adverb clause of condition


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Page 1: Adverb Clause of Condition

Adverb Clause of Condition

1. Whether or not

Whether or not expresses the idea that neither this condition nor that condition matters

the result will be the same.

Example :

I am going to go jogging tomorrow whether or not it is cold. Or

I am going to go jogging tomorrow whether it is cold or not.

2. Even if

Sentences with even if are close in meaning to those with whether or not. Even if gives

the idea that a particular condition does not matter. The result will not change.

Example :

I have decided to go jogging tomorrow. Even if the weather is cold,

I’m going to go jogging

“ Even if clauses ” are followed by an unexpected result .

Example :

Even if Dona runs quickly, she won’t catch the bus.

- Condition: Dona runs quickly

- Unexpected result: she doesn’t catch the bus.

Compare it with another sentence


If Ann runs quickly, she will catch the bus.

- If clauses are followed by an expected result

- Condition: Ann runs quickly

- Expected result: She catches the bus.

3. In Case (that)

In case (that) expresses the idea that something probably won’t happen, but it might

In case (that) has the same meaning as by any chance this should happen


I’ll be at home in case (that) you need my help.

Task 7

Make sentences using whether or not or even if based on the following situations.

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Situation : Mr. Jack tells many jokes. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes

they’re not. Mrs. Jack laughs at the jokes.

Your expressions : - Mrs. Jack laughs at the jokes whether or not they’re funny

- Mrs. Jack laugh at the jokes whether they’re funny or not

- Even if the jokes are not funny. Mrs. Jack laughs at them.


1. Sometimes the weather is hot. Sometimes the weather is cold. It doesn’t matter. Ms.

Surti always wears her shawl

Your expressions:

a. Ms. Surti always wears her shawl whether the weather is cold or not

b. Even if the weather is hot, Ms. Surti always wears her shawl

c. Ms. Surti always wears her shawl whether or not it is cold

2. It might rain, or it might not. We don’t want to go camping in the rain, but it doesn’t


Your expressions:

a. We go camping whether it rains or not

b. We go camping whether or not it rains

c. Even if it rains, we will still go camping

3. Maybe you have finished with your book report, and maybe you’ve not. It doesn’t

matter. It is the due date

Your expressions:

a. It is the due date whether or not you have finished with your book report

b. It is the due date whether you have finished with your book report or not

c. Even if you haven’t finished with your book report, it is the due date

4. Maybe he’ll apologize and maybe he won’t, it doesn’t matter. I will forgive him

Your expressions:

a. I will forgive him whether he’ll apologize or not

b. I will forgive him whether or not he’ll apologize

c. Even if he won’t apologize, I will forgive him

5. Maybe the film is good and maybe it is not, it doesn’t matter. I’m so busy right now. I

will not watch

Your expressions:

a. I will not watch the film whether it is good or not

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b. I will not watch the film whether or not it is good

c. Even if the film is good, I will not watch it

Task 8

Make sentences using whether or not and even if based on the pictures

1. Vita will come to Tari’s birthday party

a. Vita will come to Tari’s birthday party whether she has companion or not

b. Vita will come to Tari’s birthday party even if she doesn’t have a companion

2. Hendra will continue his study to college after he graduates from high school

a. Hendra will continue his study to college after he graduates from high school

whether he has much money or not

b. Hendra will continue his study to college after he graduates from high school even

if he doesn’t have much money

3. The Bahars have to leave for Surabaya

a. The Bahars have to leave for Surabaya whether the day is still bright or not

b. The Bahars have to leave for Surabaya even if the day is already dark

4. The football team still practices in the field

a. The football team still practices in the field whether the field is dry or not

b. The football team still practices in the field even if the field is muddy

5. Dewi will still study for the exam

a. Dewi will still study for the exam whether the electricity is on or not

b. Dewi will still study for the exam even if the electricity is off

Task 9

Make sentences using in case (that) based on the situations.


