activeexpression learner response...

Created by rwenner Page 1 11/16/2010 Activexpression Learner Response System Teacher User Guide “…find out what your students think!! Prepared for the Teachers of the East Syracuse Minoa School District

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Page 1: ActiveExpression Learner Response to back a step. 4. A poll control box appears on screen that

Created by rwenner Page 1 11/16/2010

Activexpression Learner Response System

Teacher User Guide

“…find out what your students think!!

Prepared for the Teachers of the East Syracuse Minoa School District

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Created by rwenner Page 2 11/16/2010

Getting Started: What can students do? Each student can:

Input their thoughts as text, which can be displayed to everyone via a projected image

Input numbers – the answers can be reviewed in a number of ways

Answer multiple choice questions

Answer true/false and yes/no questions

Sort lists – in numerical or alphabetical order

Gauge how much students agree or disagree; find out how confident they are about a topic

…and this is only the starting point for the ways in which you can use Activexpression!!

Equipment Needed

Promethean Board

ActiveInspire Software installed on the computer connected to your board

Activexpression Learner Response Devices (hand held clickers)



Activexpression Clickers

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How Does it Work?

Using ActivInspire, multiple question types can be posed either ad-hoc via the Wonder Wheel or pre-prepared. This includes unlimited full Text Entry enabling students to respond in full sentences as well as Numeric, Multiple Choice, Sort-In-Order, True/False and Likert Scale opportunities. When responding to posed questions, students’ answers are sent across the network The results for each session are recorded in ActivInspire. They can be displayed in a number of different formats and retrieved later for analysis. Results can also be exported to Microsoft Excel®.

Getting Started: Knowing Your Devices

Wonder Wheel

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Materials created by Becky Wenner: [email protected] Updated 11/1/10

Activehub The Activhub is needed to communicate between the learner response devices and your computer.

Getting Started: Registering the Handheld Devices Note: If you find that your devices are already registered, we recommend that you re-register so that the number of registered devices matches the number of students using them. If you have more devices registered than you need, your data will be skewed and the hub will wait for responses from devices that are not being used.

1. Plug in the Hub 2. Slide the cover off the Activhub and insert into one of the two USB ports located on the left

side of your Promethean board. A green light will flash to show the Activhub is working. Raise the antenna as shown in the image above.

3. Give each student in your class a clicker. 4. Make sure the Activhub is connected to your board before you try to register the devices. 5. Open the ActivInspire software.

6. From your ActivInspire dashboard, click on the on the Configure button.

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7. Click on the Registration button that appears on the right hand side of the dashboard.

Note: If you have chosen to not display your dashboard on startup, the Registration button can be found under Edit from your menu bar. click OK.

Note: You can add these tools to your main toolbar for easy access (under Commands in the Edit Profile screen….click light switch button).

8. When the Device Registration box

opens, click “Activhub” under the “Device” heading.

9. Click Action>Full Registrations. If

devices are registered, you are told that currently registered devices will be cleared. Click OK. A Full Registration box opens.

10. In the Full Registration box, click the arrows to select the number of devices you want to register.

11. Click OK. (you are given the option to rename the devices….DO NOT RENAME)

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Note: Each of the hand held devices are named with a building abbreviation and number (see label on back of device). This name is used to communicate to the Activehub who out of all registered devices has responded.

12. A PIN number appears on the screen.

13. On the handheld devices, have each student turn the device on by pressing and holding the on/off button (see diagram of buttons on page 3 of this packet).

14. Click the Menu button in the bottom right of

the device.

15. Options appear on the device’s screen. Select the appropriate hot key for the Register option.

16. Have each of the students type in the

correct 3-letter PIN code.

17. Click the “Send” hot key to finish registering the device.

18. When all devices are registered

they appear in the Device Registration box.

Getting Started: Adding more Activexpression Devices to Your Current List If you don’t want to delete the currently registered devices, use this method to register more devices.

