adding value to local products leader+ observatory seminar in grosseto / italy 15 february 2006...

Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

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Page 1: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Adding value to local products

Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy

15 February 2006

Carlo Ricci

Page 2: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Main difficulties of agriculture in the nineties

• Collapse of prices of undiversified products

• Prevailing dependence by compensatory funding for agricultural sector

• More and more weak EU financial support

• Unstoppable decrease of jobs in the sector (inability to attract young people)

Page 3: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

The situation today

• Meat, milk, cereals and forage cost today as 15 years ago.

• In the last years the profitability of wine and olive oil has strongly decreased

• Despite specific policies, the haemorrhage of human resources from agriculture keeps on. Examples of Italian Leader areas:

In Piemonte since1990 to 2000: – 38% farms (around 37.000).

In Basilicata since ’95 to 2001: –7.000 jobs in agriculture (- 25 %)

Page 4: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Which rural territories in 2013?

Page 5: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Which strategies to add value?

• In consumers approach

• In policy makers attention

• In producers mentality

We have to take into account that in 10 years of radical cultural changes have happened:

Page 6: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Consumers of 2000

• Curious: searching authentic experiences more than products

• Realists: (very) careful to the quality/price relation of the acquired product/service

• Social: interested in relationships and situations that create “community”

• And then,…… informed (very),…… autonomous (they feel like deciding),…….. ethical….

Page 7: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

The gastronaut(1)

metamodel of a consumptiom style (1/2)

• Territory is a metaphoric place fruit of a collective culture that produces symbolic values.

• The gastronomic layers are real cultural assets.

• Tradition is a successful innovation.

• Landscape preservation is the better territorial origin protection for products.

• Globalization also produces diversity. It pushes to experiment breaking dominant schemes.

……..about territory:

Page 8: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

The gastronaut(1)

metamodel of a consumptiom style (2/2)

• "The man is an omnivor that eats meat, vegetables, imaginary."

• “To eat the territory” it designates the tension to know and to sniff of the gastronaut.

• The tourist finds, the gastronaut looks for. The end of a trip is only the departure of another.

…. about gastronautic consumer:

(1) Davide Paolini “Carta del gastronauta”,

Page 9: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Policy makers

• More aware of the value of gastronomic identity for the territory

• All careful to tourism (or to the politics to improve fruition of the territory)

• Have changed perception on farmers: from protected (and monitored) category to territorial marketing factor

Page 10: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Wine routes in Italy(2)

• 100 wine routes

• 1.135 municipalities (14% of Italian municipalities)

• 4 millions wine tourists (increasing 6% per year)

• 2.000 millions euro of touristic consumption connected to wine

• 1.400 public bodies around 6.000 private actors involved

(2) “IV Rapporto sul Turismo del Vino”, Censis Servizi S.p.a. 2004

Page 11: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci


• Strongly trust in the “Territory” or in the potential represented by the local patrimony of identity and specificity.

• “uninhibited” frame of mind towards the market.

Mentality change

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• To develop the local productions that can bring added value

• To improve his own professionalism in transformation and marketing

• To reach the "valley side" of the food chain to directly manage commercial relationships

Change in business orientation

Page 13: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Today everyone perceives that the rural territory is called to answer to new needs

• Of quality and safety of the products

• Of preservation of environmental components as biodiversity, cultural identity and landscape, otherwise destined to disappear

• Of use of the leisure time and of “rural experience”

• Of residency of more or less temporary kind

Page 14: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Added value of a product

It is essentially based on 3 categories of factors:

Territorial identity

Professionalism of human resources

Local races or varieties

Page 15: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Qualità:Certificazione o fiducia ?

Local strategies of added value. Some issues (1/5).

Page 16: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

0% 20% 40% 60%





riPrincipali fattori di affidabilità di un prodotto

tipico secondo i consumatori italiani

Fiducia nel luogod'acquisto

Fiducia nel produttore +Esperienza azienda


Qualità materie prime +fiducia nella zona diproduzione

Fonte: monitor alimentare, DOXA 2003

Page 17: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

The consumer:Client or partner?

Local strategies of added value. Some issues (2/5).

Page 18: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

“Responsible” consumption in Italy(3)

• 36% of consumers pratices kinds of “responsible purchase”

• From 1994 to 2005 the number of solidarity purchase groups of citizens (Gas) passed from zero to 220

• The association Slow-food has 35.000 members, 360 clubs e 200 “garrisons”

(3) “Scegliere bene”, indagine Iref-ACLI, 2004

Page 19: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Territorial planning:Government or governance?

Local strategies of added value. Some issues (3/5).

Page 20: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Italian “Wine routes” weakness

• Agreement among partners on strategies and programs

• Public funds raising

• Quality of welcoming in the firms

• Structural lacks (tasting points and sale networks)

• Scarce presence of museums and wine galleries

Page 21: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Integrated territorial strategies of added value:

• Characterization

• Protection

• Valorization

Local strategies of added value. Some issues (4/5).

Page 22: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Support to enterprises marketing collective actions:

Local strategies of added value. Some issues (5/5).

• Small and “tailor made”

Page 23: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

Organismo N. Funzioni Giro d’affariSapori dei Pirenei 1



DirettoreResponsabile GDOSegreteria 2 mln EURO

Produttori di Senna e Marna


DirettoreSegreteria 0,6 “ “

Bia Na Rì 10,5

DirettoreSegreteria 0,2 “ “

Agrupacion (Valle del Jerte)


DirettoreSegreteria 0,6 “ “

Agronatura 0,50,5

DirettoreSegreteria 0,3 “ “

Esempi di dimensione di uffici commerciali

Page 24: Adding value to local products Leader+ Observatory Seminar in Grosseto / Italy 15 February 2006 Carlo Ricci

It can be reassumed in sustaining a virtuous triangulation:

The work of LEADER

Use of endogenous resources

Added value creation

Employment for “weak” targets