aerosol-, cloud- and chemistry modeling in echam5 workshop ... · surface fluxes and vertical...

Aerosol-, Cloud- and Chemistry Modeling in ECHAM5 Workshop Summary Editors: Johann Feichter ([email protected]) and Martin Schultz ([email protected])

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  • Aerosol-, Cloud- and Chemistry Modeling in ECHAM5

    Workshop Summary

    Editors: Johann Feichter ([email protected]) and

    Martin Schultz ([email protected])

  • IAC




    for A



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    University of Kuopio


    MPI for Chemistry



    The aim of the workshop was to present a summary of the state of aerosol, cloud and chemistry modeling implemented in the atmospheric circulation model ECHAM5 and to provide basis and incentive for future collaborations. The workshop raised large interest as documented by the participant list: 44 scientists from 7 countries participated. Aerosol and cloud modeling also has a strong base at the Max Planck Institute for Meterology in Hamburg. This is documented by the fact that 17 attendees of the workshop were from MPI-M.

  • Contents Overview about the modeling system 5

    The atmospheric model 5

    Aerosol models 8

    Cloud models 13

    Coupled Model Versions 16

    Coding, code maintenance and user support 20

    Presentations 22

    Participants 24

  • The Atmospheric Model ECHAM5

    ECHAM5 is the 5th generation of the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM. Depending on the configuration the model resolves the atmosphere up to 10 hPa for tropospheric studies, or up to 0.01 hPa for middle atmosphere studies (often referred to as MAECHAM5).

    Contact Person

    Erich Roeckner and Monika Esch, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-368, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-375, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    Model description:

    MPI Report No 349:

    Model Performance:

    MPI Report No 354

    A special section in the Journal of Climate, Vol 19, No 16, 2006, comprises a series of papers that present the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5-HAM and the coupled atmosphere ocean model ECHAM5/MPI-OM that was used for the German IPCC-AR4 simulations. ECHAM5 in a nut-shell Tracer advection: Flux-form SLT scheme (Lin & Rood, 1996) Longwave radiation (RRTM; Mlawer et el., 1997) 16 spectral bands Shortwave radiation (Fouquart & Bonnel, 1980) 4 spectral bands Cloud scheme: Ice and liquid phase separately (Lohmann & Roeckner, 1996) ;

    cloud cover from PDF of the total water content (Tompkins, 2002) Orographic gravity waves (Lott, 1999) Gravity waves from tropospheric sources (Hines, 1997) Land surface scheme: Implicit coupling scheme; five-layer soil model

    (temperature); one soil moisture bucket with variable infiltration capacity; simple lake model

    Surface fluxes and vertical diffusion: MO similarity theory; turbulence kinetic energy closure (Brinkop & Roeckner, 1995)

  • Cumulus convection: Mass flux scheme for shallow, deep, and mid-level convection (Tiedtke, 1989; Nordeng, 1994)

    Surface boundary data interpolated from high-resolution datasets (Hagemann, 2002)

    Surface boundary data Orography SST, sea ice (Jan 1978 - Dec 1999) Fractional land area ==> 0/1 mask computed internally Glacier mask Fractional lake area Vegetation index (monthly) Leaf area index (monthly) Fractional forest area (annual) Background albedo (annual) Water holding capacity of the soil Heat capacity of the soil Thermal diffusivity of the soil

    Model Configuration

    Vertical domains

    troposphere + lower stratosphere (top at 30 km) + stratosphere + lower mesosphere (top at 80 km) + mesosphere + lower thermosphere (top at 250 km)

    Number of levels: 19, 31, 39, 90

    Horizontal resolutions: T21, T31, T42, T63, T85, T106, T159, T319

    Further options:

    - single column version - simple data assimilation (nudging) - coupling to mixed-layer ocean (Q-flux method)

    NOTE: Horizontal and vertical resolutions should not be chosen independently; increased vertical resolution (L31) is beneficial at ‘high enough‘ horizontal resolution (T63 and higher).

