support adding additional complexities whose marginal cost and effort would exceed their marginal benefit. To address the issue of comparison data for the various segments of our student body the Assurance of Learning committee has opted to use data on our different locations and / or programs as representative of our specific student segments. For example, the typical student in our main campus in Stephenville is a first time in college traditional student. Secondly, by the very nature of the degree program, those students pursuing the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences are, generally speaking, working adult learners mainly in our off-campus locations in the Fort Worth Southwest Metroplex and in Waco. Lastly, a good proportion of our graduate students are young working professionals taking graduate classes in our off-campus locations or online.

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As reported in our 2011 Self Study Report and also in this QA Report for our programs that are offered in various locations (Stephenville, Ft. Worth, Waco, or online) we have the same learning goals, regardless of location, and systematically use the same measurements to collect data. The Assurance of Learning Committee reviews data by program and location, engages faculty teaching courses involved in the measurement, and out of this process, ultimately actions plans are developed and implemented for program improvement in response to assessment results. Standard Six, Criteria 6.1: Below is a detailed description of the process employed to determine how credits are assessed and awarded for student technical training and work experience. The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) is designed for the student with training in a technical area. The College of Business Administration offers the BAAS in Business Occupations. This degree utilizes education received at technical schools, community or junior colleges, military technical schools, among others. The A student must have completed at least 12 semester credit hours (or equivalent) in technical training to be eligible for consideration. With official documentation on the dates, duration, content, and results / successful completion of the technical training in question, such training may be supplemented with a maximum of 21 semester credit hours for documented full-time work experience (four (4) semester credit hours per year of qualifying experience). A student must have a minimum of 33 semester hours and a maximum of 48 hours (or equivalent) of occupational specialization to be eligible for consideration for the BAAS degree. Beginning Fall 2008, a maximum of 33 semester hours of credit (or equivalent) may be awarded. The technical training taken into consideration for the BAAS degree must meet the following criteria: it must be related to subject matter taught in the department or college sponsoring the degree program; it must be documented via transcripts from community, junior, or technical colleges, vocational/technical schools, military transcripts, certificates of completion, Continuing Education Units (CEU’s), employer sponsored training records, etc. The work component of the occupational specialization must also meet the following criteria: it must be related to subject matter taught in the department or college sponsoring the degree program; it must be consistent in nature (multiple employers are acceptable, but the employment must be in a similar type of position); it must have made the individual a specialist in the field; it must be documented through employer statements, resumes, etc. to be considered. Each prospective BAAS student is evaluated individually to determine eligibility for the degree program. This begins with specialized academic advisors from those departments sponsoring the BAAS degree program. If a student is found to meet the criteria described above, sponsored degree plan applications are considered by the Interdisciplinary Degree Programs Committee (formerly known as the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences Committee). This University committee, appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and made up of faculty, department heads, staff from Enrollment

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Management, and representation from Student Life Studies, screens and reviews all potential Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science (BAAS) students and evaluates student credentials. Each degree plan for the BAAS degrees must be approved by the committee. Upon approval of this body, the student’s occupational specialization credits awarded are then posted to their academic transcript by the Office of the Registrar. We offer no special classes for students in our BAAS in Business Occupations, they enroll in the same classes that our other majors in our BBA and BS degree programs take and therefore are subject to the same academic requirements.

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O 9. The business unit must routinely provide reliable information to the public on their performance, including student achievement such as assessment results. The Quality Assurance Report, including results of student achievement in our assurance of learning program, is available through TSU’s College of Business Administration web page via a direct link List link here. Standard #1 Leadership

Organization a. List any organizational or administrative personnel changes within the business unit since your last report.

The following are the organizational and administrative changes that have occurred since our last report. Effective on September 1, 2012, Dr. Leah Schultz became the Computer Information Systems Department Head. Additionally, on October 1, 2012, Dr. Thomas Bradley was appointed Interim Head for the Management, Marketing, and Administrative systems Department. Lastly on January 15, 2013, the academic disciplines of Business Law and Real Estate were realigned out of the Management, Marketing, and Administrative Systems Department into the Accounting, Finance, and Economics Department. b. List all new sites where students can earn an accredited business degree (international campus, off-campus or on

campus, on-line) that have been added since your last report?

