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To learn more about Aerohive products, visit © 2016 Aerohive Networks, Inc. Aerohive HiveSchool Guide HiveSchool is an application that enables teachers to make effective use of the wireless network in the classroom. A teacher can view students' screens, focus their browsers on a specific website, lock them to focus attention on a specific task, and enable both the teacher and students to present digital content to the class from their computers. Note: The content in this guide comes directly from the HiveSchool Help system.

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© 2016 Aerohive Networks, Inc.

Aerohive HiveSchool Guide

HiveSchool is an application that enables teachers to make effective use of the wireless network in the classroom. A teacher can view students' screens, focus their browsers on a specific website, lock them to focus attention on a specific task, and enable both the teacher and students to present digital content to the class from their computers.

Note: The content in this guide comes directly from the HiveSchool Help system.

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Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 3

HiveSchool Extensions ................................................................................................................................. 3

How to Connect to HiveSchool ................................................................................................................ 4

Connecting as a Teacher ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Connecting as a Student .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Teacher Dashboard Functionality ............................................................................................................ 6

Viewing and Locking Student Screens ................................................................................................................................... 6 Using Follow Me ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Adding, Activating, and Focusing on Resources .................................................................................................................. 7

Student Icon Options .................................................................................................................................. 8

Dashboard Main Menu .............................................................................................................................. 9

Using HiveSchool Help ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Giving Feedback ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Creating Reports ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Changing the Language of the Teacher Extension ........................................................................................................... 11 Editing Student Settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Editing, Ending, and Deleting a Class ................................................................................................................................... 12 Closing Enrollment .................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................................... 12

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Requirements The following requirements are necessary to use HiveSchool:

• Google Chrome browsers on Chromebooks, Mac, Windows, or Linux computers for teachers and students • Google apps domain accounts for teachers and students • HiveSchool teacher and student Chrome extensions, which administrators can distribute through Google Apps

HiveSchool Extensions Google Chrome extensions are software applications that run inside the Chrome browser to provide additional functionality. There are two Aerohive HiveSchool extensions: one for teachers and one for students.

With the teacher extension installed on a Chrome browser, teachers can do the following:

• Add, edit, and delete classes • Start, lock, and end class sessions • Add students to a class and remove them from a class • Change the language of the teacher extension interface • Create a report of students' online activities for the current and previous class sessions • View attendance either by student name or profile picture • Close any open tabs in students’ browsers other than the one for HiveSchool upon login • View or lock students’ screens • Add and activate online resources • Focus students’ browsers on a specific website • Display the content of the teacher’s screen or that of a student’s screen to the class

Note: The option to make a student a presenter, which causes his or her screen to appear on other students' monitors, is only available in classes with up to eight students. When more students than that join a class, the present option becomes unavailable.

The student extension allows students to do the following:

• Join a class • Change the language of the student extension interface • View the content on the teacher’s or student’s screen that the teacher displays to the class • Access teacher-activated online resources • Bookmark notifications of resources

Schools typically own Chromebooks and load the student extension on them before the start of the school year using the Google Admin console. The Admin console allows administrators to provision Chromebooks, enable and disable different services, and push out updates to users' devices at any time.

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How to Connect to HiveSchool The connection process differs for teachers and students. Both are explained below.

Connecting as a Teacher

1. Click the HiveSchool icon in your Chrome browser.

A sign-in page appears.

2. Sign in with your Google account and then allow HiveSchool to use your Google credentials for authentication by clicking Accept when prompted. After your account is confirmed, a webpage opens where you can fill in basic information about the teacher name you want students to see and the classes you will host.

3. Enter the name you want HiveSchool to display for you and then click Next. 4. Enter the period and title of your first class, and then click Enter Class.

The HiveSchool dashboard appears. On this page you can see a four-digit class code, which teachers can provide to students so they can join the class. Teachers can also add student accounts to a class themselves by clicking the Add Student icon and filling out the Add Student dialog box that appears.

