achievement of substantial stomach weight loss and much more

Recommended: Fat Free Forever How I Lost 55 Lbs © 2011 Chris Fitzgerald/Fat Free Forever Disclaimer: I am not a health professional. I'm just a regular guy who lost weight successfully. This is not health or medical advice. Speak to your doctor before trying to lose weight. You are responsible for your own actions in life, not me! Please feel free to share this book with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, via email and other places. You cannot sell this book. It must always remain free . 1

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Post on 16-May-2015



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This sizeable report shares how the author got a substantial amount of stomach weight loss and weight loss in other areas and how the reader can do the same.


Page 1: Achievement of substantial stomach weight loss and much more

Recommended: Fat Free Forever

How I Lost 55 Lbs

© 2011 Chris Fitzgerald/Fat Free Forever

Disclaimer: I am not a health professional. I'm just a regular guy who lost weight successfully. This is not health or medical advice. Speak to your doctor before trying to lose weight. You are responsible for 

your own actions in life, not me!

Please feel free to share this book with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, via email and other places. You cannot sell this book. It 

must always remain free.


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ContentsIntroduction                                                                ..........................................................   4  

How Skinny People "Listen" To Their Body Without Even Realising It           .....   5  

Good OR Bad Advice? ­ "Don't Eat After 8pm"                                 ...........................   6  

Best Cooking Methods For Losing The Bulge                                   .............................   7  

Why You Really SHOULD Weigh Yourself Regularly                              ........................   8  

Why I HATE The Gym And You DON'T Need It                                    ..............................   9  

How To Save Your Wallet AND Lose The Flab                                  ............................   10  

Refined Foods Are Keeping You Fat. Discover How To Easily Gain A Taste For Healthier Foods                                                        ..................................................   11  

Can Chocolate Help You To Lose The Pounds?                                 ...........................   12  

You CAN Totally Cheat One Day A Week If You Want To                        ..................   13  

To Lose Weight You Need To IGNORE Most People                              ........................   14  

How To Stop Your Cravings For Junk Food                                    ..............................   15  

How To Burn ONLY Fat When You Work Out                                     ...............................   16  

Beware Of "Fancy Coffee"                                                   .............................................   17  

Discover How Peer Pressure Could Be Stopping You Getting Slim              ........   18  

The Easy To Do Habit That You Must Avoid To Successfully Lose Weight       ..  19  

Discover A Satisfying Meal That Packs Few Calories                         ...................   20  

Watch Out For This Common Deception                                        ..................................   21  

Another Weight Loss Myth Destroyed ­ About Exercise                        ..................   22  

Do You Really Need To "Sleep" The Weight Off?                              ........................   23  

Is It OK To Actually Love And Taste Your Food?                             .......................   24  


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Don't You DARE Use Any Old Excuse To Fail                                  ............................   25  

Stop and "Think" To Lose Your Weight                                       .................................   26  

Example Of How To Change Your Current Negative Food Habits                 ...........   27  

Discover Why Low Cal Food & Drink Is NOT The Answer To Permanent Weight Loss                                                                       .................................................................   28  

Discover The "Tricks" To Play On Your Body To Shift The Flab               .........   29  

Did You Know: Pig Out For One Day Per Week To Lose MORE Flab?              ........   30  

Who Do You Believe? The Calorie Counters Or NOT?                           .....................   31  

Appetite Suppressants ­ What Are They Good For?                            ......................   32  

Why You Need To Be Selfish To Successfully Shift The Flab                  ............   33  

Beware of BS Products Like Hoodia Gordinii                                 ...........................   35  

This Tip Might Change Your Entire Attitude Towards Food                    ..............   36  

Top Tip ­ Eliminate Sugar ­ Do You Know How "Evil" It Is?                  ............   37  

Let Me Share My Rough & Personal "Meal Plan" With You                      ................   38  

Nuts ­ Are They Good Or Bad For You?                                       .................................   39  

Did You Know That Table "Manners" Can Help You Lose Weight?                ..........   40  

Why Processed Food Is A Vicious Circle                                     ...............................   41  

How To Deal With The Dangerous Temptation Of Office Snacks Everywhere      .  42  

How Not To Be Fooled By "Special Offers" On Food                           .....................   43  

How To Shift Your Flab If You HATE The Gym                                 ...........................   44  

How To Lose Pounds Without Even Trying                                     ...............................   45  

Do You Know Why "Fluctuating" Exercise Is The Best?                        ..................   46  

Thanks For Reading                                                         ...................................................   47  


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Recommended: Fat Free Forever


Thanks for grabbing this book. I used to weigh 189 lbs but I am now 134 lbs. That's a total weight loss of 55 lbs (25 kg). The picture of me on the cover is real. Some people thought it was fake because I've removed my head but I've only done that to protect my privacy.

As for my weight loss, I did it my own way. For once, I rejected most of the mainstream advice or I adapted it as I saw fit.

What you are about to read is a collection of "lessons" from me that will change the way you think about food, your body and its relationship with your life and this will help you to lose weight and keep it off and still enjoy your food.

I hope you like the book. I would really welcome your feedback. You can reach me via [email protected]. I try to answer every email I can.

I also recommend checking out Fat Free Forever. Used together with this book you're reading right now, there is no better chance that you'll have to finally stop your weight yo-yoing up and down. You might not believe me now but I have ever confidence that you will by the time you finish this report. Remember, I'm unconventional and I make no apologies for it. I love being slim and I don't miss the aching knees or the lack of stares from members of the opposite sex. Enjoy the report! :)




Page 5: Achievement of substantial stomach weight loss and much more

Recommended: Fat Free Forever

How Skinny People "Listen" To Their Body Without Even Realising It

Have you ever wondered how skinny or healthy people do it? They don't appear to calorie count. They don't look like they work as hard as you do down the gym (some don't even go there). They never seem to eat any diet food either. Why is this?

They Listen To Their Body

The reason for this is because they listen to their body. Actually, most of them are nowhere near as obsessed about their food as overweight people are.

To them, they eat as much as they want and when they want and they don't seem to get fat. They simply eat when they get hungry and they don't eat when they are not hungry.

Wait a minute...but you're already doing this...aren't you?

No, You Are Not

When I was fat, I used to think that I obeyed this basic rule: eating only when hungry. Actually, I was not. And if you are overweight then you are likely not either.

I used to eat tons of food and sometimes it seemed like I had been sitting in front of the computer and eating for a good two hours. Could I still be hungry? Obviously my body did not need all that food.

The truth is that you can satisfy your hunger very quickly and then you should stop eating. Food does not taste as good when you are not hungry.

When you break through the period of hunger being over and are still eating, then why are you doing it? It's because you think you are hungry but you are not. You have a compulsion to keep on eating. To a healthy person this looks totally irrational - like the behaviour of an addict.

How To Listen To Stop Eating Too Much

Alright, you know that you should stop eating when your hunger stops but you also know how confusing this can be - often you think you are hungry when you are not.

The sure way to make sure you only eat when your body needs food is to stop eating immediately the moment that you feel full. This happens after your hunger has already disappeared and is your body's way of telling you that it does not need any more food.

At this point, you've actually just started to accumulate (or maintain) fat but at least you have stopped there and then. In future, you can try to listen again and eventually you'll recognise exactly when your hunger stops and when you therefore need to stop eating too.


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Good OR Bad Advice? ­ "Don't Eat After 8pm"

Good OR Bad Advice? - "Don't Eat After 8pm"

What do you think to this advice from some so-called weight loss experts:

"Don't eat anything after 8pm"?

You've probably heard this or something similar. The idea is that you should not eat too late because it will "become fat in your sleep".

I have seen this written on tons of web sites and in tons of magazines, always by health journalists who actually don't know anything about weight loss. Beware of health journalists - they know absolutely nothing and are paid to write total garbage. That's right...

Absolute Garbage!

This advice to not eat after 8pm is absolute garbage. What if you are really hungry? That is a sign that your body wants food and you should heed it. Forget this lame advice not to eat after a specific time.

What You Should Really Do

You should eat when you feel hungry. You should stop eating when you no longer feel hungry. If you start to feel full then this discomfort is your body's way of telling you to stop eating immediately - if you still feel "hungry" at that point then you have been deluded. That is not true hunger. You cannot feel true hunger and a feeling of fullness at the same time - it is impossible.

So if you are feeling hungry at 8pm, just eat! My advice to you is to eat only a little. Do not eat an entire meal because that will fuel you for several hours unnecessarily. Eat perhaps 100 to 200 calories but no more. This will satisfy your hunger easily and ensure you get more restful sleep.


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Best Cooking Methods For Losing The Bulge

Do you know the best way to cook your food if you are trying to lose weight? The answer is grilling.

Why Grilling?

Grilling is the method that uses the least oil and also allows the fats contained in the meat to drain away.

This means that not only is it the least fattening method of cooking but it is also the healthiest as you get reduced levels of saturated fats.

Be careful not to burn your food though as burnt matter contains carcinogens.

The great thing about grilling is that it is so easy, especially with modern grilling machines. I recommend that you always grill some vegetables to go with any meat that you cook. You don't have to but it is an easy way to sneak vegetables into your diet whenever and wherever you can.


