advanced real english 2 - · advanced real english 2 galician ©b...

Advanced Real English 2 Galician © B Burlington Books Glossary Advanced Real English 2 INTRODUCTION above /L'VJd/ enriba de, sobre apple /'DUo/ mazá architect /'EYBWCYW/ arquitecto/a artist /'EWBgW/ artista athlete /'DeoAW/ deportista; atleta behind /VB'kOmX/ detrás de between /VB'WrAm/ entre (dúas cousas) big /VBZ/ gran, grande boots /VIWg/ botas bread /VpCX/ pan butter /'VJWL/ manteiga cake /YMY/ torta, pastel calm /YEl/ tranquilo/a cat /YDW/ gato chicken /'aBYBm/ polo chimpanzee /aBlUDm'hA/ chimpancé clever /'YoCdL/ listo/a, intelixente coat /YNW/ abrigo computer programmer /YLlUqIWL'UpLHZpDlL/ programador/a informático/a corn /YGm/ millo cow /YP/ vaca curly /'YKoi/ crecho/a dark /XEY/ escuro/a; mouro/a dentist /'XCmWBgW/ dentista doctor /'XFYWL/ doutor/a, médico/a dress /XpCg/ vestido eagle /'AZo/ aguia eggs /CZh/ ovos electrician /BoCY'WpBim/ electricista elephant /'CoBcLmW/ elefante evil /'Ado/ malvado/a, ruín fair /cCL/ claro/a; loiro/a fat /cæW/ gordo/a firefighter /'cOLcOWL/ bombeiro/a fish /cBi/ peixe / peixes fox /cFYg/ raposo, golpe friendly /'cpCmXoi/ simpático/a frog /cpFZ/ ra fruit /cpIW/ froita fruit salad /cpIW'gDoLX/ macedonia funny /'cJmi/ gracioso/a, divertido/a good-looking /ZHX'oHYBn/ guapo/a, curro/a, atractivo/a hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/ traballador/a hat /kDW/ sombreiro, chapeu horse /kGg/ cabalo in /Bm/ en, dentro de in front of /Bm'cpJmWLd/ diante de jeans /bAmh/ pantalóns vaqueiros kind /YOmX/ amábel, atento/a lazy /'oCBhi/ preguiceiro/a, lacazán/ana long /oFn/ longo/a, largo/a meat /lAW/ carne milk /lBoY/ leite mosquito /lL'gYAWLH/ mosquito mouse /lPg/ rato narrow /'mDpN/ estreito/a nervous /'mKdLg/ nervioso/a next to /'mCYgWWL/ ao lado de, a carón de, á beira de old /NoX/ vello/a on /Fm/ sobre, en onion /'JmqLm/ cebola pancakes /'UDmYMYg/ tortas pequenas, pancakes pig /UBZ/ porco, cocho plumber /'UoJlL/ fontaneiro/a potato /UL'WMWN/ pataca rabbit /'pDVBW/ coello, coenllo rice /pOg/ arroz sailor /'gMoL/ mariñeiro/a sandals /'gDmXoh/ sandalias sausages /'gFgBbBh/ salchichas serious /'gBLpiLg/ serio/a, formal shark /iEY/ quenlla shirt /iKW/ camisa short /iGW/ baixo/a; curto/a shorts /iGWg/ pantalóns curtos skirt /gYKW/ saia small /glGo/ pequeno/a snake /gmMY/ serpe, cóbrega socks /gFYg/ calcetíns, peúgos steak /gWMY/ filete, bisté straight /gWpMW/ liso/a strawberry /'gWpGVLpi/ amorodo strong /gWpFn/ forte

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��Advanced Real English 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

GlossaryAdvanced Real English 2


above /L'VJd/� enriba de, sobre

apple /'DUo/� mazá

architect /'EYBWCYW/� arquitecto/a

artist /'EWBgW/� artista

athlete /'DeoAW/� deportista; atleta

behind /VB'kOmX/� detrás de

between /VB'WrAm/� entre (dúas cousas)

big /VBZ/� gran, grande

boots /VIWg/� botas

bread /VpCX/� pan

butter /'VJWL/� manteiga

cake /YMY/� torta, pastel

calm /YEl/� tranquilo/a

cat /YDW/� gato

chicken /'aBYBm/� polo

chimpanzee /aBlUDm'hA/� chimpancé

clever /'YoCdL/� listo/a, intelixente

coat /YNW/� abrigo

computer programmer /YLlUqIWL�'UpLHZpDlL/� programador/a informático/a

corn /YGm/� millo

cow /YP/� vaca

curly /'YKoi/� crecho/a

dark /XEY/� escuro/a; mouro/a

dentist /'XCmWBgW/� dentista

doctor /'XFYWL/� doutor/a, médico/a

dress /XpCg/� vestido

eagle /'AZo/� aguia

eggs /CZh/� ovos

electrician /BoCY'WpBim/� electricista

elephant /'CoBcLmW/� elefante

evil /'Ado/� malvado/a, ruín

fair /cCL/� claro/a; loiro/a

fat /cæW/� gordo/a

firefighter /'cOLcOWL/� bombeiro/a

fish /cBi/� peixe / peixes

fox /cFYg/� raposo, golpe

friendly /'cpCmXoi/� simpático/a

frog /cpFZ/� ra

fruit /cpIW/� froita

fruit salad /cpIW�'gDoLX/� macedonia

funny /'cJmi/� gracioso/a, divertido/a

good-looking /ZHX'oHYBn/� guapo/a, curro/a, atractivo/a

hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/� traballador/a

hat /kDW/� sombreiro, chapeu

horse /kGg/� cabalo

in /Bm/� en, dentro de

in front of /Bm�'cpJmW�Ld/� diante de

jeans /bAmh/� pantalóns vaqueiros

kind /YOmX/� amábel, atento/a

lazy /'oCBhi/� preguiceiro/a, lacazán/ana

long /oFn/� longo/a, largo/a

meat /lAW/� carne

milk /lBoY/� leite

mosquito /lL'gYAWLH/� mosquito

mouse /lPg/� rato

narrow /'mDpN/� estreito/a

nervous /'mKdLg/� nervioso/a

next to /'mCYgW�WL/� ao lado de, a carón de, á beira de

old /NoX/� vello/a

on /Fm/� sobre, en

onion /'JmqLm/� cebola

pancakes /'UDmYMYg/� tortas pequenas, pancakes

pig /UBZ/� porco, cocho

plumber /'UoJlL/� fontaneiro/a

potato /UL'WMWN/� pataca

rabbit /'pDVBW/� coello, coenllo

rice /pOg/� arroz

sailor /'gMoL/� mariñeiro/a

sandals /'gDmXoh/� sandalias

sausages /'gFgBbBh/� salchichas

serious /'gBLpiLg/� serio/a, formal

shark /iEY/� quenlla

shirt /iKW/� camisa

short /iGW/� baixo/a; curto/a

shorts /iGWg/� pantalóns curtos

skirt /gYKW/� saia

small /glGo/� pequeno/a

snake /gmMY/� serpe, cóbrega

socks /gFYg/� calcetíns, peúgos

steak /gWMY/� filete, bisté

straight /gWpMW/� liso/a

strawberry /'gWpGVLpi/� amorodo

strong /gWpFn/� forte

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��Advanced Real English 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Glossarysweater /'grCWL/� xersei

swimsuit /'grBlgIW/� traxe de baño

tall /WGo/� alto/a

thin /eBm/� delgado/a, fraco/a

tiger /'WOZL/� tigre

trainers /'WpMmLh/� zapatillas de deporte

trousers /'WpPhLh/� pantalóns

ugly /'JZoi/� feo/a

under /'JmXL/� baixo, abaixo de

unfriendly /Jm'cpCmXoi/� antipático/a

vegetables /'dCbWLVoh/� verdura/s

waiter /'rMWL/� camareiro

weak /rAY/� débil, feble

wide /rOX/� amplo/a, ancho/a

wolf /rHoc/� lobo

young /qJn/� mozo/a, novo/a, xove

unIt 1

aeroplane /'CLpLUoCBm/� avión

all the way /Go�fL�'rM/� toda a viaxe / todo o percorrido

another /L'mJfL/� outro/a

backpack /'VDYUDY/� mochila

by any means /VO�'Cmi lAmh/� de calquera xeito, sexa como for

camera /'YælLpL/� cámara

canoe /YL'mI/� canoa, piragua

cockroach /'YFYpNWi/� cascuda

establish /B'gWDVoBi/� establecer, fundar

family name /'cDlLoi mMl/� apelido

ferry /'cCpi/� transbordador, ferry

fill with /'cBo�rBf/� encherse de

first name /'cKgW�mMl/� nome

fish /cBi/� pescar

heavily /'kCdBoi/� moito

helicopter /'kCoBYFUWL/� helicóptero

highlights /'kOoOWg/� o máis salientábel

Home Secretary /kNl�'gCYpLWLpi/� Ministro do Interior

including /Bm'YoIXBn/� mesmo/a, incluído/a

incredible /Bm'YpCXLVo/� incríbel

island /'OoLmX/� illa

jeep /bAU/� todoterreo

journey /'bKmi/� viaxe; traxecto

limousine /'oBlLhAm/� limusina

look around /oHY�L'pPmX/� botar unha ollada

lose your way /oIh�qG�'rM/� perderse, extraviarse

luckily /'oJYBoi/� afortunadamente, por sorte

maiden name /'lCBXm�mMl/� apelido de solteira

map /lDU/� mapa

middle name /'lBXo�mMl/� segundo nome

mistake /lB'gWMY/� erro

motorbike /'lNWLVOY/� motocicleta, moto

motorboat /'lNWLVNW/� lancha motora

name �/mMl/� nome

nearby /mBL'VO/� preto

no way /mN�'rM/� de ningún xeito, de ningunha maneira; nin falar

on the way /Fm�fL�'rM/��polo camiño

once /rJmg/� unha vez

passport /'UEgUGW/� pasaporte

population /UFUqI'oMim/� poboación

programme /'UpNZpDl/� programa

ride /pOX/� paseo, volta

safe /gMc/� seguro/a, fóra de perigo

scooter /'gYIWL/� vespa, scooter

ship /iBU/� barco

side /gOX/ costado

sink /gBnY/� afundirse

sleeping bag /'goAUBn�VDZ/� saco de durmir

soon /gIm/� axiña, pronto

souvenirs /gIdL'mBLh/� souvenirs, recordos

squirrel /'gYrBpLo/� esquío

stop working /gWFU�'rKYBn/� deixar de funcionar

suddenly /'gJXLmoi/� de súpeto, de socato, de repente

suitcase /'gIWYMg/� maleta

sun cream /'gJm�YpAl/� crema (de protección) solar

surname /'gKmMl/� apelido

taxi /'WæYgi/� tax i

time /WOl/� vez, quenda

torch /WGa/� lanterna

train /WpMm/� tren

tram /WpDl/� tranvía

travel (n) /'Wpædo/� viaxe

travel (v) /'Wpædo/� viaxar

travel guide /'Wpædo�ZOX/� guía de viaxes

trip /WpBU/� viaxe, excursión

true /WpI/� verdadeiro/a, certo/a

truth /WpIe/� verdade

turtle /'WKWo�/� tartaruga

underground /'JmXLZpPmX/� metro

van /dDm/� furgoneta, camioneta

wallet /'rFoBW/� carteira

waterproof mat /rGWLUpIc�'læW/� esteira impermeábel

way /rM/� xeito, forma, maneira; camiño

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�� ��Advanced Real English 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Glossaryways of life /rMh�Ld�'oOc/� estilos / xeitos de vida, maneiras

de vivir

while /rOo/� mentres (que)

yacht /qFW/� iate

your own way /qG�Nm�'rM/� ao teu (propio) xeito, á túa (propia) maneira

unIt 2

a rise in temperature /L�pOh�Bm�'WClUpLaL/� unha subida / un aumento da temperatura

