advocacy power point


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  • 1. ISSUE AND CAUSE Our issue is malnutrition and the cause it has on people is obesity. Most people tend to think that the term malnutrition is when a child/ adult is not getting enough nutrition and is under weight or starving. This is typically true in third world countries but when its comes to places such as Canada and the United States of America it tends to be the opposite, obesity. This is because we are not lacking resources but people may not be able to afford or have the time for a nutritional meal. Many people find it easier to stop at a fast food restaurant than making their own meals.

2. STAKEHOLDERS A stake holder is an accountant, group, organization, member or system who affects or can be affected by an organizations actions ( Here are some stakeholders that relate to our topic. Canada's Food Drive- Lack of healthy choices Organization that helps supports and represent the 'Food banking in Canada' Supports by obtaining and distributing food and funds Implements national programs Develops national partnership to help support the cause Fast Food Franchises Organization that provide cheap unhealthy food Hard to find nutritional information Chemicals/ additives Miss leads about nutritional information 3. STAKEHOLDERS CONTINUED Childcare Centers Weekly meal plan posted Posted and aware of children/ staff allergies Supports the development of healthy eating habits in young children in their programs. Creating different activities in development phases such as physical, social and emotional environment that touch on healthy eating habits Understanding diversity and personal needs Families May not know/ understand Canadas food guide Lack of income (produce is expensive) Poor eating habits 4. HOW DOES INCOME AFFECT SOMEONES EATING HABITS? The familys income has a big impact on what both the parents and children eat Fast foods are cheaper and can be easily accessed McDonalds are within close range of each other Single-parent/two parent household one or two income? Social assistance (disability, welfare, etc) Is the money families are receiving enough? There are other priorities parents have to consider along with what is being purchased at the grocery stores Rent, utilities/bills, transportation, medical bills, clothes, diapers/wipes 5. WHY FAST FOOD? Over the last 30 years obesity rates have tripled in Canada, 1 in 4 children are either over weight or obese(Heart & Stroke Foundation) Fast food is cheap, convenient and filling. Example: Our school has 2 McDonalds, Pizza Pizza, Wendy's, A&W and a food court within walking distance. Advertisement is appealing to the eyes and with the convenience given temptation usually wins. 6. "40 CLEVER ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS OF MCDONALDS." THE DESIGN INSPIRATION 40 CLEVER ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS OF MCDONALDS COMMENTS. N.P., N.D. WEB. 7 APR. 2014. . 7. WHO IS MORE LIKELY TO BUY FAST FOOD? Healthy foods cost more: -A pack of blueberries are $3-4 -A bag of natural oats are $5-10 Lower income families tend to lean more towards quantity not quality. Families with higher income are also a victim. -A household earning $60,000 a year eats the most fast food, and one bringing in $80,000 is actually more likely to have it their way than one with $30,000 (Jane Black, 2011). Why? CONVIENCE! 8. "8 CLEVER FAST FOOD LOGOS REDESIGNED WITH A FAT LOOK | JUST SOMETHING (CREATIVE)." JUST SOMETHING CREATIVE. N.P., N.D. WEB. 7 APR. 2014. . 9. WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? Healthy habits start at home Children lean towards eating what parents eat because they buy and prepare the food. If a caregiver eats a lot of fattening foods they tend to feed their children the same way. Thats why many children who are obese come from overweight parents. As caregivers it is important to be aware of all the sugar, fat and chemicals placed in the foods in order to make more nutrition choices. Looking at the Canadian food guide is a great way to examine which foods to feed your child along with portions. 10. WHERE DO PARENTS FIT IN? Role modeling a healthy lifestyle is important. - Provide healthy foods - Get active Most children do not get enough exercise to burn off all the calories they consumed during the day. Parents who encourage children to be active from a young age tend to eat healthier and stay at an average weight. A healthy lifestyle improves learning skills, social skills, development and self esteem. 11. HOW CAN WE MAKE FAST FOOD LESS CONVENIENT? One of the main reasons people tend to go to fast food restaurants is because of its convenience. One reason being that its FAST food. Another reason is the drive-through Getting rid of fast food in your everyday lifestyle is more convenient for you and your families health and wallets. Make fresh produce and meats more affordable. 12. DOES THE LOCATION, OF WHERE THE CHILD LIVES, AFFECT THE NUTRITION HE/SHE RECEIVES? Conducted door-to-door surveys in 2 different neighbourhoods and discovered that location does affect the nutrition a child receives First Area: Kingston Road and Victoria Park -> Pizza Pizza, gas station, convenience stores, beer store, and a few medical office First interview: 7 year old child Snack: Rice Krispy bars from the Convenience Store Lunch: Pizza and Chocolate Milk Convenience: Grocery store is too far and does not like taking bus. A friend offers to give a ride on Fridays or Saturdays for grocery shopping. 