A wok can also be a good cooking method for losing weight but you need to go really easy on the oil. Too much oil in the pan is unhealthy and will make you gain a lot of weight. You can buy spray oil which delivers a fine mist and uses only a minimal amount.

Go heavy on the vegetables because there is probably no better cooking method if you want to produce delicious, crisp vegetables.


A steamer is a great idea if you are losing weight. There is probably no healthier method of cooking out there as no additional oils or fats are used. Plus, your vegetables will retain the most amount of nutrients this way compared to other cooking methods.

You can even cook fish and boil eggs in a steamer!

The downside is that they are a major pain to clean. If you have a dishwasher then this is much less of a problem.


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Why You Really SHOULD Weigh Yourself Regularly

You know there is a lot of bad advice out there about losing weight, and often this advice is contradictory.

For example, some people say you should check your weight often and others say that you shouldn't because you will see only slow progress and might get what should you do?

My advice, based on my own huge weight loss of 55 lbs, is that you SHOULD weight yourself regularly. Here's why.

Notice Those 1 or 2 Pounds Of Progress

It's true that our weight fluctuates a bit throughout the day, often depending on whether we have food or liquid in our belly or if we have just gone to the toilet etc.

But if you weigh yourself at the same time every day then you won't have this problem. For example, when you get out of the shower.

You'll see that on some days you may lose a pound or two and get great satisfaction from it. You'll also be able to think and relate how you got that massive loss? Maybe you correctly did portion control that day or something similar?

Getting used to this fine critical feedback is essential, in my view.

You Won't Lose Focus

If you hardly ever weigh yourself, it is easy to accidentally gain a few pounds and not even realise it.

Mind you, maybe I should write that as "accidentally" because the truth is that you roughly know your own weight. If you go a week or two without weighing yourself and you dread the scales then this is like admitting that you have basically ignored your weight loss plan and knowingly ignored it. You have knowingly cheated yourself.

If you weigh yourself every day on the scales then you know that you cannot cheat for several days in a row. Instead, you quickly face reality but in a way that allows you to take corrective action fast.


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Why I HATE The Gym And You DON'T Need It

You already know that I hate health journalists and most people in the weight loss industry including gym membership salesmen, the government and others. Well, here is some of the BS that they like to pump out:

"Want to lose weight? Then go to the gym"!

They are ALWAYS saying this. I've never heard so much BS in my life! I lost 55 lbs without going to the gym. In fact, I failed all my earlier attempts when I did use the gym.

Why You DON'T Need The Gym Or Any Other Type Of Exercise

Exercise is not the answer to losing weight and keeping it off successfully. So if you fear having to become a gym freak if you want to be slim then don't worry because you don't have to.

Have you ever noticed how skinny or healthy people - most of them probably do not go to the gym. In fact, most people don't do much exercise at all. There is NO reason to think that we need to go crazy with physical activity to be healthy. Human beings are probably originally scavengers rather than hunters, in fact.

Exercise only helps to make your weight losses even bigger than they would otherwise be. They help to burn more calories and therefore give a bigger calorific deficit which means faster weight loss.

Why I Recommend AGAINST The Gym

Have you ever noticed how packed a gym is in the new year but then quickly gets empty again within a couple of months. The problem with the gym is that it is such a shock to the system.

You've done hardly any exercise before and suddenly you are pounding away like a madman. No wonder after a few sessions that most begin to doubt whether they can really go on like this. Even if they reach their target weight, is this how they are supposed to spend the rest of their lives?

The answer is "NO". You do NOT have to use the gym or exercise.

I Recommend Activity You Enjoy

Some exercise is still a good idea. Most overweight people do not get enough anyway so you may as well do some.

Whatever you do, make sure that you enjoy it. Make sure it is something where you barely even recognise that you are doing "exercise".

For example, I ride my bike everywhere. I absolutely love it. When I'm riding, I'm in the zone and my mind is elsewhere. Sometimes I will cycle several miles without even realising it!

If you don't enjoy doing it - don't do it! It's really that simple.


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How To Save Your Wallet AND Lose The Flab

Here's a tactic I used successfully during my weight loss and that still works for me to help maintain my healthy weight.


Don't throw out your food scraps when you're done.

No doubt you've heard the stories about how much food we throw away as a nation and probably you're guilty of doing it yourself. What I like to do now is to save my scraps and put them in the fridge for the next day.

Seriously, if you look at the typical American food service, it is just WAY too much. You should be saving scraps from every single meal because there is no way you should normally eat all the food that is given to you.

Portion Control

My old roommate was a huge guy and yet he did a ton of exercise too. So why was he huge? Because he didn't exercise good portion control.

He'd come back from the gym and eat his usual two huge plates of dinner. Healthy stuff but if you eat too much of anything then you will either gain weight or you will remain large. That's exactly what happened with him.

You know instinctively how much you should eat. Don't eat more than you should and if anything remains you should save it for tomorrow.


The average takeout food is too much for one person. You can normally feed two mouths from the typical takeaway meal.

This happened to me last night. I ordered some rice and beef from the Chinese restaurant near where I live.

I used to eat the whole thing, and often it would not agree with my digestion and my body would make me run to the toilet so it could clear some space for this humongous meal on the way.

Now I eat only half and I'm definitely satisfied. Usually I eat the rest the next day so I'm also spending half as much as I used to. Sometimes I eat more than half - I just eat what I need to satisfy my genuine hunger. As long as I don't cheat myself then I have no worries.


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Refined Foods Are Keeping You Fat. Discover How To Easily Gain A Taste For Healthier Foods

Do you like brown bread or brown rice or brown pasta? What about brown sugar? You know what? I used to hate them with a vengeance. I thought they tasted like cardboard.

But here is the problem:

The Problem

The problem is that these foods are actually good for you. They have many health benefits such as improved cardiovascular health, lowered blood pressure and decreased risk of cancer.

The "white" (refined) alternatives taste great but are "bad" for you. They will cause your blood sugar and insulin response to go haywire. A lifetime of these foods will massively increase your chance of getting Type II diabetes because of this.

Now here is the problem: a lot of people are used to these white/refined products. Maybe you don't want to change. You don't like the idea of a lifetime of eating yucky wholegrain products. Believe me, you can change and you won't feel like you're missing out on anything. Here's why:

Refined Versus Natural State

The brown versions of these foods and others are much closer to the natural state of the original ingredients/plants.

Now, our bodies are designed so that we have to break down our food during digestion. Breaking down food causes it to pass more easily (more fibre) and it also means that the energy we get from our food is acquired slowly. This means we get a slow energy release for several hours which is ideal for optimum health.

Now what about white or refined versions? Think of it as taking a food and separating the "best bits" and throwing away the rest. It tastes amazing at first but you probably don't remember that because you have long been used to the "instant hit" that refined foods give you.

So how do you start to eat more unrefined foods, given that they taste so bad to you right now?

How To Develop A Taste For Healthier Foods

To form your new habits is going to take a short period of adjustment. But I am telling you, after maybe two weeks you will be fine.

Now I eat only brown bread and brown pasta. I still eat white rice because where I live it is hard to get brown rice.

Am I making a sacrifice with my brown bread and pasta? Hell no! I love them. I think that brown products have more taste than white ones. With brown products, you get more texture and flavour. For me, white products are just too intense and actually lacking in flavour.

Believe me, if you transition like I did, you will develop this same taste. It might take a little longer than 2 weeks but you will soon "get it".

Seriously, eating mostly refined foods is bad for your body. Your pancreas is going crazy with it. Nothing else on this planet eats highly refined foods like overweight people. And guess what, it also contributes to your being overweight because those insulin spikes give you massive hunger pangs and cause you to eat when you should not.

Little wonder then that the more refined foods in one's diet, the more likely a person is to be overweight. That's no coincidence.


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Can Chocolate Help You To Lose The Pounds?

Could chocolate help you to lose weight? It sounds fanciful, doesn't it? Here's the truth on the matter.

Regular Milk Chocolate

Unfortunately, regular milk chocolate is OK if you have only a couple or three squares each day. But if you have more than that then, as good as it tastes, it will make you gain weight if you don't also reduce your meal sizes.

This is because even half a bar of chocolate packs a ton of calories that are almost worth an entire meal. This is largely due to the dairy content.

Don't be fooled into thinking that milk chocolate contains fresh milk. It usually contains nasty milk powder and is loaded with saturated fats. In most countries, only about a quarter of the bar is actually real chocolate!

Dark Chocolate

This is much better for you because you are getting the cocoa solids and their benefits are not outweighed by any dairy.

First, dark chocolate is rich in polyphenols. These are needed for good heart health. This is not some ridiculous old wive's tail that has no evidence for it. This property of chocolate has been known for some time now.

Second, some say that dark chocolate can actually act as an appetite suppressant. I'm not 100% convinced on this though.

What You Should Not Do

Some people, women in particular, use chocolate for comfort. Maybe you've had a bad day so you relax and watch TV and get through a bar or two of your favourite chocolate.

I strongly advise you to remove this "chocolate/sugar/sweetness = happiness" association that have. Do not use food to cheer you up or make you happy because this is abuse of food in the same way that people abuse alcohol or drugs.


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You CAN Totally Cheat One Day A Week If You Want To

Did you know that if you are trying to eat better that you can still pig out one day per week with no problem at all? In fact, you'll lose more weight this way. This is no joke.

