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  • 8/12/2019 AdministratorManual ENG V210


    Administrator Manual

    May 2013

    Author Tecnoteca srl




  • 8/12/2019 AdministratorManual ENG V210


    Administrator Manual

    No part of this document may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the express written permissionof Tecnoteca s.r.l.

    CMDBuild uses many reat technoloies from the open source community!"ostre#$%, Apache, Tomcat, &clipse, &xt '#, 'asper(eports, )(eport, &nhydra #har*, T+&, C#)n-entory, %iferay, Alfresco, eo#er-er, pen%ayers, "refuse+e are than*ful for the reat contributions that led to the creation of these products.

    CMDBuild is a pro/ect of Tecnoteca #rl. Tecnoteca isresponsible of software desin and de-elopment, it0s the official

    maintainer and has reistered the CMDBuild loo.

    )n the pro/ect also the Municipality of 1dine was in-ol-ed as theinitial customer.

    CMDBuild is released under A"% open source license 2http!

    CMDBuild is a reistered trademar* of Tecnoteca #rl.

    &-erytime the CMDBuild loo is used, the official maintainer 8Tecnoteca srl8 must be mentioned9 inaddition, there must be a lin* to the official website!


    CMDBuild loo!

    cannot be modified 2color, proportion, shape, font7 in any way, and cannot be interated intoother loos

    cannot be used as a corporate loo, nor the company that uses it may appear as author 3 owner3 maintainer of the pro/ect

    cannot be remo-ed from the application, and in particular from the header at the top of eachpae

    The official website is

    CMDBuild ; pen #ource Confiuration and Manaement Database "ae

  • 8/12/2019 AdministratorManual ENG V210


    Administrator Manual


    )ntroduction...................................................................................................................................... =

    CMDBuild modules...................................................................................................................................... =

    ettin #tarted................................................................................................................................. >

    CMDBuild philosophy.................................................................................................................................. >Desin criteria.............................................................................................................................................. ?+or*in methodoloy.................................................................................................................................. @Technical )nformation................................................................................................................................ 6

    1ser )nterface.................................................................................................................................

    eneral desin criteria............................................................................................................................... Control elements........................................................................................................................................ 5illin in forms for data editin .................................................................................................................. Menu..........................................................................................................................................................

    #implified user interface............................................................................................................................ Accessin the application...............................................................................................................

    "C (eEuirements...................................................................................................................................... Authentication............................................................................................................................................

    Classes manaement.....................................................................................................................>

    "roperties tab............................................................................................................................................ >Attributes tab.............................................................................................................................................. @Domains tab...............................................................................................................................................

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    Administrator Manual

    Menu.............................................................................................................................................. =

    Custom menus........................................................................................................................................... =

    1ser roups.................................................................................................................................... =

    "roperties tab............................................................................................................................................ =1sers tab................................................................................................................................................... =?"ermissions tab......................................................................................................................................... =@TAB 1) setup.............................................................................................................................................

    1sers.............................................................................................................................................. 5


    )cons manaement.................................................................................................................................... &xternal ser-ices....................................................................................................................................... =%ayer order................................................................................................................................................ eoser-er layer......................................................................................................................................... >)# Na-iation........................................................................................................................................... ?


    #etup pae................................................................................................................................................ @Alfresco pae............................................................................................................................................. >#er-er manaement pae......................................................................................................................... >5(elations raph pae................................................................................................................................. >+or*flow pae........................................................................................................................................... >=&mail pae................................................................................................................................................. >)# pae................................................................................................................................................... >>

    A""&ND)F! C$% lanuae............................................................................................................ >?

    How to use CMDBuild................................................................................................................................ >?&xamples of usae.................................................................................................................................... ?6

    A""&ND)F! lossary..................................................................................................................... ?

    CMDBuild ; pen #ource Confiuration and Manaement Database "ae

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    Administrator Manual


    CMDBuild is an pen #ource web application used to model and manae assets and ser-icescontrolled by the )CT Department, and to handle related wor*flow operations accordin to )T)% bestpractices.

    The manaement of a Confiuration Database 2CMDB7 means *eepin up4to4date, and a-ailableto other processes, the database related to the components in use, their relations and theirchanes o-er time.

    CMDBuild pro-ides complete support for )T)% best practices, which ha-e become a 8standard defacto8 by now, a non4proprietary system for ser-ices manaement with process4oriented criteria.

    +ith CMDBuild, the system administrator can build and extend its own CMDB 2hence the pro/ectname7, modelin the CMDB accordin to the company needs9 the administration module allows you toproressi-ely add new classes of items, new attributes and new relations. Iou can also define filters,

    8-iews8 and access permissions limited to rows and columns of e-ery class.

    Than*s to the interated wor*flow enine, you can also create new wor*flow processes withexternal -isual editors, and import 3 execute them inside the CMDBuild application.

    The application includes also 'asper(eports, an open source report enine that allows you to createreports9 you can desin 2with an external editor7, import and run custom reports inside CMDBuild.

    Then you can define some dashboards made up of charts which immediately show the situation ofsome indicators in the current system 2J")7.

    CMDBuild interates Alfresco, the popular open source document manaement system. Iou canattach documents, pictures and other files and perform full text searches on text4based files.

    The application includes also an interface to synchroniKe data with external data sources2databases and mail ser-ers79 for example, you can automatically update your hardware in-entoryreadin data from C# )n-entory 4 the open source computer in-entory and pac*ae deploymentsystem.

    Moreo-er, it0s possible to use the )# feature to eo4reference and display assets on aeoraphical map 2external map ser-ices7 and 3 or an office plan 2local eo#er-er7.

    CMDBuild modules

    The CMDBuild application includes two main modules!

    the Administration Module for the initial definition and the next chanes of the data model

    and the base confiuration 2relation classes and typoloies, users and authoriKation,dashboards, upload report and wor*flows, options and parameters7

    the Manaement Module, used to manae cards and relations, add attachments, runwor*flow processes, -isualiKe dashboards and execute reports

    The Administration Module is a-ailable only to the users with the 8administrator8 role9 theManaement Module is used by all the users to -iew and edit data.

    The system includes also two external components!

    a daemon to sync data with external databases, which is useful, for instance, to updateassets from Automatic )n-entory #ystems

    a webser-ice to interact with CDMBuild usin external applications

    CMDBuild ; pen #ource Confiuration and Manaement Database "ae =

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    Administrator Manual

    This manual is dedicated to the Administration Module, throuh which the administrator canconfiure data, define users and permissions, and perform other tas*s.

    Iou can find all the manuals on the official website 2http!33www.cmdbuild.or7!

    system o-er-iew 28-er-iew Manual87

    system usae 2L1ser Manual7

    installation and system manaement 28Technical Manual87

    wor*flow confiuration 28+or*flow Manual87

    webser-ice details and confiuration 2L+ebser-ice Manual7

    CMDBuild ; pen #ource Confiuration and Manaement Database "ae

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    Administrator Manual

    Getting Started

    CMDBuild philosoph

    A CMDB is a storae and consultation system that handles the information assets of a company.

    )t is the official central repository and pro-ides a consistent -iew of )T ser-ices.

    )t is a dynamic system that represents the current situation and *nowlede of informationtechnoloy assets and related entities! hardware 2computers, peripherals, networ*in, telephoneeEuipment7, software 2basic, en-ironment, application software7, documents 2pro/ects, contracts,manuals7 and other resources, internal and external.

    )t is a monitorin system for the processes executed, described and manaed throuh thewor*flow functions.

    CMDBuild is a robust, customiKable and extensible CMDB solution.