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To add just one student account, teachers add the information and then click Add Student. To add several accounts, teachers add the information for one student, and then click Add Another. They can continue creating several accounts and when they finally click Add Student, HiveSchool adds all of them at once.

After creating a class and adding students to it, teachers can then click End Class in the dashboard slide-out menu, which causes him or her to exit the context of a particular class and return to the Start Your Class page. From there, the teacher can add more classes.

Connecting as a Student

1. Click the HiveSchool icon in your Chrome browser.

A sign-in page appears.

2. Sign in with your Google account. 3. To enroll in a class, enter the four-digit class code that was on the teacher’s dashboard and then click Submit.

After submitting the class code, a prompt appears to allow HiveSchool to share your screen.

4. Click Accept to allow HiveSchool to share your screen.

When a student joins a class, an icon appears in the teacher’s HiveSchool dashboard.

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After students enter a class code to join a class once, they join subsequent class sessions by clicking the HiveSchool icon, selecting the class name from a list of previously joined classes that appear in a browser window, and then clicking Enter Class. They do not have to enter the class code each time they join a class. However, HiveSchool prompts them to consent to sharing their screens each time they join.

Teacher Dashboard Functionality After entering a class, teachers can access the dashboard where they can perform actions such as viewing students’ screens, displaying the screen of one of the students to the rest of the class, and directing the class to view a web page listed in the Resources section. From the dashboard slide-out menu (accessed by clicking in the upper right corner of the window), they can also access the Help, send product feedback to Aerohive, generate reports, change the language of the HiveSchool interface, and modify student and class settings.

Viewing and Locking Student Screens If you click a student icon, you can view or lock that student’s screen. In addition, for classes with up to eight students, you can also put a student in presenter mode. When a student is presenting, then that student's screen is displayed on the screens of all the students in the class. When there are more than eight students in a class, this option is grayed out.

After you click Finish Enrollment or Close Enrollment, the following options appear: • View Screens • Lock All • Follow Me

If you click View Screens, you can view each student’s screen and see what they are doing.

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You can also view specific browser tabs that a student has open, close tabs, lock the student’s screen, focus on a student’s screen, and project a student’s screen to the class.

When you are viewing a student’s screen, you can view all opened browser tabs by clicking the browser tab icon. You can close any tab by clicking X.

You can zoom in on a single student's screen.

If you want to block everyone from looking at their computer screen and shift their focus to the teacher or anyone or anything else in the classroom, click Lock All. This causes a black screen with a white padlock to appear on students' monitors. You can just as easily release their browsers later by clicking Unlock All.

Using Follow Me

To display the teacher's screen to all the students, click Follow Me. Teachers can choose between showing their entire computer screen or just an individual object on their computer. To stop showing their screen to the class, click Stop Sharing.

Adding, Activating, and Focusing on Resources

When a teacher installs the HiveSchool teacher extension, a new bookmark folder called HiveSchool gets created in his or her Chrome browser. Any bookmark that the teacher moves into the HiveSchool bookmarks folder appears in the teacher’s Resources page. However, students only see them after the teacher selects the Active check box next to them. Then they appear on their Resources page.

Any number of resources can be made active for a class session. Teachers can even add new resources in the middle of class, activate them, and click refresh to make them available as links on the students’ Resources page.

By using the Focus option, teachers can direct students to any website listed in Resources. When a teacher selects the Focus check box for a resource, students can only browse that website. While a resource is in focus, students are restricted from accessing any other site, are prevented from opening any new tabs in Chrome, and cannot close the browser. Only one website can be in focus at a time.

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Student Icon Options Clicking a student icon makes several options available.

Remove: You can remove the student from the class roster by clicking the symbol of a white line in a red circle.

Lock: You can lock the student's screen so that he or she cannot use Chrome (although the student can still use his or her computer for other purposes that do not involve Chrome). When a student's screen is locked the student icon changes from yellow to red. To unlock it, click the student icon and then click the lock icon again. You will know it is unlocked when you see that the icon has changed from red back to yellow.

Present: You can present the student's screen to the rest of the class so that what is on one student's monitor appears on everyone else's. (This option is only available in classes with up to eight students.)

