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Copyright © 2017 Toni Scoble. All rights reserved.

Activating Your Potential

A Guide + Workbook to revitalize + reinvent your life

Toni Scoble - 2017

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Copyright © 2017 Toni Scoble. All rights reserved.

Potential the essence of you that has not yet come into existence your untapped possibility, capability and power your unrealized ability and capacity for growth and development your unlived life, waiting, poised to emerge

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“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living somebody else’s life…. have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

Steve Jobs

AnotefromToniOverview AboutthisGuide**+HowtoUseItModule1 WhyPotentializeYourLife?Module2 HowtoBeginActivatingYourUntappedPotentialModule3 YourWholeSelfEvaluation-whereareyounow?Module4 PotentializingYourSelfModule5 PotentializingYourConnectionwithOthersModule6 PotentializingYourWorkLifeModule7 PotentializingYourJoy,CreativityandPlayfulnessModule8 BringingItAllTogetherNextsteps AboutToniandhowtoconnectwithher


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Copyright © 2017 Toni Scoble. All rights reserved.

a note from Toni Hello and welcome to this Guide!

I hope you enjoy the process of Activating Your Potential and find the content and reflection activities insightful for you and your life.

It’s important to focus in on yourself and your life from time to time.

Life is extremely busy and, if you don’t take time out to reflect and give yourself thinking space, it will flash by in a moment.

You look back and there’s another year gone.

The Guide offers you the framework for asking yourself the important questions about how your life is progressing.

It will help you explore how you can activate the untapped potential within you to keep you on track with creating a life that you consider meaningful and fulfilling.

It doesn’t matter what age you are, or what your life circumstances happen to be, we all benefit enormously by taking stock periodically regarding where our life is at, and whether it is headed in the right direction.

Successful people, who are committed to living life to the full, consider this reflection to be a crucial part of tuning in and exploring where they are at, and what new aspects are asking to be lived.

This Guide has been written for that very purpose: allowing you to check in to see how the whole spectrum of your life is unfolding. You’ll be able to zero in on those areas that need attention.

This understanding will help you revitalize and reinvent your life with fresh insight and energy, so the joy and magic of your life force is rekindled and activated.

I hope you enjoy the process.

Toni xx Toni Scoble Life Strategist + Reinvention Coach [email protected]

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MODULE 4 Potentializingyourself


Self-awareness is THE most important and valuable aspect of emotional intelligence and the foundation of a successful and self-actualized life. There are myriads of ways to increase your self-awareness. Listening to your inner Self, the part of you that knows what is best for you, is one sure way to be in touch with yourself and develop this capacity. Energy is a key element and an underlying source of your life. If you are using your different energies well and keeping them balanced, you will be resilient and able to respond appropriately to everything life throws at you, good or bad. My Story I know how difficult it is to manage life so all your energies are balanced and aligned. For many years, I had a demanding corporate career that was exciting and inspiring but sucked every bit of my energy. I was also a single parent so my downtime was dealing with the mothering aspect. Friday night was the only time that I could find the time to exercise because I knew I wouldn’t have to work late. My Pilates coach came to my house to do a session with me, and then I would drag myself to the supermarket to do the weekly shopping. A really sexy life you say. My energies were definitely not aligned at that particular period. - but then I didn’t have this Guide to help me. So don’t beat yourself up if it is difficult to manage the balancing act.

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Engaging Your Four Energy Sources - Physical, Emotional, Mental + Spiritual

Let’s look at your energy sources and how you can activate these to make your core Self come alive. To live a life that is actively focused on potentialising your life force, it is important to be:

physically energized emotionally connected mentally focused, and spiritually aligned.

If you want to be engaged in life and make changes that endure, these areas have to be working well and in balance. Energy#1 PhysicalEnergy


This is the underlying and fundamental fuel and source of life. If your physical energy is not up to par, the rest of your energy bodies will flag. There are massive amounts of information and attention given to our physical energy in our culture so I won’t repeat what you can find in the media and online. We know physical wellness and health depend on the food we consume, the exercise we do, the quality of our sleep, as well as handling our stress levels, taking time to relax and recover, and, for some, practicing different modalities like yoga and meditation to calm, centre and refresh ourselves. It is important to have energy-building rituals within your life as the time and attention we give to our bodies will flow through to our mental, emotional and spiritual energies.

Check your physical energy

1. What are the energy-building physical activities and rituals you have in your life? 2. Write one way you can improve in each of these areas:

Food Exercise Sleep Stress-reducing activities Relaxation

3. If your plan needs some adjustment, write 3 energy-enhancement activities you plan

to add to your lifestyle to help you potentialize your body and physical energy.

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Energy#2 EmotionalEnergyFocusonincreasingyouremotionalintelligence

Emotional energy is one of the most potent aspects of our everyday life. All day, emotions are running through us, putting us on alert. These emotions change from moment to moment because of our experiences, the situations we encounter, the people we interact with, and the information we consume. Some of us get stuck in negative emotions that seem to overpower us and we find we have little control over them. These negative emotions are often the result of limiting beliefs we still carry from our childhood, or threats in our environment They appear when we are stressed, over-stretched, or feel challenged and fearful in some way. Anger, self-criticism, envy, jealously, guilt and anxiety are just a few that we experience ourselves, or pick up in others. These negative emotions are self-defeating and costly in terms of wasted energy. We lose connection with ourselves, and we definitely lose connection with everyone around us. Developing your Emotional Intelligence is key to opening your life to more positivity and the capacity to deal with difficult times. Connecting to our heart and focusing on the 5 key areas: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills are vital to a more empowered and enjoyable everyday life experience.

