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VOLUME X' XIII Advertisements. ___ ... - ... ____ .._, _.... ... _ .... THOJ\IPSON'S Medical Hall. ESTABLISHED 1885. rccei•·t'd I the 'prinf;' S Stock of GOODS! r,. "4l.\ lwuys 011 full SII Jtply ,,f , \1 1-:L>Il:l !-::), DH UG ·, AI! l'ICLJ·:.-s, ,\:e. .: J:P. •rL icnt.•· ntto· 11ti nn l' "i'l lo PRE .. --- I Wt .• f\l r Flui 1l \ a..,r. :J ll i'J bVIIIU of t he 'il \ci ltl m•- };., .,·. r.uit :::,h. lini ne J\ .. :ndnr;'"t l• ·"' ·cl Pt..wdcts , \ o T iwm,,·, E lt•cll ic Oil l:.uu, Ul.u·kll•,ul, / C: ultl, l El.u 111.: l wliu 1' IUIJN' Y ... fvr q.,lllcS.'I, Dr .L 'I: < Pvlibh ll unJ ilru,hl·s .!\nil '"J ,,, SJ..,, ·in:: tlo. Drt·:t.l C Uil r oer '' ''· in I · •• Ph slt•r, l' uhl l ' rt':lln C \ • 1 I i,·.,r Ll1l 1"'1' tl o. in lJrt·M. Cv: uh•, Fonf! (; ' "'' '• · I ':111111 y Scc1l l.n •, n 1llJ.. I 0 "' ( 't-:. UU of f"attn ;, \-: &tt'HI '' t; h,·c•t iU(\ : ,, u·,; ..t ,u·. ll \')1\f' . t" l n 1;t f'.&'l ' ;la-.M'"' H •llatl'l ( :l UI\ l\. 1\ ':. t · t..=u'it f' . l.•m. Pel..· I J. tn.- .J uh.'t', L .• ;, .. \J.,,·.uue \ )a l .:'llu. :-lippll'.· f ., , F. t·.lur:;' t I t•• .:'\t•.ll..·f• ••lllol , J: ,•ol :mo l \ ',•tl tW U du o •S D .\' l' lin t •- dl lo. ul.·•. !' opt• L'l.oy )' · ,·11 l' 11ri. l' mk l 'umict Swur, lto>t in. :::; tl. Prune l111 _., tl nl H it p•r ;...,11 >n, •hi. iu :-i .t ·"·t l. ·m· n :o\t ht o• tll\ ...;..,j 11&17. l'owJ(•r I; oat :-i , .. l.u·. Sn 01tl' H · ' " ' · IJT.,,. l' ·• ' ''lio tl1 ,, ,, :...:. ' ' I' u \r .. . .... ,.. d • t :Jrct rint• tlv. f '•rltuu.,t ,f .... tl \\' ,, 1 ,. -: t 'a ,. ,«ul :o\ put h r I 1 ·•· .r a t' ', .J.(I n.,:"" . (!luc s, •. u.:··· . ' I \ ,,, . ...; I • • )I \I h·· rs P la•t<'l· . \ k, ,·,:, 1' ,, H-4 p ,,, .•,. , Tu tJ, ri c .\ ca •l t:;1-ct:1 ..... ,. ,,1 L•· u• • •. 1' PO\ \,I(.u '"\· t · • 1 \',,, ,ll ,h, \'l lh' ;.:ttr, C:roua.t o lo. :" I •m< lad 1\ n •h h-r>, \V ttl.Son'11 Schulcdiou )[,'!<. A lien'• H.tir Rcatorer rry Puct orul, A ye r's :::;..t'Sil f'llr JL,h ·, ,y 'K 1:. 11 ;t.cnt, llr i1 islt Oi l lt11" ,1... lte,...Jy Hcliuf. Cuchous I :,,, .. . n, onchi.t!Trocb es, \V11t t'r n ,·,· .. ('lolnro.ltu{', Ayer'" Haia · Vi!,oor. 1 't.t:.t, n' ,Tw tl aroa .: l: ing•, Ei Pe pp ermi nt J{cur\., (" 1,· n •: \l l {, U ... I l ullow •y's Pill l' Pdl1, ti t>. I'.u· ..on',. Jo A ycr'11 tlo l!l o rrison 'a Jo H .. lwn f's do " 'ils , n'll do J o i111.30; 1 'a A no lyno Liimc nt do Cough tb \\' oa m Tuhl t: ta, M u.staog Liniment W ooJill's W orm Lozonges )1.:1 Pa n'11 \ 'omifugl', :\Jedi cumentum PIMlor r wr fri end, Roth'.s Rat P oison lt IMia ..h ·n, J>irit Fl usks ::!h01-i•'s P o•vJ cr Li . e J uioc 11ntl Ulyocrine J\ l11rg8 1\SS<l o( lUmrnel'll perfume E ye Oinl.ment W il"ol\ll rry B.tlum, Violet Powdor do Syn•r. ' 'V iniii O) VS do. .Smull: in!( l'ub.'\C:CO, l'i1JeS, PenkoiYCS P .. pcr Envelopes PeM, Pencils '\' ri ling and Marking In lea Toboeco Po:aches, Oamel H:Ur Poneila Se:tling Wax, Amilino Dyes in ¥· QRO CERIES : Oreeo Peu (ca11J1ed), Corn, Oli•M OigareU. Q..,roed BeeC-2 and 61b. tina. Beat o.roand Coff'ee, S.go . Pearl &rley ndied Cit,...,oPoel,l'luouringEeaencee do. \..emoa do. · do. OrAnge dl), BoWed Fruita J. ms,.J. elliee,lf annalade, o.mned o,aten Oondeneed Milk, Ptelel'ved BeE! Preterftd Mutton, Soup and Rouilli Potted Tongue, Potted Beet Com Fll>or, Pepper, Spice, Cinnamo11 Seed, Cloycw, Picltlee, &aoef. Corrie Powder, Thyme,, Paral11y Majoram, Kaoe, Tllble N utmegt Cayeoae Pepper, OaperaiiiHA ee Nt!IIOD'I OehuU.. ud hi , red H'ope lLobba,tOp.'l Patens s-rltJ, ppl Cocoa clo. 4o N•••'• .... , ,_ •n Bt• ....... ......... ucl l.ot ... l'e&lr, .,... o.'• ..... ,ra&etl .Bi.labU. ia'lfttia !'Nil".. &tdJbel .A OILMCI . ..... QUEEN uraJlce , \Ir-£2,0 00,000 Sterling. DUILriNG, 1.1 V£RPOOL i -ASO- . .3 !!WE DUILOTNGS, GH.\ 'Et: IIUROiltt.iTHJ::ET, :\ l'l' ·l-'JR'n' .\:\XI AI.• RF.PORT.' Ht•J tOllS A ccounl8 for the g; , 1" -e o;cnt c. lto th e Slinrebolders A11n a ml :M<'I' ting, 011 'fu esdl\y,2ith (!), nt wlti. .:h UcmRrtl lint I, P.sq., , ahowt:.oJ, in the Dil · idcNI ond IlL tla o 1nto tolit.> tlanr of 1 :> pe r cent wn. ecJnrcd , £14,03;; l.tcing cur- ricJ fur11'.fr.J . I FIRE BRAXCIT, '!ial th o l'r c ruiums ft r I Si S, nfier d Ot hfting Ro ins u111ncea , amounted to being nn incrcue oi £5,3!11 0\'Cr Premium Income ur \877 j and tho tsaoa to £251,061, be ing :15. 16 per ccn on tho Pre111iums ot tile Year. I . 'fHE L.IFE DEPARTMI::NT. TIM New Pol icies lind been isaued Jf:!22,4 5 ; anti that tho l .. if o lo'ond, l.ty tl.c mltlitions mnde t.o oa tho result uf tt lo yc' "' '" operations uow rl'prescr.t11 Gi .!'ltrt" r ce nt. of t lae t>n tiru net Premiums ou cH: ry Policy in fo t cc. su rplus h:tlunco in the t-'ire Ac:- cm WRS to \,c .£ 10 i .5!19, out ol " 1 ·Ia .C :!O,C)IJI) wns Pl •r otH ir tc rl to . -in \ ccunnt, tltut , ,l, ccount In I t 0,1IOU 1 11111 no.tkin:: \1 illo tl1e .Ht•· X 'u m)1nJ ilJJ .: UoC\! Cll nieJ furWin'd 00 . Pl\id up ........... . ... Fu n•l ... ... ... 1 i0,\1()() Fuu•1 for l'rcmiumJ 11&l,ttl)l) cMrll'.t forwftl'\l ... ... ... 1-1 ,0:;!) l.i fo 1 : uuol ... !IW,S t!) fuutl . .. .. . ... .. 11 ,:,;;(1 Dee. 27, 1 ":!l. 00;\0Y . \X. for :\Otl. S a·u. .\ urSI" : A. T. l>ltYSil .\ I. P., llnrbur (.imcc. H. 0 ' llEEII.\:oi Cu .. St . Pierre . Northern. Assurance Co:mpe:ny. FOR FXFl.E d3 LXP.El ,C.\I'lTAL-£3,000,000 Stg. FikE f'RE:\llUhls::=. ........ .£403,{00 Ll 'E . do. .. . .. .... ........... 00 L.'il ' E.Rl::ST ........... .............. .. . l Ol, OOC \lEAD OFFICES : J.osnos-1 1\Joorgll\e !)\reel. King [n r:mcoefl'eetedo n Prope rly \o Now. 11t of Pru. PtdspocLuaes.-Forma of Application Fire and Lifo Ins orii:ICO nud o.lJ r (o(o1f!1Ahoo can bn obt4ined at Ofti eo of A. U. TIAYWARD SL Jobn'a, Agent lor N 114 Guardian FIRE & LIFE --- -.-OP GUARDIAN" belntt a f\rat-elus ranee Company, oll'tn aU thoee to ioaure 'ra, Ti&., it7, (uorable tenu and ... tue,meiDU claima for lo,u. uosf.eralgned hari!l¥ been for II prepared ·to I•· .galoatla. b7 .Fire. J,AAIES S. WINTER, .fOSE'PR OUDDB1f, Sub-ApeL Bt:. ...,. . ADVERTISE • 1 ... .. t ! t I I 't GUCE, SAtl'URDA Y, APRIL 1, 1882. Advertisements. CARRIA.GES. WARREN & WHITr.!'AN would beg to to tioc ;r pntrou& h: we on h. tu•l ( fi niRhrcl) a 'lut\u lity o f ;'\ 1 ·:\V (.;A ltHIAUES of <lii Tt ·r- t nl Sly l'nrt ie5 11 "ill do well to n c:•ll. as t !Jeir c:.rri- llrO Of SUJlCriOr 111:\kll, be ing UIA ll ll f :{c. Ol ll Of lhC b<."lot obtllinl\blc 8lOCk 1111tl fi uishctl in t bc I .tca latyles . -M.s n- ·n. cj hi\\'O .\ on ll tc ir pre- wLo is nu horse-•boc r- win to b e.lp 1\11 LDfirulitiea int dculto baJ aboeing. REL 'Alltl.'\G nn•l se.·oo•l- hnnd Carri&gea will bo Joue in a mftnntr th.,_ will eoaure 1111tiafac Lioo in price, quality 1\Jld quick de spalcl>. firSt rid attention paid to oulport 9rdens. Prices moderate. Will haYe Aleigha aud cuioles io lheir proper lt uon. Puc£ oF 8us tsus-\\"11tor Slreel, lJrook. WARREN & WUITI.IAN. Mny 2!1 . Bargaiua. Bar gains. -AT- Parsons's Furniturt Store The Subecribera thankful for pMt f11ovoure beg to iot lml\lo to tho public g ene rally that tiler oow oft'e.r rot u.Jo- 109 BEDSTEADS aL 12/and upwards. 3 do&. LOUNGES o' aud upwl\rtll. 4. do&. Toilel TABLI::S at 7/ And upwards 4 W .r\SIIS'l'A:NVS 11t 'l/ aod upw11rd 12 do&. ¥ at and Com moo 1 WaluutParlor SUI T. Onl, Roood aud Kileheo TADLES. Ch11mber So ita, Whatnot.a. Window Pol" &Dd Cornicu. Aod a loL or OUitOMOS and Pl CTURES. RUSTIC Fnmea, Picture Moulding, &c. Is WFltA.M.ES made w A. «E. PA.RSO . NoY. 30. PROFESSIO.NAL. -= M. CHISHOLM. M •. D .• C.M. (McGUJ Uninhity, Montreal.) Pb.yaioi&D, 81lJWMD u4 ;.&oooftheur- ___ DA l. HOBERTSand VE. de(K.ll . : t REDUCTIO:N ( REDUCTION I For · One ltonth Only t II'HE G&NUINE Local and other Items. -Tbo value ola 11)DbJo hnlug fallen duriaf tbe \aa' few w.,., it i. uow uid Ll&u wu lo I\ willa llauhra ...... ._ auwt. hi.l wartlh apeecb and Md goc up- Ute to deprtciat.a &lte roubtea. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Mo:co.u, Feb. 27. (Co11tinvcd.) IfO)I, A. 0;\RI't:r heartily CCDCUtTed ia lhui J!8RJ;ntph. 'l'o hia miud it wu A 111b· MtSSIOlUilT MIITINO.-TI:e annual pub. j ect for sincoru congM\tull\lion 00 tho lio' meeting in aid or Home anti !o 'or<•ign uf tho colonJ «> luwo the cxiatiag Miaaiooa in coouretion wilh tho C hurch t'Ontntat for tho conalr\Jction or n rallrond l::nglaotl, held in Ccnttl\l ·chool tho hl11ud. U11lilte tho bon. !;CD· ou 1 urtda1 t lemM (llr. Tborburn) be (Mr. II.) bold E. &twood, H. 0 ., •.n the I he t he OJlinicn t h11t blld wunotconll'l\elcd w1th roo&U .. well tl\led w1Lb no Alteutm3 nod tho 'll'bo llllt·o uuderiRkoo tho apprt:olllllvo J\ 8 111ual, 0 11 suo.:h \fOrk, "c &houltl uot hi\\'C found any other OCCI.ltOo., IUIII\ble .bymus . •ung nn•l I pnrties to Ollll'tnC it upon sucb fnornhlo lhQ 0\ 'C.Illll tl, n cotc iDlS. 'J lult hon. f:!Cn tlornnn' aeoma to fobe10g at 111 a.i ,•l uf 1bo !!''' that the pN pos.'ll br tho Syudi· ll oru e and t orotan ll u11eo uot.l. -.1/ rr. I ... -ue by Mr. UJI\d:mno .,.. 113 w ry. not the thM wu IUadc to tloo . It · · b' ---- 1 ft b . 1 Thero "113 A llropoaition from a Cana· - IS Wit rn 1117 I tlinu prior to it which was pub- yeara ngo, "hem of runuau.: luhcd nud iu t he banda of me mbers of tho oc c"!' llume rs . of }'otwccn I h•g iaiMurl) before Mr. lllacl:mM'a., but Lourahurl! nntl Englnncl, t lu.>n{: h nol nn un(nvor:tblo on e, cou ld wo lo 1 t here I nfTord to il ou t, tras lcs.J nd- bel?g ,wllb lmn li , r. Sccrc ll\ry Ilk and ""nta ;:cons to t ho colony than hie. For d u. ll:st •• l ho th t: n rr II•/ hia OlYU l·e mual 81\y ho hlld be oo Yery .... ed bia. couvtctton thAt: ehou!o.l I be llp(lrt:buuaivo rutc r tbo eootnct was made ach. ewo be out , tho Unatetl Sbtcs' t Jut ye:tr the compnny who unde rtook llllllll would be canitd by that route. AaA•j tbc work' would fnil to commence opemtions 10 WCCIIcJ t ho also. at the atipulated 'time, 1100 experienced 11 - ConL to C. B. plciu urnl.Jitl relief wbc11 ho 111w t boy wore tn enrneat. It w:ut n "ut &peculation the ......J.lrrofcTA!>'T RUOIITS-Mr. of :\_las- c.>r opnuy h• d en tered upon, and one in eachuactta bas (lrepared, under. wbieh it is 'luite poaaiblo lber mi\J lose a of tbe houae commltlte on reiMtons, Ina go nrnount of money . but bo had newer a ou tko qun lion . iMu_e between yet be en able to percei'Ye how under anJ Uua a nd ll nuuu "'rtb regard circumstances connected with It the eolonJ to tho ou,t .>f tho work Clio s uffer I oM. lie t hougbi tlwl coouoo- the comuuaaoo. Ibo rcrorl wall ti oo of tbe mining intereatu with St Jobn'1 fl\'tor til England tltnt we wna 11 woak would rebound ahAII lennana_to tho conditions liS lo tbo colony, and as rar .. •oo118 prac:ttcable uuder tho tc r101 of tho con&! ruction is concerned no m:ln can bo ao l.liod as not to linn pe:.ceived t bc grel\t --- JtOOtl ft lr e3dy dono for th o l&boriog people Workingmw. , through the of tho COlli• nerore Y .o n bOijiA your hen"y spring work work11. Tho excheqner too hM nftcr a lrlnler o( rduation, , your 11\'l:ely benefitted by tbe increased COD· needs f\nd to pr•- iunoption of dutiable goods conaeqrient :111 llltnck ol or upo n mil way outlay the people i l' uv<."r, '-:r IOIDO :11!: aicknua Ihilt nnd tho dOW:uldl UP.On pnvalo obarit 7 iu wrll yon fo a u'a w.Jrl.:. Y ou S:tlnt Jobn'a , ordin•nly 10 large at lhia &CA· Will d:nc, Dl tf C&iii\Utl CXIOD Of tbi!..JCir, blli'O been greatly clin\inish- JOU, • Ono bo .u1¥ vf ll•p C\l b1 u.,..d;.lo,. .... m..,.l 1UUOD21l).he. iu you r fnml7 mou th. Oou't tir o inhabitouls of th o metropolis and atl- -lJnr.'i"!JIOII se ttlements. '. 11ao oxtrnordinarily suHre winter arc. ju't emerging from, F. nry D' .'lil frou brin!!l ;luring thirty yCArB (or fre· frl''h C\ i•1cure uf IM 'JIII!IICY of \ow l l! mpemlurc, COOSb\UCJ of 1bc t lr11l ir uoao bciug buill in the atorw•. and imrnoo10 enOIYfftll, llas ISilUid. Tbu o! the locnano1ivo ia been mo8t tryin;: to the poorer cl"'ea, n. ukin,;- moru th:u lbe of nli t:>ry those hvin!! in outlyiolg vi JI,.ge& being loill 11nll wooal : it rousing t he nncieot unnblc to procaro t he produce or tho culuny I? of rt vourcea for u le, for fuel, yet there ht\8 11 nd cApftblliti cs fH•n ><hich " ,:rent <It ilin)' llt'c n comp.'l mtivdy littlo of tl tat iutliscri • b1! fO IIIICd. \ fbc. •n the mih•ny shall bcg;: i n1: CUJd of privnte hA ''" Ofll'ncd IIJl lht ft: rlilc lntt'ls and I:<J rl oora tliat trc hnvu hithe rto nnf ortthwuoly pe•l tho mit•erl\1 vciu of t he inlc rior 118 well Loen acctalomed to. No doubt th is im-· M t he lRndl\, OCCUJ" tiona r uorc pr pro1•ed condition of th e people 1ru hugely fit. :\lllu :\lid .. (IClr.luua t han tho owing to the high price j;ivcu for li'ah will int ite ' 1J.-' inhnbi lllnts nnd fl\ll, cqu : uly, be believed, to the ll\rge m:1ny thou•atldc more fr ou1 t he AI· expe ndit ure o( money in tho l11te moolha lllutic.- . 1/uu lrw/ ll'ilut.<.• . or t.h o fall nud early monlhs or the lriolor whicb relierrd t ho gorerume nt from 11 con· A Sm, ,soc Pn Esom:- sidcmble drnio upon it. fuutla. lle b:od 11bo ut noou lie 'l' er:tl per- atroug /Lith tberetore in the elc"n.liog 11nd 1011a hat.! an of wit nUiiog a amehorloliug powers of the r:Uiway., and nre, if exceptionlll pheuonacnon from henr tily cooenrreJ in 'be co ngmtulatiooa 'l'ops4il. Fro1o Nr almoat cloudlelll aky o fTcrtd by the llddreu of thia Council to tho t.hrouJ!h a clc:u almoaphcre, and through ROYeaD'DC nt, 11nd to the coon,ry, upou the I he dauling rays of the aun, a iuilii\Lion of that gnmd work and tho proa- l'{cpt. dowo wi th ArOllr tuld rattle Jiko th o peot of its CODIUDliDaliOII. ooi1e of To tho eye or tb e DoN. RtNOCt.L uid it was grati- looked for 10me minutes like :o fyiu,:r to heftr aueh strong npi'Hiioos oC huge. while column, its bll8e on th o ground coufideneo iD tho rtt.ilway b7 boo. 11nd tis llpex in tho di1tanl air. The which be hoped woold not be soow-apout ooanposeJ or dry, amoll, found to be mi aplBced. Hill O'lt'tl ''iowa !rraunlar enow and made " very larj;ll plio we re notao r ote· color od as thoa e or othen tp tho neighborhood of its descent. Right 1\.S reg11nla the prospective bcuo6ts the7 an. &bovo thia point was a amall jagged grey tieip3to to fl ow. (rom it. llo doubt ed their cloud , no th11u 1\ ltllln 'a bAud, 11nd re&lizationfor tDauyyel\rato come, even,o.lter from tho bo1011> ofthia, doubtiCto&, tbo novel the rond aha II h•ve bebu comv le l ed through viaitor b:od trueHed -.l/ crc:llry, .Marcla 18. tbe Jaland ; bowenr lheso matt en 1 which tho f aturo aiODO CAll determine. lie -TilE F ASTtST .\ TL.\.,'TIO P A55Aor - -The had, l utyea r, taken exee vtion to the man- new Cunartl alcaner &rria hu made tbe ner in whiell the &ilwaJ Ae& Wll8 carrict l fu teat ,\tt 11 uti e ot.a!S:\ge on record, between through till! legislaturo, lbo procedure at- Now Yo rk Tho p3rtiaten ding ib ool bei ng in accordllnco with bis lara of tho YO)'l\go 1t.rc 111 f•>llowe : 3.3b p.m. vlewa of tbo propriety abonld be ob · Jan. 18 th, Cutle r.utl on, At 6 .:> ae r .. ed in deAling with 1\ mcuure of aocb paaaed &udy llook, wiDd nriAbt 8 , muder. e:rtraordionry aud jlencml in1 port:ooeo to tbo ate breeze; J!lth, .Dodorale breeze, d.i&tanoee COIODJ. IJowuor it ia DOW the law of tho mo. 268 mllea: northeriJ brreze, 3l2 laad, aod h11 ' hoped it wlll be carried ont milea; 2ht, wind Mef.erlr, •node"te, sao Rod on both aides, accortl- milea; !?'2od, winds. SGO milea tho l etter of the bond, that t he 2Srd, aout.berly, Jr eah, 892 milea; will require and tho aonth· wet 402 miloa; 2blh, all t hey ha..,.e uot1ertake11 to per- IOUtb·weeL bree , milea: 2Gtb, aouth- form, 1\Dd on their part. cerrJ oul Lbeirlob- wen, 802 milea to eeoltown; 2.!6 a.m.' ligatlolla to tho Company witboul de ristion lh. · · d F 6 " [tom. tlle conclltiott5 ol the lle 'P 1 lldle, pa-. utuet; ·""• aniYed tt fe11red tho work ia (l. nreoatown. 'l'he 11ppannt tl!ae or tbe Jl8111'1!e ia 7 daya, 12 bou"ll9 and propoaltlo • for ehanj!ee will be mat e. If the actual limo or th,o from Saodr ao. he hoped the1 will be earefull7 coo- Hook, 7 da.ya, 7 boun,. 41 fllill•tea. ' l'bil aldered b7 being Ia by miootea tho allortal ).lclaa«o toi and be ttuated t.hey will tJ.o. lboou record, notwi1hataodiog t hat the Ca\ai-d lA ,,.. up. to a or uew ootldkioua roDte i• by 00 aillra longer U..n that uken aBordlog tbolegialatore ample time to con· b7 woal of tho other tints. lt will a1ao bo aider them. When the adYocatea of a rail· aeeu that 00 10 ,eral.. dt,J& tba &rcio had way pollc7 were diactuiiJie tho qaeetiou lu eaateriJ wiodl. ita earller ataca, and pourtraytae Lbe fOOd ll va, to their mlncb, om.ia to coafor dpoo th eountty, three po!Du were lu.ilt- ed upon ai aare tO oome wlt.hla tho toopo of · Ita l mpro•iog IDftue11ee. Firat there were oar'fora& \anita, wblch would 11t onee be counrted into a nl'!Able aouree or weao1th. &®Ddly our .,nealtaral Ianda, •htch awaited bat the railrOad. to make tllem -lie with a ple ntffol hllrnlt, ud laat lr oar wbloh were lm· modiataly to Jl•kl an«>ld wealth. Well leo lormfr appear aow to llan tub· efded of notfqa altorthor, and tbt whole relleauo eetme to be the m'-1 lall(le, aad nett UJa• moa be admitted to be a lpeCnllatin 110111"'8 fOC' the COilt· DL Up to Ulla Ml p!Ope"'* lD l'ewfonndlalld, wrthcMit *"' .,..,. re*telratlu. ae,.trthtl• .._fa· ol appoctitloe WoOW I or;c the faithful out of L11o con- wo ll•'e wi&h alj iii la1lla, do· recta, tu1d . , ' ,R olr. Cot.o!itAL !;tennAnt · coinelde4 w1th the boo. aea t.lem&D Ia hil opiaiob tbal it 1e t.he diuy of the - "'• contract fahhrniiJ carried on: in all itt de141lt, but iu 1'1)gllrd to the polic7 of tho railwsy ho could IICG bo pnGtJcal end to bo 'terYod by reviviog D diJcuaiou O( it UOW' that polio>: baviog Woo o.lllrmed by ua l .. t aeulou. )\'bat hat fall en from tho bon. gen tleman, and from bon. Mr. Thorburn upon ltut point wu aul:at.antially uprerBed th em on proviooa occ:asioua. 1\nd be (C. S.) runat&.'ly, be wu lu bopea tlil\t tbo Iauer boo. geutlcruan at all ovcow bl\d 10rnewbat modil!od hla aYuraion to tbo rnilway policy, e,pecu>lly 11.1 ho l 111tl IIJlpcndcd his uaruo to tbe re1;orl lbtl Selec t Com10itleo which· l:lJa that tba inaul!uration of tho lt4111TI\Y a of CODQnttUlllliOII U> t l1 e coun try. llo was diappoiote•l at fiua.l iog that bon grotleruao'• v1en atill nneb11ng· ed and conllictinu with t.he paragmph iu the Report bearing his signnturo. Aa tho «> the milway con· ta.ined io !be ministerilll Speech, alludca only to what bu 11\ken plnco aioce J ail IOC!ion in 11elu11l work done to the of tho policy and pl.SUiftl of tho Act. It went into operation only io A ugu.,t lut, 11nd sin eo that time, "' tho epcech declares, mucb Vllluablo work hilt been dono and 1\ largo amouul of employ· rneot giYen to tbo people. . A• Cho hoD gentleman (Mr. llarnJ) hu remarkea.l, the demaoth apoo Q'OYernmeot ano,. winter would hue bcolo exl.raordiua.ry, but lor Lbe nlaable help fnrniahed b)' the diabunemeuu or the Rail'"'J Company . It baa beeu atnted lbal tho7 bave upcn"td in lAbor, And iu tho pu rebuo or matori:.l iu lbo count ry, two' bundred tbou- lllnd dollars since Lbc7 c.>mmeuced opel'&lioos., and thaL ali\U!meut ho (C. S.) know to be a fact. That wu a \'cry coaidenblo aum diatribtU.ed Amongat Lbo people, numbera of whom, uotwitbltaudiug tho prosperous r eaull of 1:1e fl.lberiea. wou ld bavo been 1111dly at a lou to support them- selves sud t heir fAmili es tbrougll the moat trying period or tbe year but for this ICil&ODI\blo ouua,. Good ... tho fitliery pro.-ed, tho were thronged with peo- ple from the ueighboriog outporta u well u from St. J ohu'a, aeckiog work on tho ...:1--ro _ __.-' ""--- ..... :,.-t r.,, ao far M goca is a. utiafaetory woo tba operation of the r:UI11'ay policy, 11ud i , 118 lion. gentlc m11o havo uid, wo aball hpve to P.'Y (or t his benofit, our prel4l nt vio11j of ita effects and future iodiCAtionA., lead to t ho belief that. the pr ojocl ia well wort.h «> tho country nny obUpatioo. we hnYc undetAken obwin it. lie cooflidcreJ tho gocrnmool. hnd 1011do AD adnntas;coua b:lrgniu fo r tho colony, and he hoped would prove cquall7 so to tho ot l1 er pnrlioa to tho coo- tract. Jt hM been arsuc d tl.allt wo mu .st re- &Ort to ine reucd ta.tation tlelrny tho n>il- WIIJ IIIOOdJ. lion. A. II Ann :Y-The "New P11rty'' are goi ng to p:.y witbcut increl!Jied taution, 11od wit.bout reduction of tho public aor- . lion. 5ECR£TAnT-Tho pre.teot govonlmcnt do not profou to rival tb e "Kew our 11ro moro modeat, and tho1eforo we cou6ue our views aud eiTort.t within a humbler compMS. Even should tualiou hue to be r010rted to in the loug roo U> help us to auaU\in oar obligationi In re.tpec& of tbo coulract., bo it CMnol bo otbcrwito than trifl- ing, in. Mticipation of the vut impe· Ius that m111t be J!lvcn to husinca or all kiDde. ill the colon,, aud tho eoDIIC!· guent all(f1llenutioo o tbo pabho iucomo. l'he enlarged teYeoue, ills to be espected. will enable tho coiODJ to mee' tho dem&Dd npoo it, 1\rtd ahoald a modarnte incrtue of taution become iulperative, it will be or 1\tcb insignificant provortions that thare will not be & aoeo&d opinion it in view of the lllllgnitodo and nlul) of t.ho benefits conferred. 'I'Ite bon. (ll r. Thorburn) ia alill of opinion tba& rtt.ilway ' quell ion abonld bare been eub .. milled U> the people and pronounced upon at tbe polla. Thill anggtAtion was dobalod here IMt aeasion, 11od WM otl by tho ataU!mol)t th11t whaloYOr diO' or- encc of opinion at first huo oxisu:d iu tho public mind u to tbo pr oprielJ or noceuity or doing ao, aub.equent p roced•lro on the p;;.tt or tho people amply jUJtilleJ tho courae adop'-ed. Tbe peoplo them- took tho matter up wiUl energy and •virit; ptstitiona iu from almost ever7 pan of thecolo nJ iofonningthe logie- l atoro Lbal tho popular Yolco Will clamor- out lor tho rail war, and thaL tho adoplion of meaaurea lo • gh·e ell'tet to that polior not bo oue da7 loogor l t.h&n ,.."' unnolt.lable . Such ware the. pro.ouoeed terma ia whfeb ther · <h!clared U..m•el.-es; whero tbco wonld ban been the ulillt7 of going to th e oouut.ry opon a queetiou whieh Lbe public bad empballeally declared for, aud .bleb. m!Pt then be obaearad bJaide iaeuqa 1111d lnnelaeL matte" c:reated. to warp the pub- ·lie mbld and dlnrt it from the true Datare of the qaeatlon a• alike? TbeM were now -u.ra belonefal to the put.. \Vbet•cr th coloiiJ ba_. a good blt"!(&io or ia hardly & be qoe.tinD 10 exerclao oa uow. 'I'he reucoa furoltllod brwbeoqneotlu (or - matioo, l ead to tbe belle( that bad we failed lu COIDIWilm&tJaJ tho exlsllna contract, w• COolold ltCit ban made " faYOrable a one Ia aay ot.her direelloD. Aud ha bellued tlull thoeo wltb bne entered io•o , &ba compact. are mea o utry capable of carryiog to mpletJoo. atrootlow, hnnllreda And Uloa..an1 Jt ol ' onr labouring: al..,.. who bad been Ul'P'I liM •ot1r •ill - be thrown apl)o tlio world uekiug omploy111eDl wloleli.thcy &My be t.blq. to obtalo.. What l\j)pnred to hi111 -.Xllrf ••• tW .u a.loe 1\dT"of uae .. n ... ,;o,.,W. dilailo, upon Ute 1mmooae the7 mainl.&in ic will coofor. er.tJrely Of erloolt: tho and pith O( tho ID3tWrr, thal ia, lbe queati011 O( CO!t \Vo baYe paued DO (ower tbaa. two llailw11y Acw through Jlae le glalatute without eureatimate being fornillbed of the coat to the ooloa,. Ue biroaelf had friveo uol\ce to for certain returna whkll whcu laid befllft the boaao will aatill7 boo. wbo are oow wArm adYoeatea of coultact, thac at the end of 86 Jc lrlf tbi• .. oolon7 will bo placed in a lluanoiAI whiol .. onrr tn1e friend of Now- foundlllnd will deplore aud tbat ho been a t o. Tho aubsiJy wb1ch tina colon7 i. aonUAIIJ liable for tu tbo ltailw11y CorupaoJ i. 8180.000 per year, whieh multiplied by ar. ye"ra jf,.c• S G,:.W0.- 000 simple on which, al -l per cent. amo nnhog to two·lhirda of t he wholt1 aubtidy. Houee the end of 35 yeafll, tho colon7 will be liable for on, iu numbera, elereo million dollan ; thA to AJ, caleuh1tiog the 811,000,000 at 4 p r cent. wbieh will giro up••u ·cb of $,.4,o00 per onnurn, and tho adtlition:a l interest en that alliO<JDl. Tbeao added to tbo liabilities referred U> ill hi.s noticct of motion, fa :- !at-Expense for conveyance of IIIJ\ils. 2ud-Expenao for telegT&pli t ele - phone unicea tu1oually. ' Std-The rate and a:nount of expen· ditoro for interest oo Lbe amouota to be od- nuoed b7 GoYernmeu.t ror rigb& of w11y throllflh printe property . . Estimate or amount or Alary or gonro- meut Engineer and atatf. Tbe10 figure1, bo repe&ted; llbould opt II the e7e:s or the rtt.ilway ad\ ' OCIIt.o., IUld aho•v all that tho bArgain, wll.ltncr temporary "dnnlagea m:t7 Bow from it., will 10 tho end ben costly one for Newfoundland. 'fbo soclion was th en adopted u well u tbo aubsequent ooo. NintL Seelioo : 9.-Wo 11re to learn the arpecial to l::ogland of tbe Premier, ir William Whito..wAy, at Lbo d-re of tho I mnnriAI at.u:udNL wilh cooaequeoeea o eoc grc:lt 1mport&nce, rmbneiog M tbe7 d o, t he allowance of tbl) Act p:weJ iu 1878 for tho amendment of our cooaUtutioo, eoofening r eprea oo- utioa on lha.e pc>rtiooa of the colooy hitherto ili!uied anell a 1\Dd recog nizing tho right of tho <:.olootal Gov- ernmPnt to ill3uo gnuu of laod on t portion of tho coast aubjoct tl'e:lty re- strictions. ' Hon. R W tttTfl 111id tho IIUDI':\DCI> conuiaod In his honor tho Adminiatlltor'A speech lotho "Frcucb ID4ttcr, wu the mon imporwot, nut to tbo nil war roferenco, or 111l the subjects embraced in Lbllt doenmont. And as ro- prd.a tbal putioulllr mnller, it wu t be m011& encoon:;fng we hAve had in referenco to tho " French Shoro" In any miniatcri• l apeech for ' lie pas! ye:nw. A l111ost from time ielmomori(tl, we h"' 'o h11d thnt l'exed qneatioa yenrl7 brought before ue in tenna diaoJnntging, fU w:ilh or deferred hope, until ftl la• t 't seeiUII ... if Ua tt.t portion or Urhia:. in Kewr oundlllnd i1 ,et eascd rr om tho fetters t bA\ eo bound it. AH hiiV· iog the Interest or ·tho colony henrt ahou ld feel deopiJ gmtcCul for tho aucceM of Sir Willinm Wbit.oway'a miui on to laod l111t eummer whore by th o exerei c of l ong claimed rj c;hta upon the Sboru bu at lu& been pennltted to u1. We CliJl bl\rdl7 adoquatel7 realize tho benefi' that musl flow from t he settlement of this 9,11es- tion, and not alone to th e people of r-; ew- foaodlnnd, bul al10 to tho French fi alaer- meu th emuh·ea. O ti r poo(llo be in,;- hither· to denied 14l1LiemeoL aod t erritorial ri;:hl.- on t hat ahort, as "'"' to be nnt omll,r expected, no little irritntioo. anti conu quouUJ 'troqoently tb o Frendt flabertnou very great anooyllnce whiln puraulng their th ere. T bilt fhct wo 11daoit, "and hence b7 hn.-. iust authority erected differ· out P,Oi'ta on tho from C•pe Jobu lo Clpe na,. . there will be better prospecD or preleni ng order and prevontiog bren.cbea of tho pcl\00 'mong the tiJbtnuen. The n, tho power to lane granta or land on t ho t"l'encb '11'1\.S 11o conce•loo of the hi::h· eat nluo to ow(onndland, and At no Iii• • unt d,y, wbeu thtl rallw11y connreta lll witlL Lbe wcat eout, wo may l ook fonunl to ri ch mineral dcYelopmoota 11nd aett lement O[\ t11s&loog tenitory. We haYI\ botn meroorialuiog t he httruo JlOYOrnment for the put 1weat7 ye:ora to look (nyonblf 11pon our claim for tho eur- eile of our riJhla there. bnt tho tneuL matte a& t he of the prtiH'n t legiJWure wu the eheorin)l note &hilt e'l'ltl' greettd na of huiog j n1tic.e doni'. l:le waa &lao refoioed to tee &hat the l OCIIl Aet of 1878, g\Ytl repreteotlltioa to Ml bee11 aanetioned bJtbo ll rit- lab ro•muqent, aa tboae laolated peorlo wiU he.... rter hue lUI III'D' to IIIII leO known their waota n the 11nd thu• " will be Ia the o"'"""'" .. rc:b of wi 'b &belr relloiY fa other putJo of the l llntl. l:loa. .R. TIIORB'ORif wM macb pl!'!'Ct'•l wl&h tMI&lflif'leMy ellaraettr "' t hl11 pnr· tJOfl of the AddreN, IIDd lit I '·o e:rtrtlllt of hla tloan' I be Ach11ln • latrator who aeCorda \be wb•ll• l'mfic t•• tba boa .. Pretaltr. }If \111). ' JMti .,.. *"'!e t.n tl>e lltell tfoN\11111 tn inFerrnlial- thaJ wr"' f'tlhrt"ly • ,Ro.. DL Wt!C'ftl w.a fuorablt to SDJ meuan Nloalated &o alford tlllpltJDitD' to w.- poor, a& .... &lit by the ope"IJODI of tho 1Wlwa7 .. , &OIIIme,...nd fill. Bnl be waa altO oee of tboat wbo afq Pft'- bapt - liMD a ,-In« to _,. .. .ODDd 114. llllCI "' I fo'"' · . farolelMcl 1 did ..... wfll 01' Willi••" (\lr . 1') fMr" I

