acting assistant principal’s principal – abigail graham and assistant principal...

Acting Assistant Principal’s Report September 3rd , 2015 Issue 27 Private Bag 1, Mine Road, Korumburra. 3950 Telephone: 5655 1309 Email: [email protected] Fax:: 5655 2861 School Hours: 9.00 a.m.—3.30 p.m. Web address:: K.P.S. PRESS OUR VALUES Aim High Be Respectful Be Resilient Be Responsible Prep Transition It was great to see lots of 2016 Prep students and their parents attending yesterday as part of their getting-used to school routine. Mrs McPherson, Mrs Cant and Mrs Clark had lots of excited and nervous children to show around the classroom and school and become familiar with where things are and names of different people on staff. We look forward to further visits as these students become ‘big kids’ at school in readiness for next year. Illness We have had a large number of staff and students away recently with severe cold and flu-related illnesses. Remember to stay away from school if you are genuinely feeling unwell and only return when you are feeling better. A perfect attendance award isn’t worth getting sick multiple times for if you try to get to school feeling ‘under the weather’. Book Fair The Scholastic Book fair is open before and after school and at lunchtimes in the Library between September 2 nd and 14 th . Remember that the school receives a reimbursement of 10% from all sales from the Book Fair to go towards other resources for our school library and home-reading resources. Footy Colours Day Next Friday, September 11 th , the Junior School Council has organised a Footy-Colours Day to raise money for our Sponsor Child Elisa and other JSC fundraising initiatives. The canteen has a special menu on this day of hot dogs and pies. Please return Special Lunch Orders ASAP. Transition The Year 6 students have begun their transition to Korumburra Secondary College with the first Early Bird Transition Day held today for 12 students and the second day next Thursday, September 10 th . All Year 6 students are invited to attend a 3-day transition program at Korumburra Secondary College in the last week of this term from Tuesday 15 th to Thursday 17 th September. Well Done Awards 31st August, 2015

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Page 1: Acting Assistant Principal’s Report...College Principal – Abigail Graham and Assistant Principal – John Wilson will be available to have a chat about the exciting future direction

Acting Assistant Principal’s Report

September 3rd , 2015

Issue 27

Private Bag 1, Mine Road, Korumburra. 3950 Telephone: 5655 1309 Email: [email protected] Fax:: 5655 2861 School Hours: 9.00 a.m.—3.30 p.m. Web address::



Aim High Be Respectful Be Resilient Be Responsible

Prep Transition

It was great to see lots of 2016 Prep students and their parents attending

yesterday as part of their getting-used to school routine. Mrs McPherson,

Mrs Cant and Mrs Clark had lots of excited and nervous children to show

around the classroom and school and become familiar with where things

are and names of different people on staff. We look forward to further

visits as these students become ‘big kids’ at school in readiness for next



We have had a large number of staff and students away recently with

severe cold and flu-related illnesses. Remember to stay away from

school if you are genuinely feeling unwell and only return when you are

feeling better. A perfect attendance award isn’t worth getting sick multiple

times for if you try to get to school feeling ‘under the weather’.

Book Fair

The Scholastic Book fair is open before and after school and at lunchtimes

in the Library between September 2nd and 14th. Remember that the school

receives a reimbursement of 10% from all sales from the Book Fair to go

towards other resources for our school library and home-reading resources.

Footy Colours Day

Next Friday, September 11th, the Junior School Council has organised a

Footy-Colours Day to raise money for our Sponsor Child Elisa and other

JSC fundraising initiatives. The canteen has a special menu on this day of

hot dogs and pies. Please return Special Lunch Orders ASAP.


The Year 6 students have begun their transition to Korumburra Secondary

College with the first Early Bird Transition Day held today for 12 students

and the second day next Thursday, September 10th. All Year 6 students are

invited to attend a 3-day transition program at Korumburra Secondary

College in the last week of this term from Tuesday 15th to Thursday 17th


Well Done Awards 31st August, 2015

Page 2: Acting Assistant Principal’s Report...College Principal – Abigail Graham and Assistant Principal – John Wilson will be available to have a chat about the exciting future direction

Page 2 Newsletter Title

Social Media

Unfortunately we have become aware of some students misusing

social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) to target other

students online. While this is happening at home, it does impact on

school when students are bullied or vilified by others on digital

devices. We ask parents to be aware of what their children are

accessing online and ensure that it is age and content appropriate.