In the spring semester of 2012 we started offering selected business classes on the campus of Navarro Community college in Midlothian, Texas but no full program leading to an accredited business degree is available there at this stage.

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Standard #2 Strategic Planning (this standard not typically addressed in the QA report) This is used as a place holder to allow all the other standards to be addressed in the QA report and keep the numbering system consistent with self-studies and QA reports.

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Standard #3 Student and Stakeholder Focus Complete the following table. Provide three or four examples, reporting what you consider to be the most important data. It is not necessary to provide results for every process. Standard 3 - Student and Stakeholder-Focused Results Student- and Stakeholder-Focused Results

Student- and stakeholder-focused results examine how well your organization satisfies students and stakeholders key needs and expectations. Performance measures may include: satisfaction and dissatisfaction of current and past students and key stakeholders, perceived value, loyalty, persistence, or other aspects of relationship building, end of course surveys, alumni surveys, Internship feedback, etc. Measurement instrument or processes may include end of course surveys, alumni surveys, Internship feedback, etc. Each academic unit must demonstrate linkages to business practitioners and organizations, which are current and significant, including an advisory board. Periodic surveys should be made of graduates, transfer institutions, and/or employers of graduates to obtain data on the success of business programs in preparing students to compete successfully for entry-level positions.

Analysis of Results Performance Measure Measurable goal What is your goal?

What is your measurement instrument or process? (Indicate length of cycle)

Current Results

What are

your current results?

Analysis of Results What did you learn from the results?

Action Taken or Improvement made What did you improve or what is your next step?

Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends

(3-5 data points preferred)

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Student satisfaction with support for job search will exceed 5.0 Mean Score on a 0.0 (very dissatisfied) to 7.0 (very satisfied) point Likert scale

EBI Undergrad Exit Survey every three years

Mean score was 3.98 in Fall 2010 Survey

Location of university’s Career Services Center discouraged students from seeking job placement assistance

Institutionalized four hours per week for a Career Services Counselor to hold office hours in the College of business building

Career Services Office hours per Week in the College of Business Administration: 2010-2011: 0 hours per week 2011=2012: 4 hours per week

Students will express a high level of satisfaction with Common learning spaces in the College of business building

Twice per semester meetings with the Student Advisory Board representing the student body

Persistent dissatisfaction with lack of informal, common learning spaces in COBA building expressed in 201- 2012 meetings.

Generation NeXt students have a need for informal learning spaces

Secured funding to convert a large storage space (approx. 900 sq. ft.) into a student lounge. Work is nearly completed and will open up for student use on April 11, 2013

Sq. Ft. in COBA building available as common/informal learning space /student lounge. 2010-2011: 0 Sq. Ft. After April 2013: 900 Sq.Ft.

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Students will express a high level of satisfaction with the physical facilities that affect their education

Twice per semester meetings with the Student Advisory Board representing the student body

Insufficient parking for student with physical disabilities

We have to be sensitive and respond to the needs of all our students

Worked with university administration and police department to increase the number of handicapped parking spaces in the college of business parking lot

Number handicapped parking spaces in the College of Business Administration parking lot: 2011: 2 2012: 6

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Standard #4 Measurement and Analysis of Student Learning and Performance a. Program Outcomes

List outcomes, by accredited program. Many of the program outcomes should be used as part of a student learning assessment plan and be measurable.