Situations : You probably won’t need this book, but maybe you will. If so I’ll put in

the bookshelf

Your expressions: I’ll put this book in the bookshelf in case (that) you need it


1. You will probably be satisfied with your purchase, but maybe not. If not, you can

return it to the store

Answer: You can return your purchase to the store in case (that) you are not satisfied

with it

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2. You probably don’t have any more questions, but maybe you do. If so, come to my


Answer: Come to my office in case (that) you have some more questions

3. Bill probably won’t call, but maybe he will. If so, please ………………..

Answer: Please tell Bill that I am in the laboratory in case (that) he calls

4. You probably won’t remember, but maybe you will. If so, it’s a good idea for you to

keep a written record of your ATM PIN

Answer: It’s a good idea for you to keep a written record of your ATM PIN in case

(that) you don’t remember

5. I’ll probably come here on time but maybe I won’t. If so, just begin the party without


Answer: Just begin the party without me in case (that) I don’t come here on time

Task 10

Complete the sentence below.

1. I think i’d better clean up my room in case (that) my mother angry.

2. Well time is up. That’s our lesson for today. Please contact me in case you don’t


3. I have my raincoat with me just in case today is rain.

4. I keep the key in the drawer in case i forget where i put it.

5. I should return my new digital camera to the shop in case (that) I don’t need it.

Task 12

Dialog 1

Salesperson: This plant doesn’t need a lot of water. You shouldn’t water it more than once

a week

Vita : All right. And what about sunlight?

Salesperson: Well. It’s shouldn’t be put in direct sunlight. That will burn the leaves. It’s

best to keep it in a warm sunny room


1. Where does the dialog happen?

Answer: At the florist’s

2. What are they talking about?

Answer: The salesperson gives suggestion to his/her customer how to keep the plant

Dialog 2

Tiara : Hi, Vit. A nice ballpoint. Where did you buy it?

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Vita : In “Toko Murah”

Tiara : I think I will buy one, too.

Vita : Well, you’d better go there soon. I’m afraid there are not many left.

Tiara : Oh yeah? OK


1. Who are involved in the dialog/

Answer: They are Tiara and Vita

2. What are they talking about?

Ansewr: About buying a new ballpoint

Dialog 3

Satrio : Ugh, I hate to have my watch repaired again and again.

Brian : Hey, take it easy. What’s up?

Satrio : I had my watch repaired two weeks ago. And is broken again. It is an

expensive watch, you know

Brian : Well, I think you should try fixing it in another shop. Who knows it is not your

watch, but ...the shop

Satrio : Could you tell where to go?

Brian : Why don’t you try KooKoo Shop? It has good reputation

Satrio : It sounds like a good sugestion. Where is the shop?

Brian : I is on Jl. Sudirman

Satrio : Whould you take me there?

Brian : Any time


1. What are they talking about?

Answer: About repairing Satrio’s watch

2. Brian said, “Why don’t you try KooKoo shop?” What does he man by “Why don’t


Answer: He is giving a suggestion

3. What does Satrio complain about?

Answer: About his watch

Task 13

Complete the dialog using the expressions of giving suggestion

Anne: Oh. Hello...... you don’t look too well. What’s the matter?

Vita : Well. Actually, I’ve got a bad headache

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Anne: That’s too bad.

Perhaps you should take some aspirin

Vita : I already have but it hasn’t done much good

Anne: Oh, Well. Why don’t you go to bed and rest

Vita : Yes, Ithink I’d better go to bed and rest

Task 14

Salesperson : Good morning

Customer : Good morning

Salesperson : Can I help u?

Customer : I’m looking for a book

Salesperson : What’s the title?

Customer : Science book. Have you got it?

Salesperson : Yes, we have. Here you are

Customer : Let me see. Can you change this book, please?

Salesperson : What’s wrong with it?

Customer : Yes, The book is broke. I don’t like it

Salesperson : Oh…. I’m sorry. I will take the recent printed

Customer : How much is it?

Salesperson : Rp. 25000,00

Customer : Thank you

Salesperson : Your welcome

Task 16

My comment to the first issue is…

Task 17

Nita and Gito were talking about the class leader’s election in the next day. (in class room)

Nita : “Gito, there will be a class leader’s election tomorrow. Who do you think the best

student to be our class leader?”

Gito : “How about Tomy? Do you agree with me?”

Nita : “Actually, I don’t have any objection to your choice. But he is not so capable.

