acute inactivation of primary auditory cortex causes a sound … · 2017. 2. 6. · research...

RESEARCH ARTICLE Acute Inactivation of Primary Auditory Cortex Causes a Sound Localisation Deficit in Ferrets Katherine C. Wood ¤ *, Stephen M. Town, Huriye Atilgan, Gareth P. Jones, Jennifer K. Bizley* The Ear Institute, University College London, London, United Kingdom ¤ Current address: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States of America * [email protected] (KCW); [email protected] (JKB) Abstract The objective of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of acute inactivation of brain areas by cooling in the behaving ferret and to demonstrate that cooling auditory cortex produced a localisation deficit that was specific to auditory stimuli. The effect of cooling on neural activity was measured in anesthetized ferret cortex. The behavioural effect of cooling was determined in a benchmark sound localisation task in which inactivation of primary auditory cortex (A1) is known to impair performance. Cooling strongly suppressed the spontaneous and stimulus- evoked firing rates of cortical neurons when the cooling loop was held at temperatures below 10˚C, and this suppression was reversed when the cortical temperature recovered. Cooling of ferret auditory cortex during behavioural testing impaired sound localisation performance, with unilateral cooling producing selective deficits in the hemifield contralateral to cooling, and bilateral cooling producing deficits on both sides of space. The deficit in sound localisation induced by inactivation of A1 was not caused by motivational or locomotor changes since inactivation of A1 did not affect localisation of visual stimuli in the same context. Introduction Manipulation of neural activity can demonstrate causal relationships between activity in a par- ticular brain region and behavioural performance. While there are a number of methods for inactivating brain regions including physical lesions [1], pharmacological inactivation [2], optogenetics [3] and chemogenetics [4], inactivation by cooling [5] is particularly advanta- geous for manipulating large areas of tissue that may be intractable when using genetic tools or optical stimulation/suppression [6]. Furthermore unlike physical lesions and slow-release implantable drugs, the effects of cooling are acute and reversible [5], limiting the potential for other brain regions to compensate for the loss of neural function and allowing within-subject comparison of interleaved control and inactivation sessions [7]. Inactivation by cooling can disrupt behaviours in a variety of species [79] and shed light upon neural computations in sensory and decision-making systems [1014]. The ability to determine the location of a sound source is important for humans and other animals for both survival and communication [15,16]. Sound localisation depends upon PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0170264 January 18, 2017 1 / 26 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 OPEN ACCESS Citation: Wood KC, Town SM, Atilgan H, Jones GP, Bizley JK (2017) Acute Inactivation of Primary Auditory Cortex Causes a Sound Localisation Deficit in Ferrets. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0170264. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0170264 Editor: Manuel S. Malmierca, Universidad de Salamanca, SPAIN Received: September 22, 2016 Accepted: December 30, 2016 Published: January 18, 2017 Copyright: © 2017 Wood et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Funding: This work was supported by a UCL Grand Challenges studentship to KCW, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grant to JKB (BB/H016813/1), a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship to JKB (DH090058) and a Royal Society / Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowship to JKB (WT098418MA). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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    Acute Inactivation of Primary Auditory Cortex

    Causes a Sound Localisation Deficit in Ferrets

    Katherine C. Wood¤*, Stephen M. Town, Huriye Atilgan, Gareth P. Jones, JenniferK. Bizley*

    The Ear Institute, University College London, London, United Kingdom

    ¤ Current address: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, UnitedStates of America

    * [email protected] (KCW); [email protected] (JKB)


    The objective of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of acute inactivation of brain areas

    by cooling in the behaving ferret and to demonstrate that cooling auditory cortex produced a

    localisation deficit that was specific to auditory stimuli. The effect of cooling on neural activity

    was measured in anesthetized ferret cortex. The behavioural effect of cooling was determined

    in a benchmark sound localisation task in which inactivation of primary auditory cortex (A1) is

    known to impair performance. Cooling strongly suppressed the spontaneous and stimulus-

    evoked firing rates of cortical neurons when the cooling loop was held at temperatures below

    10˚C, and this suppression was reversed when the cortical temperature recovered. Cooling of

    ferret auditory cortex during behavioural testing impaired sound localisation performance,

    with unilateral cooling producing selective deficits in the hemifield contralateral to cooling, and

    bilateral cooling producing deficits on both sides of space. The deficit in sound localisation

    induced by inactivation of A1 was not caused by motivational or locomotor changes since

    inactivation of A1 did not affect localisation of visual stimuli in the same context.


    Manipulation of neural activity can demonstrate causal relationships between activity in a par-

    ticular brain region and behavioural performance. While there are a number of methods for

    inactivating brain regions including physical lesions [1], pharmacological inactivation [2],

    optogenetics [3] and chemogenetics [4], inactivation by cooling [5] is particularly advanta-

    geous for manipulating large areas of tissue that may be intractable when using genetic tools or

    optical stimulation/suppression [6]. Furthermore unlike physical lesions and slow-release

    implantable drugs, the effects of cooling are acute and reversible [5], limiting the potential for

    other brain regions to compensate for the loss of neural function and allowing within-subject

    comparison of interleaved control and inactivation sessions [7]. Inactivation by cooling can

    disrupt behaviours in a variety of species [7–9] and shed light upon neural computations in

    sensory and decision-making systems [10–14].

    The ability to determine the location of a sound source is important for humans and other

    animals for both survival and communication [15,16]. Sound localisation depends upon

    PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0170264 January 18, 2017 1 / 26







    Citation: Wood KC, Town SM, Atilgan H, Jones GP,

    Bizley JK (2017) Acute Inactivation of Primary

    Auditory Cortex Causes a Sound Localisation

    Deficit in Ferrets. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0170264.


    Editor: Manuel S. Malmierca, Universidad de

    Salamanca, SPAIN

    Received: September 22, 2016

    Accepted: December 30, 2016

    Published: January 18, 2017

    Copyright: © 2017 Wood et al. This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the

    Creative Commons Attribution License, which

    permits unrestricted use, distribution, and

    reproduction in any medium, provided the original

    author and source are credited.

    Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are

    within the paper and its Supporting Information


    Funding: This work was supported by a UCL Grand

    Challenges studentship to KCW, Biotechnology and

    Biological Sciences Research Council grant to JKB

    (BB/H016813/1), a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin

    Fellowship to JKB (DH090058) and a Royal Society

    / Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowship to JKB

    (WT098418MA). The funders had no role in study

    design, data collection and analysis, decision to

    publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

  • auditory cortex as lesions or inactivation of this region impair performance in approach-to-

    target localisation tasks in a variety of species [2,7,17–25]. Unilateral inactivation of primary

    auditory cortex in the ferret [2,20] and other animals (e.g. cat [23,26]) results in contralateral

    localisation deficits while preserving the localisation of sounds ipsilateral to the lesion or at the

    midline. In contrast, bilateral inactivation of auditory cortex produces deficits across space

    [2,20,24,25]. Deficits observed in the ferret with lesions or during pharmacological inactivation

    of A1 are more modest than those observed using reversible silencing by cooling in the cat

    [2,7,23,24] and it is unclear whether these differences arise from species, inactivation method

    or localisation task differences [7,23]. It is also unknown whether deficits in sound localisation

    following inactivation of ferret auditory cortex result from specific impairments in auditory

    processing or non-specific effects such as impaired motivation; dissociating such effects

    requires a control condition where animals localise stimuli in another sensory modality


    To resolve these issues, we tested the effects of reversible inactivation of ferret A1 by cooling

    in a sound localisation and a visual localisation task designed to control for non-specific effects

    of cooling. We predicted that bilateral inactivation of A1 would result in a sound localisation

    deficit across both sides of space whereas acute unilateral inactivation of A1 would result in a

    behavioural deficit only in the contralateral hemifield. In visual localisation, we predicted that

    performance would not be affected by auditory cortex inactivation. Since inactivation by cool-

    ing has not been performed in ferrets before, we first confirmed the effect of cooling on neural

    activity electrophysiologically. We observed significantly reduced neural activity when the

    cooling loop was held at a temperature of�10˚C in all layers of cortex, which recovered upon

    reversal of cooling. We confirmed through measurements of the cortical temperature that

    cooling did not spread laterally outside of primary auditory cortex (temperatures necessary for

    cessation of firing were achieved only within 500 μm of the edge of the loop) and that beneathauditory cortex (which spans 1.5–2 mm) temperatures did not drop to a level that would

    impair neuronal firing. Consistent with our predictions, we observed performance deficits spe-

    cific to the localisation of auditory and not visual stimuli. These data demonstrate that inacti-

    vation by cooling is a viable method for studying the function of brain areas during behaviour

    in the ferret.



    Subjects were six adult pigmented ferrets (Mustela putorius, female; 1–4 years): Three weretrained in an auditory and visual approach-to-target localisation task and subsequently im-

    planted with cooling loops. Three were untrained animals in which the effects of cooling on

    cortical temperature (with cooling loop over A1 –one ferret) and neural activity (with cooling

    loop covering the suprasylvian gyrus–two ferrets) were measured under anaesthesia.

    All ferrets were housed in groups of two to eight, with free access to high-protein food pel-

    lets and water bottles. For animals trained on the localisation task, water bottles were removed

    from the home cages in the afternoon on the day prior to training and replaced on the last day

    of a training run. On training days, ferrets received drinking water as positive reinforcement

    while performing a sound or visual localisation approach-to-target task. Water consumption

    during training was measured, and was supplemented as wet food in home cages at the end of

    the day to ensure that each ferret received at least 60 ml of water per kilogram of body weight


    Regular otoscopic examinations were carried out to ensure that both ears of the animals

    were clean and healthy. All experimental procedures were approved by the local ethical review

    Acute Inactivation of A1 Causes a Sound Localisation Deficit

    PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0170264 January 18, 2017 2 / 26

    Competing Interests: The authors have declared

    that no competing interests exist.

  • committee and were carried out under licence from the UK Home Office, in accordance with

    the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986.

    Cooling loop and cooling apparatus

    The cooling loop implant was a modified, miniaturised version of the cooling loop developed

    by Lomber & Payne [5]. The cooling loop was constructed from 23 gauge stainless steel tubing

    which was bent to form a loop shape approximately the size of A1 (Fig 1C). A micro-thermo-

    couple, made from twisting together 30 AWG gauge (0.254 mm) PFA insulated copper and

    constantan wire (Omega Engineering Limited, Manchester, UK), was soldered to the base of

    the loop and secured with an epoxy adhesive. The thermocouple wire was soldered to a minia-

    ture female thermocouple connector (RS components Ltd, UK) and again secured with an

    epoxy adhesive.

    In each experiment the cooling loop was supplied with ethanol from a reservoir via an FMI

    QV drive pump (Fluid Metering, Inc., NY, USA) controlled by a variable speed controller

    (V300, Fluid Metering, Inc., NY, USA). Ethanol was carried in FEP and PTFE tubing (Adtech

    Polymer Engineering Ltd, UK) from the reservoir to pump (FEP: 1.1 mm x 2 m, inner diame-

    ter x length) and then from pump to cooling loop (FEP: 0.8 mm ID x 2 m, PTFE: 0.5 mm x 2

    m). Where necessary, tubing was bridged using two-way connectors (Diba Fluid Intelligence,

    Cambridge, UK).

    To cool the ethanol prior to arrival at the cooling loop, 1 m of PTFE tubing was coiled

    within a Dewar flask (Nalgene 4150–1000, NY, USA) containing a mix of ethanol (100%

    Fig 1. Localisation testing chamber and task outline. [A] Dimensions of the testing chamber, locations of

    speakers, and LEDs for the localization task [B] Task outline: the ferret must make and maintain contact with

    the central start spout (C) for a variable hold time before a stimulus (S, sound or light) was presented. The

    ferret was required to maintain contact at the start spout until the stimulus ended after which it responded (R)

    at one of the response spouts. [C] A cooling loop prepared for surgery with micro-thermocouple soldered and

    secured with epoxy acrylic to the base of the cooling loop and to a female micro-thermocouple connector. [D]

    Ferret with bilateral cooling loop implants, with both thermocouples and the right cooling loop connected in the

    localisation chamber.


    Acute Inactivation of A1 Causes a Sound Localisation Deficit

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  • concentration) and dry ice (BOC, UK). To maintain ethanol temperature within the tubing

    system, the length of tubing between the Dewar flask and cooling loop was minimized and

    insulated with silicon tubing. Ethanol from the loop was recycled into the reservoir. In anes-

    thetized experiments, cooling loops were permanently attached to the apparatus and posi-

    tioned on the cortex with a Microdrive, whereas in behavioural experiments, loops were

    chronically implanted and connected to the apparatus prior to testing.

    Electrophysiological recordings in cortex under anaesthesia

    Anaesthesia was induced by a single dose of a mixture of medetomidine (Domitor; 0.022 mg/

    kg/h; Pfizer) and ketamine (Ketaset; 5 mg/kg/h; Fort Dodge Animal Health). The left radial

    vein was cannulated and anaesthesia was maintained throughout the experiment by a continu-

    ous infusion of medetomidine (0.022 mg/kg/hr) and ketamine (5 mg/kg/hr), with atropine

    sulphate to reduce bronchial secretions (0.06 mg/kg/hr, C-Vet veterinary products) and dexa-

    methasone to reduce cerebral oedema (0.5 mg/kg/hr, Dexadreson, Intervet UK) in Hartmann’s

    solution, supplemented with 5% glucose. The ferret was intubated, placed on a ventilator (Har-

    vard Model 683 small animal ventilator; Harvard Apparatus) and supplemented with oxygen.

    Body temperature (38˚C), end-tidal CO2, and the electrocardiogram were monitored through-

    out the experiment. Experiments typically lasted between 36 and 60 hours.