1. Repeat steps 3-5 above.

2. When the Device Registration box opens, click “Activexpressions’ under the “Device” heading.

3. Click Action>Top Registration. A Top-Up Registration box opens.

4. Click the arrows to select the number of devices you want to register. Click OK.

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Materials created by Becky Wenner: [email protected] Updated 11/1/10

5. A PIN number appears on screen.

6. Switch on the Activexpression devices, using the on/off button.

7. Click the Menu button in the bottom right of the device. Options appear on the device’s screen.

Select the Register hot key.

8. Type the PIN number into each device using the hot keys. Getting Started: Creating Questions and Voting Once your students have registered, they can use their devices to answer questions. There are three types of voting session. The table indicates which device types are suitable for each session.

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Getting Started: Creating Your Questions 5 Different Options

1. Multiple Choice: Allows responses of a single letter. Accommodates between two (A/B) and six (A-F) options.

2. Sort in Order: Asks respondents to return a sequence of letters. Accommodates

between three (A-C) and six (A-F) items to be ordered.

3. Yes/No - True/False: Allows responses Yes/No or True/False.

4. Likert Scales: Allows users to respond on a scale. Facilitates polls of confidence, agreement, or other questions on a 4-7 point scale.

5. Numbers: Users input a numerical response.

6. Text Questions: Users can free response using a text message using the number

pad (similar to cell phone texting).

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Questions can be as simple as text on a plain flipchart, or as snazzy as the ones displayed above. All questions need to be designed within the Activexpression software. Once you type each question, you then have to program the questions so that the correct responding menus appear on the hand held device.

What type of question? How many possible answers? What is the correct answer?

Express Poll Use ExpressPoll to quickly ask a question and capture your learners’ responses. An example is to assess confidence at the start of a lesson and then to check for changes in perception later.

1. Click the Express Poll icon either from your main toolbar or from your menu bar, choose Tools>Express Poll.

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The Express Poll icon will appear on your screen.

3. Move mouse over the Express Poll icon to view Wonder Wheel.

2. Move mouse pointer over Wonder Wheel to display additional


3. Select options that match the question you are asking. Note: If you select the wrong option, click the central button to back a step.

4. A poll control box appears on screen that shows the type of question and number of possible

responses (for example, here it asks the users to enter a number). It also has a Stop button that allows you to close the poll.

5. You can also set a timer for the poll by clicking on the up arrow, allowing users a certain

amount of time to respond. 6. Once you have asked a question the clickers are activated, allowing users to input their

responses. On the computer you will see a rectangle that includes the names of all the clickers. When a user has sent their information, the name becomes yellow.

8. Unless every clicker is used, ActivInspire will alert you

that some users failed to respond and asks you if you want to re-try. Choose No unless you want to give the users more time.

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Voting Results

When the poll is completed, a window will pop up with the results. You can modify the format of the results by using the pull-down menu in the top left corner. For example, you can see who answered what or do some light statistical analysis of your results. If the question has a correct answer, you can assign it using the button in the top right corner that has the A, B and check sign. If you assign a correct answer, it will be highlighted in the results.

Finally, you transfer a copy of the graph that you currently have selected by pressing the clipboard button in the top right corner of the window. The graphic will be pasted into ActivInspire, but you can copy and paste it into other applications too. .

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ActivInspire also automatically generates a slide in your current flipchart when you ask a question. It includes a screenshot of the screen when you answered the question. It also has a space where you can type in the question and paste the results of the poll. If you find this screen is not useful, feel free to delete it

Creating Prepared Questions using the Question Wizard An alternative to using ExpressPolls is to prepare your own question pages in advance.

1. Start by creating a new flipchart page in ActivInspire. 2. From your menu bar go to "Insert" and choose "Question."

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3. Choose a question type from the Question Wizard menu.

3. Click the Next button, and then choose a Question Design Template:

4. When you are ready, choose the Next button.

Choose insertion point

Set how many possible answers/options.

You can change the size of the previews by using the slider.

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5. You now have the opportunity to enter the text of the question and the options for entry (if

applicable). You can also set a time limit for how long the users have to enter the amount

6. Click the Next button when ready.

7. The next screen allows you to set a correct answer when applicable.

8. Click the Finish button when done.

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9. To ask a prepared question in class, click on the Start Vote button

on your main tool bar. 10. The Vote Now box appears allowing you to set a timer (optional).

Click the stop button to stop the vote.

