aeqiwleo ilmhrt fi - the vietnam center and archive, texas ... · w

A DEPARmENT . OF THE IJWY Hoadquarters, .'3d Bn 187th Abn Infantry APO &1.n Fr[tncisco, 96383 SUBJEC1': j,ftor i,ctian RepeT t, Operation "Pl,eHE SNOW, Poriod 9 Mby thru 21 May 1969. TO: General UNCLASSIFIED 20 Juno 1969 101 st Airbcrne Division ATTN: ,',CofS, Q3 AFO Sen francisco, 96383 C (l lC"Clncl inr. Officer AEQIWlEO UNCLASSIFIED BY 000 DIR. 5200. 1 R IV ON Ilmhrt fI 3d 3 ri is::cdo, 101 st Airborne : DivisiDn 1 STi'<: S3 I,FO San Frc,, 96383 2. Di ,TES OF 100730 - 211525 May 1969. 3. Vicinity YC3209 89, }In!:'. HO:1 District, ThUll Thien Province 1. CTZ : Repub1ic of Viet Nan, Milp Serios L7015; Hap She0t 6441 IV; Scale 1:50,000. 4. HCClcquarte rs 3d BattaIi 0n, 187th Ai roo rn e InfClntry, APO S'.ln Francisco, CdH. 96383. 5. REPORTING OFFICER: LTC Weldon F. Honeycutt 6. Ti, SK ORGANIZATION: 3d Ba ttalion, 187th Airborne Inf:m try ji Q( -) 3/187 Arty LNO Engin c l,r Squud(-)(B, 326th Eng) 81 i-l0:rt!l!' Section 1\/3/187 R1 r:; in' :::CJ r SoctL,n 1 PIO Hcr n Il/) /1 S? (In! tinIly 3d 13DE RES) C/3/187 Engineer Secti on 1 PIO Rep D/3/187 Sec tiOll OKON (18-21 Mo.y)

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DEPARmENT .OF THE IJWY Hoadquarters, .'3d Bn 187th Abn Infantry

APO &1.n Fr[tncisco, 96383

SUBJEC1': j,ftor i,ctian RepeTt, Operation "Pl,eHE SNOW, Poriod 9 Mby thru 21 May 1969.

TO: CC'E~MdinG' General


20 Juno 1969

101 st Airbcrne Division ATTN: ,',CofS, Q3 AFO Sen francisco, 96383

C(llC"Clncl inr. Officer


~ 000 DIR. 5200. 1 R IV -6~ ON Ilmhrt fI

3d 3ri is::cdo, 101 st Airborne: DivisiDn 1STi'<: S3 I,FO San Frc,, 96383

2. Di,TES OF OPEP~';T!ON: 100730 - 211525 May 1969.

3. LOCj~TION: Vicinity YC320989, }In!:'. HO:1 District, ThUll Thien Province 1. CTZ : Repub1ic of Viet Nan, Milp Serios L7015; Hap She0t 6441 IV; Scale 1:50,000.

4. HCClcquarters 3d BattaIi0n, 187th Ai roorne InfClntry, APO S'.ln Francisco, CdH. 96383.

5. REPORTING OFFICER: LTC Weldon F. Honeycutt

6. Ti,SK ORGANIZATION: 3d Battalion, 187th Airborne Inf:mtry

jiQ( -) 3/187 Arty LNO Enginc l,r Squud(-)(B, 326th Eng) 81 i-l0:rt!l!' Section

1\/3/187 R1 r:;in':::CJr SoctL,n 1 PIO Hcr


Il/) /1 S? (In! tinIly 3d 13DE RES)

C/3/187 Engineer Section 1 PIO Rep

D/3/187 E.'l~inecr Sec tiOll

,~/2/506 OKON (18-21 Mo.y)

' - ' - .... - -- "" .. ' "' UNCLASSIFIED

9. USSION: 3d DnttHli :-n .3/11>'7, l\i rJ)'",rne Ini':lntrJ c Ol"b,Jt IlBS(lulte (d ; n-H.Jl;!' D-P~\y (10~by) into 1Z 2, c()orcl1na te yr;3149139, vicinity of the La!:.+j 'm \;order b (lC~ltroy NVAjVC forces, interdic t cner-J WC, and to locat.e an'l d0ft.~· " ,y hi" forces 'vi thin til(! nssi[;Decl 1\0.

O. CONCEPT OF OPERi,TION: 3d 11:! t tllli r n, 187th Airbc,rn0 Infantry combat n'- ~'. l1 Its tnto LZ 2 with D, A, a nd C Cor"p",nies in that order. After " ,~ 'ld'in th e LZ, D Conj)'1ny lUF's to the SF; tc seC'.lre the h 19h ground Yl c:~ity coordinate YC320989. A Company RIF's to the NW and secures the l'i ,:'h r-:r, :lmd vicinity coordinate YC308994. C Con?any RIF's to the 5;

Yicl.nity coordin".te YC315985. D Coopny, inHially Drieu' e Reserve; on order: Co:~J).'\t .lts~nult into 1Z 2, IU? S$ ,mel link up wi th Battalion Headqua.rters. ;\"tc,' " · "Urini~ ane! senrchinf 'Jut the b:nxicr aroa, 3/187 nIF's to vicinity, r'". " ,·, " i " , Hill 937 , (YC328981) tlnd soC! rches that ridGe conr,lcx to t he s.l, ,. : 1.; :i(:~ ccordin<t to YC315970; the south vicinity eO'Jrciinn. T.8 YC326973; o.nd SE, ',' . ,; .j, t ,: ' co-:rdin/lto YC337976 . From this key, cendict RIF's thrcUfhGut ',!,.- "s ~i .i. i'Ded ;lO, ,~enerally NE t..'l the JI-Shau Vnlley vicinity of Ii Luol. ( ';" "" (~nr; 1 ) ........ ,.J . ,' ," . ~·\.I "


2 , l-"'£SUL TS :


(1) Personnel Losses by Day. (KIA by 3/187th snall arms only),

10 thy 2 11 Hay 7 12 ~lay 3 13 MI!.y 5 14 May 60 15 }!ny 76

KDA - 102** ?\;i 's - :2 TWC _ 12 CS\·lC - 2

16 May 14 17 May 2 18 May 114 19 Mny 2 20 May 78 21 Hay 0*

KIA 357 KDA 102


F r:1.() D'.Ey t o cncr:y kli:ll E: c1 ratio 1 :12 ~ ~ , Jy t,~ : '..Jrm r~ c'."tptuTc d ro_ tic.; 1 ; 32

*,;:!~ i rt,;cn b 0("1i. C G f;;une1 2'} l-ty 1 • .J ,~ ; 'C crodi t ed to :lotion on 15 May; D0cl i c 8 t~ ·'.ctJ..c'n on 1.3 }/ .. cy •

: I ". :',,~~]:' :~l-!._: . :, \ ~,. : .: $' "' -, ,'- if'_ : ,~\'lr l \i.=' :i' t of 3/18'7 only.

3 3 2

33 71 45

0 0

6a I

43 -Q 266

4 32

2 25 62 52 0 0

63 0

L3 a 263


. '

" _ . , -- -~ . - -- ... ~ (8) Nunhor of p'epl(1.nnoo~l"1'str)_1i:d,,!'6c'uC':l t: cd (9) Nu~:bor (, f''stri.kcs rlo"l1 (10) Number c'r ,'l' U;:' '." ~!"! ,:od ;:ky:3 1,,·ts r eQuest",l (11) NU!.lbcr of i;kysp0t~ J'lown ( ·12 ) NU!:1bor 0f '\j.'clights rcC'ucstod ( 1:;) K!: ::\bcr of ilrclights fl.:nm

b. us LOSSes

(1 ) PorsN'.nel Lc!.;scs by dQy.

D, ~T~ '.J1J. \,1,,:" KBF?-~

:0 ~c.y 0 3 0 11 -:'hy 3 9 1 12 H:>. y 1 :2 0 1) 1 £1'::'" 4 33 0 1 !, H'ly Q 71 0 1 :, :·hy 1 I,) 2 ·1 (. ~'i'.y 0 0 0 ...., , , ~'n:/ 0 0 0 . ,~ t·.-, ~··c.y 13 60 1 1S }hy 0 1 0 ~" ~~·~ 7 • 1,3 0 "-:\...' , 21 :,b.y -Cl --.Q -1l

32 266

t F:: ~~ ~; :1':l.l..y F:l.l 'C (ARol)

rn ,··," ... 1 1.. ) J.~~L

14 J\n/PRC 25 N.>.dioG 1 9Oi.m Recoille ss RHld 5 Sbrli rht Scoros



1 35

0 0 3

20 0 0 f. 0 0

-~ 63

- 30 65 ) 1

14 5 o


4 32

2 25 6 2 52 0 0

63 0

43 --.0 283



0 12 C 8

12 13 0 0 1 0 C'

~ 40

j; Thi s fic'.IT(; in clud()s -111 wClmd " reed vcd rcg:lrdloss of scv(>:'i ty. 30~'C j'orsonncl wcr 'J lIrundod two or noro tir.xcs :J.nd ·~re incll:dGd each ti;:~0 i n -:'hc tctCl.l , nonso:;u ,;:ntly thf) tot~ l nur xr of nctu":',l ~cr scn!3 \-[ I.:: undc rl i s lC! s s t(r~l~ -the 3 m tod f'i ru ro s .

c: . c,' ,· ... ,··]v · Thr: ~(,: ... ~_':'stic'J,l (~"\." ~·· · ort '''''co '''r c ,,''i':-l '"'·~l \......~ ~ 1'] .... +t:-l'en r-or' ~r~ ""'·",.'1 '.. . .. - - .. .. ~: I'j . . • ~ ~' . . y ..1. .... ( ... O .. u .\ '-" D l..u . J.. . w ' ..... ,....

~;~; _:~~:;(~ ::'t P: :i ~--: t. I e c~~ t <d u t F3 :Scrchtcsg-:t .:1 .:; n utili 7,""ln; Uli_ 1 D aircraft t o : ·::-:~r:: ''.? :·~ : c;~: (}:J·~,·.~: d itcr~s to tho fi cl(l ..)10 :·,~'") ~lts , ;t :;.(~ ~)r i}lC B~ttc~li("·n ~4 in c ·.- r: .~'...:.:·: c .. ).:·5.:·' ~·: ";~·:! .. t h tho i,'S8 l: l C'C'Ll. t0d ~ t C~ r.:l-; E~;rt:"l S , uti J.i zi nf.~ C~L..7 (\ ircl-·'lft .. , ;. ,-:..~ ::.t-. ,-: ' .. : :~ c f ;-'i.1~·~rl :r ~ 'JC ~: :J.S c l--"l::>!:) I, III, I V, Ii, .3. n ::.: t1:" ;JOr0 flC'\-!r: frO;!

r·,·'·n:; tc .i<l Bc:'ch~,r.:s:- .":' :. .:~\~n by Gi·~ ... I./7 t".., ~ ·. \"). i :~:t,:~, :'n 'J. t hrce'3-:? ~'1 ~ i(' 1 <':--.d .

w<'Ire provided ,~ith required quanti ties of the brlsic classes of flUppJy. it , ,res !l0t Ilhmys, in fact, j::reEent at c[1'o forw,,'rd r'Osupplj' point.

Dlte to numerous "Gomba t EmerGency" sort:!es required by the artillery ts j,n support of the opora tiOll, a backlog of sorties for this unit c8velored ((nd this, co:nbined wi th supplies on hand at ?ire Daile Berchto!;­gCld8n, required th~~t tbis \~ni t cer't~in sorties as rrCc·mbat :E.'[Jer,scr!~y" ..

hopertv' I1ccmmwbili ty throughout thc opera. tioD ·wus difficult, due to the intensive fiGhting !lnd the number of cnsu8.1ties. In the future to pre·Je~t different compnnies' equipmElnt becomine mixed up, companiE"s will utilize their supply clerks in the field, ae cocrdin'C tors..betwGon tho compnnj 83

and Bntt"Uon S4 \,'ho norm£'.lly roceives b.1.clmr-uled equipment. E'ich U-'1it will u l.ilize c. compc".IlY rostor indicnting each individ,,:cl' s type of wcapon, its 801'io.l l1i:nber, ns 1-lil1 o.s a soparntc "Jino number" for the indi'Iidu'l.l. In addition to gron tly speeding up CIHitKllty reporting, this line ntunber could bc nfix~d to the individuCll to woe.pon and rucksack. vhieh wculd f'ZI'eatly

, l' fy " t' j',. ' t d '. ' SJ.J:1~)_~".. lQCP. ,J_-",J:tng evo.cuD. e eqUl.pmon-c.

b. Muintenane,,: Just prior to opC'ntion AJXlcho Snow, all four rine , t':!."'::j' , .. "j"" ~. cor;::pc"!.l1J.cs par·le· p'~~,vG\- ~n 0. G.i: ... _ ',-::.y ;:,:·~·;nL: ~ .. CWl'l Ltlr~:!.:; uhich 1:[;5"':': cc:rt::.ct

to c] ·,'crc r:::,:C, ~,vr,ilo.blc.

c.. T:rBc'ttr"i€nt, Evacuation and E08pitL1.1i~f;l.tion of wounded~

(1) 'fre('.t,7.811t of cClsualties ,I'll) r,ccomplished quickly .:end skill­fully by membors of tho modic!ll plntoon, including replacements who ho.d no previous COrnDc'1t experience. l!lnphttlJis on control of hemorrhnge, using )U(lchnnical meC,Tli'i and large cmounta of 1. V. fluids, in pnrtict1lar serum al1::umin, kept shock ctlsl.W.l ties fo a mj,nlmUlll.

(2) Evllc~rltion of tho wound~d from the forwurd edge of the battla [\reO, to the En t':8.lion HendqUllrters LZ .,,:cs l',ccomplished by light observation hUicopter. An evacuntion triad system W'C'.s eet up wh"reby patients were clo.ssifioda;s: critical, modera toly serious, ::end fair condition. The class­HiM tion was based upon tho following cri torla: amount of blood 109s, state of shock, dogree of trnUlll..'1" type of lJOund, r.nd t:ime elapsed beween initial tr::UJlln nnd priJ:l:\ry emergoncy traa tment by m"dico.l personnel. From the field, iY',tlcnts wor'.: transported by logistical sup?Ort nircrnft, light observation hclicol)ter, and MEDEVAC holioopter to the 18th Surgical Rospi tal, 22d Surgical Ho s1'i wI, and C Company, 326 Medicnl Eo. ttuliol1. (FE Bl'1\1c). Further evr.cua tioh wo.s o.ccocnplished by these faaili tics, upon the :lndi vidual judgel!'cnt of the ~cdico.l officer in regard to euch wpecific case.

d. 1'rc.nspcrt<1tion: Tho Battalion relmpp~ helicopter ws intended to for:r.{ supplies from thr; for-"r:.rd s llPllly p')int 'L-.o our field elements. As thi3 c.ircreft W8.6 the solo nloms of roslIV"ly for our Glc:nents engnged, in·JY cDnt-:lct, it pl~,yod :,n osscnthl rele in the ovor~ll comoo.t offcctivenellll of this 'mit. In. sororc.l instnnces, this utility llircl'ccft h:'~d to be (U';erted fron its prir:",l\T-y function to p8rfor;,1 \o!hich should hr~vo boen but werf.) net, cO;'.1pletcd by (: thor nircr:"'l.ft. For "JXt'~D.u:·\:

(1) Ev;:tcuo. tioD. of CD.sur;.l tif~' ~1 to be ·~Jl 7B Bcrcht.esgaden 2nd T~V~~~'l~:;r :'"lid :;hll H:li, dtte v:) on~r 0:1(' uf ':,\<1C ;,':EDEVAC ,:-_ir'cr,J.ft D.v<l:Ll,~blo.

UNCLASSIFIED ! (' ~ I ! " "

; ,- . - (

(3) Re supply of small :m ns llulJll:!uni tion from Caml' Eva ns directly t o f :; c l d e l ements, which h :~d beccme cri ti C,'l 1 due to back 1<'/:: of unflcwn CH-47 s0rties. This necessary, al thcugh i mpr oper u se of t hE; ~;11 t:talion LOG-bird, L:'sul t cd in either field el ements not reed vinr, requ ested items or extension 0f ai rcraft f l yine time and i n S(lr.le cnses b'J th arp:LY.

e . C<";'~nunico. tint): Th'Jrc wa s nothin? out of thi: ordino.ry r ec' r ding ~ o!'1 ."u!1icati ons durinc thi S opcr'ttio t:.

f . St r en r?:ths and other Bertinont S1 pr oblems:

(1 ) Tir,c ly subni s sicn of c11 "u.3.11 ty r eports was the bif p,e st probl em er", 'unt :,red . Dccause of t he dis t ance f r om the base c"mi~ to the a r ea of o;:: ', r a t i N" the only means of con.'nunica tion wa s with a relay statie r.. Whe n i nd ivi duals wer e e vacuated it could no t be de t e r mined to which hospital thoy ",,~ :0 t .

( 2 ) To esbbli sh a mor e e ffe c t i ve r e '.;orting sys t em, !l r os pr e sentative tKt S ~; ta tioned with t.ho CP t.o r ecor d and consolidate pertinent ca sualty infor rz ticn. imo ther repre sent a tive ·,{2. S sen to Phu ]ai t o che ck the 85th :lnd : 2d and re;.\crt on mCIT.bers of the cm1'1...'rTIand a.dmi tted.

14. Special EquiIlllent and Te chniques: a. }.}uploymont of Spook-,r (C 1,7 w!mini guns)

(1) Item: Spooky is primarily used to provide flare and suppresive f ire support to friendly perimet ers.

(2) Discussion: The ship use s parachute flares t c illuminat e the targe t . area. Often, though, the flare is unss.tifactory due to 1oIind, haze or !'0str " oti ens imposed by t he situation.

(3) Solution: When this occured, 81mm mortar illundlllltion rounds, +. i m3o. .f'Qr .neal' surfa ce ignition, pr oved t o be a qlJlicker p.nd more reliable way t.o or j <:' ,"J t Spooky than his own f l ares.

b. Use of Flak Jackets. (1 ~ r':-,em: Flak jackets used most lOfton to protect soldierson

r t ·. t ·ie post.s.

(2) ~iseussion: During tho batt leffor Hill 937, many of the US o,', sl:.:t I ·G j.c~(;; wer o c ~.nsed b RPG shrapnel. Ma.ny of the wounds, though not se r i(m:; , lI iOro enough t o r equire evacuation. This depleted t ho fi ghting stl"(\ng+.h .

(J ) Solution: ~.rhen it Iota S determined tha t the e nemy \.laS de fending in ,:,il " ' '':~ c.~ Hill 937, f l ak j a.ckd:ts i ssued to the e. tt.:lGking troops . ; ~{ ~.J:::'" . '.:" ~~ n [f t hem ( .. '"1. :3\1a 1 tic S 'JEn"() r educed ccrl s ide rably . Fl ak jacke ts a r e part-. ;_(;~.l ~. :.:-,. :r'...:.,:r r!cr;:i.rc.bJ.c wh c~ !! in t~ si t~J!:l. tion such fl. S t.his, tro:"ps have only Q short

" ,'".'~<; ::: t,r) fn(,',VC ti) CC r:; "t.ClC t. and cr:.r! 1cIlvn ':',i';c i r ~:. Gr ounded j.n (~.


SCI ' -~w·

- i4 " , o ..

lST , " .

1 ': . ~ ..

11. ?roblen: The 0:":1," r;?.jor prcolcn that. occurcd dununc t:rl~l "[":l'a t:;' on was the cont.rol of AnA.

b. Observation: On t.hroe occasions the A?A Pisto.kenly pVced f5 1'8 Or.

3/187 troops, resulting in t ot..1.l casualties of 4 killcd:lnd 63 wour'(' ''''"", Tho principal CH.use of this \oilS an ARA hck of orientation about t ;1(; ,-;:eund 0.:1. t ua i.ion and troops lONt.i ons . The Folicy h1.o (;.8en for the AM t -:J ) ufor t (lJ.l"e ~lj' on an artille;oy freQuency t o artillery personnel, byp:l s sinc t h·) ~ ·l·,J ... t:~lion Cormander . This procedure \>rc1S used over the rcpoatcd oi);jc~ti()ns ,.' .. ' L:'~' f,t,alicn COI:'I.';1nder 3/187.

" . Reco;-:,.,end-, ti en : AM should en tGr the 0'3. ttalien com,-:1Ilnd freouency u 1~'l':t c;fi. DG en the EITound ta ctical ~i tuntion. Only the &1.ttalion

CC: .. J::·:.[, _i ·~r , 33 or oi.)0rD. t ions people arc conrletely 8.\ of the tr oop disro~i ~ " "~ Y,C :;;}ct rU c:;ions. After t his t hey can be relc:t s cd to the artille: y :,,'C ! ~ "(" " ral on. the :trtillcry radio net.

:3 ANNEXES Ann0y' A Support ing Forces .A.nnox B I ntclligc;nco Annex C Execution

DISTRIBUTION: i( - Flus :~O ~ 83 3D BDE 1 - ilist orian


iF 7Th

E Uth . ,


' 0 :; " .

iN!':,':: A (A rtillery ) to C-:)1:: :).'1 t After Actiet! ·"-. ~ ·~ticns .


2/>19 ')/' 'q J.." .... I .


(105 Airborne) (105 DeTchtesg2den) 1155 Airbcrne/BerchtesU:lden)

ndirc~t :~~Fort)

(105 Tr. E'.'I t) (155 Tn B3.t (8" Son)

, -~ ni c Support)

Vn \Ev:1ns t Til Eht) Vn \Bln. ze)



"~1'tOf DOD DIR. 520G. 1 R BY "K":'S7 ON II fY\/ty '19

j)efensi ve ta:::'gets wen fired GV"ery night by all firing uni til. 'l'hes I ,

~gots pheed en ::In H&I list kept by 'tile Illision Officer. The .1111 do.ta f or ~hese targets were fired e,-arr 30 minuted during the nig!:":'J :;innin,: b8t1.een 1830-1900 hours

The r.rtin p.roblem "ns ~ly in thG upera t i on. , , , L S r eper·".,

the centr al of ARh.. This problem was w ·rked ct: l (See paro.gra ph 15, Comr:onders' s An!llysis of

'I'ho for,;1Tc1 observer s m'ldo good use of recon bJ- fires and USEd the;" !,Ul'lrly. h"1ci::" of reurds uV:1il:-tble t o the firing batteries res';;:r::.c t.,..,d )se c or,8\~ha t.

Excellent u :-;e ,fc].,'l lrP.rJ,., cf tope 81= mort'lrs firing in close sU,'Tcrt the I nfantry. n'd ! : ;'-;I"t ~ r s fj red in defensi v ~, t3.rgets und Rec('n~by-firss

Leh r r ovGd ()f. ::'cct~,ve in the su ~ ce ssi'ul sci '?UTe of Hill 937 Ilnd " '.lf ens o t h e bloc]r..:' n r; ro ::i t i on.


at -

--"'" ......... ~ -AlGEX tID" (In tolHgence) to Comtu t ,~ft'); - Ac':i on Report, "APACHE SNOW" .UNCLASS/F/

V"lloy 11 rca pri ,)r to the o pc!''! tion l.f.1 S P ss; ~ !1tia lly corr c,ct . n, It ",1" f elt that due to large number of SLUe Poople ~' Hfcr, VR Sif.htinl7S i rH) 11;. ,~ . 1ft rece ,.ving fi~'e nea r Dont! Ap f;ill L' la t a 1aree onC'-rny uni t wall

pr obi}QJy "ccupting the area around rJong Ap ma as a 1.Iay sta tion/supply point The extensive trail net1.lo!'k ," Ii and around Dong Ap 13ia had indica';',cd t; le:~ ~.h " T!10 1U1t.'lj ,!1 was loco.tcd on or nee.r 0. major infiltration route, frer k .n S .;,," J tr.e f,- She.u Valley. No unit ".dentifica tion had been r> prior \.0 ellc "'Jf;ilUli', of 3/187 e lcP.1ents 011 I G l'1uy 1969 , although the identific(l. t ,. c'n of the c ' ... ;rT;Y .presence mnde Reconnaissance In Force or the ncc c5s8·I'Y ~

0. , T,,, D::>nR Ap Dia mountain eOI~ploy. (YC327977) rines n.pproxi ma tely 9;~) r ,u t cr f r " m sea !.evel at its h i ghest point. The mount<'.lin does ne t f0r~1 ,'::t Df G. l;.: ""';"T ridge eomplex, but r uther st(mcls nlone in tho southwestern r;ic.o .'i' th :) A-Shau Valley. I t is lxlrder8d on the, west by the Tnmg m an :11.", ;" 1'orr.)s part of the L."loti on I3order; one t.he north by the Dcng So Hinge line ; t o t he senth by tho I.e Snp (Rao l ;:.c ) River; and overlooks the ulnnd-:meci it u)Ui Fert a nd airs trip J.oc'" tion approxiH't1. t ely 6000 meters to the east Thc; W~n(;y 3.rei1. f) su.rr ound ine Done Ap Birr consist of r olling terra"!) , .. ~j ·~·~ 1 t~hc $".1£111. hi l ls uDd fin~(, .. ~ s f orminc fT:3n.V cross compllrmcnts.. The ven:eto.ti. ,)ll i s th:;. ck brushwood , o_nd. in mn:,t plac9n, single canopy jungle .. The Dong Ap Lin "" 'l1J1t,o. in itsoJ.f eGnsi st s of a peuk with SGveral ridges c.nd finger!" extending i. :I 'll dirc t::tions. Two of th8se ridges fOrB mountains in thensel'f'eS; Hill 91(, (£(;315970 ) on the SGuthw<; st, a nd HiD 9.37 (YC.327982) on the north. The '~: ,nbin,tion of slopo, the t11ick undergrowth and doublo t o triple canopy j U.11[10

m:C:(Q Dong Ap Bia extremely di ffi cuI t t o traverse by fr~endly troops.

b. Obserw.tion by ground eJements W<:l i; poor . Aer ial observation wa~ hindered duo to canopy thi cknos s ) but W!l,f, a bIe to assist gro"nd units!Jensely, t h r ough cut the o per a tion. EnolTl3"- observers usod the teee tops as OP r sand ::niper pC' Bi ti.ons .

c. Avenuos of approack intc the Don g Ap Bi D. area were numerous. The va lJ.",y to the north and south of the mOlmtain werl3 Dri'l'.ary lines of co;;>"'unicll­".cns :lr oD the laotion IX rder . The northern v~. lle!' contained many hi F,h speed : : . ils "f:rouGh the P a Do. are~\, 1.Ihi eh turned SQuth(,sst and joined t..'J. (l vast truil ; .. ·:. l-io rks fc und along the Hilo wo HiveI'. From the intersection of the trails Q~ :;t of Dong Ap Di U, thi s line of cOMmunic(ltion proeeeds a cross the A- Shau ., .~ ley and is bolj, ,,ved to tomino. te i n tho new BII 114 s c;uthwost of Hue City . Y:,''Y of tiwsc 'trJ. i h h"ve branch tr[lil network s loading into the DC'ng Ap iJin s (,r,plex, :!nd trave l up th, - ",any ~ingers t0ward the peak itse lf. These ·~~,,· cr:.ue n of ttppr on. cb: wer o coverod by f i r e .


a . Tt .., enemy ,ns indeod surprised ,':~S th e 3-187 elencnts c onbtl.t o.sSl'lul t.",d b(; t.w (·.~ cn IJr.: ng Ap Dir). r10unto. .n <:'..!',d the l(~ o tion 3ordel" in a succ0. ssful \~ ffort.. ; 0 prcv£:nt '-: sc·.··. pu ~·· f cne~ units i n t c L:l{;:'~ . T'.:1c ro WOoS a n akc-st cc.r::;-3c tc

C1( ('·r '·V ,,+ .: 1 r ·· '"1" "f'l " Yl., :j f'l' r c- ,.,.,...I.}. •... ~ •. ~ ., - t ' 1 k' \.,. - . . , • . . ' . I. .h ... ' .,_ . ... ' . r ) .. • l u .. u . .;. . , j -.'0 ';" 16 ~ ) S\.. ' -~ l" ' ·.' l'f' U f)S wc<r'c I) C C ~ C'C!. vY:J.r.s :1u.·.t.1. !1 f:

. ;\.z; -': l' (\ 3-1 J' :; .1'IY'. Tt~C'r.'·::, ry

UNCI A~~iI::' r::n .-./

UNCLASS/F/I H '8 enemy ,''''p10ycd dcfenG8 1 '1 ckpth p!':.ndple well indeed, The l Civ er . l :; ~l rr.y("; ',.!c: r::: ! uF 'thE' fir ~. :, l. ~ . n t) -:')1' (t<.~.~.::; ~f.e . L 3 friendly ol!~ :-r' e r~ ~~; rr: .. Nt)i': '. '0 h~" ~rd Ghe e: l 0ElV fell b: .ck (,<,) i lICr C1. sj.rgly strorlt;er, better :)!' "V') SJ r. : n!J . The eneny ~flS ..... ell \'.:,ntrencl:cd . .inn. hn.d bunkers a s lnrge D.::;

,q! ~~., \ . (j-B f dCt!r. .~ :))'''8 '..rere C ·.) l. St 111Cto0. :i~ Ii J~ II frQr.1e co nfj eura.tion, i.."!. lvl .J.:l'\~ ~n.p'l blo- of 'wJithst2..nding r. l~o f:t f~ny type of t5l1Yt:0 r t i nt fi :r:-:~ ·. All h: .ni«';::3 :'.J.j(: posi tic)ns ,·wrfJ Ii!11tUL'.. :;'ly supporting '::!1d v;e r e C()v (~ :-C(: ";t r' r e l.rOE! 2 (} r n~ore b:;.nkers c r fi ~l;qt:i n;~ positivrls . During- t! ~e et/~,a ~k - f 'i,"~ .~· , ~ b"['l.l·~ :ry, i t H·':',S fOll..'1d th:t t th 0 1.1 0!1Y "','18 (;:-.:ployine .l;j.ree d"'i00:~ Cl·:J.Y­

T.:" " " ~ ':': ~;,; "n l'<'.n r:: s in fr:"nt of ;1,n(; ~Chl:1J t b 0 :1.r "8',.1Y1k~:~ sJ:":,::~t·?1s. 7L~ c}':lym01'e R ':1": !,::~ c ~'> , ; ' : r() ll ecl fTcya a central ~ !)i\~er h,~:' lc 0 :::' bunixer. If frio .:lly iln.i.1:;: (Y:n:cr"':.-"~ , ~ :.)'>..;; fcrv7i1rd h.m..""\{crs, t:lS'" I"Po.r:m'.I st, cJ. '":ys\,Jreswerc inswl1c1 '0(' f i. ~0. intI" :'""' :! :i. ("In("~J.y -cnJ1':cT's as they s~urcbcd £tnd clcn.r: d. the b'..mlCisr co~plexr;G "

O. ;t 'was found tl:at th e enemy \lll.i.tS were well trained and equipec" with n8lJ "t,,~:~':".'.''''lS , weapons, a nd gD.S nask s . They "',Tore especially well d i :1ci·~:1j'1:) 0. .:1.1:,' (: \'·\:...;)u51O' t r ::J.ined in techniquos of firo 8.nd fire control , as t h;y I{ct' :'.d C ,I"::;":"::. !.(;nt,jy l..-P..lit .• car:.cuf lugt1d ~.nd und.r:· t, (-lcted , un ti l friendly t r ( er!E ' ,/cj,'O

-:.!"! (; .:" I') S 8 :I.)r'::·.:-:--Lrity befor~~ firiag . Eh";;:1 (;ng.,.gcc! , the enc!"yh{~d planned s(.:c"Gor.3 ~: .; ' f:i::" '; .. ·.nd : bVd.nea GOG('~ al's<.l COV0 r e.r,c . !~L'. :rks'-- ,3.nship w8S far a.bov e [;.1.vf-!r,'lge ':'"',1' Y ... i:":'/;'-;:;i~ .'~ ') r ce s . S!lipr:rs in t re c· s "Jere er.ployed c f fectivl y , but cC' !1sjst(';.'.~ t. :y :,:. n~ . ·i. J D. ~~\l·.) rt l i fiP, sp,~ln , (' 3 the tr~:6 s uf f crc{! J.ittlc t'rot8cticn and frier.c},:,;r ::;::~:'~\'~' :' ~'3 :\t~lc r'\rr:.d p. ~·1Cl 2nf:;r~w:;d t: ·c;:·, uS·,J.n lly aft e r the f :trrt t3hots \,fcr~ fircci ~

c . ::1', .... r~s f:YUt'l,J thft-:- D.l·s(;(Yt.lgh CS ~s used nge.inst the' ene "l"'y f c rces, -; .Jl~t the , .... f.f ('; ,~t. Wl\."] 11L~:L ted (j U C t o the pr esenco of ne'v! N1TA protective J11&. sks . c~ S ':'i.(; helVe sone effect however, IlS sever a l ?IVA a tterpted to flee their l .. .r.]cc"-s uncleI' CS att",ck. C/:3-1 87 r eport ed on .20 ~lay thJ.t the "mc!'1Y was (;, :c-}c: yi 1':.[; (m i.nferior f01~~ ,:' f GS aeain s t thoi r position. Several ohioon CS C:r ~:! lc~d8 G wc: r c f ound lator, ccnfinling thE: J.irii ted US, ?ap.1biliti8s of VVA .... ',y, ... c·:) s, .>

<1 . Alt.l:o;"lgh ehe!,~~r f orces "rill not tUldcr nOrr.lnl circuf:1 s tanc e s, !""e~.'~tl in in a ii:wd Jo~t, tion unc' cr he::J.vy fricr:dly attnck, t h" tWA elected to est.abli sh u V'yr:i J·) +'or:-:ined defen se . One r eusen f or t his HU S probably due t o the inport'll".ce ',hicn t he eneny att,'l ched t.o thCi faciliti e s on DongAp Din, and the lines of C() · ;~, ~.l!. cl\ tions adj~,c(, nt t o it. It up" curs Rlso that the nir a ssaults of f.rl C: l: ~" iy f ;) rces cut off his r o'utes acr c ss the Laot.ian border leaving " l ; :." rn', tive but to stc,no .".Dd fight.

J , The< NVA forces in t.l-je A-Shau Valley have ro.dio mnitor cllpllbHitj.E'G 'l.~ ~" vj , c~~ 'nced on t he Da ttaJJion COI:co.ncl not (l.t 0948 hours, on 17 May. At tl"ll.s '::,:in(~ s'-;.~ ,·! s f: ... ', r tljJl::'.ck.JnckY '-lore r c ce v od f r :" 11 ~n llnk:·'ot..'!1 station . The C.:lJ..l~ ; ';::'''''0 J.r\ r:.11 r.;~i~)l': w:L th. ':"! l·:cc. vy v ic:tn"l~" . ) SC n CCO!1t.