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Medical Hall. ESTABLISHED 1885.

Jus~ rccei•·t'd I the 'prinf;'S Stock of ~EW GOODS!

r,."4l.\ lwuys 011 l~anJ-u full SII Jtply ,,f ,\1 1-:L>Il:l ~ !-::), DHUG ·, TUlLI~T AI! l'ICLJ·:.-s, ,\:e.

.: J:P.•rL icnt.•· ntto·11tinn l'"i'l lo PRE .. ;o;c l:l r"l'[u~:::;.

--- I Wt .• ,t .:..ul~! n~ent f\lr .Ju~st<>n's Flui1l

\a..,r. :J T~"' fvllowin~ lli'J bVIIIU of the 'il\ci

lt l m•­};.,.,·. r.uit :::,h. <~ linine "'i~< J\ .. :ndnr;'"t l•·"'·cl Pt..wdcts , \

o T iwm,,·, E lt•cll ic Oil ·-.....~ l: .uu, Ucu%im·. l: i~iu;;:inn UT:icld~ntl ;:-.:,~, .,.·~ Ul.u·kll•,ul, L't.~"\!; iu1 / }:,·.a ~'. C:ultl IA·.tl, l!L IIIlo\lick~k l ~.~~··,. El.u111.: l wliu 1' IUIJN' Y ... ni~L fvr q .,lllcS.'I, Dr.L'I:< Pvlibh ( 'loth~:. Bn~>hl'S, ll unJ ilru,hl·s .!\nil '"'· Tt)l)~lo J ,,, SJ..,,·in:: tlo. Drt·:t.l l~liu\l·rs C ·.,.~.,,. Uil roer ~.;a l1on, ' ' ''· in llo~tlt'll I · •• ur~ Phslt•r, l'uhl l ' rt':lln C \ • 1 I i,·.,r Ll1l 1"'1' ~nt:.m tlo. in lnttlf·~ lJrt·M. Cv:uh•, Fonf! (; '"'' '•· I ':111111 y Scc1l \ 'ull.:l' llll~t~t·• l l.n •, n 1llJ.. I 0 "' ( 't-:. UU of f"attn;, \-:&tt'HI ' ' t; h ,·c•t iU(\ )•'.uHdUt\' l"·•h~h.<: t.t••, l : ,, u·, ; .. t ,u·. ll \')1\f'.t" l Lt :t ~"' Ft.l•. hn~ n ···1··~. 1;t f'.&'l ' ;la-.M'"' H •llatl'l ( :lUI\ l\. 1\ ':. t · t..=u'it f' . l.••m. Pel..· I J . tn.- .J uh.'t', L .•• ;, '' '~• · . . \J. ,,·.uue \ )a l .:'llu. d.· ~· ·, :-lippll'.· f.,, F. t·.lur:;' 1~ t It•• .:'\t•.ll..·f•••lllol, J: ,•ol :mo l \ ',•tl tW Udu o•S D .\' l' lint•- dl • lo.ul.·•. !'opt• L'l.oy )'·,·11 l :.u:··~-an. l l' 11ri. l'mk Hoo~ l'umict Swur, lto>tin. :::; tl. Prune l111

_., tl nl H it p•r ;...,11 >n, •hi. iu l>"lol l~ :-i .t ·"·t l. ·m· n :o\tht o•tll\ ...;..,j 11&17. l'owJ(•r I; oa t :-i , .. l.u·. Sn01tl' H · ' " ' · L·~~ulc ~o IJ• T .,,. l' ·• ' ''lio ~ I tl1 ,,,, :...:. ' ' I' 1~.-.,,, u \r ... t~ .... ,.. d • t : Jrctrint• tlv. f '•rltuu.,t ~ ,f .... tl '· \\' , , 1,. -: t ' a ,. ,«ul :o\puth ~' r I 1·•· .r a t' ', .J.(In.,:"". (!luc s, •. u.:··· . ' I \ ,,, . ...; I • • ) I \I h··rs P la•t<'l· . \ k, ,·,:, 1' ,, H-4 p ,,, .•,. , Tu tJ, ri c .\ ca•l t:;1-ct:1 ..... ,. ,,1 L•·u• • •. 1' ~ • Lia PO\\,I(.u '"\· l'a~t~ t · •1• ~ 1 \',, , ,ll ,h, \ ' l lh';.:ttr, Qo,.~r,,s t·:,L a-.• :~ "~ l.~;;"'o01l, C:roua.t olo. :"I •m< lad 1\n•h h-r>, \V ttl.Son'11 Schulcd iou )[,'!<. A lien'• H .tir Rcatorer Ayc:'o~'Ol" rry Puctorul, A ye r's :::;..t'Silf'llr JL,h ·,,y 'K 1:. 11 ;t.cnt, llri1 islt Oil lt11"

,1... l te,...Jy Hcliuf. Cuchous I:,,, ... ,, ·~ n, onchi.t!Trocbes, ~·lorit!tt \V11tt'r n,·,· .. ·ao ·~ ('lolnro.ltu{', Ayer'" H ai a· Vi!,oor. 1 't. t:.t, n',Tw tlaroa.: l:ing•, Ei P eppermint J{cur\., (" 1,· n •: \ l ·~uf•"'itl l {, ll ;•.ay ·~ U ... taucu~, I l ullow •y's Pill• l' t~klc':< Pdl1, Un11 ~·11 tit~ . ~.Jrtou·~ ti t>. I'.u· .. on',. J o A ycr'11 tlo l!l orrison 'a Jo H .. lwnf's do " 'ils, n'll do J o i111.30;1'a A no lyno Liimcnt do Kc.L~iu!;" Cough Lozeos:e>~

tb \\' oa m Tuhlt:ta, M u.staog Liniment W ooJill's W orm Lozonges )1.:1Pan'11 \ 'ot·mifugl', :\Jedicumentum i\lor~herul'" )fa~gnudo PIMlor r wr :1\lln't~ friend, R oth'.s Rat P oison lt IMia .. h ·n, J>irit Flusks ::!h01-i•'s C~alition P o•vJ cr Ri~nmel'.- Li . e J uioc 11ntl Ulyocrine J\ l11rg8 1\SS<l meu~ o( lUmrnel'll perfume in.,lctol~oltlen Eye Oinl.ment

W il"ol\ll ~ rry B.tlum, Viole t Powdor do ~liing Syn•r. '

'ViniiiO)VS do. .Smull: in!( l'ub.'\C:CO, l'i1JeS, PenkoiYCS P .. pcr Envelopes PeM, Pencils '\'riling and Marking In lea Toboeco Po:aches, Oamel H:Ur Poneila Se:tling Wax, Oigt~ra Amilino Dyes in ¥· pac~ai'!S

QROCERIES : Oreeo Peu (ca11J1ed), Swee~ Corn, Oli•M (bo~Ued), Cip~ OigareU. Q..,roed BeeC-2 and 61b. tina. Beat o .roand Coff'ee, S.go .

wTQO~, Pearl &rley ndied Cit,...,oPoel,l'luouringEeaencee do. \..emoa do. · do. OrAnge dl), BoWed Fruita

J. ms,.J. elliee,lf annalade, o.mned o,aten Oondeneed Milk, Ptelel'ved BeE! Preterftd Mutton, Soup and Rouilli Potted Tongue, Potted H~.Pot~ Beet Com Fll>or, Pepper, Spice, Cinnamo11 Curow~y Seed, Cloycw, Picltlee, &aoef. Corrie Powder, Thyme,, Paral11y Majoram, Kaoe, Tllble Vin~r, N utmegt

Cayeoae Pepper, OaperaiiiHA ee Nt!IIOD'I OehuU.. ud hi ~oodilre~ki.ngPowd , red H'ope lLobba,tOp.'l Patens s-rltJ, ppl Cocoa

clo. 4o (~roUe N•••'• ...., ,_ &~anu. •n Bt• ................ ucl l.ot ... l'e&lr, .,... • o.'• .....,ra&etl .Bi.labU.

ia'lfttia !'Nil".. &tdJbel .A OILMCI . .....


QUEEN uraJlce C~p;my ,\Ir-£2,000,000 Sterling.

l~SUltA~CF. DUILriNG, 1.1 V£RPOOL i

-ASO-l~~ Ul': . .3 !!WE DUILOTNGS,

GH.\ 'Et:IIUROiltt.iTHJ::ET, LUNDU~.

:\ l'l'· l-'JR'n' .\:\XI AI.• RF.PORT. '

Ht•J tOllS :~nJ Accounl8 for the g; , 1"-eo;cntc.lto the Slinrebolders A11naml :M<'I' ting, 011 'fuesdl\y,2ith

(!), nt wlti..:h UcmRrtl lint I, P.sq., , ahowt:.oJ, in the Dil·idcNI ond

IlL tlao 1nto tolit.> tlanr of 1:> pe r cent wn. ecJnrcd, £14,03;; l.tcing cur­ricJ f ur11'.fr.J .

I FIRE BRAXCIT, '!ial tho l'rc ruiums ft r I Si S, nfier

d Othfting R o ins u111ncea, amounted to .£.t5~,2H, being nn incrcue oi £5,3!11 0\'Cr ~he Premium Income ur \877 j and tho tsaoa to £251,061, being :15. 16 per ccn o n tho Pre111iums o t tile Year.

I . 'fHE L.IFE DEPARTMI::NT. TIM New Policies lind been isaued

ft~r Jf:!22,4 5 ; anti that tho l .. ifo lo'ond, l.ty tl.c mltlitions mnde t.o i~ oa tho result uf ttlo yc'"''" operations uow rl'prescr.t11 Gi .!'ltrt" r cent. of tlae t>ntiru net Premiums ·~..:,.I,LoJ ou cH:ry Policy in fo tcc.

~>C surplus h:tlunco in the t-'ire Ac:­

cm ~ WRS ~t.own to \,c .£ 10 i .5!19, out ol " 1 ·Ia .C :!O,C)IJI) wns • Pl •rotH ir tcrl to .-in lf'll ~l· \ ccunnt, 111i~in0 tltut, ,l,ccount In I t0,1IOU 111111 no.tkin:: \1 illo tl1e .Ht•·

X'um)1nJ ilJJ .:UoC\! CllnieJ furWin'd 00

. l'U~S. Pl\id up ............ ... .£r~.OS~

l;.,j,•r~tl H~fier•·e Fun•l ... ... ... 1 i0,\1()() Ftr~ Fuu•1 for une~trrc<l l'rcm iumJ 11&l,ttl)l) t i:\I~III'C cMrll'.t forwftl'\l ... ... ... 1-1 ,0:;!) l.ifo \•·~"""'bl n>n 1: uuol ... !IW,St!) .\ u iutl~ fuutl . .. ... ... .. 11 ,:,;;(1

Dee. 27, 1 ":!l.


~1\IO:O.: 00;\0Y.\X. t:~nernl A;;~ut for :\Otl.

Sa·u . . \ urSI" : A. T. l>ltYSil .\ I. P.,

llnrbur (.imcc. H. 0 ' llEEII.\:oi .~ Cu ..

St. P ierre.

Northern. Assurance Co:mpe:ny.


FXFl.E d3 LXP.El

,C.\I'lTAL-£3,000,000 Stg.

FikE f'RE:\llUhls::=. ........ .£403,{00 Ll 'E . do. .. . ...... ........... t.~7.c 00 L.'il ' E.Rl::ST ......................... .. . l Ol,OOC

\ l EAD OFFICES : J.osnos-1 1\Joorgll\e !)\reel. ABErtDI:Il~-8 King Sl~tl.