According to me, Jamal is better. He is very ambitious to be class leader, capable,

wise and clever.”

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Gito : “Well, as a matter of fact, I disagree with that. Jamal is a little bit selfish, I think

Lolita is the best. She is very kind, responsible, smart, and helpful.”

Nita : “I absolutely agree with you. Lolita would make the best leadership of all the


Task 18

Breathing Or Sucking Poison?

NEW YORK – Air pollution, as told by the Journal of American Heart Association

(12/13), causes the constriction of blood vein whether we live healthily or not. No wonder

more and more people suffer from heart- attack in high polluted areas where the air is

unclean. Of course people who live unhealthily lifestyle will have higher risk of getting


Dr. Robert D. Brook, a researcher of the University of Michigan who discovers the

effects of such a pollution to the veins reported that his research an particulate-small

particles exist in the two main sources of urban pollution: smoke of cars and ozone-showed

that the very small dust causes the constriction of vein from shoulder to elbow from 2 to 4

percent when dirty air is inhaled. It will not happen if the air that we breathe is clean.

Robert conducted a research an 25 volunteers who were asked to breathe the air with

150 micrograms concentration of particulate per meter cubic and 120 parts per billion

ozone for two days. This concentration is the same as in big cities, in busy hours. The wide

of vein is measured with ultra sound wave. According to Robert, this finding the explains

why the number f heart-attack and other heart diseases increases in line with the dirtier air

day by day.

(Taken and translated from Koran Tempo)

Our comment about the issue are :

We have already know that smoke resulted from our transportation machines (car,

motorcar, etc) create pollution. But we still use them because it’s easier and faster to go to

another place by transportation machine.


Task 1

1. Have you ever seen or experienced a kind of natural disaster?

Yes, I have

2. What is it?

Page 8: Adverb Clause of Condition

Flood and Earthquake

3. What did you feel when you saw/experienced it?

I feel afraid and I hope it will not happen anymore.

Task 2

Match the words with their definitions

1. intense = h. of extreme force, degree, or strength

2. remind = q. cause (someone) to remember to do something

3. watchful = i. alert to possible difficulty or danger.

4. catastrophe = o. a sudden event causing great damage or suffering

5. skid = c. slide sideways in an uncontrolled way

6. runway = j. a strip of hard ground where aircrafts take off and land

7. slam = b. hit with the great force

8. resident = n. a person who lives somewhere on a long term basis

9. abandon = p. leave permanently

10. damage = a. physical harm reducing the value or usefulness of


11. crash = d. fall from the sky and hit the land or sea

12. nearby = s. not far away

13. instance = k. an example or single occurrence of something

14. bitter = r. painful or distressing

15. missing = l. absent and unable to found

16. logging = m. cut down (an area of forest) to use the wood


17. vow = g. solemn promise

18. meantime = t. meanwhile

19. downpour = e. heavy fall of rain

20. ordinary = f. normal or usual

Task 3

Find meaningful words from the series of letters

1. Staparamounte

Answer : Paramount

Sentence : Studying hard is paramount to your success in life

2. Utransformic

: Transform

Page 9: Adverb Clause of Condition

: The new accessories transformed her into a beautiful woman

3. Alrecognitiona

: Recognition

: He stared at her without recognition

4. Uneneterpriser

: Enterprise

: The music festival is a new enterprise which we hope will become an

annual event

5. Buprivatez

: Private

: This is my private room

6. Rhovernightme

: Overnight

: I stay overnight at Desi’s house

7. Crevivalu

: Revival

: The flowers will revive in water

8. Daflourishnum

: Flourish

: These plants flourish in a damp climate

9. Cazpromotem

: Promote

: She worked hard and was soon promoted

10. Sencourageal

: Encourage

: Her parents always encouraged her in her studies

Task 4

Modal Perfect

1. Should have

Pattern: - Subject + should + have + past participle

- Subject + Ought to + have + V3


Page 10: Adverb Clause of Condition

To expresses the belief that an event or situation was right and desirable. However the

event didn’t happen. (Untuk menyatakan saran yang seharusnya dilakukan pada waktu

lampau/past suggestion)


a. I couldn’t do the math test this morning because I hadn’t studied for it last night. I

should have studied last night

“I should have studied” means that studying was a good idea. But I didn’t do it. I

made a mistake.