C'lp turc:l dncnccnts h",ve identified t he 7 th :J.r.d 8th Datt.nlLns , 29th Re f iqmt Hc: ~~(lq~.lC. r t.ors !:!.na. pcssitly t ht' D- 2 fu\ n 3 S C"onprising the n~ j ori t y c f t"' ... p :.- ~s in S' f c:rcc: s nt Dcn(~ Ap Si0. . Dc curents 0.150 i nd ic.:t t ed thot th e 29-:~· rtGe:l.::);~nt :.:~~J.nced'ti:-'f) 9th tJllA': R8gir~ cnt on or · abc·ut· 5 1~ay:· 1 9tS9 . It. is ~;:> 5sj. bl() t.h ~:.~ ; 2. ?~lT+) of the 9tl: P";,gl.l:0nt c..l s o -t or:,k part in tho b.:-,+,t le: .. T.~.0 ~~~ 1-, ~~ .... l-Jt~'.Jj. (;h , 29th bJ :"~i!··;ent h.').s n r:" t · ~,cc :-;. 1. (icntif i e d 2,n '~~ i~j b(>: .l . i ':::·,r c~: tc: h .: :f' c: c,:~': '/:: d :I.!'l ':~:;:~ 6 1'j, in 1...'l(";9.




:'::'~ :.", ;:"").," . "';n 2e\"·~'r ~,J ~f tJ ~~; LX ':1..' :' s!'· l'-.:,_ :.~-, :;'."I.f:iL;r.··l.& "', h . -~. ,m,J i. r:. :-">v·";:: ~_l~,,," c ('li , !" q ~ 'E>-- ""y~_"h 'J. 'J. •• ?; ;:\r~d · : .i:~·~ c-' .. '; ' ,~} ;, .~ ip !,t~c'< :-"~ ':l s~ " "h,:<i, ~ ·_;I/." ' .. :~. t:·" ~- 2 ::" ;,

,-j.:" r:.· r~j."nb ~ ·l:(. ':"<:r~. , rr, "-, ';'.~'J f:"'·.l :~d , :i. t \';1 S ~!t t-r:l

J, ~ 10' " .... r- .; r 1~·:.· r::. , .. - •. ~, I' . ..., .. , 1 .'..1.u.v,

:c:;;d ibd !,':.') i.:' ··h:_··,G.

't'::cs;.; i : !;> i t i." iri '.~. ~n :1C 2.1 I.~v::d {. '. ',~ ~b - .L 7.-;/'.' .. T ... ?/-'\ ' ~~~.1. 1.'·-1/4 l, ,~ .. ".:.'(--3 -':!.l:::c ;,~ '.l:."1d, :': ;::'~~~ ;:;("':-'t J,!--I'J io:.lcv.L·.· .

. ': ".'u: ~ r.~~ ~t,(l C:,' { .~ tr/; 2th ::;0 h~~\ " ! 'fl. , 29th R.: [;~ .

- , , 0 2 -, : ;''1. :-,th Co (.~ , .' i.t (- Lh c.) ...... >-

..... ' v~~ L"n , ;:, tj'Gfl RC'l: r:t , 0 , ',~

2 D:1 , , , ?<!l Co I ' ,· .l 7t;'J c:c ;->-1--- 1'.'1 ! 2'-:;tl~ PJrt" \ j, "" <:: <;ll

" ' ,~ s 0 , , " /,t'" I::' "i t~·_ -- ,. :"'1.r.,h 1"":-:1":", ''"'~n';''j . .... -' . ,

,) "~~ .. ~, st. ''.j;;'d. t ra t IJie insi.c:ni ~ .... '":"'~s 'l' -:~/6, ilnc1 ,.,ras ['~ n0nr'~ r of ' ~h 8 (-i)~'j C,:, .• 8 1:~ :;:---::'h :f.i):'.:t . 7 e ::~':'3.01:' shinf the 1'- 2 ns tl)c s:"c}:'oJ. 0: 'the 8th vr... '."-'! i .s j)c· s~r· ~·l.f· :-~!'1 A K{l fr:-r r-/"~;h I n, 29th Rct::t .. l'hc P.vI. :F{-ther st"·.t c:d t~~ tn,' 3 .j··_'·:- 'X: ' s:'l. -::::fi cant. 'J2.S ;:~tJ.chcd to the vc.ric·u:1 th~·c~.d c -:.: l C':'T ,:; , ~.~l.'''. t: p- ~_ : · .3 ::'~' }! 1;;1

r ' .. , .

;: .. ~ :r . "·"-,:.:Y·:.'." '~)Cl t.jf' :; of f,,"" .. r~\. p:-'~ ,v P}>["f.l Vc-n :j ~.J. , of the: 51:.{} rJ-:-i.+"'; -r'~ 01,J.'

r, ".:·! 13t1 8tl! Hz':ct ~29 l,h P.(:rinent), ;~+"'a-r,8(~ ti~ ::~t hi ::: Y Si , i.:~ en"G 2 (1 r(n :,. ~'.'.5 .. d ".£.: '-'i~-'" UI::!::.LI";er.t £it rVn[:" i~:; :;i:l 15 d:1Y l [, ,:;,"; (5 H[{,;r 19r.-9;. :le 1'111·*J: ::;~l ~ '.(· .. ~ ~'f~-: J. ',t-~:: 7th <:: ": • .J (; ~!1 Y':' t ~<:lli ':".· :: ; .. n,~ 2-:: t b E·"';~ i~:1(~r~ t::t~ EC'.:l --;l.! ·l~·! l · .',~· "l:'G \-1<:: '[.;; -···n( ~" q

\. ' '' · ' .. ;:."+..,n+.· . .,+,... ,~ l,,\v ,.1 .- .. n~ ... ." .. , t ", ,,o l· j · · ' . l ~S) ':1:-.,.] .i.";'- " t l~ " e ~-ltt'll"l ·, r: i~ "" ''''' 'i ~ . I-.•.• ,: '1J" '-,". ' ''., .. _ . • ~.L' .. _ L _ '.~'-'_"', ''.1 . . ~~ .... , __ .... L . . .... ~ •• ~ V ._ . .. .... : .... ", • ..1. ,'.LJO , • t __ ... _ ; I ,;) _ .) -" ~'- '

~',ch , (-:'tr! , 7-+-,11 CO'".::'- '-t7':ics ~ hG st['.tel~ ·t-,h""t, ·t)1 0 ~lt}:: c c-np,"1 ny st,!'cn._:t h " US

' j ~.~C· :~~'-;' :1 '_l:-·t::n o.~'X' 1-,,[1 1 " ~~ ., .. ! hr.. c' r,uff'G r,",)(~ n·'-'·: .... ~Gxi ;~ ,'1t,e !...;T 9,,) ca~uo.l ties \:y '~:J :< }' / . TrhJ · .·,:-i~~)Jley:-' ~rt',':-".:../'.:::"onts t&rc. e 1·.-:!.·r~h 1',; 1 G '~ ;,jrt-'~TL 2 ni..visio.'''\ :r.('~:-:i\'"l,~ :::

\ :;: c.c',~:Jc":'_ny nt'nbe :; G c~::l 0u~.Jcrcii ~1:l t:i_cn. Hp:" :1 cC~1r-lc~ :i.i)n of O~>:; i"'r.ti)11 k)s_ch(: ;::>'iO:",f + '!~r.> ,' ~':'}~~1~ }J1,rt r~c;r';l':e'nt' i·· hc.L-C~ , ··L' th t~...., f .,)-r 1 ( ' \oI'J' '1rr c-t-l'C[·'·,+h"'· .. . , __ .~ _ b-' ' .. ) . ,- . n·_; ...... _ , '~ ' vJ· ! (.V •. 1 '

t?·;IT '2(;1"·.h He gt Hq ' / '; ;1, ?!"t


"150 1 /;0 1;.50

S .. :,') !i;_:"icnc':ix I t o A. Nl'.[EX / ... (Intolli gence) f.::r est5"'ated s·;:i J f.'.lZ".r+)1 o f t~c 2'": t~: ;-;,c!;i -e!"lt pr:Lo:- t o O~E, ;'.'J. t ·t ~ , r. f;.r){~. cbc Snow.

El. . :~S D. r e '1Ul t of 0p0!'r .. :!'",i o.'1. f~ P;1_iE7B SN01·!, thG presr:n~(' of t '18 29th NVA h~ ~: :; ': '." +) ~_P.. tll G A- S:i.iJ..u -\i::~ 11 <):; \';[1.5 cc.7~.fiy;,;('d . Th e ir 10c~·!.ti0n hF.'c! bee.r:. Ufil-fE Q1.;n

t ::' \ r:-; /':.R::n:::· f'~)"1.'(;~f f, i!1cG 1~h 8 foll of 196,,:~. Cnpt1.J..rc(! dC'Cl~:L8nts :l.ndi:::ltE: '::hc ):, 'tho 1.": '=;' .:,.,.;.-.• ..:,- : ~~L'.l T.'~,.;:· :i't t,:-; (l, r-.J.'3t.r3G. (1P::l rc::t.:l:'i:v; :~n N":' l.·t h V:iJ.::tr.,:::.::-: :: : ':1 0 ,'" t~: ,of;;;

.: :,·h, l.:·:r-~ .>:: 'U',::; nr:.. ... ~";"il: ·.lj_c of -.ri ,~ tn~!' .. i [~ h~)T.!.11 S'.s9 . Dncu':':c."lt J:"' -:"~ ,71clCJUt 3 'i.'1(~j. (~n;"' 'f:', . l ~ '."" ::.<.;. t,: !c ;::- c. ~~h ~r!.\ i~8l::-j~C~t '.r:.~ i,,() ::,t.:~:'; in the li - 2·fl2.:J p~'icr t.o (" .' v1;.: ~) ... ~.;:i > ; .... C' :.!. . ..:_~; :..-~"'! r i ~T','\ T, i.·- ns 5 __ 1~ t:;·;> ~') :n; i.>D ~_,ul.'"",:,·: ... ~· .i J.:Y'." l:1 n(~s o f T 01;:.:1 Tni c' ~ i-:"';:'I-Jj l tCQ .

!:· ·.,:)!"' .o!"t~ c: ~h(; R':-::..-:l.:--'::m·~ in c : Yl·::!l c·t ~1i"7,r. f:d.o!":dJ.y f(',!"cCG d"J r ::n[:' 'Ghip ':-r~ro t..:.o rl S '.1 ~".i"'(;r8d ~ 1";0 -t, .. ) GO '~~ ~r c e n t l oss i n st-y·~ . Only ti Le 9th D:l , :c ~[.+·i0n l..U1:~no~::,~ T'::J~:j!"iS c('-~'11y~ t r·,ff eci.tv0 . Due t o the: defec.t o ~ th ~ 29t,:~ ;,TV.:\ R01:~:i.~&nt :~'. t the :. :.r..c: .:, ')f thQ },~ 0J. ;: tx:~ lj:,~; ::., 187th ,i,j.rc.c-rr.u InfQ!1try, this f0 1"'_1,) ;' \-!:;:::..:~

l-:{':.'~ .~ . r:~~:. E', c :~ .·,:1 , in ·~, J ::,.~l" -:<~u:t ~; · (;d un:.L :-:.-:.~:~ ·)0.,;.:'1 r;~ndGr8d c ()nl~['. t :~ n-? f('8-+: .. :i.-,;~:).,

-' -- ."

j:J,~ ~r~ ·O 'l>->.': "-",). c~\:"I.,\~, ~ t.~.n - <-:"1Y 5i ~sni:ric.;_n t Gffcnr-:i ';e i:l (,he n '~'~;-.~:;":.~ Fj~f:- :i::- ·.::n-t- 1:,13 bc·!~t'~ -·~~··l ·- t"" · · ·l-rr ' ·.-e ... \.· : tb ··:; ..... .-, ; ·f1. "" r, j ~; S ~1 t·::., r-c:i(f'O- lP? tc ry.C C \' ~::~~'~L ~_S"'! :.t::: r.5~·f·{~;' ,_. fL' :~~;ll~"~ '~f ~y',~;rti~- r.~ · L~· \ ·;".!:r) :1 .( '~d~.:1~s lJ.C Lr

Ln~CLASSIF;['D ~xtr,:J.c t.6 fr:);:: OPOf-D 3-60 , ~:iN'{E:::~ HA !' Intel1ironc l; Cpern t ion, :~PACn;:

/0 - 10

-~\--)r:.; j"" Y:::" : I f; .. : ·\.:\i .. ' · -;~~ A t:-.n~ :)ll ·~ :~. -~ , :). ) ":0 CV1 I!~;:'. t ;~ ~~ t.,r;;t· ..' ~( ·~ .i.c · l. . C". - - .. \~ - j'1 ' ' 1 J II

E::t" ar. ~ .1':-::)1:1 A?"BNOIX I \ENtity ,eTi J;<rIIJ!"l '('0 p' ,1" .r;;:x A; 0:'.111:) "1(;, )

1. (C) General: The no! +~prn A ~~~ J~.v. il'J..::'cy in a r .... 1.!YlA.r~r Crtr:'my LOG u.~etJ. f o !"

m~)" .. r:'~I(':r.~ vi..' I:'..t:·~eri::::l und ~nfi.:;.t.!·b. : :.i,fJJ~ : ? +.~0":;p.5 to (:;Q(;'1:;;' !J'1i lif· t'rot:.ghout J C0:'pS , 1<.8:'"1 , <'he (~ne-"..v h'-t. a ~ ,::li._::<dr~~u ].oei ~ti ~ p in£t.:lllB:t.· io~lS ir.. th0 nOl't:l·· 8.rn A P,\.::::.l \lh~r;h o.5.z t.r:i·c·,,' ~ ~ m~ ::c·)dzd ,'3uppI5.e ~ to 1Jr:.i~0 c;J:crating in C.'\J,I?:1i1: ~l i ~tr:;:::'.. 'ihj ,~n ?:-o7i .1G(os . '':h-... :J..,.,.P():i.. .. t;.;!.~· .. C',0 o f the n·:) r~~ ht~!'n L b~au as u 75. ~.r:. ~. i ·CD ~ ,, - ;, ~ .1.j)Ct"CEl2?d bc~cv.::o fi·:L And .'i.3T f"psra+ic.!1s are pr e s.::ntly inter­oi:~"Gi!lg c..') ..o.l! !):;''' k~:.· cnen-(! IDe I s in n~.'t.:1ern I Co:rps . ~ero.":.ion ¥tC.ine Crag :i." b<:: '\,1::5 u:.e,;-s movement on Rte 9;·.6, and Op'lrD. i;ion 11(! ~sacrusot+;3 Strik0r :.8 r_i b.C111;t-ing C~lcmy pc'ti,""i t y on i:l-;e 5 /~e and .l::igh s po0d trnil}; in th0 s01nhc; :1 A. Shuu - Rao Nai a r ea and on P.aute 61 /. and l'l:lin trails M.s t of BA ./ !7 , Rocnnt1y ucoilJred intelLigence L:.dica tes a ,ntt ern of movement from t.;, ,, 1:':> :" ':-'10::-n A Sllliu ( YD 301?) r·o Bit 11 L,. AMi tionally, t '1C " lg:1ting of seve ',.,', l c:r;;c hu '~. :md bunl:e:r com:,lexos vic YD 3607 and ai.l'atri 'ces in t ,l" ,

:?~.r:1C a:r l~ re,snl · in n11rr:er::-nti sC"con.d::try eX!,losion8 ind~. cJ. tes +,ha t t.he C' ''uo' {,c;s esw.blis'jod a 1:;-.1'[;0 surl'ly depot :'.n th is aroa. I e is very like] .... thL'.t the flo\.[ of $' .. f:'Om t~t.:i_~ depot artd ot.her J.oe~.s t::.r. s instal lnt:.::in .:.: 5,n (.r' t . J,-t l"3rn A s."' ::.u ':.:lll" y to BA, 114 ".'i 11 increl'.se :i.n tnO!1e.:.:r- f'u ';<.Ire,

0(' Enemy Forcos in th," .11crthrrn it Sho.u Arc'l (Soe

Lt. (, '.h 2egt. The 806th Bn, 6th Regt is pre s ontly opor ating near t he ". '-'!:;:; 0 !.;.- '~nd. My Chn nh R: vcr". r;w 800th a!1d R02d Ens arc p:,08cnt.~ urcJocc:Ge(; . Following ti1e' Tet (,l'fcnsive of 1968, the 6th Ref,t retreated to ~;le no:-t,h.Jl'n A Shau - BA 611 aroa. It is very possible that tbe SOOth Bn : 1d/cr ()C,~j ;h .• 6t.h P..e5t is p:!'c3.~ntly locatrd in this Il):'ea.

':l. 9-:;)1 Regt. The BJ.6th Bn, 9 th Regt i s presently operating i n the ~Ollt..!'L,C'n '~ Sll(ltl - R'l( Nc.i area vic Y04997. The 815th and 8l8th Bns, 9th J.~::.;;.;~ ; ~~'r C? prcsG:ltly tln10c['te:~. 'The 9th Regt no~ally operates in th northern A .'1i~·~'l - 31\ 6~1 t:l7:'ea., and in AU[".lst 6~, the 816th ::md Blath Bns were OpE'rD. ~:.., i ,D[; pEle!' F-" ])l (2 ), YC :;&2974. It is very pos sible t.OOt elements of the 9th n'1g-~ (~r8 pT0so.ntly opernting in that aree..

c. 559th T=s Gp. Element,s of this unit a r e current.1.y operating in "!A 6 1.1 en6. thronghout the nortrern A Shau Valley.

d. tTnl dentified Enemy Forces in BA 611. The Hq of TTHMR is belioved to be loca t·}d in BA 611 in Laos. It is very poss5,ble that a regiment is 3()r,',:ng r.::: 0. B()C'c'.rity elencnt for this lc.rgc Hq.In r "sponse to 0. friendly op::-.C'::. t .i o :l jl' the no :-i.~ern A Shau Vll.D.ay , it is possibJ." that tr.. i s re~1.m)n+, wv,1_1"-~. ~..;.. ' ~ ·)TI"~~l.t·t :.d t,o dcfr'nd the suppl y depot::;.

e. 67~~L Arty Regt. The: 675th Regt was contnctod during Operation DC1.!C:i CC.l ':~ ) r. o It i s con s i dered -..;cry possible tha.t clcm()!1ts of thif-l uni."t· '::~" ,: ct:L: ~t ouc r a in BA 611. ' '. ';-

3 ( ~) ~ ~ t d ". - ." a ~ lj ;~I107iy H 1C ·i ('.s un &!ui~9nt .. " ,_

, . .. , :" n (;pC~).-~iO!1 D8'.-ioy Cc.nyon, the 9th ¥.c.rinc Mgt di scevertld several



· .. ;.rY,i:~j :" .:;:',.'i. ,.,,.',,,,";

.r.'l t' l ~.v . ·. r.·'.~ . : .~·_:-; r~:,r. - -, -'-'l' ? j,.. ..• . . . " -/'"' ;1 OJ' ~ ··cncll '( '··lh,,1 ~':l " 71' L- 21"'1 Al1rr { ~' . ...... _ ~~ • ' .i. ...,.' . __ _ oJ..' J "J' .;' _. . <,',J " ,- -' ~ - ..... . r _ . ..... ?

! ~J:~' ~,; h; 'n I:,. ,:>c.~.~ '~,~ ;.l ,_c;.vj 4:~J ~ ('1:J t':1 . .. ~'~d C.J"th B."~ "O.:l<Uf'!:·(>: dcJ.ayi.tJG -., ~ ... ,- .L-'; y.i. r' (~:(i ~~"""_jr ~ CC!:" ·~:.J c.; ' ~~ !-T.: \~/· ~ V ."' , ere 9t;:1 :- ~-:..ri.n (;) Rect cnco1.1r:tercd

' ~" "~ ~ " :: ~ . , .•. { " ,.~ I. ~ . : '~-.J !) .. :r D. >.:, (2uTl:) fr~' :;·] ,1.: ;:[~tiolJ ]Jr:HCr CC'~Y')l' : .. ! I ~(·:::~1 ~~ ]~ cy e ntered i~,-j r ' ~' '_~ ~" ,.,:; ]; \ , c..:r0 J.G . Tt)G 2-:17 CrH! :" ·')7 h C{'lv-,/ r ~, ~]]_ ~t.0_n('(j 1.irdJ.i ; i:litio.J.J,y p,?, :~ , ~,,_ v'; n ,~ ,d.:; ~D ,3 50? 1- f":.:'~d the 3- 19'7 'i n.i ti ::.l:"y r~Lst, Sviff r·6td.sta71cC >cn .... i~ (;'~· .!.:1~ thei:" pros.:)nt ~'~O . Thu ~~ -::i.r- ':':e c t.-hen" Ii1<2:io::." LOC ' oS :J.J:'(.; b Gin g l rx <.:("\,i , it is ~)os.sir.l : t.ha.t th~ c ncm:{ 'Jii ~'" l (i. t>~Gnd }' is ,stpply in t~t [.;. llo. tic rls hr:;1 ~ f:.' . :'u~, t J,l.C r~ ') t" th(;rri A .Sh['~ ·u l.l(.iJ.J..C? ~

(' ] :1 O;)~ , ,~ t i'Jn DI")":')~" c.-, 1. :"'O~'"' )F .~~.(; 9t1 .. j.f ""'.~i ! ~ .:: H8 i'':v f:; .... 11Q. c:.: "Tc-: ri'!l l;.~:c gc ,.'_' _" .' ;:y: ("' r. ' ./:":) ·" ("~ J ,~+ .",~ ~,,,,,. (-:. l-r l"'o (,~- r 'l ' l"" "" ') D " c' Ad,d:i::· i oIlCLl l"r, tiv " 1 (l.r Z0 .:> •• .• • _ ..... __ ,\_ J.<,.:; I.. . .. _ v .... ... '-_. · . .., ~ •. '! " .J.} ' _ .... . . ~ \ ... ,. .., u ... .....

._. -... _~ •• " . ,. ·~ l"' · 11" \,·i b~- ? ¥ J'J~ ~ J'~1)"''''r T.-. -C' (", ...... .. . , " f B;\. ~i ~r; l " l C ~o() b'" t ..... ~ 1J·~ .. ') ' ~ · ' 1· .L· 1~ 4 __ .1\ , . ..... , j ~.I ~ ' .. . , . . . .. ....... , .. . v..J ~ 1. )" .... 1 'I'I _ _ v ". ' - "" J r' '' ...... .. . 1

(} l ;.~ Ji ::'.:::"jL,· l ch::n'[" ,,j . Th0 j -~1.87 hc...s c.:L:-o i'Ju~l:1 t:le~'_ r Go.t.ito ~~ · \ .l~ -::C ~'~ ':)G '"

: C~r?~'8l: ~ T .. \ i:.S, it i s -'.Tery possiblo t hc.t c~,chC G i n the\ A Sh:::u _'J. ::' .. :..;"/ :: .:-:' 0 bc'l coy t.r'0.rQy:,d

r~, '(' . .' .~ vic YCJ~07 ~ Hc:·. nl'j,·~ VH, r.~ , i :'"' 8 tl'i.kc8 ~ ~u~.(~ con~·.ct : · ~'j ,~ ':''': :.i.~lciic~tcd I;'. t ·~ . =l ' i.. B [;t,r'>::-~ i;~ a .lJ1ajo:. s"~)~\-L: .:::~rLD. 't

tJ . l"'-~ ':J i..::I.O H.:tver o.rGc, .. T; IE: 'r.rn i l s (~l(\ '~lg thi:-; rille!" serve; £lS a k(.~y

~)f:i.ltrc, tic>n route i'lto Thua :'Ilion Province . I nfiltration Station # 4 i s -:> : vi c YC_" ';9!.. . An "X" on 11 cnpturod n:ap Has loc near Fa Du #1 vic G 3:~?67. J,::; .. 1:l.ticnc,.'Jy, SL'.R ~, !,.d tms ir.dic;o'Ccd cneJrj" presenc e a nd mov,,-_, ) -!: ),"") " ... h: .. s ···.r e .:: :i.~"1 HD-r:::h :;.l.!'i.(! n~ll 'i:r j~}Jr: : , l~

~ ~ O· .. ":lL'} .')r; i~tsn or 'l,Bc:-.kij i.:,1'0 ~. . Durinr: i)V(::rcd:,ic:: De::':::'..\-!I. re, 19 lLp: -~ ]',1.:' ::' ('l,) . 'I s ~ {~C.0 dir.covcrcd lr.'.rgc co.chcr., in this nru,:t. i~ photo missiot: lellD on 7 Apr 69 revealed 5 c,'uDouflo.ged trucks vic YD 361011 o.nd mllllerous JL drum.3 vic YD 364,009. It ii3 vcr'y rossibJ.c tho.t a pc.rk it; l oco.ted in

, G. J . .....

" 1- 'l" ~"- '" S "r ' :'> ' ~ " VJ.~ ' . ~ ~~< . .. ,

);X~ "L t .. :;:rn of '~. :" .. :; O~10!YlY is

vic; YC 3198. R8 ccnt URS o.nd SLIeR wcst- mOV0~cnt in 'P l:'S :.:rcn .

movJ.I'lZ ;':iupp lio .s cr. s tyr(:~rd f r om R;\.



i ndicate enemy It is vory 611 l~o ('a chos

EXTf(t 'l CT .<' r o"7l ~J T?P1~NDI~~ 1- (Trn.r~·1 I N . ~~l' .Lic, I;-,) to AEi:U~X A ;' L:; ~"ciLLI Vi l{iGE) : ... (i I,Jt-'(J L) :, .; 9 UNCLASSiFIED

1~ ( C) Ihc .:\ Shan \!.<\.ll t};y floc~:, c(',rj "j:' ::t.$ \.>1.' i l,",~t ()f)():': t C: ~Tain t1hich vH,ri o':l:. in ' . .:i dtl1 f r 0']1 arproxi r'o tely 3:'0 r.:e t cn; ilear ."r io coc fd i n',t e YD3630 )2 to C·.·:L- i:c ~1 ~:"~ De k ·:.1.D·:-.\"cr s r,ear ~I ''l fu t (Y(;420950) . Ve[:c·t('lti on i r..c l lldes gra3v . 2 t o ~ .t ~ ,::'C i: ~-!.1 ' . ~ ':~ nei. E· U'~ t '~cre(~ br uAh. j\lu :-:lcr cus b-:- E',ry e r a. tt~r s 3. !J:) s t.r e-')rt:s ::)-:~ .j t:.... "\c~ thr(Y,l g;, lOl.:~ :-. thr: vrt 11c:~! s .floor ~Gstr. i r: t \-lh8c1 0d ·vehicln r.: 0'1-+- ttt:' l:; l :-: r:1

lrcl·j/~J. . S e'~,~ L '1~ :;0 thYOUt~J1Cllt th:: ··rc. l 1\):' f' l()or lIith r el a tivo ea.s c: . F)J0'tl: -. ~ . . , , ' 1 t' '1 . b" t k d },' - . . . ';-4J:. wt'1-. '"' ,,-! ·u::'.::!vu:; ' -:O C· S "~ ~L~ f;:'1 l. r c V } .. ,- _ c:y , ::" $ u sa ~C oy T'lC .. C VO# ll.C~C~ rrU\1

::h-;L~~ , ('/' -,l0l:d cul :n" ''':'GVePL~nt is i "'::'e!'di ctcd b7 bo!~l)i ng . r.1oVC[lCn~·, of; c f Sl:f c i)("-;,~~ i ~J. o i n :,hC' \. .. .l.110.y , ::'.,5 ov:L3encod hy nuncr ous uncr.~ Y/hcol·,y} /c~t~ r- 1 '~-·::, .''::'.l~3 \rhoel (~ d vchj,cl c ·vr;:ck ~; cbscrv-:: c1 on aorie.l photogra phy; incl";.d· .. . ng :'j.'.l ny ;"'_x:tL·'l e.s O_I phc ·Jl ed L.('.'}cks in s tr~~?r: b;j ds.. Feet f:'.ovc r.:'!c:t;.t is good )!"! ~.'.;c ',,".:11 ';:; C .oc'r . Eclicopt er l ;lnding :l(mc s arc c. vail"). b10 in "-ny porti o'1 )f +.!<:- '~~l : ... cy fl (';,~'r. H01.!2VOr" S i~i CO t hes o zoz!.(] s 0"111 he cbscrvc d fe r .. Oilf.! 5j ~,; t .'·;,l 1'-;;::S ~:. ~ ':{ ! since cc. vc r i' :.~ cn dircc'c f i r e \.Joc.pons is l~ cki ng J c. ~.r:t ':'l,t

~ CS~lU.J. t -: Hc u},:i bo c:xtr c:'!cly b::l ?f1.rdou s :1;--: d di f fi cuI t t o r::r c,tcct 1,.,1. th:~:ut [: :o-.... :;:-:\. !l' .t.' '.1''- '~_orn::~ l ~~unbor of gul1shl ps~

'. ( C) 1':1C ?:C'1: t hc[l st c~l.'n s i de und t ho s(:uthwcst orr.. s ide ct t ho /".. Sh'J. u r::l1 ;'··'.: differ tl!'ct".:. tly i :1 vcget:'1ti : n, t rJ.:"fi c,.:.bility, J.r: d cV'cr : l1 sh:1pG ~: ~hc t·.;r.r~.!Jn_ .,

2. . Th.· ... ::;_ (-~' ·':,hc:l. stcrn sido i ncludi!\P;:l n!l r ro\., trr'..llsi t :t cn~ l n r{)0. h:]t',.r\;" .. !l!

,:cc' valloy fl e er o.r:d t h .... r::e:unt:1:tn r.~)Jgc s.

(1) The T.c2. ns:i tion,;: l Aro,'! : Bor dering t ho nort hern i\ Sho.u on trw fcc't, "i '10 0. t Q LLpth of cne tc twc kilcr.K, t cr s, t hi s " r ea , "I thcugh it ~')1 C-"Y:3 r:r-,_·. !"._ t r G, tc be cC' verod with 1 0vl , even Yc gGt ?'. tirn, is a ctually ,~.",." ., ,' ,,'L"'" " , ·~t+ c' d gr:l.S ~ ~"d brlloh ,c',rrc,t ' t'c11 "nl' c'- 'I~ulr. gr~~tl" " _ ' \ . , _ '-.. ,,, ' .... t. , ~_ , .. , ! ):._ ,' ~. .) '- • ~ ~l... ~ v<..'(~ •• ', ..I,. ~ , ~~ l ! ( C '" _ ~._ ..... .,

':;.o::;·:.:'i (' -[. £',ot .r-·O" oi'ent "-nd \ lhich would support c·nly t r::tclwd veri cular ;r(l.ffj~. w l''l' zc':.c s i n t hi s 2.1' 0 'l :lTe i ,-· fr oq uor.t 0. :'d a r e li~ 'ited t o ;t.:c'co" ')8ds ;: nd sco.tte r ed sl::. sh '-'Dd burn ::re.s. F 0 W tnils h~vG " e 0TI

, 'CC ~(, ,·, :· 'r ' ugh thi:1 cere l be breen Rtc 5L,.7A :l21.j tho nr rthern end of the ;,ell"y, ~c· "'vcr, one rc:,d O),j. sts f r Cll'l Rto 5L,S :l t c(crdin:1 te YD30i.o93 . ~no thc' c: -<Gr c,:':c wc s t err: end c f th(; Cc fung ri dge . i"-,r t of thi 5 r O': d ,.':1 s ~-~it b.-:! '::. '~':..-clldoz.or r:.nCi. hcycnd tho pci nt ,.,her o i t unt crs the t.r ee line , } :': -::~.l Si:,;~:!.· ~ :~ nts Q. ~;pc·.: r thr cugh bro.:lk s i n t b.:; conc py 18 r-;" r r~crht ::-. 5 grids :D;011, ~ ,. :', l'."D311 2 •. In Ncvr)nber of 1968 the :l :,'()': cnter " d h this TC:,ld ,",., 1' ,· "c·' · ~ c c1 'c " . ... ~r (" t.' bl" st" r" g" 0 _ '0 ,,~ "' r o nsk("" "~nt ~r ", r,.c··, "k' ch _." u '*J- ' . ... lJ ~,' . . + ..... •. • • r' _U' •• ...; v _ .• - ."; ~ . l.:"":, ... .... '" L" ' .... _ ... ' .0 - .:-- , .. : .. · '.~ ",, '-. _ _ l .). I'Ill.J.. \

Cl·. i:!. s l (;~. J i nto 8A 114. Fre·n phck :j,T:.phy i t ::ppc'lrs th~; t :cr :-,c r could J :pl,:y int.o ::-" 5 r":-. r l1(,Tth n s t ho YD 311 2 [STid .

( 2) The H:u:lt ,:' ~~rcC'..: Ri [)ing Ilbruptly cut i~, f the] nf .. r r oy.r {' ! ' IF:~;~' S '.~' -:oj Ln\~~\·~·-;;-). ('c,ntc i)_r S ( , ~'" t h :o tr ':';]!:;i t. i cn:l ·~_r L::J. t h() c:anopy CCV3r cd

• , .... ,,' , .c ' .n ~ \' 201 t~ 50 '1: ) "f th~ . "\1""'1' P'U,· - " 'i '.~ ~ · .. ·r ~ '1 " nhr ' k " l" . ,-,,:- ... ~ ~).l.." J'..) •• /'1 .... , I~. ..... . v : .1".. . ~J.'- • .., 4 :...t, ,,,. , ; .;. 1 .1( . .. ", ..... . :..0. ,-I ... 0::,..J.

',',~t':! ,- icr .4 .",' ~cvc:~,ent" obscI'v:'t ti cn , ~ !~iJ. hclibcrl':'c Ct)c1'.:-, ti c ns. ~'1cv::. ticn

C'· ·: .C C'·J ::; '.;' ':cr 3,000 fo :t fro ," t he v'\ fleer t,~ thJ ridge, linGs "hi eh +' .. ' , .. 'I _. '. _ _ ~ pc~:·'.k ~ f' ;:.~::"

li.n~,s .:..rc


six kll {- ~ : (: t n l' G fro 7" t he; ·.~. 11oy.

i ~l l:;l e~ .. "":'. tl ::-: nth::'t: bheso 0: ·!"dc:ri ::1g .. \ 1 t )-V'\) ,.,.1 ~ ....... , :;,"

t !:c

barrier bottcm

E:ITRACT from Appendix:: (TEI\.l"':" i , AMLYSIS) to..A1UEX A; (INTELLIGENCE) t-:: OPORl) /-69 - UNCLASSIFlcU . ,

Ii 8)' ·:;u they havQ supported Fir" Bu, ~ constrl1c'::.O'1 iil t.hc p~ s t =d should afford the srunc b..'lsi c problems in ·.h(; futur8 [lS ,lore o;1coun t ercd during thc r eccnt COl1Etruction of FSn l s HElP end VJRY . Tho dra i n::-.f,o probJ.cms cnC1)u.'1t­cred ,£ct FE'B WHIP will confr ont construc t i on uni ts ag['.in in tho J!orther n i, 8ho.u.. Thero i s no knmm g1'=i tc outc;.·opping which lYOuld scrioucly h inder bulldo?'c,':'s froB pr cp'lring t he Fir" B~sG p1o.tform. Not GO much tho vc:::ctation bEt ;:0": scvor o slopes I.d.ll impede f oo t movement frcm tho ,;;cuntllins toward tho vllIL,y floor, La,nding Zone s of course will be r estricted to old FSB l oco. tions ~!,rl t.o t.ho so points previously cut by friondly uni ts.

