active voice

Voices Active Voice to Passive Voice

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Active Voice

VoicesActive Voice to Passive Voice

Page 2: Active Voice

Active Voice and Passive Voice - An Explanation

When an action is done, there are two nouns (objects) are involved, one is the doer and the other is the sufferer

The hunter killed the tiger

The tiger was killed by hunter.

Here hunter is the doer, tiger is the sufferer. The verb killed supports the doer, so it is said to be active.

In the second sentence, the verb was killed supports the sufferer, the tiger.

The doer is not active here.So the verb is said to be passive.

Sometimes there are two possible ways of writing in passive Voice That is when an object is involved between two persons

Page 3: Active Voice

Simple Present

• He gives me a book

• A book is given to me by him

• I am given a book by him

Simple Past

• He gave me a book

• A book was given to me by him

• I was given a book by him

Simple Future

• He will give me a book

• A book will be given to me by him

• I will be given a book by him

The first one is ActiveSecond and Third are in PassiveHe and me are two personsBook is the objectSicne there is an object we can write passive in two ways

Page 4: Active Voice

Present Continuous

• He is giving me a book

• A book is being given to me by him

• I am being given a book by him

Past Continuous

• He was giving me a book

• A book was being given to me by him

• I was being given a book by him

Future Continuous

• He will be giving me a book

• A book will be being given to me by him

• I will be being given a book by him

Page 5: Active Voice

Present Perfect

• He has given me a book

• A book has been given by him to me

• I have been given a book by him

Past Perfect

• He had given me a book

• A book had been given by him to me

• I had been given a book by him

Future Perfect

• He will have given me a book

• A book will have been given by him to me

• I will have been given a book by him

Page 6: Active Voice

Present Perfect Continuous

• He has been giving me books

• A book has been being given by him

• to me.

• I have been being given a book by him

Past Perfect Continuous

• He had been giving me books

• A book has been being given by him to me

• I have been being given a book by him

Future Perfect Continuous

• He will have been giving me books

• A book has been being given by him to me

• I will have been being given a book by him