achieving you’re optimum weight … effortlessly. disclaimer any information shared during this...

Achieving You’re Optimum Weight … Effortlessly

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Achieving You’re Optimum Weight …



Any information shared during this presentation today is NOT meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Nor are the products we talk about today meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; they have NOT been evaluated by the FDA.

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Jen Springer

BS in Environmental ScienceLicensed Massage Therapist

MS in Holistic NutritionMany CNHP courses

YL education since 200110 years of practice, but ….

Personal experience has been my greatest teacher © 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Thank You: TheNayNay69© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

The OBESITY Crisis …

1. CDC Report 2008

72.5 million Americans are obese. 1/3 of our population!!!1

Why are people so fat?

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Beating Yourself Up

Do you feel guilty about your pudge because you think people will think you’re fat & lazy even though you eat less than 1500

calories a day and exercise regularly?

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

True of False?

We’re fat because we eat

too many calories

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.


Well, mostly. Well, mostly.

Calorie counting is a tiny piece of the Calorie counting is a tiny piece of the obesity puzzle. obesity puzzle.

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

What is the #1 reason?

IMBALANCE: We are totally whacked out because of our modern lavish lifestyles

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Causes …

Lack of Physical Movement

High Sugar, esp. HFCS

Bloat from Yeast / Candida

Toxic Liver, Lymph, Colon

Eating Too Much

Stress / Fast Pace Lifestyle

Chemicals Jacking up Our Endocrine Glands

Blood Sugar Swings / Insulin Resistance

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

The Reason Diets Fail is Because They ONLY Address

Calories as the Cause of Weight Gain!!!

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

For Permanent Results You MUST

• Take Out the Trash• Fix a Burned Out Body

• Shut Down Blood Sugar Swings• Eliminate the Fungus Among Us

• Burn Fat, Not Muscle

… and of Course Reduce Overall Calories

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

What the? How the Heck do you Do All That?!?!

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.


A simple system designed to address the

hidden reasons you cannot shake

the weight.

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

My Friend Marc Schreuder

This man was a Newman’s Peanut Butter Cup Addict!

50 pounds later ..was an XL,

now a M shirt

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

My Friend Melissa Shelton, DVM

She has tried every diet and the weight would not come off

… until now

40 lbs.These were both

taken in the SAME YEAR!

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Let’s …

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Tastes Like Cake Batter …. Really

• Reduce Calories• Get Rid of Toxins Making You

Fat• Balance Blood Sugar• Kill Yeast

Replace 1 - 2 Meals a Day

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Help Your Body Digest

• Stop Feeding Yeast• Assimilate What You Put In Your Mouth• Break Up the Nasty's In Your Gut• Blasting the Bloat

Take with Big Meals

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

1 oz in the Morning to Love Your …

• Liver• Adrenals• Brain• Kidneys• Cells• Metabolism

Tart & Yummy with NO sugar, junk juice, or synthetic vitamins!

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

A Few Drops in Your Tea or Low Calorie Beverage to VRRROOM Your


• Burn Fat• Sweetened Naturally• Feel Satisfied• Squash Craving

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Before Meal Tea Time!

• Burn Fat• Satisfy Sweet Tooth• Rid Inflammation• Gentle Energy Lift• Eat Less

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Only the Best for Us

Gary Young inspecting

Oolong in the highlands of

Fujou, Taiwan.

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

So Simple, Even I Can Do ItBreakfast: Balance Complete Meal replacement shake Ningxia Red packet

Snack: 2-3 drops of Slique Essence in water or low calorie beverage Healthy Snack like fruit, vegetables, nuts, etc.

Lunch: Slique Tea 15 minutes before meal (Optional: Add 1-2 drops Slique Essence) 2 Essentialzymes-4 caps with meal Light, well balanced lunch.

Snack: 2-3 drops of Slique Essence in water or low calorie beverage Healthy Snack like fruit, vegetables, nuts, etc.

Dinner: Slique Tea 15 minutes before meal (Optional: Add 1-2 drops Slique Essence) 2 Essentialzymes-4 caps with meal Light, well balanced dinner.

Evening: 2-3 drops Slique Essence in water or low calorie beverage.

Balance Complete may be substituted for one additional meal. Breakfast and lunch regimen may be reversed.

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Do I Have to Do This Forever?Because you’re addressing the core issues of weight gain, NO!

Stay on the program until you reach your goals, then maintain with your favorite part of the program. Some people will keep doing the whole thing

because they feel great, others may choose Slique & Ningxia Red.© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

• 2 boxes Slique Tea• 2 Balance Complete• 1 Essentialzymes – 4• 1 Slique Essence• 30 pk. Ningxia Packs

Slique Program #4798

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

$275 for wholesale start up, $235 / month

Slique Program #4799

This option is vegetarian and also perfect for those with whey or gluten sensitivity.

• 2 boxes Slique Tea• 2 Power Meal• 1 Detoxzyme• 1 Slique Essence• 30 pk. Ningxia Packs

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

$285 for wholesale start up, $245 / month

For about $8 bucks a day

Average home packed lunch is $6, eating out is $12!© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

1 nutritionally balanced smoothie:

Jamba average $5

2 cups of vanilla spice tea:

$1.95 x 2 = $3.90

TOTAL: $8.90

Don’t forget the RED!

Do you eat this many fruits & veggies a day?

1 oz antioxidant equivalent:4 pounds of carrots2 Quarts of carrot juice8 Oranges1 pint of orange juice2 pounds of beets2 cups of beet juice3 cups of raspberries2 cups of blueberries

plus 18 amino acids21 trace minerals6 essential fatty acidsVitamins: B1, B2, B6 & Vitamin EMore Betacarotene than carrots & more Vitamin C than oranges

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Over $30 of produce!

$40 of Nutrition for $8 / day?

And the cost of using the food you eat? PRICELESS!

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Store bought smoothie $5.00 Restaurant purchased tea $3.90 Ningxia equivalent produce +$30.00



© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Start Burning Fat!

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

There Are 3 Types of People With Us

What are you?

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

#1, Thanks But No Thanks

You’re happy with your current program and where your weight is at.

We appreciate you spending precious time during your busy day with us.

Have an amazing rest of the day!

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

#2, Yeah I’m Mostly Ready

You’re ready to start but have a few reservations.

Best place to for you to begin?

Choose the Slique Kit, and while your waiting for it take your measurements, weight, and pictures.

Try it for 30 days, then redo your stats!

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

#3, Woo Baby, I Am More Than Ready to Get Skinny!

You are tired of the frustration and are ready to loosen the pants you’re

wearing today.

Best place to start?

Choose the Slique Kit and Get On Essential Rewards to save $ on shipping and get free products.

While your waiting for your Slique kit, take your measurements,

weight, and pictures.

In 90 days, shop for new clothes. © 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Let Us Know … 1, 2, or 3?

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Wondering where to get these products?

Contact the person who sent you to this presentation OR email us directly at

[email protected]

We’ll help you determine which pricing program is best for you. (retail or wholesale options)

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.

Remember!• Any information shared during this

presentation today was NOT meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Nor are the products we talked about today meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease; they have NOT been evaluated by the FDA.

• Please seek a qualified health professional when seeking medical advice.

© 2012 Peacock Enterprises, Ltd.