    "ro-idin an extensible solution means pro-idin an open and dynamic system that can be easilydesined, confiured and extended by the system administrator in different phases in terms of typesof ob/ects to manae, attributes and relations.

    #ince there are not two oraniKations that operate exactly on the same set of ob/ects 2assets7 and,for each ob/ect, on the same information, we decided to set, as the primary CMDBuild feature, thesystem flexibility, de-elopin features to confiure the whole system! data model, processes,reports, external systems connectors, etc.

    )n particular confiuration mechanisms implemented in CMDBuild and manaed with theAdministration Module allow to!

    add on your own new 8classes8, i.e. new items or processes typoloies 2both corrispondinto DB charts7

    add 3 edit the 8attributes8 of a class, also eometric 2DB column7

    define and import custom wor*flows both for )T process manaement and datamanaement wiKards

    add 3 edit the widets to be placed on the card manaement of a class, throuh whichapplication functions 4 useful for that type of ob/ect 4 can be performed

    add 8domains8, or 8relations8 between classes 2N!M association tables7

    add 3 edit the 8attributes8 of a 8domain8

    create predefined filters used durin the data reference on the -arious classes

    create 8-iews8, both throuh filters and throuh #$% Eueries, which can be used in a way thatis similar to the classes

    create tablelists 2loo*up7 to manae attributes with predefined -alues

    print data model details

    set up dashboards

    define and import custom reports

    confiure custom menus for different user roups

    define roles and authoriKations for -arious 8classes8 cateories

    confiure eoreferenced classes

    define options and system parameters

    CMDBuild ; pen #ource Confiuration and Manaement Database "ae >

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    Administrator Manual

    Here is a diaram that explains terms and concepts introduced abo-e in relation to theconfiuration of the data model.

    Design criteria

    At first, it0s important to!

    choose a detail le-el proportional to the a-ailable oraniKation needs, human resources,financial, information and technoloy

    identify and in-ol-e the staff who will set up 2Administrator7 and update 2perator7information in the system9 an outdated system produces costs an no results

    introduce the new application in an oraniKational system based on procedures, roles andresponsibilities that help the )T structure to correctly manae the information

    consider )T)% 8best practice8 model, a model that has become, in a short time, a 8standardde facto8 for ser-ices manaement

    A successful CMDB pro/ect must consider impact and chanes introduced by the system and mustacEuire the explicit appro-al of oraniKation0s manaers.

    !or"ing methodolog

    &nablin CMDBuild reEuires a preliminary desin to manae the initial schema, ie identify main

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    Administrator Manual

    interests and options9 then, the system can be easily extended as needed at a later date.

    +e recommend you to start by manain a complete and accurate set of ob/ects and relationships,and then extend the system once you0-e become more familiar with CMDBuild rules and usae.

    )n particular, you should identify!

    types of ob/ects 28classes87! hardware 2computers, printers, monitors, etc.7, software2operatin systems, business applications, producti-ity softwares7, ser-ices 2help des*,licenses, etc.7, entities 2suppliers, locations, etc.7

    8attributes8! useful to define each class 2code, description, monitor type, hard dis* siKe,etc.7 4 each attribute has a specific data type 2strin, lon text, inteer, decimal, floatinpoint, date, 8loo*up8 list, reference7 and miht be a eoraphical attribute

    relations between classes

    8attributes8 are useful to describe each 8domain8 2dependency between two softwareapplications, number of a switch port connected to a ser-er, relations between a systemadministrator and ser-ers, etc.7 4 each attribute has a specific data type 2strin, lon text,

    inteer, decimal, floatin point, date, 8loo*up87 oraniKational processes that the system has to manae, described in terms of acti-ities,

    transition rules and 8attributes8 in-ol-ed

    user accounts

    Another thin to consider is the hierarchy of classes since, in CMDBuild, it0s possible to defineeneric classes 28superclass8, for example 8Computer87 and then deri-e subclasses 2for example,8Des*top8, 8%aptop8, 8#er-er87. These subclasses will share some common information 2attributesof the superclass7 and define some specific attributes that the superclass doesn0t ha-e.

    )t0s important to identify a hierarchy that meets the needs of the oraniKation since a class can notbe automatically con-erted into a superclass.

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    Administrator Manual

    nce the entity4relationship model has been defined, you ha-e to define classes and relatedattributes 3 data types.

    At the end of this operation you should!

    use the Administration Module to model the system you0-e desined usin &4( tools

    use the Manaement Module to insert, update and display cards

    Technical Information

    or more technical information about the mappin between CMDBuild loical data model anddatabase physical model, see the 8Technical Manual8.

    The same manual also describes how to install the application.

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    Administrator Manual

    #ser InterfaceThe user interface uses A/ax technoloy.

    This solution, part of the new +eb

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    Administrator Manual

    Administration Module!

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    Administrator Manual

    Control elements

    $esi%ing the main areas

    The three main areas described abo-e can be resiKed by clic*in and drain the layout borders.

    n paes with a standard layout 2di-ided into upper and lower area7 you can 2only in ManaementModule7 act more Euic*ly usin buttons located on the top riht to!

    expand to full4heiht card details area

    expand to full4heiht the data rid

    restore standard layout

    &'ccordion( menu

    The menu on the left side is accordion4style and allows the user to open 3 close each item of thefirst le-el with a simple clic*.

    penin 3 closin a menu entry toles the sub4elements of the selected entry.

    Grid management

    The standard data rid manaement 2Manaement Module only7 permits to!

    sort on a specific column with a mouse clic*

    see additional columns in the rid 2amon a-ailable ones7

    )n some cases you can call special features associated with a row of the rid simply by doubleclic*in on the item 2open relations, open document in the attachments tab, etc.7.

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    Administrator Manual

    There is also a button to print 2"D or C#G7 data 2rows and columns7 that0s currently displayed inthe rid.

    inally, usin the 8Map8 button it is possible to switch between textual and eoraphical modes.

    )uic" action on grid elements

    )n some cases you can call special features associated with a row of the rid simply by doubleclic*in on the item 2open relations, open document in the attachments tab, etc.7.

    Selection filter

    The selection filter, if defined, is a-ailable in two modes!

    Euic* search on all card attributes 2not /ust those shown on therid7

    ad-anced search filter, which pro-ides ad-anced filterin 2includedthe storin and the filter reuse7 and will be described in indi-idualuse cases

    Interacti*e help

    )n some cards 2in particular in the process manaement7 there is a button in the lower riht cornerthat displays a panel with some compilation tips.

    +illing in forms for data editing

    Data cards compilation reEuires different fields!

    numeric or strin type with simple content

    multiline text

    date type, with interacti-e calendar

    simple list select

    ad-anced list select 2with filterin options7

    formatted text 2with editor7

    you can then use the widets 2buttons7 confiured for the card.

    &-ery insert operation includes confirmation and cancellation buttons


    Both Administration and Manaement modules wor* on the same ob/ects, the first to set

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    Administrator Manual

    confiuration options 2data structures7, the second to manae the information stored in theseob/ects 2cards7.

    Both modules ha-e an 8Accordion8 style menu and include the same entries, howe-er for each

    entry there are differrent options in the two modules! loo*up tables, definition of filters and -iews, users and roups, definition of menu, )#

    confiuration, confiuration of base parameters in the Administration Module

    na-iation menu 2list of items a-ailable to the current user, ordered in folders in a coherentand oraniKed way7 -iews, dashboards and utilities in the Manaement Module

    Simplified user interface

    Throuh proper confiuration parameters set in the Administration Module 2roups Manaement ;Confiuration 1ser )nterface7, you can define a simplified interface for those users0 roups thatdemand it.