    Main effects of increased vertical resolution are

    - diminished vertical moisture transport - decreased humidity in the upper troposphere

  • - less cirrus clouds (Note! in the coupled version ECHAM5-HAM-ICNC better resolution results in more cirrus clouds)

    - more realistic vertical temperature profiles - better representation of stationary waves

    Test simulations to assess tracer transport characteristics

    Carbon monoxide – Sebastian Rast, Martin Schultz

    Beryllium-7 &-10, Lead-210 – Ulla Heikkilä (EAWAG, Zürich)

    Krypton-85 – Ole Ross

    Artificial idealized tracers – Adetutu Aghedo, Sebastian Rast, Martin Schultz

  • The Aerosol Model HAM

    Operational Version: HAM_1.6 Contact Person:

    Philip Stier, California Institute of Technology, CA

    [email protected] , Tel: +1 626 395 3195

    Sebastian Rast and Johann Feichter, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-425, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-317, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    Model description:

    Stier P., Feichter J., Kinne S., Kloster S., Vignati E., Wilson J., Ganzeveld L., Tegen I., Werner M., Schulz M., Balkanski Y., Boucher O., Minikin A., Petzold A. (2005): The Aerosol-Climate Model ECHAM5-HAM, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5 (2005), 1125-1156. Vignati E., J. Wilson, and P. Stier (2004): M7: an efficient size resolved aerosol microphysics module for large-scale aerosol transport models J. Geophys. Res., 109, D22, D22202, doi:10.1029/2003JD004485.

    Model Performance:

    Kinne S. et al. (2006): An AeroCom initial assessment - optical properties in aerosol component modules of global models. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 1815-1834. Textor C. et al., (2006): Analysis and quantification of the diversities of aerosol life cycles within AeroCom. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 1777-1813. HAM in a nut-shell Chemical compounds: Sulfate, Black Carbon, Particulate organic matter, Sea Salt, Mineral Dust

  • Representation of the aerosol population Chemical compounds

    AITKEN (0.005 µm < r < 0.05 µm)

    ACCUMULATION (0.05 µm < r < 0.5 µm)


    COARSE (0.5 µm < r )



    BC, OC



    SU, BC, OC

    SU, BC, OC, SS, DU

    SU, BC, OC, SS, DU

    MODES OF HAM NUCLEATION (r < 0.005 µm)

    Aerosol Microphysics

    • Condensation of sulfate on existing particles • Coagulation • Nucleation of sulfate particles • Inter-modal transfer • Thermodynamical equilibrium with water vapour

    Precursor Chemistry Sulfur Chemistry – prescribed oxidant fields (Feichter et al., 1996) or MOZART Chemistry - gas-phase and heterogenous chemistry (Horowitz et al., 2003; Rast, Schultz et al., 2007; Pozzoli et al., 2007) Radiation A look-up table provides extinction cross section, single scattering albedo and asymmetry parameter for 24 spectral bands in the solar range. So far effects on the infrared radiation are neglected. Sinks Prescribed size and composition dependent scavenging efficiencies; deposition at ground- resistance scheme (Ganzeveld et al.); sedimentation (Slinn&Slinn).

  • Future plans Generalization of the microphysics Purpose is to achieve an easier handling of the code and more flexibility to change number of modes and chemical compounds; facilitates future developments. Method: Intensive use of pointers and linked-lists, in the same spirit as for tracers and streams. The new organization of HAM will be based on three kinds of different entities:

    • a standardized mode definition • several mode-defaults • several different sets of modes, represented by linked-lists

    Concept and realization: Sylvaine Ferrachat supported by Sebastian Rast and Declan O’Donnell Sectional aerosol microphysics

    • SAM – Hommel Implemented in ECHAM5-middle atmosphere version (Hommel et al, J Aerosol Sci., 2003)

    • SALSA – Harry Kokkola Optimizing the number of size bins, chemical compounds and simulated processes in each sub-range to keep computing time requirements low; implementation in REMO, LOTOS and ECHAM5.

