aeolus by brody soniat

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BY:Brody Soniat

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Page 2: Aeolus by Brody Soniat

The origin of Aeouls

Aeolus's actual and true origin as well as his role in Greek mythology is heavily debated. Some experts feel he was a god, others say he was mortal. His parental facts are also a source of confusion. Three main schools of thought exist in this matter.

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The first story of the origin of Aeouls

As the son of Hellen (Patriarch of the Greek nation) and Orseis, the nymph. He was the ruler of Aeolia or Thessaly and married Enarete

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The second story of the origin of Aeouls

As the son of Poseidon and Arne. This Aeolus had a twin brother Boeotus. They were raised by the King of Icaria, Metapontus. During a quarrel, they killed their wicked stepmother and ran away from the kingdom. This event led to Aeolus founding the Aeolian Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

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The third story of the origin of Aeouls

The most popular theory behind Aeolus's origin is his part in Homer's Odyssey. He was born of Hippotes or Mimas, a mortal king and Melanippe. While his divinity and powers are debatable, he was the Keeper of the Winds.

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Aeouls,s family tree

Aeolus's actual mates and offspring are also heavily debated. 1.His marriage to Enarete resulted in multiple progeny, of which four: Salmoneus, Cretheus, Athamas and Sisphus are the most prominent. These 4 sons of Aeolus are regarded as the four main founders of the Aeolian race and hence a part of the Greek race itself.

2.According to Homer, Aeolus had 6 sons and 6 daughters, who were married to each other.

3.yet another myth specifies that 4 of Aeolus's sons become the 4 gods or types of wind, mainly the South wind, the North wind, the West wind and the East wind.

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