advanced sql(database)

Lecture 8: Advanced SQL ISOM3260, Spring 2014

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  • 1. Lecture 8: Advanced SQL ISOM3260, Spring 2014

2. 2 Where we are now Database environment Introduction to database Database development process steps to develop a database Conceptual data modeling entity-relationship (ER) diagram; enhanced ER Logical database design transforming ER diagram into relations; normalization Physical database design technical specifications of the database Database implementation Structured Query Language (SQL), Advanced SQL Advanced topics data and database administration 3. 3 Database development activities during SDLC 4. 4 Advanced SQL Joins Subqueries Ensuring Transaction Integrity 5. 5 Processing Multiple Tables Joins Join a relational operation that causes two or more tables with a common domain to be combined into a single table or view the common columns in joined tables are usually the primary key of the dominant table and the foreign key of the dependent table Equi-join a join in which the joining condition is based on equality between values in the common columns; common columns appear redundantly in the result table Natural join an equi-join in which one of the duplicate columns is eliminated in the result table Outer join a join in which rows that do not have matching values in common columns are nevertheless included in the result table (as opposed to inner join, in which rows must have matching values in order to appear in the result table) Union join includes all columns from each table in the join, and an instance for each row of each table 6. 6 Figure 7-1: Sample Pine Valley Furniture data Customer_T Order_T Order_Line_T Product_T 7. 7 Example: Equi-join based on equality between values in the common columns If WHERE clause is omitted, the query will return all combinations of customers and orders (10 orders * 15 customers=150 rows). 8. 8 same as equi-join except that one of the duplicate columns is eliminated in the result table most commonly used form of join operation For each customer who has placed an order, what is the customers name and order number? SELECT Customer_T.Customer_ID, Customer_Name, Order_ID FROM Customer_T, Order_T WHERE Customer_T.Customer_ID = Order_T.Customer_ID Join involves multiple tables in FROM clause Example: Natural Join WHERE clause performs the equality check for common columns of the two tables It must be specified from which table the DBMS should pick Customer_ID 9. 9 Different syntax with same outcome SELECT Customer_T.Customer_ID,Customer_Name,Order_ID FROM Customer_T INNER JOIN Order_T ON Customer_T.Customer_ID = Order_T.Customer_ID; SELECT Customer_T.Customer_ID,Customer_Name,Order_ID FROM Customer_T NATURAL JOIN Order_T ON Customer_T.Customer_ID = Order_T.Customer_ID; Example: Natural Join 10. 10 row in one table does not have a matching row in the other table null values appear in columns where there is no match between tables List customer name, ID number, and order number for all customers. Include customer information even for customers that do not have an order. SELECT Customer_T.Customer_ID, Customer_Name, Order_ID FROM Customer_T LEFT OUTER JOIN Order_T ON Customer_T.Customer_ID = Order_T.Customer_ID; Example: Outer Join LEFT OUTER JOIN syntax will cause customer data to appear even if there is no corresponding order data 11. 11 Example: Outer Join 12. 12 The results table will contain all of the columns from each table and will contain an instance for each row of data included from each table. Example: Customer_T has 15 customers and 6 attributes Order_T has 10 orders and 3 attributes Result Table 25 rows and 9 columns each customer row will contain 3 attributes with assigned null values each order row will contain 6 attributes with assigned null values Example: Union Join 13. 13 Query: Assemble all information necessary to create an invoice for order number 1006. SELECT Customer_T.Customer_ID, Customer_Name, Customer_Address, City, State, Postal_Code, Order_T.Order_ID, Order_Date, Quantity, Product_Name, Unit_Price, (Quantity * Unit_Prrice) FROM Customer_T, Order_T, Order_Line_T, Product_T WHERE Customer_T.Customer_ID = Order_T.Customer_ID AND Order_T.Order_ID = Order_Line_T.Order_ID AND Order_Line_T.Product_ID = Product_T.Product_ID AND Order_T.Order_ID = 1006; Four tables involved in this join Example: Multiple Join of Four Tables Each pair of tables requires an equality-check condition in the WHERE clause, matching primary keys against foreign keys 14. 14 From CUSTOMER_T table From ORDER_T table From PRODUCT_T table From ORDER_LINE_T table Expression Figure 7-4: Results from a four-table join 15. 15 Subqueries Subquery placing an inner query (SELECT statement) inside an outer query result table display data from the table in the outer query only Options: In a condition of the WHERE clause As a table of the FROM clause Within the HAVING clause Subqueries can be: Noncorrelated execute inner query once for the entire outer query Correlated execute inner query once for each row returned by the outer query 16. 16 Example 1: Subqueries Two equivalent queries one using a join one using a subquery 17. 17 Which customers have placed orders? SELECT Customer_Name FROM Customer_T WHERE Customer_ID IN (SELECT DISTINCT Customer_ID FROM Order_T); Example 2: Subquery Subquery is embedded in parentheses. In this case it returns a list that will be used in the WHERE clause of the outer query The IN operator will test to see if the Customer_ID value of a row is included in the list returned from the subquery 18. 18 Figure 7-8(a): Processing a noncorrelated subquery No reference to data in outer query, so subquery executes once only 19. 19 Example 3: Subquery The qualifier NOT may be used in front of IN; while ANY and ALL with logical operators such as =, >, and AVGPRICE; Example 6: Subquery as Derived Table The WHERE clause normally cannot include aggregate functions, but because the aggregate is performed in the subquery, its result can be used in the outer querys WHERE clause One column of the subquery is an aggregate function that has an alias name. That alias can then be referred to in the outer query Subquery forms the derived table used in the FROM clause of the outer query 25. 25 Ensuring Transaction Integrity Transaction a discrete unit of work that must be completely processed or not processed at all may involve multiple DML commands INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE if any command fails, then all other changes must be cancelled SQL commands for transactions BEGIN TRANSACTION/END TRANSACTION marks boundaries of a transaction COMMIT makes all changes permanent ROLLBACK cancels changes since the last COMMIT 26. 26 Figure 7-12: An SQL Transaction sequence (in pseudocode) 27. 27 Review Questions What are the 4 types of join? What are subqueries? What is a correlated subquery? What is a noncorrelated subquery? What is a transaction?