adult learning, peer to peer educa3on and community engagement · pdf fileadult learning, peer...

Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty

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Post on 20-Mar-2018




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Page 1: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community


Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty

Page 2: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 3: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:



Page 4: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

•  Understandthegoals,issues,andpressuresoftheirpeers.•  Areseenascredible,unbiased,andtrustedsourcesofinforma>on.

•  Havespecificlocalknowledge,suchasexperienceswithprofessionalserviceprovidersorsourcesofassistance.

•  Speakthesamelanguageandcanhelpeachotherdis>llinforma>onneededtomakeadecision.

•  Areeasytocontactwhenimportantdecisionsneedtobemade.


Page 5: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 6: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:



Page 7: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 8: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:




Page 9: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 10: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

Ingeneral,adultlearners…ü  Approachlearningopportuni>eswithgoalsshapedby

theirlivedexperience.ü  Aremo>vatedtofindconcretesolu>onstoreal-world

problems.ü  LiketounderstandWHYtheyarelearningsomething.ü  Aretask-orientedandlikeeduca>onwithaprac>calend



Page 11: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:
Page 12: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:
Page 13: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:
Page 14: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 15: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

AdultLearningEngagementTac>csü  Safety,TrustandAccountabilityü  Think,pair,shareorsmallgroupac>vi>esü  Facilitateddiscussionü  Aimfor“discomfort”ü  MixitUpü  Save>meforreflec>on

Page 16: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 17: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:





Page 18: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:




Page 19: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

Facilitating dialogue with open-ended questions

Page 20: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

•  donotseekyes/noanswers•  donothaverightandwronganswers•  helppar>cipantsreflectandmaketheinforma>onpersonallyrelevant



Page 21: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


•  Startclassbyiden>fyingobjec>ves•  “Rootcellar”off-topicideasandremembertorevisitwhenappropriate

•  Summarizewhatyou’vecoveredsofartore-focusaken>ononthetopic

•  Make>me-checkannouncements(i.e.“wehave10minuteslelinclass”)andremindlearnersaboutobjec>ves

Page 22: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:



Page 23: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Experien3al learning model

Page 24: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

Experien3al learning model

Page 25: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

TheValueofReflec>on•  Reflec>onisanimportantpartofDavidKolb’smodelof


•  Reflec>onpreventsencapsula>onofknowledgeandensuresthenewskillsareu>lizedinthelearner’senvironment.

Page 26: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:



Page 27: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:

In this week’s pre-work and in-class materials you learned about the basic principles of adult learning, Kolb’s Experien3al Learning Model, the universal design for learning, ac3ve learning techniques, classroom structures that encourage par3cipa3on along with construc3ng learning objec3ves. Considering each, establish a clear and concise learning objec&ve and create an engaging and meaningful learning experience for the following scenarios:

Page 28: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 29: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 30: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:



Page 31: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


Page 32: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:



Page 33: Adult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement · PDF fileAdult Learning, Peer to Peer Educa3on and Community Engagement Lori Brewer & Fiona Doherty. Learning Objec-ves:


