ad biogas news issue 4

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  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4


    You opiioa eve

    matteed moe

    ADBA i deligted to be wokig

    alogide Govemet

    depatmet DECC ad Dea to

    om te AD Actio Pla, a tategy wic

    will detemie te utue amewok o

    te AD ad bioga idutie. But time

    i o te eece, a te pla’ deadlie

    o Apil 2011 loom, ad it i ow moe

    cucial ta eve tat ou membe make

    tei voice ead. Oly wit valuable iput

    om aco ou etie wide-agig

    membeip bae ca we eue tat ti

    Actio Pla delive a utue o AD tat

    eally beet te wole iduty.

    Cot’d page 3 >

    Cnfnc pv– n h kn n yu n? page 8 >

    PAS110 Ccan –hu ADBA mmbdscun! page 11 >

    Bmhan fu –s jus a ‘ndam’ f UKmss? page 14 >

    ADBA’s 11 knups pss fchan page 18 >

    Mmbs’Mn –nd u haADBA s

    dn f yu page 21 >

    Wast – gt it right

    Iide ti iue > 


    Issue 4 NOVemBeR 2010

    ■  Maagig Diecto  ■  fiace Diecto  ■  sale/Buie Developmet  ■  Opeatio/Tecical  ■  Maketig Maage

    ✔ CirCUlAtioN liSt

    Acohrnt wast stratgy, including doorstp collction and sourc

    sgrgation, will hav a ajor ipact on th availability of fdstock and

    thus th businss plans of plants in th piplin. With stiats indicating

    that around 80% of availabl fdstock in th UK could co fro unicipal

    solid and corcial and industrial wast sourcs, ADBA has bn clar that

    th industry, and th country, will s th gratst bnt if this rsourc is

    sourc-sgrgatd and prioritisd for AD.

    Cot’d page 4 >

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4



    AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    Buildig a bigte utue o AD

    Now that th Govrnnt has nally conrd that th

    Rnwabl Hat Incntiv (RHI) will bco a rality in

    2010/2011 with a budgt of £850 illion bing st asid, ADBA

    will continu th ght to try and scur a lvl of funding that

    aks gas to grid injction conoically viabl.

    Th futur of th industry is also in th balanc through a nubr of consultations.

    Th Wast Rviw, a coprhnsiv rviw of all houshold and corcial

    wast collction in th UK, and th 2050 Pathways Rviw, which looks at how

    Britain will gnrat th nrgy it nds and t its grnhous gas targts by

    2050, hav both rcntly closd.

    ADBA is aking sur that AD’s rol to 2050 is clarly st out and that a cohrnt

    wast stratgy, including doorstp collction and sourc sgrgation, is valud

    corrctly so that all th costs and bnts to UK plc ar factord in. It is iportantthat w gt wast policy right as it will hav a ajor ipact on th availability of

    fdstock and thus th businss plans of plants in th piplin. With stiats

    indicating that around 80% of availabl fdstock in th UK could co fro

    unicipal solid and corcial and industrial wast sourcs, ADBA has bn

    clar that th industry, and th country, will s th gratst bnt if this

    rsourc is sourc-sgrgatd and prioritisd for AD. Although part of th wast

    rviw, Dfra ust also nsur that this is tid in with th AD Action Plan that is

    bing drawn up with DeCC, aidd by ADBA. To this nd, this issu of AD & Biogas

    Nws is rly cntrd on th iportanc of wast collction, and th focus at

    ADBA’s National Confrnc in Dcbr will b to discuss th stratgy for wast

    and food collction as wll. Ultiatly though, th vntual succss of changs

    in wast collction policis, and of th AD Action Plan, will b asurd by thnubr of plants which co on stra.

    Looking ahad at th nxt six onths, w will b working hard with Govrnnt

    on wast issus, th crafting of a workabl AD Action Plan and th prioritisation

    of funding for AD via th Rnwabl Hat Incntiv, th Fd-in Tariff and th

    Rnwabl Transport Fuls Obligation. Ford for th bnt of its brs, it is

    th knowldg, advic and xprinc that our brs ar wll placd to provid

    that will nabl us to axiis AD’s potntial - ADBA wlcos your input, so

    plas gt in touch.

    Lod rupet rededale, ADBA Caima

    Iide ti iue >

    Cove stoy: 1 ADBA calls for members to get involved

    Welcome: 2Chairman’s foreword, Publication details

    ADBA new: 3The true voice of the industry 

    featue ‘Wate – get it igt’: 4-7

    Coeece Peview: 8-9

    Membe’ new & View: 10-12

    Govemet & Agecy new: 13

    featue ‘Biometae a atapot uel’: 14-15

    Policy Update: 16-17 A guide to ABPR, Working with the decision makers

    Membeip Matte: 18-21 Working Group updates, diary dates, new ADBA director 

    Evet - UK & AD BIOGAs 2011: 22

     A bi-monthly publication to raise industry

     awareness and report on the activities of the Association and its members.

     Add Editor Kirsty Sharpe to your press list and sendus your news and views on a regular basis. Features

     for the January issue include (members’ comments welcome):-

    • Members’ reaction to the publication of DECC/ Defra’s draft AD Action Plan and the level of RHI

    • Does the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) helpor hinder AD?

    • EA standard permit for AD sites – members to

    comment before the consultation closes end of January 

    Copy deadline 12 December 2010

    Sponsorship & Advertising:

    Louise Wallace T +44 (0) 203 1760 592E [email protected] 


    Kirsty Sharpe T +44 (0)1920 821873E [email protected] 

    AD & Bioga new featue

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4


  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    4/24.adbas.c.uk04 AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    Wate maagemet –te key to AD’utue ucce?

    Th AD industry is capabl of gnrating

    or than 30TWh of nrgy, nough to hat

    a city largr than Biringha, with 24TWh

    coing fro municipal Solid Wast (mSW)

    and Corcial and Industrial Wast (C&I).

    With th currnt nrgy targt standing

    at just 7TWh fro all organic arisings, it’s

    clar that AD’s futur succss will b hugly

    dpndnt on th wast industry.

    According to a 2009 study by WRAP, UK

    housholds throw away 8.3 illion tonns

    of food and drink vry yar, rsponsibl forth quivalnt of 20 illion tonns of carbon

    dioxid issions. AD can play a vital rol in

    rducing th nvironntal ipact cratd

    by this organic wast, braking it down

    to produc a cobination of biogas and

    digstat, contributing to rnwabl nrgy

    production and cliat chang itigation.

    Th digstat crats a biofrtilisr,

    prsrving and rturning to land critical

    rsourcs such as phosphorus, nitrogn

    and sodiu, which would othrwis b

    lost in landll or incinration. But th hugpotntial for AD can only b ralisd if wast

    is collctd and anagd intlligntly,

    ncssitating an ovrhaul of currnt wast

    collction policy.

    Wat – t t rht

    Get teLocalAutoitieo ide!On ajor stubling

    block to such a chang

    in policy could b local

    authoritis’ (LA) rsistanc to

    introducing sparat food wast

    collctions. Wast sgrgation ladsto a bttr quality and highr quantity of

    produc for th AD procss, thus iproving

    th quality and quantity of nrgy

    producd - put siply, if food wast is

    Whn th Caltn grnnt annuncd

    t plan fr a wat cllctn cnultatn,

    ADBA wa at th frfrnt f th dbat. Th

    Dfra wat rw calld fr dnc n awd ran f qutn n th futur f

    wat cllctn and ADBA’ ubn

    rnfrcd th prtanc f cllctn

    and prrtn fd wat fdtck

    fr anarbc dtn (AD),

    tal t achn th

    xpann n AD t whch

    th Caltn cttd.

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    5/ NovemBeR 2010 | AD & BiogAs NeWs

    sourc-sgrgatd, or nrgy can b

    cratd and or nutrints rcycld.

    Frqunt collction is also iportant; if

    dlays occur, wast can start to digst

    bfor it rachs th digstr, rlasing

    grnhous gass and rducing th gas

    yild of th wast.

    Thrfor, a short-tr saving in

    th for of coingld wastcollction is sn as countr-

    productiv. Dspit eric

    Pickls’ attpts to librat

    th into aking thir

    own dcisions on wast

    collction, LAs should b

    ncouragd by cntral

    Govrnnt to tak into

    account th contribution

    that wast fro thir

    ara can ak to a

    wid rang of targts,

    including landll

    rduction and cliat

    chang itigation,

    as wll as th hug

    bnts to critical

    rsourc prsrvation.

    Popooueaig peak

    coumptioTh valu of phosphorus,

    on such critical rsourc,

    cannot b undrstiatd.A rcnt bring papr fro

    Pemie Wate Maagemet

    Ltd, an indpndnt wast

    anagnt copany, clais that

    faring in th UK is not sustainabl

    without phosphorus, a nit, non-

    rnwabl rsourc for which thr is

    no substitut. Phosphorus is ssntial for

    th growth of all living organiss and w

    ar xpctd to rach pak consuption

    by 2030. In dirct contrast to landll and

    incinration, AD aintains alost all thavailabl phosphorus fro th fdstock

    into th digstat whil also saving th

    ins carbon cost of anufacturing

    articial frtilisr fro fossil fuls.