Q, T{-o southwestern s:Lde of the: v[lllcy differs from the northern " .. . " ''Cell ways : firs t ly the mounkins o.rc i Qol".+.~-1 :"ld do not form a 1'01':t: ; :T'.'i or to mOVCInont; secondly, of tho fow pU'.lnt~il1s, one, tho Co j', ;'i, "8, 'oci.ted strategico.lly at the extrema nort.h o: 'l tip of the vo.lloy, >n;J 'iL,:." ·"';cd :1 friendly FSB o.nd thor, the Dong :" J :.:idge , has boen ~ . :~v ~ .(~~ .. cl b;v' a t l octs t onc enemy 'vohicle (\,heelcd) I;' .ich 1oT,::'8 de stroyed o,n.5/o;· ".;n"corwc! prior to Septomber of 1968; thirdly the southern s ide ,-,f !"h~ ·::.l:;'"y i s characto .ciz,od bJ numerous LOG's - Route 922 o.nd the 922 }.'- y-, 55 around tho nor t,]:westor!1 ::;10p8 of Co ,-, Nong , the Xc Sap p'v(. r ::,nd t he R:!o 1.::;.0 Rivor, and fuz.ny well-worn t,rails from Laos i nto the '·,,11ey ; and l e.stly, broo.d r olling elrce-.s betwoen the! two rivers which are \ ,:,id of ho[ny canopy ,,'auld nffard relati vely foo'\-' mov~nt: (l38e e.::'S'::' 2 ')il ~:i.l~'r0 .. :n) ,

The, traverso.bili ty of th() c,ltiro ::r()(]. west of the valky and north of 'Gh ,,, 1'\0.0 WO Cflrl be conai.deTed good for foot movoment but unsuitablo for

~c ',j.tlc.l c~eploYBent of vehiclos . 1,1 though the rivers and straallls aTc, for ·xc ~;,ost IJ-."'.rt, negotir.ble, tho avcnues for vDh ioular movement are rc'st;r1ctod oy c:lope o.nd vogeto'1tion. (Also not enough inforr.lation about soil content

• ::'s :waihbl e to dotcmino suiwbility, but ono can ::l SS1l."!lC thr, t wet weather -1'O'",Jd r(;strict mOVC!:10nt since t he o.rer, is t.he drain filGd for tho wa t ors of " '.1(; A 5:::.p V.:llloy) .

'.t'hO Hao L'].o River , from 1Ch to 4Qn "lido , i:; no t em instU'lnount.D.blc barrier tc foo t move.mont, ospocio.lly during dry months. Di.w to its r 'ocky bottom ['.nd t ho faot tho.t it is not fod by any major oasco.ding mountain strealns, the P~,o ko flows s l owly thr ough its 10" benks . The depth varies from r'1.L'i:l'OU3 shc.ll0''; s to "'ide dt) ,~p pools I,her e it washes through layers c>~ 3:-.nd c..~:d Gi lt. The C.ppCd:TCl.ncc of rlt"t':.tGl'OUS trail s whi ch and c- n" ;):) c.cross the river also indic .. :c tc c.n oasy trllversl1bility, Tho x... .3r.p ,n diff ers f ron the; R:!o 1.'10 I,ith o.n incn,::scG mmbnr o r .... ~'1rs a nd rapid I L::-~';':' !~e it 18ss o::sily t r o.vcr s od.

-'''';1''r"'l 7r-n c.t' ...., ·rn "" ~l');l"";""'-l A tJ i' th 'Sh ~ l '" .; I' nd ~t-o~~~ •.... __ :.l?:: . __ '-i • .1.,_ . ..... _~"" ''''' '. __ ... _~-1. ~ . ... , .. o SvU '\ 0 _ AG ~ ~ _ _ o:u ....... on~;. r..l.V6 S .:l" ,:I ). ' ....... : .. .::>, .;S~)C;c:i. ,,:~ l~,_:/ _I~.!";,c: Xo S:~!J ~:i.vcr t L:::.rge: 2..s sc..ult l 'll:ding would be') possible i n the . ,·-·:rJ:.l~ . ;~':! c--'.-:·:l I:; :' ';::.1-:'_ ·-,r~":.':"_L.~; :r G.:~ .:.nd n.rcu .. :"'.d H~~(: 922 bctt"lcen L"1C'.;1 and Co f...

';1'llA C'.I.' r'r,lifJ j, 1) x 5 (TEF:--:.r . AiV.,.,YSIS) to ,~!{n!:X A; (INTELLI GEnCE; '~'\ ) / 111' ", r . " . ,

'-- .l .'.J ;,..-0-;

.c koy point in undorst:l nding the t urr.'1in of t.he w(:ster n sid o of the 2",o.v, Valley is tho. t tho fow ()xisti:1g !Jountnin;c Ilr f) isolated , The onO:riY ,S u,~:cd these r,'lgc pO.1.l1ts no t )111y t o store their matcrir'.l but Cl} ,SO c 'Jnc oC .:'<3d l')cc, tions f1'o.)[;l which to il :l-rCcSS f1 iC11uly obscrva 'i;j,on pIC '10 9.

rl t;,us prot,(;ct thei-" own m:woment OV Ol' high speed r ::-utos from BA 6 ,~ 1 and l'()1.',;". m:t8nsiv0 trClil natl-lOrks from BA 611 :lna. further dO":!l tho IL,otian !'c,Jr ~ TYe) c)f tho '101Ult.'1::ns SO C1~ to ()G cspc; cio.lly 3uite .. blc for friondly c . ?irst thG C,) ;, iJang r1Gllnt.:lin ho.s s1)pportod (l F;1B in the=, IXlst Gnd i\::rds f,ood observe. tior. toward Bil 611 ::md townrd tho ;, ShClu Vo. l1oy. Duo 8xtcmd 78 bomting the south'..rcste !',' .l ~;lop8 hr: s been .:! lOClred of vogot.:l tion

d Rout ," 92~ running n10ng the chalky slopo is conpl otcly intordicnted by ndslidc, s. ObRorvll, tion to tho north is hindored by tree s. Streams in thE; i" Nnng ::'1' 011 will no t hinder ground operations in ~ny way. Second the

nrc ,:0, r i (;g'J , centrally l oco. ted on tho western s:idc o f the northern Ie Sht:'.u ; 1 'r, c(:sily catered on foot from i ts northern Cci,d southern tips, Friendly :~".):, ;. r. ,I' e +1:cy l occ'-tod on those two ridge lines c C'lld p~obab]y chock C~- . .- - f:' _::wor~cnt ",lhi]...::; supporting US ground opcrntioi1t,. iJ.. lsc OCCUP.-'J. t :i.on of ~"'! S(; _ ,:.'::'\ ;s \·!o'Jld g:':',:ctl y l essen th ('; a-:-:.ount of ont~;r:'y fire npon holiborne

l JNCLAC'CIC 1t::D . I ·,0 ..... J t il _ _

LL L f --


Rog"; C-~-_2

C ~5 C-16 i]_17

S':';lENGTH ,

855 1,790

250 Sc~}pCI' Co . 0 "1?7'\ J1.. ;0 ... ,_. wr~ J

r.iort,,':,'T ~o (82n'"!'l) ReI. C' (758m)

0-18 "::rans Co

. : C' '. '- ' , 1,-" " (;0 ~ :< " , ,-." vO

" ./c. .. c(~ !~." "

En 420 C·-1 Co 0-2

, vO

., ~ ('r" J'"-; V,J

C-L Co

jn6th tr. 400 C ·1 Co " ') 1 ',. I~" Gc C-. ..: Go " ' Co \,j-t-..

)th Bc,~_) G

[teg i, HC}~:

C··10 ret Co 0-1.7 r;,.c;r Co C-18 .lor ~~:.:tr G,)

1780 300

;-:;-19 i:'.. ~1.) (12" 7n " ) C-20 ':"ignal Co

1 F_,:;c,,')n Cc­C-22 oS'"';.. Pl)or Co C-23 j_:rr~.l'~ s Co C .. ,'?/ Hc( C;)

t"' . ,

\..i"- )


• LOCATI01i/.Df,TE lAST CONTf,C'f Unlocatod



YD3820j Feb 69




:-"-' ./


K-2, 820

K-b, K .. )

~9; DO::.l1 f)

K "5 v', --. , !\.-.!..

1 ;3-(, 3n

K-?8, m.2, %d .i3r

~l'"'r.'lCT from Appencltx 10 (OB :.ISTING) 'to ANNEX A (INTEJ:,LlGENCE) to C.0~L;.;"'t


(~.L6th l.:n C,·11 C(


Ca~ -; 2 Co C-l) Cc; r~-14 (:0

., ; Co v·

C··7 C) . c v-c- C'.1





(C-I0 Co)


Rogt Hqs 650

8 .... -f 5 Engr Co C- 1 6 Si,gno.lCo <":-17 }/lOrtar Co (82mn) G-1S RR Co (75~}

Itl:· En 0-1 Co C-2 Co f'_J Co

c, .. ~ ~ Co ~~-6 Co c-? Co

th :::L 0-9 c) ~-1 0 Cc

L'~'"' ~\.O !.)I1





8 ~~-r:~~ E(0.Ii)

'/< ;7!J1 [~)Jn) .[;J '- )


LOCi, TIC ,lin;. 'tE. .1i,::'T CONT,cOT

YD5/c02/ March 69





Unlo(;n. tod




K-16, 1{.:, ?d Bn

K-18, K-J.2, 2d Br

Song 10, :E-$., 3d R'-,gt

K-7, D-1

4, D-2

K-9, D-J

Unlacatcd 835

( '7 5+,h Ar ty Rogt 213th En ~: 1 )th En 2 :~ '::'h Bn

STliENGTS .. ~-'''''


F- ·]E ~1kt - Arty Bn UN1{ i , C:o:' (1..'nk d8signe. tion)

F<i,l ~ :: l \1' 2T:1 1 ... 2 _ :,}\ En

~ "j ;.;.~ 20 '2nd Co

i , 4 t h Co t /,1 s'i: : .. . :c~q) Tnf Co f,"p I ""' ( '~ I nf Co '- /+ ..... _ . . ~ ~ \. ' -'l-' ." '

" .:. J. ,·c' 1" "do~ ~ ru:f' ""0 v.....,. _.. ~ . .!! , M V

c-· 4 t) Co C .. ",:i1 Co C .. · 12 Co

:5t h T:-.tns En fl. .. ) Co Ji .) Co r! .. ·? Co H- ~ Go

52'" TrC' :'ls Bn (Pass)


% l: Tnt ~~(lcurity Bn (Poss ) ~: ;'·:t Iru: Socur i ty En (ross) l :/ j ~ (~ :i.~£l"lr.. .l G~

Unlo!.!nt cd




UI'IvLKvul r 'ICU

. LX i~


I. 2,

) :: 5. 6, 7, EL 9.


ANNEX G (Execution) to Arter Action Report, Apache Snow (3/187 Operaticno).

1. The jnitial phase of the operation was executed as planned i.e. the 3/187 se('u::'erl LZ 2 and the terraini:nmediatoly adjacent to it.

2. The int.enticm after that was to secure Dong Ap Bill and the )'TJajor ridges "'lDi·,ing off it to the southwest., s<'uth, and southon;,t.

J. The enemy, however, ",as discovered in force on Dong Ap Bia and the 3/187 £'01..::ght him there throughout thE': p";I'iod of pa.rticipation in Apache Snow.

4. The appendices to this annex describe, in c~ronological order, the detailec day to daJ operations of the 3/187, from staging on 9 May through extractior> from tho AO on 21 May.


1 • 9-10 ~u::y 2. ·11 l,i['y ? 12 1i J;::Y .h

4. 13 ;10'1..)' 5. 1/~ I"lay' 6, 15 May 7. 16 May 8. 17 May 9. 18 }lillY

10. 19 ~hy 11. 20 t-my 12. 21 hllY


" -.f· ',' ,""'.1 I .'n -~ .- - .... '('l rl S ' \.. ~ \ &"' .......... v..\. , ~ . • .


(;,1"'(':' '.::'. ': TI j, P,CI1E SNOH began fOT ttl, _ ;:/: 87 v.tth shging in the vicinity of .Fir0i?':).;;";(: Bltl~C on 9 M'J.y (D-.1) 196'1~

l'rI +,hfincsrs were supposec -(;0 r.rd.vG !),fore elm-k on the 9th to coordiM to ';he D-DJ.y lift bnt thoy did not. Tho Ih tt21ion 33 '"leG 1-.>1. th the eCr.lp3.ny 1:(''"lI:nrc!Grs and a sea rch 1-.O. S Jl!lrl0 of the 1'Z in ,').n attenpt to locate o.iLrcz'aft f.;ucb ,:.;'rkol's 2ecar'ding to what r Jd b'3en dcs (~rib8d to the 83 by the (,vi 'J.~·,ion

:'0Pl' C Sen> the night b",fcro. Fil'!(Ung only 0. jYJ.rtia lly nnrkod PZ, the plc.n \ ,03 :'ormul2ted to position troops f ron e-::st to w03t in two row; ('"'leh ",-i, -!;)- 15 gl:'C)11 ps of 5 nen e'leh; The lift "as schodulcdt.o usc 30 ~r·'L .,

At 0700 huurs, on 10 }b.y, the 3-1 S7 troeps -"ere forned IJ. ccording to phn fOe a :-, o:pe ctcd 0720 hours, pick up. Bl thfinders arrived sOr.Jetir.1e around 0700 fle ur-G. Their inforrrntion :lbout the p:!ttern on the PZ:md number of srjy)s to be used ,ns confused and contrD.diotory and they never did coordilh'lte or cont;~"l tho Hft to any effecti ve d~gree. Conseauently the composi t.5. ~11 61' the ' ~;:'"n~l urn t:;! lifts ,,';s~nct C:x:.l ctly :>.s phnned. ,- .. ;: .~ \,.:__ ~ •. '" .: t

The C&C;" ship reported -on the blttdion frequency: a'G 0700 hours and by 0'705 hours, the d:ittalion Commnder ,.as airborne and ready to start the lift. The F;j for D Compc'lny, the first unit lifted, VlS (It 0750 hours. Their L Z ti ;~l() \,<1 S 0801 hours, a nd the D Comp:! ny Co=.nder reported th:l t L Z 2 \J'1.S

cold,. El ements of A ",-nd C Comp'lnies were lifted at 0801 hours, ::tnd wer e clos(xl int.o LZ 2 at 0820 hours. The B'J.ttD.lion H(';'l.dQu:lrters (ninue the CO c.nd Arty LNO who were airborne in the c&C Ship), 'the rncrt'lrs :md addition'1J. elcr:ents. of C ·'ind A Co~niesdeplrted the PZ at ()$L,,5 hours, and were on I.Z2 ,~t 0856 hours.

The insertion had ~;.ught the enerrw by surprise. D Conp:llV, after securing the 12 11 ccorcling to plan moved its 1 st Fla toon up the ridge to the scuthe2st. This il!Ll1edia to push up the ridge \I!lS to prove an ir.lportant. achievenont . It VlS fron this position,the ;'31 terrain to the te northwest of Dong.Ap Bill. (Hill 937), that the fu tt9.11cn Headquarters controlled and suppor-ted o?erations throughout the period 10 to 21 Mly. Occupation of this terrain a lso resulted in an effective blocking position, as it stood on the mjor ridgeline D.nd tr:til COTIJllex between Dong Ap Bill. a nd the L'loti,,,,n border ..

The lack of proper Fhtbfinder PZ coordimtion Cilused a broke!' seouence of trGGPs arriving in L 2.:2. Consecuently, there sone confusion an d disorgani 22. tion in effecting the B3. ttalicn Cotl.nander I s plan for securing a nd exp-::nding the neric)eter of the L 2 and co=ncing ini till 1 RIFt G. \;Ih·en the Eh ti/.'llicn Headquarfters arrived, the 83 g:t thered the a vaila ble le'ldErd

',~ld dir e cted actions efSsenti::.l1y :l s the Co,-",-nnder h'ld i t ended 1. e., A C:or,:r:nny (T f3,nize on the ncrthl-lest p::.rt of the peri:..cter 9.nd eo=ence a RIF t o the !< "h grGund to the nerl1hwest; C COr.lp'l.ny secure the sout hern portion 'lnd cor:tr.lence (l HIP to the scutb'-.Iest.. C CCl7lp'lny assi gned the fission cf L2 s",~urit:r unti l ,:~11 G1Gl.'_cnts \.!OT UJ in" D Cow.p:.'\r~3r ,1.5 L1entic11cd, a.lrnc .. dy h8.r1, t.:18 c:v;t'C·~Tl


At 0930 hours A Company'-jeportod reaching the high ground approximately f i ve hundr ed me t ers to the northwest (YC313994) llI'.d finding and searching out k n. il s in thn t [n'eu. Du.ri nG tIlis period the headquarters and mor ·,,:t:-s , f ollOlling D COr.lpuny, bcenn thci:r njovo townrd the sou t hcnst. C Company, w,~ i ting t i"lO o.rrivCll of t ho rC::l~ indcr of its forces, secured L2 2 and ('om­IT:c nccd [t plrttoon RIl,' toWi1.rc1 thG sou·~·Jhw~ st.

A. ~. 104~. hour s the &'ttnlion Com"'~c.ndor '>li t.h tho Artill ery LNO, l[lnded at LZ 2 ..

A';. 10/,5 ho" rs /j. LOH on VR rGPorted a complex of btmkers und huts several h-.};""'.r2 rcd r:otc r D to tho ca s t. o f the LZ.

3:,: :1o~)n D Compt':"'.ny had s : cured t he f9-d goline blocking pcsi tion to the sout h-. 'YC "~"'""'8) 1 +h B t ""I' "- . d >, t ' t 'i th co, s,. \" .) "- '_~j':> o.n([" ,e &. "'.L ~on !'.00.(1c.r,tl:rt.ors "n "or 0.r8 were Wl [,n n e

:) C.: T ?c'l':>y pcriITlotor. Provu'a. t ior: of o.n LZ e nd mort~r p0Ri tions h:td bo eu,n.

:': . : ' iCl!out ":.h mi ddle of tho day Pink, LOH VR's, ARA D.nd FAC' 8 r eportel' '','us t !'::' iJ.s, huts, bunkor s, tunnel fl :tnri sWIll [; of enemy e:tst a nd

.;, :' . ~ :' +.ll" 3/187 loc", tion.

'_' \. " p r.~:: '_'_,r.01W"'.:- r C ,...." ~·prlr\"\r l_lll'; C'i h-'d l--, r:f'!"'1 ' '''~' ' ' ' Hr·!~(~ --> r osnrvc closed 'nt-~ v - - --' _ _ J '_..J, .l_''-~.~,.!, ..... .... , I . _ •. . 1... i~' ... ) ~ .. ~ ...... . ~ ~ ..1..Gt,..;. ..... _ v ' , ...... J'..,I

L2 2 , c ·.-: ~'plcti ng t ll8 3/ 1t17 into tho AO, B Company :reoved southoast t o ci:s ifo·':.dqu.:..rters lo c~ tio;' .. :lnd r ecui ved instruc ti':JDs t o continue movi ng sc t:t~!cc!st t o',lar d Done Ap 2io. , sot up· an NDP, and to movo a t first light )n the 11 t h to RIF toO\i'lrd Hill 93'7 •

• • "46 ' , 1 / -" h B C t ' 'f' d "'0 ,D .nours aile, O}O ,ours ompo.ny r epClI' Qd recelv~np.; snlper lI'El rut

~hc, :: small , ~ :r;:lG and RPG f i re . " They r c,spcmc1 od v'it..'J s:"l 'lll ::t1'11]8 fire, 90mm RR "t:c; ',JOTC Gup':'ort cQ by Dort"" r a, D.rtillcry, gunships I.lnd o.irstrikes. The US 3uf f'Jnd thee WIA, \ih il" ]{i llin£; f eur o f t ho enemy. HEDEVAC (2 odJUl,~ tory ~nd 1 litter) \';:;'8 comphl t ed by Hl35 hours . Gun s..>:Iip and n.irs'tnike support ~ cntinu0d until dark. The. !light def ensive pos iticns for 10 ' N~~ were: ~ Co (-) at YC308994 B Co(-) ~t YC321987 " Co 2d plat r.t 1C306995 B Co 4th plat at Y0321986 j Cc.(-) ::tt YC31 5985 D Co Mortars and Bn Hqs ; Co 1st plc.t o.t YC3H983 o.t YC320989


U J \I v -L-/"'\ v '-' ••

. I :, p' r.;.[:rf~ I) ;;'~ 10 /11 ;.'~~ ' / Ht:..~) qvint .-:- .-: ' 1. ·c~. ; ;,lJT'r"i .. "1S !A ~ (~ ·civ :t:.;· ' -:' ::';ir- t,8t.;. l -: j . -:~()(. 1;(·,r. l ,~ 1.;it:1 '1 J" "'c.:.J (pE: ~·=.m ·' ~~f.' "'' "::. ~r::'..~ .ir.d·,' 1.,~7,e r.~v"L[!.J. r:-n ur.y l']C:l ' ~:;"OU ~) ,

L;i /~ .~;.~ 110urs C Comp?.ny ' s r~~c1' '1~; i '-;.s:.r:C"€ Ly 1. j r e prrmpteri C'10 ry return .. ~j :'I!

f:'G~ v "'. "ir~ 5:~y c()cr~ ~.~:· ':.0 YC3179~J ~ . \: r;CH~p::.r~:t r e tu"!".'1ci't .-:~i ."(,8 ~;:: . tll or(' ,aj ~:i, : \ ;.; ~!'p .Jns •

• , • --'-- '"''=. , n" +- f'..: ... ..., .'. ~ . ( : I, ' ' . 1'<:' <'" ~ • ..f1 J .. ' '1 a t 0( 5') hO'lrs n'l~ r - ~rted ~ .' 1J .... ... . , ~, .. ;;.n , .. . ,....... ,C..<.]d . . •. '. i ) . (;..) 0 :1 '-" -.<. .... . l.O~ c .., , '-.~~.. ,~~ ......

~···,'0 (~n "l\~~ ~';) lc~ i er s l "tl'1:1.i J lg c·r. t . ~rl.i.I ubou~ fc.:r ~")!=ld T'Ej nl ld/3 r sen.;' t '.) ~' h ": ·i"':j~ ~:r.~~ ·· ' f ln c.?~~ion . ~.~(\ ,:,e ::- :-rt ~d 2..;'1 OhSC: l"V[l',:,i ~r'I ? ? S1'- i e '.! i.1'e8 ,5 .:~. 1 t:~ : 8.:.: i 1-. 11 .. 1,.. .... .,...,· f c, '. ': :-> ';e ~ ··..: t"-l ' " ,t :l' l ... ··1e "' '' '"'' e C" -' 11~ """'- , 1 ·' r ..... ·' ''''''In(: :1 ~-' (' ~, " .~<i " ~ t : .:r.:'::r. ~ ., ... _ ... , ~ • . ' . ~":'.L_ • ....L • J . ... . . 1 .L·L n. ,::" . ' "" ~ ""\ . I. 6G .:;.- L:. • • C • .. ( ... ~ _. -.--. _

Unc.·:; l' .::= 'J..1 \ ..... r.. ~r .~\~~SC.l . .::t 25 ana. l1 d f j,r,.'d 0n;)('.d by automa tic \,;c::I)on').

B ·.i. ;1 ~ .~ ::,C:~ 73: .. : ! .. ~ ) _. r e 'Pol' t ryJ that a LCH r c conn i r.{l f or hi!:-l took e ccl1,Y :"~ .rc f::-om r;.. ~~ . ..:; ~J~ .. : i::j. ~ ::r n f 2c (' :,-~ ::"nn 1::c; YC33 ~<?74 .. P t. 07/:~ 5 ~10UI'D l"1c cnsQ6~d thE:: E.~, .:; - 't.y ~) 2.~.~ " f) •

:. CO"~P'l ny RI F vicinit y of N'uPj t hen double baek t o v icinity of LZ 2 (YC,311,9J9) , ;? Cnlp"!1Y EIF frem NDP to vicinity of YC,3 29984 t he nOl'thcrn tip of HiE 93'/. C ~0m!:':lny hIP south o.nd cast from t hoir NDP. I' CnPlpo.n:! r CTI' in tlocking position with Battalion Headquurters and ~t.D~t~.::-s; ~onc.u~t. limited RH" G t o thi) n'-'rth c.nd QD. st.

':1',<) FA C r eported in a t 0844 hours, with the first of six airstrikos of the (1.::"-•

I, ~; .yo )~' I-) ()urs, B COJ:lpany re w r ted finding t1JO RPG rounds, one light DV'lCl.1iIB

S' i r" and numerous blood tra ils to t he cast of the previous day's C 0'Y;:':" r. ~~. Between 0900-1000 hours, B Comp!'.ny found 4 ener.lY KIA! s in the: vi ·~h:Ly of coordinate YC32L,(j8 /, . The KIA's were wearing groen unifoms ,,: -,;1' kLaki s undernellth. OIlO of the delld had D. picture in h:!.s wllet t .i\nt a},::,oar , ,1 to be of him in an officer's uniform. Abo found on hls pC!r(;cn wns al" ~.dd i tionnl p i cture , Nor t h Vie tna;r. cso J:loney, eight r a zor bl'1c:f,s .• and a us t:r!,>e a-:ccssory p."l c.k wi th tolX:. cco .

By n910 hours B Campany had f ound two additional enemy KIA's, one SK0 rifle, , n" Il1C\ (l Chic om grenade, ono AK47 rifle , one RPG l auncher vi th S';: 1'C:U.nUE.

nG:'1C' mcaic ".. l c::i'li~cnt, a j2 t 7·cr, oo?1dn go s, i t oms of clo tl'! in~, .:J.nd n: ' 'T'0r()'1~ i':.' (i Cd ·t :-:; ils .

~. Co:' :.:':! Gc.,,, hie pcsition, Ilt 0913 hours, as YC315985.

At O~~/~6 hours , A Com~~~tly r;.o.d Dcvcd to Y('-:04994. He reported thc. t he l,.,".~.5 }: c~. pi(':: til C) ccrrrp,'1.ny(_) c.t -:.nnt l ccc.t.ion. c:.nd s e ndi ng out pl etoon RTF f s ..

B:1 Jk 37 ... FAGI' I C:;·/+89-:::?; "

c~ lCi r~~e {;\r l:, vrith tir6und. Ti t c,_t . .,. -<",, ); . -'

/0 - ~l r;::..

At "l i)4:J nours D vUJ!l}JUHy l·t:.:l.Jl.Jl.. veu. h Ji...IJ.. -Q ...... . ~ .\I'A. ....................... _OA_ - .. ----.0--

dir(' c~.i.on (If advance. UNCLASSIFIED

At '1100 0('.llN; A C:ompany reported the f c H owing 10ea tions: 3d Platoon A.t YC]20,)9:); .) at PIa toon at YC300993.

At 1106 hours , B Compe,ny r eported t 11'1 t he had found one large sack of rice co::t.:d.ninG 8.pprox'.Jlutely 15 pounds o f r i.ce b'lLl s; a carrying case contfd.n5ng v· r~e .".1'·-:.7 ' sand rr.!:gazines ; a bag conta1.ning t hroe satchel charges alreo.d:{ pi llr".,d; !l:l':Jthcr sm:lll bag something s i:nilar t o C4; a Ix"lg of fIrct T'i supn] i J1, 'lnd equipC'18nt; two more Chicom grenades and blood trails J.,." t: -L:~ ~ ~<!.st up the hill.

';', -l ,y" i', .;.c ns at 1'158 hours lNere : A Company and 3d Platoon at YC]049%; . < n" " :': O:l ll t YC3 C'099J; 2d Platoon ,ct YC3m990. B Company at YC]2J984; c ~""'r:::-'Y( - ) d YC323983; c Company 3d Pla t oon a t YC3 13981.

:'.' .: 1 C,9 hours , A COr.1p:my reported th:l.t they had discovered a t~ell-used t .. r>.U :~;~11" 1:, ,- t ':!1 'G !..!ido running N\.o/ .... SE.

,",',-. 1;'1 r. hours , the 18', Platoon of D Co."'p:'.ny returned to t he comr, ny l oc~t,jon .

':::"',l () ~::~1 .' ·,. Leon h:;~d r e connoite red to th~: NE fc)r severa.l hundred me ters bl.:·t had :.~-:'" C.~;: no cont.':'.c t \.,ri t b t~!s enetIJ .

\ 1 J 1 0 hour s , B Comp,~ny reported findin !1 several CO!'llTlll.,.icn tion wJ.reB r"'''!1t~ g ~:';io.!n .frot: tL2 hill into the stream bed along hi s route of advance. H\.~ D lso '·~po}-, t.ed !l small knol l to his east cov3red with sniper holos .

L L03 on VFl B. t 1315 hours, reported thnt he hud sighted D.t least t;;;:; tclo­::bono pole ~) Hi th wires and insuletors on them [It. coordinatG YC351939. He nc'·:bd the. t t here wor<?- tl'Qi.le ruruling parallel t.o tho communicF.l tion !3 3J'stem. 'il'~se wJ.r0G '.: nd tra ils evidently ran frem the , up over Hill 9'37, to +'hn , .. /8 st. The LOH also reported tho.t he had rece ived fires from bunkers at 1(;32/+981.

Throughout the dc.y A, C nnd B Companies continued to find trails, fresh tr.llcks , cenl'-'UJlicntion wire s :),pc cablF's, spider holes, miscellnneous pieces of clo t hi lO;; c. ne! equi pMe nt, blood tr;<ils, a nd huts a nd bunkers. Th~ pilots teCl, cont.i nu(,d reporting nUlnerous indicc,tions of enemy prGsonco around and on ' li ll 937.

By 1550 h 'Curs , B COln» ,ny T:!oving o". ot, h ·o.d st.:tr ted up the rid l"e leading ;;0 Hill. 9.37. \\~; i1e folloHing f resh tracks, t hey were fired on by 9. . lone sniper. T',c sniper l

(J intention, cVidently, W1S to dralN the unit. up the ridge wh"r8 tho '2ncny w--:..l. i t ed in bunkers.

At 162/, hclUr s , B Cc:njXlny lNa/i in conta ct at YC327983, ·'lnil at 1630 hours, 'ehc, Corr.pD.ny Com~anil 8r repo r ted th::. t he held suffe red three US KIA I S . He ",lso h:ld h 'O US 'lilA I sand possib:;.y twc ")",o r e from .'1 t t eJl'pti ng to re t ri ""c th e: firGt t wc . Hi s t roops hacl con f irmed six one .... y KIhf s. The I3at~·.(:,1.ion

Cc ;.:;Y, ~:~ nj2r :~nstruct{.KI hir.: to i ncre·':!. se hi s vol~rre of fire and push rc..s-:-' the l·;CL-;.n'] cd , T'nthc r thnn a tte::1pt to i;-·~med.ia toly Totri0ve t hem 1;J1dBI" direct enemy i' 3_!:' :; ~ 1--'!.~ r ·~;.rs~ n::tl 11e T'""J, r:!:un.ships , and 0.irstrikes ;.;c:re u$cd j.n support of ~', ~~ ·::' · :1::Y :·.:~7 . :\ :<!;DE\t;·.C ·,.rrI S rc::~',lcsto(1 ':.t. 16L .. 3 hours, ':L :)(~ :I t 1814-2, f.l:, ;J0'mde(~


- .__


1;:, ~',':~:; h01.1,'c .:·;, c1~.:::it'lp' an ;1.~h. .. ; ~ ,r:L~:~;, ("!)I~ C.: the ships .. .. ~:-~r:r1 n.r~i ~:~r\ ,' : " . . :.~ 0 y:l ":- -·-·.i -1iI\;(; t :' T·~. '-:~c :':'· ...... ..;x.E::G::> :i.:.:p·::. .;-r,c ·t j;'~ b!-'l 'j c:);l':~":; ;- (}.:." r .. 1-.,~ EJ.·· · :·.:.1 .~ ~ ( I

~ .. "-~ _"_Sj I ; ~~r::0'::~ lOC:l t .. :.on . (Inf:: 71.: '-1:::. 8 ~d_ lJ.t:;,'~ (). l"Zl ·~·.hirty·- .·~.i ·J' e 1,.:,.Tin(1ed . rt.: .... ~ L "'~~ :

: ' ~ :-.'1' .. " ;:/Ij~ :,:0qnt r ed "t-yr:=r~!.A6C . I !1cludcd = n the \-!,:;un::h:·d \.J~ .Y"e J-:'~18 E.:! ' Ii ". ~~. :;,"0:""''': ::2' ,-'.n ·1 S3 (bc:.h lifsLt1y): t~~~J Ari·,j .~iJG--y L:;O ::.!lC. ~~!~ of:C5.C 8r ( c,o t-it

~.~- ,-' -II· ..... ~ .. ",., " br. "., ., .... :"1 -....... c.. CC"' ... . " . , ,f. a ; t thD lIt. ...... .J.., c . Y" -::;''''' .'. ('- tt-. ~" ~'-),' '; . .... .L.I., .~ LL, VJ."€ .', 1., 1 0" ,-) Clc..i,::',t..:~_nv n.--,d __ lOJ. V,, ;.r ~8 .Lr(jG4nt, 1_'·0 ,v.

i-.,J.:i :·,.'3 ~I"y)" In .... ri()us SJ1~F s !.Jerc used to cv.' te C:t'.1d by" 11)07 hocr s? t;' ;J C::~;'C·":'D.J. , t~ ~;'_"r~ r~.e ···r.·e cl .f · ... ~) r.1 t1-'3 : · ·i~!7 ~ocRtion .

; ": ·~. -; .. ~·.'J'~ C~ 1,i1-::ir ~ '\j s:.~-:_cn i~. ~ ;··J~;,.Y.('T· oi' B (;0~·'·~ f.-L~J~·.· ::.L ·i t."I\) ~'<;) r.l~. ;·~ "'- :·~':'1"\ C,',F' ;·". ~ ·:";r

~· ·~ ·~ v 1,.r/. ,.I~ ' •. ) a i ,1"' r'J r:t .c.:i.:- ::t,::,,':.:<,::, ,::i."~o') F~:i. ' .in :,nr: ~.r: : .~2ti':":: 3 \~C ~.h,~ ("·).1"':r ,:-··. ) ~.:t ~~ ,; ...

