advanced social media for beer bloggers and writers

Advanced Social Media for Beer Bloggers

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Post on 15-Aug-2015



Social Media

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Advanced Social Media for Beer Bloggers

Many people and businesses now use social media to share stories, market and communicate. The reality of these social platforms like

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Google + is that they evolve and change continuously. New sites and apps are launching every year.

Are you sure you will be effective achieving your goals on social media?

Today we will discuss social media: ★ how to keep up with the industry

★ storytelling★ content strategy

★ tracking ★ social site tips and best practices

Keeping up with Social Media Tools

Facebook 71% of online adults use Facebook

58% of entire adult population

● Usage among seniors continues to increase. ● 56% of internet users over 65 now use Facebook,

up from 45% in late 2013 and 35% in late 2012. ● Women are somewhat more prevalent on

Facebook. ● The median number of Facebook friends is 155.

Typically a third of these Facebook friends are considered “actual” friends.

● 93% of Facebook users say they are friends with family members other than parents or children

● 91% say they are friends with current friends● 87% are connected to friends from the past● 58% are connected to work colleagues● 45% are Facebook friends with their parents● 43% are friends with their children on Facebook● 39% are connected to people they have never met

in person● 36% are Facebook friends with their neighbors

23% of adult Internet users19% of entire adult population

● 23% of online adults currently use Twitter, a statistically significant increase compared with the 18% in August 2013.

● Twitter is particularly popular among those under 50 and the college-educated.

● Since late 2013, the service has seen significant increases among a number of demographic groups: men, whites, those ages 65 and older, those who live in households with an annual household income of $50,000 or more, college graduates, and urbanites.


28% of adult internet users22% of entire adult population

● 28% of online adults use Pinterest, up from the 21% in August 2013.

● Women continue to dominate the site, as they did in 2013

● 42% of online women are Pinterest users, compared with just 13% of men (although men increased in usership from 8% in 2013).

● Pinterest remains popular among younger users, there was an increase between 2013 and 2014 in the proportion of those 50 and older.

● Other demographic groups saw a notable increase in usership including: whites, those living in the lowest- and highest-income households, those with at least some college experience, and suburban and rural residents.


28% of adult internet users23% of entire adult population

● 28% of online adults are LinkedIn users, up from 22% in August 2013.

● The site is particularly popular among college graduates, those in higher-income households and the employed (although the increase in usage by those who are not employed to 21% in 2014 from 12% in 2013 is notable).

● College graduates continue to dominate use of the site. 50% of them use LinkedIn.

● It is the only platform where those ages 30-64 are more likely to be users than those ages 18-29.


26% of adult Internet users21% of entire adult population

● 26% of online adults use Instagram, up from 17% in late 2013.

● Almost every demographic group saw a significant increase in the proportion of users.

● Most notably, 53% of young adults ages 18-29 now use the service, compared with 37% in 2013.

● Women are particularly likely to be on Instagram, along with Hispanics and African-Americans, and those who live in urban and suburban environments.


● YouTube has more than 1 billion users● Every day, people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and

generate billions of views● The number of hours people are watching on YouTube each month is up 50%

year on year● 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute● YouTube is localised in 75 countries and available in 61 languages● Half of YouTube views are on mobile devices

Investing in YT Creators

Opened YouTube Spaces in Los Angeles, Tokyo, London, New York and Sao Paulo, so far bringing in 60k+ people who’ve created over 6,500 videos that have generated more than 50 million hours of watch time, the equivalent of more than 5,700 yearsLaunched multimedia promotional campaigns highlighting top creators on YouTube in 7 countries around the world, increasing awareness for those featured by up to 4x.


Online Tools: Social Media Facebook - great when you want to reach the masses and wider demographics

Twitter - very useful when you want to establish your business, organization or self as an expert and you are producing content regularly, it also helps you connect with journalists, reporters, and other media outlets

Pinterest - helps to promote products you offer or create and is beneficial if you work in an industry that is very visual

LinkedIn - builds business to business (B2B) connections and helps employers and job-seekers

Instagram - provides a socially accessible portfolio of visuals and real time images of events and activities, it also increases brand recognition

Youtube - allows individuals to build a channel and share video content quickly and easily across the web, as well as create playlists of music and video content, second largest search engine, owned by Google

Google+ - increases exposure for links shared, creates a strong professional profile for Google, and is often more effective for people with strong Google/Gmail networks, local listings can be verified and managed here.

Stories have been told by humans for thousands of years. It is a natural, human thing to do!

