adventure in wonderland

Adventure in Wonderland Angela LoManto Start

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Post on 27-May-2017




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Adventures in Wonderland

Adventure in WonderlandAngela LoMantoStart

Your sister is reading an extremely boring book about god knows what, and all you can do is think about being anywhere else. All of a sudden you spot a White Rabbit checking his watch, mumbling, and scurrying away. Stay where you are.Follow him.

You listen to your sister read about William I of England for two more hours and nothing remotely exciting happens in your life.The End

You chase after White Rabbit while he checks his golden pocket watch and frantically wails that hes late for an important date. You follow him straight to a rabbit hole. He hops in.Take a closer look.Turn around.

As you curiously crawl in to see where White Rabbit went, the hole suddenly drops into what seems a never-ending slide into darkness. When you finally hit the ground, youre in a dimly lit hallway. You see the White Rabbit disappear around the corner and follow behind. All that you see is a tiny door, and the talking knob yelps when you try to turn it. He advises you to alter your size. There is a table with a small bottle on it and next to the bottle is a key. You pick up the bottle and its labeled DRINK ME.Drink.Grab the key.

You chug the bottle and abruptly shrink down to just the right size of the door. The knob begins to chuckle. I forgot to tell you, he laughs, Im locked! Unfortunately, its true and youre too tiny to reach the key on the table. A box appears and inside are Eat Me, Take Me, and Try Me cookies. Whatever will you do?Eat a cookie.

You grab the key, and open the small door. You peak in and theres a beautiful garden. You want to go explore, but the door is much too small for you to fit. You wonder whats in the bottle. Drink the bottle.

This cookie is delicious! Without warning, you spurt up growing ten times in size. Your head bangs on the ceiling as your body fills up the room. Frustrated, you begin to cry and giant tears splash onto the floor. The more you cry the deeper your pool of tears become. The doorknob shouts at you before hes submerged under. The bottle! he cries. You stop crying, take a sip, and next thing you know you shrink and fall right into the bottle. You and the bottle float perfectly through the knobs keyhole and into Wonderland.


Goodness! It tastes like cherry tart! You unexpectedly shrink down to the just the right size where you can fit through the already unlocked door. You open the door to the beautiful forest of Wonderland.


This is the most magnificent place you have ever seen! You see thousands of plants in thousands of colors. Birds are chirping and cute little animals are roaming about. Among all the colors and sounds, you spot White Rabbit! He still appears flustered, runs up to you an yells, What are you doing out here, Mary Ann?! Mary Ann? you say confused. He orders you to get his gloves at once, hes late for an important date. Go to White Rabbits house.Continue through the forest.

Youre not taking orders from a hare. You tell White Rabbit you dont know what hes talking about and decide to keep on going.

Continue through the forest.


Although annoyed that youre taking orders from a hare, you enter into his small cottage. While inside, you take a look around wondering where you would keep your gloves if you were a rabbit. You take a peak in the drawers of a nightstand and there they area pair of silky white gloves. But as you close the drawer, you see a jar full of cookiesthe same Eat Me, Take Me, and Try Me cookies from before. Your stomach growls, and you think of how tasty the last one was. Do you give in to your hunger?

Eat cookie.Fetch gloves.

You decide to scoff down the cookie. Once again, you begin to grow. But White Rabbits cottage isnt as big as the first hallway. You grow so large that you get stuck inside the house, your arms and legs sticking out of the windows and doors. You try to pull yourself out, but you are much too big. Horrified, White Rabbit begins to panic and shout, HELP! Monster! Animals gather outside the house and threw pebbles at you. In an attempt to get rid of her, a Dodo lights the house on fire. You being to panic and wake up. Wonderland was only a horrible dream. Back to listening to your sister babble.The End

You dont let your curiosity get the best of youthis time. You grab the gloves and return them back to White Rabbit. He thanks you and shows you the path through the forest to get to the garden of the Queen of Hearts.

Continue through the forest.

As you stroll through the woods, youre worried you have wandered off the right path. You hear music nearby and someone singing melodiously. Puffs of colorful smoke are seeping through the plants and shrubs. You come across a hookah-smoking Caterpillar sitting on a mushroom. He looks at you with one eye open. The blue Caterpillar is blatantly rude and nasty as you both talk. Although he is rather offensive, he lives here and seems knowledgeable. He has no social etiquette and starts to aggravate you. You try to keep your cool.

Tell him off.Seek advice.