    Commuity ivolvemet –a vital tep to ucceHowvr, switching to sparat houshold

    food wast collction is not as sipl as

     just gtting th LAs on sid, according

    to Tony Hitchns, Had of markting at

    Pemie Wate Maagemet Ltd: “It is

    a balancing act btwn th grnhous

    gass cratd during th collction,

    transportation and tratnt and thnrgy that can b producd. Additionally,

    atrial collctd fro housholds will

    co with a gratr risk of containation

    - is soon going to unwrap th out of

    dat bacon bfor putting it in th food

    wast containr?” Tony continus: “Supply

    ay drop du to th incras in ho

    coposting and th ris in convninc

    food – aftr all, you don’t hav any potato

    pl if you only cook ovn chips!”

    Thrfor, involving local counitisin dcisions ovr how thir wast is

    contributing to cliat chang will b

    ky to th succss of any sch. To this

    nd, industry has a strong rsponsibility

    to ngag with counitis whn

    planning, building and oprating an AD

    plant, holding opn tings and sit

    visits, and publishing writtn inforation

    for local rsidnts. David Palr-Jons,

    CeO of sITA UK, a rcycling and rsourc

    anagnt copany, xplains: “As

    srvic providrs, our job is to giv

    counitis what thy want. But or

    oftn than not, w ar facd with outright

    rjction of any typ of facility. W nd

    to turn that around by looking at nw and

    innovativ ways with which to connct

    with counitis.”

    This viw is chod by Hugh Vaughan, UK

    & eir Dirctor for Ladia, anufacturr of

    choppr pups and ixing quipnt for

    biogas plants: “LAs and wast copanis

    nd to ncourag th public to sourc-

    sgrgat thir own houshold wast.In Dnark, for instanc, popl hav

    bracd th joind-up thinking around

    fars, food wast and AD plants, andCot’d >

    supply may dop due to te inceae in ome compoting

    and te ie in convenience food – afte all, you don’t ave

    any potato peel if you only cook oven cip! Toy hitce, head o Maketig at Pemie Wate Maagemet Ltd

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    6/24.adbas.c.uk06 AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    Wat – t t rht

    bcaus counitis hav a stak in thir

    local biogas plant, it’s no surpris that thy

    gt th bst out of th through chapr

    utility bills.”

    souce-egegatio –wo pay?Anothr potntial hurdl is th cost of any

    nw collction policy. It is nvisagd that

    ost AD plants will tak wast fro a

    rlativly sall local ara and distribut

    digstat frtilisr to land as clos as

    possibl. This will iniis transport costs

    in both nancial and carbon trs. Whr

    LAs alrady collct grn wast for fr, acharg on this would allow ost to collct

    food wast at no xtra cost. LAs oving

    fro wkly black bag to wkly food and

    fortnightly black bag collction should

    nd this clos to cost-nutral. Howvr,

    thos opposd to sourc-sgrgation oftn

    cit th prohibitiv cost of running such

    a sch in rural aras as a rason why

    it could nvr work on a national scal.

    Sorst, a rural county with a ix of

    urban and rural aras including part of th

    exoor National Park, is proving thoscritics wrong, bing th rst to introduc

    larg-scal sparat food wast collctions

    back in 2004, as part of an intgratd

    packag of srvics that includs wkly

    rcycling andfortnightly rfus


    David mansll,

    Stratgy &


    Ta Ladr of

    someet Wate


    (sWP) xplains:

    “Our collction contractor, may Gurny,

    provids cost-ffctiv food wast

    collctions by cobining food wast

    and rcycling collctions on a singl

    pass vhicl with krbsid sorting. W

    srv ovr 125,000 housholds, boosting

    rcycling rats to 50%, with a quartr of

    this contributd by food wast. Sorst’s

    ‘Sort It’ collctions ar also carbon

    fcint,” says David. “Lightr, or ful-

    fcint vhicls ar usd for rcycling

    collctions, which do not hav havy

    copaction or bin-lifting quipnt.

    Consquntly, th carbon savings

    achivd by rcycling gratly xcd thcarbon issions fro collctions.” As

    for th futur, SWP ar kn to capitalis

    on thir succss: “Working with our

    tratnt contractor, Viridor, w ar

    partway through awarding a contract nxt

    yar for a nw AD plant in Sorst to

    procss all th food wast w collct - up

    to 25,000 tonns fro housholds and a

    furthr 20,000 tonns fro corcial

    sourcs. By using AD to produc both

    biogas and biofrtilisr, and by rcycling

    all our sparatd food wast withinSorst, th nw AD plant

    should offr signicant nvironntal,

    carbon-saving and nancial bnts,”

    nthuss David.

    C&I wate big a ewet o callegeBut as coptition for wast incrass,

    th pric that wast tratnt

    copanis can charg is likly to fall,

    possibly to a position whr thy would

    hav to pay for fdstock. Any chang in

    wast collction policy could thrfor

    hav a ngativ nancial ipact on th

    sallr wast copanis. Dr Stphn

    Wis, Tchnical Dirctor of sak

    Wate Maagemet, blivs this is

    unlikly, howvr, at last for mSW:

    “Within th unicipal wast arkt,

    collctions ar drivn by th Wast

    Collction Authoritis, who award a

    contract to th copany that ts

    thir rquirnts in trs of cost,

    nvironntal spcication, tc. mor

    contracts ar bing won by sallr or

    charitabl organisations and bcaus of

    th tndring procss, I do not s this

    ara bcoing onopolisd. Howvr,

    th corcial arkt is or gnrally

    drivn by pric. Thrfor, it will b thos

    copanis that hav accss to cost-coptitiv solutions that will tak th

    lad in th C&I sctor.” C&I wast brings

    a diffrnt st of issus fro mSW, as

    Dr Wis xplains: “Th challngs likly

    to aris fro sourc-sgrgation and

    sparat collction of C&I wast includ

    having spac for bins at priss, staff

    ngagnt and volu of atrial

    gnratd. Diffrnt solutions ar

    rquird – I do not s a probl with

    coingling crtain atrials for

    C&I wast and thn sorting th atth tratnt plant, with food wast

    going to biogas production. Th latst

    gnration of atrial rcovry facilitis

    is highly advancd and abl to do this and

    Oe iue wit C&I

    wate i avig pace

    o bi at pemie

    someet Wate

    Pateip i

    ucceully ouce-egegatig

    ood wate i a ual aea

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    7/ NovemBeR 2010 | AD & BiogAs NeWs

    organisations such as suprarkts will

    not sparat vrything.”

    encouragingly, on suprarkt is

    bucking this trnd, aking carbon savings

    quivalnt to taking a thousand cars off

    th road – all by stopping its food wast

    fro going to landll. Waitros’s food

    wast is collctd and procssd by

    spcialist AD oprators BiogeGeec. 

    Arthur Sayr, Waitros Rcycling & Wast

    managr conts: “AD is th prfrrd

    rout for us to corrctly dispos of food

    wast. W wr th rst UK food rtailr

    to bgin using AD back in 2008 and ardlightd that it’s now usd by 100 of our

    shops.” Richard Barkr, Chif excutiv

    of BiognGrnnch, adds: “W hop that

    othr food producrs will tak inspiration

    fro what Waitros ar doing. W ar

    bginning to s what a vital rol AD could

    play in fullling th UK’s nrgy supply and

    cobating cliat chang.”

    Wy Govemet muttake actio – nOW!

    Whil it is hopd that othrs will soonfollow Waitros’s lad, unlss Govrnnt

    stps in it’s fard th wait will b too

    long. Placing AD abov coposting in th

    eU wast hirarchy du to its suprior

    nrgy rcovry and cliat chang

    bnts, and stting landll targts basd

    on grnhous gas issions rathr

    than tonns of wast, would allow AD to

    ourish. Th gnration of biogas fro

    wast could also b prootd if th Gas

    Safty (managnt) Rgulations wr

    rlaxd to th lvl of othr eU countris.

    Additionally, a ban on snding organic

    wast to landll is viabl by th yar 2020

    - but only if Govrnnt taks action now.

    ADBA rly blivs that Govrnnt

    should proot th sourc-sgrgation,

    collction and prioritisation of mSW and

    C&I wast for AD and st incntivs at alvl which ncourags growth. Th lack of

    uptak of th Fd-in Tariff has shown that

    it was st too low to proprly stiulat th

    industry and th Rnwabl Hat Incntiv

    (RHI) nds to b signicantly highr to

    achiv th xpansion of AD to which

    Govrnnt has coittd.

    Howvr, it is up to th AD industry as a

    whol, ld by ADBA, to offr Govrnnt

    its intllctual capacity and nsur th

    bst us of th availabl wast rsourcs.For its part, Govrnnt nds to harnss

    th knowldg and xprinc of th AD

    industry, sothing it is alrady working

    towards with th advnt of th AD Action

    Plan in which ADBA is havily involvd.

    As ADBA Chairan, Lord Rdsdal,concluds: “It is up to ADBA and th

    industry to convinc th nancirs, th

    wast anagnt copanis and th

    local authoritis that AD is on of th ost

    iportant rnwabls in th UK.”










    Get ivolved >

    Have your say on the future of waste at ADBA’s members’ meeting on 14 Decemberand at ADBA’s National Conference on15 December, where SITA UK’s TechnicalDirector, Stuart Hayward-Higham,

     will debate the hot topic -Wastecollection; can it be cheaper to source-segregate organic waste? See p8 for details.

