
Affluenza Epidemic & David Thoreau Yujiro Yoshizaki

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Affluenza Epidemic&

David Thoreau

Yujiro Yoshizaki

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not,

when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not,

when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

My greatest skill in life has been to want but little

My greatest skill in life has been to want but little

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in

common hours.

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in

common hours.

Say what you have to say, not what you ought. Any truth is better than make-believe.

Say what you have to say, not what you ought. Any truth is better than make-believe.

A taste for the beautiful is most cultivated out of doors

A taste for the beautiful is most cultivated out of doors.

“Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which it was already but too easy to arrive at; as railroads lead to Boston or

New York. We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to


“Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which it was already but too easy to arrive at; as railroads lead to Boston or

New York. We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to


As long as possible live free and uncommitted.

As long as possible live free and uncommitted.

“However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The

fault-finder will find faults even in paradise.”

“However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are richest. The

fault-finder will find faults even in paradise.”

“Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience,

that is, by failure.”

“Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience,

that is, by failure.”

“It is difficult to begin without borrowing, but perhaps it is the most generous course thus to permit your fellow-men to have an interest in your enterprise.

The owner of the axe, as he released his hold on it, said that it was the apple of his eye; but I returned it sharper than I received it.”

“It is difficult to begin without borrowing, but perhaps it is the most generous course thus to permit your fellow-men to have an interest in your enterprise.

The owner of the axe, as he released his hold on it, said that it was the apple of his eye; but I returned it sharper than I received it.”

“be yourself- not your idea of what you think somebody else's idea of yourself should be.”

“be yourself- not your idea of what you think somebody else's idea of yourself should be.”

Work Cited

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