I . '10/ ": }-.r "Y' '-' / .... .. :. _,v l A.' , ." .. . ' :

D CO;~:p::,! .nyl S 3d Pl.8.tJC1~, " .. ll .l.C1: had be0n en [J F."CF t, ) J~ ;_ , . :: r.('~:··~·'~ . ., " cr" J': (n r e ''''"'' .... ·+ ·· ...,· ;.J ,_,..l 'J ...J.. " }l' ; .!. ;..' .L · - C

rf'I' CJ rtml on s tat i c n ,'1t ~()37

'1":-. c'--;;hrJ 3/1117 0:1 the night of 11/12 M!1Y were: A r;o(-) at yr;31 2S9: ~[-, .~ cUiC'13h83 a t YC313992 and YC31099.1.; B Comp'lllY a t yr;325981; C cc(.-) ;' C;;-i:)~3-! I-rith 'Ist Pl 'ltovn aiili:.ush at YC':;16?S1; j) CO~!J<1.:'W. ilit.:'a~_i(

'; -i.T·.~':': l··tsrs and Mort!lrs C!. t YC320989.


\. ~I , ..... , ' !"' _ .. J .... V .. ·wt ..

T\c n.if)·t ,,,,1.S quiet. At Oc~v hal.Hos, Bilk 37, :""Bp(n:·tGt~ ) n S~f . I.~. 0n ~.t , , ( ~J ~ :U ! 'i,.\f, , .'.lir strik;J3 f o r 'jcr::JX!. .r.~r. 'T'her8 weTt: Jight ui r :;·Gri::.c:i ,1g.:.111st t.~l) '~ .I2.t£:ly

th:our)1out, the dllY, 't .. 18 In "t vno goinf. in at 1734 hc'tl:' s . The 58 stri kes , 'ere :. ·':.x of hi gh dra" !:Jambs, n.~p'.l l", nnd 5CJ aI'.d 1 COO pound bonbs '.n. th fuz(' ~81"-y . The aceuarcy o f t h" s trikes \o{('.S oU-::'s taoc'ling.

,, ': ('(/;9 ;'ours, c.of,lpnny A ~cgan m()ving t owa r d t:10 Battalion Hec. dquarte;- a 1 '.' ·,i on. They a rrived ' t, 0805 hours.

Th e; . ,<, ttc Hon COl'1!11nnder called Brigade at 085? 'lourE, E.nd r oquested a -';08.11,

, . ~ :. "ir,.8 cr- ~ to nssist in blowing an LZ f or B Company. Tds request for Iln LZ '.. ::: location (vic . coord. YC323983) proved to be a wi130 one. Th e 1 ; wor

~ J... .~:~ ., cC-.:-nc to be called, was the key iJlto~ncd:L""~ te s"t-"lf,in r";' , evacun tj.on. £lId , ... " .. l.:J!, .:' point throughout the opera t..ion.

" ~ '3 hours, B Company rece ived . "'.~.y of coordi na to YC,325981.

(, '1C:7lY .:. -Jldior •

'merlY small an.lS and RPG fire f r ,' :'! the Results ,rere I US WIlL; the retUJ" l r;'re killec .

. 'v.~ ~ior: Artillery CQ'm~ander arrived on the --,pper LZ a t 0<}40 hours. fi e ~c:. c ::-:::o t o dis('nss '~L :: fl'G_4. n ishao and a polic:rfor control of I.RA . It ~,~~,;. s f.~f'rof1d by him -t.hf.1t the ;\RA 3.hi ps would come. up on the battalion cOl!JlTla.'1d in,q1:-c!1cy t o r e ceive::: briefing on the gr uund tacti~3. 1 :oitu.'l tio n bef ore (;o:Llg to work for a coqxl.ny artiller',{ PO . Prior to the accident on the 11th: -I;[;oy hr:d been reporting directly to the Artillery J.D. This procedure was ,tSOr. c'?,cdnst the rapert ted 0 bj cction of the Battalion COMrnllnder 3/1137.

J.t 0950 hours, Banshee 27, a WG ship cllrryi rg the ongineers, r eported in on .: "" b" ttc.l j,on frequency and was : turned 0 ';01" to B Company I S control. At ~ .124 hola's, ,.-hil€; inserting t he engin6ers, thc ship craE-'1ed afte r its t ail st~lck a tree . There ~ere six casualties r osulting from the crash; three engineers and three crew members. One of each required immediate MEDEVAC. B Company and the rer-aining engineers, however, continued with the preparation of the LZ. Throughout the day gunships, ARA, airstrikes, artillery, and ~or~~rs pounded the a rea east of the B Company location.

At 1141 hour~. D Com~~ny r eplaced by A Company in the blocking position, de}"-u·t,cd tn ,o Be. ttc.licn Hoadqunrters loc ~.ti.on and commenced a RIF down tIle finge r leading northeast from the upper 1Z •

At 1219 hours, th8 MEDF.VAC r 8quGs t ed Qy B Company for the crash victims r-oport 8d en station, but the 1Z was not considered r~"dy and the Battalion

Co~nnnd0r t ol o the ship t~ r eturn and wait f or hi? call.

:\t 1226 hours, tl1e ihttalion S3 repor ted to the Brig~de S3 t.'1o. t the cra.shed ,~~1..,i ) '.-.~s turning anG ther efo!"'c th€!re would be n~ need f e r a r igeDr tr~Ul.

[: ':,"", : ' ~)!)..ny ~('pcrtsd ~t 1224 hours, that he eceivinr inconing nO; r ounds f~':) I"'" ~:'VJ Vicin i.. ty of coordi nL'.. to YGJ25976, No cD-sun.l ties r esulted . The [':) :;.:2) (> c t :::J c;n ::-"~., lo~r..: ti:::n t·r:!. S fir ed C~" by' ~unships, _ nrtl11ery t and c cur. : :_;r :~c :r : "/ '.Y' firo, . -,; ,,~~ .L ,{",'


eo 1 ~ J..! 1£ "':1£4 1111.L..1


:1:t lL0 (~ .hou~:JJ !:I " onp~j}y h ":'.ci Cl. J.~ U~C(;pta::;l8 L~ anti h:.d ~xte£J deri. th.) ~, ~z~· j ~ .. , - f' "1 t. ~ · lff' r: nt ~~y to bri.i."lt. _'~n , ~ ?lll'SJ).FV.·~ ~.. ?(,J ~1<'Jd t . tot.'ll :J_.' "'( LH? t~!l T; :'J...;lr,' [i ~', 'u~' -> ".7,:,~,:,,··,r.:. t....:~ ~ ',l::re0 o.':';TG :; i ttE.; !' rUld si."" t. ~.·.'''J.l~·; .. ::::~ TLD '.f'~Dr.'~.r.~C I,.;~ Y, ',

.1 .•• "'~f:'CC ~ ·:)"l..Z.t inc: :.ctc'nt. [L!tr~ th·:-: eV[J1)c.tio~ \J8....; ( )' :~~Gt0 'f")~r 1::.;) :~,; ), 1:r:"S.

::.. ~ ~ ~5h h~l1.r · s.~ J11' md2~.-' ~~. ~LGH) · .. !cr. +~ 1.nt~ i.1.; .:.: .lJ.> .f~ ... ' i ,Z '-~nd to( )~{ ou~ t,i" ' ~t!c r~Iil i s dHS+"':'~ i~ccl in a prc".ricu :"} action .

_ .Ting t he afternoon, B 'm el C Companie s callpj in r <;por-'-,s of SIJoradie , 1. ~:._ '! nC)'"''''' r~ ''' ,.oPG ~m~11 "~~ S -'Da' Mor"' n ~ fl're 'fl'''re "e~_ e no US crJ.s ··'alti? ~, . .. , .. ~ :' . '. v, ~~ .. r, ,;;),I •• c. _ <"O .... . l U 1 J..... l..<!... •. _'.... ~ J . ..... .

rp[; L'1i;in" fro!:, those fir9s, hovever an Ildci ti j;rl ;fVA ~,o ldie :r W'lS r opc.;'t ed K"- ,_ I n r cs];,one to any report o f eneny nover.:~. ':"!.t :':-T" firc..2. fri ·:;nd Jy fi:,.'H $ -.).~ .

. ' ~."C:. type0 1o;ere put into the SU_fJ.iected locaLi(,T'3 .

of the G'illship" siirhted at coo!''15.n'J. +,8 Y::;325977.

t:l; 0(. hut.s o.nJ :nclnY bun'.,ers and HG W2.S ins tructed to engagE; ".;Lesc>,

' ~",5 lJOUTS, C Conpo.ny, mov1n~ e,,::+-. report.;C: tr: e i r lo:'n_tior. ..1 :> :r;~ :< 5<;":? - , i s \:"' 8 j<.ist two hUI"drcn meters SCt:th of B Compmy. The 2d Pla toan of .4. Co."'I­

,[, "h-: c;~ :" cc: been sent to B Company's location 'With (1 resupply, arrived "; .' < "; ;-, 1648 hours.

D CO~l;-:\ n:' b:>.[1 no ene-T- ~or.tact on th" 12th and (1-;' 1721 henrs, he rop0!.'·ce:: hi.:; ,osi.tic,n as coorcl::'nacb YC3?5989.

i..(; 1 e29 hour' s, r. :.'<Jq:a n;.r, huvj!15 engaged several enerrw sightwgs SW r: f the; "npc r ) ·z that afternoon, stat-ed th:'.t he ~?nS pu.1.;ling from the contact etTen ana. digging in for the night. A rloment later he reported that an ost~~ated cleven RPG and mor~o.r r ounds fell into his old position to ~~e I !OS-: ~nd tho. t he ws ca.lling artillery on the suspected enemy l ocati on.

DU1'ing the rel"t'ining hours of light, o.rtHle~"Y and mc,.--tar defe~:'ive f1I2a were'Jd in aJ.'0und the perimoter.

;,t 2000 hours, cn 12 May the 3-187 '...-..1 S disposed e.s follows : A Connany, 38.tte2.ion Headquarters occupiec. the blocking position at coordina te YC32;'i9$O; C Company at YC325978 with the 1st Platoon a"lbush at YC3239'79; D Company at YC323988 with a platoon ambush a t YC323987.

T1:.'2 ni r;ht \.CfJ c;ui e t ,,:i t.h no e~eny cnr~tact.


; ,~' .

The first porson to l "o.' oort <, n the Bntt~'11i()n Pr(lque"~v on the o1'n1n(; of 13 ~hy wets ASS:1ult 11 (LFT). He stllYvd on au,,", : )n from 0645 ;,uurs until 1Y735 hours dtl!'il." .:h ich time tJHlY sciutl.ld to the west an" south c f tho blocking pcsition and ElI" , ... ,,: ' d ~ever81 hut Ilnd b' nkar cornpl ()xes .

T' k "',',C ',. ,lS n,- xt~, :: t 0656 hours, with thO first of ten ail"strikea to be plncerl :i '; " r -c, of ilia l3c.ttalion until 1900 hours th '.t ru,ght.

L ' : ", hour s, C Compllny, moving east for M. l " 7,n hour t .lrendY nnd reocnnin ',' f

C T O ',cr, they moved, reported t hll t ' their l end ,,).<;)mont wns receiving snaIl :l rn S

n r .. ·• ;> oy rcque sted perlllis3bn t o hold and strike the suspec~tl enMny l ocat­iOll.5 ch f " "'t,' ,r s and artillory. The request was gr;",'1tell.

3 Cc .. :! \-Ie. G n ,~xt, a t 07:aS, wi'1:.h h ;recort tho t he 1<1~. S receiving A1\-1.7 r L 'c f r '" ,;:: ,' 'Ie"" , Fight orA ~ro oVrJ i'n()atl 3t the t~me and an imMediato stri'(e ' ;C-,f " on t he Cl1orrr/ l o lSe. t iOli..

;' " J'; , '?, " Company r epCIrted that he !lad thrllt\ of his t r oops slivht ly wounded ,

' ,inutos la tl)r. C COlnpnny r~pol;'ted tho. t h€J h.'1.d five US H~i I S .

,; , _'8 50 13 COll1p3.ny r equested /1 MEDEVAC f or two of his woumb d and oJ. so inform. d ': ,h c t _ t tlliion Corn:r~nder t ha t he he_d US KIf; .

The :: c?ortd.orltnoo or onmy fil'o $, which cOr\sis t (;d of RPG, 1I!01'tar and small :'.me:, l, f O coming frOID tho vicinity of' YC327978. For the next several hours . tb e lh t i:,nlion CQlIlmClllJe r dirQcted a lrstrikos, AHA, artlllory and mortars inb t h c.r e ' .•

0920 G Compa.ny , pushing SlOWlY eo.stward, l;'1' po rted onomy firo s and movemont ~,.'m se'/erIU dir ecti ons i,n clo so to hJ.s p0sitiOh. H't: reportod that the ene!llY wor o exper t ly c::: .. :ouflnged a ,ld tb.ut C Company wa s using maximtlDl rllconnniSfl(l:1cc by fire " 8 t hey .JllOV( ; .

D (Jcclpany, who ho,d moved out at fir st ,lirrht, r (!portGd movement, but no enemy CCllUlc tS , a s he Ulls , ocannoi i :- :<:'ine i n tho vicini t ,,' of YC.325990.

"t, 0956, B Company's cloments, fol LlI,;ing f r esh ~racks t o the nast, ran into ~ ,c st of snipers Md reported tliO mer e tiS lUI. Qnd ono KIA •

. :;'" ,;: r ospo l'! SO to t hoso contacts WE'. S i mmcdi ilt e a rld violent . Hardly n report <) l ,mCl,1Y contac t 0 curred 0ur:'ng this oper ation tha t t hc;ro was not some typo 01 ' ). " S'..l'Jport ~vo I'hel1d. ilXl uvGta~ of e ight to t on !l.irstrikes per day put Air ;>,I' C8 Figb"'Or fl overhcacl n~D.rly fi f ty pG cent of the t . 0. C(1ntinually on t liu '::,J,ltskic' ,s Df t he i ' ·"edio. te cont,'lct area , gunship sccut torun s prowlod Uw 2.1'0 :1 , cnu:: c:" d Cll Cl1'-Y mt)Velrcn t :lp..d bunJ._oI' compl exe s e,n'~ ,mre i !'1l!lod i a t e l y a\1D. i J~bl o f or C ~!.( ' 5 C: .i :,:' nu ppor t " f the :i nf'.1ntry.

Fer e·>~~'J.\pJ .. 8, (~' 1 in.p: ~.:b·_s !":1 :::,y' ,:"d. :-L., of convl ct f or B and C Co: ·" pt:-.. ~ie s, t>lere were o. t l "a, t fo U!' :: ' ;,, ' 11':. gunshi p v,,:ms , "' ''-,,;, a t di °f Grcnt time s, ill th" , 1: 0"­

;31 'PI ·~· !, · , _1" ~ ·i:.> c . E'"'..c h t ;.:.'nrr. ~ ·,: ,:: rc. r:: (:\1 t1bou t ['.n hour on station . Als:., .... by n~ on

U ~~CL;\SS I F1ED n r

e ,

- - ', - - ~ -. ...t. A_,- - ' - Jvr/~' , I

" ' l. iCC:t j " I " ~ '"

-.-~ ...... "0 -::-1. ~(-:,

:-1j, r r,"tl ' j k \..' ~~ .'!~~d b .::\.;ll di.l,:,v ,::r 0d i n th ::i.r :::~·p·'ort . ikr~fie t be . :' ~)lt .~pr"l·t \,J',[=; ! '.\.; t; e,vol'1t....:,;,' :l , ".rti.U .. :-:-:1 :~n(~ -) l ' t:lrdr. ~ '!"") rt.,l.:t r s

UNCLAS$IE1ED rar" : " G~' Jlt ll fi r <J6 v .:;re

.: .I.t ij-"~ Ll'i \:"C' i,;:_~" : ~" .y l'::c::.t,'icns . Fi;!~·.,l cc .·~u ~l lty fi r~r.c c:.; '.:::) 1;,J4]

. " t . /" . i>,,} :1 "e:, ';r. !Jll",L ty lk ir,J:"], icVl on tho 3/187 .

1. 1 Ol,-~' ~

·~fi''-".~·c' ( (' :> i.',V.:.ny l\ ~ p(_'rc.::!_~ t!~i.1.~:, ,~l uv to (';" i'!t. ; .• . uirF' ,;r~,::..nJ c ~) ntuc t, h e: nf)\,I

t.0t;~:1 , ·f tW0 K:lJ .. ' s .~~ ~ f1 ( ·~ i ht. tr:L~ I . ~ 1'-!}jJEVJ'LC ".-:-:3 r(;qucBtc(~ ~ :;-1 ~ . !!~

,: . :P~_:: ~; ' tll! 'L.d \Jl~ r i: to.k ~·n C-~'.t . YrlFND;'::< 41 .. (LOB) \;;ho h:1.5 br.:.~r. shutt] ~L ~-:: I : ~ ) 1 ,

.> , S :tnd G C()!!1pc.n:tc:~: , ", V~l CU t~'(: ,.: i ch t ,) f ti:( : l'~ :Js scricusly w::·'.J.:1dca

~ ,j"::.J0 KI i~ to t.ho nppor LZ . J CODpnny, Clt 'tLi s tim, .. , h~.rJ sust:~i..'i. ·d ~j __ v ,," WCUIld,.) (l Cl. ~·;(l tJ rl, ' KIll :~(1 ;r' +) ';(~ dc~y .

, "

M '" , '" ."

'.' C;': y:~!:ik:, B SO:lt in 1.~e. ,tj. ,~ ; 'f-'s ;':l. t l e5E h ""uJ'S; ~\ V ~.':i '). t YCJ259B1 ~nc C . 5:/19 . 17hc cn c":!J,1 "J'-.... ~; f:! 'htin~~' n c~e ,o'r,J~.inB(:. Q •. ;}.:,.yinG G.cti~Jr~ , tut. +j-.c

I ·.r ' . ~ J.l.,: S C'>:'l) " .L:n..iJ:r} th cir ,:J·. li.o0J·:':'w move t v1.r;.rd :.hc~ hil]..

' ~ , rllin2 D Ccmpc,ny bl).,~ reconnoi t'"r.)d t o tho n0rthons-c, '"nJ i;,hE!l tl:,",'J' ,;cubh(' tm~"TQ !'lill 937 . :\ t 1227 ;1Qurs, ttc. 3c :::nd 2(: p! ,~, to l"!S

l' : , ' "'dd throuGh (C :o;tl- ,,(:m 00'1 "t YC32 7989 '~nd b O(;1.'n the ,,·cove up t}:'J

't\r ':~:;:--'! ;·Iil:L 937 ~ '1:18 1 st pl [li~ucn h~--",'l b"'::l::~ cuverin:-.; t~; (: 3t:C t::.::: cr;; :.'~:i.!]:'<

" ,-:-._;'-,(,~r ~ , ; :-:.' lr ' · · Ll· ,"I,'.t, ·"': ')l~J.·r. ·)" " " .. , R 'C.I,t~' C \.'1' .\, ),' (1 ~c'v('n 't·· ·- <":":t ~'ri (· \~·· s-: ··r i ·hr. _ ~ J .. "... •• . l. • . _... ' ,.j ll... "'. ,J ,:.I ' . ' l " I ... ' ~ > . .. P ' \'1 . ~,... _... ..... _',) . A A .'

.;' ~.~',: --:::j C;Jl;UT:D.ndC ,l~ ordcrec: th·: i s t pJ. c. t ::-<:n t .;-:, :)' ·V(; the \J('· ur~d0d dcvm i1'! -r':J the J~~ :: .• l:' {.: t-) ,.rl , pt p:}.}'c (-.. PZ ;· .D(: S()cuX''':~' t.h(J ~ re .-:"~ . Ii,.! t! .. Gl< ~!!e G();nJX~ r!Y( - ) :::. l li~L (;:'.;·~ ~ l ··.h: :~:~.' >.:;._. '1.:.) ~'~ :'~'''~ rcb .h) I' tr,o suspocto(1 ; __ rL~:i 'y Jy<d. t.ion, By 1330, HYt!vT.i·"C 927 .J }"11"",. t'. cl in , bu'l, t~v PZ \';C~fj not TO·:l,C)Y ~nj h..:) (' l r.j p::'.r~ .fJd t o r (.;ful; l. !'k~ "J.nvh ilo :-!\) C ~. "<) ",.ny ( -) pU3lh:.:d fllT t~LCr 011 u:.) th\-:; ridf.:C ,~i nd thc: '1 st })l ..... t(":~ n ccnt.i.f'.~~oc . 1;.\(' T:. n;~·~· tJ}(; Pz. ;.J::.1'~ ;.;up·."c~rt(.l(.~ D Conp;:,':lY ,:\ 8 it ",:cvo:' up the hill.

'", 'iJ~!-~; 1<I::DEV1~C 927 r'.:t:'irn..::(~ ...... ni.l , since thr~ D C8r.ryP:··JlY PZ ll:.1S sti~~ 'j. ;l,..,t r«T . .J j l· i';~ . 8 ~)~u."'Gt:d ~l V0r ~~C; B C :· ! .1P~!'lJ' "",rK- h;:-ts h:.;(:t:! YD, r.::}tinuj.flg c" ntc~ct r:.11 d:.~y

",ivr :: n:: h:"'.d n;,~ H sustnincJ J:l '~ r.':, t,Lo.n ton l~L\ .

'i' 'i /~jO h ~:ur:::.~, D CC':" l.:X'~ny (- ) hud rcc r ' I1110 i i> .. ~rcd .- t \,' j"S ::.:,.~uth~;D.Dt u.p the r i.d :~;(; ,':'\nd W'l:;ro in tb(;

'Lppr0xJ:cc. ta ly thr <;e h >,~ -,'r~ , ., ,,'. 'rC325°8~ V~tCJ..n1.t}r C.L _) ~ / •

. 1 " r "'l~ n' ,.... ,. .... ~ ' J. ., . r. fj ... ) - t l :i? f"\ ... ·\T '· ..... " .... ,.., t ., " ""_A._,_ ' J ,;- t -':J U ,.Knc 'i..[u w ;J.., ~ !./l.~ 1/':'. -.c·.v.I •. qU;'lr (: r n, .. u:..J.....'1!.. ... ~;. I. , 7.!. f , TO urnBfl once ,._

n\~ D CD~lY.~.n~r CC:!~-·'·.nc1 \ :r dircct0d hin t .. ) t,hs PZ. A ft:;w ···-1.nutcs 1 .. '. ·~.(. r ::hc: '. :~pL~ny GC~~:~~'''Jlder repc' r tDd t e, the Bt~ t.'t/).l ion CI,.), ;·,;,!lL'.ndeI' t.h('. t tho l-'I.EDEV~:~ C r:c.d (," '..;.:1 hi ~~ by RPG ~~nd ha s (,'rc;.shod. The 1 at;·n SCT'f,oc,nt, lat~r c18; 11".~ · ~ , 1.:_,:~1 hap!=<.:n:..;(t , sc.ict t.1;.::-" t the ship hed bC<;H h,)vorinc: f e r e !l' inutc or . i;: .... i:'t r·} >~~,d .ir()lJPC (~ the o1:. when it tock ~\ dj.roc-:' hit frcI": the R~-G . Hr-': ': i. st(~,.:: th'.",- t ti1~~ f i r e: , only () nl! RPG J.'ov,n.(~, c " ::~0 frotr. u r i d.: e t.(' t:.h..:, n .. ",: :"'tr,. ill. ~_~hip c~-::.:-:c Gt.rr.l.iJ~l!t down c'n th ·~ 1 st r : .'.',tc·("·n Co~: ~n::l Cor·cup . Fi'rc :-'cn :J(;~ ' .: 1:1 :'.,': ~~ (tlr~· ·.Jc· cy-:),,]! ;1]f: : .~nd ':J' F ) fr. i.: D Cor.)~.'.ny) ~_n(~ t l ;r .J(: "lure 1!1 jt!:-"ctJ ( ~- r.(·

...... :"~c:.~bc r ·\r .. ',:':.~y s(:;t'i'':' 'd!31:[ c~!vl tv,;:' ?':.::;r, fro.' ~ D CO::1:.:Y~ny) r:s :' .. d ::'rcct re D; ', ]. J.;. r' ~ ',,":

' .. .' ...

.. , '. ":, ·~~.}.~.:·t i C>;. ;'~; :· .. ·.n:>-~ T (:!,:i)~: c'd 0 _. ·'·T';.'· ! : .. >~ t." ~ ::.~ t" : rt j-:",v).n:'3 tL~~ +.; ur;; ..::r· :";':" :1.: '-:.J.:-:;~" ··. !" ~.!.:.;r(:\ : on C(~j:~.!Y· . r:.~r ::c. ::~ ; ~';lC Z·. r:.,:'-t..(' (' n

'(" " " .. ," '.t . .. ".\

i·· ...

\ .. , , ~:; \ .. :) t:"~ ~ l '


". : 0_.

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: ,. .'-' ''or, S T· .. "_ :Y r S CiUt


·}rh.i 'r ':'" .f'il'.t': .. ,.:j ~b

L~:j ?:\)~).:,.,t t<J tJ~,:

:'.;.t1.r.t,1: n ,~r./. 1.1. e:',bL' J.ty f1. Dr;, ~t, ~iJ{!' Cr'·i:.~~n{'(;T'. 1',::: "U;'~~.(' , ,

C '\~:,.~ Gut. 11"\.-,.,. 1)'l -..c;ntir:n ~.h·~ 'k·'.d ..

. t , J t 'yf[~ :.;

1,,' 1"~~1 'j~h0 .~,., .' ... \..~'-" C") '. C·: . . '-~~·.~ny,? ~' (. _~lnK.:- ",. 'fT:~,h !) CI"" >_'y;y" !~~

t,~ "'We "r "C·"··,.""'ny L\:m: G!'1J.l:;C'l '":' . .1 th,"'+- (,":',; C':~~H ~,'r: ' "J . ,J .. 'J- • • _ J V

A,'. r ~:'D.(~.! ,; ~njU"?"~ ' /i ,_:dl': <j),.t thiJ '--:_~_Q'"r,'~:' ·\,L.l( .'.::" . , 'CVCT"',.:tJ.t. J:, ., r C,--,~.--, d

!.' +.h...; nidI i :: :-:.d ~:~'Yvin,. to tL:. l)I~ , !~ ''!.rl/ ~}~ .'.' nsf. ~ r,(;:,:r:,lnt< 0

'.t·'-:-:..i:- n CC·1:! ·'~.:~n(Lr '~,~,::~l··V./.l thisj :i ,3~:r\...-: _ (,c~...; :::'rH;r: to 7. '_kc tho :,.,c.;:J.1!~-'~v3 :~f,' t 1)_}_,~ "3 P': ~J.::~il::1c; ':\!1,~~ ·~"l\~rct.l tJ~(~ il C::;;pn.;;.y PJ.,'":to n L rctu:n t,

;'-; f'~l'·n.'.)O.L )1' t,h '13tl1, B C'..1'!~~ C CCit;'p",',s be,c-. cC'lti::v_Gd ~"!1 ''':-:lV,::!",l;l/ 't'--l,r,- . ,:] 93? ;''::::',IJtinb to gc.iri a f::'7(!rabl(; ii-:'siticn f~r 1'-:, F . .':jor ;

,·:.,~h. It \,n~) !!ot ;:"1: (':·:l;::.W t, Beth \.t.I!:l~~s r;),:':'~\t.,'j.inl';c1 cor:t,",,-c~: t.~;r("tr:"·-·t ,:·j··;_l'.r!c'('n~ 1) (].~r:p~\nY's CC~lto.ct wj,t,; '~:_'r"{; ';2LUY ((,::":',.<:(1 at 17_~I.l " .. · .... r~ ..

C ''-\, .' J.:' !'cccivc(~ ~~c!'t:.T'S and sr::n~l.~;, Z.'.l'j;:Sr,13 l~tA- ~',s 1(;.:35 11. UT;'~, ~n~l) 'th~)~~:)~ .L .. 'i 1'1rJ~:1-( c 'nt:1ct ,·.t 1941 L.·'-li:CD~ C C:'T':'.j.Y.ny L:,>nt:~.lIl,.::d c"bs,;rvc :,-<V\,--' ,·t

·llnt5J. 2000 hu~rs ..

;",~;,:'1.,,:.'.~ '1.' l~t;_ • .; d:lyl~; ~.~etions tho 3::'.ttnlion h~:.d DuffeI,:jd thiI"-(,-t(~:':'.--,~·

"\.::1 ;"ITi~ :lW __ : i l. ~CIA. It h;C"'.S 11,' t l1J1ti.l tile: n,'~xt d:ty, Vh8r: t::0 h .: t ;:',::.J 5_l)~} l"1." . .:~,--:'tc __ : 'f)'; . .': U::,::::'Iy 1)l.~ni.:',-~r c r·'p1cx, tl1('.t '.:hcy ~'.'i:;r\::t,(' c')nf:I.r;-1 th,. (" "\.:-'.' l ~'C

·LG·~:·_;d '~\n the' ,_·!l('Jny. U!~(~oubt':;(_~ly :t'r Vias even &/(>~:. t,1,r' t}lP,,~ '~ ·~I".;;> :rt, . ,... ~) U{~() ":'1". .. orJ.c;-:? j:;-~::~ nll _:·Li.ght to retrievo hj.3 c1c,.(:. ':-',Ld -·,~un::,,;d.

i~t 20/j .tJ ~'llrs; !..I C()t1,pal1y" si{::'}-:tcJ l~·viEr:: LL " h'l:s S(;V(} , L~l hwxlrc:d .. ,(;t~rs -:'::} J:;is rl·--::-th. /~rt~,J.J ',."'Y ""0.3 ct.:~11(;:1 in \',n th\ r'.rnC', -~;d the: }i, 'ht:: (]isS~.l:pp(;('.r\3d~

Th(; 3/1F7 ]"n}?t t: .! tr,c n.J.·"-ht ;d.' 13/1L1 __ 1"~~'y 1t1C'r:·:~ .;. Co~"p~ny, E.;·~t;v<.l~,C"~-:. 'j .:_~:,:quQ.rt(-!l"~·5 ~'~n_cl }·r.'·'::c(.·' ",t. YC3;~0989;l,~ C03'JPL~IY n.t. YC32/,9?J; I'; COG~X)',,:y ",'1",

!~;'r-:'jSC\1; ::u1(; D CO~P(,J.':f at YG323989.

:lL l:;~!, ttrll~~<.~ nOt~T fully I'c...:tli zud tr:& t tho HV/~ 1,;·~,';ro ?rl) '":"~;'nt in c_:,").Slc]P-"D. bIc :;-::'Y',::1r:-L1-: it!, t.h(~ vj.\)j.nit~ T of }I:5.11 9J7 and the blocking posi -t,ion oC"::U:;J I,}A

~',!' ':~~.t. t'J.Lj,:~ n r.,:tc"iquu.rter s •

. '(;(; "..;_cr:,~ ;-) r:;t;1.1ro re,r t _he HO!.tjou.c_rter;3, HO:'"i::_,,;.!.' s c.n:l k Co~-.·v~'.l1.,'-t \V' ... t ~-:. }()( ....

'~ltil 2t~CI.) h:)UI'3; 50:7: until 0300 hOUTS; ("'!.hd 100% a!.<ain l.L~til 0'J00 ;-,·J'r",''"j.

:G1-~,tr~lct:iJ:ns ·,;(-.,;rc l)'\$,sod fc;r a Gt.rict STAND-TO at 0500 houl's. At. tr£~t llchtr -';;,'J7 ,'.D '~ln(1 C"ff_~.c'_.,r ""'n t,h(: blcc~kine: position Wr'.S to bo j.n a fi:;:hi:i'1g Y;-cit=L::Jt; r:!\1:"~,: ~ ,Y' c!,,'_,".-.i~_"! (;n their i.,rr),-:-:'~:"J'."~lCl; and OVOlY rn.dio 011 ' J~J.' ,~I: J ';~cr: ..

no')":'. '2.':'",~,: ::" :;. '_Lc:,:-r, r< :rc,-;n t~_; ,.~c: S~_tl':' -ST', lND_TO 0!'i tcrir:.. wor\.: ;:':J.~'~i.:.t.? __ , <lOll

)U" :l~l"()lJt i.L;; ~~{'::,r),ti::c.. ST,/,}D-TS \,':;",,} h(.l(~ lla:U,.y Ect 0500 h:;ur~} :L'"1cl :9C() 1:';Ul"S eo

-.}j,,:: t.l'r-

I,; UNC ,

APP.'''DI X -... , .. I ,, - - , .J- • .• a.nn;lv A I ft __ . . . 1 .: _". i :x~ L ,, ___ _ _

,~\1 • • :J \ 14 l °JU;J I lJV &l.J.Ul,&;U'l. \) \.L:.lJ\..tH;U.tI.t.VLI'-J tAl Ti.f vttJ. ' .n.\.<V.l.""'H .u~}'V.l __ :"'" .

APACHE GNOW 0/187 Operations) , ~Glffi lbEl<Tff " UNCLASSL

At 0630 hOl.::~, on 14 Hay the 2d phtoon of it Company returned to ~lPUny J S ~mp t o carry the wounded lx,ck to t he upper LZ.

Tho AF Pi,C, nnw 11. fruniliar voice "nd p'"rt of the d(lily scene reported on stlltion E.t 06/ ... 6 hours, :lno b eg',,-n the first of thirt'con uirstrikes spc.ced t hr oug:'c.L' t t.::c dny .

The 1/ .. t.i: ,, 1 Hc.y should be' considered thn first concentrated. a tt. empt by the 3d Bc,~;i;di()n , 137th to sei ze Hill 937. Tho plan "".s f or D Gompany to llttDC''< :L rc'l'l th.o rorth, a fter they held OVllCUI'l ted t heir w" unded Ilnd Teoovered the ("ki,Hl f' rolT: -I:,hc~ cra shod helicopter. B Comp...1.ny 1Jould [l. from the west Dl"j C C'''''p·.ny (1150 from the west but on a f inger 1 50 motel'S south of B

L',x,ny . : , 1 co:npo.nios would be supported by an artilJ.Gry prep.

i to U756 "i 111' 8, US G Gcm)'any bogan hi s deliberc. to move toward Hill 937 . He ,': .;",;1';', :.\',1 y.,-mnent t o his west and south. Rellc ting to 1111 such reports , +,,,,~, En t t, . .cion COl!ll'lllnd0r continually instructed hi s company corn:nanders to ~ Jn"l' "(.\ f','hody toward t he suspected enemy locp.. tion, to watch the friendly C .:: l1kfl, to use . meJdmum reconnaissance by , to employ the 90mm und to k ,;[,,, mm· :~ .~g and stay spread out. Tho Pett:llion GoIlln'.!1.;1der kept airstri.kfls, gl.: ', ,,,h i p s, artillery end mortars s t riking the enel11Y. All fires were brought ill cbi;cly as possible wi thout fri endly ea mwlties . Units i c1(m~r : " 'j ,.1 tllCi:r --:) si'tions ;Ii th smoke Mel tho Battalion Gorr.uallder i nsis ted th<:t ~ '- !'K;'ng ronne, : b~ fired by e.rtillery and mortars on first r ounds ano. a fter (; '·'.ch ~iu::'0t..'1.nt:! .nl chCt n e;o :tn dc, t n. ,

,\ t, J S1 0 hour s , B Gorapany, moving ()! to the north of C Company, r eported ,'.',) one RPG ('.nd light AK,-47 fire " nd at 0832 hO lTS, ho repor ted , 'ocoj\o 'i ng; 'lcldition!!l HPG and smnll arms 1\3 'woll (ls mortnr fire.