    To access the cortex for recordings, the animal was placed in a stereotaxic frame and the

    temporal muscles on both sides were retracted to expose the dorsal and lateral parts of the

    skull. A metal bar was cemented and screwed into the right side of the skull, holding the head

    without further need of a stereotaxic frame. On the left side, the temporal muscle was largely

    removed, and a craniotomy performed to expose the suprasylvian and ectosylvian gyri. The

    dura was removed and the cortex covered with 1–3% agar. The animal was then transferred to

    a small table in a soundproof chamber (Industrial Acoustics, Winchester, UK).

    Recordings were made using silicon probe electrodes (Neuronexus Technologies, Ann

    Arbor, MI) with either a single shank (16 channel; 100 μm site spacing). Electrodes werepositioned so that they entered the cortex approximately orthogonal to the surface of the

    suprasylvian gyrus. Neural recordings were obtained using TDT System III hardware (RZ2

    data acquisition system) with custom written software in Open Project (Tucker-Davis Tech-

    nologies, Alachua, FL) and MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, USA).

    Measuring the effects of cooling on neural responsiveness under


    Neurophysiological validation was performed in visual cortex where spiking activity is gener-

    ally higher and more robust than in auditory cortex [2]. Prior to electrode placement, we posi-

    tioned the cooling loop over the surface of the suprasylvian gyrus (area posterior suprasylvian

    (PS) and 21, [27]). For electrode positioning and initial tests of neural responsiveness, the loop

    was in place, but the pump was inactive, and thus cortex remained at close to body tempera-

    ture. Linear shank electrodes were then inserted such that the electrodes spanned from surface

    to 1.5–2 mm below the cortical surface in the centre of the cooling loop. Following a time

    allowed for neural activity to stabilise (typically between 5 and 30 minutes), visual responses of

    units in area 21 / PS were obtained in response to 100 ms flashes of white light presented using

    an LED housed in a diffuser placed 20˚ to the right of the midline of the head, 15 cm from the

    eye (luminance 65 cd/m2). Stimuli were controlled via TDT hardware (RZ6) and presented

    with an inter-stimulus interval of 900 ms.

    Once visually responsive units were identified, the cortex was cooled by pumping chilled

    ethanol through the loop and adjusting the flow rate to achieve a temperature of�10˚C

    Acute Inactivation of A1 Causes a Sound Localisation Deficit

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  • (mean ± SD = 7.14 ± 1.02). During cooling, tests of visual responsiveness were repeated at regularintervals (every 5–10 minutes) for 30–80 minutes depending on the rate at which cortical temper-

    ature / visual responsiveness declined. After this period, cooling was stopped and the cortical tem-

    perature was allowed to recover for at least 25 minutes (mean ± SD: 54.5 ± 16 mins) to bodytemperature. During this recovery period, further tests of visual responsiveness were made.

    Mapping spread of cooling in auditory cortex

    In a separate series of cooling experiments performed after electrophysiological recordings

    were complete, we also positioned a cooling loop over primary auditory cortex and reduced

    the temperature of the cooling loop to 10˚C. Cortical temperatures were mapped across audi-

    tory cortex by positioning a hypodermic needle temperature probe (Omega, Stamford, USA)

    at varying distances from the cooling loop. At each site, a micromanipulator was used to posi-

    tion the temperature probe in order to sample the temperature in cortex, in 500 μm steps to adepth of 2.5 mm from the cortical surface (Fig 2A).

    Electrophysiological data analysis

    For each recording site, spikes were detected online as negative deflections exceeding -3.5

    times the root-mean squared signal voltage. No attempt was made to isolate single neurons as

    the aim here was to understand the macroscopic effects of cooling on the function of cortical

    populations rather than the precise properties of well-isolated single neurons. Stimulus

    responsive sites were defined as those at which we observed a significant evoked average local

    field potential (LFP) (200 ms pre-stimulus compared with 200 ms post-stimulus onset, paired

    t-test, p

  • when the temperature of the loop was 10˚C or below (mean ± SD = 7.14 ± 1.02, minimum =5.70˚C). The brain was allowed to recover until it returned to within 3˚C of the pre-cooling

    temperature (minimum 25 minutes, mean ± SD 54.5 min ± 16 min). Averaged LFP responsesto the visual stimuli were monitored during each recording and analysed for changes during

    cooling (Fig 3A). Current source-density (CSD) analysis was applied to field potential data

    recorded across cortical layers using the inverse CSD method [29]. CSD analysis identifies

    Fig 3. Effect of reduced cortical temperature on neuronal activity. [A] Typical light-evoked local field

    potentials from each electrode across the depth of the cortex for each temperature during the cooling process

    for a recording site in visual cortex. [B] CSD analysis of [A] indicating the locations of current sources and

    sinks. [C] Raster plot showing spiking activity of an example unit recorded from PS in the centre of a cooling

    loop before, during and after cooling in response to a 100 ms flash of white light (grey shading shows stimulus

    presentation). The temperature of the cooling loop during the recording is indicated. [D] Time course of

    mean ± SD firing rate (during 100 ms of stimulus presentation) of example multi-unit from [C]. [E] Populationactivity during and after cooling: Mean firing rate of superficial (triangles) and deep (crosses) units during

    presentation of the stimulus during (blue) and after cooling (orange) against the pre-cooling firing rate of 72

    multi-units recorded from 2 ferrets (1 site and 8 sites in each ferret respectively). The example unit from [C]

    and [D] is shown by the filled symbols. [F] Mean activity of units from superficial (I-IV) and deep (V-VI) layers

    of cortex before, during and after cooling. The cooled firing rate was significantly lower than pre- and post-

    cooling firing rates (two-way repeated measures ANOVA, p

  • current sinks and sources in the extracellular space and was used to estimate the layer of the

    recorded units and to determine changes in activity in different layers of cortex (Fig 3B).

    Behavioural task design

    Ferrets were trained in a custom-built D-shaped box surrounded by an array of 7 speakers

    (Visaton FRS SC 5.9) at 30˚ intervals, 5 cm above the floor and 24 cm from the centre of the

    box (Fig 1A). A response spout located in front of each speaker (15.5 cm from the centre of the

    box and 8.5 cm in front of the speaker) contained an infra-red detector to measure the animal’s

    presence and provided water rewards. Above each spout was a white LED that provided light

    stimuli for the visual localisation task. For two ferrets (F1202 and F1204) LEDs were posi-

    tioned at the same distance as the speakers (i.e. 24 cm from the centre of the chamber) whereas

    for one ferret (F1311) LEDs were positioned at the same distance as the response spouts (15.5

    cm from the centre of the chamber, 10 cm height). A further spout was also placed at the centre

    of the arena to initiate stimulus presentation. This spout was offset from the centre by 3 cm to

    ensure the animal’s head was aligned at the centre of the speaker and LED arrays with the

    interaural axis in line with the -90˚ and 90˚ speakers. Outside the training box, an additional

    LED (15 cm from the floor) was used to indicate trial availability. The behavioural task, data

    acquisition, and stimulus generation were all automated using custom software running on

    personal computers, which communicated with TDT RX8 real-time signal processors.