    New Nucleation Schemes - Risto Makkonen Testing four nucleation schemes

    o Parameterization by Vehkamäki et al. (2002) o Parameterization by Kulmala et al. (1998) o Activation type nucleation o Kinetic type nucleation

    Size-Dependent Below-Cloud and In-Cloud Scavenging

    • Impaction and below-cloud scavenging Precalulated look-up tables of collision efficiencies for a wide range of collector and aerosol sizes- concept Sabine Wurzler and Philip Stier Realization - Betty Croft Nucleation scavenging see “activation” in chapter cloud physis


    • LW aerosol radiative properties – Philip Stier • Effective medium approaches for calculation of refractive indices – Philip Stier • Effect of aerosol inclusions on cloud radiative properties – Philip Stier

  • • Optional replacement of Two-Stream by delta-Eddington approximation – Manu Anna Thomas, Sebastian Rast

    • Removal of inconsistencies in aerosol radiation interface of ECHAM5 – done New chemical components

    • Implementation of the HNO3-module (Romakkaniemi et al., ? ) by Sami Romakkaniemi and Philip Stier

    • Implementation of the organics module developed by Tsigaridis&Kanakidou (Atmos. Chem. Phys, 3, 1849-1869, 2003 ) by Declan O’Donnell

    • Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation – Risto Makkonen New tracer added for non-volatile organic vapor (ORG); assumed to be formed with 5-20% yield from biogenic VOC emissions; ORG is allowed to condense on pre-existing particles.


    • Instantaneous aerosol forcing - Philip Stier Implementation of HAM or M7 in regional models o REMO – Bärbel Langmann, Saji Varghese

    version with ECHAM physics

    o MUSCAT ( MUltiScale Chemistry Aerosol) – Ralf Wolke MUSCAT is online coupled to the regional GCM LM (DWD model); modal aerosol model MADMAcS (Wilck and Stratmann, 1997); four internal mixed modes; similar to MADE in EURAD (Ackermann, 1996) Equilibrium models: ISORROPIA (Nenes et al., 1998), EQSAM (Metzger, 2001)

    Planned Implementation of M7; including of nitrate, ammonia, SOA (more explicit); better description of cloud-chemistry; test the performance of ISORROPIA and EQSAM.

    Emission models and inventories

    o BMEGAN – Adetutu Aghedo Species: Isoprene, total terpenes (i.e. C10HXOY), carbon monoxide; other VOCs: ethene, ethane, propene, formaldehyde, methanol, acetaldehyde, acetone.

    o Marine biosphere – Silvia Kloster Species: DMS The model system simulates the DMS cycle in the ocean and in the atmosphere, and calculates dynamically consistent DMS sea surface concentrations, DMS emissions and DMS concentrations in the atmosphere (Kloster et al., Biogeosciences, 3, 29-51, 2006).

    o Soil Dust Emission Model – Ina Tegen


  • Emission depending on surface wind speed (model) vegetation cover and type (external file) preferential source areas (external file) soil particle size (texture, external file) soil moisture, snow cover (model) (Tegen et al., J. Geophys. Res., 107, 4576–4597, 2002). Planned Explicit dependence of dust emissions on vegetation, important for computing dust emission fluxes in changed climate conditions; satellite derived surface roughness data may improve large-scale dust emission models; dependence of dust emission fluxes on surface winds - subgridscale parameterization needed


  • Cloud Physics

    Operational Version: Stratiform clouds:

    Ice and liquid phase separately (Lohmann & Roeckner, 1996); cloud cover from PDF of the total water content (Tompkins, 2002)

    Convective clouds: Mass flux scheme for shallow, deep, and mid-level convection (Tiedtke, 1989; modified according Nordeng, 1994)

    Contact Person:

    Ulrike Lohmann, ETH Zürich, CH

    [email protected], Tel: +41 (0)1 633 0514; Fax: +41 (0)1 633 1058

    Erich Roeckner, Johannes Quaas and Johann Feichter, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-368, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-179, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-317, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    Model description:


  • Future Plans

    Activation – Yiran Peng Three approaches 1. Ghan et al. [1995] and Lin & Leaitch [1997] (L&L)

    (a bulk parameterization following the empirical relationship) Nact= 0.1[w Nccn /(w + c Nccn)]1.27 where Nccn is calculated by given a uniform critical radius (rc) for all aerosols modes. c is a parameter related to T, P, aerosol size distribution and chemical compositions

    2. Abdul-Razzak & Ghan [2002] (ARG) (a multi-modal formulation following Köhler theory) Nact= ∑Nccni = ∑Nai Fi where i refers to one of the seven aerosol modes in HAM Fi(rci)= fi (T, P, w, aerosol number, size, solubility & chemical compositions)

