advanced speech application tuning t opics

Advanced Speech Application Tuning Topics Yves Normandin, Nu Echo yves.normandin@nuech SpeechTEK University August 2009

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Advanced Speech Application Tuning T opics. Yves Normandin, Nu Echo [email protected] SpeechTEK University August 2009. Fundamental principles. Tuning is a data driven process It should be done on representative samples of user utterances You can only tune what you can measure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Advanced Speech Application Tuning Topics

Yves Normandin, Nu [email protected]

SpeechTEK UniversityAugust 2009

Fundamental principles

Tuning is a data driven process– It should be done on representative samples of user

utterances You can only tune what you can measure

– And you must measure the right things Tuning can be quite time-consuming, so it’s important to

have efficient ways to:– Quickly identify where the significant problems are– Find and implement effective optimizations– Measure impact of changes

Activities in a tuning process

Produce application performance reports Call analysis Tuning corpus creation & transcription Benchmark setup + produce baseline results Grammar / dictionary / confidence feature tuning Confidence threshold determination Application changes (if required) Integration of tuning results in application Tests

Call analysis

Goal: Analyze complete calls in order to identify and quantify problems with the application– Focus is on detecting problems that won’t be obvious from

isolated utterances, e.g., usability, confusion, latency– This is the first thing that should be done after a deployment

For this, we need a call viewing tool that allows– Selecting calls that meet certain criteria (failures, etc.)– Stepping through a dialog

• Listening to a user utterance• Seeing the recognition result

– Annotating calls (to classify and quantify problems observed)

About call analysis

Only using utterances recorded by the engine doesn’t provide a complete picture– We don’t hear everything the caller said– Often difficult to interpret why the caller spoke in a certain

was (e.g., why was there a restart?) Having the ability to do full call recordings makes it

possible to get key missing information and better understand user behavior

An interesting trick is to ask questions to callers in order to understand their behavior

Tuning corpus creation

Build a tuning corpus for each relevant recognition context

For each utterance, the corpus should contain:– The waveform logged by the recognition engine– The active grammars when the utterance was collected– The recognition result obtained in the field

• Useful to provide an initial transcription• Allows comparing field results with lab results

– Utterance attributes, e.g.,• Interaction ID (“initial”, “reprompt-noinput”, “reprompt-nomatch”, etc.)• Date, language, etc.

Corpus transcription

Our tuning process assumes that accurate orthographic transcriptions are available for all utterances– Transcriptions are used to compute reference semantic

interpretations• The “reference semantic interpretation” is the semantic interpretation

corresponding to the transcription• It is produced automatically by parsing the transcription with the


– This needs to be done manually– Recognition result can be used as pre-transcription

Benchmark setup + Produce baseline performance results

There are several goals to this phase:– Obtain a stable ING/OOG classification for all utterances– Produce a reference semantic interpretation for all ING

utterances– Clean up grammars, if required– Produce a first baseline result

This can be a significant effort, but:– Effective tools make this fairly efficient– It doesn’t require highly skilled resources

High-level grammar tuning process

Scoring recognition results:Basic definitions

Symbol Name DescriptionA Accepted Confidence feature above

confidence thresholdR Rejected Not acceptedC Correct Recognition result is “correct” (see

comment)I Incorrect Recognition result is incorrecting In-grammar Utterance is in-grammaroog Out-of-grammar Utterance is out-of-grammar


We use the term “confidence feature” to designate any score that can be used to evaluate confidence in a recognition result– We often compute confidence scores that provide much better results

than those provided by the recognition engine confidence score. The terms “accept” and “reject” mean that the confidence feature

is above or below the threshold being considered The definition of “correct” should be configurable, e.g.,

– Semantic scoring vs. word-based scoring– 1-best vs. N-best scoring

Scoring recognition results:Sufficient statistics

Symbol Name DescriptionAC Accepted

CorrectUtterances that are both accepted and correct

AI Accepted Incorrect

Utterances that are both accepted and incorrect

RC Rejected Correct Utterances that are both rejected and correct

RI Rejected Incorrect

Utterances that are both rejected and incorrect

Roog Rejected out-of-grammar

Rejected out-of-grammar utterances

Aoog Accepted out-of-grammar

Accepted out-of-grammar utterances

Equivalence with commonly used symbols

Common symbol Common name EquivalenceCA-in Correct accept in-


FA-in False accept in-grammar


FR-in False reject in-grammar RC + RI

CR-out Correct reject Roog

FA-out False accept out-of-grammar


All metrics can be calculated based on these sufficient statistics

All metrics clearly defined so that there is no ambiguity

Any metrics can be calculated based on the sufficient

statisticsKey metrics:

