acupressure for expecting moms - … for expecting moms ... what exactly is acupressure and how does...

1 Acupressure For Expecting Moms Expert Secrets for an Easier Childbirth

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Acupressure For

Expecting Moms

Expert Secrets for an Easier Childbirth


Acupressure For Expecting Moms

© 2009

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any

means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage

or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

Neither BTX Media nor the authors of this publication assume any liability for the information

contained herein. The information contained reflects only the opinion of the author and is in no

way to be considered medical advice.

Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health care practitioner. The content in

this book should not be considered medical advice and is not meant to treat, cure or prevent any

disease or illness.


Part One: Introduction

What exactly is acupressure and how does it work?

Why should I be using acupressure for labor induction?

Why should I be using acupressure for pain relief?

Sounds great, how do I get started?

Part Two: How To

Using this book

Applying Pressure

Additional Tips

Induce labor naturally

Relieve pain

Reduce nausea and vomiting

Turn your baby

Make your contractions stronger

Improve cervical dilation

Get through the second stage of labor

Get through the third stage of labor + postpartum recovery

Sleep better

Reduce anxiety

Promote breast-feeding and lactation

Part Three: Common Questions

How can I find the right acupoints?

How hard should I press?

How frequently should I press?

Is it safe?

Does it hurt?

Should I tell my doctor or midwife about this?

Could anything prevent acupressure from working?

Can I use these techniques before week 40?


Introduction 4

Part One: Introduction

In an ideal world, all women would give birth on or around their estimated delivery date and enjoy

blissful, natural births. Unfortunately, the reality is that as many as half of all births go overdue,

leaving mothers feeling heavy, uncomfortable, tired and fed up, and both medical inductions and

assisted births are on the rise. However, there are things you can do to minimize the chances of

either of these things happening, and one of the most valuable techniques you can learn is the

simple art of acupressure.

Acupressure has been successfully used for thousands of years by many mothers who wish to

naturally encourage labor to start, once their delivery date has passed. Unlike many of the

‘methods’ you may hear about, such as eating hot curries or pineapple, drinking castor oil or

having intercourse, this is a proven technique that really works.

Acupressure can also offer pain relief in labor and assist in certain problem areas of childbirth,

such as dealing with anxiety or nausea or helping to speed up a slow dilation. It is an effective,

easy to learn and risk-free method that can be used in conjunction with other pain management

options. Best of all, it is a technique which your partner or doula can use on you with very little

practice – and unlike certain other methods of alternative pain relief, it is completely free and

available at any time in the process.

Many mothers have reported that the technique was effective in achieving either induction or pain

relief, and that it was indeed surprisingly easy for their partners to administer the treatment.

Likewise, many fathers and birthing partners have expressed their keen support for acupressure,

saying it helped them take a more active role in the birthing process, rather than simply standing

back and watching events unfold, and it allows them to focus on mom and baby in a truly positive

and practical way.

This is a most natural and basic tool that is, quite literally, at your fingertips.

What exactly is acupressure and how does it work?

Acupressure is, in simple terms, a specific way of applying pressure to certain points on the body

to trigger a response in another part of the body.

To explain this in more detail: acupressure is an ancient healing art based on meridians (a term

from Traditional Chinese Medicine). These meridians are a separate system from nerves, blood

vessels and lymphatic ducts and there are more than 600 points on the body, known as

‘acupoints’. Pressure is applied to these acupoints to restore and balance the body, enabling

changes to be made to the way the body functions.

Each acupoint has a name and a ‘code’ made up of letters and numbers. The letters indicate the

name of the meridian, and the number corresponds to the position on that meridian.

If you are familiar with acupuncture, then you will recognize the similarities. Acupressure is

essentially based on the same principles, but using touch rather than needles. The person

administering acupressure uses their hands, in particular their thumbs and knuckles, to apply

pressure to specific acupoints.

Acupressure does not hurt; it may feel slightly strange and uncomfortable at first, but after a

while, the application of pressure is generally a relaxing and comforting sensation for the mother.

Don’t worry if you have no experience with acupressure, acupuncture, or anything related to it.

This book will explain everything you need to know.

Introduction 5

Why should I be using acupressure for labor induction?

If you go several days past your due-date you could be facing medical induction. According to

some reports as many as 33% of pregnant women end up having a medically induced childbirth.

These medical inductions can have their own complications and result in the mother having a birth

via caesarean section.

There are a number of factors that can lead to this situation, including the baby not descending

into the pelvis and the cervix not dilating enough. In addition, the prostaglandins and oxytocin

which are used in medical inductions often cause the contractions to be too intense which, in turn,

increases the need for stronger pain relief and leads to other complications.

Acupressure can help in avoiding such situations. It is an all-natural method useful for all stages

of childbirth that anyone can do.

Top Reasons Why Acupressure is Great for Childbirth

* Studies have shown that acupressure can start contractions within hours for full-term pregnant


* Acts as a natural pain and anxiety relief, putting you in control of your labor.

* It works with your body to prepare your cervix to ripen and dilate, and to encourage your baby

to descend into your pelvis.

* Studies have shown it will increase blood-flow, release endorphins, and prepare the body for

birth, thus encouraging the onset of natural labor.

* Promotes natural contractions and reduces need for medical intervention, complications, or c-


* Can be done by you or your partner, at home or at a hospital, with only a few minutes training

There will still be certain situations where medical induction is unavoidable. In these cases,

acupressure can still be a very useful tool. It helps to prepare your body for childbirth and you can

of course still use it to provide extra pain relief.

Why should I be using acupressure for pain relief?

Strong pain medication, such as epidurals, can cause headaches and back pain. They can slow

labor down and increase your chances of an assisted birth or a caesarean section. Sedatives can

make you feel out of control.

Acupressure, on the other hand, is a totally natural pain relief option.

Not only does it have an anesthetizing effect on the pain of contractions, but it also is completely

free of side effects and 100% safe. Unlike certain other pain relief methods, such as TENS

Machines, acupressure is also incredibly flexible. It can be used just about anytime, any place,

anywhere - and it doesn’t restrict your movements.