    )n particular, you can!

    hide one by one the headins of the accordion Menu placed in the left side of the pae

    hide one by one all TABs of the cards and of the processes

    hide the accordion Menu itself when openin the pae

    set an alternati-e display mode of the cards 3 processes list and of the insertion or updateform of a card 3 process

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    Administrator Manual

    'ccessing the application

    The Administration Module is a-ailable only to the administrator and can be used to performoperations on CMDBuild model and to ma*e chanes and extensions to the existin structure.

    The chanes made will be immediately a-ailable within the Manaement Module.

    ,C $e-uirements

    CMDBuild is a web4based application, so both modules are a-ailable usin a standard webbrowser.

    The system user has to arrane on his3her processor only an updated web browser 2irefox up to-ersion

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    Administrator Manual

    Classes management

    ,roperties tab

    The first tab, 8"roperties8, allows you to create new classes 3 superclasses and edit some options.

    A class represents ob/ects to be stored in the CMDB 2computers, monitors, etc.7. The systemcreates automatically all the forms to manae cards data. The input fields match the attributesdefined in the class, and cards data is stored in the related database table 2automatically created7.

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    add a new class

    print data model schema 2"D or DT7

    edit an existin class by selectin it from the menu

    delete an existin class 2loical deletion7

    print current class details

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    Administrator Manual

    To create a new class you need to specify the followin information!

    8Name8 4 the name of the table in the database 2ie 8Contract87

    8Description8 4 the class name used in the application

    8Type8 4 can be 8#tandard8 2normal CMDBuild class7, 8#imple8 2class without inheritance,history, relations, with 8forein *ey8 attributes but not 8reference8 attributes 4 see notebelow7

    8)nherit from8 4 name of the superclass 2by default all classes inherit from the superclass8Class8, anyway you can select a specific superclass, for example 8Monitor8 is deri-ed fromthe superclass 8)tem87

    8#uperclass8, this fla indicates whether the class will contain data 2superclass no7 or willdefine some common attributes for subclasses 2superclass yes7

    8Acti-e8, indicates whether the class is acti-e or has been deleted 2loical deletion7


    The 8#imple8 class type can be used to store data streams comin from other systems, useful forexample to store electricity consumption data, alert notifications on ser-ices a-ailability, ser-erlos, etc.

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    Administrator Manual

    'ttributes tab

    The second tab, 8Attributes8, allows you to manae the class attributes.

    This tab is used to add information to a new class, or update an existin class.

    )n the example the attributes of the 8Monitor8 class include!

    the attributes inherited from the 8Asset8 superclass 28Monitor8 class inherits from 8Asset879please note that it0s not possible to modify inherited attributes

    some other specific attributes, for example, 8Type8 and 8#iKe8

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    create a new attribute

    select the attributes on which you0d li*e to sort cards

    edit an existin attribute 2edit a-ailable fields7

    delete an existin attribute 2if the class contains no data7

    The attributes order can be modified by mo-in the lines in the rid 2dra and drop7.

    or each attribute you ha-e to specify!

    8Name8 4 the column name in database

    8Description8, 4 the attribute name in the application

    8roup8 4 used to roup toether attributes and oraniKe them in tabs 2for example, the8Monitor8 class has se-eral attributes tab! 8eneral8, 8Administrati-e data8 and 8Technical

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    Administrator Manual

    data8 7

    Data types a-ailable





    LDouble 2double precision floatin point7

    8orein Jey8 2lin* to another class, only for 8#imple8 classes type7

    8)net8 2)" address7


    L%oo*1p 2predefined list of -alues 4 could be set in L#ettins 3 L%oo*1p7

    8(eference8 2reference to another class throuh a 8domain8, only for 8Normal8 classestype7





    LDisplay in list 4 to select if the attribute has to appear in the defaul list of attributes used inthe manaement rid

    81niEue8 4 to indicate that the field represents a uniEue *ey

    8Mandatory8, to enable a mandatory field

    8Acti-e8, to reacti-ate attributes loically deleted

    8&ditin mode8, that can be!

    &ditable! normal editable attribute

    (ead nly! -isible but not editable

    Hidden! attribute not -isible

    #ome attributes ha-e more fields, here are the details.

    &Decimal( attributes

    or 8decimal8 attributes these additional information are reEuired!

    8"recision8, indicates the total number of diits 8#cale8, indicates the number of diits in the decimal part

    &String( attributes

    or the 8strin8 attributes, a further information is reEuired!

    8%enth8, indicates the maximum amount of characters allowed

    &Tet( tpe attributes

    or the 8text8 attributes a further information is reEuested!

    8&ditor type8, miht be L"lain text or LHtml

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    Administrator Manual

    &0oo"up( attributes

    8%oo*up8 attributes allow you to select the -alue of the attribute from a predefined list of -alues9 thislist is created and modified usin the 8%oo*up Types8 menu in the Administration Module 2see

    specific chapter7.Hence, when you select a 8%oo*up8 attribute you0re as*ed to select the list of -alues you want to use.

    Note! multile-el loo*up lists are also a-ailable.

    &$eference( attributes

    L(eference attributes allow you to lin* the attribute to a card of another class -ia a !N domain2where the 8N8 side is the current class7

    )n the Manaement Module it will be possible to select -alues from the list of a-ailable references.

    A reference attribute, in the Manaement Module, creates or modifies the relation between twocards.

    Therefore, when definin a 8(eference8 attribute, you0re as*ed to choose the 8domain8 you want toapply.

    An ad-anced feature of reference attributes is the C$% 2CMDBuild $uery %anuae7 filter, thatpermits to define a filter for the list. The filter could use -ariables set in the metadata popup window,-isible by clic*in the 8&dit metadata8 button 2see the appendix7.

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    Administrator Manual

    Domains tab

    This feature allows you to define relations 28domains87 between classes, and in-ol-es the followin

    steps! o-er-iew of domains already confiured

    creation of a new domain

    modification of an existin domain

    deletion of an existin domain

    'ust li*e for attributes, it0s possible to display in the rid!

    only the domains defined on the current class

    the domains defined on the current class plus the domains defined fot the superclass

    By selectin the editin functions 2insert, modify, delete7 the system will chane the menu28accordion8 menu on the left7 from classes manaement to domains manaement, therefore you0llbe able to chane domain information and domain attributes.

    The description of the 8"roperties8 and 8Attributes8 tabs is a-ailable in the Domains chapter.

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    Administrator Manual

    !idget tab

    This feature allows you to confiure some default features that will be a-ailable as 8buttons8 in the

    Manaement Module.Currently there are widets to!

    print of a report for the current card

    openin of the calendar with a date a-ailable in the current card

    execution of a 8pin8 command on the card )" 2useful for dianostics7

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    display widets already confiured

    confiure a new widet

    edit an existin widet

    delete an existin widet

    The followin parameters are common to all widets 2others are related to widet type7!

    Button text

    Acti-e! when a widet is deleted this i set to false

    Always on! this means that the widet is a-ailable also in -iew mode 2no edit modereEuired7

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    Administrator Manual

    ,rint report widget

    The specific parameters for this widet are!

    (eport! select a report from the list of a-ailable reports

    orce format! force output type 2"D or C#G7

    "arameters list! set input -alues for reEuired report parameters

    !idget to perform a &ping( on an I, address

    The specific parameters for this widet are!

    )" address! the )" to chec*

    Number of pin pac*ets

    Custom parameters concatenated to the pin command

    Calendar widget

    The specific parameters for this widet are!