Understand How Fat Works

Your body puts fat on when you eat too much. Perhaps it thinks you want to store energy up for a rainy day or, more likely, a period where food may be scarce.

Then when you go through a period of calorie restriction, like a diet, your body draws on its fat reserves.


But it will try to economize. Eating less, your body will do its best to make sure you don't waste any fat. Even though you want to lose as much fat as possible, try telling that to your body! It wants to keep as much as possible, JUST IN CASE.

So your metabolism i.e. the rate at which you burn your fat - it starts to go down.

One Day Per Week Eat What You Want

You can stop your metabolism going down by eating whatever you want on one day per week.

If you do this, then your body will no longer think that food is hard to find. So it will not try to economize on your fat use and you can keep a good, pacey rate of fat loss.

Yes, you can eat whatever you want. Pure junk food if you want. Though over time you will probably start to eat more healthy, even on your off-days.

Applies To Exercise Too

Exercise is NOT essential to lose weight. People are shocked when I say this because it goes against traditional advice.

Exercise will only help to accelerate your weight losses. But did you know that your body will also economize with exercise too?

If you do constant speed exercise, your body tries to burn the least amount possible e.g. running at a constant speed.

BUT if you do sports or exercise where you are constantly changing speed, then you will burn more calories, minute for minute.

Just like with food, you have to keep your body guessing or it will economize.


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To Lose Weight You Need To IGNORE Most People

By now you probably know that I am different to most other people who are trying to advise you how to lose weight. Let me tell you, most advice out there is just plain wrong.

Look around you: obesity rates increase every year. Clearly, all the advice that is being given is wrong, otherwise they should be going down. Let me give you some perfect examples of advice you might have thought was good and helpful but was actually bad.


What do dieticians actually know?

First of all, they know nothing about basic biochemistry or biology and are not even usually science literate.

What they do know is how to eat healthily and only enough calories that you need. But they do nothing to help you change your existing habits or attitudes or help you figure out why you have your problem and skinny people do not.

Personal Trainers

These people and the gyms they work for all buy into the myth that you must "hit the gym" to lose weight. Total garbage.

Plus, even though you can speed up your fat loss this way, it does nothing for helping you live a long life as a thinner person. All they can really help you with is the shorter period of weight loss.

Plus, they usually do this by pressurising you. What are you going to do when their work is finished? Employ them for the rest of your life?


Doctors know nothing about weight loss. I once had a doctor tell me that my heartburn/acid reflux problem might be helped if I "tried to lose some weight". Yeah, easier said that done, Doc!

Doctors know zero about losing weight successfully. In fact, their profession is afflicted as much by it as any other.

Medical science keeps looking for magic pills to try and help people lose weight but, surprise-surprise, it comes up with nothing.

Think For Yourself And Ignore Most People

You really need to think for yourself and be as independent as you can in your decisions.

Listen to people and hear what they say. Digest it. Decide which parts to use for yourself and which not. Ask yourself what makes the most sense and uses logic. Remember, many people have an agenda and they often don't even realise it.

If you still don't believe me then ask yourself why 95% of people who lose weight always gain it back? Clearly, most of the 100 billion dollar diet industry is totally worthless. Think for yourself!


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How To Stop Your Cravings For Junk Food

One reason why so many people are overweight today and it is harder than ever to stop abusing your body like this is because our food is so adulterated.

I find it amazing how the government goes crazy about tobacco companies when the biggest culprits of them all is the food industry. Probably you've seen "Super Size Me" and what it shows is typical of the crazy stuff going on that is killing people in the name of greed and money.

The junk is so hard to quit because it is highly addictive. All those chemicals are there for a reason - to keep you hooked. So how do you stop the cravings?

Focus And Get Your Head Down For 2 Weeks

There is no simply way about it. When you start your weight loss plan, you need to totally avoid junk like sweets/candies, potato chips and other similar things.

Totally avoid them for 2 weeks. Because you know your goal, it will actually not be that hard to achieve though you will feel a little weird for not eating them as usual.

After 2 weeks, the cravings will have almost disappeared. You may still want to eat junk food but nowhere near as much as before.

Beware Of Falling Off The Wagon

The above is designed to get you away from junk and well into your weight loss regime because junk will only cause quick failure.

But now that you're going, there's no need for you to eliminate junk from your life. Even skinny people love to eat a Big Mac and fries.

Instead, you should eat it only on occasion. Do not eat junk for consecutive days because two days in a row inevitably leads to a week or more of consecutive junk feeding days.

Go easy and go slow. Make the most of the period without junk and you will probably want to eat less of it now anyway. That's what happened to me. I used to eat huge amounts of junk daily but now I eat one packet of potato chips and a few candies with no problem at all.


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How To Burn ONLY Fat When You Work Out

Did you know that if you work out properly then you can make sure that you burn only fat? How can you do that?

Morning Time

If you work out in the morning on an empty stomach (a little water is OK of course) then all your body can burn is your fat.

After all those hours of sleep, you won't have any instant glycogen/carb stores to use. Your body has no choice but to turn to fat.

If you want to maximise your fat loss then the best thing you can do is HIIT. This means alternating 30 seconds between sprinting (as hard as you can) and running. This will tire you out in mere minutes but will be worth it.

The Downside

There is a downside to this though.

Exercising in the morning is damn difficult for most people. I tried it years ago, several times. It was just not for me.

In fact, running in the morning gives a lot of people "the runs". This is because your colon moves around while you run and makes this happen.

But it's not essential to run in the morning anyway.

How I Did It And Continue To Do It

When I lost my weight, I relied on my diet. The diet is what you should concentrate on. You are in the position you are in right now due to your diet and your eating habits and attitude.

It is NOT because of your attitude towards exercise. Exercise is a way to make you lose weight quicker but this idea that people today are too lazy, docile or sedentary is yet more garbage from the fitness industry which makes tons of money by giving bad advice to overweight people and insisting that "hitting the gym" is essential to becoming thin - it isn't.

However, it is a good idea to do some exercise. Personally I build it into my lifestyle to use my bicycle at least once every two days and that is good enough for me.

You should make sure you eat fewer calories each day then you burn (without exercise). If you get this covered then any small amount of exercise that you do will give you a bonus in terms of weight loss but it WON'T be essential. This is the best approach to have in my opinion.


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Beware Of "Fancy Coffee"

You know I was at Starbucks one winter a few years back and my friend introduced me to their "Egg Nog Latte". I got myself a pint-sized one, I think they call it "venti" or something.

Wow, it tasted great. But it was only a drink right?

Wrong, it might as well have been a snack because the thing was packed with calories. Apparently, this drink has more calories and almost as much fat as a Big Mac!

Here's the low-down:

610 calories and 27g of fat for the latte compared to 540 calories and 29g of fat for the Big Mac.

So What Should You Do?

Look, there's nothing wrong with a drink like this every once in a while. Just like there's nothing wrong with a Big Mac every once in a while.

But rather than trying to starve yourself the next day, just take care of your calories for that day (roughly 2,500 for a man and 2,000 for a woman).

So, if you drink one of these then assume you have eaten a whole meal. You should not eat for at least 2.5 hours when you will have regained your hunger. And count the drink as a meal so this may mean that you have to skip on dinner.

You have this information now so you cannot ignore it. You cannot knowingly eat two regular meals, get a venti latte and then eat another full meal in the evening or you will gain weight and you know it.

Yesterday, I Ate McDs

Funnily enough, yesterday I ate a large meal at McDonald's. It has been a while but I was hungry. I ate a regular breakfast but was so busy I didn't eat again till evening. I chowed down on the McD's meal but I ate very little else for the rest of the day.

Think about it: a large meal of junk food is really equivalent to almost two normal meals. That's why I didn't eat much else for the rest of the day.

It's common sense but also not cheating yourself. If you know something will make you fat then don't do it.


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Discover How Peer Pressure Could Be Stopping You Getting Slim

Are you consciously aware that peer pressure could be stopping you from losing weight?

It can come in many different forms, here are just a few for you to analyse and see if they apply to you. If they do, then you need to be selfish and focus on your goal.

Fat Friends

This is the most difficult case. What if all your friends are fat too? What then?

Probably when you hang out you eat similarly large amounts. Sometimes friends will even pass comment when you leave a lot of food on your plate or do something else that shows you want to lose weight. Why do they do this? Shouldn't they be helping you?

Addict Behaviour

Their behaviour is no different to an addict, be it someone addicted to cigarettes, heroin or anything else. Addicts thrive on the camraderie of being in the same hole as others.

They will do everything to discourage others from leaving the hole because it will make them feel worse. This is why a group of overweight people are never truly supportive of each other - because they fear being left alone.

Non-Fat Friends

What about friends of yours who are not overweight? They may not give peer pressure but they will probably say things like "just eat less". These people do not truly understand your predicament because they have probably never been in it.

Unfortunately, your friends without weight problems will often not give you any "real" support at all. They don't particularly want you to fail but they do not really care if you do. This is almost the reverse of peer-pressure.

You're On Your Own

I know some so-called "weight loss experts" advise you to lose weight with a friend and this can help a lot but often it just leads to both of you quitting at the same time and there is peer pressure to do this: after all, it is easier to fail when a friend is also failing with you.

