adapted by kim mitzo thompson and

my first Bible Stories Adapted by Kim Mitzo Thompson and Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand Illustrated by Mernie-Gallagher Cole

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my fi rst

Bible Stories

Adapted by Kim Mitzo Thompson and Karen Mitzo HilderbrandIllustrated by Mernie-Gallagher Cole

my fi rst

Bible Stories

Credits:Executive Producers: Kim Mitzo Thompson and Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand

Published by: Twin Sisters Productions, LLC

Book Design: Jennifer Birchler Illustrated by: Mernie-Gallagher ColeAdapted by: Kim Mitzo Thompson and Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand


Jesus Is Born

Mary was a very special young woman

who loved God. One day an angel

named Gabriel came to Mary and told

her she was going to have a baby. Mary

was afraid because she did not think

this was possible. Mary was not married

at that time. The angel said, “Do not be

afraid, Mary, you have found favor with

God. You will have a child and give birth

to a son, and you are to give him the

name Jesus.” Mary did not understand.

But Mary trusted God. Mary and Joseph

traveled to Bethlehem. Mary rode on a

donkey. Soon after they arrived Mary

told Joseph it was time for the baby

to be born. But there was no room at

the inn. Finally, Joseph found a stable.

Among the horses, cows and sheep

Luke 2:6-7 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Messiah is coming the shepherds are told,Coming to earth for all to behold.God is sending a Savior to man.Who could have thought of this

marvelous plan?

the baby Jesus was born. The animals

must have been surprised. Mary gently

wrapped Jesus in cloths and placed Him

in a manger. The angels praised God

saying, “Glory to God in the highest!”

A Marvelous Plan In Bethlehem


God gave us the gift of His son Jesus. Anything is possible with God.


The wise men worshiped Jesus. God wants us to worship Jesus too!


Wise Men Bring Gifts

The wise men looked up into the

eastern sky and saw the most

brilliant, bright star. They had

never seen such a beautiful star

so they followed it night after

night. The star stopped over the

place where Jesus was and the

wise men were overjoyed! They

saw Jesus and Mary and bowed

down to worship Him. Then they

opened their treasures and

presented Him with gifts. What

gift would you bring to the baby

Jesus? Can you imagine finding

Jesus because a star helped you

find the way? God is so creative,

isn’t He?

Matthew 2:11 …they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

They brought Him gifts

of frankincenseAnd gold and fragrant myrrh.They bowed before the holy Lord

To honor Him at His birth.

They honored Him at His birth.

What Gift Can I Bring To Jesus?


Jesus wants us to follow Him and totell others about Him.


Jesus Calls His Disciples

One day Jesus was walking beside the

Sea of Galilee and He saw two brothers.

They were casting their nets into the lake

because they were fishermen. Jesus called

out to Peter and Andrew, “Come follow me

and I will make you fishers of men.” They

immediately threw down their nets and

followed Jesus. Jesus needed other

helpers too. He saw James and his brother

John preparing their nets with their father

Zebedee. When Jesus called out to them,

they left their nets and their father and

followed Jesus. Jesus went through Galilee

teaching people about God and healing

the sick. He loved His disciples and told

them how to treat people and all about the

kingdom of God. Jesus had twelve disciples.

Matthew 4:19-20 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him.

I have decided to follow Jesus.I have decided to follow Jesus.I have decided to follow Jesus.No turning back, no turning back.

I Have Decided To Follow Jesus


Jesus Loves The Little Children

Jesus loved people and He especially

loved children. Parents would bring

their children to Jesus so that Jesus

could heal them. Or, they would just

want their children to sit on Jesus’

lap so He could touch them and bless

them. Jesus was always so loving

and patient. One day when the

children were brought to Jesus for

Him to place his hands on them and

pray for them, His disciples got

angry. They wanted the children to

leave. But Jesus said, “Do not tell the

children to leave. Let the little

children come to me.” Jesus would

tell wonderful stories to the children

and teach them about God.

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Come, little children, come to Jesus. Sit on His lap, for He

has wonderful stories

for you to hear

—a message of love

and peace

Let The Little Children Come


Jesus loved all of the little children. Jesus loves me!


I will treat people the way I want to be treated. I will follow the Golden Rule.


The Golden Rule

Jesus taught many valuable lessons.

One lesson or rule that Jesus taught

was that we should treat people the

way that we want to be treated.

This is called the “Golden Rule.” It’s

a good rule to remember all of the

time. If you want someone to share

a toy with you, then you should

share a toy in return. If you want

your brother or sister to be sweet

and kind, then you should be sweet

and kind. God likes when we treat

people with kindness. It makes Him

happy when we obey Him. Learning

the Golden Rule is important.

Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Do to others as you would

have them do to you.

Do to others as you would

have them do to you.

Do to others, do to others,

do to others, Yes, you should

do to others As you would

have them do to you!

Do To Others


Jesus Is The Good ShepherdJohn 10:11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

Did you know that a shepherd is a

person that takes care of sheep? A

shepherd guards the sheep. A shepherd

leads the sheep on the right path. A

shepherd loves and feeds his sheep.

Jesus says that He is our Good Shepherd.

That means that Jesus will take care of

you. He will guide you and teach you and

love you. Jesus will provide for all of your

needs. That’s what a good shepherd does.

Jesus is the perfect Good Shepherd.

The Lord Is My Shepherd.I’ll walk with Him always.

The Lord Is My Shepherd.I’ll walk with Him always.

Always, always, I’ll walk with Him always.

Always, always, I’ll walk with Him always.

The Lord Is My Shepherd Isn’t He Wonderful


Jesus Is The Good Shepherd

I am glad Jesus is my Good Shepherd. I will follow Jesus’ lead.