Accounting BBA/BS: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Ethical Behavior for Accountants Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Technological Skills Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Effective Communication Functional Areas of Business Application of Tax Code Administrative Systems BBA/BS: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Communication Skills Use of Technology Administrative Systems Knowledge General Business Knowledge Business Administration, B.S.: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Communication Skills Technology Skills General Business Skills

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Business Occupations, B.A.A.S: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Communication Skills Technology Skills General Business Skills Computer Information Systems, BBA: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Fundamental CIS and networking knowledge Fundamental business knowledge Communication skills Economics BBA/BS: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Theories and Institutions Problem Solving and Policy Technology Finance BBA/BS: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Basic financial concepts and problem solving Technical skills Effective communication skills Ethical behavior Human Resource Management BBA: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Effective Communication Skills General Business Knowledge Use of Technology Fundamental Knowledge in Human Resource Management

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Interdisciplinary Business, B.B.A.: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Communication Skills Technology Skills General Business Skills Management BBA/BS: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Communication Technology Management Skills General Business Knowledge/Skill Marketing BBA: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Effective Communication Skills Use of Technology Marketing Problems General Business Knowledge GRADUATE PROGRAMS Business Administration MBA: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Depth of Knowledge in Literature Critical Thinking Student Engagement and Research Practice and/or Training

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Human Resource Management MS: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Depth of Knowledge in Literature Problem solving and critical thinking Research, practice, and/or training Management and Leadership MS: Students will demonstrate proficiency / perform satisfactorily in the following: Problem solving and critical thinking Depth of Knowledge in Discipline Literature Ongoing student engagement in research, practice, and/or training experience

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b. Performance Results

Complete the following table. Provide three or four examples, reporting what you consider to be the most important data. It is not necessary to provide results for every process.

Student Learning Results (Required for each accredited program, doctorate, masters, and baccalaureate)

Performance Indicator Definition 1. Student Learning Results (Required for each accredited program)

A student learning outcome is one that measures a specific competency attainment. Examples of a direct assessment (evidence) of student learning attainment that might be used include: capstone performance, third-party examination, faculty-designed examination, professional performance, licensure examination). Add these to the description of the measurement instrument in column two: Direct - Assessing student performance by examining samples of student work Indirect - Assessing indicators other than student work such as getting feedback from the student or other persons who may provide relevant information. Formative – An assessment conducted during the student’s education. Summative – An assessment conducted at the end of the student’s education. Internal – An assessment instrument that was developed within the business unit. External – An assessment instrument that was developed outside the business unit. Comparative – Compare results between classes, between online and on ground classes, Between professors, between programs, between campuses, or compare to external results such as results from the U.S. Department of Education Research and Statistics, or results from a vendor providing comparable data.

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Analysis of Results

Performance Measure Measurable goal What is your goal?

What is your measurement instrument or process? Do not use grades. (Indicate length of cycle) direct formative internal comparative

Current Results

What are your

current results?

Analysis of Results What did you learn from the results?

Action Taken or Improvement made What did you improve or what is your next step?

Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends

(3-5 data points preferred)

Accounting BBA/BS

Ethical Behavior for Accountants, At least 70% of students in ACC 423 (Ethics for Accountants) will achieve at least 70% on related exam questions

Formative internal

79% in Stephenville72% in Waco

Trend continues to be positive in four year cycle

Added additional questions into questions bank

Stephenville Waco 08/09 95.%% N/a 09/10 64.3% 73.7% 10/11 72% 76% 11/12 79% 72%

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Technological Skills. 70% or more of the students will score at least 70% on related exam questions in ACC 301, Analysis using spreadsheets.)

Formative internal

87% in Stephenville 84% in Waco

Declining trend in Stephenville

Added tutor in Acctg lab

Stephenville Waco 08/09 85% 95% 09/10 92% 80% 10/11 91% 80% 11/12 87% 84%

General Acctg Principles.. 70 %or more of the students in ACC 401 (Financial Acctg.) will score at least 70% on related exam questions

Formative internal

90% in Stephenville 88.6% in Waco

Trend continues to be positive in four year cycle

Added additional questions into questions bank

Stephenville Waco 08/09 94.4% 100% 09/10 92.6% 88.9% 10/11 89.2% 87% 11/12 90.6& 88.6%

Applied Arts & Science BAAS

Verbal Communication Skills. 75%or more of the students will score 70% or higher in GB 459 (Bus. Strategy) oral presentation on scoring rubric.