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    8/24.adbas.c.uk08 AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    Cnfrnc Prw 

    ADBA’ natioal Coeece, 15 Decembe 2010 at Oe

    Geat Geoge steet Wetmite (Lodo), could

    ot ave come at a bette time, a ti i te momet

    te iduty a bee buildig up to ove te lat ew yea.

    Tee i o time like te peet to elit te elp om ou

    membe to ape te utue o AD, ad i you tik you

    opiio doe’t cout – te tik agai.

    Govrnnt dpartnts DeCC and Dfra ar writing th AD Action

    Plan nOW and ar looking for input fro th Association and its

    brs, whos sctor-divrs support, rsourc and xprinc

    hav a vital part to play in apping out th rality of AD fro all

    industry angls.

    Th Confrnc will not only b industry’s opportunity to

    donstrat th ipact AD can ak on th sctor’s ky drivrs

    of ting cliat chang, rnwabl nrgy and landll targts,

    as wll as critical rsourc anagnt, but it will also b your

    chanc to fd into th dbat on th biggst issus affcting th

    industry’s potntial. Through an aftrnoon of inforal brakout

    sssions covring topics such as mSW and C&I wast collction,

    th us of biothan as a transport ful, gas injction to grid

    and digstat as a valuabl product, dlgats will gt th

    opportunity to both qustion industry xprts and rais th

    issus that thy fl nd addrssing. Plus, gust spakr Goran

    Nylin, of GG eco Solutions, will b at th vnt to discuss what hblivs is the  solution for aking digstat a sriously valuabl

    coodity. Gusts will also hav th opportunity to ingl

    aongst a tabl-top xhibition showcasing so of th ost

    proinnt businsss in AD corc.

    Do’t mi te vey latet ottopic up o debate:-

    • Dputy Stratgy Dirctor, DeCC (tbc) – AD i cotext: te

    place o AD i te UK’ eegy mix up to 2050 ad beyod 

    • ADBA Chif excutiv, Charlott morton – ADBA ad te AD

    Iduty: te key dive, AD’ ole i te UK eegy mix ad

    te picipal callege o te ext 12 mot

    • Stuart Hayward-Higha, SITA – Wate collectio; ca it beceape to ouce-egegate ogaic wate?

    • martin Brown or Dian Broohall, Granischr Lloyd –

    Te iue uoudig ga ijectio ito te gid

    • mik Orr, NOFCO (Natural Organic Frtilisr Copany): –

    Digetate a a valuable poduct

    • Cathrin Crouch, Tnns environntal – Te baie to

    uig biometae a a tapot uel

    Wo ould atted?ADBA brs, nd-usrs, farrs, acadics, supplirs,

    local authoritis and AD, wast, watr, food, transport and

    nrgy profssionals. For xcptional visitor rats, sponsorship

    or advrtising packags and furthr inforation, contact

    [email protected]

    AD: Maximiig

    te value

    Callig all membe >

    You paticipatio i vital!The day before ADBA’s second National Conference,

     ADBA will be holding its first general members’meeting. An opportunity to meet ADBA’s team, board

    of directors and working groups chairs, find out what the Association is doing on behalf of its members and have yoursay on ADBA’s strategy. See Diary Dates on p21 for more details and tobook your place.

    DECC ad Dea eed you iput ito te ADActio Pla nOW!

    Meet and netwok witig quality AD pecic contact

    hea te latet update and innovation fom aco te induty 

    Contibute you view at te induty event 

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    9/ 09NovemBeR 2010 | AD & BiogAs NeWs

    C O n f E r E n C E P r E V I E W

    Edia – Stand 12

    Highly efcient mWm gas enginesShowcasing th vry latst highly fcint mWm gasngins, edina UK has bn a rnwabl powr gnration

    spcialist sinc 1985, with bass in Dublin, Lisburn, Cork

    and manchstr. Known as th eU’s ladr for durability and

    rliability, th latst mWm gas gnrators provid lctrical

    fcincis of up to 43% and ovrall fcincis of up to

    90%. Giving xcllnt prforanc on all fors of gas,

    including natural gas, LPG and biogas, th mWm rang, for

    which edina ar sol distributors in th UK and Irland, is

    th undisputd gas ngin choic for AD custors. Fro

    gas to disl powrd gnration, sals to hir, and sall

    gnrators to full turnky projcts, edina’s ission is todlivr tailord solutions fcintly and on ti.

    Kik Eviometal – Stand 530 years experience in AD tanks

    Kirk environntal is th UK’s lading spcialist in

    th anufactur of larg storag tanks, AD tanks and

    BIODOme® Doubl mbran Biogas Holdrs. W

    spcialis in th succssful dlivry of projcts with

    intrnationally rcognisd AD procss dsignrs. With ovr

    30 yars of worldwid installation xprinc, arning an

    unrivalld rputation through yars of succssful projct

    copltions, Kirk environntal’s in-hous ddicatd

    ta offrs th highst lvls of support fro dsign toconstruction, whilst ting all UK standards for halth &

    safty, quality and nvironntal controls. KIRK is also th

    only copany oprating within this spcialist ara to hav

    consistntly aintaind UVDB Vrify Approval and is proud to

    b a foundr br of ADBA. Visit us at Stand nubr 5 at

    th ADBA National Confrnc.

    Ladia – Stand 10

    more than just ixers and pupsmixr and pup anufacturr Landia says it wants to round

    off a highly succssful 2010 with a ky ssag at th ADBA

    National Confrnc. “A yar on fro what was an xcllnt

    rst vnt, w ar looking forward to sing what has bnlarnd,” says Landia’s Hugh Vaughan. “So copanis

    invsting in AD hav alrady discovrd to thir cost that

    thr is virtually no back-up srvic for th pups and

    ixrs thy’v purchasd – or that whn buying fro a on-

    stop shop, th all-iportant quipnt has bn sriously

    undr-spcid in ordr to kp to th xd pric contract.”

    Hugh adds: “W

    look forward to

    sharing rst-hand

    xprinc in

    providing ixrs

    and pups thathlp ak biogas

    plants prfor


    PlaET – Stand 9

    Biogas plants of all sizesPlaneT Biogastchnik GbH ranks aongst th lading

    biogas plant buildrs in Grany and europ. Th

    copany’s portfolio of srvic covrs all lds of biogas

    tchnology, fro dsign, planning and plant construction all

    th way to th rnnt of biogas to natural gas quality,

    aintnanc and biological support by our own laboratory.

    PlaneT has alrady succssfully dsignd and built narly

    200 biogas powr plants worldwid with sizs fro 40 kW

    to svral mgawatts. With our ntwork of sals and srvic

    partnrs in diffrnt parts of th UK PlaneT can aintain

    good custor proxiity and availability countrywid.

    Th rst PlaneT biogas plant in th UK is currntly undrconstruction and will b fully oprational in spring 2011.

    Th far-basd plant will hav an lctrical capacity of 220kW

    and digst broilr anur, aiz silag and cattl slurry.

    T Jrry englbrcht +44(0) 1425 656466 /+44(0)7966 065583

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    10/24.adbas.c.uk10 AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    mbr’ Nw & vw

    Avoid gettig a

    ock om youAD electicmany AD prjct c n lat and

    r budt bcau f a lack f

    undrtandn n th pwr upply

    ndutry, thn that ADBA

    br Rbnn & Lawlr, AD Cnnctn

    Dlry spcalt, ar lkn t chan.

    According to managing Dirctor StvnRobinson, two of th biggst lctrical

    hurdls an AD oprator can fac ar gtting

    th connction to th ain lctrical grid

    organisd and co-ordinating th intrnal,

    lowr voltag lctrics with th various

    xtrnal, highr voltag works. As Stvn

    xplains: “Unlss arly discussions ar hld

    with th local distribution copany (usually

    known as Distribution Ntwork Oprators

    or DNOs) th various nds of all typs of

    dvloprs can’t b balancd. Rgional

    wir connctions can b affctd by wind,bioass, solar and othr various sall

    scal projcts all trying to gt on to th

    syst, copting for physical connction

    capacity, ti, attntion, and odlling.”

    Bfor bginning an AD projct, Stvn rconds

    oprators tak not of ths insid tips:

    1. Get you electical wok ad coectio tote gid cecked out ealy, peeably beoeplaig i ubmitted.

    2. Iit o avig a igle cotact o youexteal ig voltage ad iteal low voltagewok. Poject ca be delayed ueceailyby epoibility beig paed betweedieet upplie.

    3. seek to obtai attactive tage paymet omall you upplie - you do’t eed to makelage upot paymet. howeve eac DnO i aepaate compay, o be pepaed o dieetageemet aco te UK.

    4. Be pepaed to callege te DnO uig aidepedet pecialit, i tey ay tat teelectical etwok eed upgadig i youaea. Alo, detemie i a dieet outig ocoectio poit could be poible. netwoke-eocemet migt be a a eult o otepoject, o ealy egagemet ad willigeto egotiate ae eceay.

    5. Te quote you obtai om te DnO ouldbe plit ito o-cotetable ad cotetablewok. Te o-cotetable elemet ca oly becaied out by te DnO. Te cotetable wokae ope to idepedet pecialit. Tee

    pecialit ca elp you to eiouly keep dowbot you time ad cot, i additio to givigyou moe cotol ove ti pat o you poject.