Acupressure can also be performed by the mother, your partner, midwife, or any other birth

assistant whenever you need it, with no side effects.

Introduction 6

Sounds great, how do I get started?

The next section of this book will describe exactly which acupoints will need to be stimulated –

and how – to achieve your desired outcome. Each situation (labor induction, pain relief, treating

nausea, promoting breast-feeding, etc) is dealt with in separate chapters, so you can quickly

reference the relevant information as and when you need it.

The following guide on how to apply the treatments will explain everything step by step, as clearly

as possible. The technique will take a little practice, but the rewards will be more than worth it.

How To Use This Guide 7

Part 2: How To

Using This Book

This section is broken down into specific situations you can use acupressure for. For example, if

the woman is feeling nauseous, refer to the Reducing Nausea section. There you will find

information about why acupressure will help, what acupoints to stimulate, how to find them, and

step by step guides for treatment.

You might notice the same acupoint appearing in more than one place. Since most of what you

will be learning to do with acupressure involves pregnancy related scenarios, the same point can

have multiple benefits.

For your convenience we have also included the full information about each acupoint every time it

appears. This will prevent you from having to search around the book – and allows you to have all

the relevant information to help the mother, all in one place.

Applying Pressure

There are 2 main ways you can apply pressure: constant or released.

* Constant pressure is when you continually press with your knuckle or finger. Apply the same

weight throughout the press. Many people default to trying this method because it is the simplest.

* Released pressure is when you apply a quick burst of pressure, then slowly back off, then start

again. You will be continually pushing them removing your knuckle or finger. Some people

respond very well to this type of acupressure.

You can use either method when applying pressure. If one doesn't feel comfortable, try the other.

You can even mix the two up if you want to – it's really about finding what works best for the

mother, and sticking with that. If you need to do something other than these 2 techniques, the

guide will tell when it's appropriate.

Another good idea is to lean into the point – put your whole body weight into pressing. This way

you can generate more force, your fingers won't get tired as quickly, and it evens out the



Induce Labor Naturally

Despite how much you want to start labor, sometimes your body is just not cooperating. In some

cases women undergo medical inductions or c-sections if labor will not start. While they can be

effective, these procedures can complicate the childbirth process making it more dangerous and


In many cases labor can be induced safely with the use of these 5 acupressure points. They have

also been proven to reduce the need for c-sections and decrease the amount of time spend in


** WARNING: Acupressure should only be used to induce labor if you are past your due date or

are going to be medically induced soon. This technique has a high degree of success, and if

applied too early can result in your baby being born prematurely! **

When To Start: When you are facing a medical induction, are at or past your due date,

or right before.

Technique: Apply firm pressure to “Three Yin Crossing” and “Joining Valley” for 3

minutes each, every 2 hours. If possible do both “Three Yin Crossings”

at the same time. Additionally, stimulate “Ci Liao” twice a day for 5


Labor is likely to start within 2 days of starting these techniques.

Once it does, you can start applying firm pressure to “Shoulder Well”

and “High Mountain” as soon as a contraction starts. Stop when the

contraction subsides.

Alternatively keep applying light gentle pressure at all times, and then

press harder as the contraction starts.

Acupoints: After her water has broken:

“Three Yin Crossing” – SP6

“Joining Valley” - LI4

“Ci Liao” – BL32

At early contractions:

“High Mountain” – BL60

“Shoulder Well” - GB21

Inducing Labor 9

Three Yin Crossing – after her water has broken

"Three Yin Crossing" is one of the best

acupoints for pregnant moms! It is found on

the inside of the leg, four of the mother's

finger-widths straight above the point of her

ankle bone. You will find it right behind her

shinbone, nearer to the back of the leg

approaching the calf.

Stimulating this point feels very different

than stimulating the areas or bone around it.

It could feel tender/sore in pregnant women.

How (for partners):

1. The mother can be sitting down or kneeling over a chair or on all fours.

2. Find the point as described above.

3. Use your thumbs to apply pressure like you are pushing into her leg. Grasp the outside of her

legs for support.

4. You can do both legs at the same time.

Inducing Labor 10

How (by yourself):

1. Try to make yourself as comfortable as


2. Cross one leg over the other and bring

your shin/lower leg up as much as possible.

3. Apply pressure using your thumb or

index finger.

Joining Valley – after her water has broken

“Joining Valley” is found in the area

between the thumb and index finger. Place

the thumb next to the index finger - it will

compress the tissue between the two

fingers, causing it to rise. The Joining Valley

acupoint is on the highest spot on this

raised area.

Move the thumb back to its normal position

and squeeze where the high point was. It

should feel sore or like a dull ache.

How (for partners):

1. Hold her hand, and have her bring her

thumb next to the index finger.

2. Find the spot and have her move her

thumb back.

3. Squeeze gently, increasing pressure with

your thumb, until she says it's starting to

feel like a dull ache.

4. If she says it is too sensitive decrease the


Inducing Labor 11

How (by yourself):

1. Move your thumb towards your index


2. Find the spot and move your thumb back

to its normal position.

3. Squeeze gently, increasing pressure with

your thumb, until it starts to feel like a dull


4. If it gets too sensitive decrease the


Ci Liao - after her water has broken

“Ci Liao” is an acupoint located on

the small of the back near the top

of the buttocks.

Start by finding the dimples where

the buttocks meet the back. Have

the mother straighten her back if

these are not ready visible.

Starting at the bottom of one of

the dimples, find the point halfway

between it and the spine.

From here go down slightly and

start pressing. You will find an

indentation of the pelvis bone near

here, probably located closer to

the buttocks than to the head.

Move your pressing up and down

slightly until you find the


Ask for feedback when finding this point – pressure on it will feel very different than the bones


Once found apply pressure with your knuckles as the acupoint is deep inside.

Note – as the mother goes longer into labor, you can press downwards towards the buttocks while

stimulating this point for extra effect.

Inducing Labor 12

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother stand up, lean into a

table or wall, or straddle a chair with her

back facing forwards.

2. Start at the dimples and follow the

instructions to find the spot.