    (eference class! in this class you read the information which will be transfered on thecalendar 2this is optional if there is the C$% filter7

    #tartin date! name of the attribute which contains the startin date of the e-ent

    &ndin date! name of the attribute which contains the endin date of the e-ent 2this isoptional, if the e-ent is omitted it will be considered punctual, i.e. it starts and ends at the

    same time7

    Default date! default calendar date

    &-ent0s title! name of the attribute which contains the e-ent0s title

    C$% filter! selection filter of the charts which you ha-e to treat 2this is optional, if specified ithas the riht o-er 8(eference class87

    !idget entr / modif card

    The specific parameters for this widet are!

    (eference class! this class belons to the card which you ha-e to wor* on

    C$% filter! selection filter of the card you ha-e to manae, li*e the phraseLOclient!nomePfieldPdelPformQ 2if the filter does not extract any cards, the widet will createa new one7

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    Administrator Manual

    0aers tab

    The 8%ayers8 tab displays the list of eoraphical attributes a-ailable 2each one on a separate

    layer7 and allows you to select the ones to show as bac*round for the current class.

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    Administrator Manual

    Geographic attributes tab

    The 8eoraphical attributes8 tab allows you to manae the eoraphic attributes of the selected

    class.There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    create a new eoraphic attribute

    edit an existin attribute 2edit a-ailable fields7

    delete an existin eoraphic attribute 2if the class contains no data7

    The attributes order can be modified by mo-in the lines in the rid 2dra and drop7.

    or each attribute you ha-e to specify!

    8Name8 4 the column name in database

    8Description8, 4 the attribute name in the application

    8Minimum Koom8, the minimum Koom le-el reEuired to display the attribute 2for example, ifwe ha-e the whole )taly in the -iewport it ma*es no sense to show cities buildins sincethey will appear o-erlapped7

    8Maximum Koom8, the maximum Koom le-el reEuired to display the attribute

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    Data types a-ailable




    #ome eoraphical attributes ha-e more fields, here are the details.

    1,oint1 attributes

    or 8"oint8 attributes this additional information is reEuired!

    8)con8 4 the name of the icon 2which should be loaded usin )# paes in theAdministration Module7 to display on the map

    L"oint radius 4 the siKe of the icon

    Lill color

    8ill pacity8

    8#tro*e color8

    L#tro*e opacity

    8#tro*e width8, from to 6

    8#tro*e dashstyle8 2dot, dash, dashdot, londash, londashdot, solid7

    10ine1 attributes

    or 8%ine8 attributes this additional information is reEuired!

    8#tro*e color8

    L#tro*e opacity

    8#tro*e width8, from to 6

    8#tro*e dashstyle8 2dot, dash, dashdot, londash, londashdot, solid7

    1,olgon1 attributes

    or 8"olyon8 attributes this additional information is reEuired!

    8)con8 4 the name of the icon 2which should be loaded usin )# paes in theAdministration Module7 to display on the map

    Lill color

    8ill pacity8

    8#tro*e color8

    L#tro*e opacity

    8#tro*e width8, from to 6

    8#tro*e dashstyle8 2dot, dash, dashdot, londash, londashdot, solid7

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    ,rocess management


    CMDBuild is a manaement system for the )T department and supports )T)% 8best practices89CMDBuild models and manaes the confiuration manaement database and supports relatedprocesses.

    i-en the amount of processes options, the oraniKational procedures and the flexibility pursued bythe CMDBuild pro/ect, we chose not to implement a series of riid and predefined processes, but aeneric wor*flow enine to model processes case4by4case.

    The wor*flow manaement system is an important feature of CMDBuild and pro-ides!

    a standard interface for users

    a secure update of the CMDB

    a tool to monitor pro-ided ser-ices

    a repository for acti-ities data, useful to chec* #%A

    $epresentation modes

    )n CMDBuild each wor*flow contains information about!

    acti-ities seEuence, with conditional flows

    -isible data, reEuired to the user to complete e-ery step

    tas*s performed 2start process, update DB, send mail etc7

    roles authoriKed to perform each step of the wor*flow

    +or*flows are desined usin the '"&d -isual editor, an external open source tool that uses F"D%standard, and then imported into CMDBuild and executed with the &nhydra #har* enine.

    The 8lossary8 used in CMDBuild includes the followin terms!

    process 2or wor*flow7! seEuence of steps 28acti-ities87 to perform a specific action incompliance of specific rules, usin a wiKard

    acti-ity! a wor*flow step

    process instance! acti-e process created executin the first step

    acti-ity instance! creation of an acti-ity, accomplished automatically or by an operator

    The abo-e terms are arraned into CMDBuild as follows!

    each process is represented by a special class confiured usin the 8"rocesses8 menu inthe Administration Module9 the class includes all the attributes of scheduled acti-ities

    each process instance corresponds to the current card, plus the list of its -ersions 2endedacti-ities7

    each acti-ity instance corresponds to a card 2current acti-ity7 or to a historiciKed -ersion2ended acti-ity7

    Modelin a new process in CMDBuild reEuires the confiuration of a new 8process8 class thatincludes all the attributes of scheduled acti-ities.

    or all the details about wor*flow confiuration, chec* out the 8+or*flow Tutorial8 manual.

    This manual only describes how to confiure a 8process8 class, describin in particular how to usethe 8F"D%8 and 8"lannin8 tabs9 these tabs represent the main difference between a standard class

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    and a process class.

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    2,D0 tab

    The purpose of 8F"D%8 tab is to allow the upload3download of the F"D% file9 you can use this tab to

    download the initial F"D% definition and, once desined the process, upload your file.

    #pload 2,D0

    This function allows you to import the F"D% file that you0-e desined and confiured usin theexternal editor T+& 2or '"&d7.

    The information manaed by CMDBuild is!

    user stoppable process 2enabled 3 disabled7

    F"D% file

    process s*etch 2imae7

    nce concluded the import operations described abo-e, the new process is included in theManaement Module, thus the process can be executed usin the wor*flow enine 8&nhydra#har*8.

    Iou can edit a process you0-e already

    Download 2,D0 template

    This feature allows you to export the F"D% template to start wor*in on the process structure usinan external editor 2'"ed7.

    The exported file includes!

    process name

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    the list of process attributes 2correspondin to the list of attributes defined in the class7

    the list of methods a-ailable 2for the CMDBuild application7

    the list of 8actors8 2users7 that interact with the process 2the 8#ystem8 role is automatically

    created to identify system acti-ities79 the list corresponds to the user roups defined inCMDBuild

    data type description for custom %oo*up and (eference attributes

    The information manaed for this function are!

    process class name 2read only mode7

    user stoppable process 2enabled 3 disabled7

    The same function can be used to download the current process and edit wor*flow steps usin anexternal editor.

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    ,lanning tab

    The schedulin tab allows you to schedule the execution of the current process.

    )n particular, you can set!

    a simple scheduler 2e-ery hour, day, month, year7

    an ad-anced scheduler, with 8cron8 syntax 2linux command7

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    Manage Domains

    ,roperties tab

    The first tab, 8"roperties8, allows you to create new domains and edit domains0 details.

    A domain represents relations to be stored in the CMDB 2supplier pro-ides asset, user usescomputer, computer has software, etc.7. The domain is represented by a list of relations and relatedattributes usin a table created CMDBuild automatically in the database to store the reports added.

    This feature allows you to define relations 28domains87 between classes, and in-ol-es the followinsteps!

    -isualiKation of confiured domains

    creation of a new domain

    modification of an existin domain

    deletion of an existin domain

    or each domain you must define!

    8Name8 4 the name of the table in the database

    LDescription4 the mater4detail button 2if applicable7 in the Manaement Module

    8riin8 4 such as 8supplier8

    8Destination8 4 such as 8assets8

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    8Direct description8 4 for example, the asset 8has been pro-ided by8 a supplier

    8)n-erse description8 4 for example, the supplier 8has pro-ided8 the asset

    8Cardinality8 4 a constraint on the number of times an entity can appear in a relation 2!,!