ability /L'VBoLWi/� habilidade, habelencia, capacidade

advice /LX'dOg/� consello/s

affect /L'cCYW/� afectar a, influír en

aquatics /L'YrDWBYg/� deportes acuáticos

at the beginning /DW�fL�VB'ZBmBn/� ao comezo

behaviour /VB'kMdqL/� comportamento, conduta

believe /VB'oAd/� crer

break a record /VpMY�L�'pCYGX/� superar unha marca

carbohydrate /YEVN'kOXpMW/� carbohidrato, hidrato de carbono

celebrate /'gCoBVpMW/� celebrar

champion /'aDlUiLm/� campión/oa

championship /'aDlUiLmiBU/� campionato

cloudy /'YoPXi/� neboento/a, bretemoso/a

coach /YNWi/� adestrador/a

cold /YNoX/� frío/a

cool /YIo/� fresco/a

disappear /XBgL'UBL/� desaparecer

especially /B'gUCiLoi/� especialmente, nomeadamente, sobre todo

expect /BY'gUCYW/� agardar, esperar

finish line /'cBmBi�oOm/� liña de meta

fresh water�/cpCi�'rGWL/� auga doce

from the beginning /cpLl�fL�VB'ZBmBn/� desde / dende o comezo

get tired /ZCW�'WOLX/� cansar(se)

glacier /'ZoDgiL/� glaciar

global warming /ZoNVo�'rGlBn/� quecemento global

grow /ZpN/� cultivar

have a temperature /kLd�L�'WClUpLaL/� ter febre

high /kO/� alto/a, elevado/a

hot /kFW/� caloroso/a, quente, cálido/a (it´s ~: vai calor); moderno/a

in the middle /Bm�fL�'lBXo/� na metade

increase /'BmYpAg/� aumento

indoors /Bm'XGh/� nun espazo cuberto, dentro

intelligence /Bm'WCoBbLmg/� intelixencia

juice /bIg/� zume

kick /YBY/� dar unha patada / pancada

lightning /'oOWmBn/� raio/s, relampo/s

lose /oIh/� perder

match /læWi/� partido, combate

melt /lCoW/� derreterse, fundirse

mountain /'lPmWLm/� montaña

outdoors /PW'XGh/� ao aire / ar libre, fóra

owner /'NmL/� propietario/a

physical /'cBhBYo/� físico/a

quiz /YrBh/� proba, test

race /pMg/� carreira

rain /pMm/� chuvia, choiva

rainy /'pMmi/� chuvioso/a

referee /pCcL'pA/� árbitro/a

score goals /gYG�'ZNoh/� marcar goles

ski resort /'gYA�pBhGW/� estación de esquí

snow /gmN/� neve

snowboarding /'gmNVGXBn/� facer / practicar snowboard

snowy /'gmNi/� nevarento/a, de moita neve

stormy /'gWGli/� treboento/a (it’s ~: hai treboada)

sunny /'gJmi/� solleiro/a (it’s ~: vai sol)

sweat /grCW/� suar

sweet /grAW/� doce

take your temperature /WMY�qG�'WClUpLaL/� tomar / coller a temperatura

team /WAl/� equipo

temperature /'WClUpLaL/� temperatura; febre

thunder /'eJmXL/� trono/s

together /WL'ZCfL/� xuntos/as

towards the end /WLrGXh�fL�'CmX/� cara á fin / ao final

trouble /'WpJVo/� problema (in ~: nun aperto)

underwater /JmXL'rGWL/� debaixo da auga

wait for /rMW�cL/� agardar, esperar

warm /rGl/� temperado/a, quente, cálido/a

win /rBm/� gañar

wind /rBmX/� vento

windy /'rBmXi/� ventoso/a, de moito vento (it´s ~: vai vento)

unIt 3

art /EW/� arte; debuxo

ask for permission /EgY�cL�UL'lBim/� pedir permiso

atlas /'DWoLg/� atlas

biology /VO'FoLbi/� bioloxía

bookshop /'VHYiFU/� libraría

browse the web /VpPh�fL�'rCV/� navegar pola rede / web / Internet

business studies /'VBhmLg�gWJXBh/� ciencias empresariais

calculator /'YDoYqHoMWL/� calculadora

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��Advanced Real English 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Glossarychat with friends /aDW�rBf�'cpCmXh/� parolar / conversar

cos/as amigos/as

chemistry /'YClBgWpi/� química

computer game /YLl'UqIWL�ZMl/� xogo de ordenador

definitely /'XCcBmLWoi/� sen dúbida

dictionary /'XBYiLmpi/� dicionario

drama /'XpElL/� teatro

English /'BnZoBi/� inglés

enjoy /Bm'bQ/� gozar (de)

enterprise /'CmWLUpOh/� empresa

exam /BZ'hDl/� exame

fact /cæYW/� dato; feito

fail a test /cMo�L�'WCgW/� suspender un exame

fall /cGo/� baixar, descender

feel /cAo/� sentirse

French /cpCma/� francés

geography /bi'FZpLci/� xeografía

get permission /ZCW�UL'lBim/� obter permiso

give permission /ZBd�UL'lBim/� outorgar / dar permiso, permitir

go dancing /ZLH�'XEmgBn/� ir bailar

go ice skating /ZLH�'Og�gYMWBn/� ir patinar sobre xeo

go to parties /ZLH�WL�'UEWih/� ir a festas

have permission /kLd�UL'lBim/� ter permiso

history /'kBgWpi/� historia

home economics /kNl�AYL'mFlBYg/� economía doméstica / familiar

ICT /O�gA�'WA/� TIC, Tecnoloxías da Información e a Comunicación

improve /Bl'UpId/� mellorar

laptop computer /oDUWFU�YLl'UqIWL/� ordenador portátil

lesson /'oCgm/� clase

library /'oOVpLpi/� biblioteca

literature /'oBWpLWiL/� literatura

loud /oPX/� forte; escandaloso/a

mall (Am. Eng.) /lGo/� centro comercial

maths /lDeg/� mates (matemáticas)

middle /'lBXo/� metade, medio

music /'lqIhBY/� música

notebook /'mNWVHY/� caderno

notes /mNWg/� notas, apuntamentos

on a regular basis /Fm�L�'pCZqLoL�VMgBg/� de xeito / maneira habitual

paints /UCBmWg/� pinturas

pass a test /UEg�L�'WCgW/� aprobar un exame

PE /UA'A/� educación física

physics /'cBhBYg/� física

play the guitar /UoM�fL�ZB'WE/� tocar a guitarra

play volleyball /UoM�'dFoiVGo/� xogar ao voleibol

practise the piano /UpæYWBg�fL�Ui'DmN/� practicar piano

quiz /YrBh/� facer preguntas, preguntar

remember /pB'lLlVL/� lembrar, recordar, acordarse de

remind /pB'lOmX/� lembrar, recordar (a)

research /pB'gKa/� investigación, esculca

ride a bike /pOX�L�'VOY/� montar / ir en bici

send text messages /gCmX�'WCYgW�lCgBbg/� enviar mensaxes (de texto)

shopping centre /'iFUBn�gCmWL/� centro comercial

skill /gYBo/� habilidade, habelencia

skip /gYBU/�saltar, chimpar, choutar

spend /gUCmX/� gastar

study for a test /gWJXi cL�L�'WCgW/� estudar para un exame

subject /'gJVbBYW/� materia, disciplina

take a test /WMY�L�'WCgW/� facer un exame

tennis racket /'WCmBg�pDYBW/� raqueta de tenis

test /WCgW/� exame, proba, test

textbook /'WCsWVHY/� libro de texto

tip /WBU/� consello

tired /'WOLX/� cansado/a, canso/a

turn into /WKm�'BmWL/ converterse / transformarse en

unIt 4

ancient /'MmiLmW/� antigo/a

attractive /L'WpDYWBd/� atractivo/a, atraente, fermoso/a

branch /VpEma/� póla, rama

bright /VpOW/� brillante, escintilante; vivo/a (cor)

bush /VHi/� arbusto

busy /'VBhi/� ocupado/a; ateigado/a

carat /'YDpLW/� quilate

carob /'YDpLV/� alfarrobeira

character /'YæpLYWL/� personaxe

cheap /aAU/� barato/a

colourful /'YJoLco/� colorido/a, de cores vivas

conquer /'YFnYL/� conquerir, conquistar

crowded /'YpPXBX/� ateigado/a, acugulado/a, cheo/a (de xente)

death /XCe/� (da) morte

discovery /XB'gYJdLpi/� descubrimento, descuberta

dry /XpO/� seco/a, ermo/a

dull /XJo/� esluído/a; sen brillo, apagado/a

elaborate /B'oDVLpLW/� elaborado/a, recargado/a

expensive /BY'gUCmgBd/� caro/a

exploit /BY'gUoQW/� fazaña, xesta, heroicidade

fit /cBW/� encaixar, acaer

flower /'coPL/� flor

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Glossaryforever /cLp'CdL/� para sempre

gain control /ZMm�YLm'WpNo/� facerse co control

gold /ZLHoX/� ouro

gold rush /'ZLHoX�pJi/� febre de ouro

golden /'ZLHoXLm/� dourado/a, de ouro

hard /kEX/� duro/a

hardly /'kEXoi/� case, apenas

heavy /'kCdi/� pesado/a

in control /Bm�YLm'WpNo/� que manda / controla; sereno/a

jewellery /'bILopi/� xoaría, xoias / alfaias

land /oDmX/� terra (~ animal: animal terrestre)

last /oEgW/� durar

lawn /oGm/� (xardín con) céspede

leaf /oAc/� folla (planta)

light /oOW/� lene, lixeiro/a, livián/á

lively /'oOdoi/� animado/a, bulicioso/a

look for /'oHY�cG/� buscar, procurar

lose control /oIh�YLm'WpNo/� perder o control

low /oLH/� baixo/a

mining area /'lOmBn�CLpiL/� área / zona mineira

noisy /'mQhi/� barulleiro/a, ruidoso/a

ordinary /'GXmpi/� normal, corrente

out of control /PW�Ld�YLm'WpNo/� fóra de control, descontrolado/a

peaceful /'UAgco/� tranquilo/a

perhaps /UL'kDUg/� quizais, talvez, se cadra, se callar

plain /UoCBm/� sinxelo/a

pleasant /'UoChmW/� agradábel

reach /pAa/� conseguir, acadar, chegar a

real /'pALo/� auténtico/a, verdadeiro/a

reason /'pAhm/� razón, motivo

recycle /pA'gOYo/� reciclar

redwood /'pCXrHX/� sequoia vermella

right /pOW/� dereito

rocky /'pFYi/� rochoso/a

root /pIW/� raíz

sandy /'gDmXi/� areoso/a, areento/a, de area

search (n) /gKa/� busca, procura

search (v) /gKa/� buscar, procurar

seed /gAX/� semente

sequoia /gB'YrQL/� sequoia

shady /'iMXi/� sombreado/a, umbrío/a

soft /gFcW/� suave; mol, brando/a

state /gWMW/� estado

strong /gWpFn/� forte

take control /WMY�YLm'WpNo/� tomar / coller o control, coller as rendas

tear /WBL/� bágoa, lágrima

tree /WpA/� árbore

trunk /WpJnY/� tronco

unattractive /JmL'WpDYWBd/� pouco atraente / atractivo/a

unusual /Jm'qIjHLo/� inusual, pouco común / corrente

up to /'JU�WL/� até / ata, deica

valley /'dDoi/� val

valuable /'dæoqHLVo/� valioso/a

weak /rAY/� débil, feble

weight /rMW/� peso

unIt 5

adopt /L'XFUW/� adoptar

alone /L'oNm/� só/a

Arctic /'EYWBY/� Ártico/a

bath /VEe/� bañar

be alone /VA�L'oNm/� estar só/a

bounce /VPmg/� botar, rebotar

bring /VpBn/� traer (~ back to life: volver á vida)

