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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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For selecting distance education media and technology



How accessible is a particular technology for learners?

Students can access to Voice mail very easily because every home has a phone. And in nowadays most of the students have a personal mobile phone.

How flexible is it for a particular target group?

It is very flexible. The teacher and learners can communicate with each other any time, from any place with available telephones. Because there is no computer technology required to access the message.


What are the opportunity costs vs. other technology choices?

In our point of view, the cost of mail Voice is Inexpensive. Also the device that uses to carry the voice mail is Inexpensive comparing with the other technology. So it is give student good chance to try this technology rather than other technology which its price is high.

Teaching and Learning

What kinds of learning are needed?

This technology is suitable for auditory learner. Because it is not conducive to visual information. Many students find it hard to focus and learn strictly through audio input. In addition, audio-only format restricts the content that can be conveyed (abstract concepts are very difficult to convey through audio).

What are the best technologies for supporting teaching and learning in this environment?

Using voice mail in teaching environment is not enough .the Voicemail is generally used as a supplement to other technologies in a cannot use as a main technology.

Interactivity and User-friendliness

What kind of interaction does this technology enable?

Page 2: Actions model

One way is from teacher to students. It Allows students to leave messages for instructors regardless of the time .Also Allows instructors to leave messages for individuals or Can be used to administer quizzes (this option requires some programming).Moreover, it Serves as an alternative to e-mail for those students who do not have a computer

How easy is it to use and learn?

Almost everyone is comfortable using a telephone. With voicemail technologies, there is no software to install and no hardware to configure. So, it is very easy to use it.

Organizational Issues

What changes need to be made within the organization to incorporate the technology?

May they have to have phone number for each teacher and phone devices. Also the organization has to give the support to the students to open call number and buy the device that meet their need by using voicemail.


How new is the technology?

The technology is novelty. And from day to day it came up with new development. Depend on the devices that use.

What are its technical capabilities?

The technical capabilities of voicemail is very week, because of the length of the messages is generally limited, and a toll-free number must be provided for students who may be calling from out of the local area.


How quickly can courses be created and distributed with this technology?

Voice mail is very speed to carry the information and instruction to the student. Because it can sent them phone and all student carry with them their the instruction arrived to them and can they listen to them and replay in same time or later on.