activities(for(moodle(2.4(quizzes( activity… · 2019. 12. 5. · moodle!2.4:quizzes!0!activities!...

Moodle 2.4: Quizzes Activities Revised on 7/10/2013 1 Activities for Moodle 2.4 Quizzes Activity 1 – Submit Quizzes as a Student In this activity, you will take two simple, standard styled quiz. The term “standard” Please write down anything you observed while completing it. When finished, we will discuss the class’s observations. Part I Tasks Experience two standard quizzes 1. Open the Firefox browser and log into Moodle 2 at using your webtrnXX ID and the password written on the whiteboard. 2. On the Tech Training Quizzes - Student site complete the Sample Quiz located in Section 1, The History of Chocolate. Try various actions on the quiz and questions as your students might do. Notice you do not get a score because the instructor will have to grade the paragraph question (#6) to get a complete quiz score. 3. Open the Randomly Selected Questions Quiz and compare with a neighbor which questions were distributed to each of you. Answer the questions if you like. Part II Tasks Experience quizzes with other question review options Complete each of the four, short quizzes. Read the instructions for how and when the question review information will be released for each type of quiz.

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Moodle  2.4:  Quizzes  -­‐  Activities   Revised  on  7/10/2013   1    

Activities  for  Moodle  2.4  Quizzes  


Activity  1  –  Submit  Quizzes  as  a  Student  In  this  activity,  you  will  take  two  simple,  standard  styled  quiz.  The  term  “standard”  Please  write  down  anything  you  observed  while  completing  it.  When  finished,  we  will  discuss  the  class’s  observations.  

Part  I  Tasks  -­‐  Experience  two  standard  quizzes  

1. Open the Firefox browser and log into Moodle 2 at using your webtrnXX ID and the password written on the whiteboard.

2. On the Tech Training Quizzes - Student site complete the Sample Quiz located in Section 1, The History of Chocolate.

• Try various actions on the quiz and questions as your students might do.

• Notice you do not get a score because the instructor will have to grade the paragraph question (#6) to get a complete quiz score.

3. Open the Randomly Selected Questions Quiz and compare with a neighbor which questions were distributed to each of you. Answer the questions if you like.


Part  II  Tasks  -­‐  Experience  quizzes  with  other  question  review  options  Complete  each  of  the  four,  short  quizzes.  Read  the  instructions  for  how  and  when  the  question  review  information  will  be  released  for  each  type  of  quiz.  

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1. Complete the Deferred Feedback quiz.

2. Complete the Immediate Feedback quiz.

3. Complete the Adaptive Mode quiz.

4. Complete the Interactive Mode with Multiple Attempts quiz.  

End  of  Activity  1  

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Activity  2  –  Create  Questions  and  a  QB  Category  


In  your  Tech Training Quizzes– webtrnXX  course  site  create  a  Multiple  Choice,  Short  Answer,  and  Essay  question  in  the  course  site  Question Bank.  Choose  the  Default for Quiz  category  to  store  the  questions.    

Optional  -­‐  To  save  time  you  may  copy  and  paste  the  question  Name  and  Description  from  the  Question  Text.txt  file  in  the  Moodle  Quiz  Class  Files  folder.  

Part  I  Tasks  –  Create  questions  

Create  a  Multiple  Choice  question  

1. Create a Multiple Choice question and save it in the Default for Quizzes category of the Question Bank.

2. Use the following for the question options:

• Category: Default for Quizzes

• Question name: Real Chocolate?

• Question text: This type of chocolate cannot be called "chocolate" in many countr ies.

• One or multiple answers? One answer only

• Choice 1

○ Answer: White Chocolate ○ Grade: 100% ○ Feedback: Yes because of i ts low cocoa sol ids.

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• Choice 2 ○ Answer: Milk Chocolate ○ Grade: None

• Choice 3 ○ Answer: Eating Chocolate ○ Grade: None

3. Save Changes.

Create  a  Short  Answer  question  

Our  Short  Answer  question  will  have  several  “correct”  answers  to  account  for  the  various  spellings  and  abbreviations,  since  spelling  does  not  count.  