by choice /VO�'aQg/� por escolla / elección propia

by yourself /VO�qG'gCoc/� só/a; sen axuda

catch /YDa/� coller, atrapar

choice /aQg/� elección, escolla; preferencia, alternativa

claim /YoMl/� afirmación

crash /YpDi/� chocar, estrelar(se)

dig /XBZ/� cavar, escavar

discover /XB'gYJdL/� descubrir

dive /XOd/� mergullar; somerxer(se)

diver /'XOdL/� mergullador/a; submarinista


Earth /Ke/� a Terra

egg /CZ/� ovo; óvulo

explore /BY'gUoG/� explorar

extinct /BY'gWBnYW/� extinguido/a, desaparecido/a (become ~: extinguirse, desaparecer)

feed /cAX/� alimentar, dar de comer a

first choice /cKgW�'aQg/� primeira opción / alternativa

floor /coG/� piso, andar

focus /'cNYLg/� centro / foco de interese / atención

for long /cL�'oFn/� por moito tempo

goat /ZNW/� cabra

grapefruit /'ZpMUcpIW/� pomelo

ground /ZpPmX/� terra, chan

have no choice /kLd�mN�'aQg/� non ter alternativa / opción

hold /kNoX/� suxeitar, soster, termar de

hole /kNo/� burato, buraco; foxo

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Glossaryland /oDmX/� aterrar, aluar; caer, ir parar

leave someone alone /oAd�gJlrJm�L'oNm/� deixar só/a / en paz a alguén

light /oOW/� luz

lonely /'oNmoi/� só/a; solitario/a, senlleiro/a

make a choice /lMY�L�'aQg/� elixir, escoller

meteor /'lAWiL/� meteorito

method /'lCeLX/� método

milk /lBoY/� munxir, munguir

mixed /lBYgW/ diverso/a, surtido/a

on your own /Fm�qG�'Nm/� só/a; sen axuda

parachute /'UDpLiIW/� lanzarse, guindarse / saltar en paracaídas

pool /UIo/� piscina; estanque

prehistoric /UpAkB'gWFpBY/� prehistórico/a

preserve /UpB'hKd/� preservar, conservar

pull /UHo/� tirar, turrar (de)

push /UHi/� empurrar

Pyrenean ibex /UipLmCLm�'OVCYg/� Cabra montesa pirenaica

recreate /pAYpi'MW/� recrear

row /pN/� remar (en)

sabre-toothed tiger /gMVLWIeW�'WOZL/� tigre dentes de sabre

save /gMd/� salvar

short-faced bear /'iGWcMgW�VS/� oso de fociño curto / de cara curta

solo /'gNoLH/� só/a, a soas

spectacled bear /'gUCYWLYoX�VS/� oso andino

succeed /gLY'gAX/� ter éxito, dar resultado, saír ben

survive /gL'dOd/� sobrevivir

swim /grBl/� nadar

touch /WJWi/� tocar

train /WpMm/� amestrar, adestrar

trek /WpCY/� facer sendeirismo, facer unha andaina

volunteer /dFoLm'WBL/� facer voluntariado, ser voluntario/a

whale /rMo/� balea

woolly mammoth /rHoi 'lDlLe/� mamut laúdo

woolly rhino /rHoi 'pOmN/� rinoceronte laúdo

unIt 6

air conditioner /'CL�YLmXBiLmL/� (aparello de) aire / ar acondicionado

alarm clock /L'oEl�YoFY/� espertador

ambulance siren /'DlVqLoLmg�gOpLm/� sirena de ambulancia

audience /'GXiLmg/�público, espectadores/as

awake /L'rCBY/� esperto/a

blender /'VoCmXL/� batedor

brain /VpMm/� cerebro

break a heart /VpMY�L�'kEW/� partir / romper un corazón

car horn /'YE�kGm/� bucina do coche, claxon

classical /'YoDgBYo/� (música) clásica

come out /YJl�'PW/� saír ao mercado

coordination /YNGXB'mCBim/� coordinación

costume /'YFgWqIl/� de disfraces

country /'YJmWpi/� (música) country

damage /'XDlBXj/� danar, prexudicar

danger signal /'XMmbL�gBZmLo/� sinal de perigo

decibel /'XCgBVCo/� decibelio

drill /XpBo/� trade

drums /XpJlh/� batería; tambores

electric shaver /BoCYWpBY�'iMdL/� máquina de afeitar / barbear eléctrica

environment /Bm'dOpLmlLmW/� ambiente, contorno/a

find a solution /cOmX�L�gL'oIim/� atopar unha solución

find it in yourself /cOmX�BW�Bm�qG'gCoc/� animarse a / atopar motivo para (facer algo)

find out /cOmX�'PW/� averiguar, esculcar; descubrir

find the time /cOmX�fL�'WOl/� atopar / tirar tempo

find your way /cOmX�qG�'rM/� saber chegar, orientarse

greater /'ZpCBWL/� maior, máis vello/a, meirande

guitar /ZB'WE/� guitarra

hairdryer /'kCLXpOL/� secador do pelo

hard rock /kEX�'pFY/� rock duro

heart /kEW/� corazón

heart attack /'kEW�LWDY/� ataque ao corazón, infarto

hip-hop /'kBUkFU/� hip-hop

illegally /B'oAZLoi/� ilegalmente

instrument /'BmgWpLlLmW/� instrumento

iron /'OLm/� ferro (de pasar)

jazz /bDh/� jazz

keyboard /'YAVGX/� teclado

Latin /'oDWBm/� (música) latina

lawnmower /'oGmlNL/ cortacéspede

learn by heart /oKm�VO�'kEW/� aprender de memoria

live /oBd/� en vivo / directo

machinery /lL'iAmLpi/� maquinaria

mark /lEY/� cualificación

measure /'lCjL/� medir

MP4 player /ClUA'cG�UoML/� MP4, reprodutor de MP4

musician /lqI'hBim/� músico/a

noise-meter /'mQhlAWL/� medidor de ruído

perform /UL'cGl/� actuar; interpretar

pop /UFU/� pop

public /'UJVoBY/� público

R&B /p�mX�'VA/� R & B (Rhythm and Blues)

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Glossaryrap /pDU/� rap

reggae /'pCZM/� reggae

rhythm /'pBfLl/� ritmo

rock /pFY/� rock

salsa /'gDogL/� salsa

saxophone /'gDYgLcNm/� saxofón

sound system /'gPmX�gBgWLl/� equipo de son

sudden /'gJXm/� súpeto/a, inesperado/a

the heart of the matter /fL�kEW�Ld�fL�'lDWL/� o esencial, o miolo, o cerne

UK /qI'YM/� Reino Unido

vacuum cleaner /'dDYqHLl�YoAmL/� aspirador/a

vinyl record /'dOmo�pCYGX/� disco de vinilo

violin /dOL'oBm/� violín

wake up /rMY�'JU/� espertar(se)

zoom /hIl/� ir / pasar a toda velocidade

unIt 7

according to /L'YGXBn�WL/� de acordo con, segundo, consonte a

after-world /'EcWLrKoX/� o alén, o máis alá

angry /'DnZpi/� enfadado/a

apply for a job /L'UoO�cL�L�bFV/� presentarse a / solicitar un traballo

bad luck /VDX�'oJY/� mala sorte

bless /VoCg/� bendicir

bored /VGX/� aborrecido/a

break /VpMY/� romper, crebar

bring /VpBn/� traer

carry /'YDpi/� levar, traer

cave /YMd/� cova

century /'gCmaLpi/� século

common /'YFlLm/� común, corrente, frecuente

confused /YLm'cqIhX/� confundido/a, confuso/a, desconcertado/a

connection /YL'mCYim/� conexión, relación

crack /YpDY/� fenda, greta

dark /XEY/� escuridade

dead /XCX/� morto/a

deadly /'XCXoi/� mortal; mortífero/a

death /XCe/� morte

die /XO/� morrer

die for /XO�'cL/� morrer por

die of /XO�'Ld/� morrer de

disappear /XBgL'UBL/� desaparecer

dream /XpAl/� soñar

drop /XpFU/� deixar caer; tirar

dying to /'XOn�WL/� que morre de ganas / devece por

early /'Koi/� primeiro/a

embarrassed /Bl'VDpLgW/� avergoñado/a, violento/a, incómodo/a

excited /BY'gOWBX/� emocionado/a, ilusionado/a

exhausted /BZ'hGgWBX/� exhausto/a, esgotado/a

four-leafed clover /cGoAcW�'YoPdL/� trevo de catro follas

frightened /'cpOWmX/� asustado/a, amedrentado/a, con medo

get a job /ZCW�L�'bFV/� conseguir / acadar un traballo

goddess /'ZFXCg/� deusa

have a job /kLd�L�'bFV/� ter un traballo

hug /kJZ/� abrazar, apertar

immediately /B'lAXiLWoi/� inmediatamente, decontado

job /bFV/� traballo, emprego

jobless /'bFVoLg/� desempregado/a, sen traballo

kiss /YBg/� bicar, beixar

level /'oCdo/� nivel

lose a job /oIh�L�'bFV/� perder un traballo

lucky charm /oJYi 'aEl/� amuleto da sorte

manufacturer /lDmqH'cDYWiLpL/� fabricante

mercury /'lKYqLpi/� mercurio

Middle Ages /lBXo�'CBbBh/� Idade Media

monk /lJnY/� monxe

pick /UBY/� coller, recoller

prisoner /'UpBhmL/� prisioneiro/a

proud /UpPX/� orgulloso/a, fachendoso/a

put /UHW/� poñer, pór

refuse /pB'cqIh/� rexeitar, negarse

run away /pJm�L'rCB/� fuxir, escapar

sail /gMo/� navegar; zarpar, saír en barco

salary /'gDoLpi/� salario, soldo

scratch /gYpDa/� rañar(se)

scream /gYpAl/� berrar, berregar, gritar

sneeze /gmAh/� espirrar

sound /gPmX/� soar

spirit /'gUBpBW/� espírito, alma

statue /'gWDaI/� estatua

step /gWCU/� pisar

still /gWBo/� aínda

superstition /gIUL'gWBim/� superstición

surprised /gL'UpOhX/� sorprendido/a

sweep /grAU/� varrer

symbol /'gBlVo/� símbolo

take /WMY/� levar

thrilled /epBoX/� entusiasmado/a, afervoado/a, moi ledo/a

throw /epN/� lanzar, guindar; tirar

throw away /epN�'LrM/� tirar ao lixo

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Glossaryturn into (stone) /WKm�BmWL�'gWNm/� converterse en (pedra)

unlucky /Jm'oJYi/� desafortunado/a, de mala sorte; que trae mala sorte

upset /JU'gCW/� desgustado/a, molesto/a, amolado/a

village /'dBoBb/� vila, aldea

visitor /'dBhBWL/� visitante

wish /rBi/� desexar

witch /rBa/� meiga, bruxa

worried /'rJpiX/� preocupado/a

unIt 8

age /CBb/� idade

alive /L'oOd/� vivo/a

aquarium /L'YrCLpiLl/� acuario

balcony /'VDoYLmi/� balcón, terraza

blind /VoOmX/� cego/a

bowling alley /'VLHoBn�Doi/� boleira

buy tickets /VO�'WBYBWg/� mercar / comprar entradas

café /'YæcM/� cafetaría, café

car park /'YE�UEY/� aparcadoiro

ceiling /'gAoBn/� teito

chemist´s /'YClBgWg/� farmacia

Chinese /WiO'mAh/� chinés/a; chinés (idioma)

