actividades en ingles

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Actividades en Ingles


  • Lee el texto y responde las preguntas/ Read the text

    and answer the questions

    Brothers Grimm

    Rumpelstiltskin Chapter 1

    Once there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter.

    Now it happened that he had to go and speak to the king, and in order to

    make himself appear important he said to him, "I have a daughter who can

    spin straw into gold."

    The king said to the miller, "That is an art which pleases me well, if your

    daughter is as clever as you say, bring her to-morrow to my palace, and I

    will put her to the test."

    And when the girl was brought to him he took her into a room which was

    quite full of straw, gave her a spinning-wheel and a reel, and said, "Now

    set to work, and if by to-morrow morning early you have not spun this

    straw into gold during the night, you must die."

    Thereupon he himself locked up the room, and left her in it alone. So there

    sat the poor miller's daughter, and for the life of her could not tell what to

    do, she had no idea how straw could be spun into gold, and she grew more

    and more frightened, until at last she began to weep.

    But all at once the door opened, and in came a little man, and said, "Good

    evening, mistress miller, why are you crying so?"

    "Alas," answered the girl, "I have to spin straw into gold, and I do not know

    how to do it."

    "What will you give me," said the manikin, "if I do it for you?"

    "My necklace," said the girl.

    The little man took the necklace, seated himself in front of the wheel, and

    whirr, whirr, whirr, three turns, and the reel was full, then he put another

  • on, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three times round, and the second was full too.

    And so it went on until the morning, when all the straw was spun, and all

    the reels were full of gold.


    1. Underline unknown words

    2. What is the main idea of the text?

    3. Who asked the girl why was she crying?

    4. Which object was full of gold?

    Completa el texto usando las siguientes palabras y

    define 5 de ellas/Complete the text using the

    following words. Give Definitions of 5 of them

    By daybreak the king was already there, and when he saw the gold he was

    __________ and delighted, but his heart became only more greedy. He had the

    miller's daughter taken into another room full of ______, which was much larger,

    and commanded her to spin that also in one night if she valued her life. The girl

    knew not how to help herself, and was crying, when the door opened again, and

    the little man __________, and said, "What will you give me if I spin that straw into

    gold for you?"

    "The _________ on my finger," answered the girl.

    The little man took the ring, again began to turn the ________l, and by morning

    had spun all the straw into glittering gold.

    The king rejoiced beyond measure at the sight, but still he had not gold enough,

    and he had the _________'s daughter taken into a still larger _______ full of straw,

    Astonished, Miller, Appeared, Night Wheel, Manikin, Queen,

    Daughter, Promised, Room, Ring, Wife, Morning, Straw

  • and said, "You must spin this, too, in the course of this _________, but if you

    succeed, you shall be my _________."

    Even if she be a miller's ___________thought he, I could not find a richer wife in the

    whole world.

    When the girl was alone the _______ came again for the third time, and said, "What

    will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also?"

    I have nothing left that I could give," answered the girl.

    "Then promise me, if you should become ________, to give me your first child."

    Who knows whether that will ever happen, thought the miller's daughter, and, not

    knowing how else to help herself in this strait, she _________ the manikin what he

    wanted, and for that he once more spun the straw into gold.

    And when the king came in the _________, and found all as he had wished, he took

    her in marriage, and the pretty miller's daughter became a queen.








    Encuentra la palabra intrusa en cada recuadro / Find

    the strange Word in each chart

  • Escribe al frente de cada definicin la palabra

    correspondiente. / Write the correct Word in front

    of its definition

    Beautiful Nasty

    Sentitive Big Lovely

    Blue Red Orange

    Lemon - Black

    Rabbit Butterfly Plant

    Rock - Fish

    Some Several Any Little - Two

    Paper Pencil Pen Marker - People

  • Definitions (Hobbies) Words

    1. To talk with someone in a friendly and

    informal way:

    2.To talk with someone in a friendly and

    informal way:

    3. To create solid objects that represent a

    thing, person, idea, etc. out of a material

    such as wood, clay, metal, or stone

    4. A game played by two people on a table

    covered in green cloth, in which a cue (= a

    long stick) is used to hit balls against each

    other and into pockets around the table

    5. A set of physical and mental exercises,

    originally from India, intended to give control

    over the body and mind

    6. A sport in which two teams of eleven

    players try to score runs (= points) by hitting

    a small, hard ball with a bat, and running

    between two sets of small wooden posts

    7. A game played outside on grass in which

    each player tries to hit a small ball into a

    series of nine or 18 small holes, using a long,

    thin stick.