    N, N , N! M7, used by the application to -alidate new relations

    8Master Detail8 4 acti-ate master4detail feature, ie elements of the detail class 28N8 side7presented as rows of the main class 288 side7

    8Acti-e8, indicates whether the domain is acti-e or has been deleted 2loical deletion7

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    'ttributes tab

    The 8Attributes8 tab allows you to manae the domain attributes.

    This tab is used to add information to a new domain, or update an existin domain.

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    create a new attribute

    edit an existin attribute 2edit a-ailable fields7

    delete an existin attribute 2if the class contains no data7

    The attributes order can be modified by mo-in the lines in the rid 2dra and drop7.

    or each attribute you ha-e to specify!

    8Name8 4 the column name in database

    8Description8, 4 the attribute name in the application

    Data types a-ailable





    LDouble 2double precision floatin point7

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    8)net8 2)" address7


    L%oo*1p 2predefined list of -alues 4 could be set in L#ettins 3 L%oo*1p7

    L#trin LText



    8Display in list8, to show the attribute in reference0s details, in the Manaement Module

    81niEue8 4 to indicate that the field represents a uniEue *ey

    8Mandatory8, to enable a mandatory field

    8Acti-e8, to reacti-ate attributes loically deleted

    8&ditin mode8, that can be!

    &ditable! normal editable attribute

    (ead nly! -isible but not editable

    Hidden! attribute not -isible

    &ach attribute miht ha-e more fields, accordin to the same rules described for class attributes.

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    Throuh the -iews mechanism, we are able to pro-ide users with new items typoloies that do notexist in the database9 on the contrary they are defined as roups of cards extracted from otherclasses.

    Giews can be obtained as subset of cards of a sinle class 2based on filters7 or as roups of datacards made up by information filed in different classes 2based on #$% Eueries7.

    )n the first case they *eep their common functionalities of the class manaement, in the second onethey are (ead nly.

    This -iews mechanism recalls the restriction functionality of access permissions to a class *eepinout some rows or columns.

    +hile the restrictions in the access permissions *eep out definiti-ely the consultation of certain

    information, for a sinle user roup there is the possibility to define a -iew that shows a certain dataroup and another -iew that show other data 2additional or separated7.

    or instance, when usin a 8#tate8 attribute or an 8Assinee8 one, you can create for the same roupof operators an 8Asset in use8 -iew and an 8A-ailable assets8 -iew from the 8Assets8 class.

    3iews based on filters

    The system administrator can create a -iew based on filters!

    by reusin and clonin a filter defined by a user

    by definin a new search filter, i.e. by settin search criteria on attributes of the specified

    source class)t0s possible to perform the followin operations!

    initiatin the creation of a new -iew

    editin a pre4existin -iew

    deletin a pre4existin -iew

    openin a popup window where you can choose a user filter orcreate a new filter

    deletin the current filter criteria

    To create or modify a search filter, the followin information is reEuired!

    LName 4 name of the -iew 2e.. LAsset)n1se7

    LDescription 4 description of the filter 2e.. LAsset in use7

    L#ource Class 4 class which the filter can be applied to 2e.. Asset7

    A new -iew can not be used if the access permissions are not defined, specifyin which user roup2s7can use them.

    #uch operation should be carried out by usin the function 81sers and roups8 3 L"ermissions 3LGiews.

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    Below you will find two screenshots that describe the user interface pro-ided for the manaement of-iews based on a filter.

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    3iews based on S)0

    perators can be pro-ided with data cards obtained by collectin attributes present on differentclasses.

    These -iews typoloies can be (ead nly, limited to the main card 2but relations and history7

    rom a technical point of -iew, the #$% Euery should be encapsulated in a "ostre#$% function,defined within some criteria that will allow to CMDBuild its identification and use. or a description ofthese criteria, see the pararaph related to the definition of Dashboard charts 2Definition of data source4 "ostre#$% function7.

    )t0s possible to perform the followin operations!

    initiatin the creation of a new -iew

    editin a pre4existin -iew

    deletin a pre4existin -iew

    To create or modify an #$% -iew, the followin information is reEuired!

    LName 4 name of the -iew 2e.. LAsset)n1se7

    LDescription 4 description of the filter 2e.. LAsset in use7

    LData source 4 "ostre#$% function which the #$% Euery is defined in

    Also in this case, a new -iew can not be used if the access permissions are not defined, specifyinwhich user roup2s7 can use them.

    #uch operation should be carried out by usin the function 81sers and roups8 3 L"ermissions 3LGiews.

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    Search filters

    #earch filters can be used in the Manaement Module in order to display only those data cards thatcomply with the defined criteria.

    )n the Manaement Module, e-ery user can autonomously sa-e those search filters used to refer tothe data cards of a class and find them when accessin to the application.

    This function of the Administration Module lets the system administrator to create search filters whichcan be enabled to one or more user roups 2they will be then found amon those filters a-ailable inthe Manaement Module7 in one of the followin modalities!

    by reusin and clonin a filter defined by a user

    by definin a new search filter, i.e. by settin search criteria on attributes of the specifiedsource class

    )t0s possible to perform the followin operations!

    initiatin the creation of a new filter

    edit a pre4existin filter

    delete a pre4existin filter

    openin a popup window where you can choose a user filter orcreate a new filter

    deletin the current filter criteria

    To create or modify a search filter, the followin information is reEuired!

    LName 4 name of the filter 2e.. L"CBrandDell7

    LDescription 4 description of the fiter 2e.. L"C brand Dell7

    L#ource class 4 class which the filter can be applied to 2e.. "C7

    A new search filter can not be used if the access permissions are not defined, specifyin which userroup2s7 can use them.

    #uch operation should be carried out by usin the function 81sers and roups8 3 L"ermissions 3L#earch filters.

    Below you will find two screenshots that describe the user interface pro-ided for the manaement ofsearch filters.

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    As pre-iously described, one of the data types a-ailable in CMDBuild is the 8loo*up8 type, ie anattribute that shows up as a select field with predefined options.

    Therefore, the user must select an option from the list of options a-ailable 2for example, monitortype could be 8C(T8, 8%CD8 or 8"lasma8 4 monitor brand could be 8H"8, 8Dell8, 8"hilips8 etc7

    Iou can also create multi4le-el loo*up attributes 2for example! macrocateory R cateory7

    ,roperties tab

    1sin the 8"roperties8 tab you can manae the %oo*up lists.

    )t0s possible to perform the followin operations!

    add a new loo*up list

    edit an existin loo*up 2description only7

    To create or modify a %oo*up list, the followin information is reEuired!

    8Description8 4 the name of the list 2for example, 8Monitor Type8 or 8Brand87

    L"arent 4 the parent of the current list 2can be set only at creation7

    0oo"up list

    +ith the 8%oo*up list8 tab you can create new entries in the list or edit existin ones.

    )t0s possible to perform the followin operations!

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    create a new entry

    edit an existin entry

    delete an entry

    To define a new entry you need to specify the followin information!

    8Code8 of the new entry

    8Description8 of the new entry

    8"arent description8 4 select an entry of the parent list, if a-ailable

    8Notes84 any additional information about the entry

    8Acti-e8 4 indicates whether the item is acti-e or has been deleted 2loical deletion7

    The entries order can be modified by mo-in the lines in the rid 2dra and drop7.

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    CMDBuild allows you to confiure in the system 8dashboards8 paes, which sinularly containmore charts of different typoloies9 then they will be consulted in the Manement Module 2both in anew specific accordion menu and in the Na-iation Menu7.