1. Create a Short Answer question and save it in the Default for Quizzes category of the Question Bank.

2. Use the following for the question options:

• Question name: Hershey’s

• Question text: The headquarters for the Hershey's candy company is located in which U.S. State?

• Case sensitivity: No, case is unimportant

• Choice 1 ○ Answer: Pennsylvania ○ Grade: 100%

• Choice 2 ○ Answer: Penn ○ Grade: 100%

• Choice 3 ○ Answer: PA ○ Grade: 100%

3. Save Changes.

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Create  an  Essay  question  

1. Create an Essay question and save it in the Default for Quizzes category of the Question Bank.

2. Use the following for the question options:

• Question name: Chocolate Mousse

• Question text: List the ingredients in a tradit ional chocolate mousse recipe.

• Optional task – add the image chocolate_mousse_cake.jpg above the question text.

3. Save Changes.

Three newly created questions in the Default for Quiz Question Bank category.


Continued  on  next  page.  

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Part  II  Tasks  –  Organize  your  questions  with  a  category  Create  a  question  category  in  the  Question  Bank  for  you  new  quiz  questions.  Move  the  questions  into  this  category.  

Three questions selected and ready for moving to the Week 2 Question Bank category.

1. The new category will be titled Week 2 and has the category information of Questions for the Week 2 quiz

2. The Week 2 category should be a subcategory of the course Top category.

3. Move the recently created multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions from the Default for Quiz category to the Week 2 category.


End  of  Activity  2  

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Activity  3  -­‐  Configure  a  Quiz  and  add  Questions    

Part  I  Tasks  –  Configure  the  quiz  (container)  

1. Add a quiz in Section 2, Types of Chocolate and Production.

2. The name of the quiz will be Week 2 Quiz and has Introduction information of Quiz on material from Week 2.

3. The quiz opens tomorrow (you pick a time) and closes 3 days from today (again, you pick a time.)

4. Students have 1 attempt at the 10 minute timed quiz.

5. Keep all the remaining defaults.

6. Save and Display the new quiz. This moves you to Edit Quiz mode.  

Part  II  Tasks  –  Add  questions  


Add  all  questions  from  a  category  

1. Add the three new questions within the Week 2 Question Bank category to the Week 2 Quiz .

Add  select  questions  

2. Add the Candy Manufacturers (T/F) question from the Chocolate Quiz Question Bank category to the Week 2 Quiz .

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Add  Random  questions  

3. Add 1 random question from the Chocolate Quiz Question Bank category to the Week 2 Quiz . Note: since we already added the Candy Manufactures (T/F) question from this category, it will never be chosen at random.


Create  a  new  question  within  the  quiz  

4. Create a new True/False question directly within the Week 2 quiz. Use the Add a Questions button.

5. Save it in the Week 2 Question Bank category.

6. The name of the question is Black M&Ms and the question text is: There are no black colored M&Ms in a standard bag of M&M candy.

7. The answer is True and the question value is 1 point.

8. Save your changes to the Week 2 quiz.  

End  of  Activity  3  

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Activity  4  –  Modifying  the  quiz  layout  


Tasks  –    

Repagination  –  Setting  the  number  of  questions  per  page  

1. On the Week 2 quiz, set the Questions Per Page to Unlimited, save your changes, and Preview the results.

2. Try other settings of questions per page. Preview the results.

3. Finally, change the setting for Question Per Page to 1 and Save your changes.

Reordering  questions  

1. Use the Move editing icons to rearrange at least two questions to a new sequence.

2. Use the numeric ordering boxes and reorder all six questions at one time.

3. Move one question from a page with several questions to a blank page.

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Deleting  questions  or  extra  pages  

1. Use the Delete icon and remove 1 question from the quiz.

2. Find the single question you just deleted and add it back to the quiz.

3. Repaginate the quiz to Unlimited questions per page.

Setting  the  question  and  quiz  scores  

1. Change all single answer questions (TF, Short Answer, Numeric) to 1 pt.

2. Change all multi-part questions (MC, Matching) to 2 pts.

3. Change essay questions to 4 pts.

4. Change the quiz total score to match the natural sum of the question scores.

5. Save the Week 2 quiz and Preview it.  

End  of  Activity  4    

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Activity  5  -­‐  Grading  essay  questions    For  this  activity  you  will  review  and  grade  essay  questions  one  at  a  time,  and  many/all  at  once.    


