aderant expert - advanced workflow design

ADERANT EXPERT BENEFITS Simplified applications make workflow design an intuitive process Drag and drop workspace and inline property definition limit the need for a dedicated developer-level resource Increase organization and efficiency Streamline and reduce manual, paper driven processes with online routing and tasks Aderant’s workflow capabilities allow firms to streamline and automate key business processes resulting in improved efficiency and productivity. From simple processes such as Leave Requests to one of the firm’s most complex processes, client and matter opening, Aderant Workflow provides intuitive tools to build, review, test, and deploy workflows across the firm. Through advances in workflow technology, Aderant Core Workflow has taken the existing workflow functionality and improved its usability, customizability, and enhanced the advanced capabilities of the program as well. AUTOMATED WORKFLOW DESIGN PROVIDES GREATER EASE OF USE WORKFLOW

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Aderant’s workflow capabilities allow firms to streamline and automate key business processes resulting in improved efficiency and productivity. Aderant Workflow provides intuitive tools to build, review, test, and deploy workflows across the firm.


AderAnt expert


• Simplified applications make workflow

design an intuitive process

• Drag and drop workspace and inline

property definition limit the need for

a dedicated developer-level resource

• Increase organization and efficiency

• Streamline and reduce manual, paper driven

processes with online routing and tasks

Aderant’s workflow capabilities allow firms to streamline and automate

key business processes resulting in improved efficiency and productivity.

From simple processes such as Leave Requests to one of the firm’s most

complex processes, client and matter opening, Aderant Workflow provides

intuitive tools to build, review, test, and deploy workflows across the firm.

Through advances in workflow technology, Aderant Core Workflow has

taken the existing workflow functionality and improved its usability,

customizability, and enhanced the advanced capabilities of the program

as well.

AutomAted workflow design provides greAter eAse of use



AderAnt expert


• Expert Design Studio

• SmartForm Wizard

• Domain Wizard

• Workflow Tasks

• Expert Assistant

• Advanced Workflow

expert design studio

At the core of Aderant Expert’s workflow functionality is the

Workflow Designer which allows firms to open Aderant’s existing

product workflow template processes. Aderant’s Workflow Designer

is a Visual Studio Extension that provides a simplified layout

targeted at business and system analysts. Alternatively for those

users familiar with navigating and using Visual Studio, the advanced

view can still be used for workflow development giving them the full

features of Visual Studio 2010. The tool’s intuitive design surface,

“drag and drop” workspace, and inline property definition makes

it easy for firms to modify workflow processes without the need

for dedicated developer-level resources. Aderant’s core workflow

capabilities allow firms to modify the workflow process by adding,

removing, and/or reorganizing the standard workflow activities.

Firms can also modify activity property settings in the Workflow


workflow tAsks

Aderant Expert’s core workflow capabilities come with several native

workflow specific task actions, including:

• Accept

• Complete

• Cancel

• Share

• Reassign

The core workflow capabilities of Aderant Expert also support

collaboration through the use of notes. Users can record notes

and link them to specific workflow processes, clients, and matters.

Key documents or references can also be attached to the notes.

Importantly, other users can comment on notes, turning them

into threaded discussions that significantly improve collaboration.

Additionally, notes provide an auditable and discoverable trail of

information and provide valuable context for decisions.

smArtform wizArd

Within Aderant Expert, SmartForms are a section of the application

user interface that is connected to business data.

They may include a combination of Expert business data such as

client or matter details; custom data from custom columns or tables;

and workflow-specific data. SmartForms are used by workflow

processes through exposure in workflow tasks as well as by other

applications (e.g., Timer). There are three types of SmartForms

supported: Single SmartForm, Grid SmartForm, and Formsets

(combined SmartForms).

Aderant Expert’s product workflow templates (e.g., file opening

and employee intake) include a set of standard SmartForms that

are representative of common information used throughout these

business processes. Under Core Workflow, the SmartForm Wizard

allows firms to modify existing SmartForms.

domAin wizArd

The Domain Wizard extends Microsoft’s Windows Workflow

Foundation technology to be aware of Aderant domain (business

data) customizations that firms have implemented. Specifically,

custom columns and custom tables that firms have created to extend

the standard Aderant Expert Data Dictionary can be easily identified

and included for the purposes of workflow and SmartForm

development. For example Aderant’s file opening workflow process

is inherently aware of clients, matters, employees, and all related

information necessary to fulfill the new client and matter intake

process. Using the Domain Wizard a firm can extend this standard

set of data to include custom tables and columns associated with

clients and matters. This exposes this data for use in workflow

generation, SmartForm construction, scripting, and more.

expert AssistAnt

Expert Assistant is a multi-use application that provides users with a

context-sensitive launch point for Aderant Expert and is included as

part of the application suite’s core workflow capabilities. The system

tray application works as an electronic assistant for users, helping


AderAnt expert

them quickly find relevant information, access other Aderant Expert

applications and functionality, and review and manage workflow


Expert Assistant provides users with a controlled, configurable, and

consistent entry point to Aderant Expert, making it easier for them to

access application functionality, find information, and take action on

tasks. For example, users can get matter details, initiate a new matter

request, launch a new Timer, and more.

Expert Assistant also serves as a workflow inbox, providing users with

a listing of the workflow processes, showing status and associated

tasks for which they are responsible, either to perform or to manage.

Predefined filters enable users to quickly view workflow processes by

status, including:

• My Active

• My Initiated

• All

• Active

• Completed

• Faulted

• Suspended

• Canceled

Users can see information about—and take action on—each workflow

process. Users can either see all the tasks that have been assigned

to them or filter on the tasks marked as important. Users can also

manage the tasks from workflows that involve them, were initiated by

them, or where they are acting as someone else’s proxy.

Expert Assistant allows users to see detailed information about the

workflow processes initiated by the user, including percent complete

status, involved personnel, workflow notes, associated issues, and

more. Users can also subscribe to task alerts, including being notified

by email when a workflow task has been assigned to them.

AdvAnced workflow

Aderant Expert Advanced Workflow capabilities extend the

application suite’s core workflow functionality and deliver added

flexibility, customization, and further workflow development.

Aderant’s Advanced Workflow capabilities include:

expert design studio – workflow designer

Aderant Expert’s advanced workflow capabilities allow firms to create

new workflow processes in addition to modifying existing processes.

The Workflow Designer’s intuitive user interface lets business

analysts, administrators, and general IT staff customize workflow

data, add or remove workflow steps and activities, and change

process flows.

The advanced workflow capabilities also allow firms to create custom

workflow activities including sub-workflow activities.

smArtform wizArd

The advanced workflow capabilities enable firms to create and

incorporate new SmartForms within their workflow processes.

This allows firms to create customized standard SmartForms or

design new workflow forms to meet their specific user interface


The SmartForm wizard provides technical and non-technical users an

intuitive, step-based approach for constructing new forms, including

form layout specification, form property definition, attribute

selection, attribute property definition, preview capabilities, scripting,

and an advanced method for complex user interfaces.

Automated workflow design providing greater ease of use.


AderAnt expert

leArn More

Contact us today to see a demonstration of the powerful

capabilities in Aderant Expert that can help you better

manage, grow, and protect your firm.© 2012 Aderant Holdings, Inc. Aderant Expert is a registered trademark of Aderant Holdings, Inc. All other brands and products are property of their respective owners. Rev. | [email protected] | +1 888 604 2366

The Expert Assistant provides increased organization and efficiency.

Processes such as new employee intake are made simple with automated workflows.