    3. Kuba & Fujiyoshi [2006] (K&F) (a fitting equation based on small & meso-scale cloud model results) Nact= ANccn(S)/(Nccn(S)+B) where Nccn is derived from given critical radii of NaCl, (NH4)2SO4 and OC at five different S(w). A and B are parameters for five different w categories. with

    Na: aerosol number concentration at cloud base (+ size, chem. sol. etc from HAM) w: updraft velocity S: supersaturation w.r.t water F: activation fraction Nact:droplet number concentration (Nact contributes to CDNC(Nd) in water clouds)

    Schemes implemented Next steps:

    Evaluation Coupling the dispersion effect fully with the HAM: ARG scheme and Liu et al., [2006] parameterization

    In-cloud processing of aerosols

    Addition of two new modes in HAM: in-droplet and in-crystal mode – Corinna Hoose

    Changes of the stratiform cloud scheme – Corinna Hoose

    - two moment scheme (water and ice mass and water droplet and ice crystal number concentration) (Lohmann et al., 1999)

    - replace Beheng (1994) autoconversion by Khairoutdinov & Kogan (2000) - add to homogenous freezing heterogenous freezing - complete Bergeron-Findeisen process

    Changes of the convective cloud scheme – Ulrike Lohmann


  • Consideration of aerosol effects on convective clouds requires cloud microphysics; thus, ECHAM5 convection scheme extended by a prognostic cloud microphysics as used in stratiform cloud parameterization (Zhang et al., JGR-Atmosphere, 2005).

    Testing alternate convection parameterizations_ - Holger Tost Implementation and tesing of alternate convection parameterizations in ECHAM5, such as the Bechthold or Zhang-McFarlane-Hack schemes; for more information, see

    Subgrid-scale variability of cloud processes – Johannes Quaas Simulate pdf of temperature, total water, updraft velocity; highly non-linear processes parameterized using subgrid-scale variability; evaluation by comparison to satellite data.


    AeroCom initiative see: coordinated by Stefan Kinne and Michael Schulz (CNRS, Paris)

    - preparation of benchmark tests for the purpose of aerosol and (in the future)

    cloud model evaluation - assess the use of products for model evaluation - combine data of different sensors for extra info - cooperate with ongoing GEWEX Global Aerosol Products Assessment - explore uncertainty of emission data input - understand, what complexity is needed in aerosol and cloud modules and what

    is not


  • Coupled Chemistry-Aerosol Model Versions

    1. ECHAM5-MOZ (Chemistry model MOZART2 in ECHAM5)

    Contact person:

    Martin Schultz, ICG-II, Research Center Jülich

    [email protected], Tel: +49 2461 61 2831, Fax: +49 2461 61 8131

    Sebastian Rast, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-425, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    Model description: Atmospheric dynamics and physics from ECHAM5 Advection: Lin & Rood, 1998 (as in ECHAM5) Chemical Mechanism and solver: MOZART2.4 (Horowitz et al., 2003), Eulerian backward integration Dry deposition: Ganzeveld, 2001 Wet scavenging: based on Seinfeld and Pandis, 1998 Lightning NOx production and aircraft emissions: Grewe et al., 2001 Biogenic VOC emissions: BMEGAN, Guenther et al., 2006 Photolysis frequencies: tabulated as in MOZART2.4 (with cloud correction) Surface emissions: RETRO data base ( A first model description has been published by Aghedo et al. in ACPD (2006) The model description paper is in preparation by Rast et al. “MOZECH” Wiki at FZ Jülich (

    Model Evaluation: ACCENT/Photocomp-2030: Dentener et al., 2006; Stevenson et al., 2006; Shindell et al., 2006; van Noije et al., 2006 Aghedo et al., 2006 Auvray et al., 2006 RETRO project reports (



    Contact person:

    Mark G. Lawrence, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

    [email protected], Tel: ++49/6131/305331 · Fax: ++49/6131/305511

    Patrick Joeckel, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

    [email protected]

    Model description: MESSy is simultaneously an interface structure for submodels, a coding standard, and a collection of submodels including processes such as chemical integrations, sources, and deposition. Its first full realization is coupled to ECHAM5, and is being used for coupled chemistry-climate simulations of gases and aerosols in the troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere; more information can be found in the first evaluation of the ozone chemistry:"