Formative internal

100% in StephenvilleWaco,and SW Metroplex locations

Trend continues to be positive in four year cycle

No action taken

Stephenville Waco 08/09 100% 100% 09/10 100% 100% 10/11 100% 100% 11/12 100% 100%

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Use of Technology 70% or more of the students will score at least 70% on related exam questions in ACC 301, Analysis using spreadsheets.)

Formative internal

78% in Stephenville 95% in Waco

Results are lower in Stephenville than in Waco

Added tutor in Acctg lab in Stephenvill

Stephenville Waco 08/09 75% 100% 09/10 75% 1005 10/11 76% 90% 11/12 78% 94%

Economics BBA

Use of technology. Students will score an avg. of 70% or higher on assignments using Excel and web sites containing economic data

Formative internal

78%. Program offered in Stephenville only

Trend continues to be positive in four year cycle

No action taken

Stephenville Waco 08/09 75% 09/10 75% 10/11 76% 11/12 78%

Theories and institutions. Students in ECO 301 Intermediate and 303 Money & banking will score at least an avg. 70% on comprehensive exams

Formative internal

81% Program offered in Stephenville only

Trend continues to be positive in four year cycle

Updated and expanded test bank

Stephenville Waco 08/09 77% 09/10 78% 10/11 85% 11/12 81%

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Finance BBA Communication skills. 100% of students will pass written & oral communication requirements in FINA 403 (Cases in Finance)

Formative internal

86% Program offered in Stephenville only

Declining trend was reversed in last year.

Updated grading rubric

Stephenville Waco 08/09 100% 09/10 80.8% 10/11 Class not


11/12 86%

Basic financial concepts & problem solving.100% of students will achieve 80% or better in questions on exit exam in FINA 403

Formative internal

86% Program offered in Stephenville only

Trend continues to be positive in four year cycle

Reviewed revised and added more challenging questions to test bank

Stephenville 08/09 100% 09/10 100% 10/11 97% 11/12 98%

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Human Resource Mgmt, BBA

Use of technology. 75% or more of students will score 70% or higher on related questions in related questions in CIS 301

Formative internal

79% Program offered in Stephenville only

Slightly declining trend

Added tutor in Acctg /CIS lab in Stephenvill

Stephenville 08/09 67% 09/10 83% 10/11 83% 11/12 79%

Effective Communication skills. 75% or more of students will score 70% or higher in oral presentation in GB 459 (Business Strategy)

Formative internal

100% Program offered in Stephenville only

Trend continues to be positive in four year cycle

No action taken

Stephenville 08/09 67% 09/10 100% 10/11 94% 11/12 100%

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Fundamental knowledge in HR Mgmt. 75% or more of students will score 70% or higher on related questions in Mgmt 403 (wage & Salary Adm.) 404 (Selection & Recruitment) 405 (HR Devlpmt),and GB 434 (Emplmt Law)

Formative internal

43% in 2010-2011. Measured every two years. Program offered in Stephenville only

Reviewed revised syllabi in those classes to strengthen coverage in HR Law, Wage & salary Adm., and HR Developmt,and Selection & Recruitmnt

Stephenville 08/09 39.20% 09/10 Measurements

every two years 10/11 43% 11/12 Measurements

every two years

Interdiscplinry Business, BBA

Verbal Comm. Skills. 75% or more of students will score 70% or higher in oral presentation in GB 459 (Business Strategy)

Formative internal

84% Program offered in Stephenville only

Stable trend in mid – 80% range, except for outlying year 09/10

Will revise scoring and implement a scoring rubric

Stephenville 08/09 81.25% 09/10 100% 10/11 85% 11/12 84%

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Use of Technology 70% or more of the students will score at least 70% on related exam questions in ACC 301, Analysis using spreadsheets

Formative internal

71% Program offered in Stephenville only

Declining trend in last three years. .