Explore your emotional intelligence

Take some time to look at the following two main areas of Emotional Intelligence - Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation. Rather than write a list of the qualities of each, here are questions that emphasize what the attribute is. Consider the questions and write any insights you have about yourself in your journal. Self-Awareness

1. Are you aware of your feelings, and their effects on yourself and others? How do you know?

2. Do you understand yourself and know your key strengths and limits? Write down a list

of your key strengths of character including the ones people say you have

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3. Do you have you a strong sense of your self-worth and capabilities? Write about your sense of self-worth and the capabilities that help you manage life.

Self-Regulation 4. Can you manage your emotions and hold back unhelpful impulses like anger, envy,

fear or sadness? This means you feel them but don’t let them overcome you or push them onto others

5. Would you consider yourself authentic and trustworthy? How do you know?

6. Are you responsible and can be relied on to keep commitments? Give one or two

examples that show this

7. Are you flexible in handling change? Give two examples that have happened in your life in the last few weeks that show this

8. Are you comfortable with new ideas, approaches and information? Write down your

insights about yourself in this area Read over your answers.

• What are one or two areas that need your attention?

• How can you work on these areas to improve them over the next few weeks?

• Now write a commitment for these areas. For example: ‘I commit to be more loving and responsible towards my parents, visit them more often, and not take them for granted’.

Energy#3 MentalEnergy


We have a lot of power in our mind. The latest body-mind research shows that our beliefs, as well as the emotions they create, contribute to reactions in the body. A single belief can kick off a whole process in the body, which in turn affects our brain. Events are essentially neutral. It’s how we interpret these events that determine how we respond. One person may find a situation devastating whilst another is not affected by it to the same extent. Our beliefs are formed from a lifetime of interaction with our family of origin, friends, colleagues, our experiences, as well as outside sources like the media, movies and the Internet.

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These beliefs start to get hard-wired into our sub-conscious. Then they affect how we make decisions in our everyday life. We might be deciding from the mind of a 10 year old when the belief was first formed. The problem is that a lot of our beliefs are self-limiting and they run deep. We don’t look at situations freshly but respond in an out-moded, patterned way ‘because that is who we are’. It is important to be aware of how your behaviour is being informed by old ways of thinking that don’t serve you anymore. These beliefs end up limiting your life, how you grow and mature. Biologist Bruce Lipton has written a fascinating book, The Biology of Belief. He shows we can change our lives by changing our beliefs. And in doing so, we become freer to have the power to create our life and destiny from now on. Idea! Check out Bruce and his ideas on You Tube. Being aware of your limiting beliefs is the first step, changing them is a little more difficult. If you can implant new positive beliefs that support your desire to change, then you will find new possibilities opening up that will impact your happiness and fulfillment.

Ways that thinking influences our life

Consider some of the following ways thinking can influence how you are living your life. Answer the questions in your journal.

1. All or nothing thinking This type of thinking sees only black and white and excludes any grey areas. It

severely limits how you respond to life and your options In which areas of your life do you think things are black or white / all or nothing?

How might you soften this approach? 2. Setting unrealistic expectations This type of thinking sets you up for disappointment and failure because it isn’t

based in reality Think of a couple of areas where you are setting expectations too high. How can

you soften this approach?

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3. Minimizing successes and maximizing failures Write down 3 situations in your life at the moment where you are downplaying

your successes and focusing on your failures 4. Your self-limiting beliefs Think about the areas where you know your beliefs are holding you back from

living more fully and positively. Write down one self-limiting belief you will work on or dismiss from your life over

the coming weeks. How will you do this? Energy#4 SpiritualEnergy


Spiritual Energy has nothing to do with religion. It is the underlying force that fuels our actions in all dimensions of our life through our connection to deeply held values and a purpose beyond our self-interest. Spiritual energy is sustained by balancing a commitment to valuing both yourself and others. You value yourself if you take care of the areas already covered - making sure your physical, emotional and mental energies are balanced and moving in a positive direction. You value others if you consider other people as you go about your daily activities.

Tips for focusing on your spiritual muscles by pushing past your comfort zones:

Be more accepting Accept yourself, but especially others. Stop the tendency to judge or criticize them. Try to be gracious and understanding of why they might be acting the way they are

Admit when you are wrong Recognize your mistakes and be willing to be corrected or apologize

Do something for someone else Find opportunities to offer service to others without being asked - small things matter like letting a car move into your lane in traffic

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Spend time everyday tuning into yourself This might mean doing some yoga, a walk in nature, a swim in the sea or sitting under a tree just watching life go by. If you only have 20 minutes, that’s fine, but unplug from your phone and other devices during this time

Practice gratitude Just before you sleep, think of three things you are grateful for that happened that day

Focusing in on your spiritual self

1. For one week, focus on just one of the areas mentioned in the Tips above to strengthen your spiritual muscles

2. Then write what you have noticed about your behavior, your interaction with others, and how it has impacted your attitude to life in general.

3. The following week concentrate on one of the other areas and see how your life is

changed or impacted in some way.

If you do this every week with a new focus, it will bring more awareness and relaxation into your everyday life.

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Want more?

Here are the ways we can work together:

Discovery Call A complimentary 20 minute call to explore your coaching needs. This is the perfect opportunity to see if we are a good fit and where you can ask the questions that are concerning you. Book your Discovery Session now!

Starter Session Experience an extended coaching session to explore the landscape of your life and identify what key areas to focus on.

Clarity Power Surge This one month intensive provides you with the clarity, focus and momentum to move ahead.

Life Cleanse Strategy Coaching If you are facing a significant change challenge, this sustained guidance over 3 months is a supportive game changer.

Fast-Track 1 Day Immersion If you are committed to fast-tracking your change and transition process, this will activate your reinvention strategy and transform your life.

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