3. Use your knuckle to apply pressure while

asking for feedback from the mother about

what’s working.

4. To apply intense pressure, use a wooden

spoon or pencil, or have the mother lean

back into it.

How (by yourself):

Finding this point by yourself is very

difficult. It is best to let your partner find it

for you and apply the pressure.

If they cannot apply the pressure, have

them guide your knuckle or thumb into the

right spot. From there apply firm pressure

right into your back, as if you are pressing

towards your stomach.

High Mountain – at early contractions

“High Mountain” is located on the outside of

the ankle on each foot. Find the depression

between the anklebone and the heel tendon.

It will be right between the back edge of the

Achilles tendon and the rounded anklebone.

It will be the same height up the foot as the

middle of the anklebone is.

Inducing Labor 13

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother sit down or kneel down

on all fours.

2. If she is sitting you will need to get your

thumb behind her heel. If she is on all fours

(or laying on her stomach) it might easier.

3. Use your thumb and index finger to

squeeze the spot like you are pinching it.

How (by yourself):

1. Self-stimulation works best if sitting down

or laying on your side.

2. You can squeeze better with the hand

that you write with, so try that side first.

3. Reach down your leg and find the spot.

4. Squeeze with your thumb on the outside

for best results.

Shoulder Well – at early contractions

"Shoulder Well" points are located in the

middle of the shoulder/neck muscles. The

easiest way to find them is to find the

location halfway between the most

prominent portion of the base of the neck,

and the area of the shoulder where it starts

to curve downwards (right above the

shoulder joint).

Another way to find them is to imagine a

line coming directly up from the nipples, and

seeing where it would intersect with the


Pressure applied to this area will feel much

stronger than pressure applied to nearby

places on the shoulders.

Inducing Labor 14

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother relax her shoulders

while sitting.

2. Find the area.

3. Use your fingers, knuckles, thumbs, or

even a wooden spoon or pencil to apply firm

pressure. Press straight down - like you are

pressing towards the baby.

How (by yourself):

1. Sit down and relax as best as possible.

Keep breathing deeply.

2. Find the area.

3. You can either pinch the points, or press

down with one finger. It is often hard to use

your thumb to self-stimulate the "Shoulder

Well." Try pinching instead.


Relieve Pain

It is natural to be a little worried about the pain you might experience during childbirth. With

acupressure you will be able to reduce the pains associated with labor. These points have been

shown to be some of the most effective natural pain relievers during labor, especially those

related to painful contractions.

Each woman might react differently during childbirth and have their own unique experiences, so

feel free to try any combination of these, and use the ones that work the best. There is no

“wrong” answer here - do what feels the best and removes your pain.

When To Start: Anytime you need pain relief while in labor. The best bet is to start the

acupressure when your contraction starts, and stop as the contraction


Technique: There are many different acupoints that will work and should provide

immediate relief. Pick one and apply pressure for the duration of the


For general pain relief outside of a contraction, apply medium pressure

for up to 60 seconds.

If it doesn’t look like one is working just move on to another point.

Acupoints: “Bubbling Spring” – KID1

“High Mountain” - BL60

“Shoulder Well” - GB21

“Three Yin Crossing” - SP6

“Joining Valley” - LI4

“Ci Liao” - BL32

Bubbling Spring

You will find “Bubbling Spring” on the soles

of the feet. It is very easy to find: flex the

toes upwards (towards the body). While

flexed you will see a dimple a few inches

below the toes. That’s the acupoint.

Relieve Pain 16

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother sit in a chair, kneel

down, or lay on her stomach.

2. Grab her foot and have her flex her toes

to find the acupoint.

3. Use your knuckle to press both into the

foot and up towards the toes.

How (by yourself):

It might require lots of flexibility to stimulate

this point yourself. If you cannot get your

leg to bend properly ask your partner for

help on this one.

1. Sit in a chair and cross one leg over the


2. Bring your foot up the opposite leg so

your sole is facing you.

3. Press downwards with your thumb into

the acupoint.

High Mountain

“High Mountain” is located on the outside of

the ankle on each foot. Find the depression

between the anklebone and the heel tendon.

It will be right between the back edge of the

Achilles tendon and the rounded anklebone.

It will be the same height up the foot as the

middle of the anklebone is.

Relieve Pain 17

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother sit down or kneel down

on all fours.

2. If she is sitting you will need to get your

thumb behind her heel. If she is on all fours

(or laying on her stomach) it might easier.

3. Use your thumb and index finger to

squeeze the spot like you are pinching it.

How (by yourself):

1. Self-stimulation works best if sitting down

or laying on your side.

2. You can squeeze better with the hand

that you write with, so try that side first.

3. Reach down your leg and find the spot.

4. Squeeze with your thumb on the outside

for best results.

Shoulder Well

"Shoulder Well" points are located in the

middle of the shoulder/neck muscles. The

easiest way to find them is to find the

location halfway between the most

prominent portion of the base of the neck,

and the area of the shoulder where it starts

to curve downwards (right above the

shoulder joint).

Another way to find them is to imagine a

line coming directly up from the nipples, and

seeing where it would intersect with the


Pressure applied to this area will feel much

stronger than pressure applied to nearby

places on the shoulders.

Relieve Pain 18

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother relax her shoulders

while sitting.

2. Find the area.

3. Use your fingers, knuckles, thumbs, or

even a wooden spoon or pencil to apply firm

pressure. Press straight down - like you are

pressing towards the baby.

How (by yourself):

1. Sit down and relax as best as possible.

Keep breathing deeply.

2. Find the area.

3. You can either pinch the points, or press

down with one finger. It is often hard to use

your thumb to self-stimulate the "Shoulder

Well." Try pinching instead.

Three Yin Crossing

"Three Yin Crossing" is one of the best

acupoints for pregnant moms! It is found on

the inside of the leg, four of the mother's

finger-widths straight above the point of her

ankle bone. You will find it right behind her

shinbone, nearer to the back of the leg

approaching the calf.

Stimulating this point feels very different

than stimulating the areas or bone around it.

It could feel tender/sore in pregnant women.

