action research proposal final

Stephanie Turner EDU671 Instructor: Shelia Thomas October 26, 2013

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Page 1: Action research proposal final

Stephanie Turner


Instructor: Shelia Thomas

October 26, 2013

Page 2: Action research proposal final

introductionIn this action research proposal, I want you to know how serious the

attack of school violence has grew in the last decade. These vicious acts

of violence is a serious cry for help that have caused many parent,

administrator, and other faculty member to want to school their children from the

comfort of their home. To help make our school safe for student, teachers, and

faculty member I recommend that we install metal detectors and armed security

at the door of all public school facilities in Tunica.

The most frighten question related to school violence today is: what type of

individual are capable of committing these harmful acts of violence and why

haven’t the board of education in our school district did something to prevent

guns from getting into our school. Protecting the lives of our children's should be

one of our main concern. In this proposal, I want to see the seriousness of school

violence and the reason why we should go into our budget and implement these

technical tools to help maintain the safety of our children.

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Explanation of Problem

As educational leader it is our job to protect our children from harm, hurt, or danger and give them the tools they need to help them feel comfortable in pursuing their dreams. That is why we must implement intervention and prevention program to help children's with behavior problem to get the help they need to function effectively in in society and also implement ways to stop guns from getting into our school. It is time that we work hand and hand to prevent these violent acts from happening in our school district.

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VariablesDefine factors

Contexts, including recognition of diverse learners

The context of this study is to help you make a decision on these strategies of promoting safety and security in this public school district in Tunica. Even though there have been a variety of strategies that have been administered to help prevent and reduce school violence, the measure that have been presented here is essential to helping to keep school safe. By hiring an armed security officer and installing metal detectors and recommending intervention programs we as educators are able to help students feel comfortable in preparing for the future.

The fact of the matter is that school violence have taken the life of many of our children in America. Just to let you know a few, in 2001, a St. John’s University football star, Cory Mitchell, was left paralyzed after being shot on campus by an outsider, sparking , since this incident there have been significant changes in the security procedures at Queens campus. Since this shooting, Queens campus has enhanced their lighting, installed more than 250 surveillance cameras and hired public safety officer to monitor a 24-hour patrols, and many counseling centers to deal with individual with behavior problem( Olivia Winslow & M.L.,2007).

Variable of the proposed study

School violence is a serious issue that have and still will effective the lives of each of us today if we continue to ignore this problem. Why can’t we band together to secure the safety of our children.

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The most violent act I want to tell you about happen on April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School in Littleton CO when Eric and Dylan, open fire killing 12 students, a teacher and wounded 23 students before killing themselves. The reason that authority believe that they did this act of violence is because the felt miserable and lonely after being picked on by other kids. It was said that Dylan was trying to get back at the students who had mocked and bullied them during their four years at the Littleton, Colorado, high school(Miller, M., 1999). After here this what do you think we must do to stop this violent act from happening here.

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Research Question

With an adequate amount of time and resources we are able to: ( 1) help victims of mass shooting get their life back on track, (2) show students we care by doing everything we can to help maintain safety within our facility, (3) writing stricter policies to help prevent this from happening,(4) and working together with all stakeholder to help our students fulfill their dreams.

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Locus of Control

How many more of our children must we bury before during something to prevent this mass destruction from happening again. In the town of Tunica, we have not experience a major mass killing but we must also know that these acts of violence's is out there and we must do something to help prevent it from happening here. In President Barrack Obama proposal on gun violence, he stated that , “ we won’t be able to stop every violent act, but if there is even one thing that we can do to prevent any of these events, we have a deep obligation, all of us, to try” (News times, 2013).

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Intervention/Innovation For the past several years we have been mourning the lost of

students and faculty member that have been killed in school tragedies all over the world. Now it is time for us to do something to make our children safe before we have a mass school killing in the district of Tunica. To help do this, I propose that board of education install metal detector into every entrance way of all public schools in Tunica, County. Installing metal detectors with an armed security into public schools will help reduce the number of weapons being bought into our school and stop other type of violence that may break out in school warning. To help alert stakeholders of the type of people that caused these vicious acts of violent we recommend that intervention and preventions program be administered so that these people can receive the help they need be letting it get to this point.