    In order to minimise rotations of the animal and thus twisting of the cooling tubing the

    testing arena was smaller than previous apparatus used for assessing sound localisation in this

    species (e.g. [30]) and speaker locations were restricted to frontal space. This allowed the beha-

    vioural testing to be fully automated and independent of any experimenter input. The testing

    arena was housed in a custom built sound attenuating chamber (Zephyr Products Ltd, Suffolk,

    UK) measuring 90 cm by 89.5 cm by 75 cm (height x width x depth) with the inner walls

    coated with sound attenuating foam (45 mm). Speakers were calibrated to produce a flat

    response from 200 Hz to 25 kHz using Golay codes, presented in an anechoic environment, to

    construct inverse filters [31]. All the speakers were matched for level using a microphone posi-

    tioned upright at the level of the ferret head in the centre of the semi-circle. Calibrations were

    performed with a condenser microphone (Model 4191, Brüel and Kjær), a TDT System 3 RX8

    signal processor and/or a Brüel and Kjær 3110–003 measuring amplifier.


    Auditory stimuli were white noise bursts of differing durations (500 ms, 250 ms or 100 ms)

    cosine ramped with 5-ms duration at the onset and offset and low pass filtered below 22 kHz

    (finite impulse response filter

  • similar methods to Parsons et al. [30]. Briefly, the ferret was first trained to lick the start spout

    at the centre of the chamber which initiated the presentation of a repeating stimulus (sound or

    light with duration of 1000 ms looped with a 500 ms gap). The ferret was then free to leave the

    start spout and respond at one of the response spouts at the periphery of the chamber. The

    trial continued with the stimulus repeating until the ferret made a correct response, where-

    upon it received a water reward. If the ferret left the central spout during the first stimulus pre-

    sentation the trial was immediately terminated and the ferret would have to wait for 1 second

    before it could initiate the trial again. Once the ferret was accustomed to the nature of the task

    (identified by regular returning to the start spout after receiving water from target locations), a

    contingency was added whereby incorrect responses terminated the trial and the ferret was

    then required to initiate a new trial where it was presented with the same stimulus (correction

    trial) until a correct response was made. Over the course of a few weeks, timeouts were intro-

    duced for incorrect responses where the ferret was made to wait for a period of time before a

    new trial could be initiated. Timeout duration was increased until they lasted 5–7 seconds.

    Variable waiting times at the start spout before the presentation of the sound were also intro-

    duced during this training period such that the ferret would have to maintain contact with the

    start spout for a period of time before the stimulus was presented. These waiting periods grad-

    ually increased so that they were at least 500 ms and during testing, hold times of 500–1000 ms

    were used, pseudo-randomly selected on each trial. Once ferrets reached 60% correct or more

    at this stage, the stimulus was reduced to a single presentation (Fig 1B). Once the ferrets

    reached a performance level of�60% accuracy the stimulus duration was reduced to the next

    longest (500, 250 and 100 ms sound durations were tested). Ferrets were ready for testing at

    these durations once their performance stabilised (~3–4 weeks). Behavioural performance in

    our smaller testing chamber, which led to response spouts being located at half the distance of

    the speaker from the centre of the chamber, was lower than reported in previous studies in

    larger arenas [25]. For this reason we did not test with stimuli shorter than 100 ms in duration.

    Two ferrets (F1202 & F1204) were initially trained and tested on the auditory localisation

    task before being trained to localise visual stimuli. For these ferrets, during visual training, sti-

    muli were presented simultaneously with co-located auditory stimuli (1000 ms duration).

    Over several training sessions, the intensity of auditory stimulus was reduced and ultimately

    removed so that the ferret was localising the light source. Once the peripheral noise stimulus

    had been removed completely the ferrets appeared reluctant to move away from the start spout

    during presentation of the visual stimulus thus a noise stimulus of the same duration as the

    LED was re-introduced but was presented from above the ferret, where it offered no localisa-

    tion cues. One ferret, F1204, could not reach a consistent level of performance on visual trials

    and therefore was not tested in the visual localisation task.

    One ferret (F1311) was trained simultaneously on auditory and visual trials (randomly

    interleaved) using the methods described for sound localisation above. For this ferret, visual

    stimuli were placed at the same distance as the reward spouts as opposed to where the speakers

    were positioned (see Fig 1A). This animal required no additional acoustic stimulus from

    above. Table 1 summarises the testing each ferret completed.

    Table 1. Ferret behaviour and cooling.

    Behaviour Auditory Localisation Visual localisation

    Cooling Left Right Bilateral Left Right Bilateral

    Duration (ms) 100 250 500 100 250 500 100 250 500 N/A

    Ferret F1202 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

    F1204 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

    F1311 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


    Acute Inactivation of A1 Causes a Sound Localisation Deficit

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  • Surgical methods: Cooling loop Implantation

    Anaesthesia was induced by a single dose of a mixture of medetomidine (Domitor; 0.022 mg/

    kg/h; Pfizer) and ketamine (Ketaset; 5 mg/kg/h; Fort Dodge Animal Health). The ferret was

    intubated, placed on a ventilator and ventilated with oxygen and isoflurane (1–3.5%) to main-

    tain anaesthesia throughout the surgery. Supplementary doses of ketamine (where necessary)

    and saline were also given intravenously and local analgesic (Marcaine, 0.5%) injected under

    the skin prior to midline incision.

    An incision was made along the midline of the ferret’s scalp and the connecting tissue divided

    from the skin to reveal the underlying temporal muscles. The posterior two thirds of each muscle

    were removed to expose the dorsal and lateral parts of the skull. Two holes for the bone screws

    located posteriorly and towards the midline of the animal were then drilled. Self-tapping bone

    screws were inserted into the skull to anchor the dental cement applied at the end of the surgery

    to secure the implant to the skull. A craniotomy over the ectosylvian gyrus was then made and

    the dura removed so that the cooling loop could be placed in direct contact with the brain.

    A cooling loop was mounted on a micro-manipulator (Harvard Apparatus, USA) and care-

    fully positioned over the dorsal tip of the ectosylvian gyrus on the MEG, aiming for A1. The

    boundaries of the cortical fields were not mapped prior to implantation to preserve the cortex

    and were instead confirmed with cytoarchitectonic markers post-mortem. The loop was low-

    ered to directly contact the cortical surface and the craniotomy was sealed with Silastic (Kwik-

    Sil™, WPI Inc.) to protect the exposed brain. The loop and attached thermocouple (Fig 1C) werethen secured in place with dental acrylic (Palacos R+G, Haraeus, Germany) and excess skin

    removed to create a tight wound margin around the implant. Further analgesia (Marcaine,

    0.5%) was injected around the wound margin before the ferret was allowed to recover from the

    surgery. Ferrets were given post-operative analgesia (buprenorphine, 0.03–0.05 mg/kg), antibi-

    otics (Amoxycare LA, 15 mg/kg) and anti-inflammatories (Loxicam, 0.05 mg/kg) for five days

    and allowed to recover for at least two weeks before recommencing behavioural testing.