    8. A sport, originally from Japan, in which

    people fight using their arms, legs, hands,

    and feet. The level of skill a person has is

    shown by what color belt they wear.

  • Completa las siguientes frases usando las palabras

    de la lista /Complete the following sentences using

    the words of the list (Hobbies).







    1. _______________ is the sport or activity of riding


    2. _______________ is he skill or activity of getting

    information from books

    3. _______________ is to cause a boat to move through

    water by pushing against the water with oars (= poles

    with flat ends)

    4. _______________ is a competition in which the people

    competing must swim, ride a bicycle, and run

    particular distances without stopping between events

    5. _______________ is the sport or activity of using boats

    with sails

    6. _______________ is a sport where two people fight and

    try to throw each other to the ground

  • Resuelve el siguiente crucigrama y escribe una

    oracin con 5 de las palabras/ Solve the crossword

    and write a sencence using five of the words.



    2. A game for two people, each with twelve circular pieces

    that they move on a board with black and white squares

    8. The skill of making and repairing wooden objects

    9. The act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as

    a religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed

  • 10. Physical exercises and activities performed inside, often

    using equipment such as bars and ropes, intended to increase

    the body's strength and the ability to move and bend easily


    1. The study or use of computers

    3. The activity of going for long walks in the countryside

    4. The skill or activity of making or repairing clothes or other things

    made from cloth

    5. The activity of staying in a tent on holiday

    6. The act of making a picture with a pencil or pen, or a picture made in

    this way

    7. A sport that involves climbing into and around underground caves

    8. The activity of preparing or cooking food

    9. A children's game in which small, round glass balls are rolled along

    the floor

    Ordena las siguientes palabras, define 5 de ellas y

    emplalas en una oracin/ Order the following

    words, define 5 of them and use them in a sentence.


  • Definitions:









  • 3.



    Une con una lnea las palabras de la columna A con

    la definicin correcta de la columna B/ Match the

    words of the column B with the right definition

    from the column A. (Food)

    Column A Column B

    1. A round, green seed, several of which grow in

    a pod, eaten as a vegetable




    2. Meat from the back or sides of a pig, often

    eaten fried in thin slices




    3. A plant of the onion family that has a strong

    taste and smell and is used in cooking to add





    4. A thick, flat piece of meat or fish, especially

    meat from a cow




    5. A herb with curly or flat leaves, used to add

    flavour to food and also to make it look





    6. A large, round vegetable with hard yellow or

    orange flesh




    7. A long, thin, pale green vegetable with dark

    green skin, usually eaten uncooked in salads




    8. An oval, purple vegetable that is white inside

    and is usually eaten cooked




    9. A fungus with a round top and short stem. I Cauliflower

  • Some types of mushroom can be eaten .

    10. A large, round, white vegetable that is eaten

    cooked or uncooked




    Elige si la afirmacin es falsa o verdadera, si es

    falsa justifica tu respuesta/ Say if the sentence is

    true or false and correct the ones that are false

    1. A lemon is a plant with a thick root, often fed to animals or

    used to make sugar

    2. An onion is a large round vegetable with large green, white,

    or purple leaves that can be eaten cooked or uncooked

    3. Pepper is a grey or white powder produced by crushing dry

    peppercorns, used to give a spicy, hot taste to food

    4. Beef is a young sheep, or the flesh of a young sheep eaten

    as meat.

    5. Lamb is the meat from a very young cow

    6. A cocktail is a drink, usually an alcoholic one, made by

    mixing two or more drinks together

    7. An egg is the oval object with a hard shell that is produced

    by female birds, especially chickens, eaten as food

    8. Wine is a clear, strong alcoholic drink flavoured with juniper

    berries (= small fruits)

  • 9. A cherry is a round fruit with sweet yellow flesh that has a

    lot of juice, a slightly furry red and yellow skin, and a large seed

    in its centre

    10. A pea is a small round purple or pale green fruit that you

    can eat or make into wine

    Elige la opcin correcta y justifica brevemente tu

    respuesta/ Choose the right option and justify

    your answer.