Nigel Kilpatrick

Acting Assistant Principal

(Continued from page 1)

Acting Assistant Principal’s


Manic Monday Canteen


Spaghetti, Hot Jam Donut,

Hot Chocolate




Expression of Interest for

School Holiday Program

21st September until the

2nd October. 5 days per

week $70.00 per day. CCB

rebate available. Plan and

Program to come 9th


Please call Karmai for

f u r t h er in fo rmat io n .

Telephone: 5655 2121

Page 3: Acting Assistant Principal’s Report...College Principal – Abigail Graham and Assistant Principal – John Wilson will be available to have a chat about the exciting future direction

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Its Spring!! The start of warmer sunshiny days - fantastic!! But with the chilly mornings leading to warmer days, please make sure that all

jumpers are clearly named so that any ‘lost’ items can be easily returned to you.

Our future preps for 2016 had their first orientation session this week, with the 2015 preps having a blast doing activities with our Year 5’s.

Amongst many things our 2016 preps had a tour of the school to get an idea of what school will be like for them next year!

Its Father’s Day on Sunday. Our PFA has done a wonderful job putting together the Father’s Day stall again this year. If you didn’t bring money for the Father’s Day Stall Wednesday or Thursday it is open from 8.30am Friday morning, so bring your $4 along and grab something

great for Dad.

Friday last week the Year 2’s had an awesome treat with the Year 9 students from Korumburra Secondary College coming down to run some amazing science activities with us. We got to try sherbets, create and ‘crash test’ play dough dummies, look at air pressure, flight, exploding chemical sciences, goo and lots of other cool things! A huge thanks to the KSC Year 9s, their teachers Donna and Tony and especially

Stacie Witton for organising such a great event for us. We learnt heaps!!!

Year 9 Science Report

The grade 2 and the Year 9s were in the Gym doing science activities on Friday.

The Year Nines got the grade twos into groups of five or six and we made goo. The goo was a solid and a liquid.

We played with the goo and when we put pressure on it it’s a solid. When I dipped my finger in the goo it’s a liquid.

I thought it was cool! (Hayley Brown)

Year 9 Science in the Gym

My class went into the gym. Our class did science, we did science groups.

I went to the acids first. I tasted bicarb soda – Yuck! The warhead sugar was sour.

Then I did the gravity. I learnt that when you crash your car, you will go forward.

I think it was awesome.

My opinion was that it was fabulous. (Jason Cue)

Ellyn Zizic

Classroom Teacher

Junior Department News




Korumburra Secondary College will be hosting a Morning Tea for Parents on Thursday 17th at 9.30am. Our

College Principal – Abigail Graham and Assistant Principal – John Wilson will be available to have a chat

about the exciting future direction of our College. You may like to ask any questions regarding the Netbook

Program or how you can continue to be an active participant in your child’s education. Please meet at the

General Office.

Page 4: Acting Assistant Principal’s Report...College Principal – Abigail Graham and Assistant Principal – John Wilson will be available to have a chat about the exciting future direction

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Year 6 Newsletter:

The past few weeks have been an explosion of fun! The students have been participating in scientific experiments, and also begun to look at

how to write a scientific procedure. One of the experiments allowed the students to turn normal film canisters into rocket ships, by adding a

secret ingredient (Alka-Seltzer) and waiting for the canister to explode. Mrs. Mulqueeny has been busy creating a cloud in a bottle and Miss

Abbott’s class has created a volcano out of a bottle.

We have also nearly finished our Yearbook Questions, and are getting extremely excited for transition in the last week of this term (Tuesday,

Wednesday, and Thursday). Parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to organize transport for these three days.

Year 5 Newsletter:

The Year 5’s have been busily working away on their ‘My Favourite Planet’ projects. They’ve been having a real

focus on ‘publishing’ thinking about what readers may want to know, find out and see. It’s already fantastic to see so

many beautifully thought out finished pieces and I know we can’t wait to see the rest!

It was also great to see the Year 5’s showing some fantastic leadership skills this week when they were asked to

‘buddy up’ and look after the preps for the morning. The Year 5’s showcased some of their ICT skills, helping the

preps to create some digital pieces for Father’s Day.

Christine Abbott

Classroom Teacher

Senior Department

Page 5: Acting Assistant Principal’s Report...College Principal – Abigail Graham and Assistant Principal – John Wilson will be available to have a chat about the exciting future direction

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Middle Department News

School Camp

On Monday the 24th of August, at 9;15 am. The Korumburra Primary School Year 4’s went to Allambee Camp. On the way to Allambee Camp we rode a bumpy bus, Four people had travel sickness and those people were Charlie,

Ambrin and Levi.