    &-ery dashboard can be addressed to a different typoloy of aspects which should be controlled!asset situation, ser-ice des* performances, cost allocation, etc.

    &-ery dashboard is made up of a number of charts which can adopt different typoloies! pie, bar,line, aue chart.

    The data shown in the charts are extracted from the system performin suitable "ostre#$%functions defined by the administrator accordin to a particular template described below.

    ,roperties tabThe 8"roperties8 tab allows you to create a new dashboard showin names and roups able todisplay it.

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    create a new dashboard

    edit a pre4existin dashboard

    delete a pre4existin dashboard

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    To create a new dashboard you need to specify the followin information!



    8&nabled roups8 4 the roups 2alon with the system administrator7 allowed to display thedashboard

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    Chart T'B

    The 8Charts8 TAB allows you to set up the charts you want to display in the selected dashboard.

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    add a new chart

    edit a pre4existin chart

    delete a pre4existin chart

    show a pre-iew of the chart

    To set up each chart you ha-e to!

    show some basic information

    hihliht the data source 2a "ostre#$% function which must ha-e already been created inthe database with the instructions shown below7, in which the system will read the data inorder to populate the chart

    set up the mappin amon the output parameters of the "ostre#$% function and the inputparameters pro-ided by the chart typoloy 2showin also whether it can be input by *eyboardand the possible widets that should be used7

    specify the chart typoloy 2pie, bar, line, aue7, which determines the reEuest of furtherspecific parameters

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    The followin example 2di-ided into two screenshot7 defines an historam chart!

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    Here0s an output sample of the 8"re-iew8 function!

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    Below you can read the information described in detail reEuested for the confiuration of a chart!

    LName of the new chart

    LDescription of the new chart

    LActi-e, indicates whether the chart is acti-e has been disabled

    L%oad automatically, indicates whether it can be immediately shown without the input ofparameters throuh *eyboard

    LData source shows the list of "ostre#$% functions a-ailable in the definition of the chart

    list of data source parameters, with the possibility for each of them to indicate!

    if it is mandatory

    type 2strin, inteer, decimal, data7

    in case of strin parameters a subtype is reEuested amon! free strin, name of aCMDBuild class, current user, current ruop

    in case of inteer parameters a subtype is reEuested amon! free inteer, 8)d8 of aCMDBuild class, 8)d8 of a loo*up with choise of the concernin loo*up, 8)d8 of a cardwith choise of the concernin class

    the default -alue 2free -alue or -alue from the list, accordin to the type of the datum7

    LChart type, that can adopt one amon the followin -alues! pie, bar, line, aue

    L#how leend 2if necessary it will be located under the chart7

    other parameters specific to each type of chart!

    for pie charts!

    -alue field 2for the dimensionin of the areas7

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    label field 2cited in the areas7

    for bar charts!

    orientation 2horiKontal or -ertical7

    title of cateory board 2label7

    -alue of cateory board 2information represented by each bar7

    title of -alue board 2label7

    -alue 3 -alues -alue board 2for the bar dimensionin, perhaps with moreo-erlappin series7

    for line charts!

    orientation 2horiKontal or -ertical7

    title of cateory board 2label7

    -alue of cateory board 2information represented by each point on the line7

    title of -alue board 2label7

    -alue 3 -alues -alue board 2for the line heiht, perhaps with moreo-erlappin series7

    for aue charts!

    the maximum scale -alue

    the minimum scale -alue 2Kero if not specified7

    number of discretiKation inter-als

    foreround color bac*round color

    -alue field 2in order to define the indicator shown7

    Definition of the data source 4,ostgreS)0 function5

    )n order for the system confiuration of charts described abo-e to wor* accurately, you ha-e toconsider in particular the definition of the "ostre#$% function which represents the data source.

    )n particular!

    the function must report the comment 8TI"&! function

    the definition of the function has to include the input and output parameters, clearly showinthe name of each of them

    the input and output parameters ha-e to be chosen amon the followin ones! Lcharacter-aryin, Lboolean, Linteer, Lnumeric, Ldouble precision, Ldate, Ltime, Ltimestamp,Ltext 2not Lbiint7

    in case that the function becomes more 8tuple8 than the output -alues, you should use thesyntax 8(eturns setof record

    At the end of the operation, you ha-e to perform the function 8#etup R #er-er manaement R ClearCache, or to reboot Tomcat.

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    Here below there are two samples of riht "ostre#$% functions, used in the demo database!

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cmf_active_cards_for_class(IN "ClassName" character varyi!OUT "Class" character varyi! OUT "N#m$er" ite!er%

    RETURN& &ETOF record A&




    .&ELECT _cmf_class_descri/tio("IdClass"% A& "Class)escri/tio" COUNT(0%11ite!erA& "CardCo#t". 22

    . FRO3 . 22 4#ote_idet('5% 22

    . 67ERE "&tat#s" 8 . 22 4#ote_literal(.A.% 22

    . AN) _cmf_is_dis/laya$le("IdClass"%. 22

    . AN) "IdClass" ot IN (&ELECT _cm_s#$ta$les_ad_itself(_cm_ta$le_id(. 224#ote_literal(.Activity.% 22 .%%%.

    . +ROUP * "IdClass". 22 . OR)ER * "Class)escri/tio".9



    LAN+UA+E /l/!s4l :OLATILE

    CO&T 5;;

    RO6& 5;;;9

    ALTER FUNCTION cmf_active_cards_for_class(character varyi!% O6NER TO /ost!res9

    CO33ENT ON FUNCTION cmf_active_cards_for_class(character varyi!% I& .T*PE1 f#ctio.9

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cmf_co#t_active_cards(IN "ClassName" character varyi! OUT"Co#t" ite!er%

    RETURN& ite!er A&



    E-ECUTE .&ELECT co#t(0% FRO3 . 22 4#ote_idet("ClassName"% 22 . 67ERE "&tat#s" 8 . 224#ote_literal(.A.% INTO "Co#t"9



    LAN+UA+E /l/!s4l :OLATILE

    CO&T 5;;9

    ALTER FUNCTION cmf_co#t_active_cards(character varyi!% O6NER TO /ost!res9

    CO33ENT ON FUNCTION cmf_co#t_active_cards(character varyi!% I& .T*PE1 f#ctio.9

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    0aout T'B

    +hen the charts of the dashboard are defined, it will be possible to set their layout.

    )n particular you can choose whether to distribute them on one, two or three columns, and to mo-ethe present charts amon the columns 2usin the Ldra and drop method7.

    )t is also possible to mo-e a chart from a dashboard to another by selectin it and drain it on thename of its new dashboard 2in the accordion menu on the left7.

    The a-ailable functions are as follows!

    add a new column

    remo-e a column, if it is empty

    personaliKe the distribution of the room amon the pro-ided columns

    Here0s a sample of a 54column layout!

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    CMDBuild allows you to import custom reports desined with external tools, and then to includethem in the Manaement Module.


    CMDBuild is able to import reports created with i(eport 2-isual editor7 which is part of the'asper(eports open source pro/ect.

    i(eport features include!

    text formattin options 2font, text alinment, space, colour, etc.7

    standard elements definition 2header, footer, column headins, summary, etc.7

    data roupin expressions e-aluation

    computed fields

    ad-anced subreports manaement

    imaes and raphics

    "D, HTM%, F%# and C#G formats

    The import function handles also reports containin subreports and imaes, whose upload ismanaed usin a wiKard.

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    )n the example below, the 8%ista "D%8 report contains two subreports that the system detectsautomatically.

    nce completed the import, the report can be executed usin the Manaement Module.

    To create a new report you ha-e to insert the followin information!