Arabian music15

Enraged, you lose your temper and tell him that you wont let a 3-inch caterpillar talk to you this way. Caterpillar explodes in anger and begins to insult you. In the midst of his rage, Caterpillar morphs into a Butterfly. He sticks his tongue out at you and flies away in a furry. You remain lost in the forest without any direction to go. The End

You repress your hard feelings toward Caterpillar and remain polite. You being to explain how your size is always changing and that you arent sure how to control it. Caterpillar gives you valuable advice: he explains that one side of the mushroom will make you taller and the other side will make you shorter. Breaking off a piece from each side of the mushroom you thank Caterpillar and continue through the forest.


As you resume your journey, you see a purple-striped Cat grinning in a tree. You start to ask him a question and he disappears. You gasp when he reappears at your side. When you ask him about White Rabbit and the Queen, he confuses you with riddles, and eventually points you in the direction of the March Hares house. Close enough.Continue.

You reach the March Hares house just in time for a tea party. A long tea table is set up outside with teapots, cups, and desserts. You sit yourself at the table and are accompanied by the March Hare, the Hatter, and a sleepy Dormouse. The three seem rather mad and are celebrating their unbirthdays. You find out that Time is stuck at 6 oclockwhich happens to be teatimeall the time. You reckon that this is rather ridiculous.Stay and argue.This is a waste of time. Continue through the forest.

Fun music19

You stay at the Mad Tea Party and argue with the March Hare and Hatter. You attempt to answer their illogical riddles that have no answer. Eventually, you get stuck in Tea Time yourself. The End

You finally come across a beautiful garden of hedge mazes. You try to find your way through when you come across some giant playing cards who are painting white roses red. They explain to you that the Queen only prefers red. Around the corner, the Queen of Hearts storms in. With a few white roses still visible, she ferociously orders their beheading. After screaming and shouting, her short temper recedes when she spots you. She graciously asks you if you would like to play a game of croquet with her.Sure!No way!

The Queen is appalled. How dare you decline her invitation! Off with your head!The End

You begin to play croquet, which uses flamingos as mallets, hedgehogs as balls, and card soldiers as goals. The Queen is clearly cheating her way through the game. Cheshire Cat appears to help you and knocks the Queen over in his attempt. He disappears and it looks like you are the perpetrator. The Queen is enraged in anger and orders your beheading. Her notably short King husband suggests that you be put on trial.Testify.Run!

The Queens army of cards chase you as you sprint through the garden maze. You run as fast as you can, but as you take a glance back you see that the cards are catching up to you. Then, you remember the mushrooms are still in your pocket. Eat the mushroom.Keep running.

Her army of cards catches up to you. The guards seize you. Off with your head!The End

You tell the witnesseswho happen to be the March Hare, the Hatter, and the Dormousethat youre innocent. They each speak at the stand and make absolutely no sense. You suddenly remember that you still have the mushrooms in your pocket. Eat the mushroom.Defend yourself.

You try to defend yourself, but nobody listens to anything you say. The Queen demands your execution and its Off with your head!The End

You refuse to be intimidated. You scarf down the mushroom and grow bigger and bigger. You knock all of the cards down along with the Queen. Cheshire Cat appears telling you to wake up. In a daze, you find yourself in the meadow again with your sister. Shes still reading and didnt even notice you were gone! Or did that adventure in Wonderland even really happen? Theres no way that could have been a dream. Confused, you glance up in the tree and you see the Chershire Cats grin. But when you take a second look, its gone. Your sister gets up and announces that its 6 oclock and you need to return home for teatime. Live happily ever after.

Play againCredits

Original Story by Lewis CarrollBackground Image by imgarcadeDreamy Flashback by Unknown User

Dreamy FlashbackKevin MacLeodScoring: Wonder2008Soundtrack126620.055eng - iTunNORM 000002B6 0000011B 00003775 0000092E 000115C1 0001D978 00007ED6 000064F4 000115A7 00004668eng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 00000A01 000000000055276F 00000000 004D2706 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000Hidden AgendaKevin MacLeodRoyalty Free2012Soundtrack135048.0eng - iTunPGAP0eng - iTunNORM 00000083 00000106 000028E3 000027CA 00005550 0001D688 0000363C 00007B0F 0001AA48 0001ABF8eng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 000006F0 000000000062E080 00000000 00524F40 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000null8280.84 - iTunPGAP0eng - iTunNORM 000009E3 000009E3 00004B64 00004B64 00002CB1 00002CB1 0000659F 0000659F 00002C97 00002C97eng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 000006F0 0000000000093600 00000000 00069B6E 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000null27951.191null27951.191null8280.84null8280.84Monkeys Spinning MonkeysKevin MacLeodRoyalty Free2014Orchestra125078.68eng - iTunPGAP0eng - iTunNORM 000001D0 00000103 000098A9 00002A16 0001C7EB 0001ACFA 000072AA 000071CD 0001E1D6 0000824Eeng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 00000ABC 0000000000541D34 00000000 004C3635 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000null8280.84