View: You can view the student's screen and see whatever is currently active.

When you present or view a student's screen, HiveSchool opens a new window in which to display the student's screen. At the top of the window is a taskbar with three icons. The one on the left allows you to close any browser tabs that are open. The middle icon presents the student's screen to the class; that is, when the class size permits it. The icon on the right locks (and unlocks) the student's browser.

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Dashboard Main Menu The following options are available from the slide-out menu on the right side of the HiveSchool dashboard. To view the menu, click the menu icon in the upper right corner of the HiveSchool interface. To close the menu, click the icon again or anywhere in the HiveSchool interface other than the menu itself.

Using HiveSchool Help

Click the Help button to open the online HiveSchool documentation. To search for a key word or phrase throughout the entire Help system, enter a word in the search field in the upper right corner of the Help and then click the magnifying glass icon. You can also search for an exact phrase by enclosing it within quotation marks. To search for a word within a currently active topic, use the search tool in your browser.

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Giving Feedback If you want to send feedback about HiveSchool to Aerohive, click Give Feedback and complete the online form that appears in a separate browser window. You are welcome to send comments, suggestions, and feature and documentation requests. Including your email address and subject is optional. To return to the dashboard, click X in the upper right corner.

Creating Reports You can create a report showing students' online activities during class. You have a choice of creating a report of the current class or previous one. To see details about the sites that a particular student visited during class, click the student's name in the left column.

To create a report with information about current and previous class sessions, click Reporting in the main menu or the Reporting icon at the bottom of dashboard window.

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Changing the Language of the Teacher Extension

Teachers and students can change the language of their HiveSchool extension by simply choosing one of the languages from the drop-down list. HiveSchool supports the following languages:

Chinese - Simplified Chinese - Traditional Dutch English (default) Finnish French German Italian Japanese Portuguese Spanish Swedish

Note: Students can also change the language of the HiveSchool student extension by choosing a different language from a similar drop-down list.

Editing Student Settings

You can automatically arrange student icons alphabetically across the interface or manually arrange them to reflect their seat locations or some other organizational structure. To arrange them alphabetically, toggle Sort Alphabetically to the right. Its background color will change from gray to green.

Note: HiveSchool sorts student icons alphabetically by first name.

By toggling Sort Alphabetically to the left so that its background color is gray, you disable the automatic arrangement of student icons alphabetically. You can then click-drag them to different positions.

To display names on student icons, toggle Display Profile Pictures to the left so that its background color is gray. To show students' profile pictures instead of names, toggle it to the right. (The pictures are pulled from students' Google accounts.)

You can use HiveSchool to close all open browser tabs when students join a class. Toggle Close Tabs on Login to the right, changing its background color from gray to green.

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Editing, Ending, and Deleting a Class

After creating a class, you can edit its name. Although the name change is instantaneous for the teacher, students will not see the name change until after the next time they enter that class.

After you enter a class as a teacher, students who previously joined the class can see that class available in their browser window after they click the HiveSchool student icon. Then when a class session is over and you click End Class, HiveSchool concludes the class for all students who automatically exit it.

When a class is finished at the end of a semester or school year, you can remove it from HiveSchool by clicking Delete Class.

Closing Enrollment

The access code for joining a class is valid until the teacher closes enrollment, which the teacher can do after all those students who are enrolled in the course have entered the code and joined the class. By doing this, nobody else who is not officially enrolled will be able to access the class.

To close enrollment, you can either click the Finish Enrollment button in the dashboard or toggle Close Enrollment to the right (changing its background color from gray to green) in the dashboard slide-out menu.

Troubleshooting You can usually fix the most common issues by clearing cookies, plugin data, and cached images and files from the browser experiencing the issue:

1. Click the Google Chrome menu icon in the upper right corner and then click History > History (shortcut: CTRL + H).

2. Click Clear browsing data to display the Clear browsing data dialog box. 3. Select Cookies and other site and plugin data and Cached images and files, and then click Clear browsing
