activity humanities

Last May 17, 2015, my friends and I went to National Museum and tour around there to gather some pictures of artworks that we can use for our activity here in our subject, Humanities. After roaming around the three floors of the museum, the one that absolutely caught my attention is this oil on canvas painting by Sym Mendoza entitled “Creation”.

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Post on 04-Sep-2015




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Hum B


Last May 17, 2015, my friends and I went to National Museum and tour around there to gather some pictures of artworks that we can use for our activity here in our subject, Humanities. After roaming around the three floors of the museum, the one that absolutely caught my attention is this oil on canvas painting by Sym Mendoza entitled Creation. Sofronio Ylanan Mendoza or known to many as SYM is a world renowned and multi-awarded artist. Basically emerged in the art scene as a nature painter and his works convey tranquillity and peacefulness. He is an expert in building forms, using geometrical shapes, all conjoined to produce a dynamic design. On the other hand, what really amazed me that much with this painting was the fact that I actually just got a glimpse of it, passed by, read the title and there I realized that this is absolutely not an abstract painting. I looked at it again and I realized a lot of few things. Realism was used to present the subject which is man. The subject matter is the creation of man. Oil on canvas was the medium used by the artist to make it more catchy to the eyes of the viewers. O on canvas brought a different glow on the painting that emphasize more the significant images within the artwork, unlike in watercolour painting wherein the transparent effect will not be able to express such glow. For me, there were no specific plan appropriate to classify this artwork. Nevertheless, it is still in harmony and unity because the elements are arrange in a way where oneness is achieved because they relate to each other. At first sight, the main figure that a viewer could probably notice is the outline of a man in the middle part. It was the main emphasis of the work. A reddish outline was used to highlight the part. But if you try to look into details, youll see that there are also other inverted human figures around the main figure and as a whole, you can visualize as if this is a cell. Foreshortening was used in the main figure, mainly on the middle body part. The dominant line is curve lines that can be seen all around the artwork. A variety of free form shapes were capitalized to give a feeling of movement. It also stimulates a feeling of roughness in terms of the texture because of the shapes used.

Enrile, Rochelle S.IA12305HUM B- Art, Man and Society