We stopped for a break at Downton Park Reserve in Yarragon to eat morning tea. In the bus we got lollies from Ms. Anderson, I got butterscotch candy. When we finally got there from our 2 and a half hour drive, we got off the bus but before every one else got off people with travel sickness got off first. A few minutes later we had a tour around the


There were 2 lodges one was the Wattle Lodge and the other one was the Strzelecki lodge, also there was a gaga pit, trampoline, rec shed, playground and 3 alpacas. Another few minutes later we did our first activity, it was the low ropes course, I was extraordinarily excited. I was in group 1 with Ambrin, Sophie, Alana, Emma, Beau, Jordan, Harrison, Liam R and Liam D. Jaarl was our group leader. Allambee Camp is placed on a hill in the Strezlecki


My room number was 3 and the people I was in the room with were Sophie, Bronte, Alana, Rani, Kasey, Gracie,

Ambrin and Makenzee.

My favourite part of camp was the Flying Fox because it was moving at a high speed and it was extraordinary.

My 2nd favourite part about camp was the movie LikeMike because I had a very comfortable bean bag and I almost fell


My 3rd favourite thing was GaGa Go because it is a wonderful game and it is amusing.

In Hut Building you had to be resilient because if something had gone horribly wrong you had to bounce back.

The Vertical Challenge was hard work because you feel like you’re going to fall but you have to try to get up there.

Once you get up there it feels rewarding because it took you an extremely long time to get up there.

I have never ridden a Billy Cart, once I got on it I was scared but I gave it a go.

In conclusion I prefer camp to be in the summer so it is nice and sunny,then I won’t get so wet and muddy.

The names of the parents and teachers who attended were Sharon, Mr. Hallas, Ms. Anderson, Janine, Jaarl, Kam,

Katherine, Lisa, Narelle, Sam, Jo, Julie and Tracy, they were extremely helpful and motivational.

By Cristiana Ylagan (BH4)

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Art News

Rachel Warren

Art Teacher

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Private Bag 1, Mine Road, Korumburra. 3950 Telephone: 5655 1309 Page 8

Calendar of Events



1st—14th Sept. - Scholastic Book Fair

4th September - Mixed Netball Victoria Finals Day

11th September - Girls Netball State Championships

14th Sept. - Talent Quest Final

14th Sept. - Bike Ed Challenge

15th—17th Sept. - Year 6—7 Transition Program KSC

18th Sept. - Term 3 finishes.


14th—15th October - Year 3 Philip Island Camp

21st October - Prep 2016 Orientation Session 2

23rd October - Zoo Excursion Preps


3rd November - Melbourne Cup Day

6th November - Junior Swimming

11th November - Prep 2016 Orientation

Session 3

13th November - Junior Swimming

20th November - Junior Swimming

18th—21st November - RACV Energy Challenge


27th November - Junior Swimming


4th December - Junior Swimming

11th December - Junior Swimming

8th December - Prep 2016 Orientation Session No 4

- Year 6 to KSC

Premiers’ Reading Challenge – Only 1 weeks to go! Winners from this week announced next week.

Book Fair – Our Scholastic Book Fair will run from 2nd – 14th September. Opening times will be before school 8:30am – 8:55am, during lunchtimes and after school until 4:00pm. Parents are welcome to

come and browse at any time.

As well as books there will be the usual novelty items such as pens, pencils, erasers, posters,

etc. Eftpos will be available.

The school receives a commission from the book sales which we use to add new books to our Library

collection for all to enjoy.

Earn & Learn 7000 points and counting!

Helen Cripps

Library Coordinator

Library News






Erin Trewin

Rory Byrne

Josh Slattery

Josh El-Ali

David O”Neill

Abbey Nicholls

Angus Halliwell

Bailey Fox

Jacob Harris

Callum Olden

Sam Beachley

Zenna Tanaka


Thomas Walker

Noah Belvedere

Evan Belvedere

Jessica Anthony

Mollie Fernandez

Lane Dubignon

Sophie Karanicolos

Zac O’Neill

Warren Barlow

Ally Kitchingman

Riley Dixon

Noah Rodriguez

Allyra Todd

Jai Henderson

April Reeves

Riley Sendek

Woolworths Earn & Learn Promotion 15th July – 8th September.

Stickers can be dropped into the collection box at the front office and there is also a collection box

at the Safeway store in Leongatha.

7000 stickers and counting!

Thank you.