collect /YL'oCYW/� coller / recoller; coleccionar

curious /'YqHLpiLg/� curioso/a

customer /'YJgWLlL/� cliente/a

department store /XB'UEWlLmW�gWG/� grandes almacéns

electronics shop /BoCY'WpFmBYg�iFU/� tenda de electrónica

extraordinary /BY'gWpGXLmpi/� extraordinario/a; incríbel, insólito/a

floor /coG/� piso; chan

football field /'cHWVGo�cAoX/� campo de fútbol

frightening /'cpOWmBn/� arrepiante, espantoso/a

garage /'ZDpEj/� garaxe

get a haircut /ZCW�L�'kCLYJW/� cortar o pelo

glass /ZoEg/� cristal, vidro

go bowling /ZLH�'VLHoBn/� ir xogar aos birlos / bólos

go on rides /ZLH�Fm�'pOXh/� montar nas atraccións

hairdresser´s /'kCLXpCgLh/� salón de peiteado

hang out /kæn�'PW/� pasar o tempo / un anaco

have a look at /kLd�L�'oHY�LW/� botarlle unha ollada a

have fun /kDd�'cJm/� divertirse, pasalo ben

high up /kO�'JU/� arriba, enriba

hire /'kOL/� alugar; contratar

hotel /kN'WCo/� hotel

ice hockey /'Og�kFYi/� hóckey sobre xeo

ice rink /'Og�pBnY/� pista de xeo

ice-skate /'OggYMW/� patinar sobre xeo

ice skating /'Og�gYMWBn/� patinaxe sobre xeo

indoor /'BmXG/� cuberto/a, interior

Indian Ocean /BmXiLm�'Nim/� océano Índico

join /bQm/� unirse, xuntarse

kid /YBX/� neno/a

live /oBd/� en vivo / directo

Maldivian /lGo'XBdiLm/� maldivano/a; maldivano (idioma)

market /'lEYBW/� mercado

meeting /'lAWBn/� xuntanza, encontro

Middle East /lBXo�'AgW/� Oriente Medio

move around /lId�L'pPmX/� moverse / trasladarse dun lugar a outro

odd /FX/� estraño/a, raro/a

oil /Qo/� petróleo; petrolífero/a

Olympic-sized /L'oBlUBYgOhX/� de dimensións olímpicas

order a pizza /GXL�L�'UAWgL/� pedir unha pizza

outdoor /'PWXG/� descuberto/a, ao ar / aire libre, exterior

own /Nm/� propio/a

peculiar /UB'YqIoiL/� estraño/a, raro/a; peculiar

pub /UJV/� pub, bar

rent /pCmW/� alugar

reservation /pChL'dMim/� reserva

ride /pOX/� atracción

roof /pIc/� teito, tellado

sky /gYO/� ceo

sorbet /'gGVM/� sorbete

stay at home /gWM�LW�'kNl/� ficar / quedar na casa

step /gWCU/� chanzo, banzo

store /gWG/� gardar

strange /gWpMmb/� estraño/a, raro/a

take a nap /WMY�L�'mDU/� botar a / unha sesta

take photos /WMY�'cNWNh/� facer / tirar fotos

tank /WDnY/� acuario

theme park /'eAl�UEY/� parque temático

underwater (adj) /JmXL'rGWL/� submarino/a, subacuático/a

underwater (adv) /JmXL'rGWL/� embaixo / debaixo da auga

unusual /Jm'qIjHLo/� inusual, pouco común / corrente

video game /'dBXiLH�ZMl/� videoxogo

wait in a queue /rMW�Bm�L�'YqI/� agardar nunha / facer cola

walk through /rGY�'epI/� camiñar a través de, pasar por

wall /rGo/� parede

weird /rBLX/� estraño/a, raro/a

worker /'rKYL/� traballador/a

zoo /hI/� zoo, zoolóxico

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unIt 9

actually /'DYWiToi/� en realidade, realmente, de feito

ADHD /M�XA�Ma�'Xi/� TDAH (Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividade)

alone /L'oNm/� só/a; unicamente, só (by women ~: só por mulleres)

armour /'ElL/� armadura

aunt /EmW/� tía

Amazon /'DlLhLm/� amazona

be born /VA�VGm/� nacer

become /VB'YJl/� chegar a ser, facerse; converterse en

boarding school /'VGXBn�gYIo/� internado

bow and arrow /VP�LmX�'DpN/� arcos e flechas

capture /'YæUWiL/� apoderarse, apropiarse de

changing /'aMmbBn/� cambiante

commit /YL'lBW/� cometer

cousin /'YJhm/� curmán/á

cry /YpO/� chorar; berrar

daughter /'XGWL/� filla

deal with /'XAo�rBf/ ocuparse / encargarse de

destroy /XB'gWpQ/� destruír

die /XO/� morrer

fact /cæYW/� feito

fall in love /cGo�Bm�'oJd/� namorarse

father-in-law /'cEfLBmoG/� sogro

female /'cAlMo/� muller, dona

fight /cOW/� loitar

get a job /ZCW�L�'bFV/� conseguir / acadar un traballo

get along /ZCW�L'oFn/� levarse ben

get divorced /ZCW�XB'dGgX/� divorciarse

get married /ZCW�'lDpiX/� casar(se)

god /ZFX/� deus

granddaughter /'ZpDmXGWL/� neta

grandfather /'ZpDmcEfL/� avó

grandmother /'ZpDmlJfL/� avoa

grandparents /'ZpDmUSpLmWg/� avós

grandson /'ZpDmgJm/� neto

have children /kDd�'WiBoXpLm/� ter fillos

howl /kPo/� dar ouveos, ouvear / bramar

human /'kqIlLm/� humano/a

humane /kqI'lCBm/� humano/a, humanitario/a

husband /'kJhVLmX/� marido, esposo, home

legend /'oCbLmX/� lenda

male /lCBo/� varón; home

meet /lAW/� encontrarse, atoparse; coñecerse

moan /lNm/� xemer; queixarse, laiarse

mother-in-law /'lJfLBmoG/� sogra

move /lId/� mudarse, trasladarse

murder /'lKXL/� asasinato

myth /lBe/� mito

nephew /'mCcqI/� sobriño

niece /mAg/� sobriña

notice /'mNWBg/� decatarse, darse de conta

only /'Nmoi/� só, soamente

punishment /'UJmBilLmW/� castigo

put down /UHW�'XPm/� deixar, soltar

put off /UHW�'Fc/� adiar, aprazar, pospoñer, pospor

put out /UHW�'PW/� sacar; apagar

put up /UHW�'JU/� subir; erguer (~ with: soportar, aguantar)

reader /'pAXL/� lector/a

(be) related to /(VA)�pB'oCBWBX�WI/� (estar) emparentado/a con, (ser) parente de

review /pB'dqI/� reseña, crítica

run /pJm/� dirixir, gobernar

scream /gYpAl/� berrar, bradar

set /gCW/� plató (be ~: desenvolverse, estar ambientado/a)

shout /iPW/� gritar, berrar

shriek /ipAY/� bradar

siblings /'gBVoBnh/� irmáns/ás

skeleton /'gYCoBWm/� esqueleto

son /gJm/� fillo

stepfather /'gWCUcEfL/� padrasto

stepmother /'gWCUlJfL/� madrasta

stepson /'gWCUgJm/� fillastro

study /'gWJXi/� estudar

Trojan War /WpNbLm�'rG/� guerra de Troia

tribe /WpOV/� tribo

trouble /'WpJVo/� problema/s, lea/s (get into ~: meterse en problemes)

turn around /WKm�L'pPmX/� dar a volta

turn into /WKm�'BmWL/� converter(se) en

turn out /WKm�'PW/� resultar

uncle /'JnYo/� tío

warrior /'rFpiL/� guerreiro/a

weep /rAU/� chorar

widow /'rBXN/� viúva (become a ~: enviuvar, ficar viúva)

widower /'rBXNL/� viúvo

wife /rOc/� muller, dona, esposa

yell /qCo/� berrar, bramar

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CONTRASTEpresent simple / present continuous• OPresent Simpleexpresahábitoserutinas,maisoPresent


They usually have lunch at home, but today they’re eating at a restaurant.(Poloxeralcomennacasa,maishoxeestánacomernunrestaurante.)

• Paraformara3ªpersoadosingulardoPresent Simpleosmáisdosverbosengaden-s:

like - likes walk - walksread - reads sit - sits

Nosseguintescasos,engádese -es nocantode-s:

-Seremataenss,sh,choux: pass - passes watch - watcheswash - washes mix - mixes

-Seremataeno: do - does go - goes

-Seremataenconsoante+y,cámbiaseoyporuni: study - studies carry - carries

• ParaformaroPresent Continuouscómprerepararnestasregrasortográficasparaengadir -ing aoverbo:

-Seremataene mudo,pérdeseoe: live - living

-Seéde1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante,dóbraseestaconsoante: run - running sit - sitting

-Seéde2sílabasetenoacentonaúltima,dóbraseaderradeiraconsoante: prefer - preferring begin - beginning

-Seremataenl,dóbraseadevanditaletra: travel - travelling

-Seremataenie,cámbiaseieporuny: lie - lying die - dying

• Osverbosestáticosempréganseparaexpresargostos,desexos,sentimentoseemocións,actividadesdamenteeopinións,percepciónepertenzaenonseadoitanempregarcoPresent Continuous.







own pertenza

He wants a new computer.(Elquereunordenadornovo.)

Do you think he’s ill?(Cresqueestádoente?)

I don’t hear you.(Nonteoio.)

They own a house on the beach.(Elesteñenunhacasanapraia.)

O past simple

Afirmativa Negativa Forma contraída

Ishouted I did not shout I didn’t shout

Youshouted Youdid not shout You didn’t shout

Heshouted He did not shout He didn’t shout

Sheshouted She did not shout She didn’t shout

Itshouted It did not shout It didn’t shout

Weshouted We did not shout We didn’t shout

Youshouted You did not shout You didn’t shout

Theyshouted They did not shout They didn’t shout

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa Negativa

Did Ishout ...? Yes,I did. No,I didn’t.

Did youshout ...? Yes,you did. No,you didn’t.

Did heshout ...? Yes,he did. No,he didn’t.

Did sheshout ...? Yes,she did. No,she didn’t.

Did itshout ...? Yes,it did. No,it didn’t.

Did weshout ...? Yes,we did. No,we didn’t.

Did youshout ...? Yes,you did. No,you didn’t.

Did theyshout ...? Yes,they did. No,they didn’t.

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• Afirmativa:fórmaseengadindo-edaosverbosregulareseéigualentodasaspersoas.

I watched TV last night.(Vinatelevisiónestanoite.)


-Seremataene mudo,sóseengade: dance - danced arrive - arrived

-Seéde1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante,dóbraseestaconsoante: stop - stopped plan - planned

-Seéde2sílabasetenoacentonaderradeira,dóbraseaderradeiraconsoante: prefer - preferred permit - permitted

-Seremataenl,dóbraseesaletra: travel - travelled

-Seconclúeenconsoante + y,cámbiaseoyporuni: study - studied try - tried


• Negativa:suxeito+did notoudidn’t+verbonaformabase.

She didn’t eat ice cream yesterday.(Elanoncomeuunxeadoonte.)

• Interrogativa:Did+suxeito+unverbonaformabase.

Did your friend like his present?(Aoteuamigogustoulleoseuagasallo?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+didoudidn’t.

Did you drink your tea? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.(Bebichesoté?Bebín.Si./Non.)

Os usos do past simpleExpresarmosacciónspasadas

He enjoyed the party.(Elgozoudafesta.)


The teacher gave us an exam last Tuesday.(Oprofesorpúxonosunexameomartespasado.)


I had breakfast. Then I went for a walk.(Almorcei.Logofundarunhavolta.)


In the past, people didn’t use computers. (Nopasado,axentenonempregabaordenadores.)

• CoPast Simpleadoitanempregarseestasexpresións temporais:asquelevanago(hai)aofinaldeexpresión,last night / week / year(estanoite,asemanapasada,oanopasado),at+unhahora,on+undíaouunhadata,in+unano,in the past(nopasado),yesterday(onte),etc.