Self-Paced Questions Sets

Unlike prepared questions, where all learners respond at the same time, Self-Paced Question Sets allow learners to progress at their own pace. During a voting session, questions are not displayed on the flipchart page. Instead, learners receive and read each question on their Activexpression devices.

You prepare question sets with the Self-Paced Question Wizard which takes you through creating and editing:

Choose how many questions to include in the questions set.

Group questions in sets of up to 9 levels of difficulty.

Choose how many questions each learner must answer correctly before they can progress to the next level.

Shuffle questions to change their order, or randomize questions so that each learner receives all questions in a

different order from the others.

Auto-generate basic numeracy questions with the Question Generator.

While a voting session is in progress, the 'Self-Paced Assessment Results' Dialog Box is open on your display. It shows all responses received in graphical format.

At the start of a session, the first question is sent to each ActivExpression device.

As soon as a learner sends a response, this is recorded and displayed in the results Dialog Box, and the next question is automatically sent to their device. Each learner progresses at their own pace.

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There are two ways to create Self-Paced Question Sets:

Individually or in blocks with the Self-Paced Question Set Wizard.

Automatically with the Question Generator (the Question Generator is currently only available for basic numeracy questions).

Whenever you open a flipchart page that contains a Self-Paced Question Set, the

Start/Stop Vote is enabled.

After a vote has started, you can pause or stop it at any time.

Results are stored in the Results Browser part of the Voting Browser.

You can display results in different formats, add them to the flipchart page, evaluate them at your convenience, and export them to Microsoft Excel for further processing.

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Self-Paced Question Sets provide a structured framework for flexible learning and assessment. They help to focus the attention of the whole group, because everyone participates and every vote counts.

During a voting session, responses are displayed dynamically and provide an immediate insight into:

Group performance.

Individual performance.

Areas that may require revision or further exploration.

This dynamic display can help you decide, for example, when to:

Intervene to help a struggling learner without disrupting the session. In the picture above, for example, learner inno58 answered every question incorrectly.

Set additional challenges for high-fliers.

Move on to another topic.

You can make each voting session as competitive or stress-free as appropriate, by setting time limits and choosing to show incoming responses on the board, or hide them from learners to avoid distraction.

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Creating questions with the Self-Paced Question Wizard

1. From you ActiveInspire menu bar, select Insert > Self-Paced Question Set... The Self-Paced Question Set Wizard opens.

2. Click Insert. The Insert Question Wizard opens. This is similar to the Question Wizard you use to create prepared questions.

3. Select the following:

The type of questions to be created:

Multiple Choice

Sort In Order

Yes/No True/False

Likert Scale

Text entry

Number Entry

The number of questions to be created.

You can create questions one at a time, or create a block of identical questions and edit them later.

The question level, where 1 is the easiest and 9 the most difficult. You can change this later if necessary.

For Multiple Choice questions, select the number of possible answers. You can change this later if necessary.

4. To edit question properties, click Next >.

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The 'Edit the question properties' Dialog Box opens. What this looks like depends on your chosen question type.

Enter the question text and text for any options, if applicable, choose the appropriate options, then click Next >. The 'Assign correct answers' Dialog Box opens.

The example on the right shows the Dialog Box for Multiple Choice questions with the details completed. There are five possible answers to the question, of which only one is correct.

Skip this step if you do not wish to assign correct answers.

5. To assign correct answers, check the 'Assign a correct answer' box, then check one or more boxes as appropriate.

In the example on the right, the correct answer has been assigned.

For number questions, you can also assign a tolerance level of +/- n, where 'n' is a number

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6. Click Finish. The Self-Paced Question Set Wizard opens again.

Here you can do the following:

Insert one or more questions. For each new question, complete Steps 2 to 5 in this section.

Generate a numeric question set. (see below).

Select and edit a question. (see below)

Remove a question from the set.

Change the order of questions by moving questions up or down, or by shuffling them.

The example on the right shows a set of identical questions, ready for editing.

Create questions with the Question Generator

1. Select Insert > Self-Paced Question Set... The Self-Paced Question Set Wizard opens.

2. Click Generate... The Question Generator opens. Currently only the Basic numeracy generator is available.

Change the following options as appropriate:

Set the number of questions.