Relieve Pain 19

How (for partners):

1. The mother can be sitting down or kneeling over a chair or on all fours.

2. Find the point as described above.

3. Use your thumbs to apply pressure like you are pushing into her leg. Grasp the outside of her

legs for support.

4. You can do both legs at the same time.

How (by yourself):

1. Try to make yourself as comfortable as


2. Cross one leg over the other and bring

your shin/lower leg up as much as possible.

3. Apply pressure using your thumb or index


Relieve Pain 20

Joining Valley

“Joining Valley” is found in the area

between the thumb and index finger. Place

the thumb next to the index finger - it will

compress the tissue between the two

fingers, causing it to rise. The Joining Valley

acupoint is on the highest spot on this

raised area.

Move the thumb back to its normal position

and squeeze where the high point was. It

should feel sore or like a dull ache.

How (for partners):

1. Hold her hand, and have her bring her

thumb next to the index finger.

2. Find the spot and have her move her

thumb back.

3. Squeeze gently, increasing pressure with

your thumb, until she says it's starting to

feel like a dull ache.

4. If she says it is too sensitive decrease the


How (by yourself):

1. Move your thumb towards your index


2. Find the spot and move your thumb back

to its normal position.

3. Squeeze gently, increasing pressure with

your thumb, until it starts to feel like a dull


4. If it gets too sensitive decrease the


Relieve Pain 21

Ci Liao

“Ci Liao” is an acupoint located on

the small of the back near the top

of the buttocks.

Start by finding the dimples where

the buttocks meet the back. Have

the mother straighten her back if

these are not ready visible.

Starting at the bottom of one of

the dimples, find the point halfway

between it and the spine.

From here go down slightly and

start pressing. You will find an

indentation of the pelvis bone near

here, probably located closer to

the buttocks than to the head.

Move your pressing up and down

slightly until you find the


Ask for feedback when finding this point – pressure on it will feel very different than the bones


Once found apply pressure with your knuckles as the acupoint is deep inside.

Note – as the mother goes longer into labor, you can press downwards towards the buttocks while

stimulating this point for extra effect.

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother stand up, lean into a

table or wall, or straddle a chair with her

back facing forwards.

2. Start at the dimples and follow the

instructions to find the spot.

3. Use your knuckle to apply pressure while

asking for feedback from the mother about

what’s working.

4. To apply intense pressure, use a wooden

spoon or pencil, or have the mother lean

back into it.

Relieve Pain 22

How (by yourself):

Finding this point by yourself is very

difficult. It is best to let your partner find it

for you and apply the pressure.

If they cannot apply the pressure, have

them guide your knuckle or thumb into the

right spot. From there apply firm pressure

right into your back, as if you are pressing

towards your stomach.


Reduce Nausea and Vomiting

Labor can be very hard and you might feel sick. Feelings of nausea and vomiting can occur but

can be treated easily with one acupoint. This one acupoint has been shown to reduce the severity

of the nausea and vomiting to help get you through.

When To Start: Anytime you feel nauseous. Can be done before or during labor.

Technique: Apply gentle pressure to one arm for 2 minutes.

Repeat as needed.

Acupoints: “Inner Gate” – P6

Inner Gate

The "Inner Gate" acupoint is located on the

inside of the forearm. You will find it by

starting at the main crease on the wrist,

then measure three finger-widths up the

arm. At that area feel between the two

tendons - "Inner Gate" lies between them.

This acupoint will feel a little sore with

proper stimulation.

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother continue to breathe

deeply and talk her arm.

2. Find the point by using 3 of her finger-

widths to locate it.

3. Apply pressure downwards into the arm

right between the 2 tendons.

4. It is best to use your index finger to apply

the pressure, but the thumb will work too.

Reducing Nausea and Vomiting 24

How (by yourself):

1. Keep breathing deeply and locate the


2. Press downwards with your index finger.

If you get tired, you can press laterally with

both your index and middle finger.


Turn Your Baby

Part of a successful childbirth involves your baby sitting correctly inside you. You want your baby

facing forwards in the "anterior position." This is the most favorable position for a baby to be in,

and makes labor easier.

Sometimes an unborn child can end up in the posterior position though. This is when the baby is

facing backwards - like it’s looking to your spine. When in the posterior position labor is harder

and your cervix can’t dilate as well. The doctor or midwife might notice this or you might notice it

because of back pain.

If you have a baby presenting in the posterior position. acupressure can help flip the baby around

and reduce any pain you might feel from the positioning.

When To Start: During labor if it appears as through the baby is posterior, or if you are

experiencing pain from the baby being turned around.

Technique: Start with 3 minutes of firm pressure to “Reaching Yin”, preferably on

both sides.

Follow with 2 minutes of firm pressure on “High Mountain” and then 2

minutes of firm pressure on “Three Yin Crossing.” It is best if done to

both legs one after the other.

Wait half an hour before repeating if needed.

Acupoints: “Reaching Yin” – BL67

“Three Yin Crossing” – SP6

“High Mountain” – BL60

Reaching Yin

"Reaching Yin" is a very powerful

acupoint - don't let it's location

fool you! You will find it on the

little toe. It is located right next

to the base of the toenail on the

outside of the toe.

In some forms of Chinese

medicine this acupoint is

stimulated with a needle because

it is so small. You can use just

your finger or a pencil though - it

will work okay.

Apply the pressure downwards

into the toe.

Turning Your Baby 26

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother sit or lay in any position

comfortable for her.

2. Find the acupoint.

3. If her foot is flat on the floor apply

pressure downwards, into the floor.

4. If her foot is elevated you will need to

support it yourself with one hand while

applying pressure with the other.

How (by yourself):

1. Sit down and try to make yourself as

comfortable as possible.

2. Find the acupoint and apply pressure


3. If you cannot bend over while sitting, try

laying on your side. In this position you can

reach around your body to touch the

"Reaching Yin" acupoint, and support your

foot yourself.

Three Yin Crossing

"Three Yin Crossing" is one of the best

acupoints for pregnant moms! It is found on

the inside of the leg, four of the mother's

finger-widths straight above the point of her

ankle bone. You will find it right behind her

shinbone, nearer to the back of the leg

approaching the calf.