Added tutor in Acc/ CIS lab

Stephenville 08/09 64.5% 09/10 75% 10/11 73% 11/12 71%

Management BBA / BS

Verbal Comm. Skills. . 75%or more of the students will score 70% or higher in GB 459 (Bus. Strategy) oral presentation on scoring rubric

Formative internal

93%. Program offered in Stephenville only

Trend continues to be positive in four year cycle

No action taken

Stephenville 08/09 93% 09/10 95% 10/11 92% 11/12 93%

Written Comm. Skills. 75%or more of the students will score 70% or higher in GB 459 (Bus. Strategy) written case study per scoring rubric

Formative internal

84%. Program offered in Stephenville only

Stable trend over four year cycle

Revised scoring rubric to reflect more accurately expectations of written assignment

Stephenville 08/09 80% 09/10 90% 10/11 86% 11/12 84%

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Fundamental Knowledge in Mgmt. 75% or more of stdnts will score 70% or higher related exams questions in MGMT 301, 302 302, 350, 407, and 421

Formative internal

72%. Program offered in Stephenville only

72% in 10/11

Mapped course content in syllabi to ensure coverage of all essential topics

Stephenville 08/09 33% 09/10 Measured

every two years10/11 72% 11/12 Measured

every two years

Marketing BBA Verbal Comm. Skills. . 75%or more of the students will score 70% or higher in GB 459 (Bus. Strategy) oral presentation on scoring rubric

Formative internal

92%. Program offered in Stephenville only

Stable trend in mid 90% range in the four year cycle

No action taken

Stephenville 08/09 92% 09/10 100% 10/11 93% 11/12 92%

Written Comm. Skills. 75%or more of the students will score 70% or higher in GB 459 (Bus. Strategy) written case study per scoring rub

Formative internal

88%. Program offered in Stephenville only

Stable trend over four year cycle

Revised scoring rubric to reflect more accurately expectations of written assignment

Stephenville 08/09 80.7% 09/10 90% 10/11 86% 11/12 88%

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Master of Business Administration MBA

Effective Decision-Making & Critical Thinking Skills 70% or more of MBA students will perform at satisfactory level or higher on selected questions in the MBA comprehensive exam graded by faculty committee

Formative internal

92%. Program offered in Stephenville only

Stable trend in mid 90% range in the four year cycle

No action taken

Stephenville 08/09 85% 09/10 100% 10/11 88% 11/12 92%

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Communication Skills. 85% of MBA students will perform at satisfactory level or above on written and oral presentations in selected MBA classes (graded per scoring rubric)

Formative internal

95%. Program offered in Stephenville only

Stable trend in mid 80% to 90% range in the 08/09 and 09/10 years.

No action taken. Faculty to consider adding new learning goal related to knowledge of literature in field

Stephenville 08/09 85% 09/10 95% 10/11 Not measured 11/12 *

This outcome/objective is being replaced by

one related to Depth of Knowledge in he literature

Master of Science in Human Resource Mgmt, MS

Written Communication 80% or more of students will perform at satisfactory level or higher in written part of comprehensive exam

Formative internal

100% Program offered online only

Stable trend in mid 90% range in the four year cycle

No action taken

Online 08/09 100% 09/10 100% 10/11 100% 11/12 100%

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Problem solving & comprehensive. Knowledge in HR, 80% or more of students will perform at satisfactory level or higher in comprehensive. blind-graded exam

Formative internal

100% Program offered online only

Stable trend in upper 90% range in the four year cycle

No action taken

online 08/09 100% 09/10 100% 10/11 96% 11/12 100%

Master of Science in Mgmt & Leadership, MS

Problem solving & critical thinking 80% or more of students will score 80% or higher on selected case analyses in the MGMT 509 capstone class

Formative internal

95% Program offered online only

Stable trend in upper 90% range in the four year cycle

No action taken

online 08/09 80%+ 09/10 100%+ 10/11 95% 11/12 95%

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Professional Ethics 80% or more of students will score 80% or higher on ethics case analysis in the MGMT 509 capstone class

Formative internal

90% Program offered online only

Stable trend in upper 90% range in the four year cycle

No action taken

online 08/09 80%+ 09/10 100%+ 10/11 95% 11/12 90%

Knowledge Depth in Literature 80% or more of students will score 70% or higher in comprehensive exam on Mgmt theory & concepts

Formative internal

100% Program offered online only

Stable trend in upper 90% range in the four year cycle

No action taken

online 08/09 N/A 09/10 100%+ 10/11 Not measured 11/12 100%

Standard #5 Faculty and Staff Focus

Complete the following table Provide three or four examples, reporting what you consider to be the most important data. It is not necessary to provide results for every process.