[n r:mcoefl'eetedon Prope rly \o Now. jl;~o,l{wd 11t Cur~outllntoa of Pru. ~tum~\

PtdspocLuaes.-Forma of Application Fire and Lifo Ins orii:ICO nud o.lJ r (o(o1f!1Ahoo can bn obt4ined at Oftieo of

A. U. TIAYWARD SL Jobn'a, Agent lor N 114

Guardian FIRE & LIFE

----.-OP LON~~~~~y

GUARDIAN" b elntt a f\rat-elus ranee Company, oll'tn aU thoee

a.a·,.·~te•'{Ilc>n duirable to ioaure'ra, Ti&., it7, (uorable tenu and

... tue,meiDU o~ claima for lo,u. uosf.eralgned hari!l¥ been ~pppio•ed for New,(OJu~dlaod II prepared ·to I•·

.galoatla. b7 .Fire. J,AAIES S. WINTER,

8~. ~bo'e. .fOSE'PR OUDDB1f,

Sub-ApeL Bt:. ~.

...,. .


... ~ .. t • ! t I ~ • I 't ~



CARRIA.GES. WARREN & WHITr.!'AN would beg to 1111~0 to tioc;r pntrou& ~tutl other~ Ual\~ ~h ry h:we on h.tu•l ( fi niRhrcl) a 'lut\ulity of ;'\ 1·:\V (.;A ltHIAUES of <liiTt·r ­t nl Sly It:~. l'nrtie5 w11utin~; 11 CArrin~c "ill do well to gi•·o~tcru n c:•ll. as t!Jeir c:.rri­ng~s llrO Of SUJlCriOr 111:\kll, be ing UIA ll ll f:{c. ~urc1 1 Olll Of lhC b<."lot obtllinl\blc 8lOCk 1111tl fi uishctl in t bc I . tcalatyles .·n.cj hi\\'O .\ llL.\UKS~IITII on ll tcir pre­mite~. wLo is nu cxccll~ut horse-•bocr­win gu:tr:~otec to be.lp 1\11 LDfirulitiea int i· dculto baJ aboeing.

REL'Alltl.'\G nn•l I'AI~TIXG se.·oo•l­hnnd Carri&gea will bo Joue in a mftnntr th.,_ will eoaure 1111tiafacLioo bo~ll in price, quality 1\Jld quick despalcl>.

firSt rid attention paid to oulport 9rdens. Prices moderate.

Will haYe Aleigha aud cuioles io l heir proper l t uon.

Puc£ oF 8us tsus-\\"11tor Slreel, nea~ Mar~in's lJrook.


Bargaiua. Bargains. -AT-

Parsons's Furniturt Store The Subecribera thankful for pMt f11ovoure

beg to iotlml\lo to tho public generally that tiler oow oft'e.r rot u.Jo-109 BEDSTEADS aL 12/and upwards.

3 do&. LOUNGES o' ~7/6 aud upwl\rtll. 4. do&. Toilel TABLI::S at 7/ And upwards 4 do~ W .r\SIIS'l'A:NVS 11t 'l/ aod upw11rd

12 do&. ¥ at and Com moo 1 WaluutParlor SUIT.

Onl, Roood aud Kileheo TADLES. Ch11mber So ita, Whatnot.a. Window Pol" &Dd Cornicu.

Aod a loL or OUitOMOS and PlCTURES. RUSTIC

Fnmea, Picture Moulding, &c. Is WFltA.M.ES made w ~qrder.

A. «E. PA.RSO . NoY. 30.


M. CHISHOLM. M •. D .• C.M. (McGUJ Uninhity, Montreal.)

Pb.yaioi&D, 81lJWMD u4 ; .&oooftheur-___ DA l. HOBERTSand ~OR'£.J>E-GRA VE. de(K.ll . :



For · One ltonth Only t II'HE G&NUINE

Local and other Items. -Tbo value ola 11)DbJo hnlug fallen

cou~tlerulr duriaf tbe \aa' few w.,., it i. uow uid Ll&u G~obeld wu lo lea~ I\ willa llauhra ...... ._ auwt. hi.l wartlh apeecb and Md dtliber&~o:tJ goc up- Ute ~ to deprtciat.a &lte roubtea. •


Mo:co.u, Feb. 27. (Co11tinvcd.)

IfO)I, A. 0;\RI't:r heartily CCDCUtTed ia lhui J!8RJ;ntph. 'l'o hia miud it wu A 111b·

MtSSIOlUilT MIITINO.-TI:e annual pub. j ect for sincoru congM\tull\lion 00 tho lio ' meeting in aid or Home anti !o'or<•ign uf tho colonJ «> luwo ~nred the cxiatiag Miaaiooa in coouretion wilh t ho C hurch u£ t'Ontntat for tho conalr\Jction or n rallrond l::nglaotl, ~~ held in ~o Ccnttl\l ·chool tbron~:h tho hl11ud. U11lilte tho bon. !;CD· l~m ou 1 urtda1 n~nm,: lat~ ~ho l.l~ ··· t lemM (llr. Tborburn) be (Mr. II.) bold E. &twood, H. 0 ., •.n the Cbr.a~. I he t he OJlinicn t h11t blld wunotconll'l\elcd w1th roo&U ~ .. well tl\led w1Lb no Alteutm3 nod tho 'll'bo llllt·o uuderiRkoo tho apprt:olllllvo ~~~d•uo~e. J\ 8 111ual, 0 11 suo.:h \fOrk, "c &houltl uot hi\\'C found any other OCCI.ltOo., IUIII\ble .bymus we~u .•ung nn•l I pnrties to Ollll'tnC it upon sucb fnornhlo rra~cra 0~••ret.l tlurau~ lhQ 0\'C.Illlltl, n coP· tc iDlS. 'J lult hon. f:!Cn tlornnn' aeoma to for· .~ctron be10g !"~c.l.e at t~e .cloq~ 111 a.i,•l uf 1bo !!''' that the pN pos.'ll 1n~~Ju br tho Syudi·

llorue and t orotan llu11eo 1· uot.l. -.1/rr. I ... -ue rcpr~nted by Mr. UJI\d:mno .,..113 w ry. not the Or&~ thM wu IUadc to tloo ~lony.

. It · · b' ---- 1ft b . 1 Thero "113 ftl~o A llropoaition from a Cana· - IS Wit rn 1117 knowl~<'l<e I n~ ea~ht tlinu Cum~ny prior to it which was pub­

yeara ngo, "hem ~bo proJCC~ of runuau.: luhcd nud iu the banda of members of tho occ"!' llumers .of ~:rea~ •p~d }'otwccn I h•giaiMurl) before Mr. lllacl:mM'a., but Lourahurl! nntl Mal~~·l l~nuu, ~~~ Englnncl, tlu.>n{:h nol nn un(nvor:tblo one, could wo w~ wc~uou~ lo 1 r.'tttlen~ !.!~11nt, t here I nfTord to c.~rry il out, i~ tras ~utly lcs.J nd­bel?g ,wllb lmn li,r. Sccrc ll\ry l· Ilk and t~o ""nta;:cons to t ho colony than hie. For

du. ll:st ~ •• ~,tmU!Cr Geo~~l. l ho tht:n rr II• / hia OlYU ~rt, l·e mual 81\y ho hlld beoo Yery • .... ed bia. couvtctton thAt: ehou!o.l I be llp(lrt:buuaivo rutc r tbo eootnct was made

ach.ewo be a~med out, tho Unatetl Sbtcs't Jut ye:tr th:~ot the compnny who undertook llllllll would be canitd by that route. AaA•j tbc work' would fnil to commence opemtions con~uenco, 10 WCCIIcJ t ho pcw~eogera also. at the atipulated 'time, 1100 experienced 11 - ConL to C. B. A~ttle. ~ plciu urnl.Jitl relief wbc11 ho 111w t boy wore

• tn enrneat . It w:ut n "ut &peculation the ......J.lrrofcTA!>'T RUOIITS-Mr. ~>ce of :\_las- c.>ropnuy h• d entered upon, and one in

eachuactta bas (lrepared, under. ao11ruc~1oua wbieh it is 'luite poaaiblo lber mi\J lose a of tbe houae commltlte on fort'a~u reiMtons, Ina go nrnount of money . but bo had newer a ~port ou tko qun lion. ~~~ iMu_e between yet bee n able to percei'Ye how under anJ Uua co~nlry. and Gn~t llnuuu "'rtb regard circumstances connected with It the eolonJ to tho fi~enea, P.•1~g ou,t .>f tho work ~f Clio suffer I oM. lie thougbi tlwl coouoo­the llal~f~ comuuaaoo. Ibo rcrorl wall tioo of tbe mining intereatu with St Jobn'1 fl\'tor su·l~g til England tltnt we wna 11 woak Lhn~ would rebound ~oat ~­ahAII lennana_to tho prt'un~ conditions liS vnnta:;:cou~ly lo tbo colony, and as rar .. •oo• 118 prac:ttcable uuder tho tcr101 of tho con&! ruction is concerned no m:ln can bo trea~y. ao l.liod as not to linn pe:.ceived tbc grel\t

--- JtOOtl ftlre3dy dono for tho l&boriog people Workingmw. , through the iDilrumeotali~y of tho COlli•

nerore Y.on bOijiA your hen"y spring work p.~oy'a work11. Tho excheqner too hM nftcr a lrlnler o( rduation,, your eya~ew 11\'l:ely benefitted by tbe increased COD· needs cl~auslng f\nd llrcn~:tlreuing to pr•- iunoption of dutiable goods conaeqrient v~ul :111 llltnck ol •\gn~. ~Jillou~ or ~pain:; upon mil way outlay amon~ the people i l' uv<."r, '-:r IOIDO O~lf :11!: aicknua I hilt nnd tho dOW:uldl UP.On pnvalo obarit7 iu wrll uoh~ yon fo a u'a w.Jrl.:. You S:tlnt Jobn'a, ordin•nly 10 large at lhia &CA· Will d:nc, Dl tf C&iii\Utl j;,'I'Cl\~ CX• IOD Of tbi!..JCir, blli'O been greatly clin\inish-

JOU, • Ono bo.u1¥ vf ll•p C\l b1 u.,..d;.lo,. .... m..,.l 1UUOD21l).he. 0(111~· iu your fnml7 thi~ mouth. Oou't tiro inhabitouls of tho metropolis and atl-

wr~i t.- -lJnr.'i"!JIOII 1/urL~y~. j~cont settlements. '.11ao oxtrnordinarily suHre wint er ~rc arc. ju' t emerging from,

F.nry D'.'li l frou :\ew(Qnudl;~nJ brin!!l ull.'lnr~•!etl ;luring thirty yCArB (or fre· frl''h C\ i•1cure uf IM ~rowiu;: ponulnri~y 'JIII!IICY of \ow ll!mpemlurc, COOSb\UCJ of ~f 1bc rail""~' t lr11l ir uoao bciug buill in the ~eYcro atorw•. and imrnoo10 enOIYfftll, llas ISilUid. Tbu •cre~u o! the locnano1ivo ia been mo8t tryin;: to the poorer cl"'ea, n .ukin,;- moru t h:u lbe ccho~.a of nlit:>ry those hvin!! in ~he outlyiolg viJI,.ge& being loill 11nll wooal : it rousing the nncieot unnblc to procaro the produce or tho w~ds culuny I? p>n\·lic.~ l apprccl~tion of rt vourcea for u le, ~CAtcely for fuel, yet there ht\8 11nd cApftbllitics fH•n ><hich " ,:rent <It ilin)' llt'c n comp.'lmtivdy littlo of tltat iutliscri • 11\~' b1! fOIIIICd. \ fbc.•n the mih•ny shal l tnin~IO bcg;:in1: CUJd be~icging of privnte hA''" Ofll'ncd IIJl •lht ft: rlilc lntt'ls and I:<Jl · rloora tliat trc hnvu hitherto nnfortthwuoly pe•l tho mit•e rl\1 vciuof the inlc rior 118 well Loen acctalomed to. No doubt this im-· M t he IJord~r lRndl\, OCCUJ" tiona ruorc pro· pro1•ed condition of the people 1ru hugely fit.:\lllu :\lid ~~ .. (IClr.luua than tho Oab~ri~11 owing to the high price j;ivcu for li'ah lu~ will int ite ' 1J.-' p1c~cut inhnbi lllnts nnd fl\ll, hu~ cqu:uly, be believed, to the ll\rge m:1ny thou•atldc more frou1 t he AI· expenditure o( money in tho l11te moolha lllutic.- .1/uulrw/ ll'ilut.<.•. o r t.ho fall nud early monlhs or the lriolor

whicb relierrd tho gorerument from 11 con· A Sm,,soc ~lt:Ttot:(H.O(ItCAL Pn Esom:- sidcmble drnio upon it. fuutla. lle b:od

SON.-Y~sU!rdl\y, 11bout noou lie 'l'er:tl per- atroug /Lith tberetore in the elc"n.liog 11nd 1011a hat.! an oppo~nuity of witnUiiog a amehorloliug powers of the r:Uiway.,and nre, if oo~ exceptionlll pheuonacnon from henrt ily cooenrreJ in 'be congmtulatiooa 'l'ops4il. Fro1o Nr almoat cloudlelll aky ofTcrt d by the llddreu of thia Council to tho t.hrouJ!h a clc:u almoaphcre, and through ROYeaD'DCnt, 11nd to the coon,ry, upou the I he dauling rays of the aun, a anow-J~pout iuilii\Lion of that gnmd work and tho proa­l'{cpt. dowo with ArOllr tuld rattle Jiko tho peot of its CODIUDliDaliOII. ooi1e of ~iattw~artilory. To tho eye or tbe DoN. Snrnv.~ RtNOCt.L uid it was grati­o~n·cr 1~ looked for 10me minutes like :o fyiu,:r to heftr aueh strong npi'Hiioos oC huge. while column, its bll8e on tho ground coufideneo iD tho rtt.ilway O%[)~ b7 boo. 11nd tis llpex lo1~ in tho di1tanl air. The ~:entlemeu,· which be hoped woold not be soow-apout ~r:u ooanposeJ or dry, amoll, found to be miaplBced. Hill O'lt'tl ' ' iowa !rraunlar enow and made " very larj;ll plio were notao rote·colorod as thoae or othen tp tho neighborhood of its descent. Right 1\.S reg11nla the prospective bcuo6ts the7 an. &bovo thia point was a amall jagged grey tieip3to to flow. (rom it. llo doubted their cloud, no big~er th11u 1\ ltllln'a bAud, 11nd re&lizationfor tDauyyel\rato come, even,o.lter from tho bo1011> ofthia, doubtiCto&, tbo novel the rond aha II h•ve bebu comvle led through viaitor b:od trueHed-.l/crc:llry, .Marcla 18. tbe Jaland ; bowenr lheso w~e matten

1 which tho f aturo aiODO CAll d etermine. lie -TilE FASTtST .\ TL.\.,'TIO P A55Aor- -The had, lutyear, taken exeevtion to the man­

new Cunartl alcaner &rria hu made tbe ner in whiell the &ilwaJ Ae& Wll8 carrictl fu teat ,\tt11utie ot.a!S:\ge on record, between through till! legislaturo, lbo procedure at­Now York aod'~ecnst.lwo, Tho p3rtiau· tending ib ool being in accordllnco with bis lara of tho YO)'l\go 1t.rc 111 f•>llowe : 3.3b p.m. vlewa of tbo propriety tha~ abonld be ob· Jan. 18 th, pu~ed Cutle r.utlon, At 6 .:> aer .. ed in deAling with 1\ mcuure of aocb paaaed &udy llook, wiDd nriAbt8, muder. e:rtraordionry aud jlencml in1port:ooeo to tbo ate breeze; J !lth, .Dodorale breeze, d.i&tanoee COIODJ. IJowuor it ia DOW the law of tho mo. 268 mllea: :!O~b. northeriJ brreze, 3l2 laad, aod h11' hoped it wlll be carried ont milea; 2ht, wind Mef.erlr, •node"te, sao Rod f~lhfull7 on both aides, accortl-milea; !?'2od, oaet~rl,,ligM winds. SGO milea tho •~rici. letter of the bond, that t he 2Srd, aout.berly, Jreah, 892 milea; 2!::~-H~!~~~~~;~~~ will require and e~lfrom tho aonth·wet erl~ 402 miloa; 2blh, all t hey ha..,.e uot1ertake11 to per-IOUtb·weeL bree , milea: 2Gtb, aouth- form, 1\Dd on their part. cerrJ oul Lbeirlob-wen, 802 milea to eeoltown; 2.!6 a.m.' ligatlolla to tho Company witboul deristion lh. · · d F 6 " [tom. tlle conclltiott5 ol the comp~~ot.. lle

'P 1 lldle, pa-. utuet; ·""• aniYed tt fe11red tha~fore tho work ia coro~loted (l.nreoatown. 'l'he 11ppannt tl!ae or tbe Jl8111'1!e ia 7 daya, 12 bou"ll9 miunte~~ ; and propoaltlo • for ehanj!ee will be mat e. If the actual limo or th,o f*.tllftO~ from Saodr ao. he hoped the1 will be earefull7 coo­Hook, 7 da.ya, 7 boun,. 41 fllill•tea. 'l'bil aldered b7 go.-ernmet~fbefora being a~ed Ia by 10~eral. miootea tho allortal ).lclaa«o toi and be ttuated t.hey will no~ tJ.o. l bom· ou record, notwi1hataodiog that the Ca\ai-d lA ,,.. up. to a or uew ootldkioua witbou~ roDte i• by 00 aillra longer U..n that uken aBordlog tbolegialatore ample time to con· b7 woal of tho other tints. lt will a1ao bo aider them. When the adYocatea of a rail· aeeu that 00 10,eral.. dt,J& tba &rcio had way pollc7 were diactuiiJie tho qaeetiou lu eaateriJ wiodl. ita earller ataca, and pourtraytae Lbe fOOd

ll va, to their mlncb, om.ia to coafor dpoo th eountty, three po!Du were lu.ilt­ed upon ai aare tO oome wlt.hla tho toopo of · Ita lmpro•iog IDftue11ee. Firat there were oar' fora& \anita, wblch would 11t onee be counrted into a nl'!Able aouree or weao1th. &®Ddly our .,nealtaral Ianda, •htch awaited bat the railrOad. to make tllem -lie with a plentffol hllrnlt, ud laatlr oar taln~raJ la~ wbloh were lm· modiataly to Jl•kl an«>ld wealth. Well &~~• leo lormfr appear aow to llan tub· efded oa~ of notfqa altorthor, and tbt whole relleauo eetme to be the m'-1 lall(le, aad nett UJa• moa be admitted to be a lpeCnllatin 110111"'8 fOC' the COilt·

DL Up to Ulla _._a~ Ml --e~edfade._. p!Ope"'* lD l'ewfonndlalld,

wrthcMit *"' .,..,. re*telratlu. ae,.trthtl• .._fa· be~lllble.

ol appoctitloe WoOW


or;c the faithful ~iog out of L11o con­trac~ wo ll•'e nwle~ wi&h alj iii la1lla, do· recta, tu1d diaadYf'C~U. . , • '

,R olr. Cot.o!itAL !;tennAnt · coinelde4 w1th the boo. aea t.lem&D Ia hil opiaiob tbal it 1e t.he diuy of the ,oYena~ - "'• contract fahhrniiJ carried on: in all itt de141lt, but iu 1'1)gllrd to the polic7 of tho railwsy ho could IICG bo pnGtJcal end to bo 'terYod by reviviog D diJcuaiou O( it UOW'

that polio>: baviog Woo o.lllrmed by ua l .. t aeulou. )\'bat hat fallen from tho bon. gentleman, and from bon. Mr. Thorburn upon ltut point wu aul:at.antially uprerBed ~y them on proviooa occ:asioua. 1\nd be (C. S.) runat&.'ly, be wu lu bopea tlil\t tbo Iauer boo. geutlcruan at all ovcow bl\d 10rnewbat modil!od hla aYuraion to tbo rnilway policy, e,pecu>lly 11.1 ho l111tl IIJlpcndcd his uaruo to tbe re1;orl o~ lbtl Select Com10itleo which· l:lJa that tba inaul!uration of tho lt4111TI\Y IY~S a SUb~L of CODQnttUlllliOII U> t l1e country. llo was diappoiote•l at fiua.l iog that bon grotleruao'• v1en atill nneb11ng· ed and conllictinu with t.he paragmph iu the Report bearing his signnturo. Aa reg;~rds tho rer~rt:neo «> the milway con· ta.ined io !be ministerilll Speech, i~ alludca only to what bu 11\ken plnco aioce Jail IOC!ion in 11elu11l work done au~aeotly to the llffirrn~~tion of tho policy and pl.SUiftl of tho Act. It went into operation only io A ugu.,t lut, 11nd sin eo that time, "' tho epcech declares, mucb Vllluablo work hilt been dono and 1\ largo amouul of employ· rneot giYen to tbo people. . A• Cho hoD gentleman (Mr. llarnJ) hu remarkea.l, the demaoth apoo Q'OYernmeot ano,. winter would hue bcolo exl.raordiua.ry, but lor Lbe nlaable help fnrniahed b)' the diabunemeuu or the Rail'"'J Company. It baa beeu atnted publi~, lbal tho7 bave upcn"td in lAbor, And iu tho purebuo or matori:.l iu lbo country, two 'bundred tbou­lllnd dollars since Lbc7 c.>mmeuced opel'&lioos., and thaL ali\U!meut ho (C. S.) know to be a fact. That wu a \'cry con· aidenblo aum diatribtU.ed Amongat Lbo people, numbera of whom, uotwitbltaudiug tho prosperous reaull of 1:1e fl.lberiea. would bavo been 1111dly at a lou to support them­selves s ud their fAmilies tbrougll the moat trying period or tbe year but for this ICil&ODI\blo ouua,. Good ... tho fitliery pro.-ed, tho st~eta were thronged with peo­ple from the ueighboriog outporta u well u from St. J ohu'a, aeckiog work on tho ...:1--ro -~ _ __.-' ""--- ..... :,.-t •r.,, ao far M 1~ goca is a. utiafaetory woo tba operation of the r:UI11'ay policy, 11ud i , 118 lion. gentlcm11o havo uid, wo aball hpve to P.'Y (or t his benofit, our prel4lnt vio11j of ita effects and future iodiCAtionA., lead to t ho belief that. the projocl ia well wort.h «> t ho country nny obUpatioo. we hnYc under· tAken ~ obwin it. lie cooflidcreJ tho goY· crnmool. hnd 1011do AD adnntas;coua b:lrgniu for tho colony, and he hoped i~ would prove cquall7 so to tho otl1er pnrlioa to tho coo­tract. Jt hM been arsucd tl.allt wo re­&Ort to inereucd ta.tation ~ tlelrny tho n>il­WIIJ IIIOOdJ.

lion. A. IIAnn:Y-The "New P11rty'' are going to p:.y i~ witbcut increl!Jied taution, 11od wit.bout reduction of tho public aor-

~- . lion. 0oLO~I.\L 5ECR£TAnT-Tho pre.teot govonlmcnt do not profou to rival tbe "Kew Par~J." our pretenaion~ 11ro moro modeat, and tho1eforo we cou6ue our views aud eiTort.t within a humbler compMS. Even should tualiou hue to be r010rted to in the loug roo U> help us to auaU\in oar obligationi In re.tpec& of tbo coulract., bo ~Jn)ugh.t it CMnol bo otbcrwito than trifl­ing, in. Mticipation of the vut impe· Ius that m111t be J!lvcn to husinca or all kiDde. ill the colon,, aud tho eoDIIC!· guent all(f1llenutioo o tbo pabho iucomo. l'he enlarged teYeoue, ills to be espected. will enable tho coiODJ to mee' tho dem&Dd npoo it, 1\rtd ahoald a modarnte incrtue of taution become iulperative, it will be or 1\tcb insignificant provortions that thare will not be & aoeo&d opinion Abou~ it in view of the lllllgnitodo and nlul) of t.ho benefits conferred. 'I'Ite bon. g~otlemau (ll r. Thorburn) ia alill of opinion tba& rtt.ilway ' quell ion abonld bare been eub .. milled U> the people and pronounced upon at tbe polla. Thill anggtAtion was fu~ly dobalod here IMt aeasion, 11od i~ WM ~naoror­otl by tho ataU!mol)t th11t whaloYOr diO'or­encc of opinion mi~bt at first huo oxisu:d iu tho public mind u to tbo proprielJ or noceuity or doing ao, aub.equent p roced•lro on the p;;.tt or tho people amply jUJtilleJ tho courae adop'-ed. Tbe peoplo them­RelY~ took tho matter up wiUl energy and •virit; ptstitiona ~ured iu from almost ever7 pan of thecolonJ iofonningthe logie­latoro Lbal tho popular Yolco Will clamor­out lor tho rail war, and thaL tho adoplion of meaaurea lo • gh·e practi~l ell'tet to that polior ~oold not bo re~r.trd.d oue da7 loogor l t.h&n ,.."' unnolt.lable. Such ware the. pro.ouoeed terma ia whfeb ther· <h!clared U..m•el.-es; whero tbco wonld ban been the ulillt7 of going to the oouut.ry opon a queetiou whieh Lbe public bad empballeally declared for, aud .bleb. m!Pt then be obaearad bJaide iaeuqa 1111d lnnelaeL matte" c:reated. to warp the pub-

· lie mbld and dlnrt it from the true Datare of the qaeatlon a• alike? TbeM were now -u.ra belonefal to the put.. \Vbet•cr th coloiiJ ba_. a good blt"!(&io or ia hardly &be qoe.tinD 10 exerclao oa uow. 'I'he reucoa furoltllod brwbeoqneotlu(or­matioo, lead to tbe belle( that bad we failed lu COIDIWilm&tJaJ tho exlsllna contract, w• COolold ltCit ban made " faYOrable a one Ia aay ot.her direelloD. Aud ha bellued tlull thoeo wltb whom~e bne entered io•o, &ba compact. are mea o utry ~ capable of carryiog f~ to mpletJoo.

atrootlow, hnnllreda And Uloa..an1Jt ol ' onr labouring: al..,.. who bad been e'mplo7~l Ul'P'I liM •ot1r •ill -be thrown apl)o tlio world uekiug omploy111eDl wloleli.thcy &My u~& be t.blq. to obtalo.. What l\j)pnred to hi111 -.Xllrf a&Aa~ ••• tW .u a.loe 1\dT"• ~ of uae .. n ... ,;o,.,W. dilailo, upon Ute 1mmooae adnnta~tea the7 mainl.&in ic will coofor. er.tJrely Oferloolt: tho tt~~tueo and pith O( tho ID3tWrr, thal ia, lbe queati011 O( CO!t \Vo baYe paued DO (ower tbaa. two llailw11y Acw through Jlae leglalatute without eureatimate being fornillbed of the coat to the ooloa,. Ue biroaelf had friveo uol\ce to moY~ for certain returna whkll whcu laid befllft the boaao will aatill7 boo. ~udemen wbo are oow wArm adYoeatea of Lb~ coultact, thac at the end of 86 Jcllrlf tbi• . . oolon7 will bo placed in a lluanoiAI pc:~~liou whiol .. onrr tn1e friend of Now­foundlllnd will deplore aud ~jlret tbat ho ""~ o"e~ been a p:or~y to. Tho aubsiJy wb1ch tina colon7 i. aonUAIIJ liable for tu tbo ltailw11y CorupaoJ i. 8180.000 per year, whieh multiplied by ar. ye"ra jf,.c• SG,:.W0.-000 simple, on which, al -l per cent. amonnhog to obou~ two·lhirda of the wholt1 aubtidy. Houee a~ the end of 35 yeafll, tho colon7 will be liable for on, iu r~d numbera, elereo million dollan ; thA to AJ, caleuh1tiog the 811,000,000 at 4 p r cent. wbieh will giro up••u·cb of $,.4,o00 per onnurn, and tho adtlition:al interest en that alliO<JDl. Tbeao fisture~ added to tbo liabilities referred U> ill hi.s noticct of motion, fa :-

!at-Expense for conveyance of IIIJ\ils. 2ud-Expenao for telegT&pli ~d tele-

phone unicea tu1oually. ' Std-The rate and a:nount of expen·

ditoro for interest oo Lbe amouota to be od­nuoed b7 GoYernmeu.t ror rigb& of w11y throllflh printe property. .