If you want to lose weight successfully then you're on your own. You need to think only of you self and be determined. Make a target weight goal and then be single minded about achieving it.

Don't rely on getting help from others because in a heart beat it can suddenly turn to pressure to quit. Instead, rely on your own knowledge and application of it. Know that losing weight successfully is down to you and you only. But know that you can definitely achieve it if you set your mind to it.


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The Easy To Do Habit That You Must Avoid To Successfully Lose Weight

I want to share a tip with you, just like my others, that is based on my own experience of successfully losing weight. And it's all about snacking or nibbling.


When I say "snacking", I'm talking about when you had a meal not long ago and you have some peanuts or chips or something and just keep nibbling away.

You're not going crazy, you're not stuffing your face - you're just nibbling away slowly.

You know what? This sort of eating is actually good. You're not putting any fat on because you always have a little hunger and you are not stuffing yourself silly.

But do you know where the problem comes?

The Problem

Suddenly, it's time for your next meal. "Time" because that is when you normally eat it.

The problem is that you don't actually have any hunger because you've been snacking all day. So what do you do?

Many people would go ahead and eat the meal anyway. They have been conditioned by society to eat their meal as normal and not deviate from the routine.

But what you'll actually be doing is punishing yourself. You're not hungry and you're going to go and force feed yourself anyway. Soon you'll feel the discomfort of being full and having eaten more than you should have.

Be in no doubt about it - most of that meal is going to go straight to fat. Your body doesn't need it and won't burn it. It will try to save it for a rainy day in the form of fat.

Change In Mindset

Eat only when you are hungry. Be prepared for change. You do NOT have to stick to your routine and never deviate from it. If you make the mistake of snacking too much then be prepared to delay or cancel your meal altogether.

Actually, it's far better to avoid snacking in the first place. There's nothing wrong with a few peanuts but a whole bag of anything is not exactly ideal food for your body. It's better to not get carried away with snacks in the first place. Of course, it doesn't help that snacks are often adulterated to make you eat more of them without realising it so be careful!


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Discover A Satisfying Meal That Packs Few Calories

You can't eat three huge meals every day and lose weight. But what you can do is to change one or two of your meals and "downsize" them.

For example, I eat a good breakfast each day. Fruit, bread, chocolate spread, whatever I want really. I also eat a good meal in the evening.

Clearly, I cannot eat big in the middle of the day. Otherwise that would make for three huge meals. Good if you want to be overweight but NOT if you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

So one of the meals I love to eat is soup.

Wait - Not The Typical Advice!

The typical advice when it comes to soup is to drink totally thin broth that has barely any calories in it and to skip on the bread. This sort of crap advice is extremely common among "health journalists" and others who claim to be experts on weight loss but have never actually achieved it themselves.

If you restrict your calories this much then you'll simply feel like you are starving yourself and making a huge sacrifice. Imagine the thought of having to make a daily sacrifice in order to be thin for the rest of your life?

Wrong! No Sacrifice Needed!

The truth is, you don't have to make any sacrifices at all. If you don't make a sacrifice, you'll be more likely to succeed.

I recommend preparing any type of soup except creamy soups (they really are bad and are loaded with saturated animal fats). The best are those that are chock full of vegetables because they give you a good boost of nutrients that anyone on calorie restriction will need.

They also give much needed bulk and fibre that will ensure you get a slow, steady boost of energy delivered throughout the next few hours - this mean fewer to no hunger pangs or cravings.

Also, if anyone tells you that you shouldn't eat bread with your soup then ignore them. Don't starve yourself. Get a quality piece of bread to go with your soup and use olive oil spread too.


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Watch Out For This Common Deception

Do you know what I mean by this common deception? Can you guess?

I'm talking about salad dressing.

Hidden Calories And More

Many premade salad dressings are like a meal in themselves. They are only supposed to add some flavour to your salad and yet many of them are like eating cream cheese, such is the high amount of calories and saturated fats in them.

There is nothing wrong with fat. In fact, it is better to give your food some flavour so you are satisfied. But many salad dressings go way overboard.

You can often tell this with many similar manufactured foods because they come out with a "low fat" or "diet" version later. That just means that the regular version is a joke.

Make Your Own

I think it is a much better idea to make your own dressing. I recommend a French/vinaigrette style dressing or an olive oil based dressing. This is what Mediterraneans eat.

They are not into creamy style salads that are basically the same thing as mayonnaise. Actually, there is nothing wrong with a creamy style dressing so long as you make it yourself.

Are Salads A Good Idea At All?

Probably until now you've been told that salads = weight loss. Most overweight people see them as a sacrifice. They don't taste of anything and you know that too much dressing will defeat the point. Salads just seem bad all round, don't they?

I eat a salad once in a while. I am not a big fan of leafy greens. Although spinach is high-nutrition exception, I have no desire to eat tasteless lettuce leaves.

In fact, my personal belief is that we are not supposed to eat most leaves. That's what cows have three stomachs for. I don't believe our bodies are designed to eat large amounts of vegetation.

Still, humans are highly adaptable. I don't think salads are bad but they are certainly not essential for losing weight. If you hate the taste of them, don't eat them. You definitely don't need to eat salads regularly to be thin.


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Another Weight Loss Myth Destroyed ­ About Exercise

I want to tell you about a total myth that is often spread around. Are you ready for it? Here it is:

"You must exercise to lose weight".

This is a total myth and I will prove it to you now.

The Calorie Equation

Whether you lose weight or not can be summed up in one simple concept: calories.

If you eat more calories than you burn then you will gain fat. If you eat fewer calories than you burn then you will lose fat.

How you burned those calories (with or without exercise) is irrelevant.

How Exercise Can Help Weight Loss

Exercise is absolutely not necessary. But it can definitely help. What it will do is to increase your energy burned during the day.

For example, if you currently eat 500 fewer calories per day than you burn then you will lose one pound of weight per week. If you also exercise and burn 500 calories per day then you will lose a total of two pounds per week.

How Exercise Can Hinder Weight Loss

Exercise sounds great in theory. The problem is that the advice to go down the gym and pound away for two hours daily puts most people off their entire weight loss regime.

They look at what they are doing and think "I can't do this for the rest of my life". In fact, who would want to do it for even a few weeks?

This is why gym memberships are usually sold on minimum 12 month contracts because the salesmen who work in these places know that the vast majority of people who join will stop coming in around a month or two.

My advice to you if you want to use exercise to lose weight is to take it easy at first and consider delaying it. Your diet and getting into good eating habits is much more important than trying to speed up towards your target weight.


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Do You Really Need To "Sleep" The Weight Off?

I'm going to tell you something now that you've probably heard before: you need to get 7 to 8 hours sleep each night if you want to lose weight successfully.


Well I'm not going to give you the usual health journalist mumbo-jumbo where they just invent something up. They would say something like "your metabolic system must keep in tune with regular and enough sleep" or some other stuff like that.

The truth is, I don't know why you need enough sleep to lose weight. Then how do I know that it is essential then? What proof do I have?

My Experience

Personally I don't think that there is any significant effect on your metabolism. Ultimately, to lose weight, you must burn off more calories each day than you eat. Your sleep is not going to transform your energy (fat) saving capabilities overnight.

But in my experience, if you do not get enough sleep each night and on a regular basis then it is more difficult to lose weight. You need to be at your peak and feeling good each day.

If you are less than 100% due to lack of sleep then you are more likely to binge or give in to hunger pangs or eat to do something about your irritability. You may also find that your eating plans are disrupted e.g. you fall asleep before dinner or you wake up too late (trying to catch up sleep) and miss breakfast.


Getting enough sleep each night is a good routine to get in and sets you up for the whole day. I'm still young and I love the unpredictability of life but you'll live longer and happier if you have a solid base routine in your life. It took me a long time to learn this and I have benefited in many, many ways from this simple advice.

Don't Play Catch Up

Catching up sleep at the weekend or similar does not work. Sleep scientists have done a ton of studies on this. Recently (you might have read about this), they even analysed the faces of people who got regular sleep versus those who played catch-up and the second group still looked the worse for wear.


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Is It OK To Actually Love And Taste Your Food?

Food is so tasty, isn't it? Wouldn't it be terrible if all food tasted like paper?

But is it OK to like the taste of your food? Is it because you find food so tasty that you are overweight?

Food Wasn't Always So Tasty

You know, food was not always as tasty as it is today. Here's a quick history lesson.

Man has existed on this planet since 200,000 years ago. But it was only 10,000 years ago when modern agriculture started. Even the first recipes were only created a few thousand years ago.

So maybe our bodies were designed to only eat "boring" foods like fruits, nuts and insects? Maybe modern food just tastes too good?

No, Modern Food Is OK

Well, there are many people who love their food as much as you but are not overweight. Still, there aren't many food critics who are "slim jims".

I personally don't believe it is healthy to be over-obsessed with how food tastes. If you are a chef then food will be your biggest passion in the world and it could be problematic. For anyone else, I recommend that you try not to be so passionate about food. It's not like every meal you eat needs to taste amazing. We existed for hundreds of thousands of years without recipes at all.

Learn To Love Natural Foods

Our bodies have barely changed in 200,000 years. They were still made to eat mainly fruits, seeds, roots and the like. I don't suggest becoming a "fruitarian" but I do think that most people have lost their love for natural foods. Instead, they are too obsessed with amazing recipes, many of which are adulterated with large amounts of salt and harmful fats.