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Table 5.1 Standard 5 - Faculty- and Staff-Focused Results

Faculty and Staff Focused Results Faculty and staff-focused results examine how well the organization creates and maintains a positive, productive, learning-centered work environment for business faculty and staff. Key indicators may include: professional development, scholarly activities, community service, administrative duties, business and industry interaction, number of advisees, number of committees, number of theses supervised, satisfaction or dissatisfaction of faculty and staff, positive, productive, and learning-centered environment, safety, absenteeism, turnover, or complaints.

Analysis of Results Performance Measure Measurable goal What is your goal?

What is your measurement instrument or process? (Indicate length of cycle)

Current Results

What are

your current results?

Analysis of Results What did you learn from the results?

Action Taken or Improvement made What did you improve or what is your next step?

Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends

(3-5 data points preferred)

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Faculty satisfaction with support for pursing funded research will exceed 5.0 Mean Score on a seven point Likert scale. 0 = very dissatisfied to 7.0 = very satisfied

EBI Faculty Survey every three years

Mean score was 2.62 (slightly dissatisfied) in fall 2010 survey.

Faculty need assistance in writing grant proposals

Dean served on search committee to recruit a grant writer to assist faculty in searching for and submitting grant proposals and applications.

Q033. Faculty Development - Satisfaction with the level of faculty development support you receive for enhancing your: Ability to secure funded research


Std Dev




N = 29 Std


= 1.30

Mean = 2.62

One data point available, Next EFI faculty survey scheduled for fall 2013.


Std Dev



Mean = 2


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Faculty Qualifications Complete Table 5.2 and 5.3 for new full-time and part-time faculty members since last self-study or QA report. Do not include faculty members previously reported.


Faculty satisfaction with support for to enhance their research will exceed 5.0 Mean Score on a seven point Likert scale. 0 = very dissatisfied to 7.0 = very satisfied

EBI Faculty Survey every three years. Next survey will be administered in fall of 21013

Mean score was 3.00 (slightly dissatisfied) in fall 2010 survey.

Support for research does lead to increased research productivity and, indirectly, to satisfaction with support

Instituted internal monthly Research Seminar Series, and developed a process to fund up to $1,200 per faculty per year to present papers at conferences

Total number of intellectual contributions, including journal articles, conf. proceedings, presentations, book chapters, etc: ‘10/’11 academic yr. = 78 ‘11/’12 academic yr. 96, a 23% increase The increase in research productivity reflects the increase in support to engage in scholarly activities.

20% or less of the faculty will be dissatisfied with salary compression / inversion problem

Annual performance reviews and college-wide meetings

50% of faculty are dissatisfied with salary compress inversion problem

Compression / inversion problem is affecting morale and may lead to faculty turnover

Received approval to use $100,000 in funds un one half position plus additional funds from online course fees to begin addressing this issue

No trend line exists yet but we expect the percentage of faculty dissatisfied with salary compression / inversion to decrease from current level of 50% over the next several years.

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NAME (List alphabetically by Last Name)


COURSES TAUGHT (List the Courses Taught During the Reporting Period, Do Not Duplicate Listing)

LIST ALL EARNED DEGREES (State Degree as Documented on Transcript, Must Include Major Field)


Five Years Work Experience

Teaching Excellence

Professional Certifications


1. Academically 2. Professional 3. Exception

Baeza, Miguel (full-time)

Management, International business.

