action learning: a conceptual introduction

Action Learning Action Learning A Conceptual Introduction

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Action Learning is more that just learning by doing, though it is certainly that. This presentation introduces the underlying theory behind Action Learning and suggests ways this approach to learning might be used in a higher education environment.


Page 1: Action Learning: A Conceptual Introduction

Action LearningAction LearningAction LearningAction LearningA Conceptual Introduction

Page 2: Action Learning: A Conceptual Introduction

Presentation Contents

• Biblical Foundations• Biblical Foundations• Definition• The Basic Assumption of AL• The Basic Assumption of AL• Conditions• Objectives• Objectives• The Action Learning Cycle• Core Elements of AL• Core Elements of AL• Supporting & Inhibiting Factors• Why Action Learning at MSCC? �

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Page 4: Action Learning: A Conceptual Introduction


process group“A for bringing together a of people with levels of skills and experience to analyze an actual work

process groupvaried

experience to analyze an actual workand develop an plan. The

group continues to meet as actions are problem actiongroup continues to meet as actions are implemented, from the implementation and making mid-course

learningimplementation and making mid-course corrections. Action learning is a form of learning by doing.”U.S. Office of Personal Management. Learning Strategies for Creating a Continuous Learning Environment. Washington, DC: Human Capital Assessment & Accountability Framework (HCAAF) Resource Center. 2006; available at

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2006; available at

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The PERL Formula

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The PERL Formula



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The PERL Formula

Principlesapplied in Experienceapplied in Experience

P + EP + E

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The PERL Formula

Principlesapplied in Experienceapplied in Experienceand followed up with Reflection

P + E + RP + E + R

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The PERL Formula

Principlesapplied in Experienceapplied in Experienceand followed up with Reflectionleads to Learning.leads to Learning.

P + E + R = LP + E + R = L

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Page 11: Action Learning: A Conceptual Introduction

The Main Objectives of AL

"The great attraction of action learning is its unique and amazing power to simultaneously

and develop peoplesolve difficult challenges and and organizations at minimal cost.“

develop peoplesolve difficult challenges

Michael J. Marquardt, "Action Learning," By George!, February 18, Michael J. Marquardt, "Action Learning," By George!, February 18, 2004; available from

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Other Objectives

• Relate theory and practice;• Relate theory and practice;• Test ideas;• Give and receive feedback;• Give and receive feedback;• Manage and develop themselves;• Learn to relate to others;• Communicate effectively;• Communicate effectively;• Manage projects;• Apply ministerial skills and techniques;• Use a range of technological equipment and systems;• Use a range of technological equipment and systems;• Practice creativity skills.• Learn to recognize the value of good ideas;• Learn to recognize the value of good ideas;• Learn to acknowledge one’s limitations;• Increase one’s confidence;• Etc.

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• Etc.

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• A Spirit of Inquiry• Honesty• Teamwork• Humility• Empowerment �

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The Process

Page 15: Action Learning: A Conceptual Introduction

The Action Learning Cycle

Identify a



the problem

Capture the





the plan


a plan

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a plan

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Core Elements of Action Learning

• Reflection• Learning• Real Problems• Questions (Versus Answers)• Teams• A Coach• A Coach• Commitment to Action

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Supporting & Inhibiting Factors

• Risk-taking• Hard work

• Tradition• Comfort of

Supporting Factors Inhibiting Factors

• Hard work• Willingness to be

uncomfortable• Clarity of focus

• Comfort of familiarity

• Intolerance for ambiguity• Clarity of focus

• Communication• Flexibility

ambiguity• Isolationism (silos)• Time constraints• Surface • Lateral thinking • Surface


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Why Action Learning Why Action Learning

for Higher Education?

• It gives us a niche• It fits our purpose• It fits our purpose• It fits the need of the Church• It fits the growing numbers of “Revolutionary”


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What Difference will it Make?

Before AfterBefore

• We give answers• Education BEFORE experience


• We answer questions• Experience IS education

• Shotgun recruitment• Isolated individuals• Theory disconnected from life

• Focused recruitment• Teams• Life and Theory merged

• Students master college• Getting a good grade• Education in pieces

• Students master ministry• Solving a real problem• Education is integrated

• Hypothetical education• Learning individuals• Only students learn

• Education as reality• A learning community• The institution as a whole learns

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What Difference will it Make?

Teaching LearningTeaching

• What the teacher does• Assumes stability


• What the learner does• Assumes change

• Focuses on knowledge• Teaches a subject• Emphasizes improvement

• Focuses on performance• Teaches how to learn• Emphasizes transformation

• Independent of school’s mission

• Short-term focus• Class-room dependent

• Directly aligned with the mission of the school

• Long-term focus• Linked class-room and field • Class-room dependent • Linked class-room and field


Adapted from Michael J. Marquardt, Building the Learning Organization: Adapted from Michael J. Marquardt, Building the Learning Organization: Mastering the 5 Elements for Corporate Learning. 2nd ed. (Davies-Black, 2002), 56.

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What Difference will it Make?

Old Institutional Paradigm New Institutional ParadigmOld Institutional Paradigm

• Crisis driven• Rigid culture

New Institutional Paradigm

• Vision driven• Flexible culture

• Teaching orientation• Regional• Management directed

• Learning orientation• Global• Staff empowered

• Bias toward caution• Prior knowledge• Departmentalized

• Bias toward experimentation• New knowledge• Integrated

Adapted from Michael J. Marquardt, Building the Learning Organization: Adapted from Michael J. Marquardt, Building the Learning Organization: Mastering the 5 Elements for Corporate Learning. 2nd ed. (Davies-Black, 2002), 95.

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Biblical Foundations

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Biblical Foundations: Heb 5:13-14

“Everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who have their senses trained to discern good and evil.”

because of practicesenses trained to discern good and evil.”

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Biblical Foundations: Rom 12:2

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be by the renewing of your , so

that you may what the will of God is, transformed mind

provethat you may what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”



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Biblical Foundations: Rom 12:2

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be by the renewing of your , so

that you may what the will of God is, transformed mind

provethat you may what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”




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Biblical Foundations: Rom 12:2

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be by the renewing of your , so

that you may what the will of God is, transformed mind

provethat you may what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”





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Biblical Foundations: Rom 12:2

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be by the renewing of your , so

that you may what the will of God is, transformed mind

provethat you may what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”







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“All Scripture

Biblical Foundations: 2 Tim 3:16-17

“All ScriptureIs inspired by God and

ProfitableProfitableFor teaching,For reproof,For reproof,For correction,For training in righteousness;For training in righteousness;

So that the man of God may beAdequate,Equipped,Equipped,

For every good .”WORK

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Biblical Foundations: James 1:22

“Prove yourselves of the word, and not merely hearers who


merely hearers who delude themselves.”

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For More Information . . .

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