    8(eport name8 4 the name will appear in the list of a-ailable reports

    8(eport description8 4 the description will appear in the list of a-ailable reports

    8&nabled roups8 4 the roups 2alon with the system administrator7 allowed to execute thereport

    8Master report8 4 the template file created with i(eport

    )f the master report contains subreports or imaes 2both manaed by i(eport as external files7, theadministrator will be as*ed to upload the reEuired files.

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    Custom menus

    The system allows you to define custom menus for all roups or for specific roups.

    &ach menu consists of system elements 2classes, processes, -iews, reports7 and custom folders2used to oraniKe entries7.

    These menus are a-ailable in the Manaement Module as the main na-iation menu 2the oneconfiured for the loin roup, the 8default8 otherwise7.

    1sers with no custom na-iation menu can still access the Manaement Module, but the systemwill show only classes for which they ha-e read or write permissions.

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    )t0s possible to perform the followin operations!

    edit the menu for the selected user roup

    delete the menu for the selected user roup

    The setup of a menu includes the followin operations!

    add a new folder

    dra and drop menu items from a list of a-ailable elements

    delete items from the menu

    +ith a sinle operation you can insert a superclass containin subclasses.

    nce confirmed the chanes, the menu will be a-ailable in the Manaement Module 2loout 3 lointo refresh7.

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    #ser groups

    CMDBuild permissions are based on! user roups

    roup permissions on classes, -iews and search filters

    user 4 roup associations

    Therefore it0s possible to!

    set user roups with specific permissions for each class defined in the system or in rowsand columns

    add users to one or more roups9 the user inherits permissions from the roup

    urther functions, athered in the TAB 81) #etup8, allow the definition of personaliKed setups of theuser interface, remo-in some standard functionalities of CMDBuild and simplifyin the interactioninterface for some users0 roups with less technical s*ills.

    This chapter describes the roups manaement, the placement in the pre4existent users0 roupincluded, while the next deals with the users manaement.

    ,roperties tab

    The "roperties tab allows you to create and edit roups.

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    add a new roup

    edit an existin roup disable a roup

    To create a new roup you ha-e to insert the followin information!

    8roup name8



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    L)s administrator 4 indicates whether the roup is an administrati-e roup, ie has fullsystem access

    L#tartin pae at 4 the default startup pae when enterin the Manaement Module

    L)s acti-e, indicates whether the roup is acti-e or has been deleted 2loical deletion7

    Here0s an example of screenshot.

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    #sers tab

    The 1sers tab allows you to associate a user to one or more roups.

    Iou can dra and drop users from the list of a-ailable user 2on the left7 to the list of users in theroup 2on the riht7.

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    ,ermissions tab

    The "ermissions tab allows you to define permissions for each class.

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    edit permission

    open a popup window where you can define a filter on the classrows 2if necessary choosin a user filter7 or columns

    deletin the current filter criteria

    Iou can chane permissions by clic*in on none 3 read 3 write chec*boxes.

    )f for the current roup you want to reduce the access permissions to rows or columns of a class, youha-e to use the first icon placed at the end of e-ery row in the scheme.

    )n this way you will access a popup window that presents two TABs called 8"ri-ilees on rows8 and8"ri-ilees on columns8.

    The first TAB allows to define the filter to reduce the -isible card roups in the followin ways!

    by reusin and clonin a pre4existin filter defined by a user

    by definin a new search filter, i.e. by settin search criteria on attributes of the specifiedsource class

    The second TAB allows you to select the class attributes that will be -isible to the users belonin tothe roup under confiuration.

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    T'B #I setup

    The TAB 81) setup8 allows the personaliKation of the user interface of a specific users0s roup,excludin some examples or simplifyin their lobal wor*in.

    )n particular, you can wor* on!

    the elements shown in the accordion menu on the left, with an additional detail for theutility functions

    the a-ailable TABs for the card manaement

    the a-ailable TABs for the process manaement

    further options

    'ccordion menu

    +ith the buttons a-ailable in the first box you can disable some components of the main menu of theapplication 2accordion menu on the left7 for the current roup, in particular!

    Cards accordion

    "rocesses accordion

    (eport accordion

    1tility 4 chane password

    1tility 4 multiple update

    1tility 4 import C#G file

    1tility 4 export C#G file

    T'B cards

    +ith the buttons in the second box you can disable some TABs a-ailable for the cards manaementfor the current roup!

    LDetails TAB

    LNotes TAB

    L(elations TAB

    LHistory TAB LAttachments TAB

    ,rocesses T'B

    +ith the buttons in the third box you can disable some TABs a-ailable for the process manaementfor the current roup!

    LNotes TAB

    L(elations TAB

    LHistory TAB

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    LAttachments TAB

    +urther options

    +ith the buttons in the last box you can!

    hide the whole accordion menu in the left side of the screen 2which you can restore with theproper raphic control7,

    widescreen display the cards manaement 2the entry of a new card and the chane of a cardselected in the list will temporarily hide the list7

    demand the simplified display of a card history 2reducin the summary information shownand bloc*in the entry of the complete historiciKed card7

    demand the simplified display of a process history 2reducin the summary information shownand bloc*in the entry of the complete historiciKed card7

    always *eep acti-e the widets pro-ided for the current state

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    This feature allows you to create and edit system accounts.There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    add a new user

    edit properties of an existin user

    chane user password

    disable a user

    To create a new user you ha-e to insert the followin information!

    81sername8 4 loin username

    8Description8 L&mail

    8Default roup8! if you select the empty option, the user will be prompted to choose a roup2amon the ones he belons to7 at loin time, hence the user will inherit specific rouppermissions 9 otherwise the user permissions will be the sum of all roups the userbelons to . The default roup, on the other hand, is used to identify the roup that startsthe processes 2in case of multiple starts7 and set na-iation menu 2if defined7.

    L"assword 4 loin password

    LConfirmation 4 confirm loin password

    8Acti-e8, indicates whether the user is acti-e or has been deleted 2loical deletion7

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    Icons management

    This feature allows you to create and update icons that are used to represent mar*ers.

    There is the possibility of performin the followin operations!

    uploadin a new icon

    editin properties of an existin icon

    deletin an icon

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    7ternal ser*ices

    This feature allows you to acti-ate the external ser-ices necessary for the map representation.

    The external ser-ices currently supported are!

    pen #treet Map, oole Maps and IahooS Maps7

    )# #er-er 2eo#er-er7 to upload and display raster and -ector data 2plans, etc.7

    or the map ser-ices it0s possible to set max and min Koom le-els a-ailable in CMDBuild.

    To use eo#er-er you ha-e to specify!


    wor*space name

    admin username

    admin password

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    0aer order

    This feature allows you to set layers order 2there0s a layer for e-ery eoraphical attribute defined7.

    The layers order can be modified by mo-in the lines in the rid 2dra and drop7.

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    Geoser*er laer

    This feature allows you to!

    upload to eo#er-er the layers you want to display in CMDBuild

    edit layers order

    To upload a new layer you ha-e to insert!



    layer file

    file type 2eoTiff, +orld)mae, #hape7

    min Koom le-el

    max Koom le-el the possible class and the CMDBuild card associated to that layer, useful in the

    Manaement Module to insert the layer into the list of the items contained in an element ofthe hierarchical )# na-iation menu, which is described in the next pararah 2e.. to findthe eoser-er layer amon the items related to a 8loor8 card7

    The layers order can be modified by mo-in the lines into the rid 2dra and drop7.

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    GIS a*igation

    The function allows the definition of the domain tree, which will be then pro-ided to the user in the

    Manaement Module in order to help him3her with the na-iation amon the -arious class 3 cardtypes eorefered on the map.

    )n other words, this function defines the structure of the hierarchical menu in order to mo-e from aclass to the contained ones 2in term of space7.

