ads and double page spread research

Existing Newspaper Adverts and Double Page Spreads Analysis and research

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Ads and double page spread research

Existing Newspaper Adverts and Double Page Spreads

Analysis and research

Page 2: Ads and double page spread research

Example 1: Channel 4, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

One main background picture- obviously relevant to the theme of the documentary

Channel 4 Logo- big, well known, people who have watch Channel 4 will be drawn in, known for document-ary’s

Sponsored by Honda- well know car company

Date of showing

Tag line- catchy, describes documentary

Missing time?

Title of the documentary is missing- may be a second series?

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Example 2: Channel 4, Inside Incredible Athletes

Title of documentary

Date, time of showing

Sponsored by Olympics- related event

Sponsored by BT- well know company

Channel 4 logo- Big of the advert

Big Background image- clearly relates to title. Two athletes, team GB uniform, Paralympic- limbs

Tag line

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Example 3: The Great IRA Bank Robbery

Tag line

One big background image- Flag

Channel 4 logo

Title, Series

Time, Date

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Example 4: Louis Theroux, The Call of The Weird

Tag line



Picture of documentarian

Sponsored by..?

Time, date, Channel

One main picture related to theme

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Ideas-What to include in our ancillary task:

Title of Documentary- ‘Bogus Brands’ One single background image Ideas for background image include- shot of

Camden Market or Carnaby Street, Two identical products (one fake, one designer) hanging up against a plan background, picture inside Crew

Channel- Channel 4 logo Time and Date of showing Tag line- ‘You are what who you wear’ Sponsored by…

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Example 1

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Example 2

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Example 3

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Example 4

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Ideas- What to include in our ancillary task:

From looking at the above examples I have drawn out various conventions which will be important to include when producing our own double page spread about our documentary:

Layout- I noticed that it is conventional to have one main heading, this is sometimes a hard hitting quote from the article. However it is also common to have other headings such as tag lines and pull quotes. It is important our ancillary task looks as if it has been taken out of a newspaper therefore we will ensure we include the name of newspaper and page number so it looks professional. There is usually one main image and a series of smaller images. The text is in blocks or columns so it is easy to read and the order is clear to the reader. As well as the columns of texts there is often text around the side, this is often a shocking or interesting fact of quote from the article. This can be used to inform the reader of the topic of the article before they read it.

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Font- In the examples above there is a variety of fonts used. However I think it is important that the font we use is easy to read. It is common to have various different fonts on the pages for different purposes. For example a bigger bolder font for the title. In the above examples the main text appears to be written in a relatively small but still readable, plain font. The colour used for the main texts is predominately black. Whereas the titles and pull quotes are in brighter colours such as blue, pink and red to draw the reader to the important information which will then encourage them to read the whole article because they are intrigued by a fact or quote.

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Image- As mentioned in my analysis of the layout, from my research I have noticed that it is common on double page spreads to have one main picture and a series of smaller pictures to tell the story further. It is important the images used directly relate to the topic of the article and help tell the story to the reader. Brightly coloured images help to make the article more eye catching. The images used may also be shocking to the reader which will entice them to read the article.

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Text- It is important the text of the article is well written and interesting. We want our double page spread to give the audience a greater insight into our documentary. The above articles are all stories about current affairs of life events. Often Interviews with key people are used to give the reader a first hand account and opinion. We will be using an interview with the Manager of Crew Clothing for our double page spread.