At oPt] L.vurs, C Comp.1.ny r()port,:.d that he was moving i nto !l b~"1ker c::nplex e n t.ho 'rLlito'lry e!"cst of the ridge and that he wes runnbg into srran erms, RPG I s h::nd grenados, llnd olaymores em"'l oyed by c '.,amy troops from tho top of t.h e; r iclW3.

;It 0902 hoUTS, 1:1 Gomp'lll,Y roporkd tho.t t"IO of his pllltoe,ns wer e in contact.

At 0903 hours, G Go:;-,p".ny rc;po:~to cl thC\t hi s 3d Pla teon he: d LL:nest r Grec:',c'. ·~r!l"

t op of the hi ll but WD.S neot.in5 cxtr'cr:e J-y h,.;c:,,-:y resistance.

Ai; 093 1 hours, B Company reported thc, t b, hlld his l ,,',d pla t oon on t o'o u' trw ridge and that thoy were rooeiving extromoly hea'!.)' fire. At this tir.:o G GOT.Ip!lny r.:;port ed 1l10VO",ent and oncqy fires from <!.round his pcsi '~ion,

and he reported thn t he would r~'\Vc to :mll bllek. Tho Ba twEon GC'r'"'lru1der approved and, in order not t.o oxpose B Gomp:;.ny f s sOD.t.hern fle,nk, he orde red thon i;o pull \:v:lck a lso . B Conp&ny o8J.:whilo reportod di scovering anoth~r bun],;:ur complex gua.rded by s t rands of clt'~)'T1or\.') s, boc by tr·!!'ps and cOr:'c""3.nd det. onated. D.ines . In (\drli·;.~ion he reportod n~.':.ny onoMy bocios i .n the :).! .-; n.

of contJlct .

1.t 1200 hour s tho B." t tel:i.o11. CoOm'ander !'GDortcd to the i3rigado S3tt:~'" he est­::.: .,- ',y} t,t;c:I\-; '\,J;:,~ r E: Ctt I t:; two conpn.nio3 to G. bat t.:"lli('n of enen:ty on !Jill 937 .

C C \ ·"c T (!d

I: ~ . V() to

(A'.oLe -:-i, 3 Conp:t n::,r Ccn;-,c. ncicr r8pi~ r ·tod thn t the t:JP of the: r idfT \.:: ... ~ _;

i·i~i:. !: blc , ri{~c c G c~~ ?c:.d; i ~~b ... "J.nd ... :;Pt~\"~' _d~+l ~~\~t th~t he \.J("".:o ',·r::-.5. {, t.r~\ r i ~.r ... an t:.cCtrrt'.t\) fizcJTC CU'1 Cf:W KLt. rrh.,, ~ . ~'

~ , . . ,. ,'- :, "., .. ' " ,, " ,; ,". '- '-/t)_· 3 0

- ) -, I i

;" .. ~ i.{''-' f: l ,!.'~. 1 ·'') ~~'1". ~: !:- tho ~11 .~', t: . ; ; ·1.l .• "'~ :~~'-Y ~! :1(; ;':':"C~. l'~ ·; d 1" 0..1" i",;j ::

.;, ') ".' -. ~.; ,- ~ ... t '::'!fl. ~. ,r.. ,r. ;; v5.C:dIi ;..1


E;'1 t t.'l}' .1 C .... 'nn.'l.nric:r du~'j :<.-: tllC (, -."t X ii:" ')':; . "j C.J;~ f,lCL /;1 ~' C: l"' -:.~"l i.':! ~_ : r .. :?;: ~-_, :-,j" r, ' '. ~:-: ni" c .)' ll '·.d C C" tl"'Ot1'.r :.,~- 70 "' ,1 ,". h':>(~ ~<~·. 'l"" ·~ -~~ ',1" •· . . ~~_ ·.",~~- , _i_ (} .' l " ,.~+. '.', -1 1./;. ~. i,: ~ ' ... l' <. '. V . r--- _" :.\., . • "'J.~ .) .J'.~. '-- ... I· .. ~~ ~.'..' . " _ . . . _

'1 C t ' 'l "'h CO ' 1· ' · ... . '1 · . ;, j r) l! 1 • ~. ' . O J ) r C81 'C: C . 1 eo ' . 0!' (wrC~ 1~~;821 ... () l i:-- ... .'.\;:-._ .:J:.;; ~-, · _l C In ·; UG 1riC], ·.:.. '_;S

('L .,l'.t' ~ . -..-: .. 12 l: L l c.nd inf orncd ·~, 1"'.e r ! tb.". t ;~ Ccr:: \).'l r!:~·· w(':u1+d :rclic~"e C CU1~;··(~'1.· · '~:l " , J-v~ "' .'\th .. He 8130 S(:y!t l.1 p1.a tC'c·n cC j) Cr:;';:,lrv.ll~r to C COt'lp.'l.r.y 1 a lcr.1.~:~ ( · '0

~(" ·'1 s;i. .. ,·t ' ;i ,th tho wcu]1;}c d .

I ",· r' t1"' n' d C 1 ]' n, . ' I ,. , 0"'" v . ' ~C,~1.:rs, ' ·II :) .:)': ... . ..1rl(p 8 o:::'Jn~:!r.(,er, ,T r. n It.:.l Vr..::Y1, V1. $].·),~I:. , -:"1: _./ ()r' ~

;.. .. ~ ::.;t~.yC' ~ :(~.r.' a h r. 1·t 711ir -:) ~T r-:::L;1tltUS , J~)':1hJ rl 1,!:'~ h ;-:' ~)':; :~ .~~f t]~(~ t.'C;>jl :J ,:'. ' \( : ~: r ' r) r: r' ; ~r : \· :-1 ·· C (' •

~ " ":i. n !.~ s}1i s day cf fie r ce f i Ghting by B 'l nd C Cct1p'1.m. c s , D C0JJ.p:; ny rile}

~ ~ '~: .": · · ·~~ (mno:i t erir..g t he ~~ea surr('undi:!!G ~' i ~ l ) j (\.!l .. :d. holicC"l<,t cr .

1 l :l) 2d P19.toon Of J'~ Comp..'lIlY, !trr:L '.red n.t 071/" sccl~rod the 'TCvj,CUS d·~y' s .,:r l;.!".:dcd, ".1ud c,'),rricd tbcm lj')ck tc t,Me upf'cr L 2 ..

,'" ,rl?·'1:1Y ' s 'Ist Pln toon " .. 1.15 sent Gr'lck t c t he ~T' site t o C'htain t.he f l \<"! rJ(':-~l'J~l l. ·~~ ft t.hcr\~ avcrnight . The 2d Plat(" ('n reconnoitered the ridGe jl;.s·(. ."' CI"~:' c·f t hu cr·~sh sj t e . The 3d Plao:. c·on cO'ler c d t he trai l s i n t he vicin:i. t y

.., 4 '· : r,c J.T!"! P ..

;~ C:' , ,..., .,

.:t nd ·!~t0

l~a tuon h~l cJ novacl tc the crnsh s i to 1 sn eurcd the bC!d.ics and ..... T0.. r. >c t he "Prcr LZ by 11.00 hcu:rs. Thore had bee" no Si Gn or the cmcmy , their !'cturn, an RIIG att.':t ck w:)undoQ f our .. None ~.c.S gc~:ioUG, h~~·.lc', "n:~r , ~,1 ~ t,oO~1 cC;-ttirmcd '.-/ith its eV:lcu .. ~t,i <.'n nissi on •

At 1f) "0 hCl':rs, D Ccnp"lny CorJlllnder infor med the futtttlion CCIC1;t\ncler t,}-y, t the '1 s t. Pl.~ coon we-uld not t "c<'1ch the upper L Z by d~ rk ::l nd t.h'l t he ~1~. " '.~:j v .;:: ry

t hcr:1 inE;t.l'uctiC'ns tc- [ress en unt,j.l -1830 hou.:t.'1 ~~ t ','hich time the-:.' ";:-_~,-; tc :;:1,r,'P ty".Q bcd1.~s and return ,"GO t.118 cOrlp':lny lillY ..

'\~. 1,) 1), h01J.rS the ~/5~)6 s ent in NDP ' s whi ch ri 'l ccd them .3.p,·rcxirrntely 2 r: l s : .. : the s r:u+"hwost ci:' tho:: 3/187.. Un tho evening cf the 1L~th of' }by -the 3/'!?/1 'v,,::r dispC[3Bd .. ::'.0 fol lows: ~\ CorJT~:}Y1 Hltt,:11iol1 HC:!2cl 'un.rt e r s 3nd l:~!' ;J..c, Y~ 320Q89; B Comr.uny(-) ::t YC;'2l.982 ,li th :?d Pl3tooncl"bllsh ::rt. YCJ;?/, 981 " :lei th·:) 2d nr.3 Jri Fl'.lt(;c.n ::::.t:buzh ~ J.:. YC3239B2; C COITl.}J'J.ny' .:J. t YC3 249$ 2; D G""'~:j:'~ny {.-) .:~ ~' YG3239C)O 1..-i. t ;-1 ~. \.{C ~i2~Jtl shn s .3.1; YCJ23989 ,'lnd YC323988 .. The ::i.ntenticr. fc:~ 1 ~, ~\'hy ':,.(t ;, ; t,.' ~.t~· -:!.e.': 1{i..~ .. 1 937 hnfc:re the encrv· eoul et bl'i nR in rci ::­:'\ '?,,~Cj""~ ~, :) . ;~ Cr: !rrJ. r:y ... :-:\ 5 t o r elieve C CCM!'-1.ny cn Dr $ Gcui..hern flnnk " bu t ',':,~~ r t': 'l ~T':' ('.k :~lC"X'C Y:'on the scuth t.h3.n C Compllr..y n-;d . Since B Ccnr'.lny nc::trly r ,<~r ~]':.:::.l t h'1 te ':. 1.: 1' 1,1:(; hill en t he 1Lth, th·~~y Here to ·!!t ilg.lirc (.,~~ ;.0nt:;. n...l: .y

:; 1', ~\:. > ,~:, (;,:'.;.1;J Jr.i. y : .~ lE ~·D tho liru t(;:d :1~,,rc.nn 8~: ('If ::.'!-'r rcach to H,;,1J. ~~} '''''t :, ::::'l'n.-

~· .. t:--c:/ ~ 'r' :~ tJ.' cec::. ry the bl t'ckin ;~ rOf, i t.:~c r~ en "hich "t.ns 3,-"tt·:tlio::;, :~ -:''J.·~ (-·':I''\. :'··~~\~ '!''' '''l 1 ...... 1. 3 lC'e.'!. t e '~ ~ J G0:'~1'1.ny , crn::".'lti nc to the. ncrthc;'st, if.:;:. t~·· ~cri':':, i;-(;,u~ ("'. t.T. :::" } ~:: "'!§.:

.!. :-:. t ~:'1t, .... :' 1 .. "1. . '1'h'2 1/506 \- .. ~ ~ .. ~(' :JC vc t. 0~·~~ :;: ':! Hil l 937 frcJ~ the ;; ("U': iL;(~; ?:-!-

. :', t~· ! >1 c'Ck (. ~ ! (:i '{l 1' ; ·,:t cs: e f (\s· c-:-!.:: :~ '1 n":. 'Jl}0!"i\,V" rei j1fc~~ ~,i nt.: a t "~r '.:-:~:· ~.~.~ ·r· h_~ , "~. _ ~.:', .

"r ! n ) \"

L? J.-!:. , .. ,j,,? ... I.' ' .• 5 .1'idy) GO AlOIa ,lt J (t .. XGCUCiOiI) W litHO: hCc.Cd!! ..nops .. t ,. J .~~ ' ~'~~ ., .:;/.;;:; Gpc_l:':i·~5.I)n.;:3)q


,::'.:u- 37, the AJ? FAC, re'Jorted on station /It 0635 hours, with the firt.t. C~' t:;a ~ ~ , ':,t~i'<cs to be plr.tCC(~ on the hiE.

, t" . r. 'A C . 1 ~ d th ' ~h' f J ti I : n .18 :10rnlng, .J o.nCt ompanJ.8s camp f) ve _elr ex\. .. .1o.nge 0 poSJ. onS ~t G <I

; C),,'pal'Y "3 suning the ::"lockillg position on the hill with the Battalir,,1 ::;::.· q'lc;x-,.. rs, nor-tars c.n'i f. Con}:<lny in the attack position south of B ;orlFec'w. ;,t n.ppr oxb.ctely 1200 hours , the C;)r.1panies beec.n the move t OlJ'l rd 'ill 037. !be first contact r eported wo.s froJ:] B Company li t 1316 hours , ~np2Y clayr:c :co s and com~Qnd de t onc.tcd nines caused several US casualtietl. " ~ :',his G:.l ~!O tine it Company, thouc;h not in oontr.ct , reported that the el"m"y

.: cc'),' in,: e lements between him and B Conpany. The Battalion Comr:1:'.nde ~ .G:' .. '.c , n:~'sed 'i.,he f ires or t he tw companies ane gunships into the draw betW8cn ':"'1 ·'.n(~ inst:r"':,c t ed t-hcr:t to keep abr c2st of one n.nother as they !'loved ·cr,.'".,·," 1. T,lO eneny \'I.I S eDrl.oying r.laynore s, RPG' 5 , MG's and mortars , in . ,,;,Ut:i,on t o smelll and snip8rs. B COT'lV'lrlY r eportod th:.t t the Emsr:!Y was fe U due: in and ca::1ouflaged 'lnd t~+, the LIS tro"ps received the grcates"; 'oJur'" of f i r e l~hen they wre up a nd at.ter::ping t e· move, indi"D. ting th" 'excellent ', ~ ' <:d ning of the cnem;v . Both elencnts, however, continued t o ",ake stoady ,.'oGre ss ujl 'the hill, usinr.: maxi= r econnaissance by fire , employin;; the Irr'.cl cD.nni stcr round, a rd creeping n and F.J't.illery to their fro~.t and

:7 ~ 1:':0 hours, both cO!'lpnnies were about 150 :net.ers fl'olP the top of the hDl .': ' 8:-,C;,1 h"d sustained no nore than a dozen wounded . At 1400 hours,

.~ '·r(-· "')r, tJ.:c ARA once agai.n shot up a frie ndly unit. This tiI:le it wrliJ E ;c:r,.,.iT '·! s con."and gr oup and resulted in 2 US KI;, I sand 14 WU' s. InclU(l~d jp

:" :) f·~urteen wounded were the COrtpan~' Con ander, t he FO, RTO I s and ; st ;·.;.r f!", t'~-;.t'"

.t 1359 hours, th e Battalion Hoadquarters a rell received the first of f cur :PG -:-ounds spaced a bout twen ty minutes be t ween e.".ch. Eight pers::>ns from ,he l1C'1.dquc:rters and five from C Comp:1ny were wunded. Included were t.he ".-tt:;.l'Lon COl:' • ."ander and the S3; neither was evacuated at the tine.

,y 1416 h OUl'S, the B Company wounded were being carried buck to the I mler ,Z and another c[lpta in (planned to replace the S2) had taken COnE'ancl 01' , COrJp.'J.ny .

t 1500 hours A Company re ' orted he was about 75 neters froo the hi.ll top c:" 37. B Company was out of radi o contact due t o tho unfortUI:late strike 0'1

t s ccrm:o:.cnd gr oup. At ' 51 2 hours, A COr.Jp-:tny r,'yorted noveQ()nt arour.d h5,I<'.

t 1517 hours, the Batt'llion COl:'lC~,nder briefed Br i gade on the si tuation . :9 c .::q)lB.ined to Brir?;'r.l.:-" e tliil t !18 doubted. 13 Conp:l.ny could r each the top \15:c:1

-t-,$ cc.::-n2:.nd e r cup knc ckeu Ol"'.t. The new B Conp.::.-my COr'J'lr:.rxle r h(ld just t\~f.i-j!~ ' /1.." ;: n -1:"1 hc.d req:lest cd the. t he be 3110ved t o pull b:-~ck 2.nd sort cu\., wh~ \_, :'r; ., 1-r.Ol E"tt.'llio!1 C~lD;1'~'; fclt that A COl'lj:'llnY niE',ht necke it m tho'.1t 8, - ,-,;.t ':: '. ] .. .. ne t v..1. n-'-, t o ru t [! 82.:1g16 , belo1,or strength c OM}>.'3ny on t he hill u.::..r)rr: ~

.. :' r c.:: r: .: ;·~·JJn '.: ~ :: t:-:::.t th;.; ~l . .,rO cOj~~c.niE"'s ,:"\ull b:,~ck to their NDP8::> o f the Dr ; '-~'.! ' .Y) G ': ' .: ·:-~·C .'} ;-;:.1 J.C:· t.r. c-:, .':"i r Force :'! 0.r: tinu0': t (: bo~b tt.0 hi l l . Thi s \-.'?~_ (". : · ;1~ :': : :., ': t. '! , . ,

UiW;c a ' ..

VI"-- . -

(> ' • •.• ~l'":; .;.:'. ~ L:. . ~ ;~ Gonr ..... ~.J ,·;l .• ; j cr·i~\·n .: ~!-:, ~~ · ·:J:·. : .k f 0.1"' t.1.:.0 .:t.1:-- ;·iJ ...... ..,.:.:: ·~ . ,J •••• __ ~ • .;-' • • "':"'(:: .<::'~ ' I":'~C:

\ r, ~:- _.-: ',' .... j,~. \;;:;' 0 \ ~ c'J.r.-j~ny- : .. ' . :.!".:i.(.!~,.:. "!E ~CT,-jA1 ,*h·e:J"" r--:' ;~(:e t o '~!J f):~:'" t-' ') '_~.- '. :', ,~ . '·l "J. '"

· t: '"· ~ l"/::' ':. ,:.:.) f'l:::: :ri: ~~2~::1. i> :~ :\~+,t.-i:·~.) _: (\,)l.:J. dl-:-'.,J, ?~~ ·i.A,fd }_ : ;I:·, :.l)Y .. !-~> ~ '\ j'\. : I. 1 ": ;~ . n --!·r)

r.c ;'.'~" ;;. ' . ::-. G.'~ t·: p~.''J~c c·:~ hi s 1'80.1"" . .... , :r . :: j. JJ~-, ::..j- [ .. r ... J :', "'1':""'\:-:\ .:: f.i.Y". 2 V (-;:i:'C ~~:1 :~ ':/ '.:':

... ·fT·,I.' t.;;, .... , "Ln C .~O!: ~: t .:) th ~ CC:::iYJ.n:J . ;·~ t·: 53 '1 !:(!~Ji." 0., .\ ' n..~ T0,i)ort3c1. . t-. ;!t.~ .

if: ;:· 0!.~ ::' · G10~on7. t:{;~3 1:1 c c'n t ? r!t [!.nG c.·~ 1537 r.:0 1'.i--r, '(.h.':'.t hn h~r~ (Y10 ;T~

J .. ").:1(', 6 01' "; t.·1IA 1 ;~ . /1..':' ' j 60J J:~u~~ s, 1"1 ,:-,.~Y:l l'; C()t;~I. ":"~ l ':"n ::ed '..! p .J t -::lv~ 1.·)~1; ':';):

;', ~ /ty: :10urs, A CoraD-":'.n' · r eported t o t,,[l.l lt:'es fo r t,r ~ d·:t,t at 1 :~r~l. ':l:U L OJ _ ~

1') ,;! ~ ':;; B Cor:pllny hur, 2 KIA's a nd 19 wIA ':; ::.lllm-:: f ive of B Ccm]X>r:),t.J

Ii. \.; ":,,ro r;::usccl by tho ARil ship. The l'1aeni tude of this !'\ishll.p C O\ll.'~ r'yr c ,ru.~ v· aPDr(jcintoc1 at t he tirlo. On this du.y , snstaini'1'" n::;dorat8 ( .. ~S·l .r.·t ",:ir~~') ... . -- . ~:..

'.' 3-·; :57 -:.21 Lad n0:1!'ly a ttJ.ined the t OT) of tho hill only t o th(, r'()'.~i../r ':',:l"n Z 'l,;,,~ , ~oc rll::I'10.ted a tt:1.cJ.:: int,errupted trr the AR!"L ;;"trike or ... B G0r1p~n~f'f 8

~!;"' ~ ~~ ,.~ .. .. S;:;'.~·ti()n . Thl'e,") days 1.Q. te r ·:':'he 3 -187~·h "'Co:J to SU!'fGT i t s 2<.'. 1:'::·:: __ ~-!~

'7 :;{ (;,,-s ~;alt:L (; s in its t hir.'d to the chjecUvc. J!:ven t:'JUF,;, th"l '.n ,,":3 jX,"md3d, clay anu ni ghi; on the ,6th and 1'7th by ai.r, artillor-J "."'." 0~ ' ::l;' ,_, -:1>:, cal". onJ_y !'.SSl';~e from the fc r oci. ty of 'tho fi ~htinf: on tl'.(-) ~ E;.':hv .s c~':;-:":-"": ~~~ ,:d to ";-,hat. c n · ~.ho 1 5t .. ~ .. tha t t.; ~G 0.!:Ol:!jf r.''..1:::t h ;...'..vo rtj.n.:"or~c~ ( ~o"'J ~:j ~c::r-

.t '!':;;'(' )-.<-".11' 8 31"" ")7 1-Ie::} r 0CjuElsted f e r 2GOO hours, and t;lTOUP:'Ol:t the n'. 3ht ,;,., h~ f'tl :;2..c;l ':X: c; ~ ~ H;t 11 '-J'?/! and w8 :rt. of t r.G heo...-lq'~.D.:··~Grs :u.:.r::~ l.:i_ ~ n ":, ':"i,;~.l1'd th~') ,::lo t~~:. ).' ~~(,)'"(!.ST.

1'.')1.,1" 8 2'>.1 'i;he cc.suc.lties h.1c be,on CW1CUfl t H l. At 2,26 hours, 1)'

:,:- :.: ;:.c-'"t"JJ,':.ri h.i ,} s-::.r:': '1 r:th as 65 . A C.-.")!:!p3.ny s till h').d 'lppr(\x:J. :-·1;:d~8 "J.J

,'Le ·3\· (, ~ ~·· . ry; 5efe:o~:j:v'e posit5_on s for ~5 May were: A and B Cornf.An,n~.A.3 ":)0 .:(,,~·':~0T

t :"" -"- ,, ~ ,,, 'J' ." .,.'- YC'<'){jQS'O< I' ~omD""'Y '-'o,· t nll' o n "eac'ql,ar"C" c ~ ' l -' -,,···: ,,'0' ~ ...•. .. _ .~.',, __ . w ~.v -' ... ' .,",/ • J. J ..... ; , .... .1. !> .Lfi. .. 11 •. ••• ,,, .. <.-<..~ " ... ')'.;. \~, c.'4 \..-l • . ~I .J. " . • ..-.:

C ' -' I ' -. '; -:'1(" .,. '"" ~""l ~ cj,";I ... r t r.l""l C' ; t i , .... n q t Y r:'i2"'·;)C9 ·-l· .1. l-· .. r t r:"1 rt _I · O .... ..... ! '. C· ..... .... , ,..,"!! ... ,, ..... .. ,._., .. , • • •• "'Ic--) • • u.~_, _,- >,;;,-, . . , ... ..;.- oJ •• v .n . .... "s; IJ .... ~ ·'..L • • • ~ . <~ J ~ . : . •. lJ70 W l, ... f ..... -' i"..!.,-. V ' . '.1,1 .oCl. \,Jl I;1r ... .. ~ < ....... lJ · ,) ~ • ..i . , · .. t ·)

~ 'r} ·~U :3 1 (.~'::-38. 1; CO!!lpc.n;:r c t YC32'i 933 1,.!C:1 ju~t nor"Ll!east. o~ the blcc:(·~~. ~ )(/ S).<:i !):1 ~::i -G l:. r:'. p:'::;,·~.()o:r: ei7.(;~ .0J.1o ~ CC' :? s to -LLe n~:'··.:· '.1 ~'!: :'[ .. 0 KIJ:F ..

'. ~'. ;: ..::~O n ,:)u!'D., 5j'i :97..!.de cil lIi~ (1 to C' !_':.~.1.'i.~ T'.1Jl!'l S f o r P.. (, 1)~.' :--c1 ~· .!'i':~. 7~,; ;: 7 ... ,r-J \·~ +J ·~.[:' .; ::'c-n

! ·~'- "'/lcL .. 1sinr\ G~l B t(1S) to 'Ot:""'! cOLdl1crt~d 0 11 the 1 6 ';~!: ~ Th8 co .r"C·::~=ir; l~'::" S ·i.,h..:1 t. "~r\ ,--- •. " .. .... . : , ..... " - •. :~ ..... :'! '~H'" . ]:"1 " ., 0, .1.... .. ...i 1"""\ ...... f', k·1~ t . ' . 1"'.; ~ • . ' f'~' } " l~ .".\-- c . ;.' " .. .... , .. ,.' ~.,J_ .)1 ' ( I i~ ;)V. .. O 1:1, ..- 1,-, l.v '.·r(l.Y'u U'unes .t1.p·_·.·_·_ :) c.. }JC ~-,-,-,-,.I. \!.t1 r,/l. "'. ill . ...!

Crj..i:-~7 could c :r:ert pr essure C';l tile 0~.C ~:!y and .supr~ rt by from '( .. !"}(~ H8J-G T/ :IL~lc 1.. 1-, ..,. "/;:'04 ,......,(~ .." ;c.:. .. n ,... .~flU'+: j '!' f'"' " • .l· 'nn ~OU+i--. · '~f"""T" · -/"0'"'> '""' r · "h<":l r": e ." •• :: '! •. -r: .. ; ' -,"<'.": ." j """. ,"' -. r .. '. ~. ", ct.; ~/. ' _ •. • :- , ...... 1.. ..:. ~.::.>~(...,. _L.,; . -, ., v . 0 .. \,;~~, -;;,.: \,; .1 , . "-' ~ ,*", ~ . .. ' "...: .... _ _ ~ .. .

:(, 1: '-::,j';I":: ·j0i.11 ) or~r: ,:~~lGe tl'i :: '1- '1(.\1-) ~ ,:';,5 'L'O:' f:-·~ f r cr.:. ~ '.o.e hil(. ,

:, .. [, :::: r·iC" :1' · .u: n· ~)5' C COL1. p.'J.i.""'.~" ("le t (;(!teci rr·:; ·( .)j\.t~ !/:' -:1:1 the p8r?_DctGY ':::.n:..1 H~ !~J '-'2r,~

:~)~~'. ;~ · .. " >':f~ -··r:':. ·! . ]·r~. s·~· 'c hn st!::r,;·· ~..:-~, (:":l cD r;:-:y lCGn.+j.-:"l :!, .~t ;:::3.30 hc~~:~s, C t>:)\~l. ;·.-'! ~-;",--l'· ;'. ~. __ :' .~:..: ~::,):_ ~ ",:1 C:'.)V· __ ~·~(:':;·G .. T: >'~ :~ : .-::.I::;-, ·· 't~:,"'. n !_:.-) ::-'::-:-·,i n .... ~.:::: :-:- CC'.:'.j :; :; . :' .r.~"""!. ~-! ;',.!. ~ --: ~ ().:'::_ ~_>,'~ .. \,

, ', : :. .. .. ;;.; . '-... : .;

\" ' "' .... ,- ..,. ,.,

.; ... . ; . _.' .. ... ~ " .~ ",

·~. ; ' •• • ••• ~ '.' : .,.' ) ......:....~. • ... ". " 1


r}; :: ~l ,, "': ~·.:l'::':C7-. .'.-:- +. :-~.~.S tjr.l!:: •. '~ : ~ :.~ ::!. 1 .. -:::!.rze (lr:lv r ff tb~ v,:: s:'C.l.n (-; I': '~( rd ' ( ; 1':; , 'c'r ..,<.. , . ut ,»)"/0 "'c"r- + " '. f ...... ·· .... n "y rrr'· ....... ·· · ',..<.. C· .......... r. j · ........ ·.,..,... ·\ ,- .. ,:' _. "1 ""'( • . ; ;; . . ·~.~~'"'~ ;. . c. Cl. • ..:..., ~ , •• L b, I.J j'·'-:; C lJ .... \ •. " 8 C-~ (; j '':'',j.,'-;:'L'-'I,.l ~., , .. '" " j_'C::;"~ '~I)'JI : .~ • .J.. . ; ", •• " ..

!'. ; ;., ... . ' . " 0 ""8 ' ,'r."' ···, · , , '!" +.h-: '\" ;Tl'l( . ~.... 1;, . .:0 I) ':' .L.rC· · ...... · ·rr.:::!r.r, n t1 ,:,-(j T.ri+ >, --'(j" : ..... . J~ ' .. ...... . l • • .J.. ........ . . . ~ .... .t'( . _ .l. }:..:~.,rv.L. . . ... · ' 1 . ..... . _ .... r' '' ' . ..... n •. · . .... .

1d -:l [ ." s: n&de s, ::it 2400 hou!'s tyr,· were ordered·" J c ~C' '1tin.''lO th e :l.n;: i , '.;,,:J~. f} ·.i r · 'I' l.·.:.lTutt:s 1(" LC'!I' T; ~jre h..tJVGn:~ n'(, ":;;' :=; rsp;:.rteG. ~ ... nd c.~. '_'{).')~ '1cur3 Hcv'-; r· ;.~ :.:_' r0 ' 'T' ' ~ J'' r= ,, +.,..r,," r.h !" ..... r:- ~.- r··r ,..,. ... c-:,n ·.c1 L s "c·r· '," hro'in t o'-",:",,:,,-' )'h" pe·l., ]· r:·.e+pr ; ., : x ... · ·. .'-,~ .. -', •..• ..l; . .>t , .... _ (.? ~c~ . .... .... ,.,- ~ , . . I' "" _, ,,,,,-~ -.J -' • • ' l, ......... _

I.e. ·.d ~ · ::l ,-=nst snort and t,h ... .: re ~·J(> rc no IJS c.'lsu[tl-si. 0.3 . The 8; cn.ll(>cl Rr.';.r ··ll l. =::~ ~:

_~ ~.; 1.".-.::st c.,1. t r. 1<.J f~? Spo')}:y ~n :'jti"!. tion thrcu ' ~h()u.t the l.:.i Fht. . A" ~ 0130 heD ... ., ~;~.1,~

.J . ::i,'~ 8+,e:' r 'J cei ved Sl'OT:1C'ic s r.all a rDS fire. The JI3. t'~alio n Cor:c,"'lncl t?T ,~_ ., t" l G·~ed th o l ine t o put 3n:~ e }f-79 fire in the suspected 10cI1 tions \,·h:i. •. :, -"r ··rc'r·c Fouth Clnd west of the ::,oril".etc r. He then tlsk,"d BriG".de t o inr~:' :~ ' .' Cl

r·~-l t ., ·;'c- . .1; ~e of his P'&I fires n.nd t o f ile; his clcf e!:.sive tar~ets. E~ 0 : , ;7.<.)

;i.:l::':." sj ~ :~d tt.s need f er Sp:Jcky or Afu\.~

,:~ ; ; - ~ hourG, Shadow (C119) with ,0. sGa rchli ght fire guide capabili'~Y !l..' :',

)"> . L ,...ic~ilaT to Spcoky r8ported on station. T;1e artillery " nd r.,or 1.;,\1''' ... ~~ ", ,·' crer! and Shadow went to work. j,t 02.<\.0 hours, Ha.,k 19, a li;;ht ~ lr'

:.e" J ,'!' Co bras, checked in and wen'i; to work in c0njuction with Shadow. :''h,:,:. '' C" ,J, "tho by now was orient(~ J D.nd pl ':-, cir-.g 2.ccura te and close fires t 'J t~')€ , .. e' l ' !' .•. :r.d 1,le st, rlerely kept hi" light, r ,",:mc1. Hawk ,9 went in unde,:, ;;iT.; to) ,·h .) ,,"!" : .. : tr-c t~!'ce t. nxeu .

ih! 1.e t he two were workinf, C COT1pany reported DOre enemy satchels, . ~jG Er8 ·Jaf: )"1'"1':,,.:1 into the drew to the west, '1.ftor a SGldier reported s [,ein,f' t w .: ',1' .:'10 f".!1 '-'r,'(} •

. ():.,+, 0i..OO hours, Shadow left s tf'.tion (Hawk 19 had already dep:1rted) .'J..r.d , .. ,,) h::'-'-;jillet'j~ {·.n".; n o :-t:' -:"s rE.:Bl1.f.lea lJ.nt~;.l 0,';.25 hours~ \...rhen Spocky ~c. "o r't..-:r} j .,t.

3.¥1 .. ,~ \·~nt ;;.0 work.

'. s k +;e a s 0510 hours, C Company continued to report t1oveJ'lent. Evidcnt1.:- .• ;_f ' .. ' " eneny hlld planne'1 nn "tte:npt at the perineter, he decided agn ir:s+. it i; ; (J"J CO:1:"rcn ' ed b"J the alc,:,t response C'f t:-te treops t o his l'lovement a.nd til" ; 0, , (.::' :::~ ('U8 r.'.ix of air and indirect fire sUF,'ort. 1st 1igh": check r evealed ! i f. :-. '. 1 \;" r X:I.~,


~"",-.,"." "'." ::'._ I, ~,~,-. : . ""': " '. .' , . <:' ~ ',. -', . , . . . .

. - -~ . . " . . - , ,


" : . . ~---.

' ,... rl'I( ~ 11' · ...... C'" (; ' '''~'r' ','L·,. ":' I, r_p ...... · ... J··(~ -,", ~···i·...,r , .... ' !=!,, ~, .•• _:J_ .• ;:. "l ·' .. '-' 1· ' .... · · . ' , .. ", ' , " .) __ u _ " , L ......... 0 C-. ; _ v\. ... _..... vJ...I- ,vI. L ·.' . <. • • l __ .. " ....

" I "b-I.' ~ r.t ~'! S Fcacl ..... ~· ... 2.I.l..lL-_·S ·ivc· ..... l"jnl~"W !,Le :--n ' d.·~ :.-. ::8 :" €; '.\or~{:d ;:\ 1~.· ~ .:l:P·; !'.> :-:.t 6 ~.·~).:,,~, r ( (1 "0 be t he:: :r'0Sl ".t c..~~ n.3c ·1 .... i..·~tl. :y E, . v:~1_ (' 3i,.::.l !: r ":C .-:~ ' ~f -: u: ' ~;P(): ~.# . .... ' >

"\ :",J:', .1.i F-;),'0.