    A hiher class can include more lower classes, for example a room can include information assets,/obs 2understood as assinees or loic roupin of assets7, furnishin 2tables, chairs, cupboards,technical eEuipment, pictures7, etc.

    "ro-idin the necessary domains, please find below a sample of confiuration made up of thefollowin classes!

    LBuildin RLloor R

    L(oom RL)T AssetL'obLurnishin Asset

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    Setup page

    This pae contains main application settins.

    )n the 8eneral8 tab you can set!

    L)nstance name 4 a name 2strin7 to reconiKe an instance 2such as 8Test8 to distinuishproduction and test installations7

    8Default class8 4 the class loaded on startup

    8(ow limit8 4 indicates the maximum number of relations shown separately9 if exceeded, therelations are rouped toether

    L(eferences and loo*up combobox limit 4 indicates the maximum number of options shownin a combobox9 if exceeded, the options are displayed in a popup window with painationand filters

    L(elations limit

    8Heith of card panel in percentiles8 4 indicates the space manaement between rid anddata sheet areas 2=6 by default, set for example to @6 to i-e priority to the data sheet area7

    8#ub4panel tab position in card0s panel8 allows you to specify whether sub4panels titles shouldappear on the top or on the bottom

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    L#ession timeout 2seconds7

    )n the 8%anuae8 section you can set!

    8Default lanuae8 4 the default lanuae for all users

    8#how lanuae selection8 4 if the option is enabled, the system reEuires the lanuae atloin screen

    )n the 8"opup windows8 section you can set!

    L"opup percentae heiht 4 the percentae heiht of the popup window

    "opup percentae width 4 the percentae width of the popup window

    )n the L%oc* cards in edit section you can set!

    L&nabled, to enable 2default7 or disabled the loc* manaement of those data cards in edit

    8#how the name of the user who loc*ed the card8, to exclude such information 2possible

    pri-acy needs7 from the messae shown by the system when as*in for the editin of acard reser-ed for that purpose by another operator

    L%oc* time4limit, to specify the time reser-ed to an operator before releasin the card inedit

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    'lfresco page

    This pae contains the main preferences for Alfresco interation!


    ile ser-er



    )n the 8eneral8 tab you can set!

    8&nabled8 4 enable or disable the interface

    8#er-er 1(%8 4 the Alfresco 1(%

    8perations delay 8 4 delay to ensure that the upload is concluded before callin a ridrefresh

    )n the Lile #er-er section you can set!

    8Type8 4 set to 8AlfrescoT"8, not editable

    8Host8 4 Alfresco T" ser-er host

    8"ort8 4 Alfresco T" ser-er port

    )n the L(epository section you can set!

    Lile ser-er path

    L+eb ser-ice path

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    )n the LCredentials section you can set!

    81sername8 4 Alfresco username

    8"assword8 4 Alfresco password

    8CMDBuild cateory8 4 the %oo*up list used to classify the documents stored in Alfresco

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    Ser*er management page

    Contains two utility functions!

    8Clear cache8 4 clear CMDBuild cache9 useful when elements of the "ostres database aremodified outside the application 2database -iews, system functions, etc.7 and you don0twant to restart Tomcat to refresh

    8Delete inconsistent processes8 4 this function resets #har* tables9 useful when processesha-e been manually deleted from the database.

    81nloc* all cards8, to unloc* the loc*ed cards. CMDBuild allows the operator to use thecard in edit 2this is useful to anticipate the loc* release in case an operator with an opencard in edit brea*s the operation7

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    $elations graph page

    The pae contains the relation raph settins.

    Iou can set!

    8&nabled8 4 enable or disable the raph -isualiKation

    8Default le-el8 4 the default number of le-els automatically expanded

    LMaximum le-el 4 the maximum number of le-els that you can expand

    8Threshold for clusterin nodes8 4 the maximum number of expanded cards in relation witha i-en card 2note! abo-e this limit and below the 8maximum le-el8 parameter the relationscan be expanded usin a chec*box7

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    !or"flow page

    The pae contains the wor*flow confiuration options.

    )n the 8eneral8 tab you can set!

    8&nabled8 4 enable or disable the wor*flow

    8#er-er 1(%8 4 wor*flow ser-ice url

    The button 8Delete inconsistent processes8 is used to delete, from the cache of #har* wor*flowenine, processes that are no loner in CMDBuild.

    )n the LCredentials section you can set!



    8&nine name8 4 set to 8shar*8, not editable


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    7mail page

    Contains email settins used to send or recei-e mail inside processes 28Manae&mail87.

    Iou can set!

    8&mail address8



    8#MT" #er-er8 4 ser-er 1(% or )" address

    8"ort8 4 ser-er port

    8)MA" #er-er84 )MA" ser-er url or )" address

    8"ort8 4 )MA" port

    8&nable ##%8

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    GIS page

    The pae contains )# settins

    Iou can set!

    8&nable8 4 the database must be confiured to support the "ost)# extension

    8)nitial latitude8 4 map latitude at startup

    8)nitial lonitude8 4 map lonitude at startup

    8)nitial Koom le-el8 4 Koom le-el at startup

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    ',,7DI2: C)0 language

    CMDBuild pro-ides the possibility of definin some filter conditions e-aluated by the system, inorder to i-e the user less choice in some specific cases pro-ided by the application.

    #uch filter conditions should be expressed with C$% lanuae 2CMDBuild $uery %anuae7 andcan be used to!

    filter some cards in the selection list presented in order to set a (eference attribute

    filter some cards in the Llin*Cards widet

    set some selections in the Lmanae&mail widet 2addresses, authoriKation to send e4mails, filtration of some system parameters7

    8ow to use CMDBuild

    Hereunder you will find the three main directions for use, comparin the #$% syntax with the C$%one.

    Simple filter

    The simple filter allows to filter on a constant -alue!


    SELECT * FROM ClassName WHERE Attribute=Value


    from ClassName !ere Attribute=Value


    #elect the e4mail from the roup LroupName in the extended attribute manae&mail.

    )n the definition of extended attribute the parameter ToAddresses is defined as follows!


    so you can define the followin C$% Euery!

    'uer(C'L)ame=sele$t Email from Role !ere Co"e=,-rou.Name,

    Simple filter with ser*er9side *ariable

    This mode allows to perform the filter on a ser-er4side -ariable!


    SELECT * FROM ClassName WHERE Attribute=Ser/erVariable


    from ClassName !ere Attribute=#ser/er&VariableName+


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    )n order to identify the -ariable GariableName 2which can be displayed in the form7 we used thesimple form!


    or attributes such %oo*1p or (eference you ha-e to specify, with the bulleted list, whether youwant the )d or the Description!




    #elect the e4mail of the selected user throuh the attribute L(eEuester, reference type, in theextended attribute manae&mail.

    )n the definition of extended attribute the parameter ToAddresses is defined as follows!

    ToA""resses=#$%l&'uer(C'L)ameEmail+so you can define the followin C$% Euery!

    'uer(C'L)ame=2sele$t Email from Em.lo(ees !ere 0"=#ser/er&Re%uester0"+ a)" Status=,A,2

    Simple filter with client9side *ariable

    This mode allows to filter on a client4side -ariable, i.e. completed on the form but not sent to theser-er.

    As you can see, if the field in the form is not set, the simple Euery with client4side -ariable reportsan error since the -alue of the side4client -ariable has not been already defined.


    SELECT * FROM ClassName WHERE Attribute=Clie)tVariable


    from ClassName !ere Attribute=#$lie)t&VariableName+


    )n order to identify the -ariable GariableName 2which can be displayed in the form7 we use thesimple form!


    or attribute