Metric Formula Description

Correct accept rate AC/ing

Percentage of in-grammar utterances that are accepted and correct

False accept rate (AI+Aoog)/all Percentage of utterances that are

accepted and incorrectFalse

accept rate (AI+Aoog)/A Percentage of accepted utterances that are incorrect

Includes both incorrect recognitions and OOG utterances

Fundamental performance plot:Correct Accept vs. False Accept

High Threshold

Low Threshold

False Accept rate

Correct Accept rate

The graphical view makes improvements immediately visible

That’s a very effective way of

measuring progress

Problems with the basic tuning process

Missing reference semantic


• A big portion of transcriptions are not covered by the grammar

• Many should not be considered OOG

Definition of OOG (“out-of-grammar”)

• Based on the recognition grammar

• Impossible to get meaningful comparisons when the grammar is changed

Some reasons why transcriptions are not covered

Utterances with no possible interpretation

• Impossible to extract a meaning that’s relevant to the application• Therefore, no reference semantic interpretation

Unsupported formulations

• The utterance has a clear semantic interpretation, but…• has strange formulations, repeats, false starts, extraneous speech, etc.

Grammar-transcription mismatches

• Transcription errors• Spelling differences (e.g., for names)

Examples (birth date grammar)

Type Examples

No possible interpretation

the sixth ofni nineteen seventy one zero two the day fourteeni no understand that's my friend he gonna talk to

you please

Unsupported formulations

the fifth fifth month fourth day of forty sixmarch eleven six oneof ju thirty four nineteen thirty four six of juneja january twentieth nineteen forty six

What to do about such utterances?

We certainly can’t ignore them– They’re represent the reality of what users actually say– The application has to deal with that

We can’t just assume they should be rejected by the application– Many of these are actually perfectly well recognized, often

with a high score• The “False Accept” rate becomes meaningless

– Many of them should be recognized We can’t score them because we have no reference


Our approach:“Human perceived ING/OOG”

Doesn’t depend on what the recognition grammar actually covers– Makes results comparisons meaningful since we always have

the same sets of ING and OOG utterances Provides accurate and realistic performance metrics

– CA measured on all valid user utterances– Reliable FA measurement for precise high threshold setting

A transcription is considered ING (valid) if a human can easily interpret it;

It is OOG otherwise

Challenge: Computing the reference semantic


Use reference grammar distinct from recognition grammar

• Can have extensive coverage since this has no impact on recognition accuracy

• Recognition grammar can be developed by pruning the reference grammar

Transcription transformations• Transform

transcriptions so that can be parsed by the reference grammar

• Transformation framework :• pattern replacement• substitutions• paraphrases

Two techniques:

Sample regex transformations:Remove “as in” in postal codes

Sample regex transformations:Remove repetition of first letter

Repetition of first letter

Focus on high confidence OOG utterancesWe want to avoid utterances

incorrectly classified as false accepts

Transcription error (should be “one”)

Tool to add paraphrases

Aligns paraphrase

with transcription

Shows if the paraphrase is in-grammar

A paraphrase replaces a transcription by another one with

same meaning that parses

Postal code example

The advantage of supporting certain repeats, corrections, and the form “m as in mary” is clearly


Postal code exampleImpact of adding support for “p as in peter”

Comments on the transformations-based approach

Advantages– Not dependant on a specific semantic representation– The transformation framework makes this very efficient

• Single rules can deal with dozens of utterances

Problems– For really “natural language utterances”, transformed

transcriptions end up bearing little resemblance to the original one

– Better to use semantic tagging in this case

Note: The reference grammar is often a good starting point for the recognition grammar

High-level grammar tuning process (revisited)

Transcribe utterances

Grammars / dictionaries

Modify grammars / dictionaries

Generate semantic reference

Perform speech recognition

Field utterances

Score results

Identify improvements


Semantic references

Recognition results

Reference grammars

Modify reference grammars


Add transformations

(1) Benchmark setup

(2) Tuning

Key advantage: Meaningful performance comparisons

Scoring done only on address slots

Same set of ING and OOG utterances in both cases, despite significant grammar changes ensures that comparisons are meaningful