(' '"1 -t 1.1;) -]crning of t h€: 10 th, B di::l ~ Gc::, p~l!" . e.~ .:xr' ~"'C!..~_gE '1 }JOsi [,j )r. ~ :. r. -I .i ' ; i , -:' et~:

B C:J7.?~ ~· :ret·lrn ecJ. t.G · ~L..- . ~prry r r·-":' r~c (k:· .. nri '?() Ri ti~n ~"!i sec::.!' L: ... ·.;; «"e:' L·.d;:l :\').1 ,;' o f J:! pc ~ime t: ::·. '") ~OI!lpar:.y ) a. -"'t ,.,:,:, a c0Irpl Bte :·esup·)J..j-) 7.':'YG'": d.)~·!r· t:.· t· 'C 1e. 'IC:' TJ/ ..

," i '" 1':·6 hours , the ~ttr.~:: - _on waf; i'lt Y::r (." J of t~. (; .';.ocatl.o n::; fTi~ the i / ·j ly'·~ '1." " .. 1.. " 1' , t ~?,lO I t ed b;o cosi~ilnic '3 iIi light cor:tact. Ve ry Ii ttJ.e f o::',;:::-c, i 1 S;:c ~,s s f''1d )8Cn TrIlde f:-o!'!1 h:' s NDP's and, ~cnsec;.uently, the \·c!l , ' , (,1 : • wa l post,poned until the 17tp.

:~:;" . ~ :.t~ twu comp.'J.nie:=: select .. ~d tJ r.~kc: +:-ts :1ex"~ o.t~_~ck, D D:td A 'JV~J·,J4n.~( .. S

,,3 ,8 ,.' ~ jcing prepare. tion0, the Ba ttalion Co· "~1.nde:{' continued t o) dj.Ted <1.1.: .3':"~:i , KC;S a nd arUlJ.cry on '.he objective .

bn[?j ;1eer S'lppor-t (yontin~3(1 to Il.sdst - he nattali un i n clllarging ·ehe I';J' c:r :Z., (.LoW) '1g [ 3:)0 degree elec. ."-'-!'lee for the t'ort ars a~d generall~' imp!'O'l hg tOg (' e ~ ;(';-e; of the blockinf. r:o < tion.

\ t ; 4: ; "ours, the 24th Cor),; CO!!ll!lander 7i sited the f1!l¥Jct?sa"s ::md slJ:\",d f or o. 1 ~r::ut an hour. \{Z::'0 ;v; [;i .:-nif~.cltn :j c :.n·~.:l ct3 on tht: 16th. At dark " ~ht unit .J.,c'.!£ .. ~i !; r::;

' J 8 l':' : A CCl":'.pany at YC:'21?f5 4 LP' 5; J Company a·c Y8320939 ~':i.'v1 '<! ,.f""'ou'lh-' s; C Company at 'LC320989 with 1 p:.lltoon anbush; D COl' at, YC3<:19r.l6 ',fi ';',;) 1 )'l:T~on ambush.

i ', 'dT~ slQ-f'po t;~ were el eo.r 0L. ir the vicini+y of ~!1e Eattalion md:1~.v 'co -:;'e P:': .j r, a lope: ":,!:,c border.

.. APPENDIXB (17 'M~) to A~T~"fX r;_: (Exe']u-t~onJ. to iiI tel Ad CIOn. /tC.P '? ... o! . }s. SNOW O / l S7 OperatMfij; ~' ,r ':,": .:."" , " ,,' , '~ t 3 '

.... ...;" .,," .i.. ' . ' . ...... ..• C • J... UNCLASSIFIED ' '. The night nas sed quietly w. ,,> no eneny can !l ct, Lights were observer! 0.'1 '

HiD. 937 n:'1('. artillery ~ r.~ , ;rere 'lcJ.jus t 2d on them.

J.t Ge5:' hours , the Bn.ttaU on He.'lC'';:tG ~ter5 r er.eived loco. tion5 f or the 1/50::' : A c. :l;': ·\Y :'-'1 B.:::, ttnlion He=.dquarto :~s a t YC328969 ; B Co::pany c+, YC3 1 99~? ; an;:; G Conpany ,~ t YC3 279t.,5 . .

T.e ;/5(:' had gained ab·.t:t 300 meter.;:; i'r0m the previous day I s po sition, 1 '1';; t"e;V "ere still too f ur a\"ly to be consider ed i n c.ny ill',·edh tI.l pbn J' .~ T a c ~'-'rc1 i nn.ted 2. tt:~ck ' . .ri. t,j, tho 3/137th.

/,','::910 hQurs, Bilk 35, tho AF PIIC, re;',orted on station with fi ghters " l'; 1l~()0 pound fu ze delay tombs . With il'l i n the aircraft IP..5 !l 3/,d /th (., . "', . '~ ;:10 ca'l been up the hi ll. It "'a s hoped that he could point O\.t

c " "" )"r,C the p::'ocisG l oon tions on the hill t a t t he enOlJY was oonCf.n tr~ ting :~.:..; l (~ ","'583.

1\+ .""3 hours, the futtalioa Cer.".'.ander 's calls i gn ( BlackJack) wa s transnitted ,,,:, r~;.'0c-ted on the bo.t~'lli(ln net. The voice 10raS obvio\1 sJy th3.t of I!

ij'.et:.l('!J(·) ~"c . It was assurwd to be the e!1cr::y ::I:ld Brigad,,, wa R n',tified ,

kt 1(~U heurs, Brigade conducted an artillery CS test fire Cln Hill 937.

A;~ ~. '')~ 5 llCurs, ",,$ the third a irstrike c f ",he (by bogan, A Comp<l.ny COlT1under ':'J ,:::rted that he dawan eneMY body t ossed into t he air. From the Bo.ttalion JIIJ'ldC;lwr ters location, one cC'uld ob se::--ve also what appeared to be bodies sus!:,,:;nd·-:::d frc~ t r ees .

At 1220 hours, loca tions for the 1/506 showed that their two lead companie s had only progressed a hundred meters s!.nce t heir 0850 hours report.

Throuf.'hout t he d~lY newsmen 2.rrived on th0 scene !

At 1300 hours, t he Battalien S3 asked fer a report on the progress of the 1/506. Brigade inf ermed hb that they wore i n essential ly the s(J.oc locat1o:iS and t,hC!.t their A Company was run ninr, int o stiff r esistance fron enemy in bunkers. Once again the coordinat ed <l tt'lek was postponed, pend1r. ," fOl'W'n.rd prer,ress ::,y the 1/506.

Meanwhile the 3/187 stered g:::8!lnde 5, a t the l ower LZ. (, ·.'~npc.niGs d istine:c1 to T:!c.k e .. )osi tL:,n were i:::proved and 0[: st.

extra 8.!"'=ni tien, tc ir.clude concussion and CS Additio ' a l flak j ackets ware distributed to tho

t he attaek on t he 18th. Defenses at the blc~kinB RIf! s "'ere sent out to the ",est, northwest. 'lncl Dart.}>

!!t;:"in i! ttc '!.fternoon, A and D Ccnp3.ny Conr:D.nders, ,,1. til a platoon each, r\~ c :).' : ~ ::.o itcrl..!c f ::r:"t,.t:. r:2 to the hill i n c I'de,r t c deternir.e 0. pCBi ticn [rem t:: oy cculd bc~t $11p pO l't "L'tc ir·' i·.'er:. diI':~':' .. cl-: by the 1/506. It ' .. :as "".~-'-" '\ ,-=! l""'f t"·.--t-r c ,.,.....,-. ... .,.,,'·~,-, ..... ·:" -1.." .... + +1,,.,-- ' T-'ulr" ,..; "', ,.....')": .. h,<;>'ro tc ~r,r, ~·e ' 1""" ... ~n '1.-."; 11 '. ~: ',-'- 1 __ \.< •. .1 ..I,; ~ ,C.' 'J." ~<'~ .. _-,- .J"'_.~,<,,, .:.I \' , " " .J "".L: .. 'r ... ..... ...... .,:l. - •• " ~; ", .J ..... v J" , v of. r Wi" ,L ........

l,: ":t:.l C ~ ~· ~/-'. ct ~-:-: :-: r'," .·::,:; 'r' .. : f ~.' :'c they c ""ul:i ·.~:'-: 0 :r·t ::"!/? ~:' ~ji;;-0c iahl(: ~")n:;~~:;u'" :"': D thQ

.. .. : -:. ~: .~

Both platoons roturned befoI'ti darl: ar.d at 'i730 hours D Scx.;p.'1.i\¥ (.:.:r.l'"1!l:::d.ll·

l\,.o)Y)rtcd hf':lri·1'3 Co bur"t 0' AJ.!,7 fire that \oF.IS app.. .. rfln"' sh~~ up in ~h·~ 01::-.

H,:. -~:,!· ·:- · .:.1Z1C' ~ + ... 1:'; . ~:- 5 .... - ··:i.:.. '.i "l (:::1(': -,1 CT' aJGrt ::ir;n\'11~

l..+. ;7~: h-;)uJ c j t:1C 2.'1t~/21i "': ~1 HD""'.(.!.:;.-..: r . .'t0!'G rc~r-i_~_~od '~h~n~ ~~ f " '.l,r O~_{7~y rc. -:~· } .l..~ . J~ ::~r l:'t/:~ ·; 'i 3bc. :::"..;. tJn-ci-. f'unnrcd · !!~~~~.;: ~ ~.) tlt,} i \,Jest ,)f tho ;,",i:.r:'" :c. ' t ' '::_

~ '~·.d>:~~ :". ~ __ ~ -~ Lr. ·J~;- ' .: - ?::. ~(; ...... ~, ·· ·-.':l . : ... :.:~~ :i_t. .:,. -',", "" ., "'.

'" 202') :.:,1rE", t'1e Bd,;-:::dJ 32 infoJ:"""""~ "', th e Bnttal1oo ' S2 tb'lt th~ e!'.'C"":;r ~:. ;~;.t 0:. I :; .~ ~]. :~:. (/3'/ f,'OI'0. .f t \. : ~~ '":;-:c 1~·-+ti:)iN '{ Rc 1L:CL(.

~ ' ~.:., !~r':r: p 1-:(' tht1 3/1£7 'W'€:r2 8!jSCll-~·5.::!.lJ..~.r "~he sa~e as t.hey had been r")n tt J

"!':""Ull' A~:l):lSh B,:l>1 LP lccet:i. ons~ of CQu:,:"sc, t..'sre varied some.

, ".' " , ) t """':1 :r':--., .i"ill;:'· s ;.;ere ~'8cc" i",-c d. f or ti"c ~ /50(.) "~:1 "i .ch sh,"\.r(:d th·,;}: + ~ t ,' : :.C', ·' ".~ ::: - \·- ·" J ~'.~G ::', 1', ,30G r, ~llrS r

,,'"_;;' C"-'.c IcD:Jwle;;Gc,. tne B-:J.ttc,lion S3, ",fter c-:m':':::rring with the Lc.t .. i:.alL~' '.:c:' _ ~ 6. ;; :', called Brigade and Dade a strong re~o:!:enda tirln tha t on the ., '-:: ' . .. " ., i -Hi' .-'\ Cl.j." t',e 3/,87 no t att€rcpt to fO i,1 alone again !''1ould the 1/506 1"\") 7, -'n r)~,J r.iO:::'C !r'j5r0~" S. J.t wc.s uf~·eQ~ t.l~ ~it t.he niss:to!l for t he t·,;o 3/187 c-JC""'lics 'ns to support, br firc, 8.~ the 1/506 c.':.tacked fl'o~_ the southwest. Th: iJo{;tn.lion S3 explnined that wh(?n the order was givGn to Move, it and D 00,,", ;, ',::1ie5 Hould ,Jove fon-tard to !:l<"lke contJ.ct and continue to r.1ove fOTW:lro Ulltil the3- , ~~-o exerting pressure on the enecy'2 defenses. They weuld !' to not ~& , ::'"::::: decisi-iGly enr aGcd until the 1,'506 \,-:::'s in position and reo.dy to go f\;:· t' ~'1,~ ~: "1 :.1 ..

:'.1". ~:i 3t.~ L01:J'S, Spsoky 12 <In':'. vud and J;~ '.:;:..: C::",-", ::-:s« :.cgalnut Hl:il S')'i ,").nct ': ~~J~ ri:-!ge T~)ni!"RC wost fl' ! ~ "';:.:10 "'clnckin~ ~3i +..ion t o the bord~r.



Ano':',hr: r Spo cky Ct'll'lO on st~t;icn a t 0453 hour s, <lnd worked 11ntil 0538 hou rs. ~':lG ''.I ~i ~;ht, ',1,'18 un~·:l'V('Y'T,.ti.:l. , : li ~ 1 . .,rQV0r_

At C7Y"/ }Iol'rs, ~ D~;"" lJlt 27, 11 helicopter SC0V"':. t o?r"'" l"'opo ~"!:,ed ft"'~ sh t,rrlcks ,~ : :!d \. ·j~<:".~.;i :1T·("~(1, t ~~ "j.;:: .I. l · .. : C'c:~t. l.y ('. :.~g t)'~Ci.:'.. ~~0 t "wO kr . l {; '·J·~ t J~"''1 t o "7.:1(; 1l.DJ~-{·,h~.Jest

C:l .1~ ~,. , b~\ .:l(i '_l~ p:-;~ .1-!-:5 o .""', in 'C:d Ht'O !'. ~h;\ t S1:', :.· (:·~c:;'" h:::.c!. Leon :fic.1. tiC th·~: p.').~~'. fl3'f;(

n.~ (:J.!...h .

II (>~ 1"".:""~'1V e!="crt (~c1 ~lt O~;'15 hours, t h:;. t thfY ha.(, :lcJxlX"ted their t·]'.: '? :.::.nJ ','ere '., -;r: ~-~;; '(,. ) -t']- ,'::"'-U .. " C:.t t':~~'.l: p:,.) ;:j. t~o r..

Eri ':1 ~~ ~ i nf or::v)d th.:.' Batt:lli c n Conrander of the sequence o f ev~')nts f CiT the : ,';t · (,: ... ; ,~~~ ,~,~~~, ) :,. 00 0830 hc),t: t'G, !l:~ rst:rj. kes 5.n 81lp·~.~ort of e:: ch 09. tta..lion ~ '~J .... Cb');' ; t:) ':y).)!') })(Ju:.. ... s ." r.J:,t.i .. U 01'·Y r i~Bi s-ce r on thr3 hl~.l ,) ., 1 (' " "~ ' )rc·' L' -- ' CS :'o j" .... ~. J ; ; ..;t ) .~o !. ,: . ~ fl0'_:rs!' :' rt J .. !..l.ery , '~-'!' l..! p.

/. +·h (; '~"C~, to (:'025 hC!.:::!:'.G , r'~~ pulal" a:':'ti.! .. L~Y' :-7 pr ep . ~; ;['1. .... (i ('l " Ir, \v,,·; ....... s ;·,r .. ecry.,.: :"',OV 2: 0117 .• _ , . ./._ ..... , ... 'J" .• _ , .;. _ v ....

TLJ s:::;lednlc Ha s a flexibl o one C'.!ld wa s i l:ll:lGdicltely slipped. '- The airstrikes W('.Y"C }J1Jt i ,'1 :(o r t h0. 3/1 f:7th, at 0914 hours. The artillery recis­t.r "th,n bC';;an at 0915 hours, nnd lD,s t ec1 D.bC~lt 20 r:inutes. The first r oun:ls ~)f C.S 1F);"G on i: i o t)·:.,~-:,und C!. t 0940 hou:r:3. 111& CS round nccuracy l..J'.lS poor, hOFCVC)1' , ?~~r:~ !" cf lJlcm l~l ! !.,:. cd i n t J'i,Q vicinity of A C: (ir.:p·.U1Y locatxl in tln r,t tt.:,c:: po~;;, tion (~ t o .LUI' hunc'rec f'et:Jrs s( ut'l',Je nt of '~hc l'>'l :'ion ~~ rc ;,::. . 'l~ is "'~S not t he catastrophe one tlif,!lt thii:1k . Tho gas prep was srarse D,D.·,' W()11ld probably hD,ve hn -J, Ii ttle effect on t.he enemy c"en if it had boon 0 '1 t'lT[::et. The d:.ty \<1% bri cht D.nJ clear and there wa.s a ,gent.le breeze of 4 t.e f. l:.nots !:'rnn t he scuth1,.!c .st, ;y) tLo [:' 8 clj.d~tt

At 0955 hcurs, Br i!(["Ge' i !lf C,IT'cd tiKl t the CS pr ep lIoul,: be e 0'1ti:1uec1 dispensing t}"lC) ,c,'r~:J i"'roD ES rc:t:·.'3.ft,~

At 0957 h(lUrs, A CO[lp,~ny r e ')GTted rece ivinG F.PG' s and s.r.:cU oms fire f1'o"1 the Bout.h\OH?'0~~.

ShOT"'}" af tor 1000 hours, th, j,Dr:, H'l',)wy,:, n.:tdo the decisic,nto Cl1rt:t~,:~ the 1:c::c '.J f ,''':;::'' 8 x~.,n, ~, t +.L (~ ..... ;'~,11,, -'_'l~'1:, r ·' ... Y'O· ..... • "':"t" b 0 "- '1t-. r . o} -:O'I() lc"rt'" 'T'l :? ~~ _ _ ..... ~,.l..\ . _ r _ . : ~_ . ..... , ...... oJ 't:'( ~.;....l. '.- 1,1 ( ... "'" >.. ,. <!. ... L i. l..i.E': :~y~ p-rep ~~t 10?5 ly}ur~1,

J.U8 ",:·~ j f or fi.ft ec r.;. ni~l1:.tcs t·!ith t~B l.'1st r ottn.d. s e n the ~~n)l1nd

~. t.his ti.r~(~ j) 2nd l~ COIJ.r~~ !"l.ili,'3 S h ?;.d n c vod t o "ri tr. ~L!). 200 ~':~; r,(;.!"s

of ~t\C;:e J Con~·'.8.ny l:1ad r8r::~ ::"t ~: c=l. 15.r"il.t cont:l,('·t and A COn?~:1y .:;0 . .:1 b;~cn :, C(;')iV :~.""'l[~ t"i ~:(> on l-: j B r~. sr:t f 3.J:'J. ll :C fr:.:::~ t.;IC nC'"':"'t'.1cr~1 side of ~::-L ~':d.fd t',.)

J' l ,~,,~," ;':; ·l', i.':"" ',,' :-.,,c,~:.. ',','r-,--,,',.,' '."r:::.~; t,l,) " -"'1 ('l r: ,"" ';"." " +, ',~ ' ''' r<~1''''I' ''' ''I1 1 I.e!")!; ~ . ,..,~. "u: - r", r~ (. ,..; -:-- .~ 1 n • -. - J ..... ~. _ - ; • • ~. \ .~ .~ , .~ ......... _ . 1'~"'''. I : J>...; , <"V _.~ ..:> i ' ... . , '" -. .... .....

' ..... ~

'c.'-',',--,' .. ; '.' -,1,,'.,', ',l,',".'l· 7." "~ ,.'" y l-. , .... -, / £.:. ur {. ~,,,: ..... ( :. I- r~() f' Z' '"'!··-n-.r t l .... ~ -,"::> " '" · ... ~1·' .,.. •. ~..., . .. • .; 1..; t . ~ } ~. yol... ........ .h.· ' . _' \. . ''', ~ ... ~ ....! f. _.' ..... .1.

'~.~ . . '. : ::.;-- .. 1 J. t -. -:.

.·, ~.lur? ' ~. i.Ti;(Jrr,G ::.n ~',l; c :- '1 :>~(; t hn. t. he:

'il: \; '-.y

2 LGE , i~'.3-Crl l~ t ;.:;~.~ 0. Co;:,;:n n7 1,..r8..8 (" Jo, In ·:)r~·~ "J r 'L:' ~:c '':'

~.[~ ·(. S ..... :; ;,C :~ ("'wn it: tl-;C ::>" :~ ',.;r


l.?r>mlnrx 9 Con 't 1 ... ' ;·c .·.·Ut i;. ··' ~·~ .:.'. · ';\ .. " .·~~~· . '.-. ·.r ... 'l3··-····-L . = .tNJCA "' w~tt '" .•.. .

A. t.105S· hours, D Com;,sny re'ortcd thn t he _13 150 to 200 J:leters fr"m the ~'()P, aIiclwllSl'lliiritaining tl h"av,y volume of fire on the enemy 10 SUP' ort of the 1/506 but the V01lu:;O of eneny fire waSjn')reasine.

At 1059 hours, the fd15winglocatibns f or 1/506 were rece ved; A and C, w:tth the Hc:1.dquarte rs, were at 1C3'-8968, one hundred ncters back fr0!1 their J.".st forward DDSt pht; B CCl!lpany 1/506 was at YC32097J, tl gain of a hundred ;"e tors but stHl ~, kilC>I:leter from A Conr:::.ny 3/Hl7th. Includ~d with this r " port of their l ocations ~re.s the l':essaf,c that they wer e receivin" sr.'!.'ll l Fl,rTJ8 and Ri> t}"8 but ",r8~a r! go .. -::d progress.

At 1103 hours, D Conpany reported seeing NVA "all around him" and t.~at he wa s "shooting them up". A COMpIlny rop':rted at 1104 hou::s, that his lead o J.8".ont h'cd ;ret t o r.;ake hard contact. At 1105 hcurs, D Company COl:r:'nnder P" :C :;st1ni;:lly ccnfirrned two NVA de:o>_d. At 1128 hours, howover, D Cor.pany reported r c: cei.ving r:. )1e~\vy vclune of 8.'1£111 :.irl!lS and autoI:'.utic weqpcns fire, RI'G's ~:Jld cluy;:!ores and that he wa s ta,king heavy casU·3.ltie s. Most of tho fire Ins 0"!Jing fron the tree s on the northern edge of th;: bODbed out ~rea on the h).llte" :.end from bunkers to his front.

At 1137 llours, b. COIC\; -.:o.ny reported be ing about 75 ne t ers i'rol'l the top!l.nd Erin in sup;;ort of 1/506.

71'.e f o:U.o\.rtng report cane fro!:!. the 1/506 at 1141 hours: 13-1/506 had novod "n:1y 100 net0rs and is receiving fire fr~;l'l nl1sides - nortars, SMall I'll",:" n !'!d R?G; f;, CO!!'i1-<lny 1/506 is also in contact. .

At 114? hours, D.Conpany Comander reported that he _8 hit bad and '>10.5

turning ,wer cornr.nd to his 2d Platoon wader. Eventually. nll of' D Gc,r.ipany's [.fficers were \Jounded.

At 1150 houre, bot.~ companies wero receiving a heavy barrage of 60 and 82m l".ort.~,r fires; The BattlllionGcmander called for artillery on the suspected si tcs, which were en the eastern side ' of Hill 937, and !l1110 requosted an a;,rstrikc con that area. '

~J 1151 hours, P. Company reported . incoming S!:'.::tll ams and RPG llnd ro c rt0d ·'1a.t :1is 1st;n lectder hlld been hit.

At 1158 hours,Dilk 35 the AF FAC, who had put so many strikes on to Dcng Ap B:;. ... , reported in and ann'-:l 'nced th::t h0 would h:lve some fif,hters (,17c:r:1cad in about 15 ninutos.

At 1130 hours, C Co!:!pan,Y dcp.'1.r ted the Ie,wer LZ to c&.rry ar.n:luni tioD up to D Cor-,iJ<WY a .. ,'1C1 Illsc to Qarry ooek casUIllties to the lower LZ. C Ccr:-:n.r.y also ;l"d a '.;6 pr8jJf.l red nis si on t o pass t hr : ugh D Company and take up t he ,". ~ ~:lck on c ,' ::-.~d ,::\t'.

f. 1", : 201 hours, A COl:'!;:>'lny reported havinr 5 to 6 seriously \Jounded .

f ... t 1202

}p , "13 !=:',nw,d cl0WTI nnd, 1l.?G un('~ortar fire. (,h)VG :'.~. c. IDri. orde !"ed hi::; ~o spr')((d hi:1 nGn out, fet tr_u ,::~~:·. r \'qni"tic.n uJ: t~.\ D ('

The Ba. ttalion C01'l"'-<'.ndBr. I"cvinr an.d fet

Tho t l'! ,i o:'ity of t he fi re on C.:Jl'!palJy C WtiS con:lng frcn the s outhern edge of 11

rirlrn 11Ur;ni.n" northwest off the hil1. 'l.'he B:\-t,T.c . .Li.~r COt'",llnder adusted th., I1f"T (; ·:" .'s in-w t .b? a roa and called f cr r:oro c.rt:'.l:.GIY into the 0,3,,.;(; ph~e.

j~t 12~3 hOll ~ S, ;;ssil.ult 26 ~. (L!"T) put 11. striKe ;.ni>,-, hg fl::-eCl fr:;['1 ~lh tc h CO!1l}{uJ:" i4 E!.~-) rC(:0i virJ.{~ J:l .... ) st e,f its fi:-8 ; cbout t l!l'f:;C hllYl(~:ed ~c:t,) r' !'; £'1"',",:: :11 s , ·.··''·It ·;,...,n , ..... '1 0 ~ " 1· ""'11~-..ll ""'~':' 71"\0 c::! n..,...,... t::\ J:,U ,J . I ... • ~ ~ ",," ' .• _ <.,.. oJ . .... 1. .•. . '.i .. _,.,)", .h . .;; t:, "' t:~OG ,

At 121L, hour s 31>, FAG, -";;:',,s overhead with f ighters.

D C:- : .j:'1ny r epol't0d a[lli.n a t 1218 hours , th-,t he ~:ns receiving '! henvy VO llU:' O ,:'fC~.c". Tho 3attalicn Comumder t old hj2~ t o hold fast; nc·; try to :-:-:.::70 ior~~rrj,; rxc1 ti,r::.t C Cor~p!~ny WO,H on ~ h€;: vay up t n rei.nforce him, t·) r~ supp1y

~~J'~D, ;.ti '~d 2.f-lsis'G \.,rith hiB CUS1..v=,l:,ios " :'y t his '~i)-.1e, :a CO::1pan:r, t oo ; h::;.d f1 - . , 't· · .." Ln T t 1 t ',., . plri.-t:.c.~n : !!..!""_r ,Y.:'.rl.[ LLr.'lr:r:.rn1 J.on "GQ c~nc J..o\ .... ~r i.. - yJas e so .e c.s~~::r.i '.-::.1_ {~!1

U .~~~ : (, u~.~ ::.. -: ::~- of' t hn t· .~r8 :,! a nd hela '.t!i t h the) C"ito.CUC. tion cf the 'to:onndpc1. . .,

j'.t 1?29 n(1)I's, Hhile tho pJ.atoon PCIS cnr('ute , the AJtA UJ:l!mown to be in the are-:. a 6 :: i n sJlO tup the fricndlies. One r:an was killed and f our Den won:;.d8d from \ ;3 (X'D~a r;y ;lG:t oon , At thi s p0int, tho Betwlien Comander orderEd the ARA 0 , out u: !1:is ,~r8a . ,.'1;,." ." •. ,~t~v '··'-

Hat.!'-',,:· 5.:.<" C Cor'prulY enrou to to D Compe..ny's locc.tion, reported 11 continoU8 ve iune of: fJO)·t,'"r s , RPG' f)' a nd sl'Jul1 arne c omi ng c.t hixa left flc.nk from the north. Fe WIC f, st.i ll pushing t owa r d. to D Gon;:any, but the f orward p1'''I:;1'0 3s lv-:'.S dFfim>.1t.

f.-t 1231 phce .

hours, 11 Cor.:puny reported thGt he had eight VilA's c.ud was hoJ.ding b. He he,d a l 1'c'1cly' disp.'1ctched :m 1l."'J!:W rosu):" 'ly party to the l ower LZ.

At 123<) hours, the lJo.ttnlion Cortmander, who bd landed to aU at! hiA tOl-! to rcfuc:', ,-"'s o.irborne'.in. He i!.Ir.ledi,~toly s t :.trt9d '),dju(;~,ine thu l'!Ol"ii11'S. in C~LC:Jur to his conpani8s h,~d the f), rtille:::y moved to l:1~ke j"', ",'TO offec·tivo, ~,nd (h~lC,oded' th:lt C COl'lpany s pr ead ~'ut, put out a grea tcn' vol1lt'.e of' fh',) c.nd ::;" ve f.'lstc r up to D Con;)anJ" 'l l ocation.

At 12~;1 hours, bilk 35 put an Ilirstriko into the front of A Conpany1s positicn. The; '~;.i;:r'~!l cl: l,>C\S 0. dlffi,cult ' one f or the j ets becc.use c,f the dlr-j:'ositi,:n vf ~:c i.QY,dlies , bd the pE ets -:lid a m gni fi cant j ob. This tine, ', t he F[,C

':-,i1li !J:7:,'o.t::\l i:-:n COr'".i~nt1der in the nir Horking together, they to p'xt, t",he; st~ih:G prociscly whoro it was n0eded.

·L,.' tl:-; Ie,ox t htllf hour t~c oonl:o.nie ~ hold in position aDd tho enc"'\y 1,r.~ h.i.t .... . Lth. D. \:0::c ,)~trr:~to(} t !ix of r'l:1 -(Jc' 3t!:'ikcs , !:!'U:.":s.hips , nox-t .'1r s :!.nd o..('t. j .l _ I _~-r:r;.

,: c: ',;eD. 0" 2. Lc.xi.r:u:.l volUDe of us (,";:':'.11 'H'7J ~ , !-lG, M:'7~ L'l.W, :; 90.--':-2 . ;c'L ~l ?<)'j hS' ~1.YS C C!) r a l;crtcd t h::.t ho bc.d (,)1'1c of hj.s :'oinforcine"t'1 li t 'J'::;'2 ;l U?

.,.,ri.'t:.'>'i D C2':~~~):'.ny ·~.nd tIl:::t anot.her wn, s ri;:ht. bohind with c.r:'\1.L."1ition. 1D_0 l }· __ .tt.£". '! :i.c· :'l. GCj~' :--. ("~n:~~cT.' Q rdC'. l' c;~: hil~l_ tc.' r:;')V0 up ~:,erno n;; .. lly (I .. !1cl take what r:~::.f:~. :i.·::d

~; l' r; C ··7:.·:::~!1.:r ·.~-:::': l~ his c,:-_ :··:¥.::' r~.:t . He " rC~0.r·0\: lJ :..r~c; ,"~(2\.!ed. ti:'2.t ti~} ;:':.:::~-:.::. S' ''-: ' ' -: .' !l.n--:

-------- -----


At 1336 honrs, th(!;:Lli.'ltJ C(1!n~·n n(kr r()turMd to th" H,=ad"tl~!'teril l(,,::'.~Jcn .. I nei .. :cntallY', :It th,:, bbch :1C p0 8i.ti.on tl~erc IJ:'.S a clcarine on the sc:u :L"C,st o f '1;ho nill /-'::: ",hie)' the, en'~ire 3/187 effort coula be c.bserved . Though not the C.-im!? P. S belllf, in a l.OB, it was a eood cround obse rvD. t10n and control . )C- ,=,~.' -l () n .i )":'.1 • • J .", ~ •

At 1.<50 hom's Ii Conp'"ny, whe; cy nc", ilrl;J "ffccte<.1 his ':l~.'lmunition resuppl.y, ro!,c rtr.d t.:--.. '.t he i·:'~:' S ~)till,( ;~ RPG f s, !'1c;rt.' and :3r1a.l1 arms. At 1357 ht, ·. ~ r·fi , t.he: B:r i~dc :33 i~forr;od the 3:1 -(, to..lion C0I!1J1Qndc r th~ t j~/2/506 wculd a.rri vv J., __ "1" 1_:-:: -the ·;'.,;:'tc:'flc>o n t o rcinf::.!'cc the 3/187#

~'):" B:;'~ ~, "::' !. r>~. c;3 Y.'c:;J '·. (1. cc.ntinua 1 check en the progress of the ,/506, hopinG .~cr S ,_'1.;t.,.- :: ": 'Ci,c;:;r t:~ f'S ia ~:' -::."'..i ( ircr:tion t o t r..!kc t he ~:rDssnra off' the n_n:i:s ( i .f.' ': ,[) C';

3/'l87 . ~t·jrO;1.:7:~10ut. the 0.(J.:r" however', the 1/506 f~rward pro gress WetS s J.nw . ~' -~'.ri , .. : :.' : · ~ tl: .?,: ':/S[]( ::o::.d ::a.d '::, . .'l hoavy CuilUict and h 2Gvcd off the ridge to the .. {)\.< " .. rLS; c< I'./l, · :.:~ end t ud gune east to join the :cain body of the 1/506. '1"'~'L i: ['.ct:; .:r. ' ... ", ::; ltnkno1,;n to the 3/187 .

Wi·c.;, c~~w'l t i re s bGf,illnin r; to mount, nssi.stD.llce from tho 1/506 not f (J rt(.co:1in ::~! ::: , l.i.Jd j n(,~' t .:; the difftcul t,y , tl torrent of -r ain fullinp., t.h.e Bn~talio~ C(: ~:"i-1' .. ·'I( :.· .. r· rccn.'mnencied to Dl':Lr:rde th<~.t he once mo1"O pull the 3/187 to .'lVoid ·>t'')..k 'L ':. li:~ -:l!1[lc cc:pt-! cr~cY"',ltie s • . His recot'.mend,::ti cn W:J.3 f!pprovc(~ by the Brigs.ri E:' CO!-~1~1 "" :l~~c t and a t '$/'. 12 - b(-.!_~rs on tile 13th the - -t~.ircc ccrr.p,'1!lics_ r(~port(d th.IJ. t th<?y '; .,. [) puD i.nrc: h".ck, A Comro.ny wa D to hold ini ti'.,lly ':l;'d ,'o11ppor t b:'J fire to t~, - ,f .~·ont o'f~ j) _i.lnd C C;)I:1p~lnies whiIe th0Y' wi thGrew. ,(\11 Comp',1.nios, :1c~,.:cvel",

c:', r; ' .. L'''":''': to ht:ve c(mtcct \!iththc enemy as they .1(,I'e pulling hee'<: , Tl'w C'I:. ' ''!'' " .. '!'C '.1" tree,; 'llonfl ~.ho ridr.e to th0 nor-:;h and ncr thell(Jt c ;~ it and C Com-, .. . <.,<,. . ".:-;' t:, ~ (lr:w b:;t",ocn th(;so t~IO r:mel A COl1p:tny. Airstrilws, artillery

<-':.nrJ ~:'.t.( " , .:. i ,_:1 h ,": c~_ t:: -;~ _ n to th0 __ .fires of tho _Brc'Ull,d troops, gc.1t the corn,p~'nios l/~- c'k (l~wn ;·:1(~ hi j _~

At 1 L •. 37 hours , the iJo. tblion Cornr..,:J.ndcr bric'fcd. tho ADC, H?,.;'keye on t he si tu~. tio!) It w.:it . t hc0no"lY must bereinfcrcinr:: considerably fron accross tho bore . ':" . ils t ·b ::· nner1yKIi;' S were ;warinE c:!.eo.n· new uniforms :l.cln steel haLllets

A' +. 1}, '56 ), u- t11 ~ ...,.... _ .. 0 .... S, J8 ,,- t · · l' t '''' ~ . 1 11 . ' ~, - J -.L~ _li>.':l .lon repor e(,_-_ ! .rem .br lge.c0 ::?' PCSl u J..G '~ .... ... support for the ni~ht i ~ o . Spooky, cunships, ARtt .

