affidavit in support of letter rogatory

The place known as Bowral Asseveration 1 on the non commercial, non corporate geographical location known as New South Wales In Regards To The Matter Of: STATE DEBT RECOVERY OFFICE Your Reference Number: 268490746 / 263236950 Alleged Amount Owing: $442.90 FIAT JUSTITIA, RUAT COELUM Let Right Be Done, Though The Heavens Should Fall I, Fiona Caroline: Cristian, in my correct public capacity as beneficiary to the Original Jurisdiction, being of majority in age, competent to testify, a self realised and free sentient woman upon the land, my yes be yes, my no be no, do state that the truths and facts herein are of first hand personal knowledge, true, correct, complete, not just true and correct, certain and not misleading, so help me YHWH. Affidavit in Support of Letter Rogatory / Full Acceptance Of Your Presentment / Offer 1. Undersigned is of legal and lawful age and competent to testify. 2. Undersigned has first-hand personal knowledge of the facts stated herein. 3. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that Undersigned is ‘one and the same party’ as the ‘state- created legal fiction debtor entity’ named in any and all of your presentments/accounts and believes that none exists. 4. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that Undersigned is one and the same as any entity known to the “STATE” as “Person”, “Driver”, “Citizen”, “Resident”, “Taxpayer”, “Pet Owner”, “Voter”, “Elector”, “Mrs”, “Ms” and believes none exists. 5. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that when Undersigned entered into contract with “THE STATE” by way of agreements referred to as ‘APPLICATION FOR NSW DRIVER’S LICENCE’, and ‘REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE’(S), and ‘NSW COMPANION ANIMAL REGISTER’ there was not the absence of full disclosure of terms and conditions of said contracts and believe none exists. 6. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that attempts by agents of/for “THE STATE” to define and/or Affidavit in Support of Letter Rogatory Full Acceptance Of Presentment/Offer Page 1 of 5 T Williams SHERIFF’S OFFICER WOOLONGONG SHERIFF’S OFFICE L.S.

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Page 1: Affidavit in Support of Letter Rogatory

The place known as Bowral Asseveration1

on the non commercial,

non corporate geographical

location known as New South Wales


Your Reference Number: 268490746 / 263236950Alleged Amount Owing: $442.90

FIAT JUSTITIA, RUAT COELUMLet Right Be Done, Though The Heavens Should Fall

I, Fiona Caroline: Cristian, in my correct public capacity as beneficiary to the Original Jurisdiction, being of majority in age, competent to testify, a self realised and free sentient woman upon the land, my yes be yes, my no be no, do state that the truths and facts herein are of first hand personal knowledge, true, correct, complete, not just true and correct, certain and not misleading, so help me YHWH.

Affidavit in Support of Letter Rogatory /Full Acceptance Of Your Presentment / Offer

1. Undersigned is of legal and lawful age and competent to testify.

2. Undersigned has first-hand personal knowledge of the facts stated herein.

3. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that Undersigned is ‘one and the same party’ as the ‘state-created legal fiction debtor entity’ named in any and all of your presentments/accounts and believes that none exists.

4. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that Undersigned is one and the same as any entity known to the “STATE” as “Person”, “Driver”, “Citizen”, “Resident”, “Taxpayer”, “Pet Owner”, “Voter”, “Elector”, “Mrs”, “Ms” and believes none exists.

5. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that when Undersigned entered into contract with “THE STATE” by way of agreements referred to as ‘APPLICATION FOR NSW DRIVER’S LICENCE’, and ‘REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE’(S), and ‘NSW COMPANION ANIMAL REGISTER’ there was not the absence of full disclosure of terms and conditions of said contracts and believe none exists.

6. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that attempts by agents of/for “THE STATE” to define and/or interact with Undersigned as anything other than a “living breathing sentient soul” may not be construed as fraud and that said agents would not by engaging in fraud be waiving any protection afforded by their public indemnity insurance bonds and that they could not be held liable under their unlimited commercial liability by Undersigned and believe none exists.

7. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that

there exists any LAWFUL money of and/or backed by ‘substance’ in ‘common circulation’ at this time, which is capable of ‘permanently’ and ‘lawfully’ settling and closing the account listed herein or any other accounts or debts and believes that none exists.

8. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that any party who ‘legally discharges’ any debts by way of ‘liability/debt instruments’ such as ‘RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA NOTES’ or ‘cheques’ drawn on any ‘OPEN PUBLIC BANK ACCOUNT’ can NOT then be ‘deemed’ by the state to be a ‘belligerent’ and an ‘enemy of the state’, particularly when the use of such ‘liability/debt instruments’ merely increase/augment the original value of any debts while also increasing the ‘NATIONAL DEBT’ and believes that none exists.

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Page 2: Affidavit in Support of Letter Rogatory

9. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that any party whatsoever has the lawful authority to ‘demand’ that Undersigned whose nature, standing and character is ‘diverse’ from that of the ‘state-created legal fiction debtor entity’ named in any and all of your presentments, to ‘pay’ or ‘legally discharge’ the debt pursuant to the account listed herein or any other debts by way of ‘liability/debt instruments’ such as ‘AUSTRALIAN CURRENCY’ or ‘cheques’ drawn on any ‘OPEN PUBLIC BANK ACCOUNT’ and that the use of such ‘liability/debt instruments’ do NOT in fact increase/augment the original value of the debt, which would therefore place Undersigned into a state of ‘perpetual involuntary servitude’, and believes that none exists.

10. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that

Undersigned’s nature, character and standing is NOT ‘diverse’ from that of the ‘state-created legal fiction debtor entity’ named in any and all of your presentments and believes that none exists.

11. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that Undersigned has NOT now ‘raised’ and brought to the attention of T. Williams, Sheriff’s Officer, Wollongong Sheriff’s Office, and/or any agents acting on behalf of same in relation to ANY actions or proceedings pursuant to the herein-listed account, ‘the diversity issue’ as it applies to the true nature, standing and character of Undersigned and believes that none exists.

12. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that

‘full disclosure’ of ALL of the ‘facts’ and information pertaining to any and all contracts and/or obligations arising thereof, pursuant to the herein stated matter/account was given/provided to Undersigned at the time in which said contracts were entered into, which may have inadvertently and mistakenly permitted any other party whatsoever to maintain any ‘presumption’ and/or ‘disclose’ any records that ‘misconstrue’ Undersigned as being one and the same party as the ‘state-created legal fiction debtor entity’ named in any and all of your presentments and believes that none exists.

13. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that Undersigned has NOT now clearly and honourably authorised and requested by way of Undersigned’s signature on both the Letter Rogatory and ‘accepted for value and returned for value’ indorsed original presentments which are attached hereto, the ‘setoff’ and therefore permanent settlement and closure of the account listed herein by way of Undersigned’s private exemption/pre-paid/asset funds and believes that none exists.

14. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that that this full ‘acceptance for value and return for value’ and indorsement of your original presentment/offer is in any way a REFUSAL to ‘pay’ or ‘perform’ and believes that none exists.

15. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that that Undersigned has NOT now honourably requested that T. Williams, Sheriff’s Officer, Wollongong Sheriff’s Office, or any agent or principal forward to Undersigned any further document, voucher, or Bill Of Exchange that may necessarily be required for the purpose of obtaining/authorising access to any further ‘asset funds’ by way of Undersigned’s signature, for the specific purpose of enabling/facilitating, and to honourably prevent any and all delays with, the execution of the ‘permanent’ settlement and closure of the account listed herein and believes that none exists.

16. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that T. Williams, Sheriff’s Officer, Wollongong Sheriff’s Office, or any agent or principal did not know and/or COULD NOT DISCOVER the appropriate/authorised ‘internal’ and/or ‘banking’ procedures and mechanisms for ‘processing’ the hereto attached ‘accepted for value and returned for value’ indorsed instrument(s) for the purpose of applying Undersigned’s private exemption/pre-paid/asset funds to the herein-stated account, in light of the fact that any banks who issue ‘loans’ are necessarily required to obtain the ‘authorisation signature’ of any party requesting a loan in order to access that party’s private exemption/prepaid/asset fund account for the purpose of creating any ‘funds’ pursuant to such loans in the first instance and/or that T. Williams, Sheriff’s Officer, Wollongong Sheriff’s Office, or any agent or principal could NOT discover or enquire about such processes through the agents and principals of the RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA, particularly when a party such as Undersigned has clearly authorised said agents to apply Undersigned’s private exemption/prepaid/asset funds for the purpose of executing the lawful, honourable and ‘permanent’ settlement and closure of the account listed herein and believes that none exists.

17. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that Undersigned is NOT now entitled to an ‘ongoing’ lawful remedy and therefore ‘notification’ of any ‘defects’ or ‘deficiencies’ which may exist in Undersigned’s process/documentation and/or the lawful right to be ‘notified’

Affidavit in Support of Letter Rogatory Full Acceptance Of Presentment/Offer Page 2 of 3T Williams SHERIFF’S OFFICER WOOLONGONG SHERIFF’S OFFICE

Page 3: Affidavit in Support of Letter Rogatory

about and forwarded/presented with any further necessary documentation that may be required to complete the execution of the ‘permanent’ settlement and closure of the account listed herein, particularly now that Undersigned does NOT refuse to ‘pay’ or ‘perform’ and now that Undersigned has clearly authorised and requested that T. Williams, Sheriff’s Officer, Wollongong Sheriff’s Office, or any agent or principal ‘permanently’ settle and close the account listed herein by way of Undersigned’s private exemption/prepaid/setoff account/funds – Exemption Number 420861827, and believes that none exists.

18. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that the hereto attached ‘accepted for value and returned for value’ instrument indorsed with Undersigned’s ‘signature’ and private exemption/pre-paid/asset fund Account Number/Reference– 420861827 does NOT clearly constitute a lawful authorisation and request for permanent settlement and closure of the account listed herein and also facilitate T. Williams, Sheriff’s Officer, Wollongong Sheriff’s Office, or any agent or principal through ‘internal’ banking procedures and/or through the RESERVE BANK OF AUSTALIA and/or Commonwealth of Australia ‘banking procedures’ to execute the ‘permanent’ and therefore ‘lawful’ settlement and closure of the account listed herein and believes that none exists.

19. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that

STATE EXECUTIVE/ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES are NOT able to and/or do NOT on many occasions shift the PRIMARY LIABILITY for particular commercial instruments to ‘unsuspecting parties’ who unknowingly, mistakenly and/or otherwise ‘refuse to pay’, thereby confirming that the agents of or for ‘THIS STATE’ are already aware of and recognise that the living men and women were provided with a remedy in the form of the private exemption/prepaid/asset fund account which also deemed such parties to be ‘bankers’ in regards to ‘between states/commercial transactions’ with a lawfully mandated duty and obligation to honour all presentments and believes that none exists.

20. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that T. Williams, Sheriff’s Officer, Wollongong Sheriff’s Office or any agent or principal have the lawful authority to ‘disclose’ to the public and/or to any third parties or agencies any records pursuant to the matter stated herein which are NOT true, correct, complete and not misleading and believes that none exits.

21. Undersigned has not seen or been presented with any material facts or evidence which demonstrates that Undersigned has NOT acted in a completely ‘honourable’ manner pursuant to the matter/account stated herein and/or that Undersigned has NOT duly authorised and humbly requested that T. Williams, Sheriff’s Officer, Wollongong Sheriff’s Office, or any agent or principal execute the most honourable, lawful and ‘permanent’ form of settlement and closure of the herein-listed account which lawfully mandates that Undersigned be provided with any and all ‘opportunities for remedy’ should any unintended deficiencies in either the form or substance exist in Undersigned’s process or documentation executed/provided herein and believes that none exists.

Further, Affiant saith not.


Place of making oath :

At Bowral upon the land known as New South WalesSworn under an oath to YHWH as Undersigned shall be judged at thegreat Day of Judgment, doing so on Friday,this the Fifth day of December anno Domini 2008

As good as aval, .......................................................................................

Undersigned Fiona Caroline: Cristian capitis diminutio minima2

All Rights Reserved,

As witnessed by : ……………………………………………….. ……………………

Justice Of The Peace [ID Number]

1 asseveration noun formal – a solemn or emphatic declaration or statement DERIVATIVES asseverate verb. ORIGIN latin, from asseverare, from severus ‘serious’ Oxford English Dictionary2 capitis diminutio minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalisation, e.g. John Henry Doe - The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man’s family relations alone were changed or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [parental authority]

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