He slept at Tom’s house on Saturday.(EldurmiunacasadeTomosábado.)

Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969.(NeilArmstrongpisoualúaen1969.)

O past continuousAfirmativa Negativa Forma contraída

Iwas doing Iwas not doing Iwasn’t doing

Youwere doing Youwere not doing Youweren’t doing

Hewas doing Hewas not doing Hewasn’t doing

Shewas doing Shewas not doing Shewasn’t doing

Itwas doing Itwas not doing Itwasn’t doing

Wewere doing Wewere not doing Weweren’t doing

Youwere doing Youwere not doing Youweren’t doing

Theywere doing Theywere not doing Theyweren’t doing

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa Negativa

WasIdoing? Yes,Iwas. No,Iwasn’t.

Wereyoudoing? Yes,you were. No,youweren’t.

Washedoing? Yes,he was. No,he wasn’t.

Wasshedoing? Yes,she was. No,she wasn’t.

Wasitdoing? Yes,itwas. No,itwasn’t.

Werewedoing? Yes,wewere. No,we weren’t.

Wereyoudoing? Yes,you were. No,you weren’t.

Weretheydoing? Yes,they were. No,they weren’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+was/were+unverborematadoen-ing.

I was cooking in the kitchen. (Estabaacociñarnacociña.)

Asregrasortográficasparaengadir-ing atópansenapáxina10.

• Negativa:suxeito+was/were +not ou n’t +unverborematadoen-ing.

It wasn’t raining this morning.(Nonestabaachoverestamañá.)

• Interrogativa:Was/Were+suxeito+unverborematadoen-ing.

Were they driving to work?(Estabanaconducircaraaotraballo?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+was / weresencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Was he studying with his friend? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.(Estabaaestudarcoseuamigo?Estaba.Si./Non.)

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• CoPast Continuousadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporais:asquelevanago(hai)aofinaldaexpresión,at +unhahora, yesterday morning / afternoon (ontepolamañá/tarde), last night (estanoite),etc. Podeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

We were playing football yesterday afternoon. (Estabamosaxogaraofútbolontepolatarde.)

You were doing your homework two hours ago. (Estabasafacerosdebereshaidúashoras.)

Os usos do past continuous


They were taking pictures of animals at 3 o’clock. (Estabanatirarfotosdeanimaisás3enpunto.)


We were talking on the phone while / as you were reading a magazine. (Estabamosafalarporteléfonomentresestabasalerunharevista.)


CONTRASTE past simple / past continuous• OPast Simpleindicaqueaacciónocorreuerematouno

temposinaladonafrase,mentresqueoPast Continuousfaladeacciónsprolongadasqueestabanaocorrernopasado.

Jack travelled to China in 1988. (JackviaxouaChinaen1988.)

I was riding a bike yesterday morning. (Estivenamontarenbiciontepolamañá.)

• CoPast Continuousadoitanempregarseasconxunciónswhileouasparafalarmosdeacciónssimultáneas.

While / As we were waiting for my mother, she was buying some fruit. (Mentresestabamosaesperarpolamiñanai,elaestabaamercaralgodefroita.)

• Emprégasewhile ouwhen parafalarmosdunhaacciónprolongadainterrompidaporoutranopasado.

While Jack was sleeping, the telephone rang. (MentresJackestabaadurmir,oteléfonosoou.)

I was cleaning the kitchen when he arrived. (Estabaalimparacociñacandoelchegou.)

CoPast SimpleadóitaseempregarwhenecoPast Continuouswhile.



Afirmativa Forma contraídaIwill play I’ll play

Youwill play You’ll play

Hewill play He’ll play

Shewill play She’ll play

Itwill play It’ll play

Wewill play We’ll play

Youwill play You’ll play

Theywill play They’ll play

Negativa Forma contraída

Iwill not play Iwon’t play

Youwill not play Youwon’t play

Hewill not play Hewon’t play

Shewill not play Shewon’t play

Itwill not play Itwon’t play

Wewill not play Wewon’t play

Youwill not play Youwon’t play

They will not play Theywon’t play

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa NegativaWillIplay...? Yes,Iwill. No,Iwon’t.

Willyouplay...? Yes,youwill. No,youwon’t.

Willheplay...? Yes,hewill. No,hewon’t.

Willsheplay...? Yes,shewill. No,shewon’t.

Willitplay...? Yes,itwill. No,itwon’t.

Willweplay...? Yes,wewill. No,wewon’t.

Willyouplay...? Yes,youwill. No,youwon’t.

Willtheyplay...? Yes,theywill. No,theywon’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+oauxiliarwill+verbonaformabase.Éigualentodasaspersoas.Naconversa,willcontraecosuxeito(’ll).

He will become a good doctor one day. (Chegaráaserunbodoutoralgúndía.)

• Negativa:suxeito+willnot ouwon’t+verbonaformabase.

They won’t score any goals. (Nonmarcarángolningún.)

• Interrogativa:Will+suxeito+verbonaformabase.

Will you help me?(Axudarasme?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+willouwon’t.

Will it be sunny at the weekend? Yes, it will. / No, it won’t.(Irásolafindesemana?Irá.Si./Non.)


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Os usos do futuro con willPredicirmosoquesecrequeocorrerá

I think they will travel to Ireland.(CoidoqueviaxaránaIrlanda.)


It’s hot. I’ll wear my sandals.(Vaicalor.Poreiasmiñassandalias.)


I‘ll take you home. (Levareiteácasa.)

• Conwilladoitanempregarseexpresións temporais comolater(máistarde),soon(axiña,pronto),in an hour(nunhahora),tomorrow(mañá),next week / month / year(asemana/omes/oanoquevén),etc.Taménseempreganoutrasquesinalanunfuturoafastado:in ten years(endezanos),in+unano,one day(algúndía),in the future(nofuturo),etc.Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

We will arrive in an hour.(Chegaremosnunhahora.)

O futuro con be going toAfirmativa Forma contraída

Iam going to travel I’m going to travel

Youare going to travel You’re going to travel

He is going to travel He’s going to travel

Sheis going to travel She’s going to travel

Itis going to travel It’s going to travel

Weare going to travel We’re going to travel

Youare going to travel You’re going to travel

Theyare going to travel They’re going to travel

Negativa e forma contraída

Iam not/I’m not going to travel

Youare not/Youaren’t/You’re not going to travel

Heis not/Heisn’t/ He’s not going to travel

Sheis not/Sheisn’t/She’s not going to travel

Itis not/Itisn’t/ It’s not going to travel

Weare not/Wearen’t/We’re not going to travel

Youare not/Youaren’t/You’re not going to travel

Theyare not/Theyaren’t/ They’re not going to travel

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa Negativa

AmIgoing to travel? Yes,I am. No,I’m not.

Areyougoing to travel? Yes,you are. No,you aren’t.

Ishegoing to travel? Yes,he is. No,he isn’t.

Isshegoing to travel? Yes,she is. No,she isn’t.

Isitgoing to travel? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.

Arewegoing to travel? Yes,we are. No,we aren’t.

Areyougoing to travel? Yes,you are. No,you aren’t.

Aretheygoing to travel? Yes,they are. No,they aren’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+to beenpresente+ going to+verbonaformabase.

Jack is going to compete in the championship next summer.(Jackvaicompetirnocampionatoovindeiroverán.)

• Negativa:suxeito+ to beenpresente+ not ou n’t+going to+verbonaformabase.

They aren’t going to play tennis next Friday.(Nonvanxogaraotenisovindeirovenres.)

• Interrogativa:to beenpresente+suxeito+going to+verbonaformabase.

Is she going to join the team?(Elavaiunirseaoequipo?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+overboto be,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Are you going to watch the match on Saturday? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.(Vasveropartidoosábado?Vou.Si./Non.)

Os usos do futuro con be going to


I’m going to meet them at the cinema.(Vouquedarconelesnocinema.)


Look at the score! They‘re going to win.(Miraomarcador!Vangañar.)

• Conbe going toadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporais:later(máistarde),soon(axiña),in an hour(nunhahora),tomorrow(mañá),next week / month / year(asemana/omes/oanovindeiro),etc.


I’m going to buy a new shirt next week.(Voumercarunhacamisanovaasemanavindeira.)

They are going to study for the exam later.(Vanestudarparaoexamemáistarde.)

O present continuous con valor de futuro• OPresent Continuousexpresaoqueestáaocorrerno


We’re playing volleyball tomorrow.(Xogamos/Xogaremosaovoleibolmañá.)[xasedecidiu]

• OPresent Continuousconvalordefuturodebeiracompañadodunhaexpresióntemporalquesinalecandovaiocorreraacción:soon(axiña),later(máistarde),tomorrow(mañá),tonight(estanoite),next week/month/year(asemana/omes/oanovindeiro),etc.

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He is running a race next weekend.(Corre/Correráunhacarreiraasemanavindeira.)

We are flying to Paris this evening.(Voamos/VoaremosaParísestanoite.)


O PRIMEIRO CONDICIONALEmprégaseparafalardunhaacción(ouresultado)queocorrerásesecumpreacondiciónsinalada.

• Afirmativa:acondición(oraciónsubordinada)exprésaseconif+Present Simple,eoresultado(oraciónprincipal),adoitairenfuturoconwill.


If he studies hard, he will get good marks. (Seelestudamoito,obteráboascualificacións.)

He will get good marks if he studies hard.(Elobteráboascualificaciónsseestudamoito.)

• Negativa:pódesenegaroverboenpresente,overboenfuturoouambososdous.

If she doesn’t go to the party, I will stay at home. (Seelanonvaiáfesta,quedareinacasa.)

If she goes to the party, I won’t stay at home.(Seelavaiáfesta,nonquedareinacasa.)

If she doesn’t go to the party, I won’t stay at home.(Seelanonvaiáfesta,nonquedareinacasa.)

• Interrogativa:Will+suxeito+predicadodaoraciónprincipal+oraciónsubordinada.

Will they go to the beach if it rains?(Iránápraiasechove?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+willouwon’t.

Will you play the guitar if he sings? Yes, I will. /No, I won’t.(Tocarásaguitarraseelcanta?Tocarei.Si./Non.)


Paraexpresarmosquealgoocorreráounonocorrerásenonsecumpreacondición,asubordinadaintrodúcesepolaconxunciónunless,queequivaleaif not (“anonserque”,“amenosque”,“senon”).

Unless you concentrate, you will fail the exam.(Senonteconcentras,suspenderásoexame.)

Con when falamossobrealgoqueocorreráconseguridade.

When I arrive home, I will call you.(Candochegueácasa,chamareite.)

O SEGUNDO CONDICIONALEmprégaseparafalardeacciónshipotéticasreferidasaopresente,istoé,queépoucoprobablequeocorran,eparadarconsello.

• Afirmativa:acondiciónexprésaseconif+Past Simple,eoresultadoconwould(ouacontracción’d)+overbonaformabase.

If I understood the problem, I’d solve it.(Seentendeseoproblema,resolveríao.)

Seoverbodacondiciónéto be,adoitaempregarsewere entodasaspersoasdosingularedoplural.

If he were rich, he’d buy a new car. (Seelfoserico,mercaríauncochenovo.)

ParadarconsellosemprégaseafórmulaIf I were.

If I were you, I’d send him a text message. (Eudeti,enviaríalleunhamensaxedetexto.)

• Negativa:pódesenegaracondición,oresultadoouambososdous.

If I didn’t have money, I would work hard. (Seeunontivesecartos,traballaríamoito.)

If I had money, I wouldn’t work hard.(Seeutivesecartos,nontraballaríamoito.)

If I didn’t work hard, I wouldn’t have money.(Seeunontraballasemoito,nonteríacartos.)

• Interrogativa:Would+suxeito+predicadodaoraciónprincipal+oraciónsubordinada.