    Th eign swag tratnt works at Hrford is on of a

    urry of nw AD plants installd by edina UK this yar.Th Wlsh Watr (Dwr Cyru) plant prviously opratd a

    standard swag digstion plant with two sall gnration units

    but as part of an upgrad, an Advancd AD plant has bn installd

    and th original gnration plant has bn dcoissiond. This

    nw plant will produc or gas and as part of th projct, two

    717kW units wr installd, plus a wast hat boilr which uss

    ngin xhaust hat to produc sta. Ths units wr supplid by

    edina to Itch, th procss contractor, with monsal providing th

    enhancd enzyic Hydrolysis (eeH) high rat hydrolysis AD unit.

    It’s alrady bn a fantastic yar for ADBA br edina, on-sit

    powr gnration spcialists for ovr 25 yars, who hav so farinstalld alost 39mW of nvironntally frindly gnration

    quipnt using gas powrd ngins fro mWm of mannhi,

    Grany, for who edina ar th sol authorisd distributor in th

    UK and Irland. Currntly undr construction ar nw gnration,

    houshold wast AD projcts for Anglian Watr, Lancashir Wast,

    Gratr manchstr Wast and Biffa Wast managnt, as wll

    as furthr projcts including food wast for Branston Potatos,

    CHP units for Cranld Univrsity, Vital enrgy at Blackpool’s

    Victoria hospital and a coission for th nw BBC TV studios

    at mdia City, manchstr. Although iprssiv, this is just thbginning as th driv for grnr and or conoic sourcs of

    nrgy gathrs ontu in both th public and privat sctors.

    Te Eig ADplat i ow upad uig

    To rciv a FRee writtn Grid

    Viability Assssnt for your projct go to

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    11/ 11NovemBeR 2010 | AD & BiogAs NeWs

    Cllruptor tchnology st to boost watr industry

    Th rst corcial installation

    of cll-disintgration tchnology

    Cllruptor will soon b valuatd

    at Yorkshir Watr’s esholt WWTW nar

    Bradford. A potntially larg incras

    in gas gnration will b analysd, with

    th tchnology xpctd to incras

    gas yild by up to 40% fro surplusactivatd sludg, or 12% fro th total

    sludg stra.

    Cllruptor is a discrt tratnt procss

    that is low on nrgy, sipl to install and

    oprat and can b rtrottd into xisting

    digstion facilitis, as wll as grn

    ld sits. It aks Scondary Activatd

    Sludg or rcptiv to digstion

    and draatically iprovs th procss

    conoics of AD - th rduction of volatil

    solids incrass ovrall gas gnration

    without th nd for larg nrgyrquirnts or coplx quipnt. It

    also ans thr is lss digstd sludg

    to b stord, transportd and disposd of,

    nabling additional oprational savings and

    fcincis to b ad.

    Th intrnational rights to th Cllruptor

    tchnology ar hld by ADBA br

    eco-Solids Intrnational, whos

    managing Dirctor, Cliv Rigdn,

    nthuss: “Watr copanis and AD

    oprators will soon s rsults that

    ar ipossibl to ignor – rsults that

    w bliv will b vry bncial to thbotto lin of thir businsss. W ar

    looking forward to sing th data fro

    our rst UK Cllruptor installation and

    th widr roll-out of this tchnology.”

    Th organisation alrady offrs a 50%

    discount for th rst two yars for any AD

    plants rgistring with th bfor th nd

    of 2010, but will b providing an xtra 5%

    discount for ADBA brs only.

    OF&G provid th inspction and

    crtication of biofrtilisr to PAS (Publicly

    Availabl Spcication) 110 and th Quality

    Digstat Protocol undr th Biofrtilisr

    Crtication Sch (BCS), on bhalf

    of Rnwabl enrgy Assuranc Ltd,

    a subsidiary of th Rnwabl enrgy

    Association. To achiv succssful

    crtication, facilitis producing digstat

    will nd to t th rquirnts of th

    BCS with rgard to inputs, procsss and

    th biofrtilisr producd.



    Whr digstat is producd to this quality

    standard, vryon can hav condnc

    that its us as biofrtilisr is saf and has

    bn chckd by an approvd body. Th

    bnts of going through this procss

    ar that th digstat rsulting fro ADcan safly b usd by farrs as a good

    sourc of sustainabl frtilisr, as dtaild

    in th BCS wbsit: “If a biogas plant

    ts th standard, its digstat will b

    rgardd as having bn fully rcovrd

    and to hav casd to b wast, and it can

    b dspatchd to th custor undr th

    sybol ‘biofrtilisr’.”

    Andigstion’s Dvon-basd Holsworthy

    plant will b aong th rst to coplt

    crtication and Oprations Dirctor,

    Jak Prior, conts: “W’r hopful

    that w will soon achiv our crtication

    to PAS 110 and th Quality Digstat

    Protocol, which bnts us in trs of

    rducing adinistration and providing

    an indpndnt approval of th quality of

    our procsss and th safty of th nd

    digstat. It’s an iportant stp for th

    public trust in digstat output.”

    Yokie Wate’Eolt WWTW

    Th oranc Farr & grwr (oF&g) ha rcntly jnd

    th rwn rank f ADBA br and, a uch, ar ffrn

    a hu 55% dcunt t fllw br ff th ct f th tal

    PAs 110 crtcatn fr bfrtlr.

    Te PAs110 ceticatio will euepublic tut i digetate

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    12/24.adbas.c.uk12 AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    mbr’ Nw & vw

    Swdish tchnology ais to

    rvolutionis digstat anagntTh anant f dtat fr AD plant prnt a ral

    challn t any prjct. Whl dtat ffr a nutrnt rch

    frtlr f bnt t arcultur, t xpn t handl and

    ana, ftn rqurn ntnt n xpn bulk tra and

    dtrbutn nfratructur.

    Howvr, according to Grg Hilton of

    Bidwlls a nw tchnology has bn

    dvlopd which convrts th digstat

    into valuabl, asily arktd products:

    bioass ful and frtilisr. This patntd

    tchnology, known as th ‘GG eco Box’, is

    dlivrd by Anglo-Swdish copany GG

    eco, who ar partnrd by ADBA foundr

    br Bidwlls Agribusinss to

    introduc th tchnology to th UK. Two

    valuabl outputs ar drivd fro th

    digstat - a granulatd biofrtilisr with

    consistnt lvls of nitrogn, phosphat

    and potassiu (which can b sold as

    a copound blnd or as a straight

    nitrogn and PK frtilisr sparatly),

    and a plltisd bioass ful. Th

    biofrtilisr can b usd as a substitut

    for convntional synthtic frtilisrs in

    agricultur and horticultur, whil th

    bioass ful can b usd in bioass

    boilrs for hat and/or powr production.

    Th GG eco Box tchnology can b

    locatd clos to th sourc of th wast

    to b procssd, bringing a nubr of

    advantags. Firstly, it rducs th transport

    ti, cost and nvironntal ipact of

    oving wast atrials ovr long distancs

    and scondly, it allows th tchnology to

    b installd in a nubr of locations in

    a rlativly short tifra, as it dos

    not involv th lngthy planning and

    iplntation procsss associatd with

    ajor wast procssing facilitis.

    To nd out or contact Grg Hilton

    T +44 (0)1223 559466

    e [email protected]

    Digetate toage

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    13/ 13NovemBeR 2010 | AD & BiogAs NeWs

    grnnt & Ancy Nw 

    WRAP to xain attituds to digstat

    Th UK’ rt bthan t

    rd plant tartd njctn

    a nt th lcal dtrbutn

    ntwrk at Ddct, oxfrdhr,

    lat nth.

    WRAP has joind forcs

    with Dfra to iplnt

    a nationwid st of ld

    xprints, to xain th ipact

    of digstat us in agricultur. A

    rang of soil typs, crop rotations and

    gographical locations hav bn built

    into th progra and asurnts

    will includ nitrogn rlas

    charactristics, crop yild and quality,

    crop safty, soil quality and grnhous

    gas issions fro rciving soils. Th

    work is schduld for copltion in

    march 2014 and also includs a dtaild

    dissination plan, which will provid

    inforation on agronoic bntsdirctly to industry. Tn agricultural

    collgs will tak part, with cours

    atrials and othr tools bing providd

    to train th nxt gnration of farrs

    and growrs in digstat us.

    WRAP is also looking to undrstand and

    assss prcivd risks fro th us of

    digstats and to dvlop clar tools for

    anaging any such risks via a String

    Group and consultation. Basd on th

    undrstanding of any risk and fdback

    fro industry partnrs, a ‘Biofrtilisr

    matrix’ will b dvlopd that clarly

    prsnts how diffrnt digstats can b

    usd in diffrnt sctors, with th nal

    output bing a sris of sctor-spcic

    guidanc nots. For furthr inforation,or to participat in th String Group or

    consultation procss, plas contact David

    Topkins, Agricultur Dlivry managr.

    [email protected]


    To accelerate its application process, Ofgem

    has published a template for AD generatorsaccessing the RO/FiT schemes, which aims tospeed up the application process for AD stations. 

     A free biofertiliser guide, covering all aspects of digestate use, has been produced by theInternational Energy Association, with support from the CLA: 

    hsE uppot biometae to

    gid plat

    Ji Stancliff, Acting Hm Principal

    Inspctor, conts: “HSe workd closly

    with th projct dvloprs to nsur that

    th tchnology was safly nabld andthat local gas consurs can bnt fro

    locally producd gas, fro rnwabl

    sourcs.” Th plant is a joint vntur

    btwn Scotia Gas Ntworks, Thas

    Watr and Cntrica and will dlivr gas

    anufacturd by th AD of swag.