b. I hurt my back, I should not have carried the heavy box up two flight of stairs

“I should not have carried” means that I carried something, but it turned out to be a

bad idea. I made a mistake

c. He has an exam today but he saw the film last night; he should have studied for her


d. Lena has an examination today but she saw the film last night, she should have

been studying for her exam

2. Could have

Pattern: - Subject + could + have + past participle


To show that the subject had the capability or opportunity of doing something but for

some reason he/she didn’t do it. (Untuk menyatakan kemampuan/ capability untuk

melakukan sesuatu pada waktu lampau tetapi tidak digunakan)


a. Mrs. Nancy was rich; she could have bought a motor car if she wanted

b. John could have been the one who found my wallet

c. You could have asked ann to help you with your math problem

d. Mayang was rich, she could have bought a car if she wanted

3. Must have

Pattern: - Subject + must + have + past participle


To expresses a conclusion about past situation. (Untuk menyatakan suatu kepastian

atau kesimpulan tentang sesuatu yang terjadi pada waktu lampau/ past coclusion)


a. Linda gets the best mark in the final exam; she must have studied hard for it

b. Yesterday I phoned Ary, but there was no answer

Page 11: Adverb Clause of Condition

c. She must have been a sleep

d. Linda gets the best mark in the final exam; she must have studied hard for it

4. Might have

Pattern: - Subject + might + have + past participle


To say what was possible in the past (Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan pada waktu

lampau/ past possibility)


a. Lany came late this morning, she might have missed the bus

b. Mita wasn’t in class, she might have been sick

c. I didn’t see Vita this morning. She might have been at the library

d. Dina come late yesterday; she might have missed the bus

Task 5

Make sentences using should have based on the following situations


There was an important meeting yesterday

You decided not to go. That was a mistake

“You should have come to the meeting”

1. Deni left the bird cage’s door open when he was cleaning it

The bird flew away. That was a mistake

“Deni should have closed the bird’s cage”

2. Nina felt dizzy. I told her to see a doctor. She didn’t follow my advice

That was a mistake. Now she gets a terrible headache

“Nina should have seen a doctor”

3. I didn’t come to Meggy’s birthday party. That made her feel bad I’m sorry I didn’t


“I should have come to Meggy’s birthday party”

4. Mr. Danar sold his old car. That was a mistake because now he cannot afford to buy a

new ane

“Mr. Danar should not have sold his old car”

5. It was raining when you were walking home. You decided not to wear a raincoat. That

was a mistake because now you have a cold

“You should have worn a raincoat”

Page 12: Adverb Clause of Condition

Task 6

Make sentences using could have based on the given situations


I went to the airport by taxi. Now I run out of money.

You could have taken a city bus.


1. I ate dinner at Pelangi Restaurant, but the foot tasted terrible.

“I could have eaten in another restaurant”

2. Tony had money to buy shirt, but he didn’t buy any

“Tony could have bought shirt”

3. It is late at night I haven’t had dinner. Now I’m very hungry, but I found no food in the


“You could have bought some food in the café when it was still evening”

4. I started at 7 o’clock from my house. I decided to pass Jl. Halmahera, but it took me

two hours t get there

“I could have taken another road”

5. I spent my holyday at the beach last week

Now my skin is burnt because it was very hot there

“I could have used an umbrella or applied skin lotion”

Task 7

Fill the blanks with must have based on the verbs in brackets.


Roza fell asleep in class this morning.

She (stay up) must have stayed up too late last night

1. I saw jim eating ravenously.

He (be) must have been very hungry

2. Kent had to give a speech in front of 150 people. He was trembling

He (be) must have been nervous

3. Elin met a tourist at Prambanan. She had a long conversation with the tourist.

She (speak) must have spoken much English

4. There was Shania Twain’s concert on tv last night. Etsa likes Shania Twain

very much. Unfortunately, she didn’t watch it.