Would you ride a camel if you were in the desert?(Montaríasencameloseestivesesnodeserto?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+wouldouwouldn’t.

Would you play the piano if you didn’t play the guitar? Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t. (Tocaríasopianosenontocasesaguitarra?Tocaría.Si./Non.)




• Ocomparativodesuperioridade(máis...que/ca/doque)emprégaseparacomparardúascousas,animaisoupersoascandounhasuperaáoutranalgúnaspecto.Paraformalocómprerepararnalonxitudedoadxectivo:


The silver necklace is cheaper than the gold one.(Ocolardeprataémáisbaratoqueodeouro.)


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-Seten1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante,dóbraseesaconsoante:

thin - thinner big - bigger

-Seten2sílabaseremataenconsoante+y,cámbiaseoyporuni: heavy - heavier

easy - easier

-Seremataenl,duplícaseadevanditaletra: cruel - crueller

-Seconclúeenemudo,sóseengade-r: nice - nicer


Paul is more attractive than Jim.(PaulémáisatractivoqueJim.)

• Ocomparativodeinferioridadefórmaseconless+adxectivo+than(menos...que/caoudoque).

Modern jewellery is less elaborate than ancient jewellery.


• Ocomparativodeigualdadefórmasecon(not)as+adxectivo+as((non)tan/tanto...como/a).

This picture is as colourful as that one.(Estecadroétancoloridocomaese.)

A forma superlativaEmprégaseparacompararmosmáisdedúascousas,animaisoupersoasedicirqueunhasalientasobreasdemais.

• Ponsethediantedoadxectivoeoadverbiomostouaterminación-es.Taméncómpreterencontaasúalonxitude:

-Seécurto,emprégasethe +adxectivo+-est.

These are the lightest clothes in the shop. (Estaéaroupamáislixeiradatenda.)


big - biggest sad - saddest pretty - prettiest happy - happiest wide - widest large - largest cruel - cruellest

-Seélongo,emprégasethe most+adxectivo.

This beach is the most peaceful place in the world. (Estapraiaéolugarmáistranquilodomundo.)

• Parasinalarquealguénoualgoéinferiorqueorestonalgúnaspectoemprégaseaestruturathe least+adxectivo.

This is the least lively market in the city.(Esteéomercadomenosanimadodacidade.)

• Osuperlativopodeirseguidodaspreposiciónsin,ofeon.

He’s the most intelligent boy in the class. (Eléorapazmáisintelixentedaclase.)

Next Friday is the longest day of the year.(Ovindeirovenreséodíamáislongodoano.)

Which is the highest mountain on Earth?(CaléamontañamáisaltadaTerra?)

Os adxectivos irregularesNonseguenregraningunhae,poriso,cómpreaprenderassúasformascomparativaesuperlativadememoria.

Adxectivo Comparativo Superlativogood(bo,bon/boa)

better than the best


worse than the worst


farther / further than the farthest / furthest


less than the least

too,(not) ... enough• Toovaidiantedoadxectivoesinalaqueacualidade


This ring is too bright.(Esteanelébrillantedemáis.)

• Not+adxectivo+enoughsignifica“nonabondo”,“non(o)bastante”ou“non(o)suficientemente”.

That football player is good enough for our team.(Estexogadordefútboléabondo/suficientementeboparaonosoequipo.)

She is not old enough to drive. (Elanoné(o)abondo/suficientementemaiorparaguiar.)

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O COMPARATIVO DOS ADVERBIOS• Osadverbiosdannosmáisinformaciónsobreosverbos.


She walks slowly. (Elacamiñaamodo.)

• Pódensecomparardúasacciónsempregandoestaestrutura:more+adverbio+than.

She walks more slowly than her sister. (Elacamiñamáisamodoqueasúairmá.)

• Taménsepodencomparardúasacciónsempregando:less+adverbio+than.

I drive less carefully than my father. (Conduzoconmenoscoidadoqueomeupai.)

• Conas+adverbio+asindícasequedúasacciónsserealizandomesmoxeito.

She walks as slowly asher sister.(Elacamiñatanamodocomoasúairmá.)

Os adverbios irregularesNonseguenregraningunhae,poriso,cómpreaprenderestesadverbioseasúaformacompartivadememoria.

Adxectivo Adverbio Forma comparativa

fast (rápido/a)fast (áprésa,rapidamente)

faster than

hard (duro/a;difícil)

hard (duramente,moito)

harder than

high (alto/a)high (alto,agrandealtura)

higher than

far (lonxano) far (lonxe) farther / further than

good (bo/a) well (ben) better than

bad (malo,mao/mala,má)

badly (mal) worse than


O present perFect simple

Afirmativa Forma contraídaIhave washed I’ve washed

Youhave washed You’ve washed

Hehas washed He’s washed

Shehas washed She’s washed

Ithas washed It’s washed

Wehave washed We’ve washed

Youhave washed You’ve washed

Theyhave washed They’ve washed

Negativa Forma contraída

Ihave not washed Ihaven’t washed

Youhave not washed Youhaven’t washed

Hehas not washed Hehasn’t washed

Shehas not washed Shehasn’t washed

Ithas not washed Ithasn’t washed

Wehave not washed Wehaven’t washed

Youhave not washed Youhaven’t washed

They have not washed Theyhaven’t washed

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa Negativa

HaveIwashed...? Yes,Ihave. No,Ihaven’t.

Haveyouwashed...? Yes,youhave. No,youhaven’t.

Hashewashed...? Yes,hehas. No,hehasn’t.

Hasshewashed...? Yes,shehas. No,shehasn’t.

Hasitwashed...? Yes,ithas. No,ithasn’t.

Havewewashed...? Yes,wehave. No,wehaven’t.

Haveyouwashed...? Yes,youhave. No,youhaven’t.

Havetheywashed...? Yes,theyhave. No,theyhaven’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+has/have+unverboenparticipio.Osmáisdosverbosengade-edáformabasedoverboparaformarenoparticipio.

We have explored this area.(Exploramosestazona.)


I have eaten soup and sausages for dinner.(Comínsopaemaissalchichasparacear.)

• Negativa:suxeito+has/have +notoun’t+unverboenparticipio.

The plane hasn’t landed.(Oaviónnonaterrou.)


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• Interrogativa:Has/have+suxeito+unverboenparticipio.

Have you studied this unit?(Estudachesnestaunidade?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+has / havesencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Have they received a letter? Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.(Recibironunhacarta?Recibiron.Si./Non.)

• CoPresent Perfect Simpleadoitanempregarseosseguintesadverbios e expresións temporais:



Have you ever trekked through the jungle?


I haven’t ever rowed a boat


She has never visited Paris.

always “sempre”They’ve always listened to their mother.

already afirmativa:“xa”We’ve already discovered the truth.


I have just cleaned my room.



She hasn’t completed her homework yet.

interrogativa:“xa” Have you found your ring yet?

recently “recentemente”Have they travelled to London recently?

lately “ultimamente”He hasn’t watered the plants lately.

several times “variasveces”

They have dug for treasure several times.

so far “atéomomento” I’ve done five exercises so far.





for /sinceCoPresent Perfect Simple taménseempreganasexpresiónstemporaisquecomezancon:

- Apreposiciónforseguidadunperíododetempoquesinalaaduracióndaacción.Tradúcesecomo“durante”,“aolongode”ounonsetraduce.

Her mother has worked here for 15 years.(Asúanaitraballouaquíaolongode15anos.)

- Apreposiciónsince,quesinalaointreenquecomezouaacción.Tradúcesecomo“desde”,“dende”.

I haven’t watched a film since Sunday. (Nonvinunhapelículadesde/dendeodomingo.)

Os usos do present perfect simple

Acciónsquecomezaronnopasadoeaíndacontinúan(levaforousince etradúceseenpresente)

She has lived in Germany since 1998.(ElaviveenAlemañadesde1998.)


They have moved to a new house.(Elesmudáronseaunhacasanova.)


She has survived the accident.(Elasobreviviuaoaccidente.)


He has just fallen on the ground.(Elacabadecaeraochan.)

CONTRASTE present perFect simple / past simple

OPresent Perfect Simplesinalaqueoqueocorreunopasadogardarelacióncopresente,aíndaquenonseespecificacandoocorreu.Encambio,oPast Simplefaladeacciónspasadasquexanonafectanaomomentoactualesinalacandoocorreron,conexpresiónsdetempotalescomoyesterday,last night,etc.

They have parachuted many times.(Elessaltaronenparacaídasmoitasveces.)

She parachuted yesterday.(Elasaltouenparacaídasonte.)

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a / an


un/ha a guitar, an ambulance




There are some concerts this month. We’ve got some chocolate.




We haven’t got any hip-hop CDs. He hasn’t got any butter.


Do you play any musical instruments? Have you got any time for me?


a lot ofmoito/a/os/asunhachea/moreade


A lot of students play football. There is a lot of food.

many moitos/as


Many people like pop music.



I haven’t got much work.Was there much noise?

a fewunspoucos/asalgúns/nhas


The plane landed a few hours late.

a littleunpoucode


I have got a little money for you.

How many ...?Cantos/as...?


How many MP4 players have you got?

How much ...?Canto/a...?

Connomesnoncontábeis.Candovaicoverboto be serveparapreguntaroprezodunhacousa.

How much time do you need? How much is the hairdryer?




can / can’tAfirmativa Negativa Forma contraída

Ican sail Icannot sail Ican’t sail

Youcan sail Youcannot sail Youcan’t sail

Hecan sail Hecannot sail Hecan’t sail

Shecan sail Shecannot sail Shecan’t sail

Itcan sail Itcannot sail Itcan’t sail

Wecan sail Wecannot sail Wecan’t sail

Youcan sail Youcannot sail Youcan’t sail

Theycan sail Theycannot sail Theycan’t sail

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa Negativa

CanIsail? Yes,Ican. No,Ican’t.

Canyousail? Yes,youcan. No,you can’t.

Canhesail? Yes,hecan. No,hecan’t.

Canshesail? Yes,shecan. No,shecan’t.

Canitsail? Yes,it can. No,it can’t.

Canwesail? Yes,we can. No,wecan’t.

Canyousail? Yes,youcan. No,youcan’t.

Cantheysail? Yes,theycan. No,theycan’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+can+verbonaformabase.

He can speak German very well.(Elsabefalaralemánmoiben.)

I can come to your party.(Podovirátúafesta.)

You can watch TV now.(Podesveratelevisiónagora.)

• Negativa:suxeito+cannotoucan’t+verbonaformabase.

They cannot do any magic tricks.(Elesnonsaben/podenfacertrucosdemaxia.)

• Interrogativa:Can +suxeito+verbonaformabase.

Can they write good stories?(Saben/Podenescribirboashistorias?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+canoucan’t.

Can you pick a flower? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.(Podescollerunhaflor?Podo.Si./Non.)


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1818 1919


Advanced Real English 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Os usos de can / can’tHabilidadeoucapacidadeparafaceralgo:“saber”

She can sing beautifully.(Elasabecantarmarabillosamente.)


You can break the mirror. Be careful.(Podesromperoespello.Tencoidado.)


Can you put the eggs in the fridge? Yes, I can.(Podespoñerosovosnaneveira?Podo.Si.)

could / couldn’tAfirmativa Negativa Forma contraída

Icould ski Icould not ski Icouldn’t ski

Youcould ski Youcould not ski Youcouldn’t ski

Hecould ski Hecould not ski Hecouldn’t ski

Shecould ski Shecould not ski Shecouldn’t ski

Itcould ski Itcould not ski Itcouldn’t ski

Wecould ski Wecould not ski Wecouldn’t ski

Youcould ski Youcould not ski Youcouldn’t ski

Theycould ski Theycould not ski Theycouldn’t ski

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa Negativa

CouldIski? Yes,I could. No,I couldn’t.