    Although th biothan producd at

    Didcot ay hav an oxygn contnt of up to

    2% (copard with th liit of 0.2% st by

    th Gas Safty managnt Rgulations),

    HSe is satisd that thr is no incrasd

    risk to ithr gas consurs or th public.

    “As a rsult,” xplains Ji, “HSe issud anxption to Scotia Gas Ntworks to allow

    biothan to b convyd in a liitd ara

    around th plant.”

    HSe has also coissiond GL Nobl

    Dnton to undrtak a rviw of th risks

    arising fro th convyanc and us of

    biothan and othr non-convntional

    sourcs of gas, which will b ad publicly

    availabl aftr copltion in Dcbr.

    Te Didcotbiometae to gidplat, italled byCeteeld Bioga

    EA TAKEs POsITIVEsTEPs fOr ADUntil 29 November, the Environment Agency(EA) is consulting on amending its standard

     permit for on-farm AD so that the distancecriteria from dwellings is measured fromthe biogas engine stack, rather than the

     AD activities. The Agency welcomes clearevidence from industry on whether thedistance criteria can be reduced further. TheEA has also produced a regulatory positionstatement on burning biogas which occursnaturally from slurry stores, stating that itdoes not consider utilisation of such gas

    to be a fuel manufactured from waste.The biogas combustion appliance doesnot therefore require an environmental

     permit unless it has a net rated thermalinput of 20MW or more. The Agency is alsofinalising a regulatory position statementallowing the seeding of AD plants with waste

     without additional permitting requirements, particularly relevant where the feedmaterials to the AD are all non-wastes.https://consult.environment-agency. 

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

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    Biothan, th gas ad by

    dgrading organic atrials, is

    th ost nvironntally frindly

    ful in th world. Chically idntical to

    natural gas, th only diffrnc btwn

    th two ful sourcs is that biothan

    is a ‘rnwabl’ natural gas. Across th

    world an avrag of thr nw natural

    gas lling stations ar opnd vryday yt thr ar barly a handful in th

    UK. Copar this to othr europan

    countris, such as Grany whr thr

    ar ovr 1100 and Italy whr thr ar

    or than 700, or to Pakistan, whr

    ovr half of all vhicls run on natural

    gas and thr ar in xcss of 3000 lling

    stations, and it’s clar that Britain has a

    lot of catching up to do.

    Biothan is cratd by capturing th

    than givn off by dcaying organicatrials which would othrwis turn into

    harful grnhous gasss signicantly

    or nvironntally daaging than

    carbon dioxid. Whil this is rason

    Yt Stuart Hayward-Higha, Tchnical

    Dirctor of SITA UK Ltd, a rcycling and

    rsourc anagnt copany, blivs

    that Govrnnt is awar of th bnts

    of biothan as a transport ful but is

    struggling ovr how bst to intgrat ful

    production and incntivis its us, which

    is far or coplx and difcult than

    th rlativly sipl grn lctricity togrid. “Th UK has historically laggd in

    th dvlopnt of grn nrgy and has

    thus far focusd on th ‘asy win’ grn

    lctricity schs,” xplains Stuart.

    “much of our biological wast gos to

    landll and w hav dvlopd a signicant

    landll gas to lctricity sctor on th back

    of this. This is to th dtrint of grn

    gas and although Govrnnt is sking to

    addrss this through th Rnwabl Hat

    Incntiv (RHI) and Rnwabl Transport

    Fuls Obligation (RTFO), th productionof lctricity is still favourd.” Th Carbon

    Trust has rcntly statd that biothan

    could produc doubl th contribution to

    cliat chang targts by 2020 copard

    Bthan a a tranprt ful

    nough to prsuad ost of us to switch

    fro or traditional ful sourcs, th

    gas also rducs xhaust issions and

    nois pollution, particularly for urban

    aras - gas powrd buss ar 50% lss

    noisy than thos which run on disl. It’s

    also a chapr sourc of ful, rnwabl

    and sustainabl.

    So why arn’t w all rushing to ll up at

    our local biothan station? For any

    within th industry, th fault lis with

    Govrnnt’s lack of ncouragnt

    or incntiv. According to Organic

    Powr’s Christophr maltin, chairan

    of this yar’s Global Biogas Congrss, in

    countris whr biothan and natural

    gas as a ful sourc hav rally takn

    off, Govrnnt has bn at th hart

    of th rvolution: “many countris hav

    bannd ptrol and disl-powrd bussfro city cntrs, aking signicant

    iprovnts to air quality, whilst th

    air quality in any UK citis is worsning

    and actually xcds lgal liits.”

    Will te UK ally get te

    ‘Bug’ o biometae?

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

    15/ NovemBeR 2010 | AD & BiogAs NeWs

    to lctricity gnration. Or as Christophr

    maltin puts it: “If Govrnnt is rallysrious about rducing grnhous

    gas issions and iproving urban air

    quality, ncouraging th us of biogas

    for gnrating lctricity is not th ost

    ffctiv policy to bring this about.”

    many critics of th Govrnnt’s

    attitud towards biothan for

    vhicl ful bla th RTFO for, in

    ffct, disincntivising its us. Whil

    Stuart Hayward-Higha disagrs, h

    dos concd that it crtainly hasn’t

    incntivisd th procss. Stuart xplains:“Th RTFO has a dirct link fro th

    sustainability of production to th valu of

    th incntiv paid. For xapl, undr an

    RTFO contract, a farr growing aiz

    for an AD plant would nd to tak car

    of th nvironntal cost of production

    or ls h, or th AD plant gas producr,

    ay suffr a lowr incntiv. Howvr,

    undr th Rnwabls Obligation, Fd-in

    Tariff or RHI, th sustainability tsts hav

    littl if any nancial ipact and, as such,

    th farr and ful usr tak no risk onth sustainability of production.”

    A clar solution to th confusion

    surrounding th various incntivs

    would b to nsur that ach for

    of nrgy production is incntivisd

    according to its nvironntal ipactand sustainability of production. In this

    way, bing th ost nvironntally

    frindly ful and on of th ost

    sustainabl sourcs of rnwabl

    nrgy, biothan as a transport ful

    would rciv a highr lvl of support

    and would b activly prootd byGovrnnt. Until that ti arrivs,

    it’s lft to chapions such as SITA and

    Organic Powr to try and ducat th UK

    Govrnnt as to what can b achivd.

    The Bio-Bug is believed to be the UK’s firstcar to run on methane gas generated fromhuman waste. Waste flushed down the

    toilets of just 70 homes is enough to powerthe adapted VW Beetle for year, based on anannual mileage of 10,000 miles. MohammedSaddiq of sustainable firm GENeco says:“At the moment we are using waste flusheddown the toilets in homes in Bristol to powerthe Bio-Bug, but it won’t be long beforethe energy will also be generated throughthe treatment of food waste when we startrecycling it at our sewage works.” ADBAchief executive Charlotte Morton adds: “Thisis a very exciting and forward-thinking

     project demonstrating the myriad benefitsof anaerobic digestion. Using biomethanein transport is one of the most efficient usesof biogas generated through AD. Processing

     food waste and sewage sludge in this way also preserves valuable nutrients such as nitrogenand phosphorus. We are delighted to see suchingenuity and commitment to maximisingthe potential of AD from the water industry.”

    Ray Collington, Fleet Engineer for John Lewisand Waitrose, visited BiogenGreenfinch’sMilton Ernest site recently, to witness a lorrybeing refuelled with biomethane from food waste

     processed at the AD plant. “Using biomethane from food wasteto fuel vehicles issomething that

     we’re alreadytrialling at JohnLewis and we’llshortly be using

    at Waitrose too,”comments Ray.The biomethane

     produced is from food waste from Waitrose, Whitbread,Sainsbury’s andlocal restaurantsand authorities.

    BiogenGreenfinch Chief Executive, RichardBarker, enthuses: “Soon, the lorries which bring

     food waste here can refuel on the biomethane we produce before they leave. It would be a wonderful virtuous circle for our customers.”

    Britain’s biothan pionrs...

    In Yorkshire, Chesterfield BioGas hassupplied the biomethane gas filling station andassociated equipment to enable Sheffield CityCouncil and Veolia Environmental Servicesto launch the UK’s largest fleet of gas-fuelled

     vehicles. The recycling and waste collectionlorries run on CNG but are intending torun on biomethane in the near future. It isestimated that the vans have cut CO2 emissionsby around 80% and saved 35% on the cost of

    refueling comparedto conventional dieselequivalents. CouncilLeader, Paul Scriven,explains: “Our vanshave done the samejobs as the diesel

     vehicles over the last six

    months, but withoutthe emissions that spoilthe environment.”Camden Council isalso investigating the

     possibility of usingbiomethane to powertheir vehicles.

    food wate i

    ow uellig Jo

    Lewi’ veicle

    seeld Coucil lauc te UK’ laget ga-uelled eet

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4


    Plcy Updat

    AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    A plat opeato’ guide to ABPrAD pratr wh u anal by-prduct n

    thr fdtck huld b awar f th currntAnal By-Prduct Rulatn (ABPR),

    accrdn t Da Auty f nrnntal and

    nnrn cnultancy AmeC entc.