    Cooling during behaviour

    The cooling apparatus was adapted for use during behaviour by including an additional connector

    before the loop on the animal’s head. This allowed short pieces of tubing (0.5 x 50 mm and 0.5 x

    200 mm, PTFE) to be attached to the loop while the ferret was distracted by animal treats (Nutri-

    plus gel, Virbac, UK). The tubing was then connected to the pump and ethanol reservoir.

    For a cooling session, the apparatus was first ‘pre-cooled’ before connecting an animal by

    pumping ethanol through spare cooling loops until loop temperatures fell below 0˚C. The ani-

    mal was then connected to the system (Fig 1D) using the modified tubing and thermocouple

    connectors to monitor loop temperature at the cortical surface. The temperature was moni-

    tored online using a wireless transfer system (UWTC-1, Omega Engineering Ltd., Manchester,

    UK) and the flow rates adjusted to maintain a cortical temperature of�10˚C (mean ± standarddeviation (SD) across all cooled trials and ferrets, unilateral: 9.1 ± 0.8˚C, bilateral: 8.7 ± 0.8˚C).While waiting to reach the target temperature, the ferret was held outside the testing box and

    distracted with animal treats. When the target temperature range was reached, the animal was

    placed in the testing chamber to perform the localisation task.

    Cooling sessions were performed in one of the twice-daily testing sessions of days 2–5 of a

    5-day testing run. The other testing session from the same day was used as a warm control ses-

    sion. During these sessions the cooling apparatus was attached to the ferret but no cooling was

    performed. In order to maximise the number of trials obtained per cooling sessions, ferrets

    did not receive correction trials during the cooling sessions or the warm control sessions per-

    formed on the same day.

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  • Histology

    When experiments were completed, ferrets were anaesthetised with a mix of ketamine and

    medetomidine followed by a terminal overdose of sodium pentobarbitone (2.5 ml/kg). Once

    deeply anesthetised the ferret was trans-cardially perfused with 0.9% saline followed by 4%

    paraformaldehyde. The brain was removed and placed in 4% paraformaldehyde overnight.

    The brain was then transferred to 30% sucrose (3–4 days) for cryo-protection prior to frozen

    sectioning at 50 μm in the coronal plane. Sections were collected in two series, one of whichwas subsequently stained with 0.2% Cresyl violet while the other was stained for neuro-fila-

    ment H. For this we used the ABC procedure with DAB staining, briefly: All solutions were

    made with 10 mM PBS and Normal Horse Serum (NHS, Vector, S-2000) unless otherwise

    stated. Sections were initially incubated in blocking solution (5% NHS) for one hour and then

    overnight at 4˚C with primary antibody (2% NHS, 1:4000 monoclonal mouse anti-Neurofila-

    ment H; BioLegend, San Diego, CA; mouse IgG1, cat# 801701, RRID: AB_2564642). After

    rinsing in PBS, sections were incubated with secondary antibody (2% NHS, 1:200 biotinylated

    horse anti-mouse IgG (H 1 L), Vector, cat# BA-2000, RRID: AB_2313581). After rinsing again

    in PBS, sections were incubation in ABC, rinsed and immunostaining visualized using DAB

    with nickel–cobalt intensification. Slides were imaged and digitized on an Axioscan Z1 slide

    scanner (Zeiss) and visualised using ZenLite software (Zeiss) in order to define the boundaries

    of the MEG and PEG/AEG [32] and identify the cooling loop location.

    Statistical analysis

    To test the effect of cooling on activity of neurons in the suprasylvian gyrus of two anaesthe-

    tised ferrets, a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed in

    SPSS software (IBM SPSS, NY, USA) with firing rate as the dependent variable and cooling

    condition (pre-cooling, during cooling or post-cooling) and the cortical layer of the unit (lay-

    ers I-IV or V-VI) as independent variables. Bonferroni post-hoc pairwise comparisons were

    made to compare the means (p< 0.05).

    To assess the effect of sound duration on sound localisation performance in warm condi-

    tions, the response outcomes (correct / incorrect) at each duration for each ferret were fit by a

    generalised linear models (GLMs) assuming binomial distributions and using the logit link

    function (MATLAB R2014b; fitglm function). An effect of duration was found significant if

    inclusion of duration as a predictor term resulted in a significantly improved fit compared

    with the constant model (analysis of deviance, χ2 distribution, p< 0.05).Effects of cooling on localisation accuracy were analysed separately for each ferret and for

    each stimulus modality (auditory/visual) by GLMs assuming binomial distributions and using

    the logit link function with response outcome (correct (1) / incorrect (0)) as the dependent

    variable. To determine whether cooling elicited any change in the unsigned error magnitude,

    generalised linear models were fitted to single subject data but under the assumption (given

    that errors could not be less than zero) that error magnitude followed a Poisson distribution

    and the log link function with error magnitude (on error trials) as the dependent variable.

    To investigate effects on performance during unilateral cooling, models were fitted sepa-

    rately to data obtained when the left or right hemisphere was cooled. Each model tested the

    association between the animal’s response and four predictor terms: stimulus duration (500,

    250, 100 ms), hemifield of the presented stimulus (left (0) / right (1)), cortical temperature

    (warm (0) / cooled (1)) and an interaction term between stimulus hemifield and temperature.

    The interaction between hemifield and temperature allowed us to test the hypothesis that uni-

    lateral cooling should only impair sound localisation in the contralateral hemifield and not the

    ipsilateral hemifield. The effect of unilateral cooling on midline performance was investigated

    Acute Inactivation of A1 Causes a Sound Localisation Deficit

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  • by performing a fit with two predictor terms: stimulus duration (500, 250, 100 ms) and cortical

    temperature (warm / cooled).

    To investigate the effects of bilateral cooling on performance across space, a single model

    was fitted to behaviour of each subject. For one subject tested with a single sound duration,

    (F1204, 100 ms) the model tested the effect of cortical temperature (cooled/warm). For the

    other subject (F1311), the model included both cortical temperature (cooled/warm) and stim-

    ulus duration (100, 250 ms). The significance of effects was assessed using a t-test against the

    null hypothesis that each coefficient was zero. For fitting visual data, the duration term was

    omitted since only one visual stimulus duration was tested.

    For each model result we present the degrees of freedom, which indicates the number of tri-

    als in each test less the number of coefficients. We also present the exponential values of the

    estimated coefficients (eß), which indicate the size of the effect of the variable on the dependentfactor. For the logit link regression, eß indicates the change in odds of the dependent variableoccurring (i.e. a correct response) with a change in predictor (i.e. going from warm to cooled).