If you hardly ever eat fruit, you are denying your own very existence, who you are. Your body was designed to love fruit so I strongly recommend you rediscover this love.

I used to "hate" brown bread when I was growing up and into early adulthood. Now I eat it every day and find white bread "sickly".

Cut Down On Additives

It's not just wonderful recipes that we lust after. It's also any food that contains a wide variety of additives.

The food industry is more corrupt that the tobacco industry but they are cap in hand with the government. What is put in our foods to make us think we are more hungry than we are and to make the food seem more delicious than it really is, is nothing short of scandalous.

You should adjust the ratio of natural to processed foods in your diet. Even a small change will make it much easier for you to recognise when you really are hungry and when you are not and thus help you to lose weight.


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Don't You DARE Use Any Old Excuse To Fail

Don't forget, I know what it is like to be and think like an overweight person because I have been there myself. So I know what it is like to just use any old excuse for me to fall off the wagon and start eating again.

Let me think of a few that I used:

- Now is not the "right time".- I'm too busy right now.- It's too hard.- I can cheat just this once (once? yeah right!)


Mind Of An Addict

Being overweight is just like being addicted to cigarettes or anything else. Your mind comes up with all sorts of crazy things to justify going on. You can think of it a little as like having a voice in your head convincing you to keep up the addiction.

When you try yet again to lose weight, what excuse do you think your mind will come up with this time? Because it will surely try and do anything to convince you to go back to your old lifestyle.

Don't Accept Your Own Excuses

When you are on a diet and you feel like giving up, DO NOT!

Even though a "healthy" or "skinny" lifestyle may seem so foreign to you and unachievable, this is not you being a rational person. This is your addictive mind doing everything it can to make you quit and go back to your old ways.

The minute you think of an excuse, you need to banish it from your mind and remind yourself that you are not giving up. You are NOT going back to old ways of feeling unhappy. You are going to do this and be successful.

Gets Easier With Time

The first few days are always the hardest but it will get easier as days, weeks, months and even years pass by.

The more time that passes by, the more natural your new habits will feel. Eventually, you will develop the attitude towards food and your body of a healthy person and not of a fat person, who you used to be. You will no longer feel a compulsion to abuse food in the way that you once did.


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Stop and "Think" To Lose Your Weight

Let me just say in the famous words of Simon Cowell: "I am not patronising you". But if you are overweight then you do not stop and think when you are eating.

What am I talking about? Let me explain.

How Non-Overweight People Eat

Now of course there are some skinny people who basically starve themselves. They go all day long thinking of McDonald's but eating lettuce and drinking carrot juice.

You definitely do not want to end up like that. These people are as unhappy as they were when they were overweight. That is no way to love.

Other skinny people (especially those who have never been fat) don't do this. Instead, they automatically listen to what their body is telling them.

So when they feel hungry, they eat. When they stop feeling hungry, they stop eating. When they feel full, they realise that they overate and stop eating immediately.

How Can You Become Like This?

That is the key to not only losing your weight but to being thin for the rest of your life and not craving junk food anymore.

Now the difference is that these people do this automatically, often without thinking about it.

But if you want to lose weight, I recommend that you stop and think for yourself. This is because you need to force a change in your habits and it will take much longer to become 100% automatic with you. For now, you'll have to stop and listen.

That's right, you need to stop every few minutes and think to yourself: "am I still hungry"? If you are not, then stop eating because your body does not want anymore.

Don't Kid Yourself

Many overweight people claim that they only eat when they are hungry. This is not true at all. It is a lie.

Sure, the adulterants and additives in food can trick us into thinking we are still hungry when we are not.

But how about when you feel full? It is not possible for the human body to be both hungry and full at the same time. It is 100% impossible. If you feel full and think you are still hungry then your are under some kind of illusion and you need to ignore it. Either that or you are just in self-denial about losing weight.


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Example Of How To Change Your Current Negative Food Habits

Are you aware of your current negative food habits? Breaking these habits and forming new ones is really central to overcoming your excess weight problem.

Here is a great example: dessert


You may have heard Michelle Obama saying that dessert is not essential and Sarah Palin fighting back by pronouncing how she loves desserts etc.

Whatever, you know what? Michelle Obama has a good point (I am not political, by the way!).

Think about it - dessert is great when you go out for dinner and I rarely hesitate to eat it. But it is not such a great idea at home.

The average sit-down meal packs a minimum of 400 to 600 calories. If you add dessert onto that then you are bumping that up to close to the 1,000 calorie mark. That's fine so long as you don't eat huge meals for the rest of the day. But for most people, dessert will push them over the max calories they should be eating each day.

If you eat dessert every day then chances are that you are fat. I'll bet that 90% of those who eat desserts each day are overweight.

Attitude To Food

Don't get me wrong. I love my food. But food was never meant to taste this good.

Food is meant to taste good enough to make you seek it out and stay alive. This is how animals survive. Incredible recipes take it a step further. Desserts take it to an extreme.

Now many people associate food with pleasure. If they're feeling down, they reach for the food to hit that spot. No wonder people are overweight - they are basically addicted to eating excess food.

If you love to eat dessert each day then, unless you are willing to compromise on your other meals by making them quite small, then you must stop eating it every day.

It is not some automatic right that you are born with. It's your choice whether you want to just pig out on dessert every day or if you want to hold back a little, remove some of that pleasure to food association (too much is unhealthy) and live the healthy life you were supposed to.


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Discover Why Low Cal Food & Drink Is NOT The Answer To Permanent Weight Loss

The diet drinks and low calorie food industry is huge. Let me tell you, these things are not the route to permanent weight loss. Here's why.


When you go an a diet right now or maybe even an exercise regime, you know that it is only temporary. After you've reached your target weight, you'll stop them. There's no way you could continue making such a sacrifice forever. Problem is, you'll just gain all that weight back again.

The alternative is to carry on with diet and exercise regimes for the rest of your life. Most people view this as a sacrifice. They've had to give something up and hopefully their willpower will see them through the tough times ahead.

Is it any wonder why restricting yourself to zero calorie diet drinks and low cal foods ends in failure? If you feel that you can't drink regular Coke and only Diet then it is little wonder that few people can live like this for the rest of their lives.

The Problem

The major problem with the common approach to losing weight is that it is based on sacrifice and giving things up. This is totally the wrong approach to take.

Take a look at skinny or thin people. Do they tell you all day at work how they wish they could just let it all go and eat and drink whatever they like? Of course not! In fact, they already DO eat and drink whatever they like. They don't feel that they are missing out on anything at all.

The Right Way To Lose Weight

Giving things up, restricting yourself to bland foods and similar strategies do not work.

What does work is to change your habits to more healthy ones. To rediscover fruits, the most basic food and drink on this planet. To understand that you should only eat when you are hungry and to stop when you no longer are. To stop eating when you feel full because your body is begging you to.

All these things represent a fundamental change in attitude towards food. You might be scared of that (your inner compulsive eating voice talking) but you shouldn't be. When you get out the other side and see how much better your life will be then you can rest assured that there is nothing scary about this major life change at all.


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Discover The "Tricks" To Play On Your Body To Shift The Flab

Did you know that you can "trick" your body and keep it guessing to lose maximum weight?

I mentioned this briefly at the end of my last email to you. Here's how it works.

Exercise Is NOT Essential

Most so-called weight loss experts (usually unqualified journalists) will say that "you must go to the gym" if you want to lose weight. Honestly, what a load of bull.

Exercise is NOT essential to lose weight. In fact, when you start out I recommend against it because the sudden change in lifestyle can really demotivate you and derail you from your goal.

What exercise will do is increase your calories burned per day so that you exceed your calories eaten by even more than otherwise. THUS, you lose more weight.

Keep The Body Guessing To Lose Maximum Weight

Your body is very smart. When you do CONSTANT SPEED exercise like running here is what happens:

At first, your body feels a great change in activity. It burns fuel (fat) very inefficiently. But eventually it gets used to what you are doing and finds a way to economize. Now it burns less energy per minute than before.

How can we boost the burn rate? We need to keep the body guessing.

The best activities to burn the most calorie are those where your speed or rate is always changing.

Team sports are great. Riding a bicycle in and around a city is great. Interval training is great.

If you mix it up like this all the time then your body can never establish a "steady state". It will be burning fuel very inefficiently.

It's just like your car. You get the best mileage when you are out on the highway at a constant speed. You get the worst mileage when you are ducking and diving in inner city traffic, making a ton of gear changes.


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Did You Know: Pig Out For One Day Per Week To Lose MORE Flab?

Did you know that you can actually lose more weight if you dedicate a day to eating whatever you want and not having to worry about calorie counting?

That sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Here's how it works.

Your Body In Fuel Economy

Your body burns energy all day long to keep you alive and kicking. The energy comes from the food that you eat but if there is not enough then it can turn to your fat reserves instead. This is what we want in order for you to lose weight.

However, your body is smart. Food has not always been plentiful so your body is capable of trying to save fuel if needed.

When you restrict your calories so that you burn fat on a daily basis, your body thinks that you have run short on food so it tries to go into "fuel saving" mode. This way, you need not waste as much fat - but this is the opposite of what we want!