13. DOES THE LOCATION, OF WHERE THE CHILD LIVES, AFFECT THE NUTRITION HE/SHE RECEIVES? Cont 2nd Interview Young looking mother, had 3 Children Asked me if I was from Children Aid Society. Showed her student ID and explained my project to her Snack: Fruit Candies Lunch: Milk and Sandwiches Did not provide vegetables because her children did not like Vegetables According to Canadas food guide, children need 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, 4 servings grain products, 2 servings of milk and alternatives, and 1 serving of meat. 14. DOES THE LOCATION, OF WHERE THE CHILD LIVES, AFFECT THE NUTRITION HE/SHE RECEIVES? Cont Second neighbourhood is my old neighbourhood Conducted 3 interviews All 3 mothers stated that they provide their children with nutritious snacks and meals (1 mother has a food guide on the fridge that she follows) They provide fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks and prepare home cooked meals They shop at No Frills Children that lived closer to grocery stores and not many fast food places, had a better opportunity for receiving nutritional meals compared to those who lived in an opposite community with difficulty travelling 15. HOW THE AMOUNTS OF FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS IN AN AREA AFFECT A PERSON AND THEIR DAILY NUTRITION AND THEIR FINANCES? Just within 1km range of our school we have 4 Tim Horton's 3 McDonalds and a Burger King and that does not include the restaurants inside the mall. Along with these we have No-Frills, Metro, Wal-Mart and a Chinese Grocery store in the area as well but since it is not an easy come and go location for meals many might not go to them for a healthier choice. With lack of time management that families have they find it easier to just go and get something from a Fast-Food restaurant instead of making food at home Even as students being on campus we know that the food in the caf is really not that healthy or a nutritional choice but because we do not want to leave and go to the plaza across the street we just settle with what we have on campus On a daily basis it might not seem like much money but it does at up as it expands to weeks and months 16. HOW THE AMOUNTS OF FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS IN AN AREA AFFECT A PERSON AND THEIR DAILY NUTRITION AND THEIR FINANCES? CONT You hear in the commercials that a McDonalds Egg McMuffin breakfast sandwich is only 290 calories but they dont state that it is without the coffee or hash brown that the person many purchase Along with the calorie intake of 290 in that one sandwich you are also getting 29gs of Carbohydrates, 12gs of Fat, 760mgs of Sodium and also 16gs of protein (McDonalds Nutrition Centre) It may sound little but it takes a lot of time for a person to run on the treadmill to be able to burn that many calories 17. OUR FIRST ADVOCATING ATTEMPT We first came up with the idea of going out and talking to people to see what they would consider a healthy meal and what they typically would eat. We then would provide them with Canadas National Food Guide to make smarter choices. When stating this we noticed a lot of people would not talk to us or would and not allow us to give them the Food guide. After going out we came back together and realized that our approach was not the best. It did not attract people or invite people to come to see what we are advocating for, it rather turned people off because we were interrupting their daily routines instead of inviting them to learn about our cause. 18. OUR NEW ACTION PLAN For our new action plan we are hosting a breakfast program! We are providing the college with breakfast on Monday April 14th and Monday April 21st. This will show people some healthy choices they can make to their diet as well as providing them with a free nutritional meal! While we are serving people the food it will give us time to explain to them why we are hosting a breakfast program for the students and what we want the outcomes of it to be. 19. WHAT ARE FOOD BANKS? The Food Banks are a national organization; formed in 1989. They have served about 85% of people. The Food Banks work with corporate donors to do what they can to keep their organization going and keep a stable relationship. For example, Wal-Mart is one of the many partners for the Food Banks. The Food Banks also try to raise awareness about hunger and any issues close to it so other can get involved. And how they do it is by a lot of social media. For example Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube 20. THEIR MISSION , VISION, & VALUES The Food Banks mission: to eliminate hunger issues in Canada day by day. How they do that is by: having funding and food to give to other food banks have services that will go to these food banks find some way to get others involved. Their vision that is to make sure on body in Canada goes without food. The values of the Food Banks are : -Teamwork -Transparency -Integrity -Accountability. 21. WHAT ARE BREAKFAST PROGRAMS? Breakfast programs are for those families and children who cannot afford to have food on a daily basis. It encourages all family members to have a big and healthy breakfast in the morning Breakfast programs are usually in schools to help children and teens get a jump start in the morning, but some workplaces also have it to help their employees for the day Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be the biggest according to the Canadian Food Guide. According to the NCBI in the US, students who dont eat breakfast in the morning actually show a poor performance in school compared to those who do 22. BREAKFAST GIVEAWAY Centennial College Ashtonbee Campus Beside Security (Near the tunnel) Come have a healthy breakfast with us! This breakfast giveaway is free of charge. But donations of food are highly encouraged. Donations will be dropped off at the ECE office C208. Start your day right with a breakfast! Date: Monday, April 14, 2014 & Monday, April 21 2014 Time: 8:30 AM 23. BIBLIOGRAPHY Flickr. (n.d.). Flickr. Retrieved April 7, 2014, from Hamm, T. (2011, December 14). The middle class buys more fast food than the poor. Surprised?. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved April 7, 2014, from more-fast-food-than-the-poor.-Surprised Nutrition Centre :: (n.d.). Nutrition Centre :: Retrieved April 7, 2014, from Obesity and Fast Food. (n.d.). Obesity and Fast Food. Retrieved April 6, 2014, from Preventing Childhood Obesity: Tips for Parents and Caretakers. (n.d.). Preventing Childhood Obesity: Tips for Parents and Caretakers. Retrieved April 6, 2014, from g-Childhood-Obesity-Tips-for-Parents-and-Caretakers_UCM_456118_Article.jsp Preventing Obesity in Children, Causes of Child Obesity, and More. (n.d.). WebMD. Retrieved April 5, 2014, from Spotlight. (n.d.). Food Banks Canada. Retrieved April 7, 2014, from