achieving worker flexibility katharyn kelley

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  • Achieving Worker Flexibility In the Business Environment.By Katharyn Kelley

  • Steps to achieving worker flexibility.What is flexibility?How to achieve flexible working environmentsHow to implement steps into the working environmentHow to stay in a job that offers flexibilityReal examples

  • Worker Flexibility isThe greater flexibility in working arrangements in providing more options to achieve balance between a career and a quality life.

    Flexibility is the ability to be easily adaptable to any condition

  • What employees want more than moneyFlexible hours

    Job sharing

    Part-time workers

  • What is flexibility to your employees?Flexible hours mean-more time at home with family-more time for yourself-more time during the week to establish other hobbies

  • What flexible hours mean to the employer.Flexible hours are-a flexible number of hours work is completed in the work week-shorter hours but same contribution for growth-agreed level of output and input

  • What job sharing means to the employeeJob sharing is-the ability to share the work-to have someone close by that can help with questions-if time off is needed someone is there to cover so that you dont get behind

  • Job sharing for the employer-two or more people sharing the same full-time job-demands teamwork-gives back a lot of benefits-more than one person is trained in the job-benefits of a full-time, while only working part-time

  • What is part-time to the employee?Part-time working is-the ability to have extended weekends-still getting a good pay check-having time to spend with family and friends

  • What are part-time workers to the employer?-good for furthering education for the job that you are in-allows transition after being out on a leave-reasonable levels of income while having a life outside work

  • What steps can your Organization take to achieve a flexible environment?If your employees want flexibility then implement these:

    Consider part-time, flextime and post-retirement work.

    Establish non-traditional schedules

    Let responsible people work from home.

  • More flexible itemsTry to hire local employees

    Think of some cheap, creative ways to make the office look better.

  • How can you make your employees happy?If your employees are happy they will perform to the best of their ability and they will continue to stay with the company.

    Seven things that make people happy at work-liking the team that they work with-pleasant working environment

  • More happiness workplace is an easy commute

    Challenging work Job security Ability to work independently

  • Last but not leastOpportunity for advancement

  • Implement a plan to work in flexible situations.Seven steps to implementing flexibility

    1.Raise employee awareness

    2.Management coaching

  • More steps3. Leadership skills

    4. Employee surveys

    5. Implementation and communication strategies

    6. Management training and on-going dialogue

  • 7. Program Evaluation

  • How can you stay in your job?-Working close to home or have a support network close to home.

    -Keep your contacts up-to-date and make sure that you are up to date on what is happening in the office.

  • - Be aware of the latest information pertaining to flexible work arrangements.

    - Follow the news on a daily basis

    -Contact a career counselor or recruitment consultant and lay out a 12-month plan.

    -Volunteer to attend workshops or further education classes.

  • -Keep up to date on industry trends

  • Examples-Hewlett Packard in Boise runs on shortened schedules. They have a four day work week with longer hours during the day.

  • ExamplesMany travel agency companies have employees that work out of there homes.

    Many computer support companies have employees that can give technical support over the phone from there homes as well.

  • QuizHere is a small quiz to see if you know what are the most important aspects of flexible workers.

    Name the 3 main types of a flexible work arrangement?a.b.c.

  • More questionsWhat does worker flexibility mean to you?

    What would your employer have to change in the working environment to make you a more flexible worker?

  • Wrapping it up.Today many work places are offering more options for there employees. Employers realize that a balance between work and home can only produce greater results for them and for there employees. Flexible workforces are about being smarter and using peoples talents to further the company. It is important that companies utilize the talents of there staff.

  • Credits Management by Russell and Taylor 111

    OPERMGMT 410May 9, 2002Final Project

    These are the main points needed to educate people about how to achieve worker flexibility in the work force.There are any other definitions for flexibility.It is easily managed; willing to yield to influence or persuasion.The world book dictionary by Thorndike and Barnhart hours- flexibility in work hours allows employees to work an agreed number of hours per week, or over a period of time.

    Job Sharing- two or more people sharing the same full time job, working on a part time permanent basis.

    Part-time workers- permanent part-time work is especially useful for employees returning to study or returning to the workforce after a leave. is flexible as long as you do not feel bogged down and that your whole life is your work.Employers have many reasons to gain from flexible hours.You can relay on someone else that you trust.When training others for the job you get two outlooks on the job.Use more examples if there is timeAbility to have another jobVolunteer at your childrens schoolDont have to pay for as much daycare

    -Pay is less-Do not have to offer benefits-Saves the company moneyYou never know what mutually beneficial work arrangement can be structured.

    Rigid 9-to-5 schedules dont always make sense. Sometimes four day weeks can work and sometimes employees can set their own schedules.

    With new technology an office can be anywhere

    If people value a short commute, hire people wholl have a short commute. Step up efforts at local community colleges, high schools, and adult education

    High school and college students always need jobs and they are close by.Get plants. Invite local high schools to display there art. Host an exhibit with a local museum. Open a window. Buy a few full spectrum light bulbs to replace those terrible low light fluorescents.www.morebusiness.comFor the exercise later maybe the audience can think up more ideas.Things that they would like to see in there working environment.Anything that will motivate the employees to work harder or want to be more of the team.People are always looking for ways to get ahead in their working environment and if they are happy in there job they will perform better allowing them to move up and advance to.Watching videos and attending workshops that introduce the flexible workplace to management and staff.

    individual work/life balance coaching and small group seminars. The aim is to reflect on personal and organizational goals, develop an individual work/life balance plan and facilitate personal change to achieve both organizational and personal objectives. groups conducted by a trained facilitator with expertise in the area of flexible work practices. The aim is to bring together a cross-se3ction of people with leadership skills throughout the organization to maintain to develop skills to overcome organizational barriers.

    To determine employee needs and concerns.

    This can include written policies, a managers handbook, articles, in the office newsletter, client specific audio and video programs.

    To achieve an in-depth understanding of the management practices needed to support a flexible work environment and overcome problems that arise.

    It is very important that there is feed back about the program to see if any thing needs to be changed or revised. If the program doesnt work then there needs to be other modes established.

    If flexibility is working in the company it is important to know how to keep your job or how to get a are a lot of companies that use worker flexibility in the business.Flexible hours job sharing Part time work schedulesAny answer is fine as long as they follow the guide lines stated through out this presentation.

    2.Flexibility is the opportunity to have time outside of work to do things with my family and friends and not feel like work is my entire life.

    Personal preference of what each person would like to have to make them more comfortable at work.-shorter work week-more vacation-sick daysThe more value that we pace on each employee the great the results that the company will receive and the more results that the employee will get. Happiness is key to any strong work environment.The information that I found while doing this project was very helpful in writing this presentation.