Set the level of difficulty (1-9) the higher the level, the greater the number range for a and b.

Select the operator (+, -, /., x, random) from the dropdown list.

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Set the range of the value of a (Note: range and level are tied).

Set the range of the value of b.

3. Click Generate to create the questions. The questions are displayed in the right-hand pane. Check that they satisfy your requirements.

If you are not satisfied, click Generate again, or change the options as appropriate, then click Generate.

4. When you are satisfied, click Insert to add the questions to the current set.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 as required to complete the question set, then click Done. The Self-Paced Question Set Wizard opens again and displays the questions and their level.

Here you can do the following:

Insert one or more questions. For each new question, complete Steps 2 to 5 in Create questions with the Self-Paced Question Wizard above.

Generate more numeric questions.

Select and edit a question. (See editing questions below).

Remove a question from the set.

Change the order of questions by moving questions up or down, or by shuffling them.

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Editing Questions

You can edit questions while you are creating a question set, or at any other time, by selecting Edit > Question on Current Page.

1. In the Self-Paced Question Set Wizard, select a question and click Edit. The Edit Question Wizard opens.

The question type is highlighted in green and cannot be changed.

You can do one or more of the following:

Use the up/down buttons to change the level of difficulty.

Use the up/down buttons to change the number of options.

Click Next > to edit the question properties.

Click Finish to save any changes and close the Edit Question Wizard.

Click Cancel to close the wizard without saving any changes to the question.

2. When you click Next >, the 'Edit the question properties' Dialog Box opens. Make the appropriate changes, then click either Next > to assign correct answers or Finish to close the Edit Question Wizard.

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3. After you click Next >, assign the correct answer or answers, then click Finish to return to the Self-Paced Question Set Wizard.

4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 until you have edited all the questions, then click Next >. The 'Specify Level Requirements' Dialog Box opens.

You can, of course, click any of the buttons on the right of the Dialog Box.

5. Here you can accept the defaults, or do the following:

Double-click the 'Correct Answers' column, then use the up/down buttons to specify the number of questions a learner must answer correctly before they can proceed to the next level.

Double-click the 'Randomise' column and select Yes, to ensure that each learner receives the questions in a different order from their neighbors.

Click Back > to make other changes.

Click Cancel to discard any changes.

Click Next > to enter a title and duration.

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6. Here you can enter a title and description for the Question Set. These will appear on the flipchart page and can help to set learners' expectations.

You can also do the following:

Set the duration of the voting session.

Choose to add the Self-Paced Assessment to the current page, or to insert it into a new page after the current one.

When you have completed the details, click Next >. The 'Choose a design' Dialog Box opens.

7. Select a design, and then click Finish. The chosen page design and the title and description you entered in Step 6 are added to the flipchart page.

The Start/Stop Vote button is now


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Running a Self-Paced Question Set

This section describes the mechanics of running a Self-Paced Question session.

Before you start the Self-Paced Question session, do the following:

Ensure that all required ActivExpression devices have battery power and are registered. For more information.

Plug the ActivHub into your computer and check that its green light is flashing.

Note: With Self-Paced Question Sets, the learners' attention is focused on the display of their ActivExpression devices. If you are displaying incoming responses dynamically on the board, this may distract attention from the questions and adversely affect response times.

You may wish to run a trial session to accustom yourself and your learners to this way of voting.

Information to Share with Students:

As soon as your teacher starts the voting session, the first question is sent to all ActivExpression devices.

If the questions have been randomized, you will receive them in a different order from your neighbors

When you receive the first question, your display looks similar to the one on the right.

The number 1 is bigger than the other numbers, because this is the first question.

Read the question.

When you're ready to answer, press any key. This clears the display.


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The cursor in the center of the display means that you can start to put in your answer using the keypad keys.

The example on the right shows that the answer to the question is a number.

You can tell because of the small numbers 1, 2, 3 on the

left above the text entry area .

When you enter your answer, it is displayed in the text entry area.

If you want to change it, use the keypad.

To read the question again, press the multi-function key Question.

To send your answer and receive the next question, press the multi-function key Send.