adhd talk v3.0

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Uncover the gifts with ADHD Coaching….

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Post on 14-May-2015




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A comprehensive presentation on what ADHD is, how it manifests and how coaching can help


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Uncover the gifts with ADHD Coaching….

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Objectives of this session….

• Describe and Discuss ADHD. The challenges and treatments

• Introduce you to the concept of ADHD coaching

• Describe why coaching is such a great fit for ADHD

• Show you how the focus on strengths, gifts and talents is essential for creating success & self esteem with ADHD.

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But to start with…..

• About me• Quick ADHD friendly facts and myths

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So what is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

• ADHD is a neuro-biological & behavioral condition.• Here are the 3 main types*

Predominantly HyperactiveImpulsive

Predominantly Inattentive

* - as classified by DSM-V (diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorders)

Combined type

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• Impulsivity:– inability to modulate or control impulses emotions or

desires)• Poor transition skills:

– find it difficult to move from one task to another• Hyperactivity:

– physically or mentally high energy & movement• Inability to sustain focus:

– difficult to see tasks through to completion

Common traits / challenges

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Predominantly Inattentive

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• Black & white thinking:– all or nothing, no grey areas

• Rumination:– tendency to over think analyse/worry

• Overwhelm: – The mental or physical shut down that occurs when

there is too much information or pressure put on the ADHD er

Common traits / challenges

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Predominantly hyper/impulsive

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ADHD Facts & Common Myths

• Fact; Between 5 & 12 % of school age children have ADHD

Fact; 80% of children with ADHD go on to suffer from ADHD in adolescence, 60% go on to be adults that still suffer with the disorder

• Fact; up to 70% have a co-morbid condition; (Anxiety, Tourettes, OCD. oppositional defiant disorder, depression, tics)

• Fact; Up to 58% have failed one grade at school

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Common Myths

• Myth- It is over diagnosed, in fact it is still under diagnosed & under treated, especially in females

• Myth; It is a new age, made up condition. It is actually a scientifically proven and widely accepted neurological/behavioral condition.

• Myth; ADHD 'ers are less intelligent than average people

• Myth: It is not well researched. In fact it is one of the most well researched psychiatric conditions today

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The usual treatmentsMedication (stimulant and non stimulant)

Diet & nutrition


Physical Exercise


Accommodations (work or school)

Psycho-social/behavioural therapy

COGMED (a computer based program to increase working memory)

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Well known successful ADHD ers

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Well known successful ADHD ers

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What is ADHD Coaching?

• Individual programme, customised to the goals the client wants to achieve

• Uses S.M.A.R.T goals to create sustainable success

• Therapeutic partnership approach that is supported by proven systems and strategies

• What it’s not; It is not counselling or dependency

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Coaching benefits

• Coaching specifically works on all of the ADHD traits

• Coaching increases positive self image

• Coaching increases clients self awareness

• Coaching works on the creation of success

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The Client brings:

• Readiness for change

• Open to new thinking & concepts

• Willingness to work hard

• Honest communication

The Coach brings:

• Non-judgemental attitude

• Unconditional listening

• Un- attached to outcomes


• No “fixing” or “solving for”


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• The coaching focus is on success

• The philosophy is on the who not the what..

• The goal is to discover or uncover the gifts & strengths

• This strength based focus heals self esteem issues

The coaching focus

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How it works…..

• Typically 2-3 sessions per month

• Field work, in-between sessions , e-mails and phone blasts

• Most change occurs between the sessions

• Most sessions conducted on the phone

session length 30 – 45 minutes long

• To see lasting changes coaching should be a minimum of 3 months long

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How it works….The LEAP Model*

* - Reproduced with permission from ADDCA

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Hannah comes to coaching because she is fed up with her life:• her car is dirty • her clothes are a mess • she has stacks of unread books• she hates her life• she has no follow through and thinks there is no hope for her• she keeps making commitments to herself but gets no-where….

Case study of Hannah.....Summary

How can Coaching help Hannah?

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• During launch & exploration discover what strengths she has & what it is she gets right / does well

• Identify causes & educate about ADHD traits that are hindering

• Explore desires, goals etc..

• Move into action with support and strategies

• Identify her blocks and obstacles and any supports she may already have but not be utilising…

• Celebrate successes to re-invent self image

Coaching strategies for Hannah

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Benefits and outcomes

• Increase in self-esteem

• Increased awareness of ADHD traits & how they show up

• More awareness of strengths and gifts

• More successes created

• Learn techniques to catch self in downward spiral, ability to make mental switch & coach self into an upward spiral

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Coaching study

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Coaching study

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• I am available after this talk and also at these places;

•• [email protected]

• Please join me afterwards to answer all your questions.