Stimulating this point feels very different

than stimulating the areas or bone around it.

It could feel tender/sore in pregnant women.

Turning Your Baby 27

How (for partners):

1. The mother can be sitting down or kneeling over a chair or on all fours.

2. Find the point as described above.

3. Use your thumbs to apply pressure like you are pushing into her leg. Grasp the outside of her

legs for support.

4. You can do both legs at the same time.

How (by yourself):

1. Try to make yourself as comfortable as


2. Cross one leg over the other and bring

your shin/lower leg up as much as possible.

3. Apply pressure using your thumb or index


Turning Your Baby 28

High Mountain

“High Mountain” is located on the outside of

the ankle on each foot. Find the depression

between the anklebone and the heel tendon.

It will be right between the back edge of the

Achilles tendon and the rounded anklebone.

It will be the same height up the foot as the

middle of the anklebone is.

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother sit down or kneel down

on all fours.

2. If she is sitting you will need to get your

thumb behind her heel. If she is on all fours

(or laying on her stomach) it might easier.

3. Use your thumb and index finger to

squeeze the spot like you are pinching it.

How (by yourself):

1. Self-stimulation works best if sitting down

or laying on your side.

2. You can squeeze better with the hand

that you write with, so try that side first.

3. Reach down your leg and find the spot.

4. Squeeze with your thumb on the outside

for best results.


Make Your Contractions Stronger

Contractions occur when your body is pushing the baby down your birth canal. The stronger the

muscular contractions, the easier it can be for the birth to proceed. If your baby is presenting

properly but your labor seems stalled or not going as well as possible, you can try to strengthen

your contractions.

Two acupoints will make your contractions stronger. Use them in combination and it should

encourage the baby to descend better and make labor go faster.

When To Start: Anytime your contractions feel weak, irregular, or inconsistent.

Technique: Press “Joining Valley” on either hand for up to 2 minutes. Then apply

medium to firm pressure on “Three Yin Crossing” on one leg for 60

seconds, wait 10 minutes, then repeat on the other leg.

Stop when your contractions are regular.

Acupoints: “Joining Valley” - LI4

“Three Yin Crossing” – SP6

Joining Valley

“Joining Valley” is found in the area

between the thumb and index finger. Place

the thumb next to the index finger - it will

compress the tissue between the two

fingers, causing it to rise. The Joining Valley

acupoint is on the highest spot on this

raised area.

Move the thumb back to its normal position

and squeeze where the high point was. It

should feel sore or like a dull ache.

Making Contractions Stronger 30

How (for partners):

1. Hold her hand, and have her bring her

thumb next to the index finger.

2. Find the spot and have her move her

thumb back.

3. Squeeze gently, increasing pressure with

your thumb, until she says it's starting to

feel like a dull ache.

4. If she says it is too sensitive decrease the


How (by yourself):

1. Move your thumb towards your index


2. Find the spot and move your thumb back

to its normal position.

3. Squeeze gently, increasing pressure with

your thumb, until it starts to feel like a dull


4. If it gets too sensitive decrease the


Three Yin Crossing

"Three Yin Crossing" is one of the best

acupoints for pregnant moms! It is found on

the inside of the leg, four of the mother's

finger-widths straight above the point of her

ankle bone. You will find it right behind her

shinbone, nearer to the back of the leg

approaching the calf.

Stimulating this point feels very different

than stimulating the areas or bone around it.

It could feel tender/sore in pregnant women.

Making Contractions Stronger 31

How (for partners):

1. The mother can be sitting down or kneeling over a chair or on all fours.

2. Find the point as described above.

3. Use your thumbs to apply pressure like you are pushing into her leg. Grasp the outside of her

legs for support.

4. You can do both legs at the same time.

How (by yourself):

1. Try to make yourself as comfortable as


2. Cross one leg over the other and bring

your shin/lower leg up as much as possible.

3. Apply pressure using your thumb or index



Improve Cervical Dilation

Your cervix should dilate enough to allow safe passage of your baby. Sometimes it does not dilate

enough but you will want to push anyway. If you are told not to push though because of improper

dilation, it is because of a condition know as "cervical lip" - a flap or portion of your cervix is in the

way. Trying to push past it can cause severe pain so it is best to not fight it, and instead work

towards increasing the cervical dilation.

When To Start: When your midwife or doctor says you are not dilated enough.

Technique: Start by applying hard pressure to Ci Liao and Three Yin Crossing,

preferably at the same time. If it isn’t possible to do them

simultaneously, do Ci Liao first then Three Yin Crossing next.

Stop after 10 minutes of total pressure or if you feel your cervix start to

dilate more. You only need to work on one side of the body.

Acupoints: “Three Yin Crossing” – SP6

“Ci Liao” – BL32

Three Yin Crossing

"Three Yin Crossing" is one of the best

acupoints for pregnant moms! It is found on

the inside of the leg, four of the mother's

finger-widths straight above the point of her

ankle bone. You will find it right behind her

shinbone, nearer to the back of the leg

approaching the calf.

Stimulating this point feels very different

than stimulating the areas or bone around it.

It could feel tender/sore in pregnant women.

Improve Cervical Dilation 33

How (for partners):

1. The mother can be sitting down or kneeling over a chair or on all fours.

2. Find the point as described above.

3. Use your thumbs to apply pressure like you are pushing into her leg. Grasp the outside of her

legs for support.

4. You can do both legs at the same time.

How (by yourself):

1. Try to make yourself as comfortable as


2. Cross one leg over the other and bring

your shin/lower leg up as much as possible.

3. Apply pressure using your thumb or index


Improve Cervical Dilation 34

Ci Liao

“Ci Liao” is an acupoint located on

the small of the back near the top

of the buttocks.

Start by finding the dimples where

the buttocks meet the back. Have

the mother straighten her back if

these are not ready visible.

Starting at the bottom of one of

the dimples, find the point halfway

between it and the spine.

From here go down slightly and

start pressing. You will find an

indentation of the pelvis bone near

here, probably located closer to

the buttocks than to the head.