Tasks  –    

Grade  a  single  essay  question  response  

1. In the Chocolate Quiz grade the essay question #6, Chocolate Buffet, for only Cocao Chanel and Count Chocolate. You will grade them one at a time. (While this method is very inefficient; we are doing it to review the process.)

2. Make sure to save your new scores and comments. Confirm that the new quiz score total has updated for Cocao and Count.

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Grade  multiple  essay  question  responses  

1. Use the Manual Grading function to open all the remaining ungraded essay question #6, Chocolate Buffet, and finishing grading and giving comments to the rest of the class.

• Optional: You may open All Attempts, including Cocao's and the Count's answers and scores, to compare then for consistency to the other class members is you wish.

2. Make sure to save your scores and comments. Confirm that the new quiz score totals have updated for the remainder of the class.


End  of  Activity  5  

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Moodle  2.4:  Quizzes  -­‐  Activities   Revised  on  7/10/2013   13    

Activity  6  -­‐  Review  attempts,  Override  scores,  Reset  attempts,  and  Modify  questions    You  will  review  Cookie  Sweet's  attempts  at  the  Chocolate  Quiz  and  give  credit  for  answers  that  were  marked  wrong.  Then  you  will  review  short  answer  questions  and  give  credit  for  misspelled  or  well-­‐intentioned  attempts.  



Tasks  -­‐    

1. Find Cookie Sweet's attempt at the Chocolate Quiz and give him credit for the Too Much Chocolate question #5. He wrote the word "Fifteen" instead of the number 15. You will be kind hearted and give him the 1 point.

2. Cookie Sweet also found a Japanese YouTube video where the Green M&M personality was a male, not female. He has shown it to you on his iPad. Give him the 2 points for Chocolate Quiz question #4.

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• Add this comment to Cookie's updated question #4: "Student has found a Japanese commercial with a boy Green M&M."

3. The class had a Short Answer Quiz with three questions that required the (text) entry of baking terms. You need a quick way to review all the answers and give credit to any you feel merit the points even, though the term was misspelled.

Be sure to save ALL changes

Optional  Task  -­‐    

1. Due to Cookie's discovery of the Japanese YouTube video with the male M&M personality, go to the Question Bank, find the M&M (multiple choice) question and modify the text to say "… in American television commercials..."

Be sure to save the change as the Same question.

End  of  Activity  6  

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Activity  7  –  Configure  a  quiz  for  students  needing  more  time  or  another  attempt  Disability  Services  has  notified  you  that  a  student  in  your  class,  Ben  Eaton-­‐Chocolate,  is  eligible  for  accommodations  of  more  time  on  quizzes  or  exams.  Also,  N.Joy  Hershey  had  a    good  reason  for  why  she  did  poorly  on  the  quiz,  so  you  will  reset  it  for  her  to  have  another  attempt.  


Tasks  -­‐    

1. Access the Essay Question Quiz and use the User Override function to give Ben another (1) attempt of 20 minutes to do the quiz before tomorrow night at midnight. Remember to first delete the attempt. Also, enter a password of your choice and tell Ben that password.

2. Reset the Chocolate Quiz for N. Joy Hershey and use the User Override function to allow her access for only tomorrow. Do not give her extra time. Also add a password to the quiz that you will give to Joy.

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If  you  need  to  modify  any  of  your  settings  after  Saving  them  use  the  Edit  (hammer)  function  on  the  User  Override  page.  

End  of  Activity  7