act seniors and veterans newsletter june 2020 · web viewact seniors and veterans newsletter june...

Page 1 of ACT Seniors and Veterans Newsletter June 2020 Contents Canberra’s Community Recovery Plan.....................................2 Public health advice...................................................3 Consumer Law Centre....................................................4 Services specific to older Canberrans..................................4 Services specific to Canberra veterans.................................6 Grants.................................................................6 Translated resources...................................................7 Further information and support........................................7

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Page 1: ACT Seniors and Veterans Newsletter June 2020 · Web viewACT Seniors and Veterans Newsletter June 2020 Keywords CSD news, seniors news, veterans news, newsletter, canberra news Last

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ACT Seniors and Veterans Newsletter

June 2020Contents

Canberra’s Community Recovery Plan............................................................................................................2

Public health advice........................................................................................................................................ 3

Consumer Law Centre..................................................................................................................................... 4

Services specific to older Canberrans..............................................................................................................4

Services specific to Canberra veterans............................................................................................................6

Grants.............................................................................................................................................................. 6

Translated resources....................................................................................................................................... 7

Further information and support....................................................................................................................7

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Canberra’s Community Recovery Plan

On Thursday 18 June, the Minister for Community Services and Facilities, Suzanne Orr launched the Community Recovery Roadmap. This plan outlines the government response to the pandemic so far and signals our plans on long term recovery in partnership with the community and the community sector.

Minister Orr states that the government, “will be implementing a broad range of activities over three phases under Canberra's Community Recovery Roadmap. We will be working closely with community partners, to rebuild an inclusive community where Canberrans feel they belong, are valued and can contribute.”

In the next phase of the Government's community support, a range of initiatives in partnership with the community sector including will be implemented:

a "know your neighbour campaign" to support Canberrans to connect with their neighbours, as these connections are important inside and outside times of a crisis;

wellbeing calls to counter the barriers of detachment and isolation that remain for many people in our community;

Community Activity Packs to help Canberrans stay occupied and connected from a distance in absence of large-scale events; and

launch of the Connect in Canberra website to provide non-health related COVID-19 information on support services and activities available across the Territory.

The Government will use the ACT Wellbeing Framework (released in March this year) to measure and understand the impacts of COVID-19 and how the community is recovering. For further information and to view the Community Recovery Plan:

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Public health advice

COVID-19 Update

The current crisis has shown that we are stronger together, and the flattening of the curve is proof of Canberrans’ resilience and dedication to protecting each other. Following the further easing of restrictions on Friday 19 June, the ACT has eased restrictions (Stage 2.2) to support families, our economy and the mental and physical wellbeing of Canberrans.

ACT Health is continuing to take appropriate public health action in line with national guidelines.

The ACT Government has established a dedicated website for all information relating to COVID-19 in the ACT including the latest health updates and statistics, advice about protecting yourself and others, how to self-isolate or quarantine, details about economic support and much more. Visit the website at

Should I get tested for COVID-19?

You can get tested for COVID-19 in the ACT if you have the following symptoms: Fever of 38 degrees or greater (or recent history of fever such as chills or night sweats); or Symptoms of respiratory infection (such as shortness of breath, cough, or sore throat).

In addition, people who have sudden onset of loss of smell, loss of taste, runny nose, muscle pain, joint pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or loss of appetite may be eligible for COVID-19 testing, after assessment by a health professional.

If you develop any of these symptoms, please call your GP or visit a Respiratory Assessment Clinic.

Note: All people who are tested should self-isolate until they receive a negative test result.

When travelling to and from your home for testing, do not attend any public places, such as shops or cafes/restaurants, on the way. If possible, you should travel using a private mode of transport to minimise exposure to others.

To talk to a medical professional, call your GP or phone Healthdirect on 1800 022 222. In an emergency, call triple zero (000).

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Telehealth Services

As part of a $1.1 billion funding boost from the federal government, Australians with a Medicare card now have access to telehealth consults undertaken over the phone or via video conferencing with health professionals including GPs, psychologists and psychiatrists.

Concession card holders will be bulk billed for all telehealth consultations. These services will be available until 30 September 2020.

Consumer Law Centre

Getting advice about your consumer rights

Hired a tradesperson to do work for you that didn’t meet your expectations or for which you were charged way more than you expected, or who never turned up to do the job but has your deposit? Bought a second-hand car that broke down straight away, but the dealer refuses to repair or refund? Had to cancel holidays or flights because of COVID-19 and the provider is refusing to give you a refund or a credit?

The Consumer Law Centre provides advice about rights under Australian Consumer Law.

If you have experienced any of the above (or you have a friend or family member who has), or other issues in relation to a product or service you have purchased, you can contact the Centre for free legal advice phoning: (02) 6143 0044, 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays). If you need assistance from an interpreter, a translation service is available through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National), which can be accessed by dialing 131 450.

For more information about the CLC, you can visit

Services specific to older Canberrans

Re-opening of Seniors Centres

Whilst many of the Seniors Centres across Canberra are still closed as a result of the pandemic, with restrictions easing, some will transition back to re-opening for programs and support services, please consult with Centres via phone or their websites to comply with requirements.

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Aged Care Navigation Information Hub

COTA ACT has an Aged Care Navigation Information Hub. Their skilled aged care navigation volunteers will be back at COTA ACT and taking in-person appointments from July 2020.