GB 103 GB 444 GB 591

BBA, MBA, Ph.D., Bus. Administration, International Business

Academically (Doctoral)

Bauer, Keldon (full-time)

Finance FINA 301 FINA 302 FINA 400 FINA 520

BS, MBA, Ph.D.-Finance

Academically (Doctoral)

Esqueda, Omar (full-time)

Finance FINA 301 FINA 401 FINA 404 FINA 520

BBA,MBA, Ph.D.- Finance

Academically (Doctoral)

Jones, Dennis (full-time)

CIS CIS103 CIS 518

BA,MED, MBA, EDD Academically (Doctoral)

Leach, Judd (full-time)

Bus. Law GB 432 GB 433

BS, J.D.- Law Academically (Doctoral)

Martinson, Brian (full-time)

Human Resources Management

MGMT 302 MGMT 405 MGMT 406

BS, MBA, ABD, Management (Ph.D. expected spring 2013)

Senior Professional in Human Resources, HR Certification Institute

Academically (Doctoral)

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Mullens, Drake (full-time)

Management MGMT 301 MGMT 303 GB 459

BBA, MBA, ABD, Management (Ph.D. expected spring 2013)

Academically (Doctoral)

Notgrass, David (full-time)

Management / Leadership

MGMT301 MGMT 325 MGMT 501 MGMT 510

BA, MBA, Ph.D. Leadership Studies

Academically (Doctoral)

Schieck, Ashley (full-time)

Acctg. Bus. Law

ACC 204 ACC 204 ACC 304

BBA, MAS (Acctg.) J.D. - Law

Six years work experience

Academically (Doctoral)

Schuessler, Joseph (full-time)

CIS CIS 226 CIS 302 CIS 345 CIS 511 CIS 519


Security +, Network +, A+,CompTIA. Three years teach.exp.

Academically (Doctoral)

Smith, Garry (full-time)

Marketing MKTG 314 MKTG 315 MKTG 415 MKTG 508

BBA, MBA, Ph.D. - Marketing

25 years work exp., four yrs, teach.exp.

Academically (Doctoral)

Tanter, Alex (Part-Time Adjunct)

Economics ECO 201 ECO 203 ECO 302 ECO 304

BA, MA - Economics 12 yrs. work experience,5 yrs.teach exp.


Young, Arthur (full-time)

Accounting ACC 304 ACC 435 ACC 403 ACC 424 ACC 503

BS, MBA, Ph.D. - Accounting

CPA Ten yrs. teach exp.

Academically (Doctoral)

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Table 5.3, Standard 5, Criterion 5.8 Scholarly and Professional Activities

Full-Time Faculty (45)

Highst Deg Eard

Prof. Cert.

Scholarly Activities – See Code Below Professional Activities –See Note Below Papers Present

Published Articles/ Manuscripts/Books

Unpublished Articles/ Manuscripts/Books

Consultg Professional Related Services

Professional Conferences/ Workshops


Professional Membrshps

Baeza, Miguel Ph.D. Most Recent Year

D=1 D=1 1 1 2

Year 2 B=1 1 Bauer, Keldon Ph.D. Most Recent Year

D=1 2 2

Year 2


D=1 1 D=2 1 2

Esqueda, Omar

Ph. D.

Most Recent Year

B=4 B=2 C=2 1 2 2

Year 2

D=2 D=1 C=2

2 2

Jones, Dennis EDD Most Recent Year

A=3 A=1 A=1 D=2

3 2

Year 2

A=2 A=1 D=2

3 2

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Leach, Judd J.D.

Tax Law License

Most Recent Year

A=2 1 1

Year 2 Martinson, Brian

ABD HR cert.

Most Recent Year

B=2 B=1 A=1 C=1

2 2

Year 2

A=1 B=1

D=2 C=2 1 2

Mullens, Drake ABD Most Recent Year

B=1 C=1

B=1 A=1 C=2

1 1 2

Year 2

D=1 A=1 C=2 D=1

1 1 2

Notgrass, David

Ph.D. A=2 2

Most Recent Year

B=2 B=1 A=1 D=2

1 1 2

Year 2

A=1 D=2


Schieck, Ashley J.D. CPA Most Recent Year

A=2 3

Year 2 A=1 2 Schuessler, Joseph

Ph.D. Sec.+, Ntwk+

Most Recent Year

D=1 D=2 A=1 D=2

2 2

Year 2 D=1 C=2 1 1

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Smith ,Garry Ph.D. Most Recent Year