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Policies Issues of violence In the wake of the mass shooting at Sandy

Hook elementary school in Newton, Conn that took the life of 20 first-graders and six educators. According to CBS news, President Obama wrote a proposal to Congress to help better protect our children and our communities from tragic mass shooting like those in Newtown, Aurora, Oak Creek, and Tucson. In his plan he advised Congress to do the right thing for our children, our communities, and the country we love by helping to keep guns out of dangerous hands. With positive intervention counseling program people are able to get the help they need to effectively manage their behavior issues. On January 16, President Obama develop a plan to help reduce gun violence.

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The President’s Plan includes: 1. closing background check loopholes to keep guns out of

dangerous hands; 2. banning military-style assault weapons and high-capacity

magazines, and taking other common-sense steps to reduce gun violence;

3. Making schools safer; and 4. Increasing access to mental health services. Just like President’s Obama, I want to do what isright to protect our children's from mass shooting. In this proposal, I want parents to know that safetyis our top priority in during what it take to keepour children safe.

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Installing metal detectors and armed security helps school to

maintain safe from armed intruders.

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Negotiations By acceptaning these

tools and techniques that is need to secure the safety of all individuals, it would help to increase learning within our environment. This will all reduce the amount of risks and liabilities that schools may obtain in the aftermass of these violent attacks.

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Ethics “Look gun don’t kill people, people with

guns kills people.” So to help fully protect our students from the harm of these vigilantes I want to recommend a intervention training to get these guns out of the hands of these individual that may have behavior problems. Several school crisis are caused by individual with behavior problems. After experiencing mass destruction many students decides not to go back to school because they feel unsafe and scared, but through intervention and prevention program counseling students may learn to get back control of their life. With the help of these tools and techniques we are able to get confiscate weapons out of the hands of individual who may have uncontrollable behavior problems.


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Several school crisis are caused by individual with behavior problems. After experiencing mass destruction many students decides not to go back to school because they feel unsafe and scared, but through intervention and prevention program counseling students may learn to get back control of their life. The dependent variable in these incidents came from individual with behavior problems and engagement of students talking about other students.

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Timeline I acknowledge that the cost to install and operate a metal

detector may exceed the school budget but I ask you, how much would you give to protect the life of your child. Our mission is to keep our children safe while they prepare for their future. So if we want to fulfill our goals we must decide to implements this proposal.

With all of the violence that is going on today, intervention and preventions program should be very extensive at this time. These program need to involve the whole community in enriching our children's educational opportunities. Therefore each school should have the flexibility to address its most pressing needs at its own school. In this situation, the district should choose what is the best intervention and preventions programs that would best to protect their own students.

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Statement of resources

We are so starved for all of the resources-financial, human and material-to meet the needs of our children's because many teachers are really stressed to their limits. We would hope to see our students re- integrated but until such time as the behavior are within a reasonable spectrum, we say they need to be removed fro the classroom environment( Bissett, K., 2005). With these resources we are able to improve the quality of education that our children's for our children.

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Data Collection When gathering meaningful data, either through quantitative or qualitative

means, is an important to the central component data that are being used to make the claim that educational technology truly has benefits. Although self-reports and anecdotal evidence can be convincing and persuasive, there is too much at stake for us not to use evidence-based assessment approach to implement changes in our safety measures that are essentials for the future success of all stakeholders(Landrum, R.E., 2013). The data that is used in these research help up to useful measures to help support this area of focus.

Critics of the quantitative paradigm have advocated movement toward a qualitative paradigm. If there is little knowledge, limited access, and little control over the situation, qualitative method become more effective. Quantitative methods are more appropriate when establishing cause-effect relationship and when established values and processes are not compromised by intrusive, controlled techniques. The real issue facing social work is how we integrate these two perspective effectively into unified approaches ( Allen, M.P. & Lane, B.A.,1990).

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reference Allen-Meanes, P., & Lane, B. A. (1990). Social work practice: Integrating qualitative and quantitative

data collection techniques. Social Work, 35(5), 452. Retrieved from

Bissett, K. (2006, Feb 16). More resources needed for special-needs

students, N.B. reports say, Canadian Press Newswire. Retrieved from

Landrum, R. E. (2013). Research design for educators: Real-world connections and applications.

San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Miller, M.(1999,Sep 06). “I survived the columbine high school

shooting”. Scholastic Scope, 48, 18-20. Retrieved from

Newstimes (2013,Jan 16). President Barrack Obama: Now is the time-

Newstimes. Retrieve from

Winslow, O. & Lefkowitz, M.(2007,Apr 23). Securing safety at LI schools:

Local colleges, universities to re-evaluate strategies for campus-wide

safety in light of last week’s mass shooting in Virginia. McClatchy-

Tribune Business News. Retrieved