Address grammar that supports

apartment numbers

Address grammar that doesn’t

Key advantage: Better tuned applications

With transformationsThreshold = 0.63CA = 83.0%

WithoutThreshold = 0.85CA = 78.4%

0.5% FA

Other advantages

Lab results truly represent field performance– Better confidence in the results obtained– Little surprises when applications are deployed

Techniques to identify problems

Fundamental techniques

Listen to problem utterances– This includes incorrectly recognized utterances AND correctly recognized

utterances with a low score– This cannot be emphasized enough

Identify the largest sources of errors– Frequent substitutions– Words with high error rate– Slot values with high error rate

Look at frequency patterns in the data Analyze specific semantic slots

– Certain slots cause more problems than others Compare experiments

Substitutions / word errors

Are there words with unusually high error rates?

Then examine all sentences with a specific substitution(using a substitution filter)In this case:

a eight

Slot-specific scoring

Day slot

Month slot

Are there semantic slots that perform unusually badly?

Tags and Tag Reports

In Atelier, we can use tags to create partitions based on any utterance attribute– Semantic interpretation patterns in the transcription or the recognition

result– ING / OOG– Index of correct result in the N-best list– Scoring category– Confidence score ranges

Tags can be used to filter the utterances in powerful ways Tag reports are used to compute selected metrics for any

partition of the utterances

Use tag reports to find out where the biggest problems

areSort based on correct accept


Semantic tags

Filter utterances in order to focus on specific problem

casesThe “saint-leonard” borough has a high error rate. Let’s look at these utterances

Looking at semantic substitutions

What are the most frequent substitutions with “saint-leonard”?

Comparing experiments

This precisely shows the impact of a change on an utterance per utterance basis

Can choose which fields to consider for comparison purposes

Computing grammar weights for diagnostic purposes

public $date = ($intro | $NULL) ( $month {month=month.month} (the|$NULL) $dayOfMonth {} |

$monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} (the|$NULL) $dayOfMonth {} |

(the|$NULL) $dayOfMonthThirteenAndOver {} $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} |

(the|$NULL) $dayOfMonthThirteenAndOver {} of the $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} |

(the|$NULL) $dayOfMonth {} $month {month=month.month} | (the|$NULL) $dayOfMonth {} of $month {month=month.month} ) $year {year=year.year};

There are many ways of saying a birth date. Which ones are worth covering?

Computing grammar weights for diagnostic purposes

public $date = ($intro | $NULL) ( $month {month=month.month} (the|$NULL) $dayOfMonth {} |

$monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} (the|$NULL) $dayOfMonth {} |

(the|$NULL) $dayOfMonthThirteenAndOver {} $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} |

(the|$NULL) $dayOfMonthThirteenAndOver {} of the $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} |

(the|$NULL) $dayOfMonth {} $month {month=month.month} |

(the|$NULL) $dayOfMonth {} of $month {month=month.month} ) $year {year=year.year};

January the sixteenth eighty

zero one sixteen eighty

sixteen zero one eighty

sixteen of the zero one eighty

sixteen January eighty

the sixteenth of January eighty

Compute frequency weights based on transcriptions

public $date = (/0.00001/ $intro | /1/ $NULL) ( /0.9636/ $month {month=month.month} (/0.06352/ the | /0.9365/ $NULL) $dayOfMonth {} |

/0.001654/ $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} (/0.00001/ the | /1/ $NULL) $dayOfMonth {} |

/0.004962/ (/0.00001/ the | /1/ $NULL) $dayOfMonthThirteenAndOver {} $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} |

/0.0008271/ (/1/ the | /0.00001/ $NULL) $dayOfMonthThirteenAndOver {} of the $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} |

/0.012406/ (/0.00001/ the | /1/ $NULL) $dayOfMonth {} $month {month=month.month} |

/0.01654/ (/0.25/ the | /0.75/ $NULL) $dayOfMonth {} of $month {month=month.month} ) $year {year=year.year};

Weight means probability of using alternative

Discriminative grammar weights based on recognition

resultspublic $date = (/-110.743109/ $intro | /110.7751/ $NULL) ( /291.1/ $month {month=month.month} (/-104.318/ the | /395.418/ $NULL) $dayOfMonth {} |

/-265.0/ $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} (/-75.4683/ the | /-189.53/ $NULL) $dayOfMonth {} |