Tricking The Body

Your body may be smart but it cannot second guess you. You can stop it from going into "fuel saving" mode by confusing it.

Choosing one day a week when you will definitely not restrict your calories is one way to do it. You can eat whatever you want and it will send a signal to your body that food is not so scarce after all.

This means that your energy burn rate should remain high and you will continue to lose fat at an elevated rate. Sure, the food you ate on your "pig-out day" will contribute to increasing your fat momentarily but if you compare using this trick to not using it then in the medium to long term this trick will have you losing much more weight.

Also Applies To Exercise

This trick also applies to exercise. If you do interval training (instead of constant speed training) then your body never gets a chance to try and economise fuel. Instead, it burns at the maximum rate.

This is why team sports that require a lot of chasing and stopping and starting burn much more energy than jogging.


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Who Do You Believe? The Calorie Counters Or NOT?

Remember how people used to say you should always count calories? And then "new thinking" said, "you don't need to count calories".

So what is the score? DO YOU or DON'T YOU?

The answer is BOTH. Here's how.

Count Calories In The Beginning

I recommend counting them in the beginning. When you go shopping for food, get used to reading the label. Don't worry, you won't be doing this for the rest of your life, just for a few weeks.

If you do this then you can get a rough idea of how much you're eating. And the main thing is to obey the calorie equation:

Calories In Less Than Calories Out

Assume your calories burned (out) is 2,500 if you are a man or 2,000 if you are a woman. Adjust up or down by 100 calories if your build is larger or smaller than average (don't lie to yourself!).

Now you need to make sure you eat fewer calories than this number.

Reading labels will make sure that you don't exceed it. Don't get hyper-accurate. Just guess to the nearest 100 cals.

An Epiphany

After a while, you will be able to automatically look at or even think of a food and guess fairly well how many calories in it. This will come in really handy.

You'll be able to eat 2, 3 or 4 meals a day and know when you are close to your limit. You can look at a food and say "that's OK" or "that's way too much".

So in the long term, you don't need to count calories, you will automatically develop a better appreciation and understanding of the energy value of food.

This way, you won't eat more than you burn. And you'll notice how it ties in with your hunger, roughly how many calories you need to keep going throughout the day: 100 here or there, maybe 400 there, 200 here etc. It all adds up and you will develop an INSTINCT for it that will help you to lose the weight and to "think" like a person who does not have a weight problem.


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Appetite Suppressants ­ What Are They Good For?

What about appetite suppressants? Might they be the answer you've been looking for to finally get rid of the flab and never see it again? If only!

Stimulants Is What They Are

Appetite suppressants are usually stimulants of some form and commonly contain a lot of caffeine, to name just one.

Stimulants make everything in your body work harder and faster. For example, your heart rates goes up and your digestion happens faster (for example, you may need to go to the toilet more often).

When this happens you burn more calories but you also lose your appetite. This is a kind of double benefit because usually when you burn more calories (e.g. exercise), then you usually want to eat more calories to replace them.

Appetite Suppressants - Can They Help You To Lose Weight And Keep It Off?

Appetite suppressants are most useful when you are starting out to lose weight. In the beginning, your cravings for food, especially junk, are likely to be very high and it can be hard to summon up enough willpower to see the first few weeks through.

Appetite suppressants can help to quash these cravings while you get used to a new way of life with regards to your food. But you should be sure to stop taking them as soon as you can because it is easy to develop a dependency on any stimulant. When this happens, you need the stimulant just to be normal all over again.

Appetite Suppressants - Not A Magic Bullet Cure

The important thing to remember is that a suppressant will not cure you. Only a fundamental change in your habits and your attitude to food will.

You need to get to the point where you are 100% listening to your body. If you feel hungry, you should eat at some point in the next few hours. If you don't, it won't kill you.

Then, eat only until your hunger disappears. If you start to feel full then drop your fork immediately and quit eating because your body is telling you to stop. It doesn't want any more. It will store anything else as fat to be used in an emergency such as famine.


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Why You Need To Be Selfish To Successfully Shift The Flab

Probably by now you know that I do not trust most of the diet industry out there.

First you have the so-called "health journalists" who write for newspapers, magazines especially and lately web sites too. These people usually do not have any qualifications or experience at all. They preach something but have no idea if it works. Usually, they are just repeating what other "experts", doctors or the government have said.

Second, you have doctors. Now, I trust a doctor to treat cancer or for many other conditions. But when it comes to weight loss, they don't know anything at all. They don't even understand what is going through the mind of someone who is overweight. For that matter, they don't understand addiction to cigarettes either.

Third, you have government. All governments are in the pockets of the food industry. If you think the tobacco industry is bad, how about not just the food industry but also most of the diet industry? If they knew what they were talking about then why are there more overweight people every year?

Why You Need To Be Selfish To Lose Weight Successfully And Permanently

You see, you can hardly trust anyone. Most of the advice out there is absolutely terrible.

And you will get similar advice from your friends too. They will tell you to try something and be convinced that it works. Some new trick or similar. Their advice is just as bad as anyone else's.

You need to figure this out for yourself (and hopefully I can help you). Conventional thinking does not work. There are more fatties than ever walking the street.

So what do I have to say on this?

Trust Me

Look, I lost 55 lbs of weight myself. I know what I'm talking about. I finally cracked the problem and discovered the secret. Weight loss is an addiction.

An Addiction?

That's right, it's an addiction. And you need to treat it like one.

You might be thinking: "addicted to food, that's impossible, there's no such thing". You'd be right. You are not addicted to food. You are addicted to "excess food".

When you stop feeling hungry, you keep on eating anyway. You think the food is still delicious when it is not (food is only truly delicious when you are hungry). Then you start to feel pain in your belly because you have eaten too much. That's your body telling you to stop immediately. But you might carry on eating anyway.

This compulsion to eat is just like any other addiction. And like all addictions, government, medical and health industries all fail miserably. Perhaps only 2% of those who try manage to escape their addiction permanently within their lifetime. That's because they continue to take the bad advice from the usual sources.

It Can Be Beaten

This addiction can be beaten but I don't advise willpower alone. Willpower alone is the least successful method of them all.

Instead, you need to understand your addiction and how hunger and food works, properly. Right now you are going against the rules of nature in continuing to eat when you are no longer hungry.


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But you can be cured if you learn exactly how the body and hunger works and if you form new eating habits and gradually get rid of the old ones. Instead of following some fad diet, a whole change in "food philosophy" is needed. Only then can you successfully beat your weight problem.


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Beware of BS Products Like Hoodia Gordinii

Have you seen those websites and commercials for herbal or "natural" weight loss cures like Hoodia? The latest one to do the rounds is Acai Berry.

Don't believe in any of these claims. There is no way that eating a herb can make you successfully lose weight. It just doesn't happen.

Want to know why?

How These BS Products Are Supposed To Work

The idea behind all of these supposed herbs to lose weight is that they have "thermogenic" properties.

This means that they are supposed to help increase your metabolism so you burn more calories each day without actually doing anything.

Sounds great doesn't it? Pop a pill and lose weight! Sounds too good to be true, more like! It is indeed too good to be true.

Reason #1 Why These Products Are BS

No legal herb will significantly raise your metabolism. You'll get a higher metabolism by drinking several cups of tea or coffee throughout the day.

Pills that can significantly raise your metabolism are things like ephedrine tablets. This is like the next step up from caffeine. Little wonder then that they were banned several years ago.

Reason #2 Why These Products Are BS

The bigger problem I have with these products is that the manufacturers and health journalists and everyone else involved in this "cartel" keep perpetuating the myth that somehow raising your metabolism is the answer to successfully battling the bulge.

What a crock of horse manure!

First, people with weight problems tend to eat more than their body demands from them in hunger. If you increase your amount of calories expended then you will simply eat more to compensate.

Second, how does raising your metabolism help you with your compulsion to eat, your fears about not being able to eat what you want and the cravings that you get? Raising your metabolism will do diddly squat to help you with all this!

So beware of stupid pills in a box. No pill will cure you of your problem and they are likely to create even more problems for you. You are much better off with a solid and proven program designed to help you form new habits and to get you to modify your ingrained attitude towards food that is currently giving you so many problems.


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This Tip Might Change Your Entire Attitude Towards Food

Want to know why 95% of dieters fail to keep the weight off? It's the same reason that 95% of smokers never kick the habit or 95% of junkies never quit heroin.

It's because they can lose the weight but nothing has changed UPSTAIRS, in their head. They still look and treat and use food in the same way that they have done for a while, perhaps many years.

Original Mindset Remains

Someone might look skinny but they could still have the mindset of a hugely obese person. They will still crave the food they used to eat so no wonder the vast majority end up back where they were before.

Classic example is Natalie Cassidy, a British actress. She lost a ton of weight and made a fitness DVD then cracked and put it all back on again. You can see her here:

How To Do It The Right Way - Change Your Mindset

If you want to not just lose your flab but also keep it off then you need to change your mindset. There are many different things that I will suggest to you in my tips but one of them is to understand "glycaemic index".

What Is Glycaemic Index?

Part of the reason that many people struggle with their weight is because they have become used to the quick "hit" they get from modern foods which are highly refined so you only get the "best bits". This is totally unnatural of course and plays havoc with your body.

It's not just weight problems that result but a whole host of other conditions including the strong possibility of developing type II diabetes.