Couldyouski? Yes,youcould. No,youcouldn’t.

Couldheski? Yes,hecould. No,hecouldn’t.

Couldsheski? Yes,she could. No,she couldn’t.

Coulditski? Yes,it could. No,itcouldn’t.

Couldweski? Yes,we could. No,we couldn’t.

Couldyouski? Yes,youcould. No,you couldn’t.

Couldtheyski? Yes,they could. No,they couldn’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+could+ verbonaformabase.

I could play basketball when I was seven.(Eusabíaxogaraobaloncestocandotiñaseteanos.)

In the past, mirrors could make people feel ill.(Nopasado,osespellospodíanfacerqueaxentesesentiseenferma.)

• Negativa:suxeito+could notoucouldn’t+verbonaformabase.

They couldn’t play outside because it was raining.(Nonpodíanxogarfórapoisestabaachover.)

• Interrogativa:Could +suxeito+verbonaformabase.

Could he sail on Friday?(Elpuidonavegarovenres?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+couldoucouldn’t.

Could you carry the bags? Yes, I could. / No, I couldn’t.(Poderíaslevarasbolsas?Podería.Si./Non.)

Os usos de could / couldn’tHabilidadeoucapacidadeparafaceralgonopasado

Sam could speak at the age of two.(Samsabíafalaraosdousanos.)


They couldn’t see the beach from the window.(Nonpuideronverapraiadesdeaventá.)


Could I have a glass of water?(Poderíatomarunvasodeauga?)

must / mustn’tAfirmativa Negativa

Imust sweep Imustn’t sweep

Youmust sweep Youmustn’t sweep

Hemust sweep Hemustn’t sweep

Shemust sweep Shemustn’t sweep

Itmust sweep Itmustn’t sweep

Wemust sweep Wemustn’t sweep

Youmust sweep Youmustn’t sweep

Theymust sweep Theymustn’t sweep

• Afirmativa:suxeito+must+ verbonaformabase.

I must play the piano three times a week.(Debotocaropianotresvecesásemana.)

• Negativa:suxeito+must not oumustn’t+verbonaformabase.

People mustn’t feed animals in the zoo.(Axentenondebedardecomeraosanimaisnozoo.)

You mustn’t tell me his secret. (Nondebescontarmeoseusegredo.)

• Interrogativa:Must +suxeito+verbonaformabase.Nestecaso,mustexpresaobrigaounecesidade,aíndaqueesteverbomodalnonseadoitaempregarnaformainterrogativa.

Must we speak to the doctor?(Debemosfalarcodoutor?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+mustoumustn’t.

Must I call the police? Yes, you must. / No, you mustn’t.(Debochamarápolicía?Debes.Si./Non.)

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2020Advanced Real English 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

O uso de must


I must work harder.(Debotraballarmoitomáis.)

O uso de mustn’t


You mustn’t eat in the classroom. (Nondebescomernaclase.)

should / shouldn’tAfirmativa Negativa

Ishould buy Ishouldn’t buy

Youshould buy Youshouldn’t buy

Heshould buy Heshouldn’t buy

Sheshould buy Sheshouldn’t buy

Itshould buy Itshouldn’t buy

Weshould buy Weshouldn’t buy

Youshould buy Youshouldn’t buy

Theyshould buy Theyshouldn’t buy

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa Negativa

ShouldIbuy? Yes,I should. No,I shouldn’t.

Shouldyoubuy? Yes,you should. No,youshouldn’t.

Shouldhebuy? Yes,heshould. No,heshouldn’t.

Shouldshebuy? Yes,sheshould. No,sheshouldn’t.

Shoulditbuy? Yes,it should. No,it shouldn’t.

Shouldwebuy? Yes,we should. No,weshouldn’t.

Shouldyoubuy? Yes,you should. No,you shouldn’t.

Shouldtheybuy? Yes,they should. No,theyshouldn’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+should+ verbonaformabase.

You should go to the dentist tomorrow.(Deberíasiraodentistamañá.)

• Negativa:suxeito+should notoushouldn’t+verboenformabase.

She shouldn’t believe in superstitions.(Elanondeberíacrerensupersticións.)

• Interrogativa:Should +suxeito+verbonaformabase.

Should I be angry?(Deberíaestarenfadada?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+shouldoushouldn’t.

Should we take an umbrella with us? Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn’t.(Deberiamoscollerunparaugas.Deberiamos.Si./Non.)

Os usos de should / shouldn’t

Darconsellos She should bring a coat. It’s cold.(Deberíatraerunabrigo.Vaifrío.)


You shouldn’t eat too many sweets. (Nondeberíascomerdemasiadoscaramelos.)

Have to / Don’t have toAfirmativa Negativa

Ihave to go Idon’thave to go

Youhave to go Youdon’t have to go

Hehas to go Hedoesn’t have to go

Shehas to go Shedoesn’t have to go

Ithas to go Itdoesn’t have to go

Wehave to go Wedon’t have to go

Youhave to go Youdon’t have to go

Theyhave to go Theydon’t have to go

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa NegativaDoIhave to go? Yes,I do. No,I don’t.

Doyouhave to go? Yes,you do. No,youdon’t.

Doeshehave to go? Yes,hedoes. No,hedoesn’t.

Doesshehave to go? Yes,shedoes. No,shedoesn’t.

Doesithave to go? Yes,it does. No,it doesn’t.

Dowehave to go? Yes,we do. No,wedon’t.

Doyouhave to go? Yes,you do. No,you don’t.

Dotheyhave to go? Yes,they do. No,theydon’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+have /has to+ verbonaformabase.Significa“terque”ecomomust,expresaaobrigaounecesidadedefaceralgo.AdiferenzaéquemustsósepodeempregarenPresent Simpleeporiso,norestodostempos,cómpreempregarhave to.

We have to put the chicken in the oven.(Nontesporqueaxudarme.Podofacelosó.)

• Negativa:suxeito+don’t /doesn’t + have to+verbonaformabase.Significa“nonterque/porque”.

You don’t have to help me. I can do it alone.(Nontesporqueaxudarme.Podofacelosó.)

• Interrogativa:Do/Does+suxeito+have to+ verbonaformabase.

Do they have to come with you?(Teñenquevircontigo?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+do/doesoudon’t/doesn’t.

Does she have to study for the exam? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.(Elatenqueestudarparaoexame?Ten.Si./Non.)


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Advanced Real English 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

O uso de have to


I have to bring my sister to the party. (Teñoquelevarámiñairmááfesta.)

O uso de don’t have to


You don’t have to buy me anything. (Nontesquememercarningunhacousa.)



• Introducenunhaoraciónsubordinada.

I don’t like salads which / that have got onions in them.(Nonmegustanasensaladasqueteñencebola.)

• Aoraciónsubordinadasubministrainformaciónsobreunantecedente.Ospronomesrelativossemprevandetrásdoantecedenteaoquefanreferenciaepodenfacerdesuxeitooudecomplemento,maliaquenesteúltimocasoéfrecuenteomitilosnaconversa.

• Ospronomesrelativossonwho,which,that,where, when ewhose:


These are the girls who / that I met at the café.(Estassonasrapazasquemeatopeinacafetaría.)


I was wearing a new skirt which / that was quite long.(Levabaunhasaianovaqueerabenlonga.)

He has got a dog which / that eats vegetables. (Eltenuncanquecomeverduras.)


The penguins that I saw at the zoo were swimming.(Ospingüínsquevinnozooestabananadar.)

The woman that was sitting at the desk was beautiful.(Amullerqueestaba(sentada)noescritorioerafermosa.)


We went shopping at a market where you can find everything.(Fomosdecomprasaunmercadoondepodesatopardetodo.)


He took this photo on the day when we went to the theme park.(Tirouestafotoodíaquefomosaoparquetemático.)


She’s got a friend whose father is Irish. (Elatenunamigocuxopaiéirlandés.)



A voz pasiva en presente

Afirmativa Negativa

Iam accepted I’m notaccepted

Youare accepted Youaren’t accepted

Heis accepted Heisn’t accepted

Sheis accepted Sheisn’t accepted

Itis accepted Itisn’t accepted

Weare accepted Wearen’t accepted

Youare accepted Youaren’t accepted

Theyare accepted Theyaren’t accepted

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa NegativaAmIaccepted? Yes,I am. No,I’m not.

Areyouaccepted? Yes,you are. No,youaren’t.

Isheaccepted? Yes,heis. No,heisn’t.

Issheaccepted? Yes,sheis. No,sheisn’t.

Isitaccepted? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.

Areweaccepted? Yes,we are. No,wearen’t.

Areyouaccepted? Yes,you are. No,you aren’t.

Aretheyaccepted? Yes,they are. No,theyaren’t.

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A voz pasiva en pasado

Afirmativa Negativa

Iwas accepted Iwasn’taccepted

Youwere accepted Youweren’t accepted

Hewas accepted Hewasn’t accepted

Shewas accepted Shewasn’t accepted

Itwas accepted Itwasn’t accepted

Wewere accepted Weweren’t accepted

Youwere accepted Youweren’t accepted

Theywere accepted Theyweren’t accepted

InterrogativaRespostas curtas

Afirmativa NegativaWasIaccepted? Yes,I was. No,Iwasn’t.

Wereyouaccepted? Yes,you were. No,youweren’t.

Washeaccepted? Yes,hewas. No,hewasn’t.

Wassheaccepted? Yes,shewas. No,shewasn’t.

Wasitaccepted? Yes,it was. No,it wasn’t.

Wereweaccepted? Yes,we were. No,weweren’t.

Wereyouaccepted? Yes,you were. No,you weren’t.

Weretheyaccepted? Yes,they were. No,theyweren’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+to becomoauxiliarnotempocorrespondente+oparticipiodoverboprincipal.

Ben Stiller is known in many countries. (BenStillerécoñecidoenmoitospaíses.)

They were given new computers.(Déronsellesnovosordenadores.)


The Lightning Thief was written by Rick Riordan.(O ladrón do raiofoiescritoporRickRiordan.)

• Negativa: suxeito+to becomoauxiliarnotempocorrespondente+notoun’t+oparticipiodoverboprincipal.

They aren’t expected to fly to London next week. (NonseagardaquevoenaLondresasemanaquevén.)

This meal wasn’t prepared at home.(Estacomidanonsepreparounacasa.)

• Interrogativa:to becomoauxiliarnotempocorrespondente+suxeito+oparticipiodoverboprincipal.

Are these biscuits sold in the supermarket?(Véndenseestasgalletasnosupermercado?)

Was the film based on the novel?(Apelículaestababaseadananovela?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+to becomoauxiliarnotempocorrespondente,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Was he chosen for president? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.(Elfoiescollidopresidente?Foi.Si./Non.)

Os usos da voz pasiva


Clothes are washed in a washing machine.(Aroupalávasenunhalavadora.)


The glass was broken.(Ovasorompeu.)

Como pasar unha oración activa a pasivaPonseto benomesmotempoquetiñaoverboprincipalenactiva,eesteverboenparticipio.Activa: They clean the building every morning.Pasiva: The building is cleaned every morning.

Ponsecomosuxeitooprimeirocomplementoquehaxadetrásdoverbonavozactiva,querodirectoqueroindirecto.Activa: My brothers share a bedroom. Pasiva: A bedroom is shared by my brothers.

Seocomplementoéunpronomepersoal,cámbiasepolasúacorrespondenteformadesuxeito.Activa: My friends told me the secret.Pasiva: I was told the secret.

Pásaseosuxeitodaoraciónactivaaofinaldapasivaprecedidodapreposiciónby.Activa: My aunt bought a pair of jeans.Pasiva: A pair of jeans was bought by my aunt.

Seosuxeitoéunpronomepersoal,cámbiasepolopronomeobxectocorrespondente.Activa: They care for my grandmother.Pasiva: My grandmother is cared for by them.