/-16.85/ (/-17.085/ the | /0.2347/ $NULL) $dayOfMonthThirteenAndOver {} $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} |

/0.000035/ (/0.000035/ the | /0/ $NULL) $dayOfMonthThirteenAndOver {} of the $monthNumeric {month=monthNumeric.month} |

/-21.16/ (/-10.058/ the | /-11.01/ $NULL) $dayOfMonth {} $month {month=month.month} |

/11.94/ (/-2.211/ the | /14.15/ $NULL) $dayOfMonth {} of $month {month=month.month} ) $year year=year.year};

Positive: Alternative should be favored

Negative: Alternative should be disfavored

Looking at utterance distribution statistics: Address

date grammar

Note that 20 (“vingt”) has

lowest recognition rate

People move more on the first

of the month

What are the substitutions for 20 (“vingt”, in French)?

Statistics for the month reflect when the data was collected

Result-specific post-processing

Results-specific post-processing

Many recognition contexts are a combination of very different things– A complex grammar in parallel with a command grammar– A date grammar containing actual dates (“july first 2009”) and

relative dates (“immediately”) These often behave very differently

– Recognition rates– Confidence scores– Tendency to match OOG

Example: Apartment number grammar + “no apartment”“no apartment”

Apartment number


Remarks on results-specific analysis

Results-specific analysis requires looking at the results from two perspectives:

– What was spoken (this is the user’s perspective)

– What was recognized (this is the application’s perspective)

Spoken Z

OOG utterances

Spoken X

Recognized X

Spoken Y

Setting threshold so thatFA < 0.5%

“no apartment”: Threshold = 0.0

(AC/ing = 98.5%)

Apartment number:

Threshold = 0.98 (AC/ing = 43%)

Combined: Threshold = 0.91 (AC/ing = 87%)

Basic post-processing algorithm

Basic post-processing algorithm

Tuning has to assume certain capabilities from the dialog

The current discussion will be based on the use of the “Basic post-processing algorithm”:– The recognition result is processed using an ordered set of

“post-processors”• Default is a single, “match-all” post-processor

– The first post-processor that “matches” the recognition result is the one that “handles” the recognition result • Normally, matching is done with the top recognition hypothesis

– If no post-processor matches the result, it is considered a “no-match”

Basic post-processing algorithm

A post-processor is defined by:– A semantic pattern matcher

• Matches semantic patterns in the recognition result• Normally the top hypothesis in N-best list

– A confidence feature– A set of N confidence thresholds (normally 1 or 2)

• These define N+1 confidence zones

– A set of N+1 dialog decisions• One for each confidence zone• Defines what to do next

Thresholds can vary based on interaction count

Apartment grammar with special post-processor for “no


Semantic pattern matcher

Confidence feature

Confidence thresholds

Simple three-choice menu (single accept/reject threshold)

Techniques to improve performance

Fundamental techniques

Improve grammar coverage Improve phonetic pronunciations Add grammar weights Add grammar decoys Optimize confidence thresholds

Tuning phonetic pronunciations

Certainly one of the most effective ways to improve accuracy (as we all know)– Compound words, unusual names, under-articulated words,

etc. Enhancing large vocabulary phonetic dictionaries

– Our approach:• Rich baseform phonetic dictionary• Rules-based engine to transform pronunciations and add new ones

– Advantages:• Systematic and consistent application of rules• Easy to measure the impact of each rule• Rules used can be adapted to specific context (e.g., isolated names)

Tuning phonetic pronunciations

Baseform pronunciations

OSR system dictionary

Dictionary generated with

latest rules

Sample rules (French)

Release of /i/– In a closed syllable, /i/ can become /e/– Example: Gilles /Z i l/ → [Z i l] or [Z e l]

Semi-vowel treatment– When /i/ is followed by a vowel, insert a /j/ between /i/ and the

vowel OR do nothing OR insert a /j/ and then remove /i/.– Example: Dion /d i o~/ → [d i o~] or [d i j o~] or [d j o~]

End schwa insertion– When a word ends by a graphic "e", add /@/ if the word’s last

phonetic symbol is a consonant OR do nothing– Example: Houde /u d/ → [u d] or [u d @]

Using decoys to improve OOG robustness

Repeat + decoy (FA=0.5%)Threshold = 0.79

CA = 92.5%

Repeat (FA=0.5%)Threshold = 0.95

CA = 83.0%

Impact of decoys

Values Threshold AC/ing (AI+Aoog)/allcancel 0.96 89.65% 0.47%repeat 0.94 85.60% 0.60%validate 0.74 98.16% 0.78%