She (know) must not have known about it

Page 13: Adverb Clause of Condition

5. Rita wrapped a present for Melly this morning. Now it is still on the table

whereas she has gone to melly’s house.

She (forget) must have forgotten to bring that present.

Task 8

Write a response for each problem using may/might (not) have

1. Brian might take a vacation to Hawaii

2. Vicky might have fallen off her bike

3. Tono might have got bad mark on math

4. Mr. Ramlan’s car might have hit a tree

5. Ted might not have been hungry

6. Susan might have watched tv

7. Riki might have practiced hard for the match

8. someone might have eaten it

Task 9

Choose the best answer

1. Harry could not pay his school fee because his father was unemployed. His rich

uncle…him with school fee.

Answer : B. should have supported

2. There was so much noise next door. Our neighbor…from their vacation abroad

Answer : D. must have comeback

3. Her house is very dirty. She…it for a long time.

Answer : B. must not have cleaned

4. Joko had the obligation to give the money but he did not. We can say, he…the money.

Answer : B. should have given

5. The whole kitchen was very dirty. Maya…forgotten to clean it.

Answer : C. might have

Page 14: Adverb Clause of Condition

Task 2

Match the words with their definitions

1. intense = h. of extreme force, degree, or strength

21. remind = q. cause (someone) to remember to do something

22. watchful = i. alert to possible difficulty or danger.

23. catastrophe = o. a sudden event causing great damage or suffering

24. skid = c. slide sideways in an uncontrolled way

25. runway = j. a strip of hard ground where aircrafts take off and land

26. slam = b. hit with the great force

27. resident = n. a person who lives somewhere on a long term basis

28. abandon = p. leave permanently

29. damage = a. physical harm reducing the value or usefulness of


30. crash = d. fall from the sky and hit the land or sea

31. nearby = s. not far away

32. instance = k. an example or single occurrence of something

33. bitter = r. painful or distressing

34. missing = l. absent and unable to found

35. logging = m. cut down (an area of forest) to use the wood


36. vow = g. solemn promise

37. meantime = t. meanwhile

38. downpour = e. heavy fall of rain

39. ordinary = f. normal or usual

Task 3

Find meaningful words from the series of letters

1. Staparamounte

Answer : Paramount

Sentence : Studying hard is paramount to your success in life

2. Utransformic

Page 15: Adverb Clause of Condition

: Transform

: The new accessories transformed her into a beautiful woman

3. Alrecognitiona

: Recognition

: He stared at her without recognition

4. Uneneterpriser

: Enterprise

: The music festival is a new enterprise which we hope will become an

annual event

5. Buprivatez

: Private

: This is my private room

6. Rhovernightme

: Overnight

: I stay overnight at Desi’s house

7. Crevivalu

: Revival

: The flowers will revive in water

8. Daflourishnum

: Flourish

: These plants flourish in a damp climate

9. Cazpromotem

: Promote

: She worked hard and was soon promoted

10. Sencourageal

: Encourage

: Her parents always encouraged her in her studies

Task 4

Modal Perfect

1. Should have

Pattern: - Subject + should + have + past participle

- Subject + Ought to + have + V3


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To expresses the belief that an event or situation was right and desirable. However the

event didn’t happen. (Untuk menyatakan saran yang seharusnya dilakukan pada waktu

lampau/past suggestion)


e. I couldn’t do the math test this morning because I hadn’t studied for it last night. I

should have studied last night

“I should have studied” means that studying was a good idea. But I didn’t do it. I

made a mistake.

f. I hurt my back, I should not have carried the heavy box up two flight of stairs

“I should not have carried” means that I carried something, but it turned out to be a

bad idea. I made a mistake

g. He has an exam today but he saw the film last night; he should have studied for her


h. Lena has an examination today but she saw the film last night, she should have

been studying for her exam

2. Could have

Pattern: - Subject + could + have + past participle


To show that the subject had the capability or opportunity of doing something but for

some reason he/she didn’t do it. (Untuk menyatakan kemampuan/ capability untuk

melakukan sesuatu pada waktu lampau tetapi tidak digunakan)


e. Mrs. Nancy was rich; she could have bought a motor car if she wanted

f. John could have been the one who found my wallet

g. You could have asked ann to help you with your math problem

h. Mayang was rich, she could have bought a car if she wanted

3. Must have

Pattern: - Subject + must + have + past participle


To expresses a conclusion about past situation. (Untuk menyatakan suatu kepastian

atau kesimpulan tentang sesuatu yang terjadi pada waktu lampau/ past coclusion)


e. Linda gets the best mark in the final exam; she must have studied hard for it

f. Yesterday I phoned Ary, but there was no answer

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g. She must have been a sleep

h. Linda gets the best mark in the final exam; she must have studied hard for it

4. Might have

Pattern: - Subject + might + have + past participle


To say what was possible in the past (Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan pada waktu

lampau/ past possibility)


e. Lany came late this morning, she might have missed the bus

f. Mita wasn’t in class, she might have been sick

g. I didn’t see Vita this morning. She might have been at the library

h. Dina come late yesterday; she might have missed the bus

Task 5

Make sentences using should have based on the following situations


There was an important meeting yesterday

You decided not to go. That was a mistake

“You should have come to the meeting”

1. Deni left the bird cage’s door open when he was cleaning it

The bird flew away. That was a mistake

“Deni should have closed the bird’s cage”

2. Nina felt dizzy. I told her to see a doctor. She didn’t follow my advice

That was a mistake. Now she gets a terrible headache

“Nina should have seen a doctor”

3. I didn’t come to Meggy’s birthday party. That made her feel bad I’m sorry I didn’t


“I should have come to Meggy’s birthday party”

4. Mr. Danar sold his old car. That was a mistake because now he cannot afford to buy a

new ane

“Mr. Danar should not have sold his old car”

5. It was raining when you were walking home. You decided not to wear a raincoat. That

was a mistake because now you have a cold

“You should have worn a raincoat”

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Task 6

Make sentences using could have based on the given situations


I went to the airport by taxi. Now I run out of money.

You could have taken a city bus.


1. I ate dinner at Pelangi Restaurant, but the foot tasted terrible.

“I could have eaten in another restaurant”

2. Tony had money to buy shirt, but he didn’t buy any

“Tony could have bought shirt”

3. It is late at night I haven’t had dinner. Now I’m very hungry, but I found no food in the


“You could have bought some food in the café when it was still evening”

4. I started at 7 o’clock from my house. I decided to pass Jl. Halmahera, but it took me

two hours t get there

“I could have taken another road”

5. I spent my holyday at the beach last week

Now my skin is burnt because it was very hot there

“I could have used an umbrella or applied skin lotion”

Task 7

Fill the blanks with must have based on the verbs in brackets.


Roza fell asleep in class this morning.

She (stay up) must have stayed up too late last night

6. I saw jim eating ravenously.

He (be) must have been very hungry

7. Kent had to give a speech in front of 150 people. He was trembling

He (be) must have been nervous

8. Elin met a tourist at Prambanan. She had a long conversation with the tourist.

She (speak) must have spoken much English

9. There was Shania Twain’s concert on tv last night. Etsa likes Shania Twain

very much. Unfortunately, she didn’t watch it.

She (know) must not have known about it

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10. Rita wrapped a present for Melly this morning. Now it is still on the table

whereas she has gone to melly’s house.

She (forget) must have forgotten to bring that present.

Task 8

Write a response for each problem using may/might (not) have

9. Brian might take a vacation to Hawaii

10. Vicky might have fallen off her bike

11. Tono might have got bad mark on math

12. Mr. Ramlan’s car might have hit a tree

13. Ted might not have been hungry

14. Susan might have watched tv

15. Riki might have practiced hard for the match

16. someone might have eaten it

Task 9

Choose the best answer

1. Harry could not pay his school fee because his father was unemployed. His rich

uncle…him with school fee.

Answer : B. should have supported

2. There was so much noise next door. Our neighbor…from their vacation abroad

Answer : D. must have comeback

3. Her house is very dirty. She…it for a long time.

Answer : B. must not have cleaned

4. Joko had the obligation to give the money but he did not. We can say, he…the money.

Answer : B. should have given

5. The whole kitchen was very dirty. Maya…forgotten to clean it.

Answer : C. might have