Estimate or amount or Alary or gonro­meut Engineer and atatf.

Tbe10 figure1, bo repe&ted; llbould opt II the e7e:s or the rtt.ilway ad\'OCIIt.o., IUld aho•v all that tho bArgain, wll.ltncr temporary "dnnlagea m:t7 Bow from it., will 10 tho end ben costly one for Newfoundland.

'fbo soclion was then adopted u well u tbo aubsequent ooo.

NintL Seelioo : 9.-Wo 11re ~rati6ed to learn tba~ the

arpecial to l::ogland of tbe Premier, ir William Whito..wAy, at Lbo d-re of tho I mnnriAI r.nvllrnr~nLhW&II at.u:udNL wilh cooaequeoeea o eoc grc:lt 1mport&nce, rmbneiog M tbe7 d o, t he allowance of tbl) Act p:weJ iu 1878 for tho amendment of our cooaUtutioo, ~7 eoofening repreaoo­utioa on lha.e pc>rtiooa of the colooy hitherto ili!uied anell a pririle~e, 1\Dd recog nizing tho right of tho <:.olootal Gov­ernmPnt to ill3uo gnuu of laod on t portion of tho coast aubjoct t:~ tl'e:lty re-stric tions. '

Hon. R W tttTfl 111id tho IIUDI':\DCI> conuiaod In his honor tho Adminiatlltor'A speech withrete~oco lotho "Frcucb Sbon~" ID4ttcr, wu the mon imporwot, nut to tbo nil war roferenco, or 111l the subjects embraced in Lbllt doenmont. And as ro­prd.a tbal putioulllr mnller, it wu tbe m011& encoon:;fng we hAve had in referenco to tho " French Shoro" In any miniatcri• l apeech for ' lie pas! aen~n ye:nw. A l111ost from time ielmomori(tl, we h"''o h11d thnt l'exed qneatioa yenrl7 brought before ue in tenna alm01~ diaoJnntging, fU w:ilh c~­p~aaiona or deferred hope, until ftl la•t ' t seeiUII ... if Uatt.t ~uablo portion or Urhia:. t~rritory in Kewroundlllnd i1 ,eteascd rrom tho fetters tbA\ eo lno~r bound it. AH hiiV· iog the Interest or ·tho colony ~~~ henrt ahould feel deopiJ gmtcCul for tho aucceM of Sir Willinm Wbit.oway'a miuion to l~n:;­laod l111t eummer whore by tho exerei c of long claimed rjc;hta upon the F~och Sboru bu at lu& been pennltted to u1. We CliJl

bl\rdl7 adoquatel7 realize tho benefi' that musl flow from the settlement of this 9,11es­tion, and not alone to th e people of r-; ew­foaodlnnd, bul al10 to tho French fialaer­meu themuh·ea. O tir poo(llo be in,;- hit her· to denied 14l1LiemeoL aod territorial ri;:hl.­on that ahort, as "'"' to be nntomll,r expected, rot~ no little irritntioo. anti conu quouUJ 'troqoently ~;~~~e tbo Frend t flabertnou very great anooyllnce whiln puraulng their lfocstion~ there. T bilt fhct wo mUll~ 11daoit, "and hence b7 hn.-. iust m:~giateri11l authority erected a~ differ· out P,Oi'ta on tho coaa~ from C•pe Jobu lo Clpe na,.. there will be • better prospecD or prelening order and prevontiog bren.cbea of tho pcl\00 'mong the tiJbtnuen. Then, tho power to lane granta or land on tho t"l'encb ~ro '11'1\.S 11o conce•loo of the hi::h· eat nluo to ~ ow(onndland, and At no Iii• • unt d,y, wbeu thtl rallw11y connreta lll witlL Lbe wcat eout, wo may l ook fonunl to rich mineral dcYelopmoota 11nd pro~perona aettlement O[\ t11s&loog neJ,~Ieeted tenitory. We haYI\ botn meroorialuiog the httruo JlOYOrnment for the put 1weat7 ye:ora to look (nyonblf 11pon our claim for tho eur­eile of our riJhla there. bnt tho 1\nnonnc~­tneuL matte a& the openiu~r of the prtiH'n t legiJWure wu the tlra~ eheorin)l note &hilt e'l'ltl' greettd na of huiog j n1tic.e doni'. l:le waa &lao refoioed to tee &hat the lOCIIl Aet of 1878, ~hfcb g\Ytl repreteotlltioa to tha~ a~o,. Ml bee11 aanetioned bJtbo llrit­lab ro•muqent, aa tboae laolated peorlo wiU he....rter hue lUI III'D' to IIIII leO known their waota n the le~lal.alnrt", 11nd thu• " ~m~11• will be mt~tle Ia the o"'"""'" .. rc:b of lmpront~~ta~ wi'b &belr relloiY 111"~ fa other putJo of the l llntl.

l:loa. .R. TIIORB'ORif wM macb pl!'!'Ct'•l wl&h tMI&lflif'leMy ellaraettr "' thl11 pnr· tJOfl of the AddreN, IIDd flljlteiall~ lit I '·o e:rtrtlllt 111011~ of hla tloan' I be Ach11ln • latrator who aeCorda \be wb•ll• l'mfic t•• tba boa .. Pretaltr. }If aht~nllt:ft \111).' -~-~Ill! • JMti .,.. *"'!e t.n tl>e

lltell tfoN\11111 tn inFerrnlial-thaJ wr"' f'tlhrt"ly

• ,Ro.. DL Wt!C'ftl w.a fuorablt to SDJ meuan Nloalated &o alford tlllpltJDitD' to w.-poor, a& .... &lit by the ope"IJODI of tho 1Wlwa7 ~,, .. , &OIIIme,...nd fill. Bnl be waa altO oee of tboat wbo afq Pft'­bapt - liMD a ,-In« tho~h' to _,.

·~ .. .ODDd 114. llllCI "' I ~~!~~~f! fo'"' · ~L lh~ . empiOJ~Dt farolelMcl 1 did ..... wfll


Willi••" (\lr. 1')

~j;;.~,.~~~~\¥'t";;: fMr"



""•ntw 11n" be l~ht he Will nol•Waken In hi~ ~lllof ntwel'\llelut In &be Sp#eeh frro n thl'~r<t• that llt'llllflll"" "l'eltlrd• tlu• "''tter t.i 1111Gplth~:rebnt on' ffcton elahL f • " ~ry rq~l4ott •11y flo "naaaht fairly h, .... bt.on ~~ed _,.e crMil ror the 11'\11 1'1' rerre-entatlnn. he hlltl rrom thnll to ''""~" .. a.te in 1\tob~Jr o r jnadc:e tn the m•ny cf lt• c- M•JIH'! e IUb,.eu f't'lloitnq nn that

" " mi\n" lanrl " ud wlulc \11t prta .. nt l'r~ruer wn eolltled t.l ~1'1!11& praloo.(or lua l'irorta to tec:nrfl tbe c:onoc:asoou1 t h1" hMe been """ounc:ed to ta, u w.u bnt meoL 111110 t o me11tlon the niUaM ol othc:re who har.e wroUllht __,, ll'lootaly tn the Mille ohn!c:toon

, No Wlllltr by "'h:d tnM.founonllll it• thoa tArdy jnatoce w b~n obuun .. d he hope I l ite ri11ht to IU I'll f:"'"'' oll11not ""'I other pn•llerce• on th&uhore wolt oot be f.Jund to be cloQge<l will! aocb coudoUonaand ft'l r10

flout u 111 m111ke them pracue~~lly nludeas U nq••• uonablytb nl:\& or rtprt'Unllltion for t bOk taol111~d people wu a 1lec:ldcd 11ep in arlunee fer Uoc:•• a01d when t berebr tle1r •ants CAn beffl!e known 1n the l l)o!llll\hore th~J' •Ill h11ve a better cbanco o ( """'"II t heon ktt~~ndod o than th~y f>':'llalbl y ::1111 '" t belr prtoacn wlated co11douon And he tn~ted thue oneasuoea w11l ere lontr ...unll Ill brohJti OQ: tl"t J"'lrl of tho COU more IIU

m~do~tC..If under notoco of tl11t J>O•e.rnmcnt t c:not toward• openong U"l and dc<Htloplng It aod 10•kous; ~ ~ 11n lo14!gral &Qd uluablo por tJo11 of tbe colo11y


:rbe Po-re ot Olrowulalltial Ev1deuoe


P "ILI.lA:IlS.

fTh• beantoful Sonnet cnt f rom the New orlt T,.!J,."' 'I'OI~t'l 1 he j:nttllulle nf e Aoo~nc.~n pt nplo fnr tho: •y•npAt1J' 1h n by t l e Qnuo nnd I er auhjtel.s on •he el\lb or Guflcld 1 r 0 Qun'< -N•1 ore lltan qn..,11 0 •omao

~traNI T ..,. 141.1 tr•l j• .. e;• In l b.- dlo I om Or w dim ""' ,..,1 ''"""' lt.-.-n wn...t ly lh•m 1 tJ• w m• ..,. k• u., qotoe" 111M I d th on nun A • " lt~n 11»11 ~ ~ lnu 1 1 ~ )J »I ~ra..f111 8 .........,A nMrcr 'rl ·~ nrr It• tr -, 4f ••"11 \\" ..,. ""'"" oh• .. .., <I ol r ""I 1 lllo;: t ~11 II I I hn1 on-1 II I • h"'""' •N trio I '"' Ill 110~ I (loti .. ~. • ll.o Q;).,.r. - l'lto q11 oU\ o oil wuru• 1

""'! o,.,, ~or11 ' ' dl.-o • l •PI>I' Jl"""•fol ralp Tn em. wb I ln•l whh Ul 1 l"rrnw lr • Ard l.o• .. •ll•n c;oown"' a. .. d obo •• ""' •loin. Jl•oe./onh Dl"" htn' •hl•l..l ~~I• l~ore <1 ••••d• 1 'l'la beueo, Car 10 ('OII'Iu~r ll ... rlf 1I11D l<ouda.

Olotleetter ~'"" fl•h111~ tc:llrs. arelmiial:olf. 1\ b IOppMt:d they •ere lott

aalll of thot Mit Feb )a U\,_ 63 men •ere•lost., wloo lean

Aa~d5 fAll erl- cliUdru

mnnumtnt to the late Lord J tat been nected In IIUJlh

a nd bel\rl tl•e following Ia memnr~•l 11 plAced

.,,.."" '"'"'1uot alfectlouat.l SoJONl18D and Vlctona.

,.. ·.t~~~ !.;yt fowla• to,., i-111U.• l'lllltlle•~t~ ;·~a meco"'r ...._ lla a.. tnJI-•!•t11111nr, JOD ~ ~ lM .. 6 10 .. ~ Af9 li\ lli1VII!P't

1 Mvol! fi-MJA.;u 8o&UJtaa

bri .. oil&,... lllo .,.,., -e1 -aa- uwJ ..... .,...., ul ~ •ll'aliMI Jloearilar ftlit~IICI willa


.. r ba4 a ... •hldl .... 110& aU a clretlll. .. -BrM•

flood tftlllag al&ln 1111 dear llr EJstor Upou tbe IU{'pototlooa l~& areanal•• eleep l1 the poninn only ol tho juat.. I pre• 1111e l cannot olalmlt. for, •1014 11re aw"r- I wu OOIIaljCnt'd W Ill)' r"-al Uanlati3D for pfCk• In~ np aalc:ka on ODRIIay 1Jnt the drean~ 1 am abont to relate 10 roo eeema of •• uoh UCIIIIUIIIIi~tnllle~~nc., Uoai r caunot beReft thjlt eYen the little tnduljtenct g.1nerally ob Mf\'ed on SL PAtriolt 1 J>ay coahl hue 10 alatnrbed wa u ' " cauae IL

taio1, nat18k wldoll Mall lin 111ft-" &!Ia tile aabjeo& of m1 eldiog 11od abeuiaJC Allola..1 )lurNM1 Ia JOar hand&. ud MCIIIri'J 10 yoar bodlol, b7 11M Mrio&cuu, llactqla 1 &III,Dir •ot qq•te 80 the Jareeny or a eblpe blo k f10aa &lie .ebr wboch JOU _, lh. oeJt ucl dlricle the loflcal or forol~Ott&alclo Ill 11\e ordana"1 0 -. u rc~purtN 1M& week. n.., •uo roekl u.i eubjtct all nature 10 yuar OM bah,_, &oo, 1M *•• bho .. tr a lban OO<oYack'tl and _...,... 10 I\ lflite' Ua• and pl ... ure • Aoct die aktlteoe Clnllllblecl of IliON "'-P tlwl U7 otbet DMfollaut priiiODIIMa' nail. willa bard 1aa.u..

By Telegraph. l&ato d~ la "'" ooulry. lUll ~ ..,. larte aiOtl Jo!tn Sbepp.rd Will aba'lp4 br ~ W

ST Jumc11, WIT E'I"&YI~O Tho nc"' R :ul., .. y proJtCt hua wn

d eferroJ for tloe Scs~1on Tile people \\ ell , 1~ Will upon ~bolt\h a N1gM thAt,

in 1117 drea~~~ 1 ..... IH!fora me a ""'*en

J'hen IJie WHITS robed !pre tan!ocl ~,.. He baa boea a lllllt& uti" OnJJet with .wa!IIIJ b....ct oa& o( t 8~ to.....,U buo Ia ULACK, aud ae &be &wo &ncr lnr.elllpnt lefltla&or and if 1 re01· ru- JluMi.f, t lo t proJltrty of u....._ Jobo ~~~ olupecl baacll. &beNt atOM fro01 &he outaldt bor fijrhlly be bael inl.nklooed more b.ta•ll ct Gu Mr \\ ood for ComfW~~a~~ta.. Al tb, 1101111d of dialalll butapproachhiJ. 1nualo, olal bill• tbau hu any other wtlllber of tb• Uold.:r bllll deceotfcl Ute 1100t1ttd eo

111111 aod • &be door marhd 1"0 1 UJllr' 'Couocn elooe tbe ~11' or Mr Jnad~ lrln uho~1~ on the lte wl&lu "-"ooalAuuof.110w~ towuoa •idel7 opto, &be bopeftal atcalal oenL To bi m wr, are ladeb«ed for t he ltl or tl) lb• ol hl\1\l brwd l'b.a u Jeoce poartd loward with lbe liKb&,- l...l •otelllelll io &no&af1 H.form He l1 wu not • niB.Ieat 10 coutoc&.. a uJ th., bo.u '"Tia -l..,rQp 11,, ""~" nf Tl- the Ulllllnoa• anlllnr ol tha Vacd011t1oo 1111 .,111 remanued for furab•r t.MU


Ao4 ..... 014 l.udJe (IO .. ID!fb•lrhl•q Act. Uf'hM carried tllro..,t. with Sb6rtl1 alc.erwardt, Lllere Clalue lnh Co!trt. muet tint be conan !ted re wh1cb '"rued to be 1nrroanded by

·~~~r lt wu conJple&cly walled •ud CO\'• er<d tu And too" abe appearance of au 1111 mrnso buoldiug. On oppoalle wall• were two I ~~rill! doore one •111 named PAS r the otlo~r FU I l1 1l~~ fhrnu 11 U•e AN!t., borne upoo U111 1urglng 11nd f11~ (n:uln:( waters. throu~ectl a .,,..t "1\dhtl•lle one huudl'e\1 au I ~IJ(hl7 tho~J ~nlpOMd of alleorll au I C>Dd1Uons or pt!Ople Ae the la1t one e ntotrod olltt ~ruodo Ul' Ice 8on abnt fut the door aud froze ruto f.Jidul~tleolit' eqn11lleol oul7 bJ the ~tloorn w~btn ,.. the totmfl<d U<il ublago rl11111rl l!fclf around the t hree w11ll• f the bu1l linte an I then l11p\ed iato a fllon~ •• uf <leAW In Iron" 1111d 1t'lln1 111q to foron thd fo lrfb wall u( &hill hnlltlluq tl ~re lmnsc n hu:r•.hl•ck eurta• 1 wl os. ah~ Iowa e;.,oee!i the darkneu of tile plncu Tint cnrta1u wu uotHklld-

a- ••T ...c.- Ill cl.uroa.UU... opJIOUUoa a bill to -•• o .. of ~..-ltl""'-hi;r.;.,,, ~ lll~tr frv~a 1111• ~tiT.~ Y..t blacto J.ope ... t.- abe h...n tbrobUplft' but no&l..- rehcs of barbariAaa which baa cwd .tft""'''~l of wboa1 alated that the

TbQQ •W.II uafold our bcll1..r port, dlaiiJZured our etat.ut.e book [ 11Jiaole of -u> . ADd lb ...... ur....,..p ~~~ld I»>O'o boof1l coune to the AbOiiallllH!at of Arrolt of t he acc:tUed Will& poor boy frolll Sp-u•t.,de 0 •1

L l j;la1op whh ;>; lilo ..,.... .an • '-r1 who bad COllie 011 j)o.ud of Ulear ebi~ ~-Aud bumble 1tv111u Wltb 11111Jooe taorw ellllo7- pei'IOM for debL By th,. benetlcenii\Ol) t IJl"':t l'beJ ware "' thcar mealt at the

Tlt <•>~olnrl T• 'tie oncolur wolf no lonrer be ln the po•er of a \ lntl•c t une, And b"d Jo:lven haw a calce or two o( &- I far t.k *" of.u.d •a.h ,_I life erecutor to t1ncarttrete h11 helvlell brn.d eaclo, aud &be cook "••e l•lm wbu re

Y• nrcr .... 1 taw .w,...,. oo ... ,_, debtor whta liO tread hu been eommltte<J • To c:o-..M &1..11 U. opu#f$ MJI b l h L-· 1 de - ·• DIAUood lo the uogyin. J'be boy b1l no;

'l ~. wnrll rolla'"' lbo "'"' ,.vws.atnopr- 1 mere 1 mal& lag oat '"'"' 10 II In b t.,.. 'ltOI•u tho breaoJ aud t hey du.l oo~ &honk Tbo! *lpl,.• a4Yrllt • cooaiaal" to hho. From heeoefortb no upfron.: can they were duia.r any ~;ro~at bar au in I:IYIUiC

Then tbrouJ.tb that open door far dna d•date fOT the Aae•ubly 0110 mee t b..., 01'110 bun a cake o r t•o of tile b1~nlt. Cbt:T kuo or the fro~n -and •pecdiAr luwudt ou a neot on the boat&n,g- with • cap~M. "n 1 br llo~& bi1 father • ., a cnpple, and tbA&IJII (llltb of abonouf; 1teel, I eaw am~ty en.crcne anatlo~e blm remoYe all orpoe•tlon to ha• '""r •u bhod a~d thu Ulo.) were 111 ab

I b 1 d ..a. _._ d •S •L A TIO'"',. bccom•na the free cbo~e:e of t ho penple. IIOlute wz:o&.. l'be CLM wu cfumilled, aad wot

11 e ell l,.utma.-.e 4

· ' Verily the hoee of the le<>ialltor hayt fall lu 111 Lmm h bore lix car--the 6re; •uark .. Llle pnaouer dteobarved cd CA:sll FOR w A<.I!:S, • the eecood en In pltaeanl placH. aud that 'enerable LAIIOit-Bl:IUOtu.rws • tho &ll•rd, bodr bu cbanli(ed u alltlolugt chAoge " I II\ UU;:, IIUt:S-EN 1 E RPRIZE ., tbe Iney cannot It and 1tlll In th11 •ge r E DlJ"•rfON " V R or prosrrta. How J ndsre Pmttnl mnn Qnr~h ..._, • • the fifth 1 ll"h •ben bo rem em bore b!. fut1ld Atteuop la JU ~ , and lbe 1111b, •1 UREAD FOR "

By 'l'elegraph. -o-

1 tun ' No\ ' 1882 L 11 d d b b yean aszo t.o carrytb11 aame Aet.agamet lho

A L.. e trt~a thua ere in 1 rough 1 • noot PIW'I"''" or atolod UJerttatile con nc:ol olu!n o.loor and 1 thou,...Ji t that lbe power 1

d 1

I '"Inch o.lrt •e It .,11 the fort! yean. com- 0111 au a rsra] eheok who prochcled t.loat Lc!atlon~r down fmm tho1, 1oward1 tloo J'lt'O 11,.....<:d llub• ol a hondred a ud lillY tbou the lradt of the coonlf1 wonlol Qot bear~

11lo! &I ue Llr a whtto and tlur:ont: WAY II\JIU people lloubt up 11 e abou•og WAY tr tble fo1tro111eot of torture wero romoved. alo 1e relou~ong th e flarkn~ of 1h" pi~~ l 'uftr~-td HOl'l' It t.lre Alld 10 the llut I forJ;:et-tlhl Ltll 11 not ret 1111fe lt 11 1rl omvked 1 1 JZnllen 1 .. 11 .. re tl01'1 On tw• ole\ !'lr nf an t'Y~ wltlo 0 0 llackeo•ug of bae ahll In pue tl1e o rdeAl o f t he People • 11 tl ere ttno<l 11 tlzn.,. cl a l~"l on W llrJ r. lprc 1 1111 &IX burdcaa 00 the bJer • ore Uou1e fhere it laa., a lre11dy mrt 1ho "h0111 n 1 1u wu \\ ll I IA .•I whn e,eu ttl l •u•u:ht:d IIllO tie IIX rtapecllvt catL AI Wenuo111 oppoJlllon of w no or our younll ao 1 oo 1 1110 1 ouhn 11lc to n MA 'J o • ot boo at throul(b the uble curwo. 1 "''" law, e re who UJe the old llercol11lt''l err Ill \ { K I olio ~ 1n b•• hnndt th t! fulds o f l\rlltt 111 ~nuth•r .-1111 a\)llrlouont wh•cb h Stnw ge th11t theae two bodiu 1hout4 I n o 1 u ll•ltl,. c "'''n l nu "" o of tl11 11111n cu c ..,1.,d the Ollouu of,. hnre funeral rule chao r •d placo1-tlmt the oh1 mt!n ehoold WAI \I U HI 0 alu-5 t~o 111 dMk burden& were t lorown be the men of progre-. lind tl o bora lie

I n nt- lone-ly on fro-11 of the A\.te n1blvze n. thu IrA 11 Y&na•hl'd 10 tho~ dolla oce, lind come o d men it remwds o ne o( lJI\nte 1

wlooac ' "I '1'8<nlllt ,.,~ 1h~• 110 net! In b., tl c 1 ookp a ucl dukneu cle~&rcd away tmuofor1011h0n eoeoe an ~t•lebol~tt where tl ere at" <I ' r:rnu:. or 1:boa1 h uele1n1 1 tbo IIC\lae \t:emtd lodlleoly c:bang..-d. t he ruan ono tbo •err eot afl4!r n lour: coo

1 .,.,,. Jl ho:n~~1l hu ~:rut bl11 k 1e I hur I • 0 • • • • • 14!11 graduall7 chaur:e -tloe u rpent becoru tlc<o , n ol•r wluch abc rn<u o ( IACh """ intt a m•n and lll ulon~t upright. a n I tbe b~n~ n, I toll< ro: I wlolu tln:~ro.-.. 1 ~••110 krt.t I drt:uaed I 1."•' before me 11nntber m~n a urpent a nd d ropponJtlO the ground "ero tnnl .. olnro• tlo 11111111 \\IJ I I E Rt ")'.or111"'111 cf alltu j ou~qualtotho first, ~hnuld tlua boll get aa(ely tbron~:b I whnse r~.~ &I "" lr~v a 1 enornoo" boer I hflt olo ' 1 ow cb~o gl'd I ! ho wAlla we111 1h:tll feel pereoually111111efnl to tho honor wlulo ~I e UIOll or 11 .. 1 1 oil 1 1 lo ., re " I IJr j:!lll w th preciODI 1111d burnotbed mot~t la 1\llle g•utleman becAUIO l bi\YO (rono out t.Jruc I "I r.. 1 I ns nn~tht bu •he C)c~ or nu 1 t he n1r ~>Maweet wuh tbc odor of ne• sodo the bar been Yoewong those ~ h11lls 11 p "" '" ot11 1H hantchl<l upo n II c 1er 11"' •n 1 "l' lnaleMI o( t houu• d1-onol of d•ulin~; l111ht uutol n•y a~mbotooo liM P'~" I~~,," vlllcro 1!11:'. hun~ of ' "PI) yeoplo were trcftdon;r t ile bctn fir~d and I am reaol•od to .:eta ItA!

