ace of good

ACE OF GOOD Ace of Good mission to serve the children of our Military Families in the USA who are living below the poverty line and cannot afford school supplies for their children.

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Ace of Good mission to serve the children of our Military Families in the USA who are living below the poverty line and cannot afford school supplies for their children.

ABOUT US AceOFGood is one of the backpack

organization which For every backpack you buy, delivers another backpack, filled with school supplies, to a child in need around the world. If you want to keep giving, additional backpacks can be sent to children in need for $25.00 each. We are helping school students from entire world and help them in arranging material which is important to study in school.

NGO Management One of the most usual issues for

charities and NGOs in every country around the world agrees with access to money to assist their work. The majority of organizations attract financial support from any place they could get to. This is most likely to include contributions from people, area group

 The best NGOs have the ability to adapt to their financial atmosphere to take full advantage of income from a variety of sources. Also some of ideal taken care of organizations will certainly have a hard time to conquer the raw reality that there are not nearly enough contributions to explore.

 THE AMERICA COLLECTION  The America Collection was born out

of the Ace of Good mission to serve the children of our Military Families in the USA who are living below the poverty line and cannot afford school supplies for their children. The sequester and the recent government shut down has further adversely affected our Military Families. At Ace of Good we knew that our upcoming deliveries to Military Bases in the US would require a special collection: a backpack and messenger bag made in the USA.

A bag that not only provides Great American Style, but also provided American jobs, and is sustainably produced, helping to realize positive social, economic and environmental change.

Donate Money for Education with Ace of Good

The scorching Cambodian sun backlit the plastic bags that were being carried by small children as they scavenged through garbage for something to eat or sell.As we stood and watched the smell was overwhelming and bits of garbage blew through the air getting stuck in our hair and eyelashes burning our eyes. This was these children's every day reality.

Then we learned that these kids could go to school if only for school supplies.

The money earmarked for school supplies was used up with the rice program and they had no supplies. Wanting to make a difference in these children's lives we went shopping!