COTA Navigators can provide you with free, individual advice and assistance on navigating the aged care system including:

registering for MyAgedCare and using the My Aged Care website; understanding types of assessments and packages; options available for residential aged care and home care packages; transitioning between different levels of aged care support, and your rights and responsibilities.

Please note that appointments will be conducted in the Hughes Community Centre using COVID safe practices.

Contact: COTA ACT on 6282 3777 to make an appointment with a volunteer aged care navigator.

The Neighbourhood Canberra Survey

A group in Canberra have formed an Association which aims to gain support to build a dementia village in the Canberra Region to be named The Neighbourhood, Canberra. It will be designed specifically for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia who need 24-hour supportive care and provide a residential dementia care option not currently available in the Canberra Region. The Neighbourhood, Canberra will be based on global best-practice models for dementia care. This group is conducting a survey to gauge people’s views about there being such an option for dementia care in the Canberra Region. You can complete a short survey (5 to 10 minutes), accessible via this link:

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Services specific to Canberra veterans

Veterans’ Support Centre

The Veterans’ Support Centre (VSC) at 9 Burkitt Street, Page is now open to regular hours. During the shutdown period their Administration team has been working at home handling mail, email and telephone enquiries while their Advocacy team has continued to meet with its clients in managing compensation claims with DVA while observing social distancing and the number of people on a location at all times.

Until advice is received that numbers at food venues has increased to 50 or above, the Tuesday midday BBQ lunches and workshops will continue to be on hold.

Contact: Ward Gainey, President on 0407 126 270


Veterans Grant Program 2020-21

Round one of the Veterans Grant Program opens at 9am, Wednesday 1 July and will close at 5pm, Friday 30 October 2020.

The primary aim of the Veterans Grant Program is to support veterans and their families’ wellbeing and social inclusion. Applications are sought for innovative projects up to the value of $10,000 that promote veterans as valued members of the ACT community and enable them to participate in community activities.

To apply, visit

Seniors Grant Program 2020-21

Round one of the Seniors Grant Program opens 9am, Wednesday 1 July 2020 and close 5pm, Friday 30 October 2020.

The Seniors Grant Program provides funding for innovative projects that promote seniors as valued members of the ACT community and enable their active participation in community life. A maximum of $10,000 is available for innovative and dynamic new programs/ projects or equipment to promote seniors in our community.

To apply, visit

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Translated resources

If you or a friend, family, neighbour or acquaintance require access to health information in other languages, translated resources on COVID-19 are available online.

The ACT Government has partnered with SBS Australia to deliver essential information about COVID-19 in Canberra translated into eleven languages. These resources are available at:

The Australian Government Department of Health also has basic resources available in a wide variety of languages. Please note that this information is not specific to the ACT. These can be found at .

If you or someone else require translating or interpreting services, call the national Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Further information and support

Government information

ACT Government COVID-19 information: call 6207 7244 between 8am and 8pm or visit

Canberra Health Services Access Mental Health: call 1800 629 354 or 02 6205 1065, or visit the

website at


Health Direct: call 1800 022 222 for the 24/7 phone service offering free health advice from a

registered nurse or visit

Connect in Canberra website:

Community Recovery Plan:

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Seniors Support

Council on the Ageing (COTA ACT): call 6282 3777 or visit

National Seniors: call 1300 76 50 50 or visit

Veterans Support

Open Arms: call 1800 011 046 for 24/7 support or visit

Domestic Violence Crisis Service: call the 24/7 phone service 6280 0900 or

RSL National: call 6280 4079 or visit

Legal Support

Legal Aid can provide advice on a range of matters: call 1300 654 314 or visit

Older Persons ACT Legal Service, run by Legal Aid: call 6243 436

Older Person’s Advocacy Network has a dedicated COVID-19 support line which they operate in

conjunction with Dementia Australia and National Seniors Australia: call

1800 171 866.

Consumer Law Centre: Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, call 6143 0044 or visit

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Mental Health Support

Lifeline Crisis Support: call 13 11 14 for the 24/7 phone service or visit

Friendline aims to free older people from loneliness and is not crisis support; call 1800 427 287

Tuesday-Thursday 6pm-8pm and Saturday-Sunday 2pm-5pm or online chat service Tuesday-

Thursday 1pm-4pm

BeyondBlue counselling available 24 hours 7 days a week, call 1300 22 4636 or visit

My Compass, a personalised self-help tool for your mental health, visit

Be connected empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world: visit:

Black Dog Institute


Relationships Australia: call 1300 364 277 or visit


Women’s Information Line

Women’s Information Line: provides information and referral to a range of services across the ACT,

Monday to Friday, 9am– 5pm, call 6205 1075.

Housing Support

OneLink: Monday-Friday, 8am – 6pm. Provides links to support and housing services in the ACT.

1800 176 468 or

The Tenancy Advice Service run by Legal Aid can advise renters on their rights: call 1300 402 512

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Food Support

Canberra Relief Network: call 1800 43 11 33, email [email protected] or


The ACT Government is committed to making its information, services, events and venues,

accessible to as many people as possible.

If you have difficulty reading a standard printed document and would like to receive this publication in

an alternative format – such as large print or audio – please telephone (02) 6205 0282.

If English is not your first language and you require the translating and interpreting services – please

telephone 131 450.

If you are deaf or hearing impaired and require the National Relay Service, phone 133 677 then ask