It ~n 8 isH th;.'!; tho " HC::;Y, hc."iG::~ previously t he 3/1 87th' s bloc:dng ~) ~-) 8 :1. i.: j, C,!i, ~rli()l ~ try ::: .. t:":. .-?,~ c;ki~e tbcre a;::ti n J.n orde r -1;.0 di 'J!:~t f. i) t·6nt.ion fI-O~:1

IJonc ~~p Eie. _ Even d::!.r ing dc.yli~ht the tro:)ps !'1::.nni!1G this position, h"hc \>.'P l'1.3:

net kking r <> st breal~s,were kept nlcrt, OP's were nn.nned and squad RIFf s "lCre sen:' out three to four hundred neters i n 0.11 directions, Spor adic cont!lctc by tho hc:o.dqtlc.rters and bl()cki1'1E unit 1,.lQS experienced . I ncluded in the reo.-~' : 'J ' ~', ~,t 1L ~ ,,~) j'011rc f'o r ··-'l· r ··U-" ..... ·'r.. 1~~ e .., reoui ... ' .... t f·'r" incre- se", ~fEDm[i, C' s A ,./., _. ,,;. ,, l" , +....... . '-' ,oJ , ~ " ;:) }'.tA. ' \,.0, w~., . .,.... ... .... .:;1 '- - _. ._... 4.J - ,-.

, . ' ~ l.' . ." , .. t ' ., "0 t ' t ' ~. r:.::':<~ 1!"l ~~.'1_1rt ~'P1 S j. ,-:~ ..L:nr , VJ,S.lOLt..:l "y 1·].':~ S ..LGSS 'td:: n '- ~c ers, [\n Ci nB n ':· !"! :rn .i.~ Sh:: u. Y!::1.S sr) c}~ .::d in . US \~ I j :..1 swor e lyin p; :In the LZ 3.nd :1. ropl.'rtrid 'j 5 ~G 2~: }':-j.r)j:":::; hr()re c' n tJ-. c -..,;.::..y. Sixt:y" thr:-;o r".r(~r '3 ovcntllc,lly ev3.CUC tod ..

. . t 1 5;:6 ;-:. .~):; r c> ,. t:';;:. ::':" ~~t:::'. ~' . i' . n Cc~e:~n(;(: ~'-, 2/50{', t, :.- r i .... N;:r] ':'.t· 3/18'1 :: - <~ d~ l:. ~' !"~:-ers ::-:-1 ': :~'>,,' r t.: ,':,: :..~ ~u::::s ~).( ' :;.~,!,Jv -J. ', ' ~ l~ i:-; : ) r. ~) ~".}-"". , ny j_l1 ~~b~) '.lt ( In ',: 1-:,·;- ~·.~ .

UNCl/\S~; ~ i

+- .. :~:~ -~. ~ ,:-,r,l't"8.~ +JIO f:rE;t, ;,l l.Yl'i; ~l ',:~' ~ ' ;Pt'.: :~~Gc1 the ~rcn , Thro'.lf,h breaks in the '; ,"~' (,t-t~~r, "0.4 ;; . ..; "E' J,( \n .::::~-'-r;3.1 L~" Ji~:i ~~ ~1 iH' offnx' -Lo US0 tlie iJi.vi3ior. C~"v'T,:~_ td :;~,~!:~

L;~ i":"c:'J.";-';~~:, Gl.l. 'Lle " ~~"'1:~""" C~ ~ - '~T(~ :~'~~"~1;, ' , ~lU 'I':'C.l ~-· rv c~;: ::'!-:-.

t · .. 5:5 hours, T1.1't.:.l1("~C X':~ LC;I rC:p'_ .-l't( ~ .. .i t"n t :-1 ': h:.'-(~ 0v~c'. ~n toe! .:'_11 ijl , ... S 0 '.': .0~:;

.~ \ T ,~ fr:~L I C, ,:'11-:i J) Ccr.r~niCs ,'11'1,(: \o",:!$ ':rtD.l'ttl'l [.; tc C:V':':: Cli.a ·;~O "l}1~ KJ;~ l S .

. .. ,-. PC~: c: ' ~ ~·.L5n 1<""'":-: :ll;'~'-G :: <:.J:n LOB ~l" nt:,}_(;,. b-:- t -l'lQcn the: -J.r: );J r ;::.::(.1 :J".,"(";r ·~/~} s

'~ -c~;~ _~~rl'; rJ A i a ~,~. 'i··,,::·-:- : It-I:_ ;.;' _1 it::; nll:)t1 ' .. lere ~"j. ' iJlv·c_lt!,:.0,!' (;~ ,-:'S:";~fr:-~~e·-:: :. _"; th0 I'!t 7t:.! ' lr::::i ~1;~ ·th!". vi )·· r::;~ L~r_J(~[ 44 (.: _! y~u :It:--! (J_'-' 3) "t- .... ~'l::'_\: ;). el::. J.t".;i.~.::l t (~ \'": i~~·.f .~,}-.,~ "';(1' :_L G .:~: ~\~ r~ _ .. r1 .~ .. f1,'; d".2.'l: . ~r .~:l.'~ ~: ' ~~i.i1 , thT:~'U-C~1 i!1'~~i.rGc · L· . fi , .... ;];. ') :' " i,-I' .... 'n(1 ;''', t ~ ~'r.""f:'\" ·-rl··1 C"' r>.~ -",:, -!->''"l'l:- ·).-, -r(.·o" ... ~", '-. (' ill r.; "'c st ~.·'11~'''' ,"s"' ,)"l " :~ • '- _,/...' .~ , ;... _, • p .' • ' .,-, _.~ \ .1 ; ,1 • .. I..l. J v '. '., .1 -.' .... .J... .l. :,\ ,~ .. C .•.• , .... , .. .J. C·' t... ..., .

f_~.t·· lS<(, . Ph::: J.,:;1'inr ,',7: 1·tDS In :: ,:'~.t. d '1~,", ," '\lt /~O''J ;'.ZtO:'3 tc t.he 50utL:-,,:'. s"7 .,":,- =' t~',·:

.. " : :n~l .:l~:· r· (;: 01~1;r ~s f':L!

,')iJ5 <3 C'­

.-: 2 ~'. !:(; _h :::r pert- onn,) .:. , \ .' ;1~ly on t:-1C U} !

8.! :c",. ir,;: '(~ <~:..·} . ../~(;l~~"

;,,:,;:r .lJ!... I ~ O:Li(Crl·.cnt~.~7 ;;

hJC;.o-:1 i +'~rs b ~~;+,~l(lCr: (r.r'

..•. .,.. ,/ .J.Jd S . ,:'C C[l;JOl"'r; , 1:h:)n. tir :o nn6. r1'i(~ s :. c16r.:l;~nc1ed •

i Iltf.l '~L " ~' : '.J:.~ vihGr c '/:c c(;!'":~.r·aY?Jc!) ~· :(;-:.'o .;. .1,,-:;'3 ~k.: l ~ I

~ c /::' 1:' :-; ':' ~::: I' ,, ;.r.:i vi +:'J 1))8 t -~o ' ps of A/2/506 Qrri'r·.";!r) en thu u;,w'flr TJ~ "1. -: (:,;;() l1,:'\'TS,

'.1":: ~ '::::'~ __ ., ' . . " :' l~j -:-; t;cc: :)'1 772.1 l! ·")urc . Dc-:' L.,!", .-::.n 11.' ...•.. I.~ : ., '" t) ' c' .~ /')/':C f. t,~ .',:: V:~ ,_: .~ :.:;:i. J I1 _ _ r_ ~~_ .Lv ... , J . _11 ',"_ ,.1 . .. ~~' '":1~-' ~ i 0:: -:- . . :. ,1_'_CY:f !f ..... :::t.z:.. f"t,c c·~')\..d in bou',. ':,'. r: '. ~ V~_, -" .~, ~? '3, i t. W~l.n a .~ :;_! ~ely

t() v i£'it \-!itll T.he _R;l~.k::-.&'J. "l::: c.;'"! .. ~ t ·i:;: . yn:~ f' -, ...

V'~~~·it. 2J'. ; ~~ r:':\~(, Y .. h~' (.i'f~. -: cr;~ 2nd .~ : t.- ~' l ':,If · ~·h·2

it 1{:.i;-5 [;(;1;.X':-:.; th;..:: :~:-· r:.n C·-:r Tlfl:"\(18:' ' . .re.f..: info~!'~(-(l ~ih~t ::;· : J.4C US y.!:'\ I ~:; r ~r1 :;I ;::--j,~;_., r \rL'i~ ':: lj.~:_ ("1 ':"" '( e:1 lett (' ~l :·;:iJ,1 937 ~{~'::'I") .f) ·t~:.d G CGr?;; ~\ !~LC"~ P~}: .. : t-" ~ . ~:'J ~>l'-z"J.eJ i. () r C'~)C::1c..i~dnT i.''>~ (~ ':: ~''8(,: C Corr:pa~1Y Cor.~::rl~l (iel' to r-o '\:'.:\ (, }: 12 ;: :~L j' :'.~ ;:,;.; '1-:~ (;n;l :.:..Ftu:'" :J0~,h l~:, i ~A' 1;·:;..:3 .~ · c .n(~t::1.~sd cs'. C.(:.(' "i1I'(} t,o Lc.c:-:.''lJ_nt-i,i lf'" 0

t. 174:' ho,, A C('r:~·.').py :,-o[.·0 r·~ \.: 1 . t ha t l~is ;.~r~n i , ,:!.(1. 1'0 '") ' r.t.,{"!::1 :. : l ].i~~. '_ ' r.~. lea~t

5 O.r "'..Lo cnoT:lJ"" " bu.). '; ,~1a~ 1t :: '1[1. -:1 DC:, -:: ~~ n",YQ t~S0::: o~l .:.: ~~is ·i·. :r .) ~.".' ~) ' ~ :P j."'; +·o

tu:. ':-"ly :1, F'/tC.; lY1 ':'1 tip'~''ltc;rD 'l\Jith 1'JOO P~)""~l:C~ lY:" ;'::b 3 ~ .~.t, ')':;1 11ci;.r,"'j~ :. ~n"" ~:1tJLi n r:1 P')!'iD' ~ i1:'..1.1 9'37.

t ·i . ~()I~ .!l '")Ur2 . tb <"j :L"('ll -:-!J i.'t1.". ':; · I. R";.-l~} or.'~:£t..D '": ,J::.::r: (: C,-'r1 i"-.O:-...... ir \,P'{j ,').7 .', KIA -; ... , - v 'i.e ... . ,. ..... .. , , ~

h. r;\/, ; p,' ' ~:r l,fTf.. -: C. ?~ ,.i (

C >_'1 S C :~C C:. '0'1-: +·"1 t·: ('rn. t(Y~;.l:-, ""orG 1 l·!l.L, {1~JL: t. . i.ll .~" fa ·.TI~;, ': .' .~:,j .. (>_··:~ ~ ~ ~ I ,, (~ ) ~J:: \r:!,: .. C'~.~:'y ) 'i, V:t.8.1 E.T.A 1j~,,.

1,1" ,:, " I ' ,,, c-n-·JJT:- ~ r:' ,~ ~.~~~. :_ty .f .t rU::'-'Ci~ .. -.

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~,,~-:,~_;s r n ..,:,r: ·~'1e -r'8.r~et f ~;,::: ::-,,;,_. ro:'.:L:.~c .t .. « \r ten TIdr:r': c, :I3, receivinr: r ,c ~~I\ . ·+)1 '7' r

f ' 'Y'f' ; ~.;l lC ·;{'c~ T; ') ::-~ 1' t..ict:3 p.:.", 3-... 7'C-:: t:-:- L~ '3 .·U 7 ? :"~l. AI}. cncny I'ou.:-.cir: h~ ':

?L:. ~;. f; ~1 ~~0rt. and th-.!'0 -..... or ,:: :10 U3 (;n ~.;~) ::. Jt:·\ : t; ,

J.;"':. t nr to ::--0 ' 1",1)

"':·1)':: 0:.1.(::':7 f

- ~~ ;'.": ~y occupi ed t ho northern half of t he> pcrir:eter wi t.lJ !l pla t oon < ' ,S .O

en r ·,1 : h t o -::,)-, 0 myth (YC3209S1), ODd A/2/S06 occupi ed the southern po:r~b!) ~,; ~. ; J. nIo.tcon s :~xc 2.r:hush t o t~lC "Jest (IC31 8geS ).

': .c. 2', ; ! ~,0urss t h.e B2.ttalion Con!nCtndc r reminded that Spooky v.ras no i" ,,: .;;. " '1'k :;'a ,' f :::;, ' th,> 3/1£.7th anc! :reque sted that the 1/506 keop hi,' on tJ,oir O," ~ " t,': ,) fire c')ordinl'.tion E ne (FCL) ."0 that the 3/187th could continue -J i.-l-.L l "t .. : a iire ~nlpr-1oTt prt') (.T~;."'- . FeL' e using t)10 97.8 and tho 32.8 grid line s .1 :C'.··' -~ . :; (· 1 C .,_. i/_'.1I1i ~h ecl •

. t . 'c:-;::' , tho Jri (!iscusscd t hG r.1Ul ti-ba t tl'.lion opera t.ions for the 19t h . :. ._~,J :":" >;~~'l vi t-.h the. Il.'\ ttCtli r:·n Comander, Es sGnti ally these plans W"~re to co~i t n,- ~. :'(t:. t :i, ,'n;cl br,M~:tlions i.nt,o tho Donr; :',p Di(~ co.'J1 I)'li1m. Around noon on the ,9t,, > " ',(; 2/501 ';I<)ulc1 L)() cor,bat as sr.lulted i '1-l;o o.n 1Z a;;pr oxinatoly 1500 netf.'rs . "i'" ~ : , ~ '!; cf Hill 937 and the 2/3 M'NN would be ccr.1b.'l. ~ , assaulted into an L2 8.CI,, ·,):·:inatcly 2000 net ers south8ast of the hi ll . ;,11 f our battalions 1loulc1 ~)(' o,D pos i tion by da :rk on the 19th and cady on the 20th they would attack the

t:t 2332 hours, the r-attalion GOr.Jl1ander infon:oo the comp!'-nies of thi s pla n c,nel :rcqu£!sted they confirm their stren[th figures . . The following were r eported: ." Co::-':r:~!lY 33; B Cospany 78; G COl!lpllIlY' 76; D Company 57; Ilnd A Compan;r 2/506 9C,


( 19 N;lY) " _0 APfN!'''"t: 0p0:rations).

UNCLASSIFIED · J :· '"lO"i C:·.r-" ., C ', sr"ti '~l ~,t l11 .. ,' a Tll] w0!,!: .cc! tna hill a nd borde r . regi ';1 , \'jL ~ l l. ·,!,I.:i lJ.,:' jt~ st Be- ,;-, "J f tl ' '') -l.Jo ~:aer, c.bon t 1500 Meter s t o t ;1e WGst of t ,i,c :./ ' $/,t:, , Jl () "'u;'Crt,ed savar ol f oilly bi f, r;econd:lry )xpl os ions. This was j ,: JO

::; (l,G~ e. ~ \ .. 'r ... .l:: which Spoc!.:y rep· rtcc"t. sG~0ndo. ri -:: .. on :~ pre vi('uS nieht.

,~c I ';' t- ,::!ou:.' s , Spood,y lI, FAC, r~ r ; "" , '3d that he :'wd a s ot of fighter s lni:)()'md \,l i ·t. : : I: S r'1...U: o .""..nd lr • ETA 0630 ' : .... .' 8 .

!, 'l~ ( ( 3," :';Ol),1',, ; 'l C(lmpe .. 1j C(ml' L . , ' I ' coutioned tha t tromeone hod been JXlppine F.l.::r J ~ ~;:· r.\ke cont j.noll:.31y si: .. :~ c i ' i(O FAG ".p .s':n s-t..1. t i on. A cheek was rnade through ~1" i. , ;r ,.c, "1..1;,, all uni ts i n i),v ?" r c'l . No b dy W(l. S presen l y narkinc; a nyt Hn r:; l",j. ~~ l J:-u.:cple snoKe . All f rienq:: 'u::s in t be irrl!!edi~te a roa had Llrke:d wi t h 81:1;) '(,b ; " :,~lt '1 ',,~,D C \·rrts us:~ng ' ,!' l ' ~. ,~ •

:·'.ss:'.ult 2/.,.. , LFT,:t t,-!h~ had bc ~: w!)rki :!~--; since 0704 no rs , reported s ip;hting more !mrpl e snoke on t b0 rid;:~G l iTl.'; 300 r:Gte r s sou thwest of A Conpn.n:r.

SDer,dy finished m,s D.irstrikc a t 0738 ncurs, and l eft t he J/187th a r ea to n:re­i n :, str i ke :['0 1' 1- 506 .

~\l 19 H!ly~ t he r e 1-KlS a v lt D, l of seven o:.rstrikes put on th,1 (e o. ste rn s lopes 1\ ,,, . ,:'r. top Df HiU 937. i n sup:;ort of the 3/187th. Also, Assault (LFT) r oaTwd tLc !lrea 8.2.1 dajT' dr3.winr tho enony' s fire and enGaeinB hi t'! .

Ehrly in t he Morning, C a nd A (? l-, 07th ) Company COT.1J!I0.nders were br{,·u ght u p 1;0 t he Da t tn l:lr n Headquart e -rs wh r r" they:set the Company Cor.u'lander, A/2/506 . AE were briefed on the plar s fel' che r emainder of the d&y a nd the a tt8, ck on the 20th . Each was given a n f.lC:.:! )' . 1m of t he ob j ectivG.

D Cc,,;pa ny ,iU S brou gh t t o th(; U;)~·cl' LZ nnc1 A/2/ 506 r eplaced i t at the lower LZ .

The Do.ttahc·n Contlandcr i nt r, nded '~hat, during the day, the three companies ' vepa···e co!:pl Gt e l y f or t he a t tack a nd be in tlle i r ottaok positions and dug in r.y lJ' ['htf all. On the 20th, 1\/2/506 'Was t o a u p the northern f 3.ce of t h 03 "':;'':'1 :;.ntc. t he tree s f roD whi ch D and C CoPpa i es had r ece ived the ma j or i t y , t' t h.,oir fir e s on t he 18th. C COI:lpany, i.n the niddle, wa s t o attack Oil

,21. rdly t hc E.::m e line of advan ce t hat they had u socl in re i nforcing D CO 'TIpa;1,\, " r: : 1 th ~ 1 (~t.h . fc Conp:!uy whi ch had sustained only H ght c:lsual tie s on th.e ;~t.h, l,.I:lS t') -ta}~c tr:o southe rn f l;:}.nk but c..tte71pt t o keGp i t s f or ce::; .. :, ~ ~· te c tG (l .:.'l."cn t h0 :lnticipated. enery f i r e f ron t ho sout h\Je.l3t .

"J1 ·. ~ ·~ l.' S ~":8re t o :,<:.vo c- :.;libera t c ly; ' :· ~,s i. st~nco to t~:c f l :i.nks ,

" i

The: n'st of th J

ch 'cY: CJ"8ry' Clan !\nd pX''-):Xl r~ :for

UNGLASSIFIE[J -:~-J~ ordnIT was L~rj(Jcl to stockpile arruni tion 11 the lower 1Z; - -, goine into thy atkck for a flak jackd; Ilnd generally ~qui_p __ _ tbe i,.-ponding assault on Hill 937.

At 0925 hou~s, the Drigaue S3 informed the Battalion Co~~nd(r that the ~/50 1 L"d Ie_ helicopter crash (not ,:,\s a result of en emy action) on it's PZ Ilnd to hc,ld ,-,ff mvine 3/187th elements. Actually, the 3/187th units had Eors than cnouch U rc t o !:'<Jet whatever plan tho. t evolved . The diswnces to the thr&e units ' :::tt .ck positions wer e not !'lore t han an hour for C and A COl:lpany anc~ :ml,v s15 ~'ht1y lon[-~ ()r for A/2-506.

It -ns Rlready c.p;; that even with the whole day at their disp:'sal sor::e of tile ot !!Cr «"lttalions mii!ht not be a t t heir Ilssigned 101:l by dark.

For "lJ' '!"OC)S of the 3/18'7th and att:J.cbed A/2-506. the 19th was n tire to r:et set j'_ st ClS they wc.nted for the attack.

Trw P,;:,k i<n. scm nortarmen. however. guided by the ])a t talion COlWLlndcr, who wa -~ sCDGti!~·. ef;l D.t thai r (ire-una position and sOr:!eti ... · ~ es in a LOH, spent the ",holfJ c}n.y firing into suspecte('~ loce. ticns' and obtainine dc.ta for specific pointr; on the hill tho. t wculd be fired as t.he cOl'1panles !'loved forward the f c. llowin::; day . Fron th.eir two tubes they fire d nore than three hundred r c und s of 81t:r. on the 18th and o.ellin on the -20th ; plus another 7o..eO WP each c10.y .

A t, 1050 hours, D Cor.]:6!lY reported seeing one NVA body flJr through the air du.e to [.n air strike on hill 937. Anothor body could be seen haneing fron ". tree. l3y this tire the f ornerly triple-canopied. t op of Donr Ap Bill was bald .:mel ;,Tith e::ch airst:rlke ane! each arty prep t.he canopy -;:leeled blCk more eX2Josing tho sholls of bunkers dest.royed by the peunding.

At 1155 hours the Drieade 83 informed the Battalion Cor'nander that t.'1c artilley prep f or the 2/3 I.RVN LZ would begin at 1230 hours and c ' ntinue f or 15 l"inutes. He c cnfi.rned the LZ location as YC341976. Tho 2/3 ,;'RVN would assault with 550 tro<_,ps. Upon the completion of their assault, the 2/501, with 500 tro '-rs, wo 1d be inserted at YC333991.

At 123S hOT,rs, il Company 2/506, while roneuvering into their attack po sition, r eported eneagine a sniper in a tree in the vioinity of YC322985.

At 1306 hours, the Battalion Commander instructed B Company to RIF "bout 1000 !'1eterstc' the vest and 'It 1345 hours, two r.<.trols de;'arted.

Frc'n 11;.16 hooTs until 1521 hours, th e 1l'1. ttalion Conn-ander \JUS airborne in a ~.oH, flying low over Hill 937 to (!et a good look at oner.-.y positions and to . - ~2"'SS the e ffects of the US f:Lr,3s on then.

"t ~ 421 hours, the Dri ea e reported t ha t the 2/J ARVN woul d cOlllplete their Ci, into tho 1,Z at YC341976 in c.pproxinately ten 11,eir LZ was cC'ld. As :c vistl"l rccc,suition syr.oool, the ARVN troc ps would be Iolearing r eel and yell o\{ nrr~ h:~.n(1 51\

L:~~ G: '. t:t; ). 1 ~ ;"·· n Grr::-.rlndc:r' , 3/187 w-hile ~1i:'ectin n,l·t:i.llery and fr~_~ ~-:~ t~ U .. J tl, c,:::.l J. rJd ,"Lt ilt .3 2 llCU1"S t o i~)struc. t the ~).~;.tta11 ;_\ n 33 t .() tel l ~,rir-dc tl-.,:,.> .:·.r~~.j:11 c· rj· f :L l"'C n in cup~.·'('Tt ,~; ~~ -;;':-~l~ 1/SlJ6 y.; C !~l..-, f .:' nr~ :_~ n '~h o 3/1 nrt..1i ~

l,t 1/,/,.7 be·un;, th e BrigQclc 33 a nnounce·,', t ha t th '. ;f.'. S 1/;.>0 hour s , r.:.nd th-'lt the 2/501 \·!Ould bG[!D. in

2/3 ;JtVN LZ cOf':plvtion Urn the.:'r C;, shortly .

'llH,i/5C)6 b,d t'''p0rtocl t o .'riga e, nt 1600 hours, thnt its B CompQny W1 G at YC3 27973 ad thQt its 1. Ce~pc,!lY in that vicinity alse had no ccntact with t he 0ne1:'J that (~c~.y •

.:'/2-506 confirr~ed t :nt t hey h:1J k illed t he sniper fired on

3k:'lsr)r-;ts thr ee \,: 11

n .lll:1 Gl'CU S

'Were cl(,nrerJ r,t 171::; hours; with the 3/187th r equesting priorit:r f or the bDrder to th'3 west. ARC liGhts nnd sky-s coo ts were plnnned f e r

1.".('~ ·:, tiN'.S on tLis night 1) 5 they had been f or et he r nights during t he

;\t 175Cl hours , A. CCH2pe,ny rC;,':orte6 hCLring ~h Gl1ecy mcrt.-:.!' several hundred n(j'tic T:~ freD thcj.r lccttt:Lcn (YC 32J+()84) on I1.n !1.zin~uth () .f ;210 degrees. ~rhG area. \~r4~ S :lJ·1::',cdiat~(::J..jr,(led by ccun t er r:-,nrtb.r f ire and even. a\1 nll ~ly

by o.:rt1.11ary. ThG enemy r ounds did not fe,ll on o.ny of tJ,,,, 3/187th loc o.tions. At 1915 hours, D Con[.o.ny r eport<..d srottin ,,; several NVil ca rrying u morte.r r. t YC3'14993 or c.b ut 300 Deter s t o t he NW of the u ppe r :"Z . The cne!:'~ f orc-,' \IllS

taken ttn.der .fire by MGt s~ nort~!'s, and n.r t1.11er/ c. nc1 was not seen or he~:rd fraru [len- i n.

At 2046 hours, the 3/18?th rece'i v'c;:,: NDP" D for the 1/50b! A CO~~·~.'l1ny nt YC3279?L,; 13 Co:::po.roY at YG324976; C COrllXlny Ilt YC3 27968 al so rJ9. ttalion Hcr~.dquarters6 Their f orward progress nr..d been ubout 100 ~cters fron t i10 previou s NDpt s.

E~rli9r, BTi2tl.C1B ::'Gct sent cocr din,'1 Ls to d.ic"t'1te f :)rw2.rd progr e ss f or lines of cls:po..rt'.n'€, (IJJ) thtit the f our h!1tt.alion s ,"!ould Duke by dark on the 19th. These: '"ere: 3/1!:l7th frc);) th ei 1M YC326989. Tide ,·las wdl behind th8 f OTw"i'.rd pr ogrc HS of t he aU .ched A2/S06' s ferward ;cr,ogress. Tbe .')ther llttc'lckin g :onpD ..• '1ies, Gf l:·::'lt":-SC ! \\rerc ,:t'i.r cndy poi.sed c.t the botto!'1 of the hill ..

2/501 frO!:! ti,(\ NE YC331989 they !" 7,d insorted ::: bou t '1 kiloneter , NE t he r;id t.o l nt.e C'.ftcrnoon and die; not quite nllke tl1e ir LD bJ dark. :.;ns j,n the ;;icir. i ty of YC339975.

m l- ~ (":> J.. . .. , ..

Dr.: t~!(; ·"Tlp'~. t· ;-yf.' " \ ,- ~,

h. i ~::: _ . ; ' .;. '.... . . t,

. (' "

::.ncl did so easily.

19 }':;~Y t Cl. Ct"cr..ts 2 f the: 3/1S?th ~"!Gr!2· {b, ~"'~~:::;8d PS

:·~ ~~ 32L!.9f:s,~ '."ij . ·t,~, t1: ·:· '1 :3t ?J,,:,-t,;:, ::::,n f :,~·'l~.: ~:h . .,.;. YCJ2 J<-?eL,.

".,' ,

of t.his in T!-,e ir NDP

19th .

---. - ',."- - .... ,


C ·~ {'. _,: ... pr)rJ>i"

r..2 ~:t: . ~ ;j:iL~ ;

1~ (',~ bJ in 11 ('ll,:":'nc"t DcsHic!: ;..;i +,h A COl'llX' ny, its 3d

:~' . Y~;25983 . C COT.!l).:1n~' '· i.rl.:. Dui; one I,I-' i:1 e,,·lcitioc _, . . :0 Cu'TIln.y G-!:" . Il ;1 t the l over LZ, GI'lploYl,d one LP. D CO:nptlny' s mission f or

the 20-';!1 was to provide s c cu'rit :' for the l ower LZ a nd j:,rovide arl'1unH.:~()n nn.;

-..;C~ Sll ;.;. :~y csr-rying pn ',~ ~ . r~ sup·-:--o r+. of tJ:c :~ t t:.lC:CLllff co~pD.niG $ .

G£: "" ; ":r ::tl 1~'" ~~, l-:i. 8 is t he wo.y . · ~·.c four b a t tali:,:J!:. vierc d i spl nced on th :: uit 'ht Dr

19-2'1 ;\'co.y :

Tic" 2/'501 ,0 to t, C(, t.:E still h~.c1 a mile of r ough uphill terrain to climb

D8j~C :) t }ccy r eached the hill t op ; t[,ey were not to F.uke it on the 20t h, until

3cvl'J"'a j. t~()urs c.fter the &tkkr~san5 .

':'.'(; ;:..fF;N ~X(lOpS , a kiloFe -'-.. ' Y (- ~' oetter to the Sr:, h:o.c an easier ap::,r oflck and

\ --.• ; -1.1.-. li. (~r:L !'8 sj.:J t a.l1 CO wr>ulc1 ~:"3.:.;<;h th2 east~rn Gide of tho hill 'top abor.t , :.2

j,\)·(} r·'-- n.:"!.d 8. :.E:~ l..f ,:?\,f t cI' H-Hour.

'X'hoi/506, to trl6 5\,1, in the F~enoral vicinity of the few days, wer o to

G()Dtj. ~·.l.u\.'; i;J.t o.bcuii the SCLr;.C !'D:l-,(; on the 20th . "Their ca51J.alties o n tr..f: 20th; how­

c:Yor 1-l8~.' 1c' bi) t[;eir het,yio st () f the c:x'! r'rt tien.

f'\"11 " I., .r>? l _1 • ..L.. • ~ • .oJ. • t t t h , . d f lne -'i ,I) '". unJ. uS, 3-11 C. pO S~ "~C1 n up cl-Wl · 0 e enemy 6 nal-n e enS0S,

hnu DonG Ap 8i'"- ' s "estern f :!ce coning (!t them in the nigbt. Tomo::-r0w t he:\,

wou.1d dt on t op of BEl 937 appr oxi --at cly two hour after H-Hour.


APPENDIX 11 (20 Hay) t o ANNEX C (Execution) to ;'u'MrAction Report,

AP!tCHE SNo\l 0/187 Oper(ttions) <301ff'f:8iNTI Q L UNCLASSIFI At 0001 hours, on tho 20th of May , the sane entry th·:lt heel been entered f e r t.he p.~. st nine days \o!QS 2e.C!8 once :_~orc : Jeurn::.l c:)encd , 3/187 contin'Je:=: opATn tiGns i n :'..5sig:Dcd "::'0 vici:li ty of the _"\ Shnu Valley.

The fi~st c:.2ylir,ht 2.ctivity w.s St,~nd-To, it beg:m at 0530 hours, .~ nd r ela.xed at 0600 nc'ur s . De f ensive fires were included in this Stand-To.

SlY: C'::,y 11, FI~C, rB::~~rt(d 0n st:l t.ion :tt 0633 hours, with his usuQ.l wares: D;i.~1kc ~nd n.1.pc .

Er\'",,·.j' Erc fro,", S1",,11 2ms cr!Ock.:d Over the lln ttn1ion CP aro" !l t 0634 hours, ~\ ..J if t.;) tell the 3/187 tho.. t the enf~r1Y we.:? still there. The perir::e te;- r eturned

"['0 t c t!~ o ::Tuspcctcd l oc!l. tions :·mst of t he upper LZ, Bri~dc ~.s tlsked .~ . se'":; ~] ::'. pink tear. ou t t o t.. ..... k8 aleck. 1-.. pink t 0n.r.l D.lrG~dy on th2 WlY J

~" : ' J.':~ '! ;j.~ ::.~·t 0640 hours, and \-,1[1.$ asked to scout "'8st of ·tohe lJP~x·.lr LZ.

Instructi.onfj H0 re p.:..ssed t o the pBr i netcr t.o ?er iodically shoet up trees ':.ur2 :-thcr po ssibl:~ sniper l oco.tions f er ~hG n-;:;x t ton to fifteen "1inutes. HCC. ll.1..!hile , t he En CO he.d ,Put in the Qirstriko . An oxplosion, follo ~"ed j;.-r , ... ;iL·.tG1y by <:.he cry for "medic ", interrupted n:.ornin[! shn v'lng !). t 0705. 0;;., , ·f B C()np"-IW I s L"" S 't.:\S hit by the shr~pn~.l of an RPG fir ed fron a ,j,'::'.; t·e t he, ncrthwest of t ho upper LZ. Tn(, aree. WlS shot up and a Gquild ~ :nE' c.::nt (JUt to investigc.te, rGPorted nep,~tive c()n ·~,::tct. A HEDEVAC wo..s b C N .. ?ht i n and the eVo.Clln tion wtlS cor:opleted by 0735 hours.

:~~ .... '::'heT o.::'rstriki; h:-:d s ince b0gurJ. .1.fJlinst Hi lJ. 937, o.nd Ass~ul t 28, LFT, 11;'·.~; 'I.'orki ng to the 1:10st,

l. t 0745 hOlITe, A COJ:1po:ny 2/506, r ;; .,orted thut his troops he,d killed one onor-y soldier. Tne cncr-,y KIA h'ld \.IUlhd di:'oc tly up to tlwir perineter c"':'rjinr:; a. GT8ne.(1~ wi t.h the pin pulled nnel they fired hin up with smllll c.r;';s . fIB d idn't o.ppc~r t o be on dope.. Ha hr'lc1 no insignit~ . In his posso,;ssi:)n l..tcr a c. t ob:lcco pouch , song bo"k3, nnd a. papor l<lith wh!l·t appt:t1. TOd t o be ccordin:1 to s an i t .