  • 3. Multicompartment model ECHAM5-MPIOM Contact Person: Irene Stemmler, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-386, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    Model description:

    Cycling in and between atmosphere, soil and oceans, chemical transformations and degradation of semivolatile organic pollutants (Lammel et al.(2001), Report Max Planck Institute for Meteorology No. 324, Hamburg 2001, 44 pp. )






    wind, etc

    TROPOSPHERIC AEROSOLS HAM [SO4,BC,OC, mineral dust, sea salt]


    wind, etc






    surface area

    O3, N2O5,

    HO2, HNO3



    E ECHA



    SO4(g) ->


    O3, H2O2








    Contact person :

    Isabelle Bey, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

    [email protected], Tel : +41 (0)21 69 376 45

    Sebastian Rast, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

    [email protected], Tel: +49 40 41173-425, Fax: +49 40 41173-298

    Martin Schultz, ICG-II, Research Center Jülich

    [email protected], Tel: +49 2461 61 2831, Fax: +49 2461 61 8131


  • Model description: Combines ECHAM5-HAM and ECHAM5-MOZ chemistry modules Photolysis scheme: Fast-J2 (Prather et al, 1999; Bian et al., 2002 Oxidation of sulfur coupled to gas-phase chemistry Heterogeneous reactions coupled to M7 aerosol module Description provided in PhD thesis Luca Pozzoli, EPFL; Pozzoli, L., I. Bey, J. S. Rast, M. G. Schultz, P. Stier, and J. Feichter (2007): Trace gas and aerosol interactions in the fully coupled model of chemistry-aerosol-climate ECHAM5-HAMMOZ, PART I: Model description and insights from the spring 2001 TRACE-P experiment (subm to JGR-Atmosph). Pozzoli, L., I. Bey, J. S. Rast, M. G. Schultz, P. Stier, and J. Feichter (2007): Trace gas and aerosol interactions in the fully coupled model of chemistry-aerosol-climate ECHAM5-HAMMOZ, PART II: Impact of heterogeneous chemistry on the global aerosol distributions (subm to JGR-Atmosph).


  • Coding, code maintenance and user support

    User support Whenever you need help in using operational model versions ask first Model&Data Model-Section: [email protected] Data-Section: [email protected] Tel: +49 (40) 411 73 - 397 Fax: +49 (40) 411 73 – 476 If M&D cannot solve your problems, ask: ECHAM5: Monika Esch [email protected], Tel: +49 (40) 411 73 - 375 ECHAM5-HAM, ECHAM5-MOZ, ECHAM5-HAMMOZ: Sebastian Rast [email protected], Tel: +49 (40) 411 73 - 425 Optimization, portability, compiler problems: Luis Kornblüh [email protected], Tel: +49 (40) 411 73 - 289 Coding style Use the coding rules of the „Icon programming guide“ ( Scientific documentation: In addition to scientific articles, a detailed model description is desirable Technical documenation: Explain namelists, input files, output Version control Until now: Clearcase revision control New: SVN server Three branches in SVN: o ECHAM5-HAM main branch o ECHAM5-HAM including cloud droplet number concentration (cdnc) by Silvia

    Kloster (Ispra) o Main branch administration by Sebastian Rast


  • o If you introduce any changes do these test runs: o Use a picky compiler (e.g. NAG including checks at runtime) o Test with various NPROMA values and be sure that results are bit-identical o Test on varying numbers of CPUs and be sure that results are bit-identical o Test that your results are bit-identical with and without a rerun during the simulation

    period (rerun preferably at 1st January 00:00:00h)


  • Presentations Erich Roeckner

    New features and performance of the atmospheric GCM ECHAM5

    Philip Stier

    State of the aerosol model HAM

    Bärbel Langmann

    Implementation of M7 in the regional model REMO

    Sebastian Rast

    HAM, model upgrading and development

    Sylvaine Ferrachat

    Generalization of the M7 module in ECHAM-HAM

    Luis Kornblüh

    Portability and Optimization

    Yiran Peng


    Corinna Hoose

    Stratiform cloud scheme; Aerosol processing in cloud droplets and ice crystals

    Philip Stier

    The convective cloud scheme

    Johannes Quaas

    Simulation of subgrid-scale variability

    Stefan Kinne

    Evaluation: AeroCom, current state and new perspectives Use of remote sensing data to assess aerosol effects

