adding business value using data elasticity

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Adding Business Value Using Data Elasticity. Varadha Sundaram Sun Certified Enterprise Architect Sabre Inc., Dallas, USA. What is the challenge with digitizing information?. Data Storing Data Retrieval Data Relevance. Trend in Data size over last 6 years. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Adding Business Value Using Data ElasticityVaradha SundaramSun Certified Enterprise Architect Sabre Inc., Dallas, USA1

2What is the challenge with digitizing information?Data StoringData RetrievalData Relevance3Trend in Data size over last 6 years

4Why and how to Store Data Store ?

5Store Data By RelevanceWhat type of storage strategy makes Business Sense6Why is Data Relevance importantHelps Businesses present data to customers based on context Helps Business Analyze / Mine data for future endeavors Helps Business make more money by using the value data possesses In order to store Relevant data we need products which offer DATA ELASTICITY7What is Data ElasticityThe elasticity of a data store relates to the flexibility of its data model and clustering capabilities. Greater the number of data model changes that can be tolerated more easily the clustering can be managed & more elastic the data store is considered to be.8Data Elasticity vs. DatabasesRelational databases are most often very inelastic, as they have a predefined data model that can only be adapted through redesign. NoSQL data stores, however, do not have a fixed schema. Each row can have a different number and even different type of columns data model can change dynamically. Challenge is that the programmer has to take into account that the underlying data model may change over time.9Present Data by Relevance

10What is Data RelevanceGroup information by InterestHobbyOffer Information by Geo presence By category11


Facebook in action13Data Relevance

14 in action15How is the data storedStored in a generic form paired formData name and data value (key value pair ex. Interest - swimming)Stored in different locations as distributed dataPartitioned based on context (biography, interest, friends, work )

16Proposed Solution/ProductUse NoSQL SolutionBy definition it is a simple File system based database designed to serve write once read multiple times.17Why should any business use NoSQLIt has more content and does not use everythingIt knows the data better and understandCan address wide spectrum of customer needs18Tourism ScenarioA Traveler is visiting to Coimbatore for attending a conference. Upon landing, provide following details to him as soon as he switches on his smart phone.

19A Traveler Relevance Information about Coimbatore


21SummaryData Elasticity makes OLAP OnLine Analytical Processing easierData is stored in de-normalized form eases data miningData Elasticity enhances a businesss success (facebook, amazon, google )22Thank you!Questions & Answers23