Move your pressing up and down

slightly until you find the


Ask for feedback when finding this point – pressure on it will feel very different than the bones


Once found apply pressure with your knuckles as the acupoint is deep inside.

Note – as the mother goes longer into labor, you can press downwards towards the buttocks while

stimulating this point for extra effect.

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother stand up, lean into a

table or wall, or straddle a chair with her

back facing forwards.

2. Start at the dimples and follow the

instructions to find the spot.

3. Use your knuckle to apply pressure while

asking for feedback from the mother about

what’s working.

4. To apply intense pressure, use a wooden

spoon or pencil, or have the mother lean

back into it.

Improve Cervical Dilation 35

How (by yourself):

Finding this point by yourself is very

difficult. It is best to let your partner find it

for you and apply the pressure.

If they cannot apply the pressure, have

them guide your knuckle or thumb into the

right spot. From there apply firm pressure

right into your back, as if you are pressing

towards your stomach.


Get Through the Second Stage of Labor

You will come to a point where you are doing well and have entered the second stage of labor -

your cervix is dilated over 10cm, the baby is presenting well, and you might be feeling an urge to

push. If you get to this stage your labor is almost over but you might need some help in finishing

to push the baby through. It is also helpful if you get tired.

When To Start: After a 10cm dilation, or when your midwife says you are second



Firmly press “Shoulder Well” and “Joining Valley” on both sides of the

body - works best if done at the same time. Do this for at least 4

minutes, up to 10 minutes.


“Shoulder Well” - GB21

“Joining Valley” - LI4

Shoulder Well "Shoulder Well" points are located in the

middle of the shoulder/neck muscles. The

easiest way to find them is to find the

location halfway between the most

prominent portion of the base of the neck,

and the area of the shoulder where it starts

to curve downwards (right above the

shoulder joint).

Another way to find them is to imagine a

line coming directly up from the nipples, and

seeing where it would intersect with the


Pressure applied to this area will feel much

stronger than pressure applied to nearby

places on the shoulders.

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother relax her shoulders

while sitting.

2. Find the area.

3. Use your fingers, knuckles, thumbs, or

even a wooden spoon or pencil to apply firm

pressure. Press straight down - like you are

pressing towards the baby.

Get Through Second Stage of Labor 37

How (by yourself):

1. Sit down and relax as best as possible.

Keep breathing deeply.

2. Find the area.

3. You can either pinch the points, or press

down with one finger. It is often hard to use

your thumb to self-stimulate the "Shoulder

Well." Try pinching instead.

Joining Valley

“Joining Valley” is found in the area

between the thumb and index finger. Place

the thumb next to the index finger - it will

compress the tissue between the two

fingers, causing it to rise. The Joining Valley

acupoint is on the highest spot on this

raised area.

Move the thumb back to its normal position

and squeeze where the high point was. It

should feel sore or like a dull ache.

How (for partners):

1. Hold her hand, and have her bring her

thumb next to the index finger.

2. Find the spot and have her move her

thumb back.

3. Squeeze gently, increasing pressure with

your thumb, until she says it's starting to

feel like a dull ache.

4. If she says it is too sensitive decrease the


Get Through Second Stage of Labor 38

How (by yourself):

1. Move your thumb towards your index


2. Find the spot and move your thumb back

to its normal position.

3. Squeeze gently, increasing pressure with

your thumb, until it starts to feel like a dull


4. If it gets too sensitive decrease the



Get Through the Third Stage of Labor + Postpartum Recovery

Congratulations! You’re a mom! Now that your child is born you still need to pass the placenta

and help your pelvic muscles return to normal.

When To Start: After your child is born.


Apply medium pressure to “High Mountain” (either side) for 2 minutes,

then medium pressure to “Shining Ocean” (same side) for 2 minutes.

Follow with 1 minute of gentle pressure to “Curved Bone” if the mother

is not too sensitive there.

Wait 15 minutes before trying it again (if needed).

Stop when the placenta is expelled.


“High Mountain” – BL60

“Shining Ocean” – K6

“Curved Bone” – CV2

High Mountain

“High Mountain” is located on the outside of

the ankle on each foot. Find the depression

between the anklebone and the heel tendon.

It will be right between the back edge of the

Achilles tendon and the rounded anklebone.

It will be the same height up the foot as the

middle of the anklebone is.

Get Through Third Stage of Labor and Postpartum 40

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother sit down or kneel down

on all fours.

2. If she is sitting you will need to get your

thumb behind her heel. If she is on all fours

(or laying on her stomach) it might easier.

3. Use your thumb and index finger to

squeeze the spot like you are pinching it.

How (by yourself):

1. Self-stimulation works best if sitting down

or laying on your side.

2. You can squeeze better with the hand

that you write with, so try that side first.

3. Reach down your leg and find the spot.

4. Squeeze with your thumb on the outside

for best results.

Get Through Third Stage of Labor and Postpartum 41

Shining Ocean

The “Shining Ocean” point can be found on

either foot near the ankle, inside the leg.

Look 2 finger widths below the bottom of the

anklebone. There will be a fleshy indentation

there that contains this acupoint.

Apply pressure towards the heel.

How (for partners):

1. You can stimulate this point however she

is sitting.

2. Grab hold of her foot from the front and

find the spot.

3. Use your thumb to apply pressure both

into the foot and towards the heel.

How (by yourself):

1. Self-stimulation works best if sitting down

or laying on your side.

2. Reaching down to your foot, find the spot.

3. Use your thumb to apply pressure both

into your foot and towards your heel.

4. Your other 4 fingers can rest either on top

of your foot or below.

Get Through Third Stage of Labor and Postpartum 42

Curved Bone

There is just one “Curved Bone” acupoint on

the body. It is found in the pubic area below

the belly button. Take the mother’s palm

and rest it on the area – it will be one of her

palm-widths below her belly button.

Apply pressure into the abdomen. This spot

can be sensitive now that the baby is out.

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother sit down, lay on her

side, or lay on her back.

2. Find the acupoint. You might need her to

place her hand on her belly for reference.