D=2 D=2 A=3 1 2 3

Year 2

D=1 1 1 3

Young, Arthur Ph.D. CPA Most Recent Year

A=1 D=1

D=1 1 A=1 2 1 2

Year 2

D=1 D=2 A=1 1 2

Tanter, Alex


Most Recent Year

1 A=2 1

Year 2

1 1

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Standard #6 Educational and Business Process Management

a. Curriculum

1. List any existing accredited degree programs/curricula that have been substantially revised since your last report and attach a Table - Standard 6, Criterion 6.1.3 – Undergraduate CPC Coverage for each program.

N programs have undergone substantial revisions since our last report.

2. List any new degree programs that have been developed and attach a Table - Standard 6, Criterion 6.1.3 – Undergraduate CPC Coverage for each new program since your last report. No new programs have been developed since our last report..

Note: If you have a new degree at a level currently accredited by ACBSP, then report information on: student enrollment, program objectives, instructional resources, facilities and equipment, admissions requirements, graduation statistics, core professional components (CPCs) and the outcomes assessment process to ACBSP. If the new degree is at a higher level then what is currently accredited, the school must complete a self-study to add the degree.

3. List any accredited programs that have been terminated since your last report.

O accredited programs have been terminated since our last report.

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Complete table 6.1. Provide three or four examples, reporting what you consider to be the most important data. It is not necessary to provide results for every process.

Table 6.1 Standard 6 - Organizational Performance Results 5. Organizational Effectiveness Results

Organizational effectiveness results examine attainment of organizational goals. Each business unit must have a systematic reporting mechanism for each business program that charts enrollment patterns, student retention, student academic success, and other characteristics reflecting students' performance. Key indicators may include: graduation rates, enrollment, improvement in safety, hiring equity, increased use of web-based technologies, use of facilities by community organizations, contributions to the community, or partnerships, retention rates by program, and what you report to governing boards and administrative units.

Analysis of Results Performance Measure Measurable goal What is your goal?

What is your measurement instrument or process? (Indicate length of cycle)

Current Results

What are

your current results?

Analysis of Results What did you learn from the results?

Action Taken or Improvement made What did you improve or what is your next step?

Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends

(3-5 data points preferred)

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Number of full-time faculty per total Student Credit Hours generated. Increase full-time faculty by 10 to 12 net new faculty lines by 2020-2021 Our Goal: One full-time faculty per every 300 Semester Credit Hour generated

Benchmarking data from peer institutions AACSB accreditation guidelines

Presently we heave one full time faculty member for every 380 SCH

We are 10 to12 full-time faculty short of where we need to be

Our request for a $19 per SCH tuition differential for business courses has been preliminary approved. Once final approval is granted, the additional funds will enable us to recruit for six or seven net new full-time faculty positions. Additionally, central administration has committed to budgeting one new faculty line per year.

Semester Credit hours per full time faculty: 2012-2013: 380 SCHs No trend line is available yet. We expect to bring the SCHs to about 300 per full-time faculty by 2020-2021.

Four-year Undergraduate


Continue to support

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Graduation Rate. Our Goal: Increase the four-year grad. rate of COBA graduates to 45% by 2020

Graduation Rates reported on request by Office of Institutional Research

35% in 2012 (2008 cohort)

Five year trend is positive

student engagement opportunities. Support university move to higher admission standards

4 Yr Grad Rate 2008 23.25% 2009 25.6% 2010 32.36% 2011 32.8% 2012 35%

Masters student one year retention rate. Our Goal: Increase the Masters students’ one year retention rate to 80% by 2020

One year retention rates of masters students Rates reported on request by Office of Institutional Research

73.1% in 2012

Five year trend is stagnant

We are currently revising our leveling / Foundation courses for new students and reviewing our admission standards

One Yr Master

Retention Rate 2008 72.1% 2009 71.8% 2010 70.9% 2011 72.7% 2012 73.1%