Social media is no different than sitting around the campfire and sharing with others except sometimes your campfire can host a VERY LARGE # of people from many different places at once and it happens online.

1. What story are you telling? 2. Who are you telling the story to? 3. How many different ways can the story be told? 4. What channels will you use to share your story? 5. Why does sharing the story matter?

Social Media is about Sharing and Community

The 30/30/30 Rule of Content Development




Talk about and share your services, products, expertise, success stories, authority, and competitive edge.

Talk about and share relevant stories, content, and visual graphics and videos created by partners, affiliates, industry leaders, media, and other organizations and businesses that share your target audiences.

Have no sales, marketing, advertising, or customer service agenda - simply be HUMAN. Inspire, connect, live, dream, motivate, laugh, entertain.

Different Types of Stories

The “Story of


The “Story of


The “Story of


What desires motivate you? What experiences inspired you to work in your field or pursue your line of work. What values do you have as a professional and why? Where did those values originate from? What lead you to this moment?

Are you part of a community or team that shares your values? How do you work together towards a common goal? How can others work with you? What kind of experiences challenges, and resources do you all share?

Is there an urgent challenge to face that is calling you and your team or community to action? What path will you take to achieve your goals? What can people do in the moment? What will the outcome be if people act now?

Create an Editorial Calendar It is essential that you create a schedule so you make the time to work on social media each week. If you are writing a blog how often are you doing it? When do you write and when do you upload? If you are managing Facebook can you post everyday? What time is the best time for your network? Are there events, products, services, projects you want to promote? If so when are they happening? What about other sites like Twitter or Pinterest.

Create a Content Bank Create a document or spreadsheet where you can store and save links, ideas, articles, blog posts, website content, and more. You can also store and share graphics, videos, and more

Repurpose content of all kinds on multiple channels. Use any relevant content from the past to create tweets, updates, posts, etc. Use text,

images, and videos.

Organize a Consistent Schedule

Social Media Strategy and Planning Goal Setting is Essential

1. What specific goals do you have for each individual social media account? How will they affect your business overall?

2. How much growth do you want to see for your network in the future?

3. What is the relationship between your website and your social media presence?

4. Do you want to drive people to an actual location?

5. Do you realistically have the time you need or the manpower to achieve your goals or do you need to consider adding to your team?

Social Media Strategy and Planning Tracking, Reporting & Evaluation are KEY

Use the tracking tools that are most logical based on your goals and plan. Here are some examples:

Google Analytics/Social - login to your Google analytics to access your “Social Analytics”, more information on setup and integration for your website here: Insights - simply log-in to your page and click “Insights” from the tabs across the topTwitter Analytics - log into using your Twitter username and passwordPinterest Analytics - first verify your website which shows that your company is the official owner of the account then gain access to your analytics, instructions here:

Instagram Analytics - available through Iconosquare

LinkedIn Company Page Stats - view analytical data and explore the Analytics tabTumblr Analytics - NUMBLRYoutube Analytics -

Google Analytics - Social Overview

Google Analytics - Social Referrals

Google Analytics - Social Landing Pages

Google Analytics - Social User Flow

Google Analytics - Conversions, Goals, & Ecommerce

Learn more about Google Analytics

Set Up Google Analytics

Set Up Google Analytics Goals to Track Conversions

Set Up Google Webmaster Tools Search Console and Verify Your Site

★ Use the Facebook Scheduler and programs like Hootsuite or TweetDeck, BufferApp, SproutSocial, or OnlyWire to schedule multiple posts all at once.

★ Have organized images, graphics, and photos easily accessible.

★ On Twitter and Instagram learn the shorthand. Research and use hashtags on Twitter, as well as,,,, and These tools allow you to research hashtags by topic and location.

Tips & Best Practices

★ Create featured content that can repeat every week like the “tip of the week” or “highlight of the week”.

★ Consider creating videos. Youtube is a great tool for SM and SEO. Also 2 of the hottest new SM apps are SnapChat and Vine, both video based.

★ Don’t just have SM icons. Have the clickable Like, Follow, Pin It, Google+ etc so they can join your SM networks, but stay on your site.

★ Add share buttons to your website. Use plugins, modules or sites like AddThis.

Tips & Best Practices

Pay Attention to Your Network

Think with Google

Google Trends

Google Alerts

Review Google’s “related searches”, use’s free keyword tool, or use the

Google Adwords Keyword Planner

(Adwords requires you sign up and add your credit card, but you can turn the campaigns off and use the tools for free.)

Social Media is about Listening

Most Importantly...

Thank you for being here!

Sarah Benoit [email protected] (828) 242-0277