Glycaemic index (GI) gives you an idea of how quickly your blood sugar will spike after eating the food. It is a scale from 0 to 100.

White bread and other refined products are high GI, typically above 70. Wholewheat and other "brown" products are usually around the 50 to 70 mark. Fruits, nuts, vegetables and the like are around 50 or less.

How To Use Glycaemic Index

Already you should have a much better idea of what GI is. Frankly, our bodies were designed to process mostly low GI stuff around the 50 mark and lower. We are definitely not supposed to be eating from mostly above the 70 mark. The blood sugar spikes are often followed by slumps which leads to hunger pangs and this is a major reason why modern high GI diets can cause people to be overweight.

GI data is not published on food packaging but you can easily look at one of the many GI tables out there to get an idea of which foods are low and which are high GI e.g. here:

Then from now on, whenever you eat or are considering your food options, think about the GI of the food. Is it all high GI? Or is low GI? Are you eating high GI stuff for most of the day? If this latter point is true then you need to change your ways or you'll find it harder to lose weight.

Eventually, this becomes instinctive. It took me barely a couple of weeks to start seeing all foods in terms of their GI values. And it made my weight loss much easier too.


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Top Tip ­ Eliminate Sugar ­ Do You Know How "Evil" It Is?

OK, I don't mean evil in a biblical or religious sense. But do you know how bad sugar is?

By the way, I am not talking about "sugar causing cancer". Some people believe this but I am not personally convinced yet. But sugar is still plenty bad for you.

Don't worry, you don't need to give it up. But keep reading.

Why Sugar Is Bad - Glycaemic Index

When I say sugar, I am referring to sucrose or table sugar. It is either added to our food already or we add it ourselves.

All food has a glycaemic index (GI). It's a way of measuring how quickly energy is delivered. Sugar has a value close to 100.

You cannot live by eating only high GI foods and nothing else. If you do this, your blood sugar will spike and then quickly fall, all day long. This yo-yoing of your blood sugar will give you type II diabetes.

Not just that, but it will also make it really tough to prevent yourself from eating meals too early - earlier than you really needed to eat - and thus contributes to eating too much and being overweight.

Why Do We Add Sugar?

Why do we add it anyway? For example, why throw 3 sugars into a cup of coffee? Why does cola contain so much sugar.

It's because we are used to this quick buzz that the sugar gives us. Nothing will give you energy quicker than white, refined sugar. It is literally like a legal drug. Except that a lifetime of too much sugar could actually do you more harm.

What You Should Do

I recommend coming off sugar. Start off by at least reducing the amount of sugar foods you eat such as cakes, cookies, candies etc.

Secondly, quit adding sugar to coffee and tea. At first, you won't like it but you will soon get used to it and find it no problem at all. Later, when you try sugar, you'll be amazed at how sweet it is, almost sickly. Sugar is just one of those things (like caffeine) that you need only a week or so of getting used to not adding it.

If you currently add it to cereal then cut down on it. A little goes a long way.

There's nothing wrong with a little sugar in our diets but most people eat too much of it and it seriously affects their health.


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Let Me Share My Rough & Personal "Meal Plan" With You

Want to know how I eat?

I've mentioned many times about only eating when you're hungry. Well here's how I do it. Mine is NOT the only way, just one of many different ways to do it.

Big Breakfast

I start with a fairly big breakfast. You see, I don't "get going" if you see what I mean, until I've had enough food first.

So I start with some brown or wholewheat bread. I really like the stuff with seeds on it because seeds are really good for you (usually contain essential fatty acids) and they taste nice too. I put dark chocolate spread on my bread.

I might eat about 4 slices or so. I'll have a cup of tea (no milk or sugar - I got used to it) too and maybe a glass of orange juice. Sometimes I'll have up to 3 cups of tea but I don't recommend drinking too much caffeine like this.

Sometimes I'll even eat some leftover potato chips from the day before!


This breakfast keeps me going for a long time. Don't eat at 12pm or 1pm out of habit. If you've eaten as big as I do in the mornings then you won't be hungry till much later.

If you think you feel hungry at 12pm then think again - is that really hunger and how much of it do you have? No way you can feel starving if you've eaten earlier in large amounts.

So in mid-afternoon I will get something light. I confess, sometimes it is something like potato chips. Other times I will buy a nice bread roll and some prawns and make my own prawn sandwich. No need for dressing, I want to taste those flavours of the sea. That's why they call seafood "fruits of the sea" in Spanish.


I normally eat around 7pm in the evenings. Ignore the dumb health journalists who tell you "never eat after 8pm". I often eat at 9pm or 10pm with no problem.

This is the time of day when I will have a nice cooked meal. I don't go large though. If you think of how much a restaurant would serve you (they rarely give small portions) then I eat about half that. I save the rest of the food for tomorrow.

Think about it: a big breakfast and a normal sized lunch - there is not much room left is there? There is enough room left for a not too big evening meal but forget about going large on your last meal of the day. That will just be stuffing your face and you know that is too much food for any person to eat if they want to be healthy.

Not The Only Way

Don't forget, this is just my way right now. In 6 months time, I might eat differently. Mine is only a suggestion.

What matters most is that you only eat when you are hungry and you never get yourself to feel "stuffed" because that is a recipe for mega fat gain disaster.

If you follow this rule then it does not matter if you eat one, three or five meals a day. You will lose weight and then maintain your new look and not gain it all back again.


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Nuts ­ Are They Good Or Bad For You?

What is the score on nuts? Some people say they are fattening and others say they are actually good for you? It's hard to know what to do, isn't it?

Nuts - A Natural Food Made For Man

Man emerged 200,000 years ago and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that nuts have long been an important part of our diet. They provide us with protein, vitamins, minerals and fats that we need.

They are best eaten in as natural a form as possible. This means that salted nuts are often far more trouble than they are worth as the salt will be sure to give you high blood pressure. Of course, anything in moderation is OK.

Man's diet has always had a small component of nuts and seeds. Don't let any idiot health journalist or dietician tell you that "you cannot eat nuts". That is total garbage.

Nuts - Not All Good

As with many types of food, we have come to adulterate and abuse the original form and turn it into something much more addictive.

With nuts, we roast them (OK in itself) but also salt them, flavour them with all sorts of additives, add coatings etc.

When we adulterate nuts like this, we think they are tastier. Well, they are tasty but have you also notice how addictive they become? Before you know it, your belly hurts from eating too much.

Look, you can eat anything in moderation but beware of most nuts out there.

Also, you may have heard that nuts contain a lot of saturated fat. Some varieties do, but most are rich in polyunsaturates too. Many are also rich in essential fatty acids.

The Better Way To Eat Nuts

Just watch out that you don't eat too many. That is all you need to know.

If you want to have a snack of nuts then a large handful is too much. A snack of nuts should be around 10 to 15 peanuts or fewer of other types.

This may not sound a lot to you but you've been eating too many at a time in the past.

Think about it in terms of nature - when man first arrived on the planet, he did not have access to tons of nuts. Most likely, he had to forage for them and it took some time. 10 to 15 nuts is more than enough for an hour or two. Just keep an eye on your real hunger.

Also try to eat more nuts in their natural state. Roasted is OK but why not see how they taste when completely untreated. They may seem strange at first but you will soon develop a taste for them. Try it and see for yourself.


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Did You Know That Table "Manners" Can Help You Lose Weight?

Here's a tip that helped me to lose the weight:

Don't Clean Up Your Plate If You Don't Want To

War Rationing Mentality

Have you ever heard that phrase when you were growing up and didn't finish your food: "think of all those children elsewhere in the world starving" or similar?

This idea of cleaning up your entire plate goes back to the world wars of the last century, when food could be scarce and it was important to eat well whenever you could, in case you had to rely on your fat stores later.

Often, the eldest boy would get the most food and the girls in the family would get by on very little.

Well, times have obviously changed. If you feel full and don't want any more food then you are perfectly entitled to stop without being admonished or feeling guilty.

If you are full, then your hunger already disappeared five minutes ago. Everything you eat now will go straight to fat. That is not helping anyone and will only give you health problems. Throw that food away or put it in the fridge for later.

Eat Only When You're Hungry

The bigger point here is that you should only eat when you are hungry. This advice sounds so obvious and yet so many people ignore it.

When your hunger disappears you should stop eating. If you continue then your body will give you feelings of pain and discomfort i.e. you will feel "full". If you get to this stage, drop your fork. Do not take even one more mouthful. It will not taste good anyway.

Have you ever noticed that food tastes better the hungrier you are? This is a primitive mechanism that has helped man live for hundreds of thousands of years and is there for a reason. No matter what tricks your mind may be playing on you, food eaten without hunger is not delicious.


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Why Processed Food Is A Vicious Circle

Do you know the dangers of processed food? I'm talking about any food that is not raw i.e. it has been cooked or had additives put in it or had some other kind of "preparation" done to it.

You know, you can still lose weight even if you eat 100% processed foods. That's due to the calorie equation.

The Calorie Equation

So long as you eat less than what you burn, you will lose weight. It is as simple as that but making sure that you do is not so simple, of course.

So in theory you can eat nothing but processed foods. Hell, you could eat nothing but McDonald's and still lose weight.