Jesus can perform miracles. Jesus will supply all of my needs.


Jesus Feeds 5,000 PeopleMatthew 14:19-20 …Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied…..

Tell me the stories of Jesus

I love to hear;

Things I would ask Him

to tell me if He were here.

Scenes by the wayside,

tales of the sea,

Stories of Jesus, tell them to me.

When Jesus talked to people, large

crowds would gather to listen. Jesus

would pray with them and heal the

sick. One day when Jesus was healing

people it started to get dark. His

disciples were concerned and told

Jesus to tell the crowd to go to the

village to buy food. Jesus replied, “They

do not need to go away. You give them

something to eat.” “We only have five

loaves of bread and two fish,” they

answered. That did not concern Jesus.

Jesus said, “Bring them here to me.”

He told the people to sit down on the

grass. Then Jesus took the five loaves

and two fish and looking up to heaven,

he gave thanks and broke the loaves.

Jesus gave His disciples the food

and they gave the food to all of the

people. When everyone had enough

to eat the disciples gathered twelve

basketfuls that were left over. Jesus

fed over 5,000 people that day!

Tell Me The Stories of Jesus


Jesus wants us to be honest. I will be honest and do what is right.


Jesus And Zacchaeus Are Friends

One day Jesus was passing through a town

called Jericho. There was a wealthy man

named Zacchaeus who wanted to meet Jesus.

The people did not like Zacchaeus because he

was not an honest man. He would collect

Luke 19:5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”

Zacchaeus was a wee little man,

a wee little man was he.

He climbed up in

a sycamore tree

for the Lord he wanted to see.

And as the Savior passed that way,

He looked up in the tree.

And He said, “Zacchaeus, you come down.

For I’m going to your house today.”

money from the townspeople called a

“tax” but he would keep some of the

money for himself. Zacchaeus was a

very small man. When the crowds

gathered, Zacchaeus knew that he

would not be able to see Jesus. So

Zacchaeus ran ahead and climbed up

in a sycamore-fig tree. When Jesus

reached the tree He looked up and

said, “Zacchaeus, come down

immediately. I must stay at

your house today.”

Zacchaeus was very

happy. He told Jesus

that he was sorry for all

of the wrong things that

he had done. “I will give

half of everything I have to the poor,”

said Zacchaeus. That made Jesus

happy. Jesus blessed Zacchaeus.

The Lord Is My Shepherd / Isn’t He Wonderful


Jesus Dies

Jesus loved to tell people about

God. Jesus told them that He

would die and that He would live

again. Jesus died on a cross

because people did not believe

He was God’s Son. Friends of

Jesus placed His body in a tomb.

A large stone was rolled in front

of the entrance. Soldiers

guarded the tomb so that

no one would take Jesus’ body.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus Loves The Little Children Jesus loves the little children,All the children of the world.Red, brown, yellow, black and white,They are precious in His sight.

Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus died for all the children,All the children of the world.Red, brown, yellow, black and white,They are precious in His sight.Jesus died for all the children of the world.


Jesus died for me. This was God’s plan so I might live with Him forever.


My Jesus is alive! I am thankful that Jesus died and rose again.


Jesus Is AliveMatthew 28:5-6…”Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”

The next day, two women both named

Mary came to the tomb. They found the

stone rolled away from the entrance.

An angel sitting on the stone said,

“Jesus is not here! He is alive! Go

quickly and tell His friends!” The women

ran back to the others! “Jesus is alive!

He is risen!” shouted the women. The

friends did not believe the women!

Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends, ran

to the tomb. He looked inside and found

only the cloths that had wrapped Jesus’

body! Later that day, Jesus joined two

of His friends while they walked along

the road to a little village. Then, Jesus

visited the disciples in Jerusalem. He

showed them His nail-scarred hands

and feet! It was true—Jesus was alive!

“Do you remember what I said to you?”

asked Jesus. “I told you I would die and

on the third day I would come back to

life again. You have seen this happen!”

Alive, alive, alive forevermore,

My Jesus is alive,

alive forevermore.

Alive, alive, alive forevermore,

My Jesus is alive!

Alive, Alive


Tell Everyone About JesusMark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Jesus told the most wonderful stories. He taught his disciples about God and he taught them how they should live their lives. Jesus also taught his disciples to share the story with everyone they knew and met. Jesus loves every man, woman, and child in the world so much that He wants EVERYONE to know about Him. Do you know how much God loves you? He loves you so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross so that you might live with Him someday. You need to believe and trust God. God’s plan is perfect!

Tell the sweet stories of Jesus.Tell how we’ll meet

our Great King.

Tell how one day with the angels

In heaven we’ll shout

and we’ll sing.

Go Into All The World


I will tell everyone I know about Jesus. I will share this great news!

Tell the sweet stories of Jesus.Tell how we’ll meet

our Great King.

Tell how one day with the angels

In heaven we’ll shout

and we’ll sing.


Open The Door

What do you do when someone comes to your house and knocks on the door? Do you let them in? Jesus tells us that He is knocking on our hearts. He wants to come in. If you open the door to your heart, Jesus will come in and live with you forever. The Bible talks about the word “grace.” Grace means that God forgives us. It doesn’t matter what we have done. God forgives. You just need to ask God to forgive you and He will.

Revelation 3:20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in…”

Behold, behold, I stand at the doorand knock, knock, knock.

Behold, behold, I stand at the doorand knock, knock, knock.If anyone hears my voice,If anyone hears my voiceAnd will open, open, open the doorI will come in!

Behold, Behold


Thank you God for forgiving me. Thank you God for your amazing grace!


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