Values Threshold AC/ing (AI+Aoog)/allcancel 0.39 94.28% 0.28%repeat 0.57 94.64% 0.56%validate 0.30 98.76% 0.48%

Without decoys

With decoys

Enhanced confidence features (OSR 3.0 – apartments)

Enhanced confidence feature trained on field data

Impact of enhanced confidence features

6% improvement in correct accept rate at 0.5% FA

• Fewer confirmations• Improved success rate• Better user experience

Enhanced confidence features (Nuance 8.5 - boroughs)

It’s always possible to get better confidence scores – often very


Other reasons to use enhanced confidence scores

For certain tasks, the confidence scores produced by the engine are plain bad– On French postal codes with OSR 3, 20% of utterances have

a score of 0.01 (many of which are good) Need specialized confidence scores Need to re-compute confidence scores after post-

processing a recognition result

When to propose another choice from the N-best list?

In some situations, after a no-to-confirm, it may be a good idea to propose the second choice from the N-best list

That depends on many factors, including– The a priori probability that the utterance was OOG– Our ability to evaluate whether the second choice is correct– How correct results are distributed in the N-best list

When to propose another choice?

Initial utterance distribution

(date grammar)

Utterance distribution after excluding correct

top-1 results

The confidence feature is important

Here we compare using the confidence score of the first and second hypothesis

20% probability of proposing an incorrect result

Looking at utterances is also important

Second choice has better chance to be

correct when the first result is a date

(<day,month> or <day,month,year>)

Restricting to <day,month> or <day,month,year>

7.5% probability of proposing an incorrect result

Setting confidence thresholds: Confidence zones



High threshold

Low threshold

Low confidence zone

High confidence zone

Medium confidence zone

Setting confidence thresholds

Thresholds can have a large impact on success rate and user experience

So, how can we determine the “optimal” thresholds?– Optimal thresholds are those that optimize key dialog

performance metrics

Threshold Too high Too lowHigh Too many

confirmationsFA rate too high

Low Some people will never get recognized

Too many false confirmations

How can we measure the performance of a dialog?

One approach is to have a cost function based on a dialog outcome and what happened in the dialog

Dialog outcomes:– Success: The dialog has successfully completed with the

correct result– Failure: The dialog has successfully completed, but with an

incorrect result– Max-error: The dialog was aborted before being completed

(e.g., max errors)

Dialog performance

The total performance of a dialog can be calculated using:

Where:– path is a path in the dialog graph, with:– cost(path) the path’s cost

Sample costs:– Failure: 10– Max-error: 1– Each interaction: 0.4

Dialog simulations

Finding the impacts of thresholds even in simple dialogs can get quite complex

What we’re trying to do with dialog simulations is find the optimal dialog parameters based on performance statistics computed from field utterances

Dialog simulations



yesno confirm


Can select different statistics based on interaction count

Probability of “yes”, “no”, “OOG” configurable based

on whether response is correct or not

Can model “user consistency”

Uses recognition statistics computed on confirmation utterances

How performance changes between interactions

Apartment utterances

First interaction

Other interactions

How performance changes between interactions

Boroughs routing application

Note that data distribution may also change significantly between interactions, sometimes even suggesting grammar changes

Simulation tool(date dialog)Dialog parameters

Every path through the dialog

Path probability

Path outcome

Dialog performance metrics

Dialog path details

Sample simulation results

Simulations make it easier to understand the impact of dialog parameters

Sometimes the results can be quite surprising





Mean interaction


Untuned 95.30% 2.40% 1.16 -0.727Tuned 96.10% 0.40% 1.26 -0.577

Another example:Borough routing application

Constraint: 2 interactions maximum

Objective: Maximize success rate Simulation tool allowed us to find optimal threshold






Other issues

Testing that the tuning results have been correctly integrated in the application

Comparing lab results with field results


For tuning to be effective, lab results must accurately predict field performance– Representative utterances– Meaningful metrics– Careful management of OOG utterances– System parameters

With lots of data to analyze, it’s critical to have tools to rapidly identify where the big problems are

Several small optimizations can add up to big gains– Enhanced confidence score, results-specific post-processing,

pronunciation tuning, grammar decoys, grammar weights, grammar coverage optimization, threshold tuning, etc.