Glycaemic Index

The first problem with these foods is the glycaemic index. Food manufacturers are not dumb. They want you to come back, again and again, and keep buying their stuff almost as if it were some kind of drug.

So they make sure that it delivers an instant hit, close to that of pure sugar. They give you only the most refined food to give you all the "best bits". No wonder processed foods "taste so good".


Of course, they also add a ton of things that are simply not needed. All those strange additive names and you wonder why these are needed at all?

OK, some are needed to preserve the food but a lot are there just to make you think you enjoy the food more and go back and buy it more often. This makes processed foods a vicious circle - you just keep eating more and more until they make up nearly all of your diet and they appear to be difficult to "give up".

Saturated Fats

Wonder why heart disease is such a major problem?

If you take smoking out of the equation then the other major cause is our diet. If you cook all your food from raw ingredients or eat it raw then you don't have a problem.

But processed foods are loaded with trans fats and other killer ingredients such as acrylamide which is known to cause cancer.

What Should You Do?

Look, you don't have to ditch processed foods entirely. That's next to impossible anyway.

But you need to cut down on your processed foods and increase the amount of raw or unprocessed foods in your diet. Trust me, you'll live a longer, healthier and more satisfying life if you do.


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How To Deal With The Dangerous Temptation Of Office Snacks Everywhere

Do you have a problem with office snacks? Maybe it's the run up to Christmas or just someone's birthday but many offices have a tradition where people bring in food to share.

The Problem

You know, one additional piece of candy, even on a daily basis, it won't kill you. But eating tons of the stuff will.

It is so easy to eat a large handful of these things and add 200 or 300 calories to your diet each day because your other meals remain the same and are not adjusted.

No wonder then that so many people put on so much weight before they've even started eating the Christmas turkey!

The Solution

There are two ways to deal with this problem.

One is to eat whatever you want but to cut down on your meal sizes. Chocolates and candies and cakes are energy rich so you won't need as much food for the rest of the day. You could hold back and cut down the size of your evening meal, for example.

A better solution is to simply stop becoming a victim to eating these goodies. People with no weight problem are often shocked when they see overweight people stuffing their face in the office. They do not understand how such things can give so much pleasure.

Look, food will always taste good, that is normal. But you need to work on getting rid of the pleasure association you hold for junk and candies and the like.

If you see freebies in the office then do not feel obliged to take any. There is nothing wrong in saying "no". Or you could take one and save it for after your lunch, for example.

You should not worry about people being offended. They simply do not understand how destructive their gifts can be. Look after yourself, first and foremost. Part of the reason you are overweight is not just because of these office snacks but also because there are many other elements in your life that contribute similarly to you eating too much and it being normal to you.

You need to think outside of the box. Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone living a different life to you, a skinnier person. They could well have a totally different attitude to food compared to yourself.


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How Not To Be Fooled By "Special Offers" On Food

You know those "special offers" you see at the supermarket or elsewhere, that will supposedly "save you money"? The typical one being to buy more or "upsize" and you pay less per unit or per weight.

Remember, these things exist only because the company makes more money that way.


For example, you might be at McDonald's (you DON'T have to give up Maccy D's to lose weight successfully, I haven't).

The right portion size for you might be a medium meal. But you see that you only need to spend a few cents more to go large, or even bigger! It's the classic psychological marketing play - designed to get you to go for the large size.

Don't do it! You don't need to eat that much. Often, people who go for the extra decide to finish the whole meal because it seems like a waste of money to throw any of it away.

But that defeats the whole point, doesn't it?

Think Of Yourself - What Is Right For You

When faced with these "special offer" decisions, don't be so easily swayed. If you can use the extra in some way e.g. sharing a meal with a friend, then go for it. But don't pay more just to get extra that you don't even need.

If you don't need it, don't buy it. Ignore the price and savings for the time being. If you want to succeed with your weight loss then you must be resolute and focussed on the task at hand.

Split Large Meals

As mentioned, one alternative is to split large meals. I do this myself with restaurant takeaways. They give you so much food these days that there is no way I am going to eat it all in one go.

So I split it with a friend or I eat half and put the rest in the fridge for later. By doing this, my meal costs have actually gone down when you compare it to when I was overweight.


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How To Shift Your Flab If You HATE The Gym

Any time you tell anyone you want to lose weight, did you ever notice they always say "hit the gym".

Actually, they're wrong on so many counts, especially the argument that you need exercise to lose weight (which is totally not true).

However, exercise can be a great help but what if you hate the gym? What do you do then?

My Solution

I hated the gym too. Over a period of several years I visited around 4 or 5 different gyms and each time the same thing would happen.

I would give it a go but within two months I could not do it anymore. I always ended up cancelling the gym membership when renewal came up.

I solved this problem when I decided to take up a new activity - cycling.

Why It Worked For Me

Look, I'm not saying that you need to become the next Lance Armstrong. You don't. But you need to find an activity that you enjoy. This is the key to using exercise to lose weight and also improve your health.

If you don't enjoy the exercise, you'll see it as a chore and you won't see it through for any longer than a few weeks, maybe a couple of months if you are lucky. Enjoyment is absolutely key.

That's why cycling worked for me. When you enjoy doing something then you don't even think about how difficult the physical effort is. You are too busy having fun to even notice your level of physical exertion.


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How To Lose Pounds Without Even Trying

Here's another personal tip of mine that helped me to lose weight and gain new, much healthier eating habits. I look better than ever before and that includes the complexion of my skin, hair and nails.

Just like a dog, if you feed him bad food his coat will show it. If you feed him good food, his coat will have a magnificent glossy sheen to it. To some degree, we are not really that different. We are similarly the product of what we eat.

Lose Weight With New Food Habits

You know, you can lose weight so long as you eat fewer calories than you burn. Theoretically, you can eat pure junk food and so long as your body burns the energy and additionally some of your fat then you will still lose weight.

However, junk food is part and parcel of the problem. It contributes to obesity because it is adulterated and so highly refined that it is like a drug: it delivers a quick kick and the pancreas is forced to deliver a quick shot of insulin.

Junk causes your blood sugar to spike and fall like this all day long. People who eat too many refined foods like this eventually lose some pancreatic function and are officially classed as having Type II diabetes. They then need to take daily shots of insulin or control their diet carefully.

This yo-yoing of blood sugar also causes you to have intermittent hunger pangs and this leads to eating more food than your body really needs.

If you lose the junk in your diet and replace it with better food then you will immediately start enjoying the health benefits. And because you won't get as many hunger pangs, you will also be less likely to eat too much and you will therefore be able to maintain your calorific deficit and subsequently maintain regular fat loss until you reach your desired goal weight.

Fruits Are Your Friend

Fruits are the perfect food package created by nature. They contain vitamins, fibre and water and are even packaged in their own biodegradable and waterproof packaging.

Frankly, everybody should be eating more fruits. I don't advocate a 100% fruit diet because it would be a shame to miss out on modern food. But there is no doubt about it, people would be much healthier if they ate more fruit. Fruit also makes the perfect substitute for junk.

I recommend eating fruit as your breakfast or at least as part of it. Your stomach loves nothing better than fruit as the first thing to be eaten in the morning. You can also eat fruit as a snack later in the day. This way, you can incorporate fruit into your diet, displace some or all of the junk and you need not miss out on eating other types of food at other times of the day.


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Do You Know Why "Fluctuating" Exercise Is The Best?

Do you even know what I mean by "fluctuating" exercise?

I'm talking about exercise where nothing stays constant. Things are always changing.

Running on a treadmill is NOT a fluctuating exercise. Team sports like soccer and basketball ARE.

Why Are Fluctuating Exercises The Best?

Your body is very, very good at making the most of its fuel. When it thinks that fuel is running out, it gets more energy per pound of your fat. When you use energy up, it tries to economise the best that it can.

So if you run on a treadmill then at first you will burn energy inefficiently but soon your body will figure out what is going on and burn as lean as it can. It's a bit like going out on the highway and sticking the car on cruise control or a special gear for best mileage.

However, if your exercise is fluctuating so that your speed is changing and your entire motions are unpredictable then your body has no idea what is going on. It needs steady conditions to be able to economise but you don't let it. This is also a bit like driving in the city - always changing gear and stopping and starting - you will burn up a lot of fuel fast.


This has even been studied as something called HIIT (high intensity interval training). HIIT is a more easily defined type of exercise e.g. 30 minutes sprinting and 30 minutes running, alternating back and forth.

This makes it easier to study and precisely measure the benefits of it. HIIT has been found to burn more calories than constant speed exercise and will also keep the metabolism raised for longer during the rest of the day. It is also especially good for burning fat.

This basically proves why fluctuating exercises are the best.

The Best Fluctuating Exercises?

My personal favourite is cycling in the city. I am not talking about cycling on the flat for long distances because that is more like running on a treadmill. No, I am talking about riding in urban areas where you need to stop and start and also put in some majorly quick acceleration on a regular basis.

But the reason I love cycling is because you are too busy with a visual feast to even think "I am exercising, I am putting in effort". It doesn't even feel like exercise.

Other good ones are team sports. Interacting with others and the sheer complexity and competitiveness of most team sports should put the idea of "exercise for weight loss" well out of your mind.


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Thanks For Reading

You've reached the end of this book. I hope you enjoyed it and found it very useful. You can be successful with weight loss too.

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