    Harry Kokkola

    SALSA, a sectional aerosol module for large-scale applications

    Rene Hommel

    SAM in ECHAM5 Numerical diffusion in sectional aerosol models

    Ari Laaksonen

    Effect of water soluble trace gases on CCN activation: Parameterization for HNO3 and HCl

    Risto Makkonen

    Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Nucleation in a Global Atmospheric General Circulation Model

    Mihaela Mircea, Declan O’Donnell

    Modeling SOA

    Ralf Wolke

    Implementation of HAM into the regional model LM-Muscat

    Sylvaine Ferrachat

    Impaction scavenging

    Ina Tegen Modeling mineral dust sources Adetutu Aghedo

    Modeling biogenic emissions: Vegetation


  • Silvia Kloster

    Modeling biogenic emissions: Marine Biosphere

    Francesca Guglielmo

    Transport of pollutants in the multi-compartment model system ECHAM5-MPIOM

    Martin Schultz

    MOZECH: MOZART chemistry in ECHAM5 RETRO-historical emission inventory

    Isabelle Bey

    HAMMOZ: HAM and MOZART in ECHAM5 Aerosol-chemistry interactions

    Holger Tost

    Modelling activities with ECHAM5/MESSy at the MPI for Chemistry, Mainz

    Dieter Peters

    The effect of zonal ozone variations in the Middle Atmosphere ECHAM5

    Sebastian Rast

    HAMMOZ, model upgrading and development


  • Participants

    1 Aghedo, Adetutu MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    2 Asmi, Ari Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki

    [email protected]

    3 Bey, Isabelle Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne

    [email protected]

    4 Brücher, Tim University Köln [email protected] 5 Burrows, Susannah MPI for Chemistry, Mainz [email protected] 6 Cheng , Tiantao MPI for Meteorology,

    Hamburg [email protected]

    7 Devasthale , Abhay MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    8 Feichter, Johann MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    9 Ferrachat, Sylvaine Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich

    [email protected]

    10 Folberth, Gerd Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne

    [email protected]

    11 Guglielmo, Francesca

    MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    12 Heil, Angelika MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    13 Hommel, René MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    14 Hoose, Corinna Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich

    [email protected]

    15 Joos, Hanna Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich

    [email protected]

    16 Kinne, Stefan MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    17 Kloster, Silvia Joint Research Center, Ispra

    [email protected]

    18 Kokkola, Harry Finnish Meteorological Institute, Kuopio

    [email protected]

    19 Kornblüh, Luis MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    20 Laaksonen, Ari Finnish Meteorological Institute, Kuopio

    [email protected]

    21 Langmann, Bärbel National University of Ireland, Galway

    [email protected]

    22 Lohmann, Ulrike Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich

    [email protected]

    23 Makkonen, Risto Department of Physical Sciences, University Helsinki

    [email protected]


  • 24 Mircea, Mihaela Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Bologna

    [email protected]

    25 O’Donnell, Declan MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    26 Peng, Yran MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    27 Peters, Dieter Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik, Kühlungsborn

    [email protected]

    28 Quaas, Johannes MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    29 Rast, Sebastian MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    30 Roeckner, Erich MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    31 Roelofs, Geert-Jan Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht

    [email protected]

    32 Ross, Ole Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center for Science and Peace Research, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    33 Schröder, Sabine Forschungszentrum Jülich [email protected]

    34 Schultz, Martin Forschungszentrum Jülich [email protected] 35 Stein, Olaf MPI Hamburg/FZ Jülich [email protected] 36 Stemmler, Irene MPI for Meteorology,

    Hamburg [email protected]

    37 Stier, Philip California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

    [email protected]

    38 Teichmann, Claas MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    39 Tegen, Ina Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research

    [email protected]

    40 Timmreck, Claudia MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg

    [email protected]

    41 Tost, Holger MPI for Chemistry, Mainz [email protected] 42 Varghese, Saji National University of

    Ireland, Galway [email protected]

    43 Wild, Martin Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich

    [email protected]

    44 Wolke, Ralf Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research

    [email protected]