    “Ths rgulations covr th us and/or disposal of any wasts

    that contain at or anial by-products that ar not intndd for

    huan consuption. Thir intntion is to protct huan halth

    fro th thrat posd by such atrials and thy ar of particular

    intrst to AD oprators bcaus thy contain th national

    standards for AD plants that trat such atrials,” xplains Dav.

    Anial by-products (ABP) ar classid into thr catgoris

    undr th ABPR 2005 (SI 2005 No. 2347):

    Categoy 1 – Highst risk atrials and intrnational catring

    wast. This atrial cannot b tratd using AD and nds to b

    incinratd or rndrd.

    Categoy 2 – High risk ABP. This atrial cannot b tratd using

    AD unlss it has bn prssur cookd to th europan Standard

    (133oC/3 bar/20 inuts).

    Categoy 3 – Low risk ABP. This atrial can b tratd via

    a nubr of routs including AD. This atrial includs raw

    at that had bn intndd for huan consuption, crtain

    abattoir wast, ggs and othr by-products that show no signs

    of transissibl disas. All UK-drivd catring wast fro

    kitchns whr at and non at fractions ar cobind

    is also covrd as Catgory 3 atrial, as ar forr foods

    and crtain cookd wast fro food factoris. Catring wast

    ay b tratd according to national rathr than eU ruls (s

    ABPR 2005 Schdul 1 part ll paras 1 and 4). Thr ar a fw

    anoalis, for xapl ilk, that hav spcic rquirnts

    dtaild in th rgulations.

    Te ABPr ae of paticula inteet to

    AD opeato becaue tey contain te

    national tandad fo AD plant tat

    teat uc mateial.”

    Dave Auty, AMEC Etec

    Howvr, in ordr to trat Catgory 3 atrial, an AD facility ust b

    approvd by Anial Halth and t th following rquirnts:

    1.  Pasturisation: th ABP wast ust hav a axiu particl

    siz of 12 and b hld at 70oC for 1 hour. Altrnativly, th

    pasturisation can tak plac in th digstr if it is hld at 57oC

    for 5 hours and has a particl siz of lss than 50

    2. Trat atrials idiatly

    3.  Hav clanabl and lockabl rcption aras

    4.  Th pasturisation stag ust b includd within th plant

    and ust b of th non-bypass typ, unlss th ti and

    tpratur rquirnt can b t within th AD ractor

    5.  Incorporat procdurs basd on Hazard Analysis and Critical

    Control Points (HACCP) in ordr to idntify and valuat critical

    control points6. Oprat strict hygin conditions including for vhicl

    ovnt and physical sparation of clan and dirty aras or

    any snsitiv adjacnt land uss

    7.  Rcord and donstrat pathogn kill procdurs, pst control

    asurs, claning procdurs and hav hygin inspctions


    8.  monitor, sapl, rcord and chck Critical Control Points

    9.  ensur that all quipnt is in good working ordr and that all

    asurnt quipnt is calibratd annually

    10. Carry out icrobiological sapling

    11. Th AD plant handling ABP atrial should not b locatd on

    th sa priss as livstock

    Whn plants hav bn approvd, digstat can b sprad on

    land as rgulatd by th ABPR. “Whr that land is pasturland,

    livstock ust not b allowd accss to land on which digstat

    has bn applid, or fd anything croppd fro such land, for thr

    wks, ight wks in th cas of pigs,” adviss Brnda Fostr,

    ABP Vtrinary Srvics managr of Anial Halth. “This is in

    conjunction with th rquirnts for land sprading of digstat

    undr th environntal Pritting Rgulations and th PAS 110.”

    AD dvloprs should b awar that as wll as th rgulations, th

    prcis rquirnts undr ABPR ar sit-spcic and thrfor

    arly discussions with Anial Halth ar ssntial.

    For furthr inforation, and to nd out th iplications of th nw

    Dostic ABP enforcnt Rgulations which co into ffct

    fro 4 march 2011, contact your local Anial Halth ofc  

    or e: [email protected]

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

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    Maize wa give zeo valuei te fiT calculatio

    POLICY UPDATe: ADBA’ Matt hidle 

    yu th lwdwn n latt

    grnnt plcy



    Th biggst rcnt political nws

    for AD has bn th outco of

    th Spnding Rviw. Although AD

    buckd th gnral trnd by

    coing out with a good nws story, thr is

    still frustration that th tariff lvls hav

    not yt bn st. In th announcnt, th

    Chancllor conrd that a Rnwabl

    Hat Incntiv will b brought in nxt

    yar, although DeCC hav told ADBAthat thy hop to announc th lvl of

    th tariff paid to hat producrs by th

    nd of 2010.

    ADBA lobbis Agncis

    to safguard AD’s futur

    DECC – During a sris of tings with ky playrs in DeCC, th

    Association continud to push Govrnnt to rcognis th uniqu

    rol that AD will play in ting UK targts fro rnwabl nrgy

    for cliat chang and rsourc prsrvation. ADBA is calling

    for highr tariff lvls than originally proposd and an xtra 25%

    priu for arly adoptrs, to facilitat th funding procss. In

    othr nws, DeCC is continuing a projct to odl futur nrgyus and production; th ‘2050 Pathways Analysis’. Th initial

    odl containd vry littl dtail on th assuptions ad for

    bionrgy and ADBA has rqustd that th Dpartnt adds or

    inforation about how thy s spcic industris dvloping. ADBA

    will t with ofcials to xplor th assuptions for AD.

    Dea – In rspons to Dfra’s wast collction consultation, ADBA

    subittd a rspons calling for sparatd collction of food wast,

    and for organic wast to b bannd fro landll and prioritisd

    for AD. Watr rgulator Ofwat is undr rviw at Dfra, which

    could hav iportant iplications for th futur of AD in th watr

    industry. Th rgulator itslf will b going to consultation in April

    2011 to sk conts on, aong othr things, th drgulation of

    th watr industry’s us of its AD assts.

    healt ad saety Executive (hsE) – ADBA is working with th HSe

    to look at changs to Schdul 3 of th Gas Safty (managnt)

    Rgulations, which govrns th quality and coposition of gas which

    Get ivolved ow! >

    • Government consultations remain open on issues includingEnvironmental Permitting and waste to land regulations.Members wishing contribute to ADBA’s response should contactMatt Hindle, ADBA’s Policy and Information Advisor,T +44 (0)203 176 0591 E [email protected] 

    • To read more about ADBA’s response to Defra’s waste collection

    consultation, see our feature on p4.

    • All of the Association’s consultation responses are available at 

    ADBA ubmitted a epoe callig

    o epaated collectio o ood wate,

    ad o ogaic wate to be baed

    om ladll ad pioitied o AD.

    can b injctd into th gas grid. Ths rgulations wr writtn in

    1996 and wr basd ntirly on th coposition of North Sa gas.

    For xapl, th oxygn contnt of piplin gas has to b lss than

    0.2% - uch lowr than th 3% liit in Grany, which has th

    highst biothan gas to grid capacity in europ. National Grid has

    alrady statd that it is in favour of anding th rgulations. Th

    iportanc of aking this chang should not b undrstiatd.

    A europan dirctiv rquirs that “biogas and gas fro bioass

    or othr typs of gas ar grantd non-discriinatory accss to th

    gas syst, providd such accss is pranntly copatibl with

    th rlvant tchnical ruls and safty standards.” This sipl

    andnt could b vitally iportant in bringing or gas to grid

    AD plants onlin.

    Euopea Commiio - Th europan Coission is xpctd

    to bring forward a counication on th futur of th Coon

    Agricultural Policy aftr 2013, which will b a ky opportunity to

    chang faring policy across th continnt. ADBA will lobby for a

    nw grn focus and support for fars to brac AD tchnology.

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4


    Now nubring 11, ADBA’s inuntial working groupsrprsnt vry aspct of th AD sctor and ar abl

    to ak a ral diffrnc whr it attrs ost. B

    it liaising with Govrnnt Agncis to shap futur policy or

    lobbying banks to ncourag lnding within th sctor, thir

    activitis as a collctiv afford th gratr powr than would

    othrwis hav bn achivd and nabls th to driv th

    industry forward. At a ti whn grat strids ar bing takn

    within th sctor, it is vitally iportant that vry br has

    thir say and brs fro copanis of all sizs ar thrfor

    ncouragd to contact th rlvant Chair for or dtails of th

    nxt ting.

    Plaig ad Pemittig

    Th environnt Agncy providd th Group with an updat on

    consultations rgarding environntal Pritting Rgulations,

    supporting changs that would an biogas fro AD plants

    is no longr rgulatd as a wast drivd ful. If adoptd,

    this will incras th AD thrshold for pritting of CHP

    (cobind hat & powr) fro 3 mW to 20mW thral input.

    Th Group proposd that a widr dnition of AD b includd

    in th Rgulations, so that all AD plants would bnt fro

    xclusion fro rgulation undr sction 1.2 (production of gas),

    not just thos that rcovr digstat. Th Group also discussd

    providing vidnc to th eA to support a rduction in th

    distanc to rcptors for AD Standard Ruls. Th nxt ting

    is schduld for arly 2011.