    Values approaching one indicate no effect of the predictor on performance, whereas values

    above or below one indicate that changes in the predictor improved or impaired performance

    respectively. For the log-linked Poisson regression, eß gives the incidence rate ratio, the factorby which error magnitude would change given a single unit change in the predictor (e.g.

    increasing stimulus duration by 1 ms or for categorical predictors, going from warm (0) to

    cooled (1)) while holding all other variables constant. Values approaching one indicated no

    effect of the predictor, whereas values greater or less than one indicated increased / decreased

    error magnitude with a change in predictor. For each coefficient we also present the t-statistic

    and p value from a t-test against the null hypothesis that the coefficient was zero (and thus eß =1). We took a p value of

  • firing rate [2]. Fig 3A shows a typical averaged light-evoked LFP from each electrode on the

    probe for one recording site before, during and after cooling. It is clear that the LFP is highly

    attenuated once the temperature of the cooling loop falls to

  • over the A1, we now consider the effect of reversible silencing on behaviour in a sound locali-

    sation task.

    Prior to cooling loop implantation, ferrets were trained to perform an approach-to-target

    sound localisation task. In order to run animals tethered with cooling loop tubing we designed

    a smaller testing chamber that allowed approach-to-target localisation but minimised the dis-

    tance animals had to move to reach the response spouts. In this smaller chamber, speakers

    were set back 8.5 cm from the response spouts (Fig 1A). Fig 5A–5C shows the data from one

    ferret for each target location at each of the stimulus durations tested, data from all animals is

    Fig 4. Histological verification of cooling loop locations. [A] Positions of cooling loops in each ferret (thick

    black lines). The auditory cortex is outlined in solid lines (sss: supra-sylvian sulcus, pss: pseudo-sylvian sulcus)

    with location of the Medial Ectosylvian Gyrus (MEG, where A1 is located) indicated by the dashed black lines,

    as determined by cytoarchitectonic boundaries derived from post-mortem histology). [B] Typical example of

    neurofilament stained brain section from underneath one of the loops (from F1204 right hemisphere). Cooling

    loop location indicated by arrows. Red dash box shows region of magnification in [C]. [C] Magnified image from

    [B] showing the cortex positioned beneath the loop is indistinguishable from elsewhere. Orientation axes:

    D = dorsal, R = rostral, M = medial.


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  • Fig 5. Sound localisation behaviour: an example ferret. [A–C] Responses of one ferret (F1204) to

    auditory stimuli of 500, 250 and 100 ms duration with the distribution of responses made to sounds at each

    location indicated by the filled circles. [D–F] Responses of the same subject to 100 ms sounds presented

    during bilateral (purple) and unilateral (left or right, blue or red respectively) cooling. Data from control

    sessions [C] shown in black outline for comparison. Negative locations indicate angles to the left of the



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  • shown in Fig 6. Shortening the sound duration significantly reduced task performance in each

    ferret as revealed by a significantly improved GLM fit of response outcomes during warm con-

    ditions with inclusion of duration as a predictor term compared with the constant model

    (Analysis of deviance; F1202: χ2 (1659, N = 1661) = 27.24, p

  • To determine whether cooling significantly influenced localisation behaviour, we fitted sin-

    gle trial responses of each animal with a generalised linear model that tested whether there was

    a significant association between the animal’s performance (correct / incorrect) and (1) corti-

    cal temperature (cooled vs. warm), which would indicate a general effect of cooling on perfor-

    mance, (2) the hemifield in which the stimulus was presented (left vs. right), which would

    indicate a difference in performance in each hemifield, (3) sound duration and (4) an interac-

    tion term between stimulus hemifield and cortical temperature, which would indicate a stron-

    ger effect of cooling in one hemifield over another. In this analysis, a contralateral deficit in

    sound localisation induced by cooling would be revealed as a significant interaction between

    hemifield and cortical temperature. Our GLM analysis enabled us to assess whether each of

    these factors were significant predictors of behavioural performance and to use the coefficients

    (see methods) to compare the direction and magnitude of each predictor term.

    Across ferrets, hemispheres and durations, localisation performance decreased on average

    by 13.1% (F1202: -10.6%, F1204: -14.3%, F1311: -14.2%) in the contralateral hemifield and by

    1.7% (F1202: -0.8%, F1204: -1.9%, F1311: -2.4%) in the ipsilateral hemifield during unilateral

    cooling compared with warm conditions. We confirmed the presence of a cooling-induced

    contralateral sound localisation deficit by demonstrating a significant interaction between cor-

    tical temperature and hemifield of sound for each ferret when cooling left A1 and for two of

    three ferrets when cooling right A1 (p< 0.05, Table 2). The coefficients were less than one

    when the left hemisphere was cooled and greater than one when the right hemisphere was

    cooled, signifying a contralateral effect of cooling on performance. As expected, the duration

    of the stimulus affected performance (Table 2, p

  • function. In general, all factors in the model, including cooling, showed effects on the error

    magnitude of the ferrets (Table 3). The temperature-hemifield interaction term coefficients

    were greater than one when the left was cooled and less than one when the right was cooled,

    consistent with an increase in error magnitude in the hemifield contralateral to cooling.

    We next addressed the effects of unilateral cooling on sound localisation at the midline

    both in terms of percentage correct (Fig 7A) and unsigned error magnitude (Fig 7B). Across

    ferrets and durations, on average there was a 9.7% decrease (F1202: +0.4%, F1204: -19.0%,

    F1311: -9.6%) in performance at the midline during cooling compared with warm conditions.

    We tested the prediction that performance at the midline would not be affected by unilateral

    cooling by fitting a GLM to single trial response outcomes with stimulus duration and cortical

    temperature (warm/cool) as predictors. Since there was no prior reason to expect differences

    between cooling of left and right hemispheres, we included trials from both data sets. We

    Table 3. Factors affecting unsigned error magnitude during sound localisation in GLM analysis for the left and right hemifields during unilateral


    Hemisphere cooled

    Left Right

    Subject F1202 F1204 F1311 F1202 F1204 F1311

    df 1016 1405 878 1024 1443 824

    Sound Duration eß 1.0000 1.0001 1.0020 0.9998 0.9996 1.0021

    t -1.3376 -3.5645 28.8600 -6.5670 -14.7050 29.7160

    p 0.1810 0.0004 3.8 x10-183 5.1 x10-11 6.0 x10-49 4.8 x10-194

    hemifield of stimulus eß 0.9400 0.8139 0.8382 0.9423 0.8181 0.8400

    t -5.4811 -23.5500 -14.8530 -5.2617 -22.9690 -14.6600

    p 4.2 x10-8 1.3 x10-122 6.7 x10-50 1.4 x10-7 9.5 x10-117 1.2 x10-48

    Temperature eß 0.9405 0.9061 0.7724 1.1856 1.0424 0.9898

    t -4.7161 -7.3467 -14.0800 15.2460 3.6965 -0.6347

    p 2.4 x10-6 2.0 x10-13 5.0 x10-45 1.7 x10-52 0.0002 2.6 x10-21

    Temperature * Hemifield eß 1.2755 1.2309 1.3118 0.7126 0.9640 0.8186

    t 13.3140 11.6330 11.5850 -17.7150 -2.1584 -8.2127

    p 1.9 x10-40 2.8 x10-31 4.9 x10-31 3.2 x10-70 0.0309 2.2 x10-16


    Fig 7. The effect of unilateral cooling sound localisation performance at the midline. [A] Mean

    performance at the midline for each stimulus duration for warm (grey) and unilaterally cooled (yellow)

    conditions. [B] Mean unsigned error magnitudes for each stimulus duration in warm and unilaterally cooled

    conditions. Symbols: F1202 = circles, F1204 = triangles, F1311 = squares.