\ • ohu W III II r hP.d Ci,. "'' b..-ck~> 1 ol busy ,.nlk• 1 f hf, •. AUd t he hom o ( 111 l u~t r7 on tbu noore o( tbe llnu!l' I feel ir tbnt chc lir•l ak.l~t I ft , ... U:< I 1\nd .. ho 1..... • ... hku IUIUIC - from thu UOIU or the ~:~r I 'ft'M born to be • le~lllator Uut I 1\lll 1 a hur lc o upon tl o !Her 1 .... w t l11. ~ It 'lUI lllhcr 1" I 01"'" he bor ler< dQwn lhruullb poor-[ owe a few lollle boll• and to h~lp n r~uJ- ohu r.: I lc I con hell• gllld .rot h l ong• of a lnnj:lony CAII U A [ ona1 hi\Ye to buy a few

rc.'\pcra, thr<> '"" lonuocsa .. ~tl• wl eru li e bas• of bread on credit (rom Mr \lurra7 Cr.rnar Sr<rr.:u-1 r.cct> I or t lo 'l'ndle 1 on lie 1oelodr do" • 1 11 n cer1111n the tack woll t~tke better th 11

w 'hrra the t l ud o( gra d u ftCbouery roll ApplcJ or bym., books-nnd 1 don t want Ill

\nJ ICI'\1 1 f OC IIMtiiJ JC!U!I [ 11'~ tnko ' • v lolu o 1 1 ') h.. I ·~ ltpron:r tune n I h~ll l c I ( >r tll'o IHOn~hl 11 nil tl Ia.. II d fe r lh o mnlf'il~t anore I hi\Y 1 al~• c I (r 111 l11 Yll I II 1111 In~ ht a od noy 01 ly r~ ~ lllle ii •U hos ikcn h<l I 10 Ill A or t'\Cfl'

) ~ll r Ill odlul "" 1\lld rll ob on;r \\'IIII I an I Ill)

lullren ld~ 11111 111 • " to 11 ck 1 otbor lAntis tho work th!'lr o vu rdll'l.- I And tho 1 eorlr chonortoct (,of!: 111 work for \I IIIII).: h o 111 1\ d h~lp 11~ tn open tl1c trcuur<A o' o or hotn• enn lr ' ' bo to l(<l A lolllu co 1l 10 \fl\ron ' "" sllln!n '~ b<>d llJ1 Ani tho tc:h' bul \ntlthl' o ort01111 11ns •ere I

011 1111!11! Ao dtl euol~t~>11 crn o bl tl 1ntu lu~a.. ( I en ftl tho fonrtl l1u l hi~ burd~u on the bier 1 atw 1~ bore tho oMrlt-


\ nd he Clrtud [ lhtl 'I I., 'TO Up o ( Jo vtly cl ll•lre n a round n11 tln&1do •o11111 I ,.,J to 11i ~~ 1 11110 lo.'\ro"' lal1eor I a ttl ra h~rtt or trou:e I the A~: If\ 11 of bo~a..' noon tloo wnlh bot thl'1 wOr!! thu1r }n "'· h-.a C" (l woll o.~r null lin(' """ h ~'11 • follow 111 II u h11r I Jlll th to •hlrh po~ert7 ')llon p llool tl1,.1r ft~thcr f l '"' II c mvltotndecrocd ( , ova 011r c!Jil l l'lln anono ooe:tns o f hor• I 1 yo I t he loL '>f 11~ ""' A~ I tho eurt•u eJ ech, nul ~cr• rl 01 ~llllt:.r~ f ht!n the skclt IOU nrn1nble J!ntu oJn~l n1c IIC~t., A f<tD•Io fl~un l Oll• re I lo tint btcr 11poi ~• the b or rlen fell lll"JD n wotL A cruh 1 01\' tile lllb<ll- [J

1 Cno11 or..o Cun" A ntl woth 1\ holll)w Yolc;e 1he u1d "I bad a lou~lr gorl " ho ~~·~~~ to lo vo

ll~r "lolowe.l '""" ~ ;t .. we ni.J and .-r And !llflt nl11b~ ~>ttf~>re 11h left -rno for the I .a In lor her ' ol 110 in lho hllle eftnrch Wl~l Ill <lll r h I \\lh~n l ht CIIIRII huonc boer broal~r tur h~r ( rom t he floor arul on" AIIU'ell wuht when th• bl111~ wlot•th ol t lu';;1111h h~r old fiOIIIC'\Ie'\ I wr fuuo I I er clead upo 1 a he thl'tllhold with her ln(ant fro~n on bcr bi"I!ML I I "" " ah oiler w:~il a rottt frurn l hol 1nnltotu 1,.

&vo u• oh 1.'\1'0 n1, (roon thCI hilltro • Wt>C!. Ami tlo• eeho a1111wered fllhermg

0 11£11 IIUIII!, when tbeali:•lt'IOII CIU uiJied Into olnsL l'bo 1"-l 11n1l gtiM fiatt tl en slowly l11ld b11 burdeo dowo ud tho Wl\rk upoul~ wu-

1' STAll'"AT103 ..

~.rmnlnsr ••lh a oll1'dlinJ \•nth he aid : Under &he r:or~tollfii•P of IOtcrnmt!nll,

on fer tho alwlo..,. of tbe tempiM of C hn11 11onll Cllrlet&AO fuautr~~ tbe ene..._, or f '-'"lflll 10iell0a.. aar' lha COIIIOIIhOrt of llt'MdJ, I bore my hllftlllr .. ell bn' my ~~tnken eyt• we111 foi'Oo!d to •• rn}' w1fe pine d,.y bJ daJ for l.t)pad Hat 011 thAt 6otal JnomlnJ J tradtwd throop drift l11lo abe •0011, •••l tw•lte mllea I dl'ajtJ!ed t wo ltandNd bill$ •hltb.J bad ClllU"d •wn, and Uoroakltoll& lbt totrn I fond 110110 to WI)'Ai" ono b111 ••-•nu .. ,... bat~· dr.r.l ANd WMq ~ &n1'tlled lillct ~· """' froca tile • l'oor Rtltef' wfllillllo~ ....s, Jlouod ., •U• •roa. tlte .,..,.,,_

.. Cbe ct...,- w _,... Tea.' wllhltl eoaad bf ·-.......... .... ,..

eJ o 11 au deep ILCCO "I'~'" neut And ~he he ""bbed br the rucJu lu•nda or tb~ b:ulorl b orrlen or &Joe aoonll Wl\l- P LI!:X 11 when j oet on t he po1n1 of llCC.:~l l1!;1b.: c• 1tre tJ ere Wwer•d 1\ lofty cnou Aanonr.: tl e m'\o)' :nMI& oree wb c 1 the llh u~ of 1 ll'l!H WtllU::; 1\ud On It lo lat 11hou hon ~tenUonu\n h,, lliJ I''>rled •• t l o I era o r gold t eh"r1 Unronu not Y•' ac uovcd lu~ I

f &llll\ NOV\-1900 hope bcloro muny JrA111 to •co I 18 effort•

(TO T 1£ &OlTOn OP Tilt STA.'\OARD) l>f. \11 ~ .. -

Ooo woniJ conol 1 lo oo readsac tbo Tde gm n 1111d Ius corretpoodenc., tht theft' wert~ no ty t wo p~I'IOus 1n ths. olty capable 11f wnt 1 1= my lc<lletl I Del!er DJ7Mlf

r th.,r;, ·~ only o t 1\1 d tbat I do 001 re quorc '"" 11 d ,ol " boy man t.l put a • 11111 1 >p ou th,ol I h11•c ' 11cop7 ofony01aou 110ropt b 11 nl W<'lf 1\1 ( Clll rtiDIIDber yoo h~fc rnblosl c I che 1 ., eent to yoa

I n n ehll'l!t:<l wot l huong made a r cai'TI lo 18 1\ltack n 1 Hoe llu 1 >l'llblc ltoben l 'hor I or I 1 t •• I dt:uy lie who mue~ I UCb 11 c:h~~o tloee u t k now the onen111na of word' I wm le" g~• al~mnnly and perhftpa II!Yfl1! c r11aco1on on t h<l I' obhc conduct o f a one nbe or the 1.-tgi•latl\ I! <.:o uncol wothoat 1111 IIIIIIC hun,-tl At 1r111 1\ll I fbat 1~ Will trulhrrol u beynnd duubt- btoau.., h11 would bo tl•f<-mh nc hl\ \'e f'OCOJ,'fliJOd t ho

~rt (I'Oin the l jlhl tonohu of my pen

c:ol r do l thluk thAt bon gentle-man b.holdon '" "" tt~r.,ndttre II e w lj!hf

llllleo l1 1\ltCII\Im ::)1\VO lDfl from tnt rrlt'ndl and tbcs 1>111 f1IOAd eatere wbo hope to c urry fuo r by ''"''frill![ 1n0 111to tbe Ttfl.ym,,. r M few r.,m,.rh re•peet•ng at.. hon geutle:!#au were I obaer'lld p b IWoetl ou tlto 7l-k!Jf'Oifl 1odo by 11do watl t be l ~11"r11 of his (!.,fender~~. [ 'lla/ol no donbl nth era 11lao were 11rnck wtt h 111~ m~orkod ~onlrMt between fl'IY judld()ne and di~on anetinr pAm;:r:aph 11nd &hecr nlpr'attaek oo "u auoocent pei'IOn who they ,..omed wa• ' '- atttl or t lowua r (l be [ do no t p orpo«e nu k loJf ~n i'horburn tbe ,.ubjecL of " new~pn~~~ rontro,.eov l ltuo ~r\1 tan all I intelldtd to wrlto on the toplo-( bell en truthfully -lind r kno w u wupeo, nt:d more an 110rrow tht~n in an~:tr

Bur tur a~part froru tb .. pel"rriIIIIl expla­nftlion llri- the qnNtton whether mem here of tbe l.el{c.lath·e <.:ooncll in their pnbllo. capaCI\ty are lejrllh• atw aobiecca of crlllcfuu Ia it IM r!HIJ'Ifl to meutfon tbefr mlmt • o r aealftedttrl on tloelr 11peechM or rotet 1 Are lh.,- bt'JOnd 11\e reafua of cooomoll 1n6rullt, and are th!lr Y&~r&ri" •bo•e onJinnY1 j\oblla op1nlon P W• ~Dow lt••Y do oot ""PrtiCiot nor ue tht-J dlre«<J ~llllble 110 the people 1'helr coodaol therefo re cennot be called In qnntloa •• the Pollt, oor Olin the1 be UIIMa&ecl b7 ct."""" of the lellle m•ltftacle. ~ •birlixfa of 11- btioce •• n~ to ttt.a. "'"""' ... -"r- fa Ia olabMcJ .._ .... ...., .,.

ao .... _._,u ..

111 ~h., olorcct on crowuoJ woth a ICC.:IIl '"'I II 1.1 t as llr1t fi1ll10!1 co ontry o( tho 11 0 rll sh~ll be l\tlcqu11tdy rt'pr<'r• tc • by " con n1aJinn composed o( jjo;Jenlotlc Ul•crll on I

pr.'ICIICll 10 11 In A pnlYIOtU Iutter I po1 nt CH1 out " h11 I con11 l t!r~d th~ cb.3p<~llll I 011011 pat r1otac melbo I o( 1\CCUnu~ t he we rcqu•re-thi\1 ., by 11\lo: on~: yonn~: me 1 anrl ed ICI\11 11 1he111 under (I e onru~ ldru~ I Aa<l I!Coe tllllo ll•hDlan I 1 tJ o world-! r le111or ll1.onJ c l •ef comruoas•nutr o f t •e (] " " I ::itate• ~ o&bcry ll 1reAU.

I ~~~ " I .:rc~ost of •II i1 ~he c:oru.sleot supporL t l" I 10 I!Ontlernl\n h~s l(lfell '" ahe lt•ol ray It d1d one ~:nod to re~~tl hoa cherr1 ap .. .:rh fo11l of !:OCkl hope comlflrt 1\nd ~rl( rol a nce f'lr ourpeo1le a nd ~ 11: or IIIII t he <flllwD of II bellor d11y (or the CO on lry wo 1111 lo•e 10 ·~II [ C'IUl "' "' I ,ho 1ll hke to ex~ta11te o 1 t hos rn uure ~>n wh ch I r~ly 10 111uch t o r" I r 1 the erun rt from ''- PNI.!niii&IO nr I ll\!: I nllo I \\ r ll 111lun~r t e lecrucd cnnncoll" 11111 • 1\ll - • r tlbor I o nor • e nerd beaah11 ned of I 1 rttord 1..1 a lu m iAtor M7 only regret 1s al ft t 11 nun uf h11 ab rh llee anct " PIIICU for 1111rh\noenlary wo rk d o>ea not p~fcr n leAL

in tho! l'eople 1 lion,. In ft'c:l\lhns; the 1 111l abrre Is only one t-rror or mtber wellk ""' wath wlucb e may be chAr~-Jio ft' lu1ed to ar"1 a pntcbet on the 1bafc. o( b" carnalle I

Your ref.ders 'ft'lll p rob:lbly Joke to know •hat pros.:rel.!l th~ (,o .. erurnentllnd the Select Comrult!Nt l\rt 111!\kong 1 1 theornollotlnuon1 wot h Mr lll11ckman on t1 o 1\ll absn rlo ·~ quratlon or the lt•U•"Y ncrou the IAI;tnd It 11 "h11pel"t'd fti>ont town I bill althnnjlb Mr II doee not ... ~ (or a CA1h lnb .. rly he yet wa~nc. our Gorer111nent to j!uaraotee b LR bonds to 11 cer!Jion amount for each mole of roAd J'be Go\Cmmrut ot 11 1111ot no doubt truly decline t o undertake nny each obh ga uon J belae'fe wo u e'l'tr h'd a aafer rnort prude nt aorlyet more pro;:reUIYo Ml o f men nt U1e helm o f &tate t h"n :Sor \\ al ha111 \\ botcwa1 an<l hoa IIISilellllel H they can proruote U •• tetotmc by a h beral grant of land C.( wblrh we hno JCOOd store tbe7 are JUIIIAed la dol nll' 10 Hut tbt! know full ••II i oat wbat tho country oan P.' 1 woU1ont orfrplrua o ur re10 lrct"l aud fnjunng other branchee o f tho publoo ur••co and wo ml\y rel1 on thew tht\1 the (:r&ndeur or t htl uuderuUng •til neother dAulo their eyes nor blmd tb~1r Jndgment. We Are too •• 1&11 a tortoLIO to carq &be world ou ow­llftok

Weare all lralytorry for the aafortnn•te prtodu:Aif\tnt f 1 whlcb your ttllhalf lltet are plaoed thi1 Sprwg You hftn rn~MIIured our Wl\l'lllf'lt armpathf with y ou in the r11thcr 110mbre upeet which ynnr at111lug outlook rDUI~ no w bf.gio to wen How "' er let Ulall hope for the beet-both for t l e aako o f yoor barrlr wnltre tbeu•sol •ea, A~ well 11J for tent of yonr lradllllf IDerCIIO tile Hrm to whom CooceptiOD Day fa 110 much ond-btod and • hoae attiiWig "'"(or t uuo tln• Srrioa 1a a ~q&tter of d~ep anJt1ety to cnry one 1 do moat. ardentl7 pray tbongh thftt lfle ftl111 tbo 0 o nao m Ill DOW

beg•n lo llnlerlllln rupeellnJr tb11 laue_ of tbe Yo7agv will oot be nrifted but th11t.. on the ooutriii'J,. t he re~al~ will fn Ull6td tfl.eir m011t UnJ:Qlauxpecta"'oiU-or falll ua th..t tba~ at all nenta the1 will -nre ~I• eopqll to eo•er tho coal of tbelr lltu7, e:woua~e o~UIL

Yoar,. , VERITAS.

~ 1n:b 2o~ -rho P oet Long fellow d 1ecJ on I bunad•.J' •~ted 7~ l 'be London Ti.t~e1~~<r• b11 death wall be ret:rct­t~d •herner tile t:ughah langa'lgO ll 1polten

rb~ ft'IIOIDUOD lfi"'IIDUng an anOUit! to Pnnce Leopold pN~~Qd t he Brttul\ ~Joua­cnona b! a • ote uf 387 to 4.:!

fbo L ... a I L 13~ oe,. ref ''e t.l •·~n the add ret~ con6ratu laton~ Archlta!10p ~lcCal111

'l hot Coronation or tbo Czar IS O.ud for AU!lUII..

£ 1Ju 0 110 Oootls 1\rol worec bndgea down In all dlrec:taon1 raolwAy t r~~eka Wl'ltbo J out lltld wtloa o f tho Miltwlppl leu,u broken

\IAIICII 'l7 -Dr Lllm~nn a AmtnCUl (~ hu e pe titoonod for ba panJon oo t ho li~nd of ln&'\luty

(.~ron ill workmen a nd ~rc!utee'' baYe been en~"!" :J for the P11UJ\mi\ Cao al

n .. Ger DIIU P"OONI do obt tho Cz.u . 1>n•"r to rcpl'l!u the war l~:•er 1 • ltu&~ll.

Jl .. nllllltiU Ia rarnp~nt In I tvurpnol fbu l'o1" d •cl•ro:a th&J. he woll nnt rt

CC!IYt: th.: t: "IH'rnr or A ootn~ lit t ha Vati c;&n or hu Yllll< K on- II I nltert lit Ito nc

A l111nu hie bo"t m tryonJ: to rete oe 1\

elnn11 ' I" t a nd nonetecu o ( her crew "'uro dtOI'I' I cd

A tiro on ltoc mnnd V''W"'" hM r~• 1lt e I 1 o th~ I u ( uropert) valued a~ ha lf a noll o 1 ol u 111 rs

l 11u B ruo•h I'Rrlo~m nt h!IYC p:n o I a nsol lllu I IU r .. vur or r•• wng llu: Co IDlf ~ rA choot

h •• •XJ ~atetl lh:-.t Pr~8 tluo t \rthur will Yd > ahu Anti ho e•e B II

\l \1 Cll ~1:1- \ 10 II 1:rl) j:'lC! W tb he~ .. ,. 1';11 t Ill d tlo&W {'r UV I 15 Ill d ll• prOYIIIC.: to J >

0 ()onol Ot' me nbcr for I mlee h'' IS ""o I a corcul11r nr,: thl) ln~h to ~ ' f'IHlrt ~ It! (;Indo~<> ~~ \lm ' r) A c II ~~"or lru\ .,run;., 11 he uoutouJa woull llc"' "Y t~e I'" I Act.

Juatm ~lcC~rlhf urgua tho Homo tlulttll to 0 1>1..- t'IOI IT

I ho l' at \ll!ltur nf :\ c w P 111"'' h•s buen cru lly bent~u by :> 1 1u 1 uJ lllriJ' for Jl.l) Jill" ft-1 t..

A "' o 11len•l ori~ 8!111 oc:c:.r~d 10 Sp'\ln At a co '"utNY o • ~lu ' l 1y the r ve

croato!<l 1<,.1111 t:M lu 'II• 1nc!.ad1n~; A" h bo~l1op \let: •ho o( Uublon

fhru~ b 1u I rod n d t't~ht lln"l!lll' were s .... ruy.,d hy "'" rer..: II firct '" Pca4h And

loa l lr.-Ja n( rn I lilt 1 nre lt!SUIUIC l he "'" uer f>tl t •,. (., on lcre.l 10 &be

Br t rol t:IA n•l yettcrdil1, "'gb teen per­sno 1 \¥1)1'\! drowue.l

1 h~ ate!\ uur Tor11nto. from llalofu t~ 1~'"" pool l f>$1 uno hun<lroJ • ad tbirtoeo be., I of caltle

MARCil ~- {'b ~lontenesmn (;oyero­ment pubh1be11 1111 11ltJn~o "PI'Iou\llonJl ;:,teo. helofT a ape~• Skoltelolf n.phe• thAt he behc\ u ln. the n;~as~on ol tbo .::H .. vuu " ncr

J'be Go'l'emment propoae to d1sft'<\no 1l•e cerlll•n ~o:;lish boroughs (or corruption at elecuons

11od Marqu,. of Hantly bM eoUltd w1tb h11 c:reototore

At :-I"Pftllet O nh roo :\locb•el Lae m!lr­dered Margaret Powtc for refusour to llnrl')' btno

MARCil SO- Tlurd F.,ouaa 111urdec tu Dub. lao fi•. rereous ftrT'o, led.

I' e~~rro torn11h In Alab.'\m.'\ honu"­clnorohte lhopa dutroyM onAOy h~ea lotL

Mra. ll~ll•rd of l'me Ulultt.. U ~ broke the u eoh of ber Lwo obilrlru, Aod c~en Jllmpool 1nto tLo pood •l~b blill' tofan&, and ""' dro.,ned

l loe Froutltr Truly between R~Waa and P~r!HI h:u been r11110ed

Et.rl~ ~haftaburr u .urna, and Abenleen, 11nd C•non Fl\rnr ••&th ttoreo buadre~ cleriQ' •n•ote Mr \loody to 1peod a rear In ev&n ehade work •n LOndon

Coll,•on l ntorcolonoAI llA•I•117 our Truro c;fl-lootor (;dtl crt WI\\ k1lled..

lti~CII :\1-111fl:e hundred OIOII!rat\U, ' 11rtnere 1.-f • I orerpOGI 1e11erJ-1 for the 1\ ortb Weu 11111 Jlodlru Tlioyare • II on an of meau•-b::\\11111 oYer IL'\1( 11 million dol­lare a on11ng hcn1 ~orCa t»hdeo ne 'lext antumn ~ thon~11nd pt!I'IOWI a otuuk fN 11 E nghu1Cl for M!ltutub& are upeol.ed to A.p ril

1 cmhle b liu:\rd (1now atorm) W utem Slald bUIUti'Onl n,,. Iota.

DriJthl bu ath ocated tbu t:IOlHrt t ho fire~ diYI&IOn resulto I f&YOI'IIblf Ill the Unt• e m neht poll~ by 818 to 279 Dob.\le aJ J"tlrned 1111 ~londa7 ~kobelolr h~• ""a appo~ntorl11 momber

of OOiliiDiaiiOII t.l O'lll'rt i&O In ( urk~I4D.

-A nAn ,U. OF TIIC ::lfii!,.IIIIR Nl!WFO!r.fn. LANn -I be mall lh!'lnJer Nnr(olf•tl lalld t:f\plllin Myllat ArriYed thi, 111oruonsr At 6 o clock a fte r a "'"1 h ulio •• ~of nearly ee• <'n d~JII four of wblclt wero IJltnl 10 cut tln$1 &:,a oil'b the fat' l 'he 1te'"'"r hu a • e7 lAI').oe ,.rso of Hnl11b •nnufaola red goodt, and brou~:h& a c•maider~~bt. nrun~r of~~~ l,.c of *'hOon woll 1140 fu~11o! In aaother piACirl O n ynterdq C..ptala Mylh•• A" 011e of o-.r ecal111( bnt~~ntl•eo hear d o•n on • eopare nltffed .:llflj.ta echoonH tllat Waf P"~bl, fa d1a& -. .\ lllr;tt h~'7 1o lp ol ioe l•y laeaw .. tlll ,.._. Ntwj'o ••ull1111d 1\lld "-• 1uhunuu, re~ terior l& lwpo•lbl. to "PPrDAoh b"r Wb .. the brlpnliuo ntarel\ lhot aobooner her eau..a ,._. 1.\ei a~ fndie~~ al~ Ibn tile MlbOMer - Ia 11eec1 of llllf•&a•oe. n .... ._Ia bJ,. "' mfl .. I OD&JI• .... ef ..... .\'OM 11 .. IJ lctbtrra .... 9111)ie 1'1'0• dtokoltlae N,.-.-tMII, ......... MavcA ~

Local and other Items~ -A Cllblrarnm t.a boeo lately reeei•ed

by P-h111ra. J . ~Juno & Co.. IUIUOuncin~tthe arriul11~ Valenc ia, oltbeir brllf'. Higlljlytr.