    Cai mark Bdford, Wardll Arstrong 

    T +44 (0)845 111 7777

    E [email protected]

    Poce ad Tecical

    mbrs of th Procss and Tchnical Group hav a shard

    and coon intrst in UK lgislation and policy affcting thdvlopnt, construction and opration of AD plants. Th

    Group has two priary functions; rstly, to fd back into ADBA

    brs’ concrns and thoughts on arkt inuncs and

    scondly, to lobby and inunc nw and xisting Govrnnt

    policy. Th Group also provids a foru for dsignrs and

    procss nginrs to discuss issus of utual intrst and

    provids support to brs for all tchnical quris. It covrs

    any aras of intrst, fro lgislation affcting th dsign of

    a plant to an unbiasd viw of tchnologis currntly availabl

    and in dvlopnt. Th Group’s nxt ting is du to tak

    plac arly nxt yar.

    Cai Dorian Harrison, monsal 

    T +44 (0)1623 412108

    [email protected]


    Wokig goup pe o eal cageAgicultue

    Following a WRAP updat, th Group agrd that ADBA ust

    work closly with suprarkts to iplnt stratgis for

    th us of digstat on land whr frsh produc is grown.

    mtings with banks conrd that all ar kn to lnd within

    th AD sctor, although uncrtainty ovr changs to subsidis

    is of concrn. equally, banks nd to build a knowldg bas

    in th sctor. Th environnt Agncy outlind th status of

    oprational prits within th UK – 11 hav bn issud this

    yar, with a furthr 17 within th application procss and 37 in

    th pr-application stag. It is hopd that, givn DeCC’s rcnt

    announcnt, a solution can b found for th copatibility ofRDPe grants with FiT/ROCs. Th nxt ting will tak plac in

    arly Dcbr.

    Cai Grg Hilton, Bidwlls

    T +44 (0)1223 841841

    E [email protected]

    Taiig ad saety

    Th Training and Safty Working Group will considr th

    rst drafts of th Coptnc Dcision Tr, currntly bing

    rviwd by WAmITAB and euSkills, togthr with th training

    availability apping xrcis bing undrtakn by WRAP

    and CIWm. Th Group, who wr du to t as w wnt

    to prss, will start to idntify th intgrity of currnt safty

    guidanc associatd with acquiring, dvloping and oprating

    AD facilitis. This work will draw on xisting and pnding

    standards and xprinc dvlopd in th UK and abroad.

    All aspcts of sit oprations will b considrd, fro rcipt

    of wasts, xd and obil plant opration and aintnanc,

    through to th storag of biothan, gnration of lctricity

    and application of digstat to land.

    Cai Trry Brownhill, AmeC entc T + 44(0)1606 354816

    [email protected]

    AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    mbrhp mattr

    It i vitally impotat tat evey

    membe a tei ay ad membe

    om compaie o all ize ae

    teeoe ecouaged to cotact teelevat Cai o moe detail o te

    ext meetig.

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4

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    Wate & food

    Following a succssful ting with rprsntativs fro

    Watr UK, it was conrd that AD continus to b of ajor

    intrst to th watr copanis, particularly th opportunitis

    surrounding co-digstion of food wast. It was agrd that

    bcaus of th bnt in co-ordinatd counication btwn

    associations, a Watr UK rprsntativ would attnd futur

    W&F Group tings whil ADBA’s Charlott morton would b

    involvd with Watr UK’s Task & Finish Group. A ting with

    Ofwat rvald that it was concrnd about th ipact on th

    rst of th arktplac, wr any barrirs prvnting th watr

    industry fro incrasing its AD invstnt to b rovd.

    Ofwat propos a consultation in April 2011 and hav askd

    ADBA for assistanc in coposing appropriat qustions. Th

    Group plan to t again in January.

    Cai Patrick Pirrpont, Hydr Consulting 

    T +44 (0)1453 731231 / +44 (0)7809 594523

     E [email protected]

    Bioolid ad Digetate

    ADBA ar dlightd to announc th introduction of th nw

    Biosolids and Digstat Working Group (BDWG). With digstat

    foring such a hug lnt of th output of an AD plant

    th Group’s work will b invaluabl, covring issus such as

    th us of digstat in food production, anaging digstat

    placnt around Nitrat-Vulnrabl Zons (NVZ), xtracting

    a valu for th nutrint lnt within digstat basd on th

    NPK (nitrogn, phosphorus and potassiu) valus and tackling

    prcption issus fro food assuranc schs. Th Group’s

    rst ting is du to tak plac arly nxt yar and brs

    with a particular intrst or xprtis in digstat and biosolids

    ar ncouragd to join by contacting ithr th Chair or ADBA’s

    Charlott morton.

    Cai mik Orr, NOFCO (Natural Organic Frtilisr Copany Ltd) 

    T +44 (0)1750 725736 / +44 (0)7976 132975

     E [email protected]

    NovemBeR 2010 | AD & BiogAs NeWs

    stadad ad Acceditatio

    In ordr to nsur bst practic within th AD and biogas

    industris, a nw Working Group has bn stablishd. Th

    Standards and Accrditation Working Group ais to support th

    industry, idntifying and attnding to th nds and probls of

    vry othr Working Group, giving guidanc through standardisd

    working practics. As an rging industry, it is iprativ

    that AD-spcic guidlins ar stablishd rgarding policy,

    procssing, biogas, quipnt tsting, plant construction or

    any othr aspct within th sctor, which in turn will lad to

    Govrnnt Agncy-approvd accrditation. ADBA would lik to

    invit thos with th rlvant xprinc or intrst to contact th

    Chair for dtails of th Group’s rst ting.

    Cai Aaya Arias Garcia, TeG

    T +44 (0)7584 470732

     E [email protected]

    In addition to th abov, ADBA has rcntly stablishd four nw

    Working Groups:

    Bioga to Electicity

    Biometae/Ga to Gid



    Onc th AD Action Plan has bn draftd, ADBA will b working

    with DeCC, Dfra, environntal Srvics Association (eSA),

    enrgy Ntworks Association (eNA) and th Rnwabl enrgy

    Association (ReA) to dtrin th rit of ths groups and

    how thy can contribut to th growth of th AD industry.

    A a emegig iduty, it i

    impeative tat AD-pecic guidelie

    ae etablied egadig policy,poceig, bioga, equipmet tetig,

    plat cotuctio o ay ote apect

    witi te ecto, wic i tu will

    lead to Govemet Agecy-appoved


  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4


    mbrhp mattr

    .adbas.c.uk20 AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010

    ADBA brship rachs nw hightsWth th tart f ADBA’ nw brhp yar th ttal nubr fbr ha nw rachd an pr 170!

    new membe

    • Aardvark em Ltd

    • AroThral Group

    • Agrico

    • Air Quality Consultants Ltd

    • Antli enrgy

    • BD Agro Rnwabls

    • BioConstruct

    • BioG Uk• Biogas Hochritr UK Ltd

    • Briggs and Forrstr

    • Buchan Powr

    • CH4 Powr Ltd

    • CSO Tchnik Ltd

    • Dadalus Capital Liitd

    • Donaldson Filtration

    • Drssr-Rand Copany Ltd CHP Solutions

    • eco-Prospct Ltd

    • Fm Bionrgy

    • Forst Bio

    • GG eco Solutions

    • Grnwatt Tchnology

    • Haigh enginring Copany Ltd

    • Hat and Powr Srvics Ltd

    • Hitch Instrunt

    • Howard Knndy

    • Huttons North east Ltd

    • Itch Procss Ltd

    • InSourc enrgy• Intrsrv

    • IPS Flow Systs

    • Laurnc Gould Partnrship Ltd

    • mayr Brown Intrnational LLP

    • micron Bio Systs Ltd

    • mothrwll Bridg Ltd

    • Nw Gnration Biogas Ltd

    • Organic Farrs & Growrs Ltd

    • Organic Powr

    • Paqus BV

    • Patrick Nolan Consulting

    • Pick evrard

    • Progn

    • RFood UK (PDm Group)

    • Robinson & Lawlor

    • Rowan Hous Ltd

    • RUR3 environntal

    • Schack Biogas Ltd

    • Spx UK Ltd

    • Spirax Sarco• Sustainabl Rsourcs Solutions

    • Swancot enrgy Ltd

    • Tnns environntal

    • Th environnt Agncy

    • Th Pall Ring Copany

    • Univrsity of Northapton

    • W2 Grn enrgy Liitd

    • Walkr Rsourc managnt

    • Whrl environntal

    • WeLtc Biopowr

    Membe’ Luceo ia etwokig ucce!

    Th Octobr mbrs’ Lunchon was anothr grat

    succss fro both a businss and plasur point of viw.

    As Stphn mcCulloch, Businss Dvlopnt managr

    at Chstrld Biogas contd: “Th lunchon was of ral

    bnt, offring grat opportunitis to t high quality clints

    and to ntwork. Th spch by DeCC’s Dr Liz mcDonnll gav

    vrybody a positiv prspctiv for th futur of AD and th RHI.”

    Dr Liz mcDonnll’s ngaging spch on th AD action plan

    xplaind th ky structur of th plan, whr thy wr looking

    for industry involvnt and how ADBA brs could fd into

    this. Grant Ashton, an xprt carbon tradr on th opportunitis in

    grn gas trading, also prsntd a proposal for a Biogas Crdit

    sch, consisting

    of a tradabl crdit

    for gas injctd

    to th grid which

    would phasis

    th industry’s grncrdntials and

    provid an xtra

    rvnu stra for

    biogas producrs.