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  • found a significant effect of cooling on midline localisation performance in only one of three

    ferrets (p< 0.05, Table 4). We found significant effects of cooling for two of three ferrets on

    the error magnitude, and a significant effect of duration in all ferrets (p

  • motivation or locomotion, ferrets were also trained to approach the location of visual stimuli.

    We matched the difficulty of auditory and visual localisation by adjusting the duration of the

    light so that performance was equivalent to that observed when animals localized sounds of

    250 ms in duration. Matching of stimulus difficulty produced similar performance in auditory

    and visual tasks under warm control conditions (Fig 9). However during cooling of A1, deficits

    in task performance were limited to auditory and not visual localisation (Tables 6–8).

    When addressing visual localisation specifically for each subject tested (Fig 10), we observed

    no systematic impairment in performance or error magnitude. To test this statistically we

    repeated our GLM analysis of single trial performance during cooling of right (2 ferrets) or left

    A1 (1 ferret), this time using a model with three predictors: hemifield of the visual stimulus,

    cool/warm condition and an interaction term between hemifield and warm/cool condition.

    Only one stimulus duration was used and thus duration was excluded from the model previ-

    ously used for analysis of sound localisation. There were no significant effects of any term in

    either animal when either left or right hemisphere was cooled (p> 0.1, Table 6). However, for

    error magnitude, there was an effect of cooling in both animals and also temperature-hemifield

    of stimulus interaction in both animals. The sign of the interaction coefficient effect was oppo-

    site for left and right cooled hemispheres and was also opposite to those observed in sound

    localisation indicating that error magnitude actually decreased in the contralateral hemifield

    during unilateral cooling, also evident in Fig 10B.

    We also tested the effect of unilateral cooling on midline performance for visual localization

    but found no significant effect of cooling for either subject tested (p> 0.1, Table 7). One of

    the two ferrets showed a decrease in the error magnitude (Table 7). For bilateral cooling in

    one subject, there was also no effect of bilateral cooling on visual localisation performance

    (Table 8). There was however a significant effect of cooling on error magnitude, indicating a

    decrease in error magnitude during cooling. Thus visual localisation performance during cool-

    ing of A1 was unimpaired by cooling, in contrast to the detrimental effect on performance and

    increased error magnitude during sound localisation.


    The data presented here demonstrate cooling is a viable technique for selectively and reversibly

    inactivating auditory cortex in the behaving ferret as cooling related performance deficits were

    observed only in auditory and not visual localisation. Our experiments determining the spread

    of cooling and the consequences of cooling on neuronal activity suggest that behavioural

    impairment resulted from localized silencing of neuronal activity in A1.

    The deficit caused by inactivation of A1 is consistent with results observed after other

    forms of inactivation in the ferret; unilateral pharmacological inactivation of A1 caused a

    Table 5. Factors affecting sound localisation performance in GLM analysis for bilateral cooling.

    Metric Accuracy (correct/ incorrect) Unsigned Error Magnitude

    Subject F1204 F1311 F1204 F1311

    df 1346 2356 808 1102

    Sound Duration eß N/A 1.0011 N/A 1.0017

    t N/A 1.9020 N/A 29.1710

    p N/A 0.0572 N/A 4.6x10-187

    Temperature eß 0.6777 0.5744 0.9719 1.0556

    t -2.8455 -5.7119 -2.5518 5.6852

    p 0.0044 1.1x10-8 0.0107 1.3x10-8


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  • Fig 9. Comparison of the effects of cooling on visual and auditory localisation performance. The

    responses of ferret F1311 to visual stimuli (left column) and matched difficulty auditory stimuli (right column)

    during bilateral (A & B), left (C & D) and right (E & F) unilateral cooling with the warm performance shown in

    grey for comparison. The distribution of responses made to sounds at each location is indicated by the filled



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  • contralateral localisation deficit [2], and bilateral inactivation by pharmacological means or

    lesion caused a deficit in sound localisation ability across space [2,24]. In contrast to bilateral

    pharmacological deactivation [2], where localisation deficits were only observed with 40 ms

    stimuli, both bilateral lesions [24] and inactivation by cooling resulted in deficits in localisation

    of 100 ms stimuli. For such 100 ms duration stimuli, deficits in performance observed during

    bilateral cooling (a drop in 6% across both subjects) were similar in magnitude to those result-

    ing from bilateral ablation of A1 (approx. 10%) [24]. Such results are consistent with mecha-

    nisms of inactivation in which cooling and lesioning suppress all neural activity in the target

    region whereas pharmacological deactivation affects specific neuronal subtypes.

    As in the cat [7,23], inactivation of A1 did not result in any increase in the number or size

    of the errors that animals made in localising visual stimuli. In fact in some instances, cooling

    A1 caused a decrease in the average size of the errors on those trials in which the target was

    mis-localised. It is possible that auditory cortex could modulate visual localisation directly or

    indirectly [33,34]. In comparison with the cat [7,23], cooling-related deficits in sound localisa-

    tion in the ferret were modest (cooling induced change in performance contralateral to unilat-

    eral cooling: cat = 45.1%, ferret = 13.1%; bilateral cooling: cat = 47.8%, ferret = 10.6% [23]),

    however the changes observed were similar to those observed in previous lesion studies of the

    role of A1 in sound localisation in ferrets [24]. Smaller effects of cooling in the ferret may also,

    in part, be due to differences in the experimental designs used with different species: Cats were

    given the option to select a guaranteed ‘lower value’ reward by approaching the 0˚ position

    rather than the target stimulus location whereas ferrets were required to respond regardless of

    their certainty about the sound’s location. This may have encouraged a cleaner pattern of

    Table 6. Factors affecting visual localisation performance and unsigned error magnitude in GLM analysis for the left and right hemifields during

    unilateral cooling.

