action circles meeting format


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Action Circles Meeting Format


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Suggested Meeting Format This is a suggested meeting format/outline. It can be adapted according to the needs and preferences of individual circles, and suggested time allotments will likely depend on circle size and focus.

The Place / Setup Meet at one of your group member's homes, or a public place, where it feels comfortable and where you will not be interrupted by other people needing to use the space. It’s suggested the meeting space be equipped with:

1. Adequate seating for all members to sit in a circle.

2. A 2' x 2' space in the center of the circle for special items.

3. Available drinking water and cups, table to place shared food, and accessible restrooms. Potlucks and more expanded activities or set up needs can be determined by the preferences of the group.

An audio player for music to set the tone of your shared experience.

Preparation The circle host confirms the date, time and location with all members of the circle. In preparation for the first gathering, you and other circle members may collect special items to add to the center of the circle.

1. Bring a special item for the circle center.

2. Contribute good food or drink if you so wish (ask participants about dietary restrictions).

3. Choose the first resources you will use for ‘Part Two: Learning.’

For the initial circle meeting, see ‘The First Meeting’ for suggestions about content you might cover in this particular meeting.

Part One: Opening (5-10 minutes) The circle starts with opening sacred space (perhaps with an invocation, a moment of meditation or suitable reading) and then by reading together an inspirational

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quote or the purpose of The Pachamama Alliance or some other statement the speaks to the shared vision of the group. The participants introduce themselves. Also see suggestions in ‘Openers and Closers.’

Part Two: Learning (50-60 minutes) This section of the circle is about creating an ongoing forum to be educated and empowered to engage in effective individual and collective actions that strike at the root causes of current national and global crisis, and begin to transform the system and structures that are inconsistent with a sustainable, just and fulfilling world for all. This can take many forms. It could look like going deeper with resources from the Up to Us Intensive. It could look like engaging in learning about some aspect of global change, governance and rule-making, social or economic justice, non-violent means of activism, the country’s constitution, etc. The circle can watch a video, invite a speaker, participate in the speaker series, share knowledge, etc.

At the first meeting, the group can discuss what topics they would like to focus on for the subsequent meetings. One or two people can volunteer to find appropriate materials for this section based on the group’s desires. A variety of possible materials to use is included in ‘Resources for Group Learning.’

Part Three: Action (50-60 minutes) The circle can do this as a whole or break up into smaller sub-groups.

Members can use this time to:

1. Work on actions for their specific initiatives (game changing movements or other) by preparing for organizing, lobbying, petitioning, consciousness raising, boycotting, demonstrating, non-violent civil disobedience or other strategies and actions of interest depending on the requirements of your specific initiative.

2. Coach or support each other on current challenges or issues that might be stopping you from taking the actions and getting the results you wish to achieve. Share resources and tools with one another.

3. Make plans to engage in a group action that members agree upon. Members can bring ideas to the circle for a vote, potentially those that involve joining an action or initiative underway that is connected to the

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The Pachamama Alliance is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco. Its mission is to empower indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture and, using insights gained from that work, to educate and inspire individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just and sustainable world. Learn more at

Pachamama Alliance Presidio Bldg #1009, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 29191 San Francisco, CA 94129 +1 415 561 4522

movements or projects that members have decided to focus on. Some ideas are:

a. Holding a non-violent demonstration

b. Hosting a booth at a local community event to educate others about the group’s issue or initiative

c. Participating in door-to-door organizing or canvassing

Part Four: Announcements (5 minutes) This is the time to share any events, information or opportunities related to the circle, the local community, game changing movements, Up to Us, and The Pachamama Alliance.

Part Five: Close (5-10 minutes) See suggestions in the ‘Openers and Closers’ document.

Purpose of The Pachamama Alliance The Pachamama Alliance, empowered by our partnership with indigenous people, is dedicated to bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on this planet.

Our unique contribution is to generate, and engage people everywhere in, transformational conversations and experiences consistent with this purpose. We weave together indigenous and modern worldviews such that human beings are in touch with their dignity and are ennobled by the magnificence, mystery and opportunity of what is possible for humanity at this time.

We are here to inspire and galvanize the human family to generate a critical mass of conscious commitment to a thriving, just and sustainable way of life on Earth. This includes a commitment to mobilize that critical mass to transform human systems and structures that oppress and separate us, and to transforming our relationships with ourselves, with one another, and with the natural world.