    Richard Barkr, Chif

    excutiv Ofcr of

    BiognGrnnch, has

    rcntly joind th ADBA board

    of dirctors and brings with hi

    a walth of plant building and

    nancial xprinc:

    “As th CeO of BiognGrnnch

    I can bring th unparallld

    xprinc of th UK’s lading AD buildr and oprator to

    ADBA and its brs. BiognGrnnch has built 13 AD

    plants for both th far and food wast AD sctors. It also

    oprats thr ddicatd food wast AD plants which count a

    rang of local authoritis and food rtailrs as its custors.

    Furthror, BiognGrnnch has bn at th forfront of

    dning th PAS110 spcications for AD digstat. Having

    prviously workd, intr alia, in invstnt banking and

    having raisd both quity and dbt nanc, I hav a strongundrstanding of th challngs of funding AD and hop

    that I can hlp stablish a nancially robust sctor that will

    contribut to th UK’s rnwabl nrgy targts”.

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    Chairman, Lord Rupert Redesdale

     T  + 44 (0)203 176 0503 E [email protected] Chief Executive, Charlotte Morton

     T + 44 (0)203 176 0503 E [email protected] 

     Sales & Marketing Manager , Louise Wallace

     T  +44 (0)203 176 0592 E [email protected] 

     Marketing Executive, Annika Herter

     T  +44 (0)203 176 0590 E [email protected] 

     PA to Chairman and Chief Executive, Rosaline Hulse

     T  +44 (0)203 176 0503 E [email protected] 

     Policy and Information Advisor , Matt Hindle

     T  +44 (0)203 176 0591 E [email protected] 

     Finance, Bruce Nelson Director of Compass Renewables T  +44 (0)1732 464495 E [email protected] 

     Finance, Susanne Thomas Founding Partner of Ennismore

     Partners LLP  T  +44 (0)1732 464495

     AD & Biogas News Editor , Kirsty Sharpe

     T  +44 (0)1920 821873 E [email protected] 

      TeamDIArY DATEs

    new Team MembeHaving undertaken a Biological Enterprise module inhis third year at Durham University, where he studiedZoology, Matt developed an interest in marketing.

     Apart from supporting Louise in copy writing, event

    organisation and provision of member services , Matt’s natural designflair will be put to good use to create ADBA’s print and web basedmarketing materials.

     Marketing Executive, Matthew Ireland 

     T  +44 (0)203 176 4415 E [email protected] 

    ADBA Membe’ Geeal Meetig (MGM) 

    mayr Brown, 201 Bishopsgat, LondonWhat is ADBA doing for you? Co and nd out at ADBA’s vry

    rst mbrs’ Gnral mting, th day bfor th ADBA National

    Confrnc. ADBA’s Chif excutiv and hr ta, ADBA’s board

    of dirctors and its working groups’ chairs will prsnt ADBA’s

    stratgy for th industry and th work that ADBA is doing on

    bhalf of its brs. It will b th prfct opportunity for you

    to giv your fdback, nd out how to gt th ost out of your

    brship and ntwork with fllow brs. This brs-

    only vnt is fr of charg and includs a light lunch and

    rfrshnts. Plas not that until 1st Dcbr placs ar

    liitd to on plac pr br copany.

    Book onlin at:

    ADBA natioal Coeece 2010 Wstinstr (London)

    Th highlight at th nd of an vntful and hopful yar for th

    British biogas industry will b th ADBA National Confrnc 2010.

    Packd with inforation, ntworking and opportunitis for fd-in

    and discussion, ADBA’s Dcbr Confrnc will dbat and

    rviw th topics which ar pivotal to th AD industry raching its

    potntial, including wast collction, biothan as a transport

    ful, gas injction into th grid, and digstat as a valuabl product.

    Not only will dlgats gt to har about th latst dvlopnts

    and innovations in ths lds fro top industry xprts, but thy

    will also rciv th chanc to contribut thir xprinc and

    viws and to qustion top spakrs and rais th issus that thy

    fl nd addrssing in focusd brakout sssions. To round off th

    day attnds ar invitd to join th ta for Christas drinks at

    th post Confrnc drinks rcption. For furthr info or to book

    dlgat placs plas contact: [email protected]

    Eegy now Expo 2011malvrn Showground, Worcstrshir

    Th enrgy Now expo is a two day xhibition and confrnc

    showcasing th latst rnwabl nrgy tchnologis and srvics

    availabl to farrs and landownrs. For furthr info plas visit

    Membe LuceoNorth of england

    Th nxt ADBA brs’ lunchon

    will b hld in th North of england.

    This is a grat opportunity for

    brs to ntwork with ach othrovr a dlicious thr cours al

    and win. Furthr dtails will b

    announcd shortly.

    14 Dec

    15 Dec


    24 feb

    UK AD & BIOGAs 2011 –Bigge ad Bette! NeC (Biringha)

    eight onths to go and xhibition spac for th follow-up show

    of UK AD & Biogas 2010 is slling fast! Aftr UK AD & Biogas

    2010 ros to th top of biogas vnts in th UK, ADBA’s annual

    trad show and confrnc in 2011 is going to b vn biggr

    and bttr than this yar’s inaugural vnt. Du to th high

    intrst fro both xhibitors and visitors th show oor in 2011

    will b biggr and bttr with a gratr varity of top locations

    availabl for you to proot your businss to a copltly

    targtd audinc. With prfrntial xhibition rats for ADBA

    brs and arkting opportunitis in th nwslttr and

    show guid, th opportunity to larn or, sll or andinunc or should not b issd. For an up to dat oor

    plan contact [email protected]. For confrnc

    booking attnds should contact [email protected]


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    22/24.adbas.c.uk22 AD & BiogAs NeWs | NovemBeR 2010



    ast bcoing th UK’s prir AD and biogas annual

    vnt, UK AD & BIOGAS 2011 is on cours to b vn

    biggr and bttr than this yar’s inaugural vnt. Taking

    plac at th NeC th two day show and confrnc ais to

    both addrss th nds of thos working in th industry supply

    chain and to stablish AD as th wast and nrgy solution

    of th futur. Ovr th cours of th two day vnt, wast

    anagrs, farrs, food anufacturrs, food rtailrs and

    t copanis ar drawn to s th vry latst tchnology

    and businss solutions fro quipnt supplirs, consultants,

    nancirs, plant oprators, utility copanis and supporting

    srvic providrs. Alongsid th xhibition, which houss or

    sctor spcic supplirs than any othr UK vnt, a two-day

    confrnc and sinar progra with high prol spakrs

    and industry xprts will dbat th latst lgislation, ky issusand Govrnnt policy affcting th AD industry.

    sell moeIf you’r in th AD and biogas

    businss, add this show to

    your exibitio diary! UK AD &

    BIOGAS 2011 is a vital arkting

    tool for supplirs wishing to

    crat intrnational contacts

    and t sctor-spcic visitors

    with liv projcts including

    biogas dvloprs, farrs, landanagnt rprsntativs,

    local authoritis and individuals

    fro th food, watr, wast and nrgy industris. If you issd

    out last yar ak sur your sals ta is as busy as your

    coptitors and join past xhibitors who xprincd an aazing

    2010 show, including: AmeC entc, Bidwlls, Chstrld Biogas,

    ecosolids Intrnational, edina, enpur, environnt Agncy,

    Gas Data, HSe, HydroThan UK, Innco, Kirk environntal

    Ltd, Landia, monsal, Ntzsch Pups, Pionr, Raboll, Rhau,

    Schack, Spx, Syngnta, WRAP and Xrgi.

    Iuece moeHigh prol spakrs, topical issus, and th chanc to joinso incrdibl dbats with thos who ak th dcisions on

    industry policy hav provn to b a winning forula. It’s not just

    about listning, th coeece will provid attnds with an

    opportunity to xprss opinions,

    idas and solutions to hlp ould

    this nascnt industry which, in turn,

    will st th dirction and stratgy

    of th Association’s activitis.

    Lea moeWhthr you ar intrstd in how

    an AD plant works, want to nd out

    about diffrnt typs, prforancand sizs of plant, or ar in th

    planning stag and looking for advic

    on funding, th procurnt of rputabl supplirs, biocrops,

    fdstocks, biofuls, outlts for digstat, district hating systs

    or grid connction, ee emia ad wokop will giv

    practical and dtaild guidanc on vry aspct of AD.

    Bigge ad Bette!

    Make you ame yoymouwit AD & Bioga by pooigte iduty evet o te yea!UK AD & BIOGAS 2011 is th ost xciting, inforativ and

    topical show of th yar. ADBA’s ability to dlivr high prol

    spakrs, cutting dg progras and arkt lading

    xhibitors guarants an vnt with opportunitis abound. By

    taking advantag of our sponsorship and advrtising opportunitis

    you will not only guarant your organisation’s plac within this

    sctor but will put your copany had and shouldrs abov th

    coptition. For or inforation on sponsorship and advrtising

    opportunitis plas contact [email protected]

    Book now! >

    UK AD & BIOGAs, 6-7 July 2011,nEC (Bimigam)For the latest exhibitor floor plan and visitor information go to:   Email: [email protected] 

    In tem of appointment quality, I can

    onetly ay tat te UK AD & Bioga

    2010 sow i te bet we’ve eve

    done, it wa exceptional! We ad 22

    olid lead on te t day, wic

    in ou expeience of ote ow i

    almot impoible to acieve.Jo Dodd, head o reewable o Ieco

  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4


  • 8/20/2019 AD Biogas News Issue 4