    Metric Accuracy (correct/ incorrect) Unsigned Error Magnitude

    Hemisphere cooled Left Right Left Right

    Subject F1311 F1202 F1311 F1311 F1202 F1311

    df 719 547 757 259 258 272

    hemifield of stimulus eß 1.5664 0.9258 1.5664 0.9258 1.5707 0.9258

    t 2.4649 -0.2775 2.4649 -4.0818 19.4700 -4.0818

    p 0.0137 0.7814 0.0137 4.5x10-5 2.0x10-84 4.5x10-5

    Temperature eß 1.2456 1.2060 0.9949 0.8058 1.1254 0.8505

    t 0.9058 0.7556 -0.0227 -8.1829 5.1468 -7.0169

    p 0.3650 0.4499 0.9819 2.8x10-16 2.6x10-7 2.3x10-12

    Temperature * Hemifield eß 0.7733 1.2112 1.2616 1.4741 0.8296 0.8729

    t -0.7346 0.5436 0.6983 10.4990 -6.2375 -3.5318

    p 0.4626 0.5868 0.4850 8.7x10-26 4.4x10-10 0.0004


    Table 7. Factors affecting visual localisation performance and unsigned error magnitude in GLM analysis for the midline location during unilateral


    Metric Accuracy (correct/ incorrect) Unsigned Error Magnitude

    Subject F1202 F1311 F1202 F1311

    df 92 163 49 112

    Temperature eß 0.5773 1.7354 0.8608 1.0444

    t -1.2200 1.6228 -3.8674 1.5567

    p 0.2225 0.1046 0.0001 0.1195


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  • errors since if the cats were uncertain about the target location they had the option to select a

    guaranteed reward. Furthermore, Malhotra and colleagues [7,23] cooled the cat brain to

    3 ± 1˚C, approximately 6˚C lower than in the present study. We selected our temperaturebased on (1) our observation that cooling the cortical surface below 10˚C significantly reduced

    cortical activity in the anaesthetised ferret (Fig 3) and (2) our observations that cooling the cor-

    tical surface to 10˚C did not induce decreases in cortical temperature below 20˚C at depths

    beyond the thickness of ferret cortex (1.5–2 mm, Fig 2B) nor at lateral locations outside of A1

    (see locations 8, 10 and 11 in Fig 2).

    Spread of cooling was a particular concern as use of low temperatures in small mammals

    may lead a drop in temperature in other brain areas and even the cochlea [10], Coomber and

    colleagues [10] cooled the surface of the guinea pig brain to 2˚C and demonstrated a small

    temperature drop (~4˚C) in the thalamus, midbrain and middle ear, but this small change was

    not sufficient to directly reduce neural activity. However it has been shown in birds that lower-

    ing the temperature of cortex to levels above those required for cessation of neural firing can

    slow down neural firing rates [8]. Although we did not test other brain areas, the cortical tem-

    perature at the deepest locations measured (2500 μm) did not drop below 20˚C with the cool-ing loop temperature at 10˚C, thus is it unlikely that any other brain areas were inactivated but

    it is possible that some areas were affected by a temperature drop that was not sufficient to

    alter neural firing rates.

    When considering the extent of cortex inactivated during behaviour in the present study,

    neurons in most cortical layers were likely attenuated by cooling but only within the area

    under the loop. Fig 3 indicates that there was a significant decrease in firing rate of cortical

    units from deep layers V-VI during cooling and that this was not different from the reduction

    achieved in the more superficial layers (Fig 3F), thus it is likely that we achieved inactivation of

    all layers of cortex during behaviour. This is consistent with work in anaesthetised guinea pigs

    showing cooling the cortical surface to 2˚C reduced the temperature at 2 mm cortical depth to

    less than 20˚C [10]. While warmer than at the cortical surface, cooling deep layers to this tem-

    perature is still likely to suppress neural activity [5,10,35]. Selecting a temperature at which to

    cool is necessarily a balance between successfully inactivating the whole cortical depth (1.5–2

    mm in ferrets) and restricting the spread of cooling to under and within the area covered by

    the cooling loop. Fig 2 demonstrates that with a surface temperature of 10˚C, the spread of

    cooling laterally outside of A1 was minimal and that deeper than the thickness of auditory cor-

    tex, no temperatures dropped below 20˚C. Indeed given that in anesthetized animals the cortex

    is exposed rather than protected and therefore not insulated as in chronically implanted, freely

    moving animals, our measurements of cooling spread are likely to overestimate the spread

    occurring in behaving ferrets.

    During our testing of the effect of cooling on neural data, we observed a significant decrease

    in firing rate during cooling in superficial (I-IV) and deep layers (V-VI) compared with before

    cooling. We observed only partial recovery of units to pre-cooling levels, and although post-cool-

    ing firing rates were significantly different from rates during cooling, the post-cooling levels were

    Table 8. Factors affecting visual localisation performance and unsigned error magnitude in GLM analysis for bilateral cooling.

    Metric Accuracy (correct/ incorrect) Unsigned Error Magnitude

    Subject F1311

    df 861 371

    Temperature eß 0.5773 1.5773

    t -0.7304 -8.1217

    p 0.4652 4.6x10-16


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  • significantly different to pre-cooling. There are many reasons why neurons may not have fully

    recovered their pre-cooling firing rates including not enough time being left for recovery and/or a

    lack of firing/input leading to changes in adaptation in the neurons in question. Applying a crite-

    ria for recovery defined by Antunes and Malmierca [13] as a recovery of spiking to>80% of the

    pre-cooling maximum the majority (62/72) of neurons recovered. Furthermore, we did not

    observe any prolonged deficit in ferret performance of localisation after cooling, thus is unlikely

    that there was any prolonged impairment of cortical processing through cooling.

    Fig 10. Effects of cooling on visual localisation performance. [A] Mean visual localisation performance

    and [B] change in error magnitude of the ferrets (bars: mean, symbols: individual animal mean) in each

    cooling condition for the left (blue) and right (red) hemifields [C] Mean performance and [D] error magnitude at

    the midline during warm (grey) and unilateral cooling (yellow) conditions. [E] Mean performance and [F] error

    magnitude of ferret F1311 across space during warm and bilateral cooling (purple) conditions. Symbols:

    F1202 = circles, F1311 = squares.


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  • In summary, this work supports the successful application of inactivation of auditory cortex

    by cooling as assessed by performance impairment in a sound localisation task. Consistent

    with previous work in ferrets [2,20,24,25] and other species including primates and carnivores

    [17,18,21,22,36], unilateral inactivation of A1 resulted in a contralateral localisation deficit and

    bilateral inactivation resulted in deficits across space. Cooling did not affect visual localisation

    performance in the same task design, demonstrating that behavioural impairments were not

    related to non-specific effects on motivation and motor coordination. Recordings of cortical

    temperature and neural activity in anesthetized subjects suggest that cooling was specific to the

    vicinity of the loop over auditory cortex and behavioural deficits stemmed from a suppression

    of neural firing in this region. Our results establish cooling as a viable technique in the ferret,

    offering a method for cortical inactivation in a range of other psychophysical tasks (e.g. [37])

    for which ferrets are an excellent model in behavioural neuroscience.

    Supporting Information

    S1 File. Data underlying each figure. Each tab shows data underlying figures presenting




    We would like to thank Soraya Dunn for help with the running of the ferrets and Stephen

    Lomber for technical advice with setting up the cooling system.

    Author Contributions

    Conceptualization: KCW JKB.

    Formal analysis: KCW.

    Funding acquisition: JKB.

    Investigation: KCW SMT HA GPJ JKB.

    Methodology: KCW JKB.

    Project administration: KCW.

    Resources: SMT.

    Software: KCW SMT JKB.

    Supervision: JKB.

    Writing – original draft: KCW.

    Writing – review & editing: KCW SMT JKB.

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