3. Gently press into her abdomen with your

index and middle finger.

4. Remind her to breath deeply and stop if it

is too sensitive.

How (by yourself):

1. You can stimulate this point in any

position except laying on your stomach.

2. Take deep breaths and find the acupoint.

3. Gently press right into your abdomen

with your index and middle finger. Start out

barely touching and increase pressure as

you go.


Sleep Better As many women near the end of pregnancy they find sleep can be very hard to achieve. You

might feel bloated or sore, or simply not tired because of all the excitement about having a baby.

Acupressure can help relieve your insomnia due to anxiety or over-excitement.

When To Start: Any time you are having trouble sleeping at the end of your pregnancy.


Apply firm pressure to “Spirit Gate” for 2 minutes, wait 1 minute, then

press for 2 more minutes. You only need to do one arm.

Repeat if needed. Also consider reading the section on how to Reduce



“Spirit Gate” – H7

Spirit Gate

"Spirit Gate" is located on the wrist, on the

inside of the arm. To find it, start by

drawing an imaginary line down from the

little pinky finger. You will the "Spirit Gate"

where this line intersects with the crease of

the wrist where the hand meets the wrist.

This acupoint might produce a deep tingle

inside your wrist when stimulated. You

should find it quite pleasant.

How (for partners):

1. The mother can be in any position for


2. Find the point.

3. Apply pressure into the wrist with your

thumb while supporting her hand with your

other fingers.

Sleep Better 44

How (by yourself):

1. You can be in any position for this to


2. Find the point on your wrist.

3. Support your hand with your other hand,

and apply pressure downwards with your


4. Sleep well!


Reduce Anxiety

It’s not uncommon for mothers to be anxious, especially if it is their first time giving birth.

Acupressure can help calm your nerves, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of calm and

relaxation. It’s totally natural and, unlike anti-anxiety medication, does not have harmful side


When To Start: Any time the mother is anxious, stressed, or worried.


Apply medium pressure to “Capital Bone” for 5 minutes on either leg,

followed by “Sea of Tranquility” for 2 minutes.

Repeat if needed.


“Capital Bone” - BL64

“Sea of Tranquility” – CV17

Capital Bone

"Capital Bone" is another acupoint located

on the foot. It is very easy to find. On the

outside of the foot, look for the indentation

in front of the heel underneath the ankle

bone. Flexing the toes upwards can help you

see the indentation easier.

It might produce a dull sensation on


How (for partners):

1. This acupoint can be stimulated from any

position comfortable for her.

2. Have her flex her toes upwards to help

find the point.

3. You can press with either your index

finger or thumb depending on where you

are working.

4. Apply the pressure straight into her foot.

Reducing Anxiety 46

How (by yourself):

1. You can sit or lay however is comfortable

for you.

2. Find the point. Flex your toes upward if

you need to.

3. It will be easiest for you to use your index

finger to apply pressure.

4. Press into your foot, with your index

finger at right angles to your foot.

Sea of Tranquility

"Sea of Tranquility" is a single

point on the torso. It is right over

your sternum in the middle of your

chest. You will find it located

between the nipples, or 2 finger-

widths up from the base of the

hard sternum.

How (for partners):

1. She can be sitting or standing.

2. Stand behind her and locate the point.

3. Use your index and middle finger to apply

pressure straight into her chest, and press

slightly upwards.

Reducing Anxiety 47

How (by yourself):

1. You can sit or stand for this to work.

2. Locate the point.

3. Use your index finger to apply pressure

straight into your chest, and press upwards.


Promote Breast Feeding and Lactation Many women who use acupressure might prefer to breast-feed. Normally your body will produce

milk as needed, but if for some reason you are having trouble lactating try this. Acupressure can

also help reduce breast sensitivity.

When To Start: If it appears as though you are not making enough milk, or if you are

having sensitive nipples.


Gently apply pressure to “Shoulder Well” for 1 minute right before you

are going to breast feed, then follow up with 1 minute gentle pressure

on “Sea of Tranquility.”

Do it on the side where you want to promote lactation. Repeat as



“Shoulder Well” - GB21

“Sea of Tranquility” – CV17

Shoulder Well

"Shoulder Well" points are located in the

middle of the shoulder/neck muscles. The

easiest way to find them is to find the

location halfway between the most

prominent portion of the base of the neck,

and the area of the shoulder where it starts

to curve downwards (right above the

shoulder joint).

Another way to find them is to imagine a

line coming directly up from the nipples, and

seeing where it would intersect with the


Pressure applied to this area will feel much

stronger than pressure applied to nearby

places on the shoulders.

Promoting Breast Feeding and Lactation 49

How (for partners):

1. Have the mother relax her shoulders

while sitting.

2. Find the area.

3. Use your fingers, knuckles, thumbs, or

even a wooden spoon or pencil to apply firm

pressure. Press straight down - like you are

pressing towards the baby.

How (by yourself):

1. Sit down and relax as best as possible.

Keep breathing deeply.

2. Find the area.

3. You can either pinch the points, or press

down with one finger. It is often hard to use

your thumb to self-stimulate the "Shoulder

Well." Try pinching instead.

Promoting Breast Feeding and Lactation 50

Sea of Tranquility

"Sea of Tranquility" is a single

point on the torso. It is right over

your sternum in the middle of your

chest. You will find it located

between the nipples, or 2 finger-

widths up from the base of the

hard sternum.

How (for partners):

1. She can be sitting or standing.

2. Stand behind her and locate the point.

3. Use your index and middle finger to apply

pressure straight into her chest, and press

slightly upwards.

How (by yourself):

1. You can sit or stand for this to work.

2. Locate the point.

3. Use your index finger to apply pressure

straight into your chest, and press upwards.


Part Three: Common Questions

How can I find the right acupoints?

We’ve provided photos and accurate descriptions earlier in this guide about how to locate each

specific acupoint. You might notice that the same acupoint is repeated in multiple places. This is

to provide an easy reference.

If you’re having trouble finding a point, don’t worry - what kind of sensations or reactions are you


Signs you’re on the right spot:

* When properly stimulated many acupoints will produce a pleasant warmth or tingling sensation.

A small portion of them, such as the one in your hand webbing, might produce a small pain or

ache but it is nothing bad.

* Correct technique for labor-induction or cervix dilation acupoints should produce a fairly fast

result. You might feel it is as a contraction or internal pressure. If so, it’s working.

* When doing the techniques to relieve pain, anxiety, or nausea the mother should experience

very fast relief. She will know what’s best at the various stages of labor, and her feedback is


Signs that say you need to adjust:

* Stabbing or sharp pains when pressure is applied. Stop the pressure, and look at the pictures

again. Sharp pains like that mean you could be pressing on a bone or an existing injury (muscle

tear, wound, etc.).

* No sensation when touched. This could mean you need to press harder, or are nearby the

correct spot. Keep trying with slightly more pressure or press the nearby areas. Once you find the

correct spot and pressure, consider taking a picture or placing a small mark on the skin with a pen

or sticker - it can help you find it easier next time.

How hard should I press?

In most cases light pressure (1-3 pounds of pressure) will be enough. Some spots that are located

deep inside require firmer pushing (10 or more pounds of pressure) to get the desired effect. Each

specific point in this guide will tell you if it needs light or heavy pressure.

One of the best tips for applying acupressure is to not just press with your fingers. They will

quickly get tired!

Instead, press using your whole body. Get your body weight into the technique and you will avoid

exhausting your fingers. Leverage your arms to get enough force, and if you need more power,

use your knuckles or thumb.

You might also use a wooden spoon or pencil to press the acupoints. Don’t laugh – these can be

very effective at producing firm pressure when you or your partner is tired!

FAQ 52

How frequently should I press?

It depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. Each specific situation (induce labor, turn your

baby, reduce nausea, etc) in the guide will tell you how often to press.

Every person’s body is different. If you are applying the pressure to yourself, you will be able to

feel the pain relief very quickly. Once it starts working you can do it as needed. If it feels better to

keep constant pressure applied then do that. If you respond better to infrequent pushing, then do

that. It’s really up to how well the birthing mother responds, and if using a partner to provide

acupressure, to listen to her needs.

Is it safe?

Acupressure works in harmony with the body so all you will be doing is assisting what your body

is trying to do. When used correctly, yes, it is absolutely safe.

There have been several medical studies around the world that scientifically proved the

effectiveness and safety of acupressure during childbirth. There is no evidence that acupressure

can cause any harm whatsoever to either an unborn child or its mother. In fact, acupressure

“reduced the duration and severity of pain of the active phase of labor, cesarean section rates,

and necessity and amount of oxytocin.” (Kashanian M, et al)

Additionally, a survey of midwives showed that more than half of midwives recommend

acupressure as an effective birthing aid. Because it encourages cervical dilation, stronger

contractions, and acts as a natural pain relief, acupressure can lead to a calmer and safer birth


One common concern we have found is that people could be afraid of hurting you or the baby if

the somehow “mess up” or apply pressure on the incorrect area of your body. Don’t worry about

this - if you or a caregiver press in the wrong area, nothing at all will happen. Acupressure points

are not that close to each other to cause you to stimulate the wrong one.

Remember that acupressure is going to work with your body in harmony. It will not cause it to do

anything un-natural or against your baby.

However, it is important that you listen to your doctor or midwife’s concerns about any serious

problems they notice. While acupressure will undoubtedly be useful to you, it cannot serve as a

replacement for emergency medical care.

Does it hurt?


There are certain points (such as the “Three Yin Crossing” - SP6 on the lower leg) which will feel

tender when pressed, a little like touching a bruise, but the application of pressure should never

feel uncomfortably painful. When the right points are being worked on, they usually produce a

warm or tingling sensation.

FAQ 53

Should I tell my doctor or midwife about this?

You should always inform your doctor, midwife, and other assistants that you will be using

acupressure techniques. Many are likely to be familiar with it already and understand the

effectiveness of this practice.

If they are not already familiar, or have any more questions or, by all means show them a copy of

this ebook. It should answer their questions. If it doesn’t (or you are a medical professional

reading this for more information), please refer to the reference section at the end. There you will

find several references to recent studies about using acupressure during childbirth.

Could anything prevent acupressure from working?

As long as you or someone else can apply the pressure, acupressure will work.

Acupressure can be useful for inducing labor and managing pain even in cases of: twins, VBAC

(Vaginal Birth After Caesarean), HIV/AIDS, high blood pressure, diabetes, and existing STDs.

Medical emergencies such as preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, or umbilical cord defects require

medical attention. The techniques in this ebook are not appropriate for them.

Can I use these techniques before week 40?

You can but you must be careful. Acupressure can induce labor too early if you start doing it too


It is not advisable to try to induce labor with these techniques until a few days before your due

date. If you are facing a medical induction anyway then it is also appropriate to start.



Allaire AD, Moos MK, Wells SR. – “Complementary and alternative medicine in pregnancy: a

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Anderson FW, Johnson CT. – “Complementary and alternative medicine in obstetrics.” Int J

Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Nov;91(2):116-24

Brown ST, Douglas C, Flood LP. – “Women's Evaluation of Intrapartum Nonpharmacological Pain

Relief Methods Used during Labor.” J Perinat Educ. 2001 Summer;10(3):1-8.

Chang SB, Park YW, Cho JS, Lee MK, Lee BC, Lee SJ. – “Differences of cesarean section rates

according to San-Yin-Jiao(SP6) acupressure for women in labor.” Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi. 2004


Harald Zeisler, Clemens Tempfer, Klaus Mayerhofer, Monir Barrada, Peter Husslein – “Influence of

Acupuncture on Duration of Labor” Gynecol Obstet Invest 1998;46:22-25

Kashanian M, Shahali S. – “Effects of acupressure at the Sanyinjiao point (SP6) on the process of

active phase of labor in nulliparas women.” J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2009 Sep 15:1-4

Lee MK, Chang SB, Kang DH. – “Effects of SP6 acupressure on labor pain and length of delivery

time in women during labor.” J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Dec;10(6):959-65.