T':10 ships ' i:-tC£li:;;: .?t 0810 he -rs, 'nth nel..,rs~.en . At 0813 ~lours, 8po(.<1y 11 :.- .. .. pcrted. e n sw ti-:'n vl.i th the 3d of 7 ~ir6trikes f er the 3/187 on D-I'ny. At OgO!+ b"U!'~< t:lO Eri;;;ndo S3 infDr::1cc! theJ Bntt ulion He"dqu8. :' ·~Grs t he.t the o. r t:Ll ~~o::y 'L';rq? l1!c; 1J.ICi be;;i n in t'~!O ninutc: ti.

i' .. t C917 hc\ur-s, the Bri g-.. 1.:10 83 in!(", iihc 3n 33 t o inst:-uct ths 3/1 87 D-tlits t.·o h~·l( in. :(~c.ce onCQ ccnt.~ct. w~th tho enem;r wns TI"tlCO and tc wnit f or the C():) r-:~lin::'..tcd ~I)""C of the 1/506 e.nd the 2/501 before continuing th& aS F;l1ult ')n Hill 937 . The 3rig! CO f"'2l.<'lndcr W{~· 1d Give the order to noye cut.

At 0942 hours, the BrigndG S3 infGnlCd thl' Bn CO tho. t there W28 cortnr fire falli. nG t oe close t o the 2/3 ./l.RVN.. TDiJ GO infcr;;od Brige.cG th.-;t they were not the 3/187 Mcrtc~~s as they were not f iring •

.. '.'+,0'1 50 h"'r""' .... ·"0 2/3 AR' J':\t ,... ... ·~' .... i~+ ·:-. '"-, .,. · o r .... ~ ··· f'~ o ",nlJi~" +0 .j.\-'t:li r f-c'n· c n~ , , _ ! • • _l... 0 , I." " ~ J;1-i , , ~{ , ~l..; . ... _ .... \;,,::..... , ., 1.,1 ..... .. .. J...., . ..1.'--'- •• '"!!l ..... v'l .... J... V _o.,.t

·'r::-:·. : '. L~ 89 58 h-::'U:;:' S1 ,·dth t-...;c ::~innt'J 3 of ::.rtillGl'"y prep r inc" tho _ !r~ c .. : · ·.:ls~:(d laST, r:: i :nu te r ;"'D incLrs tc hie trc',.J?s . He · .... ~D par t.ic ulnrl:{ ~'..:'!~j (~~F; .f ·· ~ ;"/2/506 to sot f ire s i ntt; t~ ·.? '.oIccdcd c- !"en to C CCi:!~n:t I S frcnt .. I '.hl"; <..: :- t.;:Lj .~i. 1;)17 s '2cned to i ncrcc .. se i n 5.nt'2n sit:t~ s H-~(")ur 3ppr:)!'.chc~!. Tne i'il'GS \·,hic!: ,: .. nc judcd 105 , 155, qlicr ~'"S:!;~B11}~~·lil!·~ ;:r-~::1,t.r::!\dTintens~. This prop \;~ ~, clec hest. " rt;i.Ec ry off C'rt \ntncss(;d~bY ' the>J/187 .tJ.tITline the e opcr QUc<,;,

f.~h c: trCi ·., :~.c, hy ;1') ..... Wl:ro st!?; in ttc deer. 10 -- f1. <; '"'

121~ 3/P?? ~..~xLts hzd rr,et only light resistance by tOl5 hours, and continued Still., the 3x1 CO, overhead

At IO??' hours, the En CO rcport;ed th2t all 3/187 units were zbreast, approx-

All wo:'e fl::~. k .j~.cke t~; e.nd ned more than two ht.:sic louds of arnnrun..i t-ion. CO!lcussio r. and OS grenades \Jerc "lso co. rricu . T'ney did not realize at the tim~, but only on(· me.n , n soldier fro," A/2/S06 would not return that dr-yo Not Co oan balked and [,t 1000 hours, when tho word C(l1l!() from Briga(~e tha t the artillery :~rGP ws over, the-I,lulted t he hill.

At 100) hours, the ~ttalion CO~T~nder requ~sted tha t Brigade have the 2/3 ARVN ",,,rk their 10"J clement with purple cmoke llnd the lead element, =</501,

na:rk ..r-l th ycllv·w. He ro·:;,tJ.8stGd th,tt they- use t.l)o s e colors exclusiveJ.,y .qnd that they ~cep out continous smoke .

'fho 3/187 urJ. t s had net only light r csistnnce by 101 5 hours, and continued prccsing "P the hill behind their mortnr fires. StilI, the 'iln CO, overhead in C! lOn, cnutioncd th2In to ge 7~ Sp:L~DQd out, stay alert, recon by fir "'· , end by-parts nothinG on tL~ir :tmmediatc f Janks .

By 1020 hour s , t he 3/187 W1S 125 me':",rs from the l!lilitary crest of the hill. '1'he 2/,) .i"RVN to th" ir SOtl i;,,,, " nt , WGre " Iso making fast ""ins toward the top.

At 10; 7 hours, the En CO reported th2t all 3/187 units were Ilbrecst, appro x­i ;?'fl. t.E':Y 1~O I110' t crs f ror;. the milit:tIJT crest of t.he hill , and ztil1 climbing.

ft- ~; ~'':; 1 h011rs, A/2/~0J :!' !]~(':r. nd t l1C f .Lr Gt bunkers on the nort.hwestern 0:". ~:,~ h11:.. T:1 oy r~ p(~7'ts . l :i.',) "':'c·sit;tD.r:('.~ . S·~::' J.l '~lJ0~t i.,·~r·J : .nr:t.:-r;\.!·cod to [",pi.")r-:. ·'. ~~~" t be st~ct.vrC'~ "::" 'L!·('i.'-:.::lly ~H:d d ~~ ~.T'oy t.hS':,u 1;:e1:(;/.'0 m: ·.r : ~~t l3: ~cY')l' , rj them.

Th.c .i..:li.ti'l.1. lull was dGCept~ ~i~ ('~r:.'"! ~t. 10.'~ 5 hour ';1 th:::; !:'n.t"':tlo of \,.ri!.l s 0:~g1n o i: ')1~ . G 0,)f"""Ir,-:ny .":· ;") .;~vl t.i !'"'.rr :r'G~~r:: "',5.t.1 '; EF'?- ' ~: .. 'J.1.1" En CO ~£,o::"! biP.'. t o C(.)'~·r.08 ~- 111 ~ . r,n hifC' ~)OY .... n r,nd to F~·S 3S~1".~ c:~ · l ~T for ~··!:e nil.i·~.~ .~· (i:- o ~?"t w:l:::'oh ~.;r:.s

l;"~;:,,;; ·:;.:·;-: '.n 52' m:) · ·~,;. ::..,:-: ft'(''-:·n r. ~: .m. ::v; 8n.ej ~'1 r..r.lS 8~.Jill nt: tJ:.r~ h:'li in fcr :u , l~·:·t l ~ .. "; :!;·. ~J.! ! ~:~ c,t ':OJ7 I"!1::" ll t' ,,; , n G ':"I~p.;,r':J ~·cp,.)rt2a re(,0 j. hc ::',~ty :.:~u1·r~1"';."+:. i c \..U~'1 :·"':·.; t ":"j : ,~ . lr, ~· .. , r .. " GC ir:· E'·:':' L1.'c"(· ;;~ r~';.:r, t o . PL~'; D1i flprf,) s3.: ...... G i'i!"G$ :Ln·c<, t.16

8l.!T,.._·,'~·"l. · i·.:0 ... -c:~;Nn n p 0i' . .! . ·~ ~ .. )!~ :: ~j,.:.i. h • .).)_,'::- ir. pl""1:>-;; l..i." ~t~: L/;.~/~l)6 :"'"": 0't;'"f:d .fc.::, ·;~!:er up

t~) ~l:~' ·t,;'lC' e~ ·,(J -::"j~ T.! Co:J.!: .

l,. ;-.~/·~ ;n -:·m.s intn \.J:1C: r, C'~:·ion Hitb Go re-:;..-:·rt . nt 1(1!:2 h,:::tp·<;. of 1r. c,::;:;-,~:ng '~r. C': -"y .&.' . .. . I '· ~ . ...... ,n "r . ... ..... ~- .• _ t.' - .: ,- - ... , . "''' r " Co;.: ) ......... ' .~ ...... ~ , ... ~ ' •• !.. .... , .' •. : ••• , .... t,.7.·t.l1 ·:";i}C _ .:' .I. C::" \~~"'_. : •. ; .... ,;: , · Ie r"": ''lge loO ~ lS r .......... 4 \ .;) .~ ,l.;'.c. _ ..... ;.' ;." vHe ("! "':"' .. : l'11 {~j.3 . L'~f :J l: . \.';:' ~·~!( G r;..t. -I\;!: ~' ~.on:'s . G C.J::.~~~:,y ::"'G r-::- !'te.l thc.t, (:'.~c o!" his F L;:-: ·\:··c 1 l ee. J.(;::-:' . .:.' f~l:t. f' :::-. :!. "t.. J... ,IT •.. !. ~P:."t·E J. -.:.. -i:. ·. r C Ccr::"" ~~?i={ ':"1.uc1c j ·:r.::. ~ ;:':!ie;,," \<f;: ;-g

r-l<:(·; ·!: . ..i.[~C t,':2.::1: p.'G;, . , ,;1/l ~;S, 'I:L.i . :·~ t',")G:.~,'; ("'':" .. j~ :F;'" 1v~: . ,)"~/ t!J.G r:~l ~~~, ::. r.y· Gre ct. W"l$.

(.' ..... :it.,·, [ .. < .. <·.;!~~t :· · .l':; :. ..... :,;,:, to"'; 0 :-~(:" : .~:; . \·r~~·,h(, ·J.t 1,;:Y.~of".:' r. :::: h"i.: 1~,~·lf, ,.. .. i.!< .. . l] l~,:,,' J.:G d

::-:::"/~ t;::.·( .£.-2{r, · :.· :-:::::"r.. (~:. l,:-::. :::.f~· ... ·;(- :-::~;"l. ~7 t :,:,,"(1(; !.' 's ..

p_t '/Y.:; hot:;-·;,,:., C CO!:1:::;[,.n.y r ~:: : ·0::",~/;C. :.1 ~1G ",:,3 . ~i. 7'.g nt his riZ~J t fln::~~ . This f.:""c ·~ ... :s (. ::,:~~···~.r~ ~~. ") r.: ()(.:~ 0 ~ :.":, r. ~ ~..,;"' T.'::..1 ·,:-:·,: .. r~ -{" .. '..'s t1::,·:: t,. ~,') ~:--:. ;;t:J l l 1!~ t~. -::t H;;un ?:~: "'~ "!~ +1., ;:: ~ ~ .. ;·_'·' ; : il": =. :· ~v: .':1..) (' r~~~T ~ :' W1:iin~~ ~7 ~·;':"2 , .... n:,:1. 1J.:r "7:-:! ,1 .. j.~::,;":1" 0.:-C J1i.·( <,.-: .;' 1-. .:..': '"1-:;:'",' : C'::'·) . : ~ · ~·_ c:d ~ , ,. t)'.; ::: . ~:!.::- :'. ?, :;·,,'.::·· ; ··Y/ ', t .:!.:::'. ' ::: ::-:; (~ (: C"!! l p'·._-,lt,iple, s:-·:.:.c .; 1-··; .. ·;·::': ' ~·~' ·'.: 2 ~. . I ... '. : .~ :., .: "1::i .;,, < :., ~:, .. ~ .. :.:..j::: ~ l..:~ i: ·3:- ;: .: ~. :-.: .. . ~ :::-:~.: . ~j:~~~ j V ·; ~: ...! .:~ ';.' ;'_, <"11'::: c: .. : .~? ::. :, ; ... . ) ::,-::: :: .. ',.-.... ,~ .. ~ ~ ,r ... : .. i .J. .... (.'f):i_ ~ · i.~ ~j .~~(." -:.. 1 : .~. "t, ~·,·~.' ·J.l:.~ ( : ::;~'. :,:.i..-,/- ::" ;"I /) .

At :! ~-. J '::) 1 .... 3 ~:-.n : :..;.;-;:- ::... ... ';0 ir~ .~fn7.,·-:·.: t r c En CO t.hC'.t "(1:& 2/-:' /, ? ~i: :- ~ .~·.Z s·':i l l ~~ .:1.e·:.-: ·) .:::· ~ ·. X ;,~n :; S: : I:. C"" ' : ::-: ·':·';~· :' -:::!"'-t, tX.>:.; :-:'" ,:;0 c·n ~'::'" ':!.~. ¥l : ~ " . . ~ t:;-.:· ;;';~ ' (· : · <,;. · 1::' ("I-t. :':--'; ~'-R"'N ::J: ~t ,·;·, :.·::" ,r:."\ .. .' ~:::_; " t:- <:-. }/";:5-;· r,O "::: ,rc~ :'_ -:: :: ' ;'J :t~ 'J~~r:; ~~<~- !::'!y ' ;i~ r •• :--.'~ :':"':.'-, L'~ ·;.f ' ~'1':'( i::fJj . c';:J:-<~ ~':~G~ . '::" '::~'( '" . ..1" ~:.n:' L.;~ '.?"" . )_ tr "1':;:-.' h" ,:.r::,~:. ~,/?/ ~; r:.'S r s:·,c :;-··:Z.i.

--.. ~ ............. ~,;;..:;.;U;

Con't , ' ~ ' . " . '. ' ..... .. .' .. _ UNCLASSIFIED

feu r of' his c:C'J. dic·yS ",,::'e wJ,<-;- -C- -Cc-npony-'infC';rv;oa'trf--:-1102 hours that he 'f;"'"",, ~' still :!"<~cci vi '-~g Rf G' G . Thu Bn CO c.:L uti c.nod the Conr'lny Cc;;u;n .c.acr t e· ('cnt inuQ t c k6 8p f:i.r~,s gz-ing cut" but to k8Cp thO!;l 10\-1 boc,'lus~ of the "dtVn lC'clti ons jnsJ~ cn the othBr side of thn hill. At 1107 the Bn co j. nf(-r~8d 1.':.../2/506 the.t his air c..; ti c n cf ~idvsncc 1.115 off. He '\/15 instructen ~>~ t !_"::'E 45 GO r rC8S t c his l o.:t tlnd T!1CVC for1,.~. rd . His dirccti( n h'l.d bee n t , C E:{~'lJt herly und Li s fir es h"1d i:r:cn 1cthcri!l i:; C CCr!f:l.T'Y . l~ t 1109 the Br: (; 0 prt n sT:'!cke .':r". r~_~c-r dc-wn t c [;uidc A/2/50b t c. t ho r r ncis (; ..... in t ~'l +' !'(; w~,l-'· t.A (l ·;-.~kcn . lie di d the 5 ":.'18 fe r C Ccmp?r:y :! mcncnt 1 : ~,';r.

oS'S !Ccc .'/3/187 fi r s t had ccnt:lct thirty minutos C:lrlicr. t.he :'. cticn h~d l>::-· C·,.~C:~ h ;-'::'lr.lcr . At 1 '116, he ropcrtcd cneny on hi s riGht fl!1r.J::: ,J.r:d stiff :·{- ; ~: i~7. t,' .;,nc c cn hi s left, but th'\t he w'!.3 ::r:.]dr:g hc·:->,.(li.ny tC\on1r d t he lr:.. rgc ~, !. ~:~. '·.i:d bunke r cOl"'l :>lcx c·n the · leSt ,~r n t 11'Y cr e st cf t he hill. . ,(':::·.-: .c.::" later the En ~ CO, :ldjusti ng r:1r r tnr ::.; f r t"'r; th~~ ~OH, \.1':S brincring 2

y' :'l~ ·~.: S [ ; f 81r.n tube reI' r!inutc dire ct ly cr:tc thi s t ;l rect ~r 0:l . He t c'::":::~ /; 1-12:7 to w'''', tch his fl:l nt~3 J b8c~.use the 11F:coks n

, ..... re up :tnd r unni ar. 'J rcun'~ IT ;:,~; J o.nd s t. rcar :l!1i::: off the wBstern s id':1 of t he hill int c the ,jr:1 '\.!;,l! .

. ~t. (, ~;i2 tine , he enjoinod the Bn CO 1/506 t c 1:J("lVO ruickly tc c:lt,ch the .'";n i:: r·~.f s~il ling into the draw sevGr .21 hundr(~ a rloh:rs tc the fr C"nt of tho l /.' C() . ,\t 1126 A Ccmr"DY CO ro~crt. e,' t h":.t h~ h:\ d just heon hit in the heo'.,] ~,.d 1'-'. 3 r::\s~i"g on c('rJ:11 nd to hi!; 2d PJ.:-.t con • .l.11 t.hc 3/137 ·.A !"!i t S \.1cre; on the nl.lit'1ry crest cf the lrill ~ )y 1127 hcurs. Anr.unition ~)cf,-:-.n tc r un l e \·1 '.:t this "!""cint ,').nd ~' .. an~ C 001:"11 c.n.i. cs st!lrted c::.rryin(! r'lrtios b::'~c;';' tc obt::t in rncr8 ~ D COh1rc. ny J..lhich \.(J.s s e curing the l ower LZ, alre0.dy hJ.c ~! isr':!. t chGn J.T .. ;Jl0 T:lrti(-;s fC'r\.,ard. Fer ir..r.'lodi.'1te insu.r~nce J t~hc Bn CO crdcred '1 rJix c f V,-60 M-16, 'D. nd h .. 79 shuttled u ~~ to ~~ Co rr.r 'l· ny, s loc1.ticn """ P, At 113L, C COlOPDY shouted to Jack th~t the enenw held rusks (' [1 :',r,<l ",!'1S cr:l;.-loying gus! 'The Bn CO 0!'der0Q "rut en ycur rrasks ·'l nd d("1n lt st('T !:'levinr fC'r~"lr ri ". l~ctu:l. lly. t here nover !-~s nny 1p-reciJble :1r!!C,unt

c r £3 5 used by tho enemy. by US m,,' s en the; 18th. :i.nt - _~ Cor:~r"-J. nyt s l c co.tic·n

HInt ho did use 1J'l S r r (1b:tbly cis gr c rodes dr oppa<! ;, t 1142 henrs, Thundor 007 the LOH went ri rht and kicked cut the ammo resuprly.

';'11c "ic-st ccmpny to :t<:rt'.l'!!lly tc~ch t ho t cr c f Hill 937 "o s C/3/187. He :"\cccr.lrJ.ishcci this at 1144, one hcur 2nd fcrty_f r ur r.inutes ~ ft.:!r st.ortinf!,. He ccr:p:t:ined cf -, let <of sni per fire , though , nnd t. he En CO tol d both n

Ccr:lr':lnies t c get me-vinE and r eleive C Ccr.;.r ·~n:y f5 f la.nks. The Bn CO r e t uY'ned t o the CP tc. r e f uel at 1145 hem's •

• i t 1152 hcurs ,\/2/506 ws !'GC ', l,Vlng heClvy fire frno 0010;) C COr.1D~ny's 1cc­~tj iCl1. C Comr~ny, 1·hc by n0W h ':d r rC'grcsse:J further cntc the top of the hill, divort.ed cne of his renr cle:" " ~ nts t o nove ncrth :1nd dc\..'11 int.o the ("}r,~ '~' bet;'10C:l ~nd ~i./2/ 506 t c neutrJ. li 7.0 r cs i s t..1.!lCC thore ~ Thp. En CO .... ·'.5'!·Tl.C 'lG":'.in ~t 1200 hours . C Cori~r3P-Y r c pC'!'tcd nur:-:er('us s!1irors r::-~ t he rill tcp ar:.1 tl1C 3!"":. CO t ol d hi;" tr l;e sure th.:'l t he shc t OV er)" thine u -;'"' :, r: :~1 ~~c ccrt::. t n t c . 'l c",-..' .CV(;:I'Y bunker he ~ssed, e ,~pe!l if it :.. r re::lT (..:d \l.;r ccuDiocL The LOHb.~d ~.~lr Gl·:ly s tarted the c::.sun.lty ovncu:1tic n sh'Jttle "tr. t:~e~ D"r eT .L L:. The 0;': CU !ie-w \f.lS s"7"c,tting gl' ( ' . .ll.-"s c.f I'vVJl.. cr.· the hill :~ . f'.C, :J.~·lisnd ;;..nitr-; (f the c~c:~ .Y l i.cns in r e11tion tc thG!n. Mcrt:lrs, r";} [;?i 1':;-:-: u; .'.1 r:P. ~dr:::t.E1SUSt. .... d. (is ,; r1 te cf fir e , '.·J8 re :lCl,4UStc ri en thesB lcc-.... .;.. "' ....... ~<:: ~ .... ") 3r. CO "- rt ·-· ,.... r. ~ + :.., 2 / '".1, -:: h \l1\ '""n' :/2/c.. ..... '~ ...... ... .. -.' \~.~ " ..... +.'--; " . '-'.!..~ U~, . I • • I.;: • - •• .. ~v l_~~_,~ , .• C -/ J" .' ~a _. ~ ... ~,~) " l. ' .l. l .. K _ ; ,, ;) ~J .L

· ::"",:·:,~3 ':!.S"!.. . lh~ 2/501 t,.{.lS st..Lll. :. cC"~ ::;;i ,~c!'·~.:'}l("; ~ ist~!i. ce c: (" ~,""'l ~ hG f-' c f !.~:-n,7 .~,... 3i2 ~n :h·~t .... J~ r ~,ct.i.~t .. ~. , .. :·~ .. . ' 2G7 C C('r·: :~,:.:y (:Gti~~~t;::~ :'!- '"" t h(~ l':~:; t.,·; !,; JS "'.oJ., I s ~ at 1.<rS "Lh( : m'l t o rCrCT+JBd tc . 3rl~;.1G.9 te·.~t ~t Ccc-:, ~tl"":".-"·" :-: :·

.. ,~. - "'_ .... t ,· ~ ..... - , .... ··-t ( . .. , n - '._' •. ~ .... · • • : ; -,.· ... , .. l\;.~ , ... ··.~ :: ... .;.. ,. ', . ~ ("' '·(.'0 C.; I.U::;:' ,,- ... : ;~; .,.Tr:l c, ,. '~'Olli ~n/ \'·;; ... C J .. ""'""'" ·::>-":. "1 ,1.l.n l~ (,r",C!' C, ~\.rn .!.(~ cv:.C:~ · .. .. ".~ . 'I:(';;.',. !: - "!"' t~ · ·, .... ·.,~ t,.·:.~' ....,,'.·.n1 ... t r:."' '-I t ( '.'c.." L-t,nr. r;,.T"Q..'l. ~ ,;t 'l"'?l""'.J t~_,~ nn CO / ,- - - - . . n. .· '.' _. .' ;', (( fY'. ,'.··C .. ·· , .. """'. 1'Cl r·:: D

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't ell::, 3v()(1 1".11,', hi.ll, they e~J.oi t their Sclccess byi pus$.ng cl,own into th" !. ! .~'-:-~ " tG til0 "rest . T!"'~s !.. ()l:d.d -teap i~tl'.~ :lre~ t o the wc rt~c a nd r-Ol.'.tr:t..,:~ :~·, f !'0tJ ':' ._~J' LilD - .!_"'r 0";c :~.·~ 'lnd C:'"l~"'.:,1J) lJS L:i~ .. s+);:,.; ')nd !lrt:i llerJ' to p0u!""vl ],n':_;(" ~,';";':: :.xl;l~j hr.' '<:,h~ r.:." .;;"")(i."t.lnr. f,:r,::h-:-[ $.~ i.i2 n+,rilcl $ into +.JJ .. r.! ~, r\-.~ I."';l;,i.

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:·' 3· " I<_ : ~{ ;l .. '-'hC r couestcd f_~l (· '·.:: f'·. r~;e t o T":l 1:, n..r. :l~i r s-J:,ri1~D i ntc V::.C~'l.i . ~~l

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. . ~ ~:L ;-.n,0' dr:':· .• r:,,'( -,,/"l· t:;.TS' ' r(' -('I.O J' -) "' {"'1 r " " "',", l ,1,,:"~ ,; \,,-~ 1+ ';- },n u.,....,r' ''- ~ J /." 'T , -. o. ~ , 0" ,_ , __ _ ,_ 0 J • • • v __ , _ ...... _ ... ,-!.I. " L_ ' . I'.· d > ' <.; ". ~~ t )!: ...... ~ .. ... . .. 1

~': ~·1."~' 8(': ··.:..)d Ct' (;:l -\.(':J :?:l.c , ~ un h':Lth ;"'.o;,.f,:.';::.:'t: r'!Qli-:i ~~ild ,':::'l'·'>.:i .l.l.(' r~y, rJ'! '·.(; ___ n l,·;~ :r:' (.;

is :':~'.~( ~l.~:Uy c:'l [1U:ll t ics o Dur:~ n~ tn..;; i~ ·-- :r;{I.i ni ng i.:'"')\l::'~ cf a'J.v l i gh1J i.. >.c l; ni ':'; - .I • • .• • • -.. ,';-: ',-l.(, ,, C "T+]' 'I , d ,..1,.. .... .--·\ -.~- .... 1) ... ) ... ''' "l+'"O Y' ''' 'J'he " ~ O'~ sr> ' _"" r> ... -: ...... ,/ '" ~_-'!. . ,It. .. )' ~ . : .... LJ}1-' l I\I . . !"! ' ':. .", 1 : .\· I - ; .J..~ l6 " 0' G ~ e J. "J . • ' .)' _, )L\. /,:; 1.0 i:' ... ~" '-' .... V I-' •

t'c (::-:.,~ 8e c. ~. ' the c Cl1t ir:1.l.i~v~ snj.':~:;:- f '':'r0~ lit 1S i)~ hOl..'_rs .. C ~0r1n:l. r'-\lo h '.:,l '.. . " -, :.r··:::-J .L,-\10 of the el1eT"~Y \'lr.;'~ hidjng j.n .:l b'.1n~C'::, One (liod shcrtly there ·~ G C ,.. \~: ~tl Dy Comrn nr:-l e.I" e l11 0-::1 t c CYTl,~d 'i"_ th:l t 1~ he c:t r ti vc \.J0u.ldn t t c. f!:C 01' -[. ur !:,hc hclc . The IVl "t.t :lli r)n 83 instr .... lct.ecl him to tr.rl""'\4 t C.':tr [--:t o (T s ncke gr cm,:ics i nto the hole . Tho a tt , lirn ComlSl nil13r c.'lme en the r 'ldio J. t tho,t :'0~;), '(' to ',!-ern tbe Conp 'Iny COVr:1l'Y.lCl' th1.i; he d; ,ln ' t W'lnt a si nel o US eold5nr C"'''''1 ;, c!':l ~,chcdin ::In enG0unter 8LlCh ,CL S this one. He ordered th'l~. if they' (;ou' .'(h 1 t got th'J NW, m;i; 'Of tho hole tc tell ltl r1 we ,)ou2.d thro" " fr:J. 1!, ~~mdc ir~ \.lith -him. Ntnntcs llJ. ::vt 1655 hours , -Li18 encr::y SO}.:~ i cr ';:', $ cd of his hole stri Fped :'lnd on his W:ly to the 12. ?r,:ls c ' ptive C\"\U\1:1 t0a 1,'1 t Gr in the 'lfternoe·n teld the 5"I'iz~ly t<'l l e c,r how nore tl;'l n .3,J% of hls comp'lny of a hundred Ol nd twent.y L,en h:ld b0en wiped out si nce t.h t', fi gllt:;,ng gog::n on 10 l>hy . }k \,2S frcm the 5th plat , K8 R1 , 29St1. II/VA ;'(c:'j,ment, The llri { 53 l:lnded ::It 1707 hours t c c('nfer viti; the llitt..!llion Conn"lndcr r'.nd to p:lSS rn the new nLi.ssi cns ::1 nd gcncr21 rnQvO;:J f10nt rJ.0 !:118d f'Ol' the 3/1 8'1 for 21 l'hy t o t ho Ihtt;alion 83.

lJ!1 tho 2: of lVny , tho" ::/1 :J7 ;.ns t o be ;;j, thdraM~, from the L~ ,~'0:\ .~t> . c' e,;':,t in "n-r :::. St~.1.nG.-I)01.1Jj ,:lnd su h~u ... ~_te l1t m:i.s r3icns in t:to cC':t::-:ta] r:!_,':1:l:'1S .

h '~ ~93''J hC;l.~ ,!,· -:> ~ 1) C0.Dl:.:l ny D.!" ':"ivc :1 ":, !~ hc u :' r er LZ ,':'.:yl .::. ('(:.~ :~cs-:' .j :' : ''''' ::. ~ c:: -;:.hc t ''-·'yt-h,:; l'.fl. ~lAJ f or +,hc rG!,j.rJ.;t.c~· ..

, -':r'


Y,;c'0t, ilR') .hght, anri ".rtillel';r ,~~,·.ara·1'e·s ;i8rE:' cYClnted and th~' .:-~:':; 1 .arc pl~ ce(] (.:<n Gn.(,I,,~ rrl)t0S C,':' .,.i ·~j-l~:I'1. \·,c.l +J;.rcUGhn"'...!~ tl4c ~ti:::t-·~·"

.'·()20 hC'urs._ Srocq~,(' s ag'),"i!l. CV~;:, th(J 3/137 'J..nd, bet,,!oen 'lTr'lif,:ct ~.YJ,-i r_:·~~'nt. striJ"os .. l,Jor:k"..hd (,l1 .:'1",-'3. SOU ~lC;~JEjl'S ;_~ .!l11 d.lrur:;t·:t·,:-rs :['Y'I.8

/,. i"}'l)J8 1C110'793 ~illd f-,r"t.lje:::- +.'j the l,\r'.,;s-:- and south.

~C.'); ;,,-c\;)rs~ B Ccn;~9.l'v!s ;.;:! ':,lc."CC'cn LP u.GT,(:;ctcd f"·V8t:GPt and :',; -~ .,'0 ~~c·;;;1':V3,ct. 'J'r'~l S \'8re 11C cthor i1 cticl1s on the !1eri '7'OtOl' (,~' ,"c- -',~

:-~ ='- :'1·~:.c,-,1(11~Y· f:trr~t~l.l.~S, 3.nd tho nirr~t r-e~sf:e.::: ql;i.!h~~.,y"

! ',:-.,,-'" " . .'

:SbJ !Siill UNCLASSIFIED On the 21 s t at 0032 hour s , Briga c1J informed the Batt9.lion Sj th.'lt the de1'ired 0r-:\",r 0f ",x"trA"tinn of 3/187 unit~ 1.\'1Sl B, 0, Blttali cn nndquarters, D llnd A. Tbe ouiet W3 S bn\kon a t 0615 hours, when ene~ 60n.m were fired c. t the he3.dquarter s loca. tion. Approxirrn tely 1 ~, r ounds ",ore fire d fr om south of tbe j:'8rimeter but caused no 8 :su",l.ti es. Gounter J:!crt,:>. r fire a nswered swiftl y a nd l'iG's r!lked th<> sus­:,." ote,l l cc!'ltion. An c, ddi t i cml fireb'-'ll 1.\'1S exe cuted 1.t 0630 hours . At 0656 hetlrs, the C&C ship, t o be u,.ed in controlling the extraction, r "r'Ortcd in on the b:J.ttalicn cc=nd fr c"uency. B Comrnny ',~s preF1.rcd fo:: l..ickur but , beC'luse of 3dverse W::lthe: 3t 0730 hours, the B1.ttC.lion r- .~!:o, n< .:,:, eJ,c cted to t.he extr:l.ction fer Cln hour.

" q,:.; hours, t he OivisiGn COmm'lnder ar rived at th" uner Lz., l"!ve r.,in-1 : , : ',ft er his arriV'll , cncqv mcrt'1r r eunels , i"'P~cted just outsi ~e the '. )3 '; ~rn sflction of the The t :lrget 1"C.8 en/(lged by !:'.ortars nnd :"i.;'i nnd their wer e nc friendly .

At 0924 !'I6u%"!!; Di-iG:lde W3s infor mc.d tlu t th" extra etian \0'0::1"- begin 3 t 0930 hours.

~'he P2 tiDes for B Comp,ny "'" s 0936 hours. 'ci, '; 01 ~ hours.

It 'J.l s olea n for B Cor:p. ny

A FAC re('ue s+'ed H earanee to p,t an airstrike :tlhto the vi eini ty of coord.­ir.'1G (J '1'C314981. This arm W'lS the !') dr:l'" off Hill 937; it ~xtcnrlcd to the border and >os the chort'Ost escape r out.o for the encl:\'!' , Cl~rllnce ,,,,,s ,,;ranted.

i'Z T.i En f or 0 Comrn ny ' 1017 hO:.lrs. The PZ Tor C COl'lpany 'lnd A COJ!lplny' "as Joc'1tcd on the to;: ef Hill 937. A Ccnp<lny, 2/506, which .as extracted after the completi on of ~h() 3/187, provided security for the pickup.

By 1030 h~urs, B CO~~:lny had comploted its move to the interm diate LZ at FB BIa"o Cl od was en its ;;J.y to '1 now 1:Iis"ien :1t Phong Dien.

The PZ eonpl e te tine for C Comrany cleari ng Hill 937 .as 1031 h()1).rs, a ndl by 1105 hours, they too h3d been cleared through FE Blaze Ilnd were on their w.y to a ne", mission at Celco Be'lch. Next the he:1dgullrters C-:lT.e

out and it .as rock at C.amp Ev::lns by 1136 hours. Eve ' going smoothly with the D Company extr'lction when at 1300 hours, with 21 men remi ning en tho urper LZ, they reed ved four incomlng RPG rounds. For'­tunately only two men were wcunded and not seriously. The Batt~lirn S) liho ~ns controlling the extraction, g'lve i nst ruction t o the pl'1t(\on le'ldor en tho',~('und ",no c<l:Lled for ai r support fr em Bri gade , While the 0 Con[i1ny ?L:: '~ocn ,;r ucht tc neutr:llj, ze the enerw rr escnC8 and guarantoe the securi t:r cf the : 3, the lift shir s w~:re diverted t o A Ccmr'any. ;i Cor.1p:'lny vas ex­t ncted ,~rom Hill 937 w'i t hout incident and by 1505 hours, was on the ""-y i,O Ei."<:lc i:k:-"t ch for i$ s:ta.nd-do<Nn .

Arj.,roxi r:::t t oly 1400 hours, the En ttalicn Co=nd 3/1S7 arriffed in a Len over :' Coc'pny's troops . til" t were l eft on the 'ol ocking "osition pz. He (' j : 'cct ',d a rned h81icorter fires and :lirstrikes en possible ene~ 100-".ti er'.s clo se to the ?7.,. A,:'te :. 'an hour of these f ires , he dec T"~n th~: PZ S0CU!'C .:it:d t.he trcc r S "Jere succcss f\tl.~y e xtr.').ctcd by 151 5 hours.

Thus 0'1',,,,, t.ho 'lcti on of th', 3/187 .it' Dong AI' J FO

3i o Hill 937 .... , f 0- ,'7-7"