    1. An apple pie is a :

    a) Dessert

    b) Soup

    c) Juice

    d) Salad

    2. A very cold sweet food made from frozen milk or cream, sugar,

    and a flavor.

    a) Ice

    b) Ice Cream

    c) Cake

    d) Sandwich

    3. A large fruit like a nut with a thick, hard, brown shell

    containing hard, white flesh that can be eaten and a clear liquid

    a) Almond

  • b) Peanut

    c) Coconut

    d) Blue Berry

    4. A large, round or oval-shaped fruit with dark green skin, sweet

    pink flesh, and a lot of black seeds

    a) Melon

    b) Watermelon

    c) Orange

    d) Peach

    5. Meat that comes from a deer:

    a) Venison

    b) Lamb

    c) Beef

    d) Steak

    Agrupa la siguiente lista de palabras en la

    categora que corresponda/Group the following

    words according to their origin

    1. Pineapple

    2. Mango

    3. Venison

    4. Gin

    5. Bacon

    6. Juice

    7. Onion

    8. Lamb

    9. Asparragus

    10. Turkey

    11. Eggplant

    12. Rabbit

  • Vegetable Animal Drink

    Une con una lnea el prrafo con la

    pregunta correspondiente/

    1. The opinin of

    the autor of the text

    Theres a lot of debate going on about global

    warming. Some scientists say its natures way

    something that has happened in the past and will

    likely occur again. Others say global warming is

    occurring faster because of human beings and that

    human beings can stop it, or slow it, if they so


    2. Examples of the

    consequences of the

    damage to the


    One thing is certain: We do not yet know enough

    about how the Earth works to accurately predict what

    the increase in greenhouse gases caused by humans

    will do to the planet. The relationships among land,

    water, air, plants and animals do not follow a simple

    pattern, where one action automatically leads to the

    same result.

    3. Concepts about For instance, an increase in carbon dioxide (the main

    greenhouse gas) may warm the Earth, and with the greater

  • global warming warmth more trees might grow. Trees absorb carbon dioxide

    to make wood and grow larger. With more CO2 captured in

    trees and less CO2 in the atmosphere to hold in heat, the Earth

    would cool down. Right? On the other hand, trees are also very

    good at trapping the suns heat. So with more trees, the Earth

    would get warmer. Right?

    4. The studies and

    research about the

    natural phenomena

    We really dont know for sure. After all, the Earth is a big

    place a place thats worthy of your attention and study.

    Perhaps someday youll unlock yet another of the Earths


    Acomoda las palabras de la lista en los espacios y

    luego define 5 de ellas/ Fill in the blankets with the

    words and define 5 of them.

  • Mosquito









    Ordena los prrafos del texto para que siga una

    secuencia lgica/Order the paragraphs of the text

    A year after, she brought a beautiful child into the world, and she

    never gave a thought to the manikin. But suddenly he came into her

    room, and said, "Now give me what you promised."

    On the second day she had inquiries made in the neighborhood as to

    the names of the people there, and she repeated to the manikin the

    most uncommon and curious. Perhaps your name is Shortribs, or

    Sheepshanks, or Laceleg, but he always answered, "That is not my


    Then the queen began to lament and cry, so that the manikin pitied her.

    "I will give you three days, time," said he, "if by that time you find out

    my name, then shall you keep your child."

    So the queen thought the whole night of all the names that she had

    ever heard, and she sent a messenger over the country to inquire, far

    and wide, for any other names that there might be. When the manikin

    came the next day, she began with Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar, and

    said all the names she knew, one after another, but to every one the

    little man said, "That is not my name."

  • Resuelve la siguiente sopa de letras/ Find the words

    in the following puzzle.
















    The queen was horror-struck, and offered the manikin all the riches of

    the kingdom if he would leave her the child. But the manikin said, "No,

    something alive is dearer to me than all the treasures in the world."

    On the third day the messenger came back again, and said, "I have not

    been able to find a single new name, but as I came to a high mountain

    at the end of the forest, where the fox and the hare bid each other good

    night, there I saw a little house, and before the house a fire was

    burning, and round about the fire quite a ridiculous little man was

    jumping, he hopped upon one leg, and shouted -

    'To-day I bake, to-morrow brew,

  • Word Search Puzzle

    G G E C K O Z A N X A Z W Y M T Z Y

    K Y O K Y E U E P S C Y A L X A X B

    I T V D I L L H Q S E O D D Z I P S

    E V X K E O U M N E J R H N E P I A

    U A Z E P P Z R A A S M P I N A O R

    M B A D W Y R B M R F V A E U N Z K

    Q Z A Z E N E W T T N R P U N L C A

    Q T A I R F F T X H G P G A Y T A M

    S A T O W G I I Q W A U D V F M J Y

    O N L I W A O K I O V J B W H H Z Q

    U M A E R E E A P R I K D V C K G L

    J M P K Z O M A I M A H A L T Y R Y

    H N D E E X A N H G L L I Z A R D T

    C R O C O D I L E F I R E F L Y D A

    L X J C A U R R W B F K E D P C S H

    E D B E Q O C B O W O T P J F B X H

    A L L I G A T O R Z H P O C O N H K

    A W Z N B A T O R T O I S E B N S I