1AJI \\Cll.. 1\.Js rcb t9 . ...!.1'ba water Ia

LA to a ~~ OCMIIII.a.&loo tN BOilA\'ilr&. ,...._ ... _.,~.L.I- ltriid 1011 .... " 1'he~ ODMtnlo-

bu btu a .. ....... JliliatiiMa'Mi ODr 8Ailn1 &o Ula~Oft(t wUI fol'Dl lla.r.i bo• aiaoe &be wllld .... ap allak In the chala. Taklq Ita depat(ure No'lft-aa& h Ia ,... tnMiq Ia fiorD a jaoctloa oo tbe NtwfOGJidland Bail· the ahOI'fl. h ia II.JW dlllut fro. ~' dl._ new propoHd Jlne WllJ ran \0 ~-

~ G~OD_S Beoen~ Beceived. .

r-A J'rod11matioo Ia hramed in TuHilay'a Ct~=tiU, lii'JlOiuriosr a '!'erw of the Suprvme {.'ourt ro llu ht ld in jiarbor (inocc, froru th11 'J Lin! ro rho ElrYenth 1\.Jay. both dAya in· clush•t'. llr. Juarice llay ru.nt wilt pre~de.

abote thejU&Iu,road. 111• and }rlannfgall'a and otber onr8otnrd. The cb~~~~ge

to fPI'CIP8rlY $.00.-Mtrt:IU'I·

B.\T, ~'-rc" 29.-A ,Yef'7 aeriooa occurred here lAst 'night . ~n rbe

abo'ia~9 rail-. Tbereareao .-,. whlat.•••• Soatii·WNt to 10a11porL ~~~ oarW..iton.­lMre, nor are &OJ reported from 11M a•i&b· a.V or ptrhapsat Codloy Harbor. 'Oien bprio1 Harbora. ADOOGala froaa A•llerat &o Cape RAr uot the On& of Caneo, &llrl Co••· Blrohy Con. Newau-. Con aoct 1Moet by the eutern elkualon to Ure ~n­lli(d lila ad CJore are all ol tile ...u &aaor. llo.-nt-of America. IUt woalcl now PNpc*, 'l'h• p~ of OGr J'IIOPie cloina ao,n.lllna that a Seleot CutDmltloe be apj)ointed. tutd with tha•ebon 10&1 a.be17 are 'DOw .,.,., lie had no doabt that tho c8tl6~~n na8led aJuoiDy. WODid g\Ye thtl; btU abhllJ&tld eiiO"'J' &o

G~,~!!~~£~!!lS Pock~t ll ictOICOi.l.aDd lolaanl &ere, in Val·

C~.¥1le Catet. (~[dilli, nfiorll slua. Trltood lllieroaoo~ 6rua bodJ,ICI'· - W..srEr.ll Snor.& ~r.AL Flsntnr-The

1\ortlt S!JdM!J /Jcrtrltl pnhli..tu~• tbe liaL or tloe ~~;~:a~m shore kllllng vtllo!la ( s:J in nur:nlier·) tbat ..Ule<t 'from C hanuel, ~ftd., on or aboultba lOeb ~t.rch.

A1frtd Teuny~t~u, t ho poet l11nre~te, lull

r.ubllahed a V"triorlc '""II wbicb wu IUD It n Loudon a ahort~une aJ!o, a nd will be throu~:hout the colo i•• on tho &IIW¥era&l')' of lle r ~hojt:aty'a · thdAy. · . ---

DtllCii'St OF MO:>'TREAL-The lfev. G. J . M~rlo iu,lal eo( I he C.t~thedml ,l:it.John'•.~ew. rouuollMnd, Ions l~een placed jq 'charge of S L Jnrlt:1a in I he city, whil<l Mr. Dixon ia in l::r:f: ftnd ; Mr. ~bch in i• quite 1111 eloqu~u~ prut her.-C:Iwrc:J. Cuorrlia11, Mon:A !J.

-FIItST A nRI\'AL FIIOll rnt: S£AL FtSII· t nr .-Uu 'I huMay the intelligence "nil re· Cf'h·er.l \lu•t t he S.S. 1\ ' imnxl belc>ngir~g to ?.lt:PS1'11. Joo l ltotb~re & "(;o. lo"d a r ri,ed :Lt P cll· RU· U"eque from the Gml Fishrry wllh

' " lo11d of oiiJ hc;od £CII.ia- nbout !J,OVO, we uuderal&nd.

-Pt:RSlll'AL.-\\' e are plrasfd to •~e our frit'nols :\t.rara. l'ntcn~on and Yondl\ll bAck once tuor,e to II~• hor Grace. Doth 011.ure p11ut·t !:CII fro no lla lifax by the ]l'r,.fuw•d· lorru/. Oue wns pllyin~: 1\ 1'i~i~ IO Old ~,tin, thl' o•ltcr lo ?\ova Scoti11, and both tt!orousloly tnjoyl'<l their trip. 1

-Sr ALtl(O Xr.;;--Extn~cL of (-1\ l etter from J.u ,.e r J. l11iid Con?, uuJcr. dd~u · rd !\lft tch ·-

.. ' I hout!Anda of old le."la were a~en n r G rn rr'• L'o,·e t he oi"y befo rc yell<'rolly wl ch rntofcd tOitoc of the noore expericncctl t en l S'" to cotoj•ctnre tluot the youn~r' ae. la IOUIJ IlUI IJc II l)lt'at iJ UsUIIICC uff."-.1/ trt:

- \\' c arc plc~'C!'I to learn t E 'J I r m1 eon. ,on of our ri'•IWcred town&· n•,n. \\'. I I. 'J'hntnp!lll ll , J~q. , bu I UCCCFI· !ully JliiFf C'tl his fi n~ ! e xamin~rinn (t~ldn~r

. tloc tl~~H t11 ol M.lJ., <.;.ll .,) u!JcGUI Col· hp·, ~lont reftl.

\\' o· COII!tt~ t nl:otc Mr. '!"'8. mJny frie oda <;n tLe tU<Ccufotl iu uc oJ his a tu.Jica.

- n unnjl the \\ (' r l; lhrte or the fof(,ir.n r • il.nj: .-u~rl• h~ l c>nl!i"~ to ~l t'o<n•4 .John Mn•·•• &. ( ·,., "'boch ltftn' hct·n dctKitled on t i l' !"-t •Ut l.c • t1 ~ho1 c l·y iro. fo r "uute t u nc I · <t , Horc<·col.·.J 111 tc"Chtng Sr. J ol· n·a. 'I '·• '" , ,.,~da ~te the II il/.wn. Trn<ly, a tul A .r.r. \\' c IH•IIC t h:ot d uJ IC~ · IJi ud:,.dc " 111 ><'Oil I e !tftr',l. Fn rhnt ! lory will be en· nLit tl 111 hoal tt.cir ""Y to tlo i~ port.

o <.:leary. of Dritnl, bad hi• fr&ntn,re<l. and Lwo other of the m\nere

injorred, h11•ing rectli• ;c\ h<>t'oturrloro•of a dan~toUI cbaraoter. ..

orTr.xru.\~cl-Tbe lnltAIIatio11 of H<\rbor Grace Dltl.don · 'Ifill aL thu DriLiah IJ11ll:on thi ereu·

uexl., A h'fe aod cordilll extendud &o al.l ou~

to wituHI tba cere: intereatiug addreaos, to·

read i ogl. IIOngl. &c., will a l io of the proceediop. Doore will opeu &o thopablioat8.SO o'clock.

On Wedneaday, F eb. let. an than Ulual interell for t hill

lla1~eo~urored iu thernarri~oof lllu the ruoiable, accompliaheol, a.nd birr of our reapc:oted towoanr11n. e,U<J., to Mr. J tro. G. Gr~~ne. Mer·

n Sound, The ceremony waa per· the ltev. Mr. l:'hilip, of that place. oeremon y waa o•er, litO gul'llft

a bountiful repast ~t •o roai­e bride'• father. 'rt.o pre1ents

'"""""""'• friend• were coatl.r an I anr""'o\riat 'fbo h"JIPY p11ir left by tlie

for 01'1•o:n Sou nd, wuh 'the for tbeir futuro lll\pJ"Iioeu 11nd

,,.,.., .•• " ''"• of th11ir Ia,.-. circle of frioode.­IO't.•.J .. •rt••" AdMm:e.

Mr. Cn~ne refetred to in the abo•e ii'j nephow of Mt•Ara • • Joh n aod Crane, of Upper bln.t.d Cove.)

SOR~O O ATS FRO)! LIV• Afttlrnoon 1\Jc:sa,.., Uow·

received a telegmon from SL appriain1r thcu1 of t he Arriral r.~ Lin­he 15th lost.. of Utcir ac:looonor Fruit

t . DrtdCOI!. Tho F ruit Oir/11\iled I on the llth of ::Sovcmbor,

1\ll tho 6oroo ~les Gf tloo uttrous rnontbl. ~ otloill)l hl\d of her up to tho 4th inat. when

u thol e chiclly iutere,ated iu her wero Aln,roll n!&dy to 111>Aodon the

eve r &ecillll the 1'.c11Sel Bgnin-n

C.a:rAUKA, Marob u . ...:.Thll'e wu a pod thlt forurtiiiQn of auch a olsart.ur, and trhh 1111111 of water olf tba abort all a&J : •ba\ aaqh eonCH.ion1 ulhey bell n ed the Colony ,rith the olwt .. of wlad &haletia Jl!ll!ibff can Dlely -... Wltlt tbelr oharter com­tlaok apoa the land. Tlra wled i• llow plet.rl, he belio•ed that the Comlvmy would aortb· ... L . '!'here an 110 ·-•• &oW ... D atbcfdittant day commence operariona. He ,io &Jaa· walft)oor luitt ' tbt b6al1 dtlit ba•e woulr.'ltt.l'l'f'!ro, mo~e the appoiu&.mec.t of bolD o~ to the edp of &be 1~: obN'r..d a the Select Commluee.-Ltcr'grr.

fainata ooe oa U.. jam. • We' ate- al1 1of • • opihion &hac; tile ,u body of the -'•" LATEST ABOU l' T I,E, ~AlLWAY. ai'C' •otn• rlia&aDc:e off the land oo aoooant of sret.paJC oo ilgo of any bare. Exl'Lon, noK o' TUE GounnT.-RArLW,IT

' H4!1TS Hu.aon, Jtlarcb 26 . ..!-Tbe loo ia Or~RATIO~-Wo nndersia'nd th11t U. X ruauina rapidly off Lba uath abore of ~e Hobbe, Eaq , Vice-t'rvtddeuL or the New· tire IJ&J. Tbe wind it blowlna fouodlaod Kailwa1 Comfl'\rly, who arril' .. tl atrona from tbe 110nLbwl'fd aotl Ia atlr· b)' laa\ ateamer. i nlendl rnolking 1. ptreon11l rin!f up tbe ice. '!'barto .,. ao - •• risible uploretion of the eortotrx'af

1nusc tltll intt!ud~

in tho water, nor haa •tbtre~a anJ aall ed line of railwAy ae' far u llllll'a llay, •• vi•iblo Iince the foarltelinare li11bted on aoon aa the emn111tr opens Mr. llobhto ia Wedneeday IN!, puHCI,ou& of aigbt. All largely uuereated fn tuit'th'fj in the United iheliO forn abipe were ">o diatan& a& any Sta.tea, auoi hie '!!~in ohj .. ~1n hia l'roJ~ctoo.l time to be ldenti6ad from -the ahore. Jounlf\Y will be.. to aac:ertAiu tbe 101nt rt1l re·

CAPit R o\CI,•MatoMi5-Thll '•lnd to-daJ IOUrt'el of the cnuntiy ' tbrOUJI'b wbloh the ia aoutb.wee& lind' blowln~e a •pleodid ra.Dway will ~ with a •lew• w acttTe brteu. TheCa~ Uoll~ahor• ia JAmllltd operation• wherit prorn!ainJtlndicationa mAy c losely with ice, bu& frqm that point to be meL with. lie will probably beaccom·

ltaoa il Ia cle.-r. ' 1A brl)t&ntine, not paaied by Profe11or l)tqwart, one of 't ho idt:ulilled, · hove lo li_~:li& outaide the ico ablest and moat experienced ruininiC experto thia morninll', Sbe doei not appear to be i11 America. A oumber 9f onsrirol'era will be&ding in .for tbe l&lld or boo.nd for thia acoom~ny the expedilion, ~mltbo u plom· cout. !>he ia now aJmoat out of ai~ebt. The tiou w11l be of t he moat thornuwh chKmctc r. \1'e&ther ia bellntifally 6ne and tho wind ia Sbould. tbeir U Amirr"tion reault loa luor· ateadily Yeerinsr to Lbe weetward. 'fbobaro· ablo opinino of our 1ohocml rc110nrcc.a, Dle,l~r in 80.20 and the theriuomet.r i• 80. jlrtlll acti•ity in ruining oper"riooa· ml\:r !:'ItS

'ftLT Cov&, March 25.-1'he wind ia rei\JIOuably an<icipsted. Tiro eltpedirioto blow in ~;~ from tbe aonth all day but Yery will all.rl aa arly u tbe weather will p~r­h~thL 1fbe weather Ia fine butfroaty. 'l'bere miL. Are no 1e1111 in the water. 1111d it i1 thought Meaotimt, while tho eoaiotere arc tn1c· hero t hat tbey bue gi,.n t be northe rn log out the line northw11rd from t he iarhnotll H&yl the alii' tb i.~ year. ' to llall'e llay, tho work ol coullrnctinn,

'J'I:o steamer Tiger i1 j&mr'Oed in tho ioo uoder !llr. Hl11ckman. will bo pudred for· 11bouL nine mile• aouth·~Ut of .the Gpll ward with t he utmoat •i~l'{lr, duo-in)( t he leland off CApe John. Aa fu u t.he eyo euonmer. llod a l11r1:e force of l•boNnr will t'llu re110h there ia no water •i•iblo out 10~· be necdool. The obj~ct will b., to complete wnrd. T bo it:a ie Yery heavy and i ~ is thick· tho line, if potUibtc, to llarbor Gmc,, du r· ly int.enpc:fSOd with ice-~I')CI.. The acalere log Lha ens uing •~1\.'IOn, prep!lrt!.Liona for hdru think thAt all the acaia ba,. paucd euteriu iC on rhu northcm u ct ion u eiug II. WAY aoulhward. m&do by loe&ting rho lin~ in thn direction.

'l'ILT (;on, i\11\rch 27.-The' ice is ntn· whileconttructiou i• ,IC'lin~t on, u in•l i c.t~~cd oiuJZ off the no.rth trine of tho 11ny rapitlly. We rnaynnticijl3te, thl'rclor,, great ~~et i l'i ty Tht1 Ti,qt r hu wheolc•l awl\y to the north· IUI IIOOII M tlou snow diMppe"ra ao u to pe r· •voml out of lillht. There hl\\'e been no mi~ th o COUIIIICIICemeu~ of oporu~ioua.­tll':\18 aeen o r oal't ured aiuoo ( hut wired .lltrcury. you. 'l'hdre is no newe of auy importance =======~~======~ arootnrl t his ndj:hborhoorl.

i\lo\HCII, :10·-Ther~ iaalight IOIIth ·IIOUth· eaat wind to·dtly. A& f"r tu1 t hl' eye can reach 'here i• not II pnn of ice ro ho ~t:en.


At St. J ,olm'• · 011 the Urd ult., rho wlto of l ! r. f'raokHrt llaru lln r•f a 10n.

lin the t Oth ult ., the wife ol Ur. Jam., Uourll 't'.N.O .. of o <l•u~lorer.

On rloo iBth nlt., rbo wlfo ol S<rgt. D. Fr~m•n T . N.C. of o aon, ·

O o l h• Hth ull. th~ " " " ol llr. J•meo llrtn· DaD. •r N .,J . of 11 d•uj:ht,.r

e wu' rccd•..d from Captain Foulu of the. brir.rnnline .i rclir:, wh > 1\ dtoy or t wo bcfor~ttrr iverl nt Trep~ey, atatiu:; t hat he hat! @ ol.:cn to ~llptl\io Driscoll o ro ~he 2oth of Fe runrr, 1\bou~ uinery rnilca w~l of l:l\pc f ine, And su pplied hino witlr :L qunn· ricy "I tlon r 1\rocl rice. :Since then uo tid· , ,g. l!~rl rct~c loed "' na to thd Frnit Cirf• uooH· 1ents until yu lerfiAy, when tho very '"·leo nc rlt·apMclo to wloicb >ro refer was roll\ccd in the O'~<" ncra' hl\nJ L The 1chooner

Tnr. :\onwrc• •:-. F o;utrn·-A cdrcrnn• to !oM 110,, been a) m nd rl'd nud aomo odJ Jl\ya II c: .ll•rrll• !J •I~tcd ll ttarvl, ~I Mclo 'l7: • UI<'·' on the r·oyo~:c; ne•ertbcleu , ~leMrs.•llow-11•~ • !nil • I udVIf r A fr<llll ~ hrt, rt•ul\ !!~•· c oJ,.. , oiu;: IJroa. • ru h~llrlify jlind that l he io once I h i • • <1. ~>r('fO itto l • o f th~ c.rdo Of tltc .\orwo\ moore :f"[C ill pnrt 8 1tc1 t hAt r.ll her CrOIJ are ( , . .{ h·hcry, fM tnc '""~""· cuttcctcd .ro .• , "', )1.~7ritg• om, ,1/orrh 2i . ·

'l'ILTGov.:, MArch 29-'J"bowintl i111trung from lho uorth· nortft·weaL The wel\lher ia tine nnd c:lc11r with nry alight fros~. The Uny is alowly ciiiJirin g out tlo.,'ice th:Lt h:\S jauomed it since Janu11ry. Not a aer.l lou ma.J" aa apfll'IUnnca dnrin~r the '" ' ' month. The at>l\fere ftpm Gull bll\nu holi,vo they nrc ft ll • II:M tv the 1orrt hwl\rd 1\nrl u f11.r up"'' St. J olou 'a.-Sptr:ial to Jlfr· t:Kry.

Oo rho I Gilt ul c... tit• wile"' lfr. W. G. Wh loy· coucbo. South SIJo, .,r • """·


~ r~AIJtDl'<l of lloe l•rl·l··~ ?, rltr r. Fl~•hrr· ton. O ntftrln Can••h. on a1u.• ''' nlf .• l1y ab" ltt>V. !1. 0 . Phils•. )Jr. J nbn C. 1:r\.no, )l o·rrl .. ll t. o .. cu S llund . '" It lm01tfa, ouly o!Au~;ltlor uf ll 1'rinolllr, t:oq , of Flub.rton.

1r• t ift' :!1<1 in~ t!' lll.tll l atl of!icia llr t\ltU U IIIICNJ

·J ht• ,,,,.,J \''t"ld tlu \\-ll l o thn t .tl t\t.c v. n~ IH· t · ' 11 1111lh~u8 ~;!"iuit '"' ~h1Y ·8t \"l'l1 lniJJiouf! c.: Cun-1:-~"1 ) \':'\(I "~J.! rt,;.:JU C ,\ l.n1 e U' t"l' k 1 ' '' n u w lu.f r o P>IIJ•t ly \l•u :-e • h'~ U8 fl\ l hug d l , a n sult r ery uto ll l. t·l~· to lit: 1\t hicveo.\

-\\"c loft \'G. un footUUI\Iefr. to rl'port no cl.r- ht.·e tu 11.t.• J•Oi-l l lf.lll o f rr •• r '' a h uJ: fh •t." l ~o l·t t 1: .. t I!',.Ue-111 d tl. iA. 11Hl "llht1 IAIHhtJS:

tlu: :htt tl .ut "'' l,n ,·c l1:uJ t lac ''i1nl l 10111

1 (": rh· ,. , t rv 1 " ' ''' ••I d .t..• C'Gi lllJ '" ' "'- ~Rt · u n l" ' '.& IJiuw f t n rH aLe ,:'\~nll l•- " ,.,,, u nd~tv 't~ J:ah: . 11 1•111 I I t.' :\urlh·eAJt . Tn,·Hi a,)~f*lu.·J\·,.,,. 1t: ct :.t: ft~ tu t l ,. ~ S. \\ ' " '· ,. •• d :he ' 'ru · iaHt: • lu• 11~ ... ~~~ '' l•irh h"' t1 l'r •· '·"dcd C " \'T

• u •t t•. :.JI luul ••n t tT .. c t ( J tl t he let•. \\ ~ l·••r(•, ho>Wtvt r, loJ' llt'Xt i68ue lo 1)('

nl.' c to '''I""' l..!llc r thint:• of our U'ftliug fluL .

- !'An ;\ccw n.T AT f! IHGt:S.- Tnforma­t :,u oi !\ u.,. r ,u .cl·~lv ftC'<' Idcnt re:J\ches lUI

f Trl•!f' "'" ) fo o tto llo is:>ra ~our h. ll ll'CIIoA t l Ml "" 11" I!Jth infitull l, "hil~ n Jou le l(irl . , ., ,.; ,., ~··a,. rol •~:~. rlant;l•tl'r of .:llr. l'atrick lll• • k.y. ""' iu t it<' • et uf !illint: loH huc­k~rel o • '"" " ' •·rlonroJ l•y t ho: pA•<· ntl\l 11bodt. tl,e ... , .. ,.,.i l l•t>r (out u•s.:- :.url fcl: into t he l ll't'am. u .. :njl 10 t h ....... io.l curreiot r nn· nin11 Ill I he "'"''· It • • • iuoponiLk for her t o ' "!:"in t he bauk by ho:r ow,n" uullided t:f · for111, aud no one ltl'iu~ nt hnnol to reurltr A>aiJianr.l!, 11he .... doa"n und~r tbd ica nt d d ro'll'nerf. Our t nforuot111t olot:• uot aay wlr~tltcr the budy had bccb reco"ered.

-LoST FtSIII!U)IES. - Gloveutrr, .~!lUI., M orrA 16~tbr. J~llt t"Of'M», of thi• port, "loidr lo~a b\·ctt nb!eut since J11o, 2:1. OD tbu IJ.anka, halibo t fishiug, baa ~eo 11heo " I' by her o"'nere ~ II,)Sl, with her crew of fouttt•ett men. Tfe &lluoplr1111 wa1 et· r o•HI ro the Yi~·~ t ~ale of February 6, 11 11d it ia rf'porle bAt ahe waa apoho be· fo re the j,!llle wit er •indl ... broken,lioce "hich tioue rloere uo bef'n nn lldrnp of lr~r. Site wn) owned by Miohul Wallen & SQ]I, wl\1 \'alu..d rt l tl.tJQO and hey outftt at 81.:t0o. 'J'hel'e i• s•.:wo ini •Jrance on tb., nael. and 11 ,200 on tbe out6~ In a local c~p~uy. TLi1 , , .. •w~ll• t ire uurn· ber t? 1b rueu frorn thia port aioco Jan 1.

-TRE B~RQCO.'TISE'~PArur,,.-We were rnili11fo.rm"d IIIAt 'll'eelt a hoot the ".nmdi ng ~t ' I rC'J nlttf4'y of t his ve.~~tel. She a r ri•ed at l:it. Jol11•'•· in tow of tbe ate,n.- tvr Do.i#y, on ~loud•y t-vening Jot.. t b :Mtaere. Ilow· nng Uroa. Shu had been (we luro from tl.e Mrrc•ry) thirty daya detained on the c:n11•L by icc. Tho c loitf pan of the thne

l:i •tkr P u:nnE, :\lore It 25.- T ho l.ftrq:te UiuyuYJ<•I. C:tpt. Trllinor, 1uutc r, llrriYed hcrc to · o.l ~y . 'I loc bBrqno, co~l ll\den, ''""" to l)L Johu'a fro ru t;ow HAy, io con· >i>ne lQ Mr1<1ra. (;ltft, \\' oorl & Go, of r our c>r L All on bonrcl :trc 'lfell , notwith· ~tnnrlt llt tlol' lous: \'O.f:O(;C extending o•·er "'"Y rlaye. the g rrolt•r portion of which \\Mll pt!O l nmon~ dut i•·u .. ti"ldt. 'fh .: ''"''1" · h~a ooiinnuol'" no serioua d3UI3ge bo­Y'" '' ' l'<' ruhhong of her oiolc~.

:-r. l'o r o:lll:. ~lnrch 27.-The bri~nline r:mclitr, C 'npl. C«llt<h~n . &~lied thiS •ttOrnin;,: f .. r ::(~, .J .rlt~la. T he b.,rqne lliuy,r;go.l, l>IJtl ~ r .. inror. will l ~ft\' 0 itt 1\ fe•• houra.

·1 h .IJ.,ttl•{n, llrt .,:y nnd Cumd :uo nt ~L I.A"r nee . .. ind nno.l ic" ho.rntl. Th~ brr;:t. "'~'''' '~ t bu t•rJJ,; l uot ft nd thu sehnnnc r F'r,,;, fii rl .Uo IlL Un o ito. The wiud is atro ng from tloe nOrlh -weet which vd ll nfTvrd ~~~ opp>r·

to the uihn•t •~&sols t o cc t down to n's There iB n nry he3~Y body of uohn~ to the "'eAtwnrd of :it. J>ivre

J\ on c nf our U11uke rs ltl\ve yet 'I hcy ftrc <leiJiinod, no doubt, by qunuti tiee of icu mrerceptinl! t ltcrn

IIM11k 11. 11 iathoughtth~l flalt R 110ool price the cominJZ .euon, of tho new Army aod NI\Yy ar·

,.,. .,,n~hu,nl in F rnucC!, iovohinjl lArgo '"idi· cona umpl lon, and "lao on IIC·

t fAilure or tiro Norwegian tlaf,~rt.--~~M<:ia l lo .1/trt:ttry,

n oose or APiembly hM been l!'eltlng a good dtftl of bulineu within a

On Tueeday laat the t:ommittee tAt, and ae• eral of t ho annuAl pall{!~ tloe Gornmittee re1nmea c~~ Fiahery Uill, Uiing tho

aize of mealr fo r tbe Wl\lll o r eldua 6ah· t r1)>1. haa been paaaed by the 'J'be Hoadtr anti Uridgeo 11ppropri·

been &(feed aoon-lbe geu~ral lite aame An.ou-nt as io luL y~ar,

adclitiC)ll)o)f 85\100 in1trad Of 13()00 •en c:out. 'l'be Ronnue

of last reu'e, haa paaaed its and beeo aeot to tho Council.

aru~nding lbd LAw hno been bile otbere arc in progreaa. Yea· o lOCAl ortion Bill as road a &eC· withon~ di•mion, to be co~ltted

ea rlJ day.- Nj(dr., Morc112.f. \ ---- .


RAILWAY I:'ROPOSITIONS. l·lon. A rror.'(£T lieNF.RAL h11d grel\t ple:l·

euro in movinJr ft~r rb e IIJlpointmunt of a selcet committee of tbe llon'IC t o tllke into cnn•iolemtion the pethlon of Mr. :\ . l. lllllokm&n lin() ' •rudi<:~~to of c:nptt:olista. rltia GompAny h~d obt.~luo!l a GitMtt r from the Nov" l:icotil\n Le;;isl,.ture. I n 1\ few cl:l )"l tlo•y )IOticipaled thftt the Dominion (;o,·eu unent woniJ g;vo 11 ~imihor r; hft rte r. An :\pplicatiou was nvw msrlo to nato take pu~ tn tfriagrea t work. 'l'lte ohjtct of tho Coonp.,ny .. ., to Clllabll•ll what is known aa tbc Arnoric;•n nnd l!:uropeu Sbort Liu!' rootlo. Thl' r'\'Sult .. oulcl he tho couoec tioo o r the Urel\~ l::uroJ>el\n and Aru~ricao Gou­rioellll, and a closer connection between tho ~;rcat cities of Europe, Arnerioa, Asi11 anrl Auotr~~liL T he queation w.u-•lu" "M thie country prepared to do in aid of this mnsruific.!n~ undertakinlo(; Some ye11re 11go this ltoutc wM Rlked ro ai1l the 6LIIb· li.hrnont of 1\ conn«tion b:r cable of Atu,iri· en with Europe. The ideA "'"' thea r.reMetl ns chitnerie~~l, be (hon. A. G.) beln11 aa be be lieved the only ono who dared &o Ill· sort hill belief iu tho proj~" li ia fAith b11d been well fonoded, Aud that connec­tion lo•d been long aince completed. If wo lookrd at tho Geographical position of No,... fouudland 11nd admitted the neceail! of adopting the q uiokl'llt and leMt !iaoJttln?UI route for the traruopon of mails 11nd pu· aeogere betwun Europe aod America, It •vould . t:e tWCD how happily wo were


Itt IUv<'r IIC"''J , o>b rho ~81\ ul: . Mr. ll•uri..., O• ht'Cu, ag ,...l 8 J 1"""·" n~&r 1"4 or Onunt." 1\.crr!. 1r~lonrl. and on .. td and tnjo«ttJ re•fdeut vi ltlnr u .,.t\,-11 t.r•.

r\t lle• rt·o C:o:olenl,l'ln tt. &:ltb ull .. <:>f rn.. a umaJiioo. aftt.r" • IIOr t Ulnt''· l• ... r no \Ifil l• t;hti.f­ll•n r<'OiJ(ttaiiM 11'1 tho Ol<lne will. J•nor• J . T uek.r, thirJ """ nf llr, J amH 'l'~~<•br, Rrnt\•l c;, "ll"'' 2. yraro, ..... ply Ngrclhcr.l .. ,. all "hn k oow h int.

At tiL J llbn•a, nn ThunoJ•r lu i. J nhn ('.,.nnin>:, E sq . tiiJ:U'l l.f1 1••:-r•, 111. n.tlh'e ilf 1\irtlJfu~o:huu . l::n~: . l•te (;oll,...tnr nr lf.U. Outnm•. i $ uf wloirh ho •1>"•1 {A tbl• Colnuy.

At Rlvo.rolu llnu~e. l)l,&;d•ll S.nJ•. t .lv~rl)tw•l . ou tho ~8th rob~ Sevt1i11ut, lalout !IOU,, l 'homu p .. JO'b.

On lbo 2nol ult. ()( cooaumplh•n J ,.,u•h Arn..,v. a~ad 56 Y"'~·· a IIJIII Vd "' SL J ,.hn o, :OOd I . ooi<t "'\ ~vl'<l,.ffe or )lr William n .... m. uf lll0 l'uu<l. ny BTdn•y lllnH, 0 .0.-ILU'.

PAUO::lg1)rB. Per Nnsf-ua• rl /rl)ln ll•lil•x-l!r J , l'. Fn•·

lonl{ aod wlf,., lfi'IBU lto,:-1'01, fl. \1', JI )'T•, Jnlm Potcnron, t>. fl. 8 JM'nce1 li. II. Culyer . . 1. J<on••. IV. Fraw, ·ren•r.loton. n.. Wrlf<)rt. W. II . D·•IJ"""· J om•• Rotro ,lln~tb Oolr·l. U.. f'. lfd .b . II. Go:<o r. J ohn Ktntln;r. o ..... J , 1\oo~ Dl•lr, II. Yn~tohll, J , E. tite.r, an•l C. X. Unllb.r_ ; G (u oh: .. ago.

New AdvertiSements.


eituAt.d for tbe f110ilita.tion or 111ch an eo· t e rpriae. It wonld· be adtuitted tbi.L not. By AUTHURITYiof a Precept from llis wltbatandhllf any jrnpronmenll that tnlebt W orebip 'l'nox..slllh:Ns £TT, E.q.,And be made in 18 tranl, it wonld ~~~-J• be LEWIS W . Ell£1lSON;Eaq~ Jnaticea of our e.xcecded by traoait on land. 'l'be a&eemere &Ye"'iatn Lad! Quns, dated 18th ruoning between Holrbead and Queen•· 1\.Jarclt, 1882, town avem~red abootH mileeao hour, aod I hereby glve Notice. admhting that oceao ateamere would be coottructod to 1'DD at a eirnilar ra.te oi that a General QotllrLer Sealiona of tho epeed, uen Lbon tbey woul d not approach Peace, for tho uid Dittrlet, will bo holden tht~ rat. of apoed. attained by Railwa,.. A Ia the Conrt flouae at Harbor GnLce, on forcible illuatratlon of thia waa to be bad Ia ldO~DA 1", the Third daJ' of A(uil, 1882, t he f•ot tlll\L nery day a mail wu made op af Elnen o'clock In the fOfC.noon, when all in Lomlo:J for America, the mail toAde up ot Her ~Life.tty'e Gllole, and Con· ou Monda.y neolng •eat to Life!'{IOOI, 100 thoatdt>ift.rlct. and a ll other wat port 00 boArd atearutr tbtre, Lhta t team." ...... ···-··- concemed, are hi"l"'bJ directed to n lef' on 'l'nnday at noon ; ano t-llor maU Lbarn .. lfeaaoc~'li l_r. · waa rn111la up in London oo 'i ' o--.a-., ••ill· • · EMlSTEK. """"'• • 1¥ • Slltriff. ing wbicb waa detpatched to Holybe~~d Sb 'If' o• u bo G t thence to Kiriaatown by ateamor, tbt~noe to en 1 w-:e, nar r """'• Q ueeo•to•n by In tirno &.> catch the Maroh 26tlt, lW. · ,

1 ,.

11~a10er that had left Lt .. rpool oa tht d11y before. 'l'ho- lall\nd of Newfoundland waa By AU'rllORITt' of a Precep\ from aingulul7 like Ireland Ia tba coniiJttllll· Jill Wonhlp Jsa · ltL 1. Mo,..'Ja tt., tion of Ura land. De (bon. Preroictr) Eaq., StipPndil\r,J Mll)l'llt.rate or the Car· ~tlc•ed thl~ thia 10herue waa back· bouear Dratrict, dated 201~ o\lareh, ~:l, · ed llP b,J cent Iemen of latRe mellnl' I hereby give N otioe, and ltllndroif, wbo were conBddot a.nd do· •

j UIIOIIOt. " j . Reamt.J( Gl-. ~ilrerent •iuL . Speo}aclea aud SPfClaclO Cuea, a large U · 11llrtruent. , J ,

lk\1 Goral a, willa ijldia rubber or boue G urn lti'hga. l

Gum. !tip~ • Unuo 1.1od Wood p:nit.tlng Pina, all ai&et. L.AdiL'a' F11111-a epll'ndlll ,linl', very cheaJI. Pocket K uina-real Joaepb RoKet:l', aud

otber m~ke~. I l'toorltmcu 1 Karvea-Gret qnali'1· Sci11110re-embroid ery, Mil, dr~~pere', &c. 1-'oltliu,: B:\I:Atell& llo11rds, cbup. 'fablu Crnquet, bomplcte, with law1 and

regulation& of t lte game. • Glove 11no.l Uoot llutt<;o'rs~hellp. Uiane• lor 1812-pochL, t.fficc, and ac:rib·

blintt ~all aiJes aod qoa.lit ics, aL modcr· nil pru:ea.

W hittaker·.:, :V eooor'a and o tber J.lmanac:a f·•r I Ris~.

Sl. .foho'a, Feb. L J . F . CliiSHOLll

Po3t 01D.ce Notice.

l\K AIL.'; will be dcap11Lched from thia 1. Office duriog tb<1 Wiutcr ~outbe 111

follo .. a:-On ~londl\y and Friday morningt. •ia 1'op·

Ail, for l>i•trie~ ,, f llarbor ~lnio, llti;~ua, ' Port·de.c.;ruc, U11y Robort1, l!Arbor

Grncc, Gl\rbontAr and llellft'at:onten&. On \\'cdnClltll\y, Yil\ P ortuga..l Gove, for

H oubor •Gn1ce, Carboncar . Urigua: 1\&y ltobtrta. &J-dc· Verda Diatrict, Trinity north nnd Llonll\'illa, •out h .

I n tht e•·cnt of'tloe :>teamer h~ing prcnoted by the it o from crosaiuJZ t:onctption H"Y on W o,•dut:st!a•. m:~ila will be forwarded on l.uod, r iB 'rops.~il.

On Friolny, after arriva l of l\bil Sttftmcr, fo r Uo~ Uullund Fcrrylr\Dd Uiat. iot, ::it ~1\ry'a and l'IG~c:u tia l)istricl.

Ou W ~clucaday. l ith J :ur .. Rttd ench :~Iter· 1111tu Wcrlucltll\y until l !llh April, by o~crle~ud rOUI<l to r.:nrth•·rn Uilllricll A leo, l"'r Stt'l\tuer on ~\lonolRy, 2ud and 1Gllt .l11n, Gth and 2uth F eb., 6th 11nd :Wth ~l.,rch . Srd ""d 17th A l'ril,for uaual porta of ~:'til to South and \\ eat. If :ot any time t he T rinity P110ket is pre­

Httled by ico froon ronki11)! the uAUIII week· ly trip~. l\lniiD will bo de~plttclocd overlnnd ou a>mc d.uo "' fo r other N orthe rn Dis­trict:A.

.\lniis pl'r Stenmcr nno1 Northern O•er· lnnd rtoute will close at 8 1111 rooroiog of de&Jmtc lt. All ilt hcrd nt 9.:10 a.m.

(;cucml Pust Oflice , } · St. Ju!m'a, l>cc. ,'17 , 1881

ALLAN LINE. Winter Sailings-1882.


Fno:u ST. J om;';.

'l'UESDAT, .TM , Slat . I M~NDAY, Feb. 6tb. " F eb. lith. I " 20t h.

" ll~t h . March G1h Ma•clt 14 th I •, 20th

" .. 28th. " A pril Sr\,1 April l ith •• 17th

Conn~c t iuc ' "itb ::>teamere from Liv~r: ponl for llnlifax-

,hn. 18th. Fcb. lilt. F .. b. 1 ~th. l\13r. lat. Mar. 15 th. M11r. 20th

A. Sllt:i\, A!Jtul, St. J ohn'!, J :\n. 7 , 1882.

l PHCENIX Fire Assurance Company. LOllDABn STnEET & CUARl NC. OROILS



TRUSTEES .t OfREOTORS. J"h" Edwnrlllonn,£., Dt"<imn• Jlurtou. l:JK~. 1'1J• liN> Jam .. il1"1r· Juhu Clullo o. E.tq.. 0 . £. ('""!"'· Eoq .. ll. l' J oohn c .... ,,., o.v~ •. EOoj Q ,..,, A. f'nller, k:oq. 0 . £. o ... 'l!loorl. t ..... Dudley R. ti111Jrb • .l:!.q

O•lfOOO RaDbarr. 'Eaq fi: b.lloJttMn,~ .. M p " ir J lmlo'-k, & r l.

ll.P:. F.R S. Clo•._ 'l'lo••• · Luc111, l::aJt. Jnn D. ll•~rena t;•'l J t bo\ Sl~"ort OaloyoE1q • :b•rl~• R1 ••••· E«<r. W , J, 'floOIIIIJIOO,,

AUUil'UUS : WallerD!rd , E.q. 1 T.ordWm.Orr>Oir Pblpp•

Jooepb F_t'l<nc •f:'*ber, Eaq.

.Tome J . Ut.OO»FIELo, &err.ary. FnANCJS II. McUo!IALD, Aut. Scr:rtlo'1J.

lns!'nitfe• agaiott Lou by Fire 1.1'11 ef· feo~bo ·

P,ll<.BNIX OOMJ:'ANY opon e•erJ-<Ielctiptlun of Property in nery P"'' of tho world, ou tho moi' (uorabht terms. ' . -~

The ptomptitud"e and liberallly with

- , ~aen~ OFFIOE,-~OB~DAlm, )[AlNE.. .

I I , . I I ( '· . , ~ ,. ' t ..-·oooJoo

Clo~· Depoal~ a\ ~ ...... , ••.••••••• , . .... --• .., ....... 't'_ ..... :t? ooo'ooo nn ......t.a, •botlt. ....... l .......................... - .... ·-··· ···-·~····-.. ··- G' 'ooa bO BClrPlu.a. 011'U all ~U..-.............. , .......... -·····-· -··-··..;.... ~~- ..... DiVldencS. to P~-laol4en, to :n.\ ~ber,l880.--........ -. - -Total Payment.. to fPOUC7·bolden ...... ..................... ~·i··- ·-··.t17,al.-e JJI

Thlall the Ollt.T co~pany tbatiiiiUH Policiee giriag tbe ·tiebt&ta of &be MAIB -· FOIU'EITUUii Jaw, a.nd 1pec:ifying io >lleflnlte ,~rma b:r lta. folicJ C.o~Ll *'....,. .. be 11.0 FORPiiiTUIUI of ~·e iuaoraoce by oou-paymaa~ of ~lam after thrH a'ilnaaiJI!!­•uluma have beu paid u11ti1 &he walue prowldeclfor ia Uba~d iA EX'l'.ENDED 111-~UI.tL~CE · !' . •


Odd ~,cllows" Building, Union Street, ' s~ I John, N. B. W. D. H. KEN~EpY, .

Gen. Age11t j<W New Brutilwick~ Njld. W. M. ALLAN, EsQ., M.D., Medical Ezamirt~r. A- T. DRYSDALE, Ag~ for Con~tilm·B49·


For a (Wty art ~ who p11)'1 a a t leaa than· 8 annual premiltrna, 'be polloJ. ol ~ Uoioo Mutual prorid~ and g~toea the following oa lb and. 20 "JUZ eudotrtntDt.l ;-

• I 15 YEAR E_biDOWMENT, S aonnal preminm• of 66.02 dola. pro• idee 16 ye~~n in1nnnce aod ~.31 dolt. for eacla

1000 dula. at eod of endowment, cwt onf!J9.81 dols. aunnlllly. 5 annttal preruiuma ot 66.02 dola. providu 16 ynra lnaura.oce and 199.88 dolt. for eech

1000 dola. 11t eod of endowroeot. cwl o•l.v'8.62 dola. anoually. · 10 annual premium• of 66.02 dola. proYidee15J.M" lnanranco and 6~6.60 dola. for each

1()(1() doll. at end of endowment , cwt o•I!J 2.91 dola. a.uuuftlly. · 15 aoonl\l pre~niome 0! 66.02 rlola. pro~idea 1 5 yean ioa.1rance ui 1000 dolt. a~ l'11d of

endowment. with aU tk prnfiu. I 20 YEAR ENt>OWMENT.


8 Annual premiDIDI of 47.68 do)a. prOYidta 18 JeAI'I and 803 diJI i.DaQJ'IDea, tcillolll furtlrn- JIO!JTiltlll, ooa' only 10.20 dolt. annually •. · .

C. annunl premiutna of 4,7;68 dola. pro•ldea 20 yeara·anauraoce ~d 57.86 dol&. fo.r eaeh 1000 dole."' end of o"dqwrueot., coa~ pnly !J.2l . dola. aonullly. •

10 annuAl preruiurua a! 47.68 do\a. pro•idu10 yeara ~e.and 1165.91 do\a. for eacll 1000 dola. at end lof endowment, coat only 5.4.6 dola. ~nn~ll.

20 anoual prcminm• of 47.68 dola. providea 20 yenna iua~oce and 1000 dolt. al Old or t ndoll'nrt'lll reiLA all lM profit•. I . . This cl\lcnlation 1u not mucly tuimatu, bot ocluany ~wa•tud Ul policy, and

does not include t he diYidenda 91hieh •ill accrue to t.hc pohcJ. • firTbu endowment policy i•ued by"'the UN tOM MUTUAL Lm: L'iSOnAXCE Co., ta the

f11irut contract olfer4d to t~e inenriug pnblic. (NpY. l2.

IMPORTATIONS 1882. Wo aro co~~tll.ntly recciYing and repleD·


Our STOCK • 22 C.A..SES


L A R of tho St. Looia and American Deef Cao­

niug Go'a. Hrandl.


A Selected Auortment of


SUGAR$ which, together wltb


OUR FtltL LINE _ Jp_


will be 1old at lo"ealfriC:ee.

'Ibe followlng Goode ate at Red need Prlqu:

100 BOXES G :1 & A n ·=r

I ' 5/ per box. A LoL ol Womeo't and Cblldren'•


" . New Books & New Editions lllustm~d Biograpbiea of tho Great Ar·

t il:t•, eAch illuauated with from 14 &o 20 Engra\'ioga.

Too following iu Stock":-Michael Angelo, by Charlea Clemente; HApbael, from J . D . Palll&\'llnt, by N. D'An· • ere Titian, by Richard F ord H eath, ?ol. A., Oxford; Rnbeu1, by C . W. Kelt. M. A,, Oxford ; Fii!'JrC Paiutera of llollllnd, uy Lord ltoneld (';ower , F . S. A. ; Sir J oahnr. Reynold•, by F. l:!. P olling, M. A., Oxford i J . W. M. 'furner . by W.Cosmo~lonkhouee; Sir Edwio Ulndaeor, by Frederick G. S ttpbens; Gl\inabc.rougb and Gonatablc, by G\JII. Uroclt A rLold, M ,\,, Oxford ;· Sir David Wilkie, byJ.W .Mallolt, B.A., Ox ord> 'l,:hi! Life of Gear!:o Stcpbeoaoo, by Samuel Smilea ; l'lotarcb'• Li .. c:a, for e.-cry d.>7 reAder~~; Gonfeaelona of All Opium Eater, hy DeQuincey ; Tbomaa Carlyle, by lleory J. ~icbol ; 1ne French Rct"olution, by 'fhomu Carlyle; 'J'ho Ne" llloslrt~ted Natnml Hietory, by tho' Re•. J . G-. Wood, M.A., F . l.S. • Storie~ of Ol1\ FAmilies, by W . Ch11mberaj L.L.D.; S~orlea of Rewark· 11ble Pereone, by W., L.L·D. ; Yoath'a Companioo and Coutttellor, by lV. Cbambere. L.L.D.; St. Gilea' Lecturea, tbo Seott.iab Char~, from the ca.rliett. tlmea to

1~1. / St.John'a.No..t!J. J . r. CfltSHOLU\

. ~

Newfoundland Ughts. To Matiners.



Ll\titndc . ................... -17° 'l7' !10" North Longitude . ................ 6G0 4.7' 4r Weat

The Light Tower burot down , in Jane Ju t baa been replaced by a ClRGULAR lRON io whiclr, on and alter 21t~ NoYem• ber " F!XLD \VLUl'E I.!Gil'f will be exhibited nightly, from euoaet to taruile, al ao elenlion of ll8 feet abo•e the lent of tbe .ea, and illumioating tbo •bole horizoo ~e.awatda. esceptio,r towarda lbe llarbor Rock. 'll1ia rock bean N. K. f E., 280 !arde diataot · ou thla bearltlg tbo liab' ia

'l'bo illominJUng ap~e11 ia D ioptric of tbo S tb order,lwltb a 11nale llfilllld burner. 1'be Tower ialpalnted Red and White iA alteruto h!lf\'ootal llallda. · , __ <NO~ , 8, 1881.>

I ·-- •! • ..BUI't'Fl. RA:Rrul.JL,~D.A...Y

L&titode ...... . ........... 48° 01' 07'' Nertb. Loogitude ............. .... 68° 16' 07• W.

A \VOOll 'oCTAGON TOWE& oa a tqUire hu beeD erected at. thia J;larbor Oil tbll N. E. Bead, on wblch, at ao elentJoo of M feet abate..,, lnel of the ll'&. a YJXEU REO LlGRTitrm bee~blbllednlgbtl1. from aanaet to aoorlM on &Dd alter 216& ~O'I&X• ... ., and wblcb will illuminate the whole boriton aaa~~:ard.

U.·ep epcnL in T"'JIUIWl'· Tho Spark i1 {rot UlmerAm with a full CllfllO of rnotu . u-t. l)bo lef' tbat JlOft on thl' 20th of Jan· uary 11nd ente.Jf'd the ice fn tho 27t.h ol&. I:Sht· hulltlatAiued no dlunaa• beyond a little ~eru/ bi11g to her 1ide1 1nd a · elil"(ht abraalon c>l btr bow& 'fbe ioo e:nenda eorne ninety rniln ro rita weatwa.rd of Gape Pi ue. A lew old aea..le wera 1e.a In the wat.r. ·

eided IIJoOD the 111coeu of the nadertalriu~r, that a General Quarter St11looa 'of the and bad t.tJIIleien• ooerv ud .rnonat to P eace. for the aa(d Oiltrict:. •ill he hololeo lt'COmpllab tLa end thoty ba"• In Yiew. lt In the Court Garbooear,on.MU:-1 -babo•M Ul theo to atzetcb forth our banda DAY, the 1'bird day or April, 1~2, 11t aod b! ewory meane l o our powtt &o help £lena o'oloolt In tbe forenoon, wlton 11!1 foMr&rd 6 •-.o lfftDd In oonoeptlon Keapa" of Ue r aJajeatr.t Ga.o~ a.od Con· and aa~rted by eaeb men. When we etabl11 within tba Mid Dl~trfct, and 1111 ree?JrUlae the ,_, llftetia to &be oolooy ot.ller penou eoaoeroed1 m hereby direc:t.­ahlob the aceompliahtllan• o( auela an un· eel to 10"~ Lbemael,.. accordinal1.

which ita eoa"'fe..olnta ai'O alway• rue~ on tb:a Con•pany are wl'll known , and lbo im· porlftoce of lta relation• with tbe publio roay be fti<hnat.:.t fN~m the f•et lbal aio'ce ill establiahmertf.. it baa paid 110ore than TWELV£ ~ULLIO~S S'f~ftLlNG In d ilcharg• of olalm• fo1' l.iiiH( by lire.

Ita tea of p i'C'Diinm &lid all otbu iafol'Ola­rna.y be obtained on arplloalion to

W. & G llli!ND£LL, ST. JOR!f'l,

~gntfor 'NtrfoKIIdlollll.

B~o~Q· ~T~"; ~ ~ ;Q ~a:. 1'ba app&ra.toa Ja D ioptric of tba 8lb

order, witfa a jaiUj!le arpod buraor. 1ua buUdlnp pain~ White. '

JOHN STOAR'r, &crt14rf.

dertaltinJt rnue& oonfer. we oat\& to be JOHN lUi!lJIS'fJO;R,

thankful th•• Uocl aacl Na&ora ha•e plaood Sheriff'• Ollloe, H~ n-.l SA.riff. na Ia IOoh a ~loal poehioo • to be ..,..'T' o_...ry &o the leal aad oompleto earrylor March Utb, 188!. · oat o( tiM 10be~ Jl ia im~ble &o ( .... llflne *'a llftelta WWoll mill& llow I~ Ita ~ .J ........ , ........ , ........ . .... olbariDI a lfae ......... arriY• 11111-a,... ..... .. ..,.,,.... ol 'IW .... .... _, ....... llo ... -·--

BoA11D or Wo11e Omcc, , SL Jobn'a, N.F., 7th No.-., 1881,

' Meo'a Black Hard-FelL ,.

BAT ·s, liALF.!PIU9E.

A l.ot ot' Womto'a

BLACK MUFFS, • a\ S/6 eacb-~ &boa' clo•ble.




( Cu1tti!'•(cL) . ·-·-


d~Ot lCa mel!" lor it that, 111~~~~~~~, tllit IOJtaAte 0011• paloW l11tereet., 111~~&&1 &~~tl .~r 1te 11~te. ·ro l' OD'I' peopa.: 119l wf&h011~ IUOJ ~JCI"' ~d pet' opt: JIO. -aU M lo klDCll7 wlaba, ta.d dally wa&cllod Tor lht :fNL l'ftpCIDiibUide. uld eD· rworta olllle cond,llloD. of &be CICIIODJ. ne 16 pero46L.

l'or \bt ,.a& Dalioo lthlcla bu~.uetal~d ~~td Of' ...prdllll M II WID· this fiUl caltmllf We lJUC aiWAJa enter• pof&Q'l ~AIIQIIIGL. 1 :I'bt Of tht laloed and ackobwl~ood a klodlt~tnd fra· gobl,ip ll!llrVL=. det»&&dld I~ abeL •&lll a. . tc~ual rtprd. ~ wil~ 10il ~ iDaoc1a It, 1• It not •rut thal Gal' Buk oe1ahboDI"', frieqds and kint{ollr, with com· ~ 110w~wr• die aid ol hoaatr; ll moo aoctetry, and t1'&diuona, wllb ia .U·•~•lar. 'llat oal1 aid h - n· muoh oocnaaon D&tiooal glory and wi11a qoirel • die tmplotllltol of the riP' ktnd much common history, wo ht.Yo uow ou be· of v..,.J, tht pt'Oper claa of-· tDt.._J, baiJ of thlt tbeoldceL Colour or &&•.BriU.h &ltd~f. · et.rtlo,l cure of, the,• YOJ~t(e. Tbe Crown, LO o1prw our JNULlcipAUODI io. t. Jargeu• or obr revenue, epokea ofiby b- u. comDton )ll"il:r. 1 111~mbera • a •tiscma'oe lla•CGoYtnaa .. &, It

' 1 ban the houoor to be, tir, th•ir bigtlut ortdit.! I& Ia lh• Dltuurt of • our DlOit obedient buwbt .. tenant, th• comfort aod iudeptodeuoo or oar pto·

ALL~ J . W. McNcu.T. fllto. '.I'M bou.mtmber, Mr.Gooclridp. hu SJ'U'/fu. tpoUn of eoaae coal plmlbued fiOIIl • hlm


• )\'atbiogtoo, No~. 12th 188\. TilE I!OSOIIADLI A.Lt.x. J . \V. MCNEtLT,

Speaker or the lloiUCI or Aaaembl7, St... Jobn·a, Nowlouodlaod.

. \).aukcr. • ~...Uoellla..,... Ja1lecl to car• U.. -Jilo­aultile caae of C.U..

Mercurial Diseases. Tbe Vek.tUne me.U with wooderful t DCO:e• lo

tbe 0111'01 ollbla clua t1 cUI.... •

r l-fO{LOWAY-'S' --- - - ~ -

Stn,-1 find, to my regret, Lbal Lbrougb 10111e ovoraij!b&, probabl7 duo to tho pr-ta· auro ol· public alt&i111 which followed dutb or PrealdenL <:arfiald, 1 hllVO bitbcr­to f:uleJ to analte 'proper acknowledgD\ent or tho: toocblllg letter wbioh I bad tbo bqn· or to rcccivll leona you, nuder date lbo SOtb of deptember Jut, wherein you expreaa tho deep feehDIJ wbich perYilflcd all c:lt.Au ' iD /Se\\ foundlaod on \be preoaeoce o r ~.o c:Aln­mity beuc11th whicb'our own ontaon bowod II\ heavy 11111lUi8h. I beg to auurc you, s.r, 1h•~ any offiatal uttl!ntuco or tho dt.lin· j!Uilhcdbo<ly 0\0t wbtcb you pre~•do, could ntl<l but htUo to tbe earneH m:u:ufetlAUon of ~ymp21hy which your. letter conl."\1111. or 1111\tC ClllllpiO!ClJ CYIIICC tbQ lilrDiljl fnCIII\­

.Jnp \vhich join' tho twu peoplce uho alutro ao •ntun:twly tho hiatonc..t tr:uhttons. tho lltlcrest.ll nnd ewcn U1e IOrruwa ol cncb o ther, u brothers or one blood.

flit the LoD&tio' Aat lum. lhcl.llo • oo~ u 111uoh rfabl to tell coal to a public i.-flo· tioo u the· boo. 111embcr b'-lf? tie ~pe~abof Lbe price ut7; i.uiuoatiog that it wu a \Uab or~~ marht prioe. Aad be looked t. Uttle further iuto tlae. 111t.tter be wool d. tlod thl'~ 400111 of bu I own lrieodt bad told. coal abo11t tbt lllmt, limo at 18 AOd $9 per ton. Tho bon. mtmber would do much bctll:r- t( bo would alleud more cll*C\rto UIO dulis or ha. parhamootary poail\OQ aod tJac rspoulib•lilica 1\ eniAila Uo would be fiYoU tbe ltu•mliatioo of hav· in:: )111 p~htio~U~ to th11 lloW!C diBCArded t.1

wt.a tho c,.. thia. t-Yennag. J t would be a far mort otcful a.nd dignified cou111c1 than " ublln.c the public document& on 1tnaJI mo­line of putnnal jeniOII.IJ or di•lrllo. •

Salt Rqcum. Tellrr, Salt JUaAeaa. 8ce1ol Ooad • .tc.. will cer- Purit:; of Blood ~ to Health,

uloly yfelcl to the .,...t al~tr~tlwo elluet• of Btreaatb, u4 LoD~r We.

'lour tneUAJ:O h:u been coonmuni~te.d to :\Irs.. G~rhehl, aud in h~r ul\nre I t hl\ltk yvn .unccrcly.

J h"'" tho honor to be, wath h1gh co1111 dcmtaoo, Str, )OUr ollc.Jrcnt let\&• t,

.J.t~n.s G. Ht.AI:>E

COlDliiTEJ.: OF TilE WIIOU: OK ALHli~J::)fltAL"JO~ 0~' JU;:,riCJ:: UILI...


Erysjpclns. Ve~ll"" bu nenr I tiled to curo tho most la­

weterale CUd of eryllf~lu.

' Pimples n11d Humors on thcFncc

Mr. Lmu t 6oouh t there "nan debt due to l\Ir. Goodr~lgo Jor brlnj:mg out tho hoi!· member for llal'bor Grace on aootbor \·rgor­OU4 difencc o)f the fioau~• of tho Colony He LbonJ:h l t he boo naumller for ferr) b.nd " "" perfectly I ris:bt m InA YU!\YI ou the llnnlt Fr~<hery llounty. Ito thd ant tlu"lt be wnJillllll out of or.tor bnt on tho con· trary, h•~ able s~ucb Wall nry opportune. Thnt it tuccceiled m bnn~:ing onL the boo the :S!Ie"\kCr ID II briiii!U\t diKOUIOO on the princa)'ltl or !\reo ·1 mde, Md m plllrng to Ius fee t once 111oru. m defence of tho polrcy of tho fieCCIYUr (ieocr:ll tho mentor Of the l;o•erniUCot -1\'t\ll uot tho leut of tl4 m:ut) IDCIIt.s..

lloo tbe Pr.lloiU:n could no t allow tho ob· ae"auona which hAd como from hou gen­tlemen opP9ait~ LO put wathout cemrnent. i\luch hu been ll&ld> of ' he Baolt I-'11h •ry Thiltudolt«"y wall now ael r aUlltamtog and ·nquared oo a<bentittou• aui. Jt would be IJlllutfl!ltiJ oofatr tn ata p~nt condmou to IA't all other lishrng mduatrres •n tho coun­try 111 favor of tbta one The Go~ornment hAd rnu.atatcd thta flab cry, And " was now Able to thuvo Without ltfllhOil\1 aid. Cor­tam poraoot atmcd attnAkrug t ho tiabcrman n mero lover LO rnaae mon~y to d ll'tt own pock ell. Let any one of thcae tnlertatc•l J'-"\rttrs bnng f-or ttan:l 11 propOIItllon to gwc "'oountyto tlr~a liabdry but to ¥1VO atu.:J.,. >r.'(I!J to the flahenncn nod ho would nt once rw::cord to '' " Q:\rr ful consaderauon A much greater benefit h.u tho pn5ent tiov­eruruenL confcrretl on tho ti~bermen of :\ov;foundland than rn merely dr•tnbuun;: MlOng tbtlcu A few dollart from the general re~enue They huo bualt eod CI'Jirlppcll liC~enteon Uglit·hOUIM 11nd Fu.; 11lnrnrs to ~ad.: t hem ur .. ty Rronncl tho co.-ut. ·nrc) hn•e UJI'lnccl n L"\IO ret~:.t to th~m fronr ~lorao by cnttaug l'•e neck ll tnr Fu,:o lsll\ud hMoor ·r he~ hut' tnuncllc•l llernn~ :\eel.: r hry h"\•C bual t brcn\:\\1\t cl< Rllll l~1d d Oilll IIIOOrllt~'>l 1\JI ttVI!l' thO COIIII\1) .rorJ..s loll nll trmu n11d of o.ludaoc; rnl uu Ito

lt•loCrllot'D of the COUnlr.f I lou llecrl\·~u (ic~er· \1. thon:.l t then.

"'"" ' o beu" proof th:\t the bouut) ou the 111111.: F1-1hcry hns been rr;,:ht ly rh,eouunucd than t'lu hrJ,:C W:\~tt¥ wluch thu.:u who wert: cn~>gcd tntl bat )CM rc~pe•l l n on-:ca•~ u11 till' Mnlh ho 0 the cr~w of :\(r \\ tlhllruh , r11ft abared £ i0 per m:ur Auothcr cr~" .Jr~reu !6;1 per man. " y•cJ.I tltat oo 'Other Lnonoh or our fr•hc•} l'Jlpro:\chcd

Ou IUUtiou, tiro Hc•.euuc Uall then p:1U c(l

Or lcred to bo rend o. tlurJ tunc lo·mor rO\Y

li on llecet\CI: C':es~r.AI. prut"nlerl th~ reporL or the seii!Ct co•auuttee to conaidet tile aubJect or fcmAJo fiiiSSCD$:0' CAma::e to Labnulor : he al10 illtrodueed 1\

bill em hod} an;; the report. On roouou tbc houae tbeu adjourned ttll

to-morrow at 3~ o'clock.

The Delinquent. Subecrabor.

One clav l:ut weel: ,.Jule 11.\d and dreary .\ s \YO wended we~k 1\UU \fUry

A~rou tho un~wcpL floor, \\" e hear~\ At fi £1!t a jiCntlo 111pprng, Tbeu tt bllCAmu :ua tRrnuL r11ppan,..,

AL our aaoctuw door.

·• Come in:· '5.81Wr.l, while yd we pondered, And ru aileoc:o we stall wondered

WhGt for IIA c;ould be in a tore Then. the door bolt gently turouag, In bu "alked Our cheoka weco bnrnang!

Tlrou~;ht.ll v( cnna10n guru.

·• .\re you tho .. an thAI does tbe "wntmg?·• ( WIIat ,. ord wrll rhyme w11b that but lij:htwg,

Q.uaokly thouRirt we o·ur,) • •1 Sar, we arc," wo J!Cntly told IHm, ~odd rug to t btl hoy a to bolt! hun,

lf he tncd to b~At 111 10re. I

"T~ .fOil wtl\ pleatO ~live me cred•4 Opp 10 tba~ little debit - For two doll11111 more. I like yoor pll(lllr And will talco 11, Atlooa u 7ou •ill tlrintn onalle tt

AagoodM1t bt.J becu befo~ ...

n...ou •b<>utd le"'b uatbata blotcby.r"Ouf(bor phniJied aklu tlepeob ~nrlroly "I><>D •o lnlcrttal au11o, '-Uti no oot•Yrartl •PJ•llcataou can e•tr curo the J•ftrl. Vt:Ot:TIXE t. luo 5reot 11\ocod puriJI•r.

Tumors, Ulcers or Old Sores aro nol4eJ hy an lmpur~ llale of rlr& blood ~.,;J;,.noo the btoool •lroruu&t~1 ,.hh \ · r.ot:run:; nuoiiLotu complalau >Yilt ~' .. l'l>e&r

Cntn1-rh. f or till• r<llnpblatlb• nntv out.otont"l llraeGt

""" L ... nht~ln..J tlrroe11h tholtlooJ. \·t:o t: [ L'\ £ U lw s r.U Lt.>ud J>Urtficr

Constipnt.ion. \• t:n t:T I I' F: dl\ta nnt oct ·~ " "'lhuttc t»

•lt>Lihl-\le 1hc t..-~w~J,. hut c-l"aua.u • II lhtt or,.. .. ua ru,hlaug lu p.rforal tbo Cuc.cU.uua ~•Yulfl b.; upou II.

Piles. \ ·r.or.1'1NE: h.oa reotoro.l lhou .. ndo to beolth

who have beoa Iocr a Uti 1Jalolut eua•rttr.'

Dyspcp ia. I! \"tg11iaola blrto r•p:nlarly. tCtCMdln:: 10 do·

recr lout, c.rtala aocl apeedy curo will loll<>•• Itt

"•o. Faintness nt the Stomnch.

Vtjr<llau !J not a ohmulatlog blue,. ,.hleh CT"'Ira" tlr1rllnua •I'P<'Iho, liot a ~•nil•• run • ... 111 .. b II StU5U naturo to f'd.lore tl:o •lo a.l.a.cb to a lll .. hhJ' a.:tiO<~

~·cmnlc W \·e(t~lrne ""II d1ro. tl7 upoo lbo cau•"• of lbrte

comr.thinla. h iiA\fjtODh• a..a' l atrt tiJ:lheuJt tht wit.., ct IJ slom. ac•• upvca tho 1\"C.rc\lT'U or;-•os a"J alby. 1ullamruollou

Gcnc1·nl D(;hility I n th!a complolnr lit•• !fOO<l , !Tr<t• ••f llo<>- \·r~:­

""' ' u~ •r~ ru..l1z.ed huru~hatel) ah• r C"CllllfU<"'•f"m,.: '" whIt . "'' dtb[Uty llciiOIOS ,J, 11•-l· ncy t I lit. blouJ, an•l \. •t."lottuo acll t!lrectl} U jot>O thu b~


Spring Medicine. Vogel no ia sold by all Dru:n:usla ~118

PRESENTS. Tho followtu.; !It'll II fc\f or on l mmena.

:.lock -

EI.EG.\ N l' FltF:~t:ll TOY ' ,

Cnn~;•tfnll or Superb ~lusical 11nd :\Jo:c:hAI?,iCl\1 Oolls, M uaical 'fos• of Yarioue k • od.'!, ~JecbaotQII !lear and lccber~;, ~l ec-hanrcal :'olookty, ~lechanrca l C'llt ftnd :\louse, )Jccll&niCIII llRtlbrta, )JcclranrCJll l.:uly nnd Hoy on llortebMk, :O.IcclllluiCif\1 Cl•ano\a. .te. &c.

l\' lriA1hug ', llrr1l t:RIIa, Toy Dinnc-1 "nd roil~~ et11, Toy Gun• on1l l'iatols l"ambourto~s. Chmbtng J1oJ~ Moml\IUrt> ·~ret, t:ubts ond lllock11, Uoya· Tool t:beste l"r.·Murc l)oxeoJ., Mngic Lauterot, nnd n boat

' r other t0)'8

Papier Macha Goods. Conatttm~: or Tablta, Work-Boxes, llooll· ·lidc •• IA:tter Uftcka, Cl\rd TntYM, t:romb

Seta W ntin~· Folios. I M:alnod' llrneketA. Cnrd- Uoxe•. TrurkcL Trnys, ·rnuku~ Uoxe~~, ll:ur · l'rn Cnac1, &c., &c

.J. F. CUISIIOL~I l Johu·~, Ucc. 2.!

Hurrah for the Railway !


Cloth i n_g Hall.

11nquq all other )fcdicines for Pu1 ify • 111g the Blood ; they 11ro twa•laule for all 1\.lt a domcallo aut! houaobold lor ull dlllonlera o( t hu STOMACH , LIVER, KIDNF.YS llnl1 lJOWELS. In C<>ng"ltttn·r and Obstruc t ions o l tn c ry kmtl tl•t:yquick ly reuao,·o the c.uwl, and 111 cont.llpulton ami rJ,sordcrctl conditiou or tho J}owcls, thcj uc~ ~ ll clcnnbillt; tliK'rtcnt.

Fur Oelrilit atctl Conlltitution~ nnd ull F.1mnlu Courpl111nta t lu.'t'C Pills urc un­,ur1xu>o.l-tlacy corre.:1 ull Lr r('s;uluntaea nnd w enknessc.i r. <l iD ., bute\ t: r c.uuo nrh,ing

stnnu!lnnrhnlled fo1 l ho r.,cilitr it eli ~. pl11}'ft an r-elic' mg, ht'.lhn,:. n;u l thor Olll;lol) Cllrllrf! t lac III O.~t III VUti'IOIO ooro' I

ttnd t;l.:l'n!, •uul iu c.u~C3 of ll,\ 0 LEG", B.\D .UHJ.;Asr ·, OLD \\'OU i-;o~. Gout, nh ·nrnna~m, nnJ nll Sktn ·tt,3 l'llstl, tt net.. n~ n chl\rrn llru.ufnctlii'C(l ouly nt l 'rofe.:ISOI H oLLO•

\\ .\ v's );; ,t.,hh~lunont, 533, OXFOHD STREI:.i.', !.O~DO:s', nnd 110ld 1\t. 11< qd, 2.3 !)J 1 ·h . G, IJ v., !!.!s, ,.,,1 33:t, en"h 13o:t nuol P ... t, An.l 111

c.mntlll Ill 3G cents, !)0 cont•, IIUd SJ..j I ceniM, nncl tho lrug(l KIZC.~ i r pr,I(Vltll" ''

[VCAUTIO:>l - I hnvo no Agent 1u t.ho Untloo Stl\los, nor llro my ModiClne.t sold tbore. P urehtucrs ahowd tboreforo look t.o theL:lbol on tho rots 1\DdBoxct If tho o.1drcu 111 not 033, Oxford St. eo~. London, tho;~ arc apunouo.

T nc TnHic i\l.u kH of m'· s111l ~~~ clr­CIIH.,. 1\H' rl';;r• l ur ~.J Ill Q, t;l" l, rmJ a l, J

•t \V.ts1rto0 uh

S r!t .... l '1'1'0~1 \ . !J I)J.L0 \\".\Y "r33, tJxfo1 tl ~~~ • <'t, l.v.rduu. 1

l h-c I "• I :;,1. 1

Harbor Grace Stova 03pJl -\~1,_

Olnaa, Ttn & Bnrd~-a·o E s

( l"o t!Ju e:ut of .\lo· .. r~ J nu" \I s ,t Cu ,.; ~hrc.n,,tl<! l'r ~ '" """)

C. L . l{~NNEDY U1ftnkful for p UJt fMuun~, \Hi lrf to ur ' nrn; tiJ~ lllb:lblll\1118 1/f ~ tl1 I O \ II a uol tho: 0 II·

I>Ort.A ~:euetall) lh llhu lll\•rc\:rll ' l) 1'\."Cel< <•l 1\U•I hi\.W now r(J\0) fur ll I r-.;., VlAtluly ol

Stoves!Stoves! St~ve3 ! ••hit "II the lntcit ••upro•c•u<ntol-culltf n~­llljt Cuolau,:, Fnu~). FrAukliu a.r.l IJ rll •tovtll, to.:etlrcr \\"llh 1.i H.\ r&; nud Fll ­rl:o\G:s or ntl tii~a

Also, n lin~ MtorCm~n~ of tho nt'n l'V ~tyl~ll iu GO n llC t; I .\. E • ( Br.t t.Jr nu.l AIIICfiCJn)

·nau uh-enU.:r hill! hkc" 100 l11r$:el.l" "d•loJ to blS fnrtuo:r a11rek -of Eu•·lr , h 11.\IWW.\Ith·, (iL \ . 1\ .\li E. etc,~ et· Autcriclll\o Cnt, Wrought :uul b"u•• luu • :<JA ILS or nll IIU'8. nlwfty~ k .. ,,. 011 ltllllli 11 ~; :th cr nllb l hn.;c11 11ud ::> .r~ ,~, UooJrru ul CI•IICl l.ocb

lu add alton to Ute abo,~. ho hl\8 Jllst r.-. cca vctl a anpply of l'.\1:\ I of all col .. ra 1.1:\SJ::I!:L> Ull. 1\Ud TUtti· ~:~ I I ~ f. M

~~~~~ M Wtudow G LA~ (nll mea.) ~ .... T'U Fl )."

1 be followm1= :~rhclc•, 11n I otht'ra l o'l uut.rtlr,)UI to ep~Cif) nru aLiu alwo.y• Lcpt Ill I lOCk. .\wcrican Adzes 11nd lbtche~.

henth Knavea and !leiLA, t:Arrus~o Y11rD1>h llttrne6S i(.iuF-' :wd llucltl011, J runt Furmu·aro \ Arursb, Wnabbo.'t.U Broom' llnulr~l'nint, Scrubbang. tito.-~. ClotlcJ Wool C..rut, Co.,l &uttll.'ll, ho...ele, Correa ~lille, C lothu Ltof!!, \\'ftlor Pruls Koro..cno 0•1, l.ntnpt, lluru~r• and Clrim:

noqs. GROCll::RIES.-Cotree, Soapt, Natclaes

etc. , etc G7' fo all Of \Ybicb ltl3peeliOD i1 invi .... J .

We jumped, -II{ dodged. '~o1 we mined lum, 1

Or turelt •e w01Jd hue lrilaed himt • No matter lhhe bo7' diel rot.r ;

So ae idom treated Ia thia IIWlller,

W [JERF. AS Uto Sobsc:nber fintla tl tm­p~iiblo to oon\iuuo buelneu under

lbe preaeo~ credit •retom, he ta Lher~foro compeUed to adopL a

1\oY. G. C. L. KJ::NNBDY.

F i sheries. Wo fcJt iucliDed to aloe boaooa ;

Obi~ lbi;' aud aaotbiag more.

-•tter L~te Than_¥-...-, • I

T wo r ooog mea wbo 100.,. io the 'ftfJ. belt Aotlin· .ocittr weal on a IJiret 1101 IODjl Iince. Arler tbcr wert prtll1 well and~ war on of l bam uid lu an ioebri­t.ted teoe of ..alee : • • 1M 'a bid eacb other good ulgbt, Dill.'

.. Wh7 you &io'a pioll botDt alrud7? lt'a .Ubt In lbe auk' of Lbe ·~·"

"Of oouree. ' l'm no& lfo(o' bo'" now, buL llfler a "')lile wo won·t kuow each otlter from a tbidt"bf "ole lealhe r, aho Je•'• -~ fOOd·•l'rlg~lDow befon ii'llhloo tale. n.1 -b~Ut<L

.,., aoo.t &ad .XI& ~. h C08HOC~with )Int.. 8co•nle'• ltUer,

~ .... Oartleld allll»riat• lbt .W.•n' •t towrvd &Itt ... , of btr ......__ lhe C~t&ilte 110 .aJJoe. Jle •lilt ..... •lo

We~"&!~ ... ::!1 Pew hil *-' Md ... wn o1 fllllll171bt ,... ... 1 ~~~·" .... lllla 4• •• ... be ..,, at ... wltll ..., toft'Dtr ... be.,... .............. --... ._....._,.....,. ·IIB.GirWtlwW .,._ ........ "'

• 'r.r .. z

StrictCa,sh B~iness Oacrdera on anr butineee bouao io toWII

t10idered u good aa eaah. ' CL01'0ES made and trimmed Cor t)le

following pnc:u :

OVER-CO.\ 1'!:; · ·······~····· ········:; 60 Flue FROCK COATS •. : •• : · •.••.•••• G 00 1'\V.EEO Sltlll1: COATS •••••••.• 6.110 SAC CO~'ts •• ( .................... .. 4 60 PAN"I'S 11.60. VESl'S .. l.l\0 ...•.• S.CO SAC C OAT, PANTS & VJ::ST ••• 7.00

I:P"S&Wfactloo ,_,.ote.d ·or t he mo!le>; nlundod. o. BUDDON.

TR F. Diagn.m or " Cod-Tmp in tiro StMW.\110. 17lb S..p't., il' 'teryllimi!Rr

to the kind moat npproYod or b1 erpori·· enoed lll'ppe111ln tbl• country. Fiebermcn, b1 Appl.rang \o t heir homo mcrc~aarta, a~n procure from Dl dia~ of \-arioot ktudt of 'I'll A PS. ' • ' •

·AM,ERTCAN NET & TWINE Co, 1 Doatoo. • ·

SepL 2 . '