• Asexpresións temporaisqueseempregannavozpasivasonasmesmasquenaactiva.Seoverboestáenpresente:every day/week/year,once/twice a year,on+díadasemanaenplural,ouadverbioscomousually,sometimes,etc.Seoverboestáenpasado:last night / week,at+unhahora,in+unano,on+undíaodata,in the past,yesterday,etc.


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IrregularVerb List

BASE FORM (V1) PAST SIMPLE (V2) PAST PARTICIPLE (V3) GALEGObe /VA/ was/were /rFh/rK/ been /VAm/ ser, estarbeat /VAW/ beat /VAW/ beaten /'VAWm/ golpear, baterbecome /VB'YJl/ became /VB'YMl/ become /VB'YJl/ chegar a ser, convertersebegin /VB'ZBm/ began /VB'Zæm/ begun /VB'ZJm/ comezarbend /VCmX/ bent /VCmW/ bent /VCmW/ dobrar(se)bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ apostarbite /VOW/ bit /VBW/ bitten /'VBWm/ trabarbleed /VoAX/ bled /VoCX/ bled /VoCX/ sangrarblow /VoLH/ blew /VoI/ blown /VoLHm/ soprarbreak /VpMY/ broke /VpLHY/ broken /'VpLHYLm/ crebar, romperbring /VpBn/ brought /VpGW/ brought /VpGW/ traerbuild /VBoX/ built /VBoW/ built /VBoW/ construírburn /VKm/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ queimarbuy /VO/ bought /VGW/ bought /VGW/ mercarcatch /Yæa/ caught /YGW/ caught /YGW/ coller, agarrarchoose /aIh/ chose /aLHh/ chosen /'aLHhm/ elixircome /YJl/ came /YMl/ come /YJl/ vircost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ custarcut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cortardig /XBZ/ dug /XJZ/ dug /XJZ/ cavardo /XI/ did /XBX/ done /XJm/ facerdraw /XpG/ drew /XpI/ drawn /XpGm/ debuxardream /XpAl/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ soñardrink /XpBnY/ drank /XpænY/ drunk /XpJnY/ beberdrive /XpOd/ drove /XpLHd/ driven /'XpBdm/ conducireat /AW/ ate /CBW/ eaten /AWm/ comerfall /cGo/ fell /cCo/ fallen /'cGoLm/ caerfeed /cAX/ fed /cCX/ fed /cCX/ alimentarfeel /cAo/ felt /cCoW/ felt /cCoW/ sentir(se)fight /cOW/ fought /cGW/ fought /cGW/ loitar, pelexarfind /cOmX/ found /cPmX/ found /cPmX/ atoparfly /coO/ flew /coI/ flown /coLHm/ voarforget /cL'ZCW/ forgot /cL'ZFW/ forgotten /cL'ZFWm/ esquecerforgive /cL'ZBd/ forgave /cL'ZMd/ forgiven /cL'ZBdm/ perdoarfreeze /cpAh/ froze /cpLHh/ frozen /'cpLHhm/ conxelar(se)get /ZCW/ got /ZFW/ got /ZFW/ conseguir, acadar; chegargive /ZBd/ gave /ZMd/ given /ZBdm/ dargo /ZN/ went /rCmW/ gone /ZFm/ irgrow /ZpN/ grew /ZpI/ grown /ZpNm/ crecer, medrar; cultivarhang /kæn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ pendurarhave /kæd/ had /kæX/ had /kæX/ ter; haberhear /kBL/ heard /kKX/ heard /kKX/ oír, ouvirhide /kOX/ hid /kBX/ hidden /'kBXm/ agocharhit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ golpear, bater, pegarhold /kNoX/ held /kCoX/ held /kCoX/ suxeitar, termar dehurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ ferir, mancar; doerkeep /YAU/ kept /YCUW/ kept /YCUW/ gardar, manterknow /mN/ knew /mqI/ known /mNm/ saber, coñecerlay /oCB/ laid /oCBX/ laid /oCBX/ poñer, pór; estenderlead /oAX/ led /oCX/ led /oCX/ guiar, conducir

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learn /oKm/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ aprenderleave /oAd/ left /oCcW/ left /oCcW/ deixar; marchar, irse, saírlend /oCmX/ lent /oCmW/ lent /oCmW/ emprestarlet /oCW/ let /oCW/ let /oCW/ permitir, deixarlie /oO/ lay /oCB/ lain /oCBm/ tombarse, deitarselie /oO/(regular verb) lied /oOX/ lied /oOX/ mentirlight /oOW/ lit /oBW/ lit /oBW/ acender, prenderlose /oIh/ lost /oFgW/ lost /oFgW/ perdermake /lCBY/ made /lCBX/ made /lCBX/ facer, fabricarmean /lAm/ meant /lCmW/ meant /lCmW/ significar, querer dicir meet /lAW/ met /lCW/ met /lCW/ coñecer a; xuntarse / quedar conpay /UM/ paid /UMX/ paid /UMX/ pagarput /UHW/ put /UHW/ put /UHW/ poñer, pórread /pAX/ read /pCX/ read /pCX/ lerride /pOX/ rode /pLHX/ ridden /'pBXm/ montarring /pBn/ rang /pæn/ rung /pJn/ chamar, telefonarrise /pOh/ rose /pLHh/ risen /'pBhm/ elevarse, erguerserun /pJm/ ran /pæm/ run /pJm/ corrersay /gM/ said /gCX/ said /gCX/ dicirsee /gA/ saw /gG/ seen /gAm/ versell /gCo/ sold /gLHoX/ sold /gLHoX/ vendersend /gCmX/ sent /gCmW/ sent /gCmW/ enviarset /gCW/ set /gCW/ set /gCW/ colocarshake /iMY/ shook /iHY/ shaken /'iMYLm/ axitarshine /iOm/ shone /iFm/ shone /iFm/ brillar, escintilarshoot /iIW/ shot /iFW/ shot /iFW/ dispararshow /iLH/ showed /iLHX/ shown /iLHm/ amosar, ensinarshut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ pecharsing /gBn/ sang /gæn/ sung /gJn/ cantarsink /gBnY/ sank /gænY/ sunk /gJnY/ afundirsit /gBW/ sat /gæW/ sat /gæW/ sentarsleep /goAU/ slept /goCUW/ slept /goCUW/ durmirsmell /glCo/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ ulir, cheirarspeak /gUAY/ spoke /gULHY/ spoken /gULHYLm/ falarspell /gUCo/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ soletrearspend /gUCmX/ spent /gUCmW/ spent /gUCmW/ gastar; pasar (tempo)stand /gWæmX/ stood /gWHX/ stood /gWHX/ estar a pésteal /gWAo/ stole /gWLHo/ stolen /'gWLHoLm/ roubarstick /gWBY/ stuck /gWJY/ stuck /gWJY/ pegarsweep /grAU/ swept /grCUW/ swept /grCUW/ varrerswim /grBl/ swam /græl/ swum /grJl/ nadartake /WMY/ took /WHY/ taken /'WMYLm/ coller; levarteach /WAa/ taught /WGW/ taught /WGW/ ensinartear /WCL/ tore /WG/ torn /WGm/ rachar, esgazartell /WCo/ told /WLHoX/ told /WLHoX/ dicir, contarthink /eBnY/ thought /eGW/ thought /eGW/ coidar, pensarthrow /epN/ threw /epI/ thrown /epNm/ tirar; guindar, lanzarunderstand /JmXC'gWæmX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ comprender, entenderwake up /rMY'JU/ woke up /rLHY'JU/ woken up /rLHYLm'JU/ espertarwear /rCL/ wore /rG/ worn /rGm/ levar posto, vestirwin /rBm/ won /rJm/ won /rJm/ gañarwrite /pOW/ wrote /pLHW/ written /'pBWm/ escribir

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History of Tennis










•Olimiar,introduciónouprimeiraoración(opening sentence),quepresentaotema.

•Odesenvolvementooucorpo(body of the paragraph),queamplíaaideaprincipalconinformaciónimportante.

•Aconclusiónouderradeiraoración(closing sentence),queresumeotemaerepiteaideaprincipalconoutraspalabras.

AS MAIÚSCULAS (Capital letters)


• osnomesetítulosdepersoas:

Mrs Sandra Bennett, Dr Perry, Ray Mears

• osnomesdelugarescomocidades,países,continentes,edificiosfamosos,museos,etc.:London, Italy, Asia, the Eiffel Tower, the Guggenheim Museum

• asnacionalidades:English, Chinese, Peruvian

• osdías: Saturday, Tuesday, Friday

• osmeses:January, July, October

• aprimeirapalabradunhaoración:My sister is 13 years old.

• pronomepersoalI:I paint and I play the guitar.

• osidiomas:French, Thai, Arabic

• aspalabrasimportantesdostítulosdelibrosepelículas,cancións,festividadesexogosdeordenador:

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


California Dreamin’


Tomb Raider II

A PUNTUACIÓN (Punctuation)

• Opunto(.)vaiaofinaldasoraciónsafirmativasenegativas.

Mary is 14 years old.

• �Avírgula(,)emprégaseparasepararmospalabrasouideas.Poloxeralnonsepondiantedeand.

� I had chicken, chips and an apple for lunch today.

• Osinaldeinterrogación(?)ponsesóaofinaldaspreguntas.

Do you like sport?

• �Osinaldeexclamación(!)taménseponsóaofinaldafraseeserveparaexpresarmosunhaemociónouunsentimentoeparafacerfincapéenalgo.

I love football!

opening sentenceIlovemusic.









body of paragraph

closing sentence

EscribEUN PARÁGRAFO>>Writing a paragraph

ANTES DE ESCRIBIRMOS>>Brainstorming REPASA O ESCRITO>>Checking your work

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A ORDE DAS PALABRAS: SUXEITO - VERBO (Word order: Subject – Verb)


David walks to school.


David is riding a new bike.



Where is my diary?vs

Does David walk to school? auxsv


•Poloxeralvandiantedossubstantivos. warm sweater

adj n

Etaméndetrásdoverboto be. The sweater is warm. v adj


He was wearing a long purple coat.

t c



Anna is sitting very quietly.

adverbofdegree adverbofmanner


He usually takes the bus to school.

adv v

Maisseoverboéto be,oadverbiovaidetrás.

She is never lazy.

v adv

OS CONECTORES DE SECUENCIA(Connectors of Sequence)





•after that(logo,despoisdiso)


I had a fun day on Saturday. First, I made pancakes for breakfast and my family loved them. Then, we watched some old video films of my family. They were very funny. Next, we went to the beach and had a picnic. After that, we visited my grandparents and played Monopoly together. Finally, in the evening I went to a party with my friends. Saturday was a great day.

AS CONXUNCIÓNS (Linking Words)


• and(e)unedúasoraciónsouideas.

I sailed to Greece and I flew to Australia last year.

• or(ou)unedúasideasdesemellantes.

We walk to school or we take a bus.

• but(mais,pero)unedúasideascontraditoriasentresi.

David likes travelling but he doesn’t like flying.

• because(porque)expresaarazónoucausadealgo.

Janice doesn’t go on a motorboat because she doesn’t like water.

AS PREPOSICIÓNS DE TEMPO (Prepositions of Time)


•at +horas: at two o’clock

+festividades: at Christmas

•on +díasdasemana: on Sunday

+datas: on 10th May

on Christmas Day

•in +meses: in June

+estacións: in winter

+anos: in 2010

+partesdodía: in the evening

Agás: at the weekend

at night

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•Asconxunciónscausaisempréganseparaexpresaracausapolaquealgoocorreu. Aconxunciónmáiscomúnébecause.

He can’t come because his sister is ill.


The baby was hungry, so my mother gave him his food.



My school is in this village. It is next to the supermarket.

I went to the party with my friends. I had fun with them.

Cindy’s CDs are